OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATU. . Loren*o Crounse . T. J. Majors ,,t Governor.""... .J. C. Alien ror State. ....J. 8. Bartley ..George H. Hastings General. ..Eugene Moore ,KNTS STATE UNIVEMIBTY.hftm Almai E. Pj Holme* ' /jlallaloi. Kearney i M. J. Hull, • A ’ >,.■■■ •SflWBBfw jSSSWIKStt trillion Bow Omaha; jk, of Beatrloe. juDicuitr.mTOl)(„„„ l8tlce" " judge Post and T. L. Norval ■TBKNTk J^ICYALDICTHICT . .. J.J. King of O’Neill ..A. L. Bartow of Chadron "*..".A. L. Warrlok. of O Neill LAND OFFICES. o’nbiix. B. g. Gillespie . • V. . . . . . . . . . A. L. Towle. kkliqh. c w Robinson V.V...V....W.B. Lambert the District Court COUNTY. m „ .Wm Bowen .. .John Sklrvlng ...O. P. DeLanoe .Barrett Scott .. ....John S.Weekes ...C.E. Butler . .j. C. Harnisu . ....H. C.McEvony . .K. Meirlman kAXib..H. W. Dudley cl10018.." ....Mrs. H. W. Dudley .. Dr. H. A. Skelton .W. W. Page .. .II. B. Tdurphy ir • . \vw iv i K SL nl John Wm Vt 11 K SB J John ,V B W’T ,A I) Peter iy Geo D her 11 hv M 11 • prank G or 1) E JH* KM ohn pleasantvlew Beloit Cleveland Verdigris Inman Sand Creek Hock Falls Conley Fair view Dustin „ Green Valley Shields Francis Emmet Sheridan Stuart Swan Scott Lake Paddock O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga ISteel Creek Ewing Wlllowdale Wyoming McClure Iowa Grattan _ Brodie Page Inman Atkinson Turner Chambers Amelia Dustin Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Swan' ScottviUe Bliss .laokblrd O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Star Ewing, mlnneola Amelia ^ Little Paoe O’Neill VI1 I Vf 1/JXUUjUIj. rvigor, M. D, Look; Justices, B.1 H, ot and B. Welton; Constables, John i and Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMEN—FIRST WARD, two rears.—Ben DeYarman* For on© i)avitt Stannard. SECOND WARD. wo years—Fred Gatz. For one year— len. THIRD WARD. wo years—Barrett Scott. For one year Millard. CITY OFFICERS. >r, 0. F. Blglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; rer, David. Adams; City Enrfneer, r Adams; Police Judge. N. Martin; of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Carlon; Welghmaster, Kd. M'.Bride; Commissioner, O. E. Davidson. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. jrvlsor, John Winn; Trearurer. John t; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Moae tell; Justices, M. Costello and Chas. k>Il; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will fie: Hoad overseer dist. 28, Allen Brown to. 4, John Enright. VERS’ BELIEF C0MNI88I0N. liar meeting first Monday in Febru each year, and at suoh other times aa Bed necessary. Kobt. Gallagher, Page, >an; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, seeretary; Clark, Atkinson. 'ATHICK’8 catholic church. rvices every Sabbath at 10:80 o’olook. Kev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school ilately following services. rilODIST CHURCH. Services ery Sunday morning at II o'clock, lin tel followed by Sunday school. Preach tne evening atSo’clock. Prayer meeting esday evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth e devotional meeting Sunday evening o clock. F. Ellis, Pastor. [8BYTEUIAN CHURCH Servloea rery Sunday morning at U o’olook. 3 school at 10 a. m. Kkv. N. 8. Lowble, Pastor. LR-POST,NO. 88. The Gen. John ’Xeil'P°et, No. 86, Department of Ne »0. A. R,, will meet the first and third By evening of each month In Masouli Nell>- 8.3. Smiib, Com. c VALLEY LODGE, I. o. o H. SJfer7 Wednesday evening li fl to attend’ *lslUll,t brotber® cordfall] HMufz’ „ A.. H. Corbett, N. G. “' BkNTk-EV, R. S. D. L. Dabb,' P. 8 H. Thompson, Treas. chapter, r. a. m ^Mn.SohluithlrdThU”To F MPMENT NO. 80.1. rsof piSS tsev?I7 Beoond and fourth , sSooTs m°ntl1 % OM «WU>w»* Hall. —. )T> A. H.Ooubet, C. P. *1, PAPOHTBB8 »RgS«?fifO. *1. HAD t O e«,.h*lAH.V^ec.V! ever7 l»t End 8d ' eactl month in Odd FeUo - -... .alow1 Hall, !!iScorx. Secret^™ BP,““’ N‘ «* WarcSt,1,01?0®’NO • »5,F.<8> A.M. -ANS. Sec. A. L. lortn. W. M. IstlsKr^ -~^ln’-cl(irk- H. J. Hayes, Y, 0, wdVourth T^^fii.18?’ Meeta aeooni »sonlc hull Udsday ot eacl1 month }i O. W. Meal*, M. A, ^OSTOFPICK OIRCBTORY , l t Arrival of Maila* *ss3r*.^ P day Sun?0" T«E WEST. Sunday Included at.»!3j. * everv IiIric 8h°bt like. H 'J except Sunday at 9:25 p .. ‘ “ T:«> a 7:00« <• Monday* We^*D cbemea. **7£T&£!&rEZ'£I2! ** MondayILw^ND O’NErrf. U oat- *t..4:« 18 Mondav wt^0 NIOBRxnA. ^Tuesday’ Sura*^Hn* ••"-v^ssflgspa-.-.JB ' '• ‘k ? BUSINESS HABITS. i. >• ■ ' . Stall MmM Ba Tnfkt Than IHw. *MlT Yaan. Whether s wonum Is poor or rich It behooves her to acquire methodical bus iness habits keeping her little accounts accurately and knowing to a cent just what she does with her money, whether she has 10 pents or $10 to ex pend on her own little personal wants. An allowance is the first step toward this end if, at the same time, it is im pressed upon her that every sum spent should be set down with unfailing regularity. In black and white one notes how much more easily the mdney can be spent, how quickly it goes, and just 'what foolish little nothings have lured it from our pockets. Without setting down each item, it is ten chances to one that you will conclude you must have lost some money when you can not see how that ten-dollar bill went when you only bought such a very few things. The neat little figures arc a genuine restraint, besidos instilling a habit and system that will be of great value if ever fortune smiles and a great estate oomes to your hands, and still if greater economy is a necessity and the dollar has to be forced into doing duty for two. Unless the accounts are kept accur ately and the cash made to balance every evening, you had better • not at tempt any book-keeping at all, for slip shod methods are worse than none and only confuse everything rather than help matters. If anything is worth do ing at all, it is worth doing well, and there is nothing so productive of future good as the habit of looking carefully out for the pennies when school days are the only trials and the allowance of fifty cents a week goes for candy and pickles. If this plan is once es tablished in childhood, the girl will grow to womanhood with a clear knowledge of where her money goes and what she has to show for it. _ 'PRANCE'S CANAL SYSTEM. I* Practically Free From Toll* and Co Ter* Fully 8,000 Mile*. Interior navigation has long held a prominent place in the traffic of France, and it is not surprising to learn that the length of navigable waters in that country is 8,000 miles,of which 650 miles are returned as tidal, 3,100 miles navi gable without works, 3,350 canalized rivers and 3,000 miles canals. The state looks out for all but seven par cent of tlii^ network, which is, there fore, practically free from tolls. This system of inland navigation has cost about 6300,000,000 for construction and purchase and 835,000,000 for con cessions. The annual cost of maintain ance is about 83,600,000, or 8335 a mile, which covers all expenditures whatso ever. The number of vessels employed on the water-ways is between 15,000 and 16,000; and about twenty-six per cent have a capacity of 300 tons or more, while more than half have a capacity exceed ing 100 tons. Moreover, about 3,000 foreign boats use the French canals each year. The motive power is now almost furnished by draft animals, although a few steam tugs are used on the Seine, the Oise and some other rivers, and steam cargo boats are occasionally met Cable towing and tow locomotives are also used in a few places. The average cost of moving a ton of freight one mile1 is stated to be .064c on rivers and twen ty-five per cent, less on canals. In Lon With His Frlocesf. A pretty love story concerning the /ate Dowager Queen Olga, of Wurtem berg, was published in Stuttgart. Forty-eight years ago, when she was the greatest beauty at the Russian court. Prince Barlatiski, an Officer in the imperial guard, fell in love with her. When he learned that she re turned his love he became alarmed, obtained an audience with Czar Nicho las, and, falling on his knees, implored pardon for his audacity for having loved the daughter of his sovereign. Pleased with his honorable conduct, the czar created him field marshal and made him governor of the Caucasus. One'year later the Grand Duchess Olga was married to the Wurtemburg prince. Barlatiski acquired some fame in the Crimean war, but never recovered from the moroseness following the disap pointment of this love, r _ A Smart Girl's Lector a. A 10-year-old girl reads a lecture to the young men in a Maine paper. She exclaims: “Why do the young men of Edgecomb do so much loafing? Go to work! Push ahead! I am but a young girl; I have clothed myself and got money in the bank, and only 16 years old. I lay up more money every year of my life than any boy or young man within a radius of three miles of my home. When they get a dollar they go to a dance and go home a dollar out. My father is able to support me, but I choose to support myself. I advise all girls to cut clear of those loafing boys. Give them a wide berth, and never marry a man unless he is able to sup port you. And never put your arm through the handle of a rum jug.” A Question for Scientists* Dr. Richardson, an English physi cian, who has investigated the matter, says that the men who work in the Paris sewers are as healthy as the av erage, and no other 800 men in Paris are so free from zymotic diseases. This leads Dr. Richardson to ask: “Do sewer men gain an immunity from contagion by their occupation, or are we at sea as to the mode of communi* cation of the spreading diseases?” A Post Lariat. The Punxsutawney Spirit says: “No, we do not want a poet laureate in this country, but a poet lariat would be a good thing with which to tie poets up to a tree or lamp post or other conven ient object.” Jefferson county bards must have been working double-turn on holiday gems, for the inspection of the editor of the Spirit. Bspwrriaom' PrMMdlngB. " O’Naxu., Min., Keb. 14, *98. Roard tel pursuant to adjournment with Chairman Bethea in the ehair and roll eail ehowed the following members present: Alfa, Bethea, Brodie, Bryan, Crawfold, Calkins, Dayton, Datton, Don ohos, Gilson, Haigh, Hayes, Jillson, Loqg, Miller, Phillips, Roll, Trnllinger, White, Wilson, Waring, Wynn, (28). Minutes of January 18 were read and approved. The resignation of Mr. Conger of In man township was reported to the board and that Mr. H. Bradley had been ap pointed to fill the vaeanoy. The com mitted appointed by the ehair, composed of White and Hayes, reported that Mr. Brayley's bond had been approved by the county judge, and upon motion Mr. Bradley was- seated as the member from Inman township. The county attorney madb a verbal re port of Wagner oar taxes, referred to him at the January meeting, and upon motion the matter was re-referred to him. All business was referred to the several committees. It was moved and seconded to plaoethe name of H. Bradley on the bridge coip— mittee. Motion lost. It was moved, seconded and carried that the ohairman appoint a member to .flit the vacancy on the bridge committee, caused by the resignation of Mr. Conger. Upon motion board adjourned until 1 P. M. C. E. Bunas, W. W. Bbthba, Clerk. Ohairman. Attest: On 0’Cx.oex, P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment with the following members present: Alfa Bethea, Brodie, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Calkins, Dayton, Dntton, Donohoe, Oilson, Haigh, Hayes, Jillson, Jones, Kennedy, fiong, Maonmber, Miller, Phillips, Boll, Trnllinger, White, Wilson, Waring and Wynn, (26). County Jndge asked for Nebraska re port* numbers 8,14, 20 and 26 and one Maxwell’s criminal practice, whioh request upon motion was granted and clerk in structed to purchase same. I move that the chairman of this board appoint a committee of three to find how many Union soldiers there are bur ied in Holt oonnty, their names, rank, company and regiment, and where bur ied, in order that proper requisition may be made on the general government for suitable headstones, for such deceased soldiers, and that said committee cause said heads toqes to be properly placed as provided for in Bee. 4460, consolidated statutes of Nebraska. Gao. E. Bbxak. Motion seconded by Phillips and car ried. Chairman appoited Bryan, Brodie and Jones as such committee. The following report was then made and upon motion adopted and ordered spread upon the records: Whereas: certain parties in Holt oonnty have deposited funds for the erection of a bridge on or near the range line be tween ranges 13 and 14, across the Nio brara river, therefore, be it Besolved, that Boyd county shall and does assume the responsibility of accept ing and keeping in repair one-half of said bridge. • Attest: Fbabk Mobsk, G. T. Babtbdo, Cbas. Tibmuh, Connty Clerk. J. C. Homan, Commissioners. Moved, seconded and carried that the supervisor of Sheridan township be in structed to repair the bridge aorosa the Elkhorn river on sectidn like between sec tions 13 and 14, township 29, range 14 west. Moved, seconded and oarried that the bridge across the Black Bird, built by Mr. Townsend, be accepted by bridge com mittee, Mr. Townsend discounting the contract price in the amount of $ 10. Upon motion the following official Donas were approved: F. B. Strong—cleri, Inman township. E. .1. LaKue “ McClure Henry Scale “ Wyoming T. 8. Roche “ Iowa Frank McKay “ Stuart C. O. Dickenson—Tax collector, Wyoming tp. W.8. Griffith Geo. Baymer Geo. Lambert D. M. Dow J. S. Smith G. G. Whitney DearantV “ Chambers “ Cleveland “ Inman “ Stuart F. L, Coleman—Justice Peace, Steel Creek “ 8. C. Scott '* Wyoming “ W. J. Smothers “ Wfllowdale “ Thos. Barkdale-KIyerseer District No. t Hans M. Outzen T. S. Roche Stephen P. Lels ▲dam Hohman L. E. Skidmore Isaac Eckley J. A. Planck A. C. Wlnney 14 31 45 01 SO 01. The county treasurer was ordered to refund one .payment of the taxes on the following lands, the same having been paid to the township and county trersurers: S. W. 54 N. W. 54 N. W. 54 N.E. 8. E. 8. W. 8. E. N. E. N. E 8. E. S. E. N.E. N. E. 8. W. 8. W. 8. N. M N. W. Section l 21 14 0 0 26 24 It 27 32 1 25 Township so *• M Range 14 14 25 25 30 27 8. % N. W. I W. % 8. W. t 8. Vt 8. E. E. V% N. E. 8. V% 8. E. S3 26 35 21 to 32 4 30 31 31 31 27 27 15 11 11 13 12 9 9 14 16 16 16 16 9 28 25 25 9 14 14 14 Also the 1891 taxes on thr a w n e—e % s w—n w s e 84—34—15 in the amount of $12.35, the same haying been, paid in both Boyd and Holt counties. The connty treasurer was ordered to redeem from tax sale the following: Tax sale certificate No. 9443. . ‘ 17870-3—ntf n4-29 25—13. Tax sale certificate No. 18040—l—nvt n e-*23— 29 -13 Tax sale certificate No. 18872—4—a}4 s^-35— 31—15. Tax sale certificate No. 19004—7—s e—12—29— 16. _ - Strike the s>* s e—23-29-10. r Redeetp s e—12—25—0. v County treasurer wee ordered to gut quit claim duud for s a—86—88—11 •old for the taxes of 1887, and nan a—8 89—11 doubly assessed In the your 1888. County treasurer was ordarad to re fund (6 school tax erroneously assaaaad Of R. Q. Ramsay in school district Mo. 10, and also to strike from the tax list of 1898 personal tax in the amount of (87.81 against Wm. Adams. The petition of Kevl Osier asking the board to refund the personal tax assessed against aim in Paddook township for the year 1891 was, upon motion, rejected. The petition of H. M. Banks asking the oounty to redeem the e$^ na—ne se— 12—30—1* and ne se 7—80—18 from the tax sale of 1889 in the amount of (77.41, was, upon motion, granted, exoept in the amount of (49.86 now in the county treasurer’s hands. It was moved, seconded add carried, that the oounty treasurer is instructed to transfer the moneys now on hand in the school bond fund of dlstriot Mo. 68 to the general fund of said district, the bond of said district .having been re deemed. Upon motion the following roads were established, the* law having been com plied with in all respects. boad no. 89. . Commencing at the quarter seotion oorner between sections 6 and 9 town ship 80 range 16 west, and running tbenoe west on the quarter seotion line on sec tion 6 one and one-half miles and termi nating at the center of seotion 1 town - ship 80 range 16 west. boad ho. 6. Commencing at the west end of the bridge on road Mo. 6 seotion 18 town ship 28 range 10 west, afid running thence west to the quarter seotion line, thence south to the seotion line between sections 18 and 19, said township and range, and there terminate. boad ho. 76. Commencing at the seotion oorner be tween sections 26, 97, 84 and 86, town ship 81 range 18 west, thenee rinning south on the section line between seetions 34 and 86, variation 12 degrees east, 1 mile 12.91 chains, thence south 60 deg., west on section 8, 8.70 chains, thence south 29 deg. 46 min., west 2.60 nhains, thence south, variation 18 deg. 80 min. 8.60 chains, thenoe south 40 deg., east 6.66 obains, intersecting section line be tween sections 2 and 8, thenoe south on section tins between sections 2 and 8 variation 11 deg. 60 ~nin., one mile 48.01 chains to the seotiou corner between sec tions 10,11,14 and 16, and there termi nate. BOAD MO. 77. Commencing at the northwest oorner of section 6, township 29 north, between ranges 18 and 14 west, thence running eoatb, variation 11 -deg. 40 min., east on the range line between ranges 18 and 14 west 8 miles, and there terminate. , BOAD mo. 78, Commencing at the. section corner be tween sections 5 and 6 on the north lino of township 16 range 14 west and running thence east, variation 11 deg., east along the north line of said township 2 miles and 81.60 ubalns, thence south 60 deg., east 200 chains on section 8, thence east, variation 12 deg. 200 chains, thence east on said line, variation 11 deg. 16 min., 43.28 chains to the seotion corner be tween sections 2 and 8, thence sooth, variation 12 deg. 4 min., on seotion line between seotions 2 and 8 two miles, to the section oorner between sections 10, 11,14 and 16, thence east on section line be. tween sections 12 and 18 on east line of said township. Also a road commencing at the seotion oorner between sections 4, 4, 8 and 7, and running thenoe east on section linn between seotions 4 and 9, variation 12 deg., 3 miles to the section corner between sections 1, 2,11 and 12, thenoe south on section line between sec tions 11 and 12, variation 12 deg., 8 miles to the oorner between seotions 28, 24, 26 and 26, thenoe east on seotion line be tween sections 24 and 26, variation 12 deg., 1 mile to the section corner between sections 24 and 26 on the east line of township 26 range 14 west, thenoe south on the range line between seotions 26 and 30 between ranges IS and 14, variation 12 deg., 1 mile to the seotion corner between sections 26, 80, 81 and 86, there to terminate. BO AD MO. 80. Commencing at the section corner be tween sections 88 and 84 township 81 range 10 west, tbenoe running north on section line between sections S3 and 84 10 miles and terminating at the section corner between sections 9,10,-15 and 16, township 82 range 10 west. koad no. 84. Commencing at a point 20 chains west of the section corner between sections 9, 10,15 and 16 township .26 range 10 west,' thence running north aoross section 9 to the section corner between sections 4 and 9, thence east 40.80 chains, thence north 1 mile on section line between sec tions 8 and 4 to the section corner be tween 2 and 8 on township line, thence east 40 chains to . the section corner between 8 and 84, thenoe north on section 84 on the quarter section line 105 chains, thence east on section 24 forty chains, thenoe north on section line between sec tions 26 and 27 sever miles and 45 chains and intersect the laid ont road at the sec tion corner between sections 18, 16, 90 and 28, and there terminate. BO ad no. 86. Commencing at the southeast comer of section 81 township 31 range 9 west, and running north to the Niobrara river, be tween sections 81 and 82 township 82 rang* 9 west, and there terminate. BOAD no. 87. Oommeneing at tha sonthweat corner of section 81 townahlp 88 range 9 west, and ruining thenoe aaat on tba aontk Una of aald townahlp, variation 18 dag., aaat 8 tnllea 88.80 ehalna, thenoe north 87 dag. 18 min., aaat 8.14 ebaina on aaotloa 88, thanea aonth 88 dag. and 68 min., aaat 1.00 ohalna, thanea aouth 61 dag.'80 min., aaat 8.88 ehalna and intaraeet tha aeotion Una batwaan aaettona 4 and 88, thanea aaat on townahlp Una 8 mitae and 49 ehalna to tha aectlon oorner between see tiona 88 and 86 of aald townahlp, thanea aaat, varation 18 dag. 6 min., 4,80 ehalna, thanea aonth, variation 11 dag. 48 min., on aaetion 1 townahlp 81 raaga 9 waat, 8.88 ehalna, thanea aonth 68 dag. 48 min., aaat 16 ehalna, thanea north 48 deg. and 80min., aaat 8 ehalna, tbanoa north 81 dag. and 80 min., aaat 8 ehalna, thanea north 81 dag, and 80 min., aaat 8 ehalna, thanea eorth 78 deg. and 80 min., aaat 4 ohalna, thenoe aonth 63 dag. and 80 min., aaat 10 ehalna, theuoe aonth 8 dag. and 80 min., aaat 14.16 ehalna, thanea aaat 1.80 ehalna, thenoe north 63 dag., aaat 8.00 ohalna, thenoe north 18 deg. 46 min., aaat 21.00 ehalna, thanea north 46 dag. and 80 min., eaat 6.46 ohalna interaeotlng tha north line of aaetion 1 townahlp 81 range 9, thanea eaat on anid Una, variation 12 deg. and 6 min., 16.78 chains to tha aae tion oorner between aaettona 1,6, 81 and 86, terminating at tha north aaat oorner of aald townahlp. MOAD mo. 8. Petition for a road commencing at the north east end of the Thompeon bridge, looated on eeetion 8 township 88 range 11 west, thence rnnning north 46 deg., east 1.60 ohains, thenoe north 91 deg. and 15 min.,west 6. 91 ohains, intersecting the section line of said section 8, thence north variation 11 deg. 40 min., on the sec tion line on section 8, 51.46 ohains to the ^ section comer on the north line of sec tion 8 on the 7th 8.P. N., thenoe west on the 7 8. P. N., va. 19 d. 16 m., 95.95 chains to the section comer on the sonth line of seotion 84, township 99 N. R. 11 W., thence N. on the seotion line on section 84, va. 11 d. 45 m. 90.15 chains, thenoe west, va. 11 d. 66 m. 40.00 chains, terminating with the intersection with the section line between seotions 88 and 84 at a point 90.00 ohains N. of B. W. oorner of section 84, township 99, N. E. 11 W, was granted, except the portion commencing at the Thompson bridge and rnnning thence north on the quarter seotion line ip the north line of seotion 8, township 98, range 11 west. Samuel Wolf was allowed $40 damages, whioh was assessed to Grat tan township. E. H. Thompson was al. lowed $16 damages and Catharine Ban ford was allowed $80 damages, which were also assessed to Grattan township. The plaims of William Wisegarver for $96 and Robert Strangeway for $19.60 were rejeoted. boad 64. Upon motion the following road was vacated: Commencing at the seotion oorner between seotions 1, 8, 7 and 19, on range line between ranges 16 and 16, tp. 80 north, thenoe rnnning north mile. The petition of William Diokerson et. al. for a bridge across the Elkhora river on section 83, township 80, range 18 west, was npon motion laid over. The settlement committee submitted the following report, vis: To the Board of Supervisors: Your oommittee on settlement with county of ficers find the following as fees received and credits as claimed by county clerk’s fee book: To fees for quarter ending Mch. 31, ’92 “ " ” •• “ June 3D. ’»2 " “ ‘ “ “ Sept. a'O. ’S3 . ” “ Jan. 4,’93.. Credit for year ending January 4, IMS. Clerk’s salary.ginoo.oo Deputy. soo.00 Assistants. 1787.30 Postage, road and assessors’ books. 91110.39 1153.03 1191.30 2779.40 023S.S5 293.30 4*50.00 Total excess. 1353.25 Dne from Holt county tax list and re cording. 1757.35 Cadi excess due county... ssje Committee finds a oharge of $900 for making road and assessors’, books and recommend that it be not allowed. Also a fee of $1446 for making tax list for ’$9, recommended that it be not allowed. Committee find fees received by county clerk and eredits as shown by the follow ing recapitulation from January 6,1899, to January 4, 1898: 947trr.s5 Postage ”'.'.V." ’.V.V.V.V.'.V.V..’.’. “wlso 94180.30 To feed received from January 6.1892 to January 4, 1893... Cleric’s salary from Jan. s, 1992 to Jan uary 4,1893.11500.00 Qeputv. 80C.0O Total excess. 307.25 Recording 4 quit claim deeds... 4.30 Recording213official bonds.,.. 91800 873 certificates of election. 93.75 Amount due from Holt county. Cosh excess due county. •1UB 2MM W. W. Bran, L, A. Jaum, cn:! e. kum, i i W. B. Haioh, H. K. DiROli W. ?. Hams, Committee. Moved by Long end seoonded that the committee and clerk eliminate all amounta charged againat the oonnty from the reports and that the report of com mittee be adopted. Carried. Moved and seoonded that the clerk be allowed to retain $200 for making road and assessors’ books for the year 1892, in addition to his salary. Carried. Committee on settlement with county officers. County superintendent of pub lic schools. Paid out, all sources 3HS.28 Balance oa hand. 348.20 41.00 Upon motion the report vu itopM, oovmnr jvmi, R*oelved from all source* from Janu ary «, MM to January 1, — »» County Judge’* salary. mmo W. W. Bmnui L. A. Jiiasom, W. B. Hamm, I. Kuan, W.T. Hams, 1 H. K. Dttwi, CommlttoOi Upon motion the report was adopted. Upon motion adjourned until 9 o’clock a. February 10,1893. manoAM 10,1898. Board met pennant to adjournment with the following members present! Alf*, Bethea, Brodie, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Oleviah, Galkina, Dayton', Dut ton, Doud, Donohoe, Gillson, Halgh, Hayes, Jillaon, Jonsa, Kelly, Kennedy, Long, Maenmber, Miller, McCarthy, Phillip*, Roll, TrnUInger, White, WUson, Waring Wynn. The petition of Thomas Conley asking county to refund taxes on parts of sec tions 11 and 19 In township 98, rang^ll west was upon motion rejected. Upon motion the oonaty treasurer was '* ordered to redeem the following desc rib* ed land! sc X ec 1-98-8 and sw X 8-80-14 Moved and seconded to adopt the re* port of the settlement committee on ' sheriff and ayes and nays demanded. Moved and seconded to table the mo* tion to adopt the report of the settlement committee. Ayes and nays demanded phioh resulted as follows! Ayes, Alia, Brodie, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Clev* ish, Calkins, Dutton, Doud, Donohoe, GUeoh Haigh, Hayes, Jones, Kennedy, Long, Macomber, MiUer, McCarthy, Phil* lips, Tridllnger, White, Wilson, Wynn, 94. Nays, Dayton, JUlson, Kelley, Roll, Wa- ,1 ring, 8. Carried. muvea ana seconded that the ebair sp* point a committee of live to investigate and report tomorrow mornln g atB o'clock - as to whether the sheriff shall be allowed clerk hire'or not. Motion earried and chair appointed Jlllson, Hayes, Haigh, Dayton and Miller, as each committee. . Most o( the forenoon was spent in. ■ reading the report on treasurer. Upon motion adjourned until 1 o’elock p. m. ' Own O'Olook,», n Board met pursuant to odjournscent with all members present except KMue, To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Holt County i * We,' the undersigned county oflUers, would most respectfully request your boa* orable body to authoriae the purohasiuff - of three Dlnsmore type writers for Oar several offices, believing that it will be eoonomy to the county to do the aame. O. B., County Clerk, Wm. Bowbm, County Judge, Bauubts Boon, County Trees. Moved and seconded that the above prayer be granted. Ayea and nayse wen demanded, which resulted as follows, Ayes; Brodie, Calkins, Doud, Gilson, Haigh, Hayss, Jones, Long, Maoumber, MoDarlby, Phillips, Wilson, Winn, 18. Noyes; Alfs, By ran, Crawford, Gievich, Dayton, Dutton, Donohoe, Jlllson, Kelly, Kennedy, Miller, Boll, TruUinger, White, Waring, IS, lost. Moved and seconded that a Dlnsmore typewriter be purchased fortheoouuty clerk. Motion carried and the stork In structed to draw a warrant to pay tier the same. movea ana seconaea that a ijpi writer be purchased for the county Judge. The •yes end neyee being demanded reenlted as follows: Ayes; Brodie, Clevish, Jones, Long, Waring, Winn, 6. Mayes; Alls, Bryan, Crawford, Calkins, Dayton, Dut ton, Dand, Dsnohoc, Gilson, Halgh, Hayes, Jillsoa, XeUey, Kennedy, Maeom* ber, Miller, McCarthy. Phillips, Boll, TrnUlnger, White, Wilson, 89, lost.' Moved and seconded that a type writer be purchased for the oonnty treesqrer, the ayes and nayes being demanded re* salted as follows: Ayes, Brodie, Clevish, Calkins, Gilson, Halgh, Hayes, Jones, Long, PhiUipps, Trailing, Wilson, Wynn, 12. Mayes; AMs, Bryan, Crawford, Dayton, Dottoo, Dund* Donohoe, Jillson, Kelley, Kenedy, Macnmber, MiUer, McCarthy, Boll, White, Waring, 16, iMt. Upon mo,ion the bond of Prank Kmer* son tax collector for Bara logo Township was approved. Moved and seconded to adopt the re. port of the settlement committee, on county treasurer. Moved and seconden to amend, by eon* tineing the committee with fall power to act nndtr the instructions of the eooaty attorney. Miller moved the previous question, ’ Kelly moved to lay Miller’s motion on | the table. Miller moved to adjourn for two hours. The ayes and nayes being demanded - resulted as follows: Ayes; Bryan, Calkins, Dutton, Dood, Gilson, Long, Macnmber, Miller, Phillips, Trullinger and Wilson, 11. ^Mayes; Alfs, Brodie, Bradly, Crapford, Clevish,Dayton, Donohoe, Halgh, Hayes, Jillson, Jones, Kelly, Kennedy, McCarthy, Boll, White Waring, Wynn, 18. Beverting on Kelly’s motion to table. '■ Miller’s motion, the ayes and nayes were demanded and resulted as follows: Ayse; Brodie, Byran. Bradley, Crawford, Clevish, Dond, Gilson, Jones, Kelly, Kennedy, Ma cumber, Miller, MoCsrthy, Boll, Waring, •, Winn, 16. Mayes; Alfs, Calkins, Dayton, Dutton, Donohoe, Halgh, Hayes, JoBsen, Long, Phillips. Trullinger, White, Wilson, 18, carried. Moved by Wilson and seconded, to lay amendment to original motion on the .