The Frontier. FUBUORED STORY THURSDAY BY ' THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY y:i A GHAKOK. With tbli iaaue of Tra Fkoktter Mr. Mathew* retire* from the editorial man agement and hereafter the paper will be under the eole control of King A Cronin. -- i«>«--- ■ Obotbb ia bound to be the boea of the aggregation. Hons Smith la a horrible name for a eablnet mlniater. What baa become of ex-governor * Boyd? Ia he dead, politically. Tun majority of democrat* look aour | ;' over the appointment of Judge Gree 0-‘ ham. _ Pat* waa not made aecretarr of war. That plum goea to Dan |5|: Lament. __ Mian Long and Gua Doyle rmile over Morton'a appointment. And they can afford to. Thb governor made no mlatake in aelecting A1 Beemer for warden of the penllentiaty. The straight democrat* won a great ?. victory over the etraddler* by the appointment of Morton to the cabinet. "Wheh rogue* pet to quarrelling ; bone*t men will get their due*." The people of Kama* ought to be happy. Cleveland ahould have made Gover ' nor Lewelling, of Kanaaa, ucretary of war. Hi* ability should be recognized. GiRiBAt Beaureoaed. one of the greaterat general* of the confederate V army, died Monday at the adranced age of 75. ’liV -•.. Ham Kadtcmah 1* after Sheriff Han land of Antelope county, and rip* him V up th* back with a three-column affi davit. ’ _ _ What d’ye think of Grover, anyway? Some republican* are *peculatlng that he maybe their candidate four year* .hence. ___ Last Monday North Dakota elected a senator on the sixty-flrst ballot. The lucky man 1* a democrat, W. N. Roach of Grand Fork*. — 11 .’ -V- Thk Minnesota legislature I* making y on cigarettes. Tht* is commendable f' iud an example worthy of emulation by other legislature*. The Oklahoma legislature voted down - ‘ a resolution condemning lynching. Doe* that mean that a majority of Its member* approve lynching? Kate Field, representing the women ' of the country, I* heartily in favor of annexation. The representative bache lor ha* not, a* yet, spoken. , Judoiho from the action* of our i county board some of them must be native* of Kanpas, and are taking their cue from the Kansas legislature. Mile* We tan, formerly of this city, * is spoken of as postmaster at South Omaha. We trust that he will be for tunate enough to secure the plaoe. Tamm art not only wants to run the - government, but its leaders are prepar ing to run a race track combined with a lottery, on the outskirts of Washington. —-►*♦*-• Tan eastern democrats appear to have forgotten nil about tariff reform, and to 1 .suppose that it was something else that i gave their party control of the govern * meat. __ 'y Thu war clouds which have been 1 . hovering over Kansas for several weeks are gradually fading away,and the white winged doves of peace are now hovering % near the capitol. ,y, Thu house has recommended for pas sage a bill reducing passenger rates to sj;. f) oents per mile, and passed a bill re pealing the act creating the state board ’ of transportation. •;: V Ir the elements which made demo cratic victory poaalble laat fall can be : welded together ao that they wlllst'ck ; V with Greaham In the cabinet, it will be ' a political miracle. Wi would auggeat that the managers of ‘the world'* fair aecure the Kama* legislature and Governor Lewelitng, and have them on eshlbitlon. They would form a drawing card. Juno* Church, of North Platte, waa elected department commander of the G. A. R.. department of Nebraska, at Fremont laat Wednesday. His oppo nent for the position was Church Howe. The Oakdale Beacon Light says J. Sterling Morton is “an old political bologna envelope.” Oh, ao—he is this honorable commissioner of agriculture, or soon will be, and besides is a worthy Thu Nebraska Presa Association held i? their annual meeting in Columbus last V week. Prof. Bush nail, of the Lincoln Call, ana Gen. Roes Hammond, of the Fremont Tribune, were the favorites —with the ladles. , i i’.- UTAfr iM ■•v' - J > wi*: 'd^ Jim North baa a riral for tbe col lectorship la the person of Tobn A, Kehoe of Platte Center. Mr. Keboe ii a personal friend of both Morton anc Senator Allen, and hla friend* claim that be will be tbe man. Tbe “Wyoming legislature adjourned without electing a senator, which will leave it in tbe handi of the demecratic governor to appoint. Wbat an oppor tunity for tbe governor to assist and honor hla chosen friend. Walt Mason, formerly of the Fre mont Tribune, was married a few days ago to Mis* Foss of Wooster, Ohio. Walt is now on tbe Washington (D. C.) News, and by bis spicy articles is mak ing that paper a success. In view of the abuse that ha* been heaped upon Secretary Foster for his management of the national finances, it is interesting to note that he has been conferring with Secretary to-be Carlisle, who entirely agrees with him._ Perhaps tbe selection of Judge Gresham for the cabinet is intended as a recognition of tbe populists, who gave Material assistance to the democrats last November and from whom the votes necessary to organize the senate must come. N. D. Jackson of Nellgb, will prob ably be appointed to succeed Judge Allen on the bench. Mr. Jackson la an able attorney and a good sound re publican. and If appointed will give good satisfaction to the people of bis district. __ _ __ Last Friday W. D. Mathews entered upon tbo discharge of his duties as reg ister of the United States land office,vice B. 8. Gillespie resigned. Mr. Gillespie has made a good faithful and efficient official, in fact one o,f the beat that ever occupied the office. - .♦ According to the governor of South Carolina the edicts of the United States courts are not to hold good In that state. This is not the first nor yet the second time that South Carolina supposed her self stronger than Uncle Sam, but the result will be the same. How must Senators North and Mattes, supposed friends of Morton, who had signed a petition favoring that gentleman’s candidacy for commissioner of agriculture and then withdrew their names, have felt when he was ap pointed? Kick themselves? Well yes. Thk republicans and straight demo crats In Kansas are going to elect another senator and send him to Wash ington to contest the seat of Senator Martin who was elected a few weeks ago by the fusion democrats and inde pendents. The new senator will be a straight democrat. Thk democratic editors of the state held a meeting In Columbus last Wed nesday. We understand it was for the purpose of distributing the postofflees. Charlie McHugh was not present, but ss A. J. Watson, of the Coleridge Blade, was there with hll his war paint on, he do doubt looked alter Charlie's interests. Thu United States government Is officially pledged to the doctrine of arbi tration of international disputes. This Df itself is a sufficient refutation of the silly story recently sent out from Wash ington that the new extradition treaties with France and Russia contained clauses binding tbe three countries into an alliance, offensive and defensive. Thb Gladstone home-rule bill stands approved by those who are authorized to speak for Ireland. For the first time in his fight for Ireland Mr. Gladstone has the hearty support of the msjority of Irishmen. He enters this contest with compact lines, knowing Just where his men stand, and will be able to de vote all his attention to the enemy in front —- > « -- Them is one thing O’Neill needs, and she needs it at once, and that is better hotel accomodations. Let out business men get together and work to gether, and secure this needed addition to our city. Fahy’s corner would be a splendid location for a brick block, and one located there would add a good deal to the looks of our city. Let us get to work at once. Bituai of our state senators were In Omaha laat Saturday viewing the stock yards, under the guidance of Senator Babcock. Senator Mullen was among the number and through him we Lad the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the rest of the delegation. Senator Mullen informed us that he did not think the bill redistricting the state into new senatorial districts would pass. Tub selection by President-elect Cleveland of Hon. J. Sterling Morton as a member of his cabinet (commissioner of agriculture) Is a compliment to Ne braska that Is fully appreciated by nearly all classes. The republicans particularly rejoice with the democrats, because Mr. Morton is straight politi cally, and has never catered to the in dependents or mugwumps. He repre sents the Simon-pure democracy of Nebraska and his appointment must be construed as a recognition of that ele ment and a sort of left-handed swipe at | the facton favoring amalgamation with | any thing or any hedy that promised defeat of republicanism. And better than all else, Morton is a representative citisen. abundantly competent, and m this particular position wfll prove a worthy sucessor to griM Old Jerry Rusk. ,4'-/- --- - ■ K‘ : ' O'NEILLBUSINESS DIRECTORY C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. OCALKR IN OMMR8. ITO. J)B. J. P. fllLLIQAX, PHYSICAW A WO 8URGBOH. Day and night calls promptly attended to. OBoe over Blglln'a furniture store. _O'WKILL, NEB. JJB. C. O. B. KI8AMAW. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, THKILIe_ WEB. P^H. BBWBDICT, LAWYER. OIDoe in the Jute Roberta building, north of Barnett* Trees’ lumber yard, O NBILL, NBB. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praetloeln all the oourta. Special at* tention given to foreoloautee and oolleotiona. iaalao COUNTY ATTORNEY, B. T. TBUmoOD, PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON. . Dlaeaaea of aba Eye and Ear and flttlnfl fflaaaea a apeolalty. Offloe hours e to 13 a. m. and 3 tot p. m, Oinoa ovm “THE EMPORIUM.” BROS., CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS. Mattmataa takan and malarial; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS/ E8TIMATE8 FURMI8HED. flniiiuiHiittimg'i A. H. CORBETT WILL ATTEND TO TODB DENTISTRY IN F1HST-CLA88 8HXPK. •PHOTOGRAPHY* or ALL KINDS Fnaptly ui EiMrtorilT EnctUd. Ofllw ud jpdnry on Fourth itreet Mat of Holt County Bank. Deyarman Brothers, nonunouovrai Checker Lhra^Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB rm O’Neill Omnibus Line Come er rial Trade a Specialty B»t« oharece of MoCafferty’a Hearae. All ogton will recelTe oeieful and prompt atten. R.R. DICKSON&CO„ »UOOIMOR« TO T. V. 90LQER A CO., Title Abstracters/Conveyancers, TAXES PAID FOBtNON-KK8IDKNTS. FARM LUTDt • • AMD TOWN LOTS FOB BALE OK EXORAKOB.? Farm Loana Negotiated on the Molt Reaeonable Term. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER »nun IN Of *11 kinds. A (peolalty mtd* at FINE CIGARS’ ‘ v^ '■ /A. '-.y ' : - ■ -• • ■' ■**.-., ’ JONES & APCUTCHEOA pKorenrona of I:CENTRAL-| Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES _£] tar NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Class. Bsn Opposite Campbell’s Implement House FRED ALM, BOOT ABO SHOE SHOP, Custom work and repairing—Doc. Shore’s old offlce. O’NEILL, ** NEB. NrahiM Tleketa and Consign your ProlRhtvlatho F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. - TRAINS DEPART: OOMO BAST. Passenger east, - 9:80 a. x. Freight east. - 10:48 a. k. 0011(0 WBST. Freight west, * - 1:45 p. x Passenger west, 5:15 p. x Freight, • - - 6:44 p. x The Klkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. For any information call on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. EMIL SNIGGS. General Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB*, Wagon and Carriage Repair* ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe ing a Specialty. Haxd-Madk Boon Mad* to axt Ordzb We stop Interfering end snccesseuUy treat quarter Crack* and Contracting Veet, and sure Come, where dor directions are strictly followed. Cany a Line of Carriage, Wagon and* in ■took. Work done on short nonce. XI-PS FRED C* OATZ. - duui nr— fresh, Dried asd Salt Meats. NIimiiiU Hun, Breakfast Baoon, Dta, Spies roll baooo, all kind* of sanaace* O’NEILL, NEB A SALOON Where the bast WINES, LIQUORS AND CIQARS , Can Always be Had JUSlGLOBE, FAT GIBBONS, Ptpp. -> ■ ■', .. r, , ' : ■ . i fvfr ‘f'vt' V NO. 3424. First National Bai Paid-up capital, $5o,ooo 0*1 Surplus/$2o,oooo ^ Authorized capital, Sloo,ooo THAD J. BERMINGHAM. J. P. MANN. Viob-tres. **1 ED F. GALLAGHER. CashimI FRED H. SWINGLEY. Aset X CA Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most V TflBIIA A . 19 __• « erms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Inter Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic ExchangT* DIRECTORS: M. CAVANAUGH T. P. BIRMINGHAM j - ED F. GALLAGHER THAD d. BIRMINQHju T. W. THOMAS, President. G. W. WATTT Pe JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. 'H THE - STATE ■ BAI Oil’ O’NEILL. Authorized Capital, $100,000. Paid up Capital, $30.1 DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE HOLT III COUNTY III BAI O’Neill, Nebraska. DAVID ADAMS, President. L>. L. DARR, Ci Wm. Adams, 'Asst. Cashier. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAC Agents for the Canard, North German Lloyd, American and Red Stir j American Steamships. Buy and sell drafts drawn on principal citM Europe and America. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited.! Collections Made and Remited on the Day ot Payi mei Pioneer hardware deale CARLAND 8TOVES AND RANCE I CABBY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Hardware, Tinware, Copper & Granitewa IN NORTH.NEBRASKA. AND MAKE A SPECIALTY 01 ELI BARBED WIR IN IMPLEMENTS I'CARRY The famous JOHN DEERE Plows, Culti vators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru City Cultivators. . LISTERS and ©RILLS Call and see me before you make your purchases *» save you some money. NEIL BRENNAN. O'Neill NQ THE. ■ ^ • » IQ’NEUJ rollUr! © © - J^AVE BEGUN operatic and request your p^tro age. All the machinery is ne and the latest and best imp1^ ed process adopted : : :