The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 16, 1893, Image 8

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'•"t That Am FnMtload la lha Hoa* of Jofci
la China, according to Jeat Herbert
%>f late legal adviser to the government o
South China and professor of lav
In the Unlveralty of Canton, of
flciala are held responsible foi
the eondnot of the community. If i
•on haa murdered hla father not only ii
the murderer cut in pieces, hut th<
house la pulled down and the grounf
dug np to a depth of about six feet
All the neighbors, moreover, are pun
iahed, the boy's headmaster is be
headed, the magistrate loses his place
and the higher officials are reduced
three degrees in rank.
There are two officials to each post,
la order that one might spy upon tlx
•?' other, the rule being that no official
shall report what he has done, but
only what the other has done. From
the highest official to the lowest all
* practice a system of unblushing rob
bery, called "squeezing.” The salary
of a viceroy in some cases is £00 a year;
he regularly draws not less than
A8,000. The salary of a judge is £40 a
year; he regularly draws at least
£8,000. There are 1,800 police in Can
ton, not one of whom receives wages,
and yet the office Is much sought after.
The fact is, we are assured, that the
police are on excellent terms with the
guild or fraternity of thieves, and they
work harmoniously together. By the
oode a boy under IS cannot bo pun
ished. What the Chinese do is to pop
him into prison and keep him there
until he is 10. If Mr. Herbert were
* asked to summarize the government of
China he would say the people are
communists, managing their own af
fairs, ruled by a despot whose adminis
tration is democratic and whose ad
ministrators an liars, thieves and ex
tortioners. t„ .
, *11 MM rnhlltdrli Views From the
Valleys >1 Hi Mr.
ff; In connection with the Arizona ex
hibit at the world's fair, a work of un
naual magnitude and 'interest has been
W arranged for in Phoenix by the con
a traction of the largest relief map ever
made to show accurately,and in detail
•11 prehistoric views of the valleys of
the Salt and Olla rivers. '
The map will give a bird’s-eye view
of nearly 1,000,000 square miles, which,
. s it Is estimated, once supported an an
dent population of 9,000,000 to 3,000,000
Souls, and whose passing Into oblivion
without leaving a tradition as to
whenoe they came and why they dis
appeared constitutes one of the great
est mysteries of the human race.
Prof. F. W. Putnam, of Harvard col
lege. is directing the work, and when
completed the work will show, in addi
tion to remains of cities whose popula
tion is estimated to have at one time
exceeded 100,000 souls, old canals and
reservoirs with water flowing through
them as in the days of their original
iT construction.
The great antiquity of the views to
V be shown is dsmonstratod by the fact
f": that in many cases the canals are cov
ered with lava and volcanic ashes of a
very remarkable eruption, while the
best engineering skill of Europe and
America has been unable to find any
defect In their construction. The old
canals lh many instances cover thous
ands of acres that the present irriga
.. tors cannot reach.
Opless aed SMelds.
'S "I bave keen taking opium for the
last four years. It was on leaving the
army that I met a young man to whom
1 explained that I suffered from severe
■* headache. He advise^ me to take
opium, and I said to him: 'Won’t it
te FTOW upon me?’ He replied, ‘No.’ 1
% kave heard since that he hanged him
self. I took to eating the drug, and
from day to day I swallowed increased
-- doses until I could take one drachm
•very day. I used to roll it up Into
pills. When my money became .short
and I was unable to get any more
opium my life became a misery. I
craved for it without effect, and as I
i could not exist any longer without it
I cut my throat" This was the state
ment made by one George Hall, on
whom an inquest was held at Birming
ham recently to a doctor. This
g, doctor said tan grains under ordinary
¥ circumstances were fatal. "Suicide
while temporarily insane,” was the
* * >I*M to the B—cus.
“What are you pilng to call you
aaw paper?” asked the friend who had
dropped In to see the aspiring1 young
, “The Palladium,” was the reply.
“That'* a good name for a newspe
per. By the way, what Is the meaning
of tha word?"
“It means—hum—it means—why,
you know what a palladium is, don’t
“No. I’m asking for information;”
“Well, that’s a good one on you!
Lived in a civilised community all your
life and pretend you d&n’t know what
a palladium is!”
“IV 1» earnest. What is it?”
“Why, a palladium ia-Great Caesar!
Look at that dog-fight!”
“Saved!” howled the young journal
ist, pouncing on the dictionary the in
stant the door dosed on his visitor’s
retreating fova.
Suspicion OoaUrmoU.
A hell hoy was found at the Great
Northern Who does not believe in going
beyond his literal instructions. A
guest rushed to the oashiee’s desk. He
had just tan minutes in which to pay
his MU, reaoh the depot and board his
’'Great Beott!” he exclaimed, “I’v*
forgotten smoothing. Here, hoy, rut
up to my room, B 44, and see if I have
left my tooth-brush and sponge. Hurry;
I*ve only five minutes now.”
Tha boy hilrtiad. He returned in
four minuSa. out of breath.
t s'-. .
How to bn Doctor Bill*.
From Chicago Doily Calumet: Manj
' a doctor’* bill baa bee a inved by tbo ate
of Cbatnbarlaln'a Cough Remedy • The
, name ia a household word in many
porta of the country. Chamberlain's
medicines have an extensive aalc in the
■ world * fair city abd many people teitify
■ to the merits of their different remedies.
1 For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
It Took Trouble, But Ho Got It.
About two or three months aaro 1
purchased from you a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, put up in De*
Moine, Iowa. Such good results were
obtained from its use that 1 enclose one
dollar and ask that you send me two
bottles express.—J. A. Scrivkn, 18 E.
15tb St.. New York City. To H. H.
Cane, drussist, Peekakill, N. Y. Mr.
Scriven is president of one of the largest
shirt factories in New York, and widely
known in business circles. When
troubled with a cold give this remedy a
trial aud. like Ms. Scriven, you will
want it again when in need of such a
medicine. 60 cent bottles for sale by P.
C. Corrigan, druggist.
WANTED—Local and traveling dep
uties for the Eclectic Assembly. Face
of certificates from $500 to $8,000; lim
ited assessment; no double headers,
splendid commission to organizers;
Write at once.
State Deputy, M. L. Adam,
8-m Lock Box 77, O’Neill, Neb.
Dieera ior nh.
Seventy-six head of 2-year'old steer*,
800 pounds, millet fed. Steers price 120
per head. Hoppe Bnos.
82-1 Francis, Weeler county, Neb.
A Cur* for Croup.
If your children are subject to croup,
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s
cough remedy at hand. It is a prompt
and certain cure. If given as soon as
the croupy cough appears It will prevent
the attack. For sale by P. C. Corrigan,
Tho Omaha Weekly Bee for the bal
ance of the year, with a large colored
lithograph of President Harrison, will
be sent to any adress in this country to.’
20 cents. This elegant picture la the
president published and would cost at
least one dollar In any art store. Don't
miss the chance, but send in your order
at once. Tub Bee Publishing Co.
Omaha, Neb.
S! i .i.i .i
John Oatheje and Maria Gatheje will take
notion that Henry Herbage has Hied his
petition against them in the district court
of Holt county, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
exeauted by the defendanst above named
lo (IJH. Toncray and subsequently assigned
to plaintiff upon the southwest quarter of
octlon ‘IS, township 28, north range 13 west of
lie 6th p. m. in Holt oounty, Nebraska, to
ccure the payment of a certain bond or note
latod March 37,1888 for the sum of 1400 with
merest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum
layable semi-annually, and there is now due
ipou said notes and mortgage the sum of
'400 and InteJest thereon from April 1,1800.
■cisirding to the tenor and effect cf said
Hite or bond. Plaintiff prays for a decree
hat ills said mortgage be decreed a first
Men and said premises sold to satisfy the
uinount due thereon.
You are reoulred to answer this petition
on or before February 27.18011.
Dated Jan. 23,1803. Henry Hehbage, pltf
Bv A. K. Dams, his attorney.20-4
hSUAt NU’l’lUK.
William A. te Poel, Ellen to Poel and A. J.
Miller, defendants, will take notice that on
i lie 14th day of February, 180S, Martha O.
Vceder. plaintiff herein, filed her petition In
the dlstrlot court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendonts, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a oertaln
mortgage exeoulod by the defendants. Wil
liam A. te Poel and Ellen te Poel, to the
plaintiff, upon the southwest quarter of
sectiou nineteen (10) and the south hull of
tho southwest quarter and south half of
southeast quarter of section twenty-nine (£0),
all in township twenty-six [26], north of range
thirteen [181, west or the sixth [6] principal
meridian, in Ilolv county. Nebraska, given to
secure the payment of eleven [D] promissory
notes. Gated August IS, 1887; ono [11 for $42
due January 1,1888; nine [0] for $66, each due
respectively on the 1st days of July and Jan
uary of the years 1888.1889, 1800, 1861 and 1802.
thereafter, and one[llfor 81400 due July 1,1802
all with interest at 10 per cent, per annum
from maturity.
That tlic-ie is now due upon said notes and
mortgage, and for taxes paid by the plaintiff,
tiie sum of $1868.98, with interest thereon at
tlie rate of 10 per cent, per annum from
February 1, 1808, for which sum plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendant* be re
quired to pay the same or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 28th day of Match, 1863.
Dated February 14,1883, 32-4
. Martha O.Viibih, Plaintiff.
Bjrtt. H. Dickson, Looms a Abbot.
Her Attorneys,
To .Tame* and Mary C. MoWhorton, L. W.
Tolleys, trustee, Burnham, Tulleyi * Co.,
Clement L. Boone and wife, name unkown,
non-resident defendants, will take notice:
that on^he—day of February, 1880, James
N. Brown, successor In trust, plaintiff, filed
bis petition In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against you, the
object and prayer of which Is to forolose a
trust deed executed and delivered by James
and Mary C- McWhortou and William and
Elisa Jane McWhortou L. W. Tulleys, trus
tee, aud to plaintiff, upon tbe following
premises, towlt: South half southeast quar
ter, and southeast quarter seotlon six. and
northeast quarter section seven township
thirty-one, range nine, west sixth P. M„ to
secure the payment of a note for 12800, dated
October 1,1887, due five years from date, with
ten Interest cuponstheretoattached for<87.80
each, tbe same being made by James and
William MoWhorton in favor of Clarence
Ki Hesse, and assigned to plaintiff. Bald
petition is also filed to forclose said premises
tor the non-payment by the defendants of
the taxes assessed against said premises tor
the years ending 1888.1888.1880 and 1801. The
same having been paid by the plaintiff In the
sum of 1172.37. That there is now due and
unpaid the sum of 12800 on mote, the sum of
8848 on oupons and thq sum of 8172.87 on taxes.
Therefore platntlffs pray that a decree may
be Issued requiring said defendants to pay
tbe aforesaid amounts, making a total of
8iC167.»7. with interest, or that said premises
be sold to pay the same. You are required
to answer ou or before the third day of
April, 188U. Dated February 8,1880.
ByW.C. Bbown, .Iambs N. Brown,
Attorney. 884 Successor In trust
enr-KKirr s SALE.
Bv virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
brask, on the 25th day of June, 1881, In
favor of H. 8. Ballou A Company, as plaintiff
and against Hiram R. Henry and Mary 8.
Henry as defendants for the sum of one hun
dred twenty-one dollars and costs taxed at
888.U8 and accruing costa 1 have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
defendants to satisfy said order of
of said c
sale, to-wtt:
The south-east quarter of seotlon nine |8],
township thirty I All, range tea [IU], west of
the8th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer tbe same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on tbe fith
day of March, A. I)., 1888, In front of tbe
court house in O'Neill that being tbe build
ing wherein the last term of District court
was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. x. ol
said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this Mst day ol
January, 18H.
80-4 Sheriff of said county.
' '
To the southwest quarter of the nortbeaat
quarts rand tbe northeast quartcroftbe north
west quarter and tbe aoutheaat quarter of the
northweat quarter and the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter of section fourteen
(141, In township twenty-lire <2B), of range
thirteen 1131; and tbe nortbeaat quarter of
the nortbeaat quarter and the northweat
quarter of tbe northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section thirty-three [38], township
thirty-two [ft!], range fifteen 11M; and tho
northeast quarter of tbe southwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the southwest
and tbe southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-five [26],
In township thirty-two |ft!],of range fourteen
[I4|; and the northeast quarter of the north
east quarter and the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter and tbe southeast
quarter of tbe northeast quarter and toe
southwest quarter of tbe northeast quarter
of section thirty-four 434], township twenty
seven 127], range nine (9); and the northeast
quarter or the northeast quarter of section
ten (10], township thirty-two [ft!], range ten
[10]; and tho southeast quarter of the south
east quarter and the southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
of section seventeen [17], township thirty-one
[ai|. range twelve [12]; and tbe northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of tbe northeast quarter
of section thirty-one [81], township thirty
tree (88.) range twelve 112], all west of the 6th
p. m. In Holt county, Nebraska, and the un
know owners of said lands.
You are hereby notified that on tbe IStb
day of August. A. !>.. 1892, plaintiff.Tbe
r armors' Loan and Trust Company, filed in
tho ofitee of the elerk of the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, Its petition against
you and each of you as defendants, the
object and prayer of which, as therein set
forth, are to foreclose certain tax liens, and
to that end said petition alleges; -
That on tbe 14th day of December, A. D.,
1887, at a regular private tax sale held within
and for tbe county of Holt, In tbe state of
Nebraskn, plaintiff purchased for tbe taxes
I lien due, delinquent and unpaid thereon,
i he following described rehl estate, situated
in said county, and paid the treasurer of said
county therefor rcspectivelly; the amount
set opposite each tract respectively, to-wtt:
■w£i of ne!4, section 14, township 25, range
. nwX> section 14, township 25, range
M, IflitSi
13*68*82* nW^' ®ect*on Mi township 25, range
nei of sw!<, section 14, township 26, range
1*1. 916.413.
Is'ioH of ne!4, section 38, township 32, range
nwk of ne!4, section 33, township 32, range
So no**' >ectlon ®> township ft! range
swi'of ne!4. section33, township 82, range
une* of sw!4, section 25, township 32, range
l^nwij^of sw!4, section 25, township 32, range
14*110 20 >W**’ ®eotlon 291 township 82. range
IfSw^fswK, section 25. township 32. range
that subsequent thereto and on tbe 31st
day of December, A. D.. 1888, at a regular
private tax sale held within and for said
county of Holt and state of Nebraska, plaint
iff purchased for tbe taxes then due, delin
quent and unpaid thereon other lands as
described below, situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, and paid the treasurer of Holt
county, Nebraska therefor respectively, tbe
amounts set opposite each tract respectively,
Of ne*. section 34, townsmp 27, range
9, for 823.80.
nwfcof neJ4, section 84, township 37. range
o, for,
*»«M of neJ4 section 34, township 27, range 8,
for 823.80.
kw‘.. of neK> section 31, township 27, range 0,
for 828.80.
l-^ofne*. seetlon 10, township 32. range
l'^forl!a 8^’ 860(1011 17, township31, range
swli or wit, section 17, township 31, range
12, for 810.61.
ne!4 of sw!4, section 17, township 31, range
12, for 110.81.
l2*for lislsi'4’ 860(100 (^* township 31, range
ne!« of neii, section 31, township 33. range
18. for 37.35.
se)4 of ne!4, section 31, township 33, range
12,for f7.3S.
That subsequently thereto and at divers
times plslntllf has paid subsequent taxes,
costs and attorney's fees on each of said
traots of land, as by statute in such oases
made and provided; and tnat there Is now
duo it for purchase money, subsequent taxes,
costs and attorney's fees for which they ask
a lien and decree and order of sale as fol
lows, to-wit:
ggSW< of net, section 14, township 25, range 13,
^nejot nw4, section 11, township 25, range 13,
jjSeJof nwt,section 14,township 25, range 13,
300 00 °* ,W<’ 8®ctlon ,4’ township 25, range 18,
•00oo'°f ne4’866(1011881 township 32, range 15,
^nw4 of net, section 33, township 82. range 15.
^se4 of net, section 88, township 33, range 15,
gSwt of net, seetlon38, township 32, range 15.
80000'°* 8W4,8eot,on*• township 82, range It,
^Vt of swt, section 25, township 32, range 14,
^set of swt, section 25, township 32, range 14,
^■w* of swt, section 25, township 82, range 14,
^'etof net, section 34, township27, range 0,
^wt of net, section 84, township 27, range 0,
^sel 'of net, section 34, township 27, range 0,
iw'oo °* ne4’860(100 841 township 27, range 0,
gUet of net, section 10, township 33, range 10,
j^set of set, section 17, township 31, range 12.
swt of set, section 17, township 31, range 12,
^ot of swt, section 17. township 31, range 12,
^set of swt, seotlon 17, township 31, range 12,
^net of net, section 31. township 33, range 12,
^set of net, section 31, township 33. range 12,
And that unless/on answer said petition
on or before the 13th day of March, A. D ,
1W3, the allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and the amount set opposite
each traet respectively will he decreed by
said court to be a first lien upon each tract
respectively and each traet will be ordered
sold to satisfy said respective Hens, Interest
and costs Including,attorney’s fees,
listed at O’Neill, Neb.. February 1.1898.
Farmers'Loams Trust Compart, Plt'ff.
By M, J. Swebdet add E. H. Benedict.
•M Its Attorneys.
Laud Omci at O’Nbill, Nebraska,
„ February 8, 1898,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Wed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
olaim, and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb.,
ou Maroh 22, 1883, via:
J ACOB B. MARINO, H. E. 12887
for the NH SE!* and 8B1* SEU. seo. 13. and
NIB* NE)*. sec. 18, twp. sCnTR 1& w7
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vlr.
Moses Oaughenbaugh, George Gaughen
baugh, Morton E. Hint. James Gaughen
baugh, all of Emmett, Neb.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notioe of bis Inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb,
ou MarphSS. lBtO. vli;
for the EH NE!*. sec. 8. twp. 88, N. R. 13 W. . ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and oultlve
Ion of said land, vis:
J. B. Marina, 8. H. El wood, T. B. Marlng,
Emery Heriok, all of O’Neill, rfeb.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notioe of bis Inten
tion of making final proof In support of Ms
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb.,
on March 23,1883. vis:
„ THOMA8 B. MAKING, H. E. 12678,
|"rI*,'«S^^8Wl*,l*and NH NWJ*. sec. U
~ile names the following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Moses Oaughenbaugh, Morton E. Hint,
Oaughenbaugh, George Gaughen
baugh, all of Emmett, Neb.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to roe
from tbe clerk of the district court of llolt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt County, Ne
braska. on the 20th day of December, 1892, in
favor of It. H. Van Pet. executor, as plaint
iff and against Robert H. Shrewsbury. Ida
Shrewsbury, L. W, Tulleys, trustee, and Ann
Tulleys hla wife, Anglo American Mortgage
and Trust Company, and Albert C. Burnham,
I.ysanders VV. Tulleys and James N. Brown,
late co-partners under the firm name and
style of Ilurnam. Tnlleys A Co., as defendants
for the sum of one thousand and thirty-three
dollars and thirty cents and costs taxed at
•t—and accruing coots 1 have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter of section nine [0],
township twenty-five [251, north range eleven
llll. west of tbe 5th p. m. In Holt counter,
And will offer tbe same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, In hand, on the 5th
day of March, A. D.. 1803, In front of the
court house In O'Neill, that being tbe build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’cloch, A. M., of
said day, when and- where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill this 3tst day of January,
l»ai. H. C. McKVONY.
80-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before the district court of llolt
county, Nebraska, on tbe 23d day of Septem
ber, 1802, In favor of the Union Trust Company
as plaintiff and against Gusta Klwood,
Stephen H. Elwood. P. O. Corrigan, Ed F.
Gallagher, Check H, Toneray. Emma K.
Toncray, George W. E. Dorsey Emma
E. Dorsey and Nelson Toncray as
defendants, for the sum of five
hundred thirteen dollars and thirty-five
cents and costa tax°d at 536.23. and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following prem
ises taken as the property of said defendants
to satisfy skid order of sale, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and northwest quarter of the north
eaat quarter of section twenty-two (22). town
ship twenty-eight (28), north range thirteen
(13), west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county,
Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder for cash,
In hand, on the 13th day of March. A. D„
IMS, In front of the court house In O’Neill,
that being the building wherein the last
term of district court was held, at the hour
of 9 o’clock A. M. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O'Neill. Neb., this 10th day of
December, 1802. H. C. McEVQNY.
81-Sx Sheriff of Said County,
Labd Omci at O'Nzire, Neb.
„ • Jan. 2,1893.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on
February 13,1803. viz:
JAMES TIMLIN, H. E. No. 12603,
for the southwost quarter section flftben,
township thirty, range eleven west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Aqdrew Schmidt, Patrick Gahagan. James
Brennan, Michael Brennan, all of O'Neill,
Neb. B. 8. Gillespib.
26-UpR Register.
Mlcbacl Hand and Mary Hand, non-resi
dent defendants, will take notice that on the
10th day of November, 1892, William Hoffman,
Henry Jayne and A. B. Brown, plaintiffs
herein, filed their petition In the district
court of Holt county. Nebraska, against
said defendants et al.. the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by Michael and Mary Hand to G.
M. Mackenzie upon the northeast quarter of
section eleven. In township twenty-seven,
north range twelve, west, In Holt county,
Nebraska, given to secure the payment of a
certain first mortgage bond dated October
11. 1886 for the sum of 6300 and due and pay
able October 1,1801; that there Is now due
upon said notes and mortgage the sum of
1800, for which sum with ten per cent, inter
est from October 1. 1801, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that defendants De required to pay
the same with 6125 taxes paid by plaintiffs to
protect their security in said land, or that
said premises may be sold to -satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 20th day of March, 1893.
31-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of salo Issued by the
clerk of the distrlc t court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Priscilla Nickerson Is plaintiff and Nelson S.
Russell, Elvira liussell, Daniel O'Donnell,
Sarah O’Donnell, Fremont Elkhorn and
Missouri Valley Railroad Company, Catholic
Bishop of the Diocese of Omana, Nebraska,
Holt County Bank, E. C. Coon & Co., George
Dearinger, Dora Dearinger. Clinton Hamilton
G. M. Cleveland, H. C. Fisher, Kilpatrick
Koch Dry Goods Co., John Hynes, Schneider
and Loomis, J. T. Robinson Notion Co.. O, C.
Pond, Mrs. Pond, wife of C. C. Pond, Michael
Ford, Mrs. Ford, wife of Michael Ford, Peter
Ryan, Mrs. Ryan, wife of Peter Ryan, W. H.
Brobst. John Carr, John Daugherty, J. O.
Sandberg, Greta Sandberg, wife of J. O.
Sandberg, W. E. Moore, and A. M. Hopkins,
are defendants, I will sell at public auction
to the highest l ldder. for cash, at the front
door of the court house In said county, on the
18th day af March, 1803, at 10 o’clock. A. M.,
the following described lands and tenements
to satisfy said judgment and costs in said
action: The southwest quarter of section
eleven, township twenty-seven, range ten. In
Holt county. Nebraska, saving and excepting
therefrom several tracts of land described us
follows: first, astripof land200feetln width
accross the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of said seotion which strip of
land is known as the rlghtof wav of the de
fendant, Fremont Elkhorn rad Missouri Val
ley Railroad Company and lies 100 feet In
width on each side of the center line of the
railroad track of said defendant; also ex
cepting a strip of land 160 feet In width
accross said southwest quarter of said section
eleven Immediately south of and abutting
upon said right of way of said defendant
Fremont Elkhorn and Eissourl Valley Rail
road Company as above mentioned; also ex
cepting a portion of said southwest quarter
of said section q^ven described os follows;
commencing at I .
feet north of the
lnt 370 feet west and forty
____southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of said southwest quarter
or section eleven, running thence west 280
feet, thence north 260 foot, thence east 2SU
feet, thence south 250 feet to point of begln^
n*Dated 0th day of February .1893.
81-3 H. C. McEvobt, Sheriff.
Munger A Courtrlght, Attorney’s for Pltf.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from tbe clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
berore the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 18th day of November. 18(8.
In favor of J. H. Keith, trustee, et al us plain
tiff and against Cary B. W ade. George \\. E.
Dorsey, and Emma E. Dorsey as defendants,
for the sum of seven hundred nfty-tliree
dollars and thirty-four cents.and[costs taxed
at *10.96, tnd accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of salo, to-wit: .....
The northwest quarter of tectlon twenty-one
1*1) township twenty-eight (28) range thirteen
(13) west of the Gth P. M. In Holt county. Neb..
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on the 13th
day of March. A. D., MB, In front of the
court house in O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at tbe hour of 10o clock a. m. of
said day, when and where duo attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb.; this 7th day of
February. 1893. H. C. MeEVONY,
eoruary, im». sheriff of Bald County.
By virtue of an order oft sale lsBne<lhy the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosurewhereln
Orient Insurance Company If P,Y“*!?
Catherine McDonough, John M. McDonough,
Augustine McDonough. Jerome McDon
ough, Annie McDonough. James Water Mc
Donough. Theodore Wheeler
Wheeler are defendants. I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the
front door of the court-house In said county
on the l«th day of March, 18®-“*
a. m., the following descrlbed lands and
tenements, to satisfy the Judgment and
costs In said action: ..
The northeast quarter of section twenty
Btx, township thirty, north range twelve,
west. In Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated Dth day of February, 1888.
31-S H. O. McEVOBT, Sheriff.
McxacB k CocwrmiOHT, A ttys, for Pit*.
.VskKi.-, $ .v•/. >
* $ 'a .
By virtue of an order of sale dlreoted to m<
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore toe district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 30th day of September 1802, li
favor of MlUon H, Yale as plaintiff and
ngalnst Elias Scott. .Annie Scott. John E
Shore. Mrs. John E. Shore, as defendants, foi
the sunt of eight hundred ninety-two dollan
and costs taxed at $29.13 and accruing costa
I have levied upon the following premiser
taken as the property of sold defendants tc
satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section thirteen
(13) township twenty-seven (27) range twelve
(12) west of the 6th p. m., in Holt county. Neb.,
and will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 13th
day of March, 1893, in front ol
the court .house In O’Neill, that
being the building wherein the last term
of district court was held, at the hour of 1
o’clock p. m. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day ol
December, 1802. H. V. McEVONY,
3l-5x -Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 28th day of September, lsta, in
favor of B. Lombard, Jr., James L. Lombard
II. W. L. Russell, trustee, as plaintiff, and
against Jacob L. Dye. Gertie Dye, Holt
County Bank, Jesse Banks, Clara Banks
and George W. E. Dorsey, as defendants, foi
the sum of six hundred ten dollars and
seventy-eight cents nnd costs taxed at $40.68
and accruing costs I have levied npon the
following premises taken us the property ol
said defendants to satisfy said order of sale,
The south half of the northwest quarter,
the northwest quarter of northwest quartet
and west half of northeast quarter of tns
northwest quarter of section eleven -
township twenty-nine [29], range ten 'llffl
west of the 6th p. m. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 13th
day of March, 1883, in front ol
the court house in O’Neill that
being the building wherein the last term
of district court was held, at the hour of 2
o’clock p. m. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 29th day ol
December, 1892. H. C. McEVONY.
31-5x Sheriff of said county.' "
: - ' :
■ : &
' By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a deoree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 30th day of September, 1802,
in favor of E. Benedict Oakley et al as
plaintiff and against Alexander Mills, Matil
da Mills. Leonard Seitz and Mrs. Leonard
Seitz as defendants for the sum of ten hun
dred forty-three dollars and costs taxed at
*26.63 and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wit;
The north half of the southwest quarter
and lot No. four (4) of section three (3); also
northeast quarter of southeast quarter
of section four <4), all in
township thirty-two (32), range eleven (11)
west of the 0th p, m. in Holt county, Ne
Ana will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the
13th day of March, A. D., 1893, In front
of the court house in O’Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock P.
M. of said day, when and where due attend
tlon will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
December, 1892. H. O. McEVONY,
31-5x Sheriff of said oounty.
(First Publication Jan. 26,1693.)
In the district court, within and for the
county of Holt, and Btate of Nebraska. '
The Phoenix Insurance company of Hartford
Connecticut, Plaintiff.
Moses J. Bailey and Mrs. Moses J. Bailey, his
wife. Edwin Barnum and Mrs Edwin Bar
num, his wife. New England Mortgage and
Investment Company, a corporation, and
Crrrle E. Jennings, Defendants.
To Moses J. Bailey, Mrs. Moses J. Bailey.
Edwin Barnum. Mrs. Edwin Barnum, New
England Mortgage and Investment company
and Carrie E. Jennings, defendants: You
and each of you will take notice that the
aliove named plaintiff did. on the 30th day of
December. 1892, file its petition In the district
court within and for the county and state
aforesaid demanding personal judgment
against the defendants Moses J. Bailey and
Edwin Barnum in the sum of seven hundred
tlfty-four dollars and ninety-seven cents with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per oent.
per annum on *624.00 from the first day of
July. 1889; on (110.97 from November28.1891:
together with a decree foreclosing a certain
mortgage deed, executed to secure the pay
ment of saltiSsum and interest, on the follow
ing described, real estate situated in the
county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska,
The northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section; the west half
of the southwest quarter and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
thirty, all In thownship thirty-one, north of
■tange fifteen, west of the sixth principal
meredian, adjudging the plaintiff to have
the first lien on said premises to the amount
for which Judgement is demanded, ordering
said premises to be sold for the payment of
said judgment, and forever barring and fore
closing said defendants and each and all of
them from all right, title. Interest and equity
of redemption in and to said premises or any
part thereof. That unless you and each or
you answer or plead to said petition on or be
fore the 6th day of Marob.1898. the a varments
P^Bipn will be taken as true and
judgment and deoree rendered according to
the prayer thereof. ^ “
sw’4 W right A Stout.
. Attorney’s for Plaintiff.
Attest: 24th day of January, 1888.
Iseal] Johh Skirvinq, clerk.
M»rUn J'. wJlraer »“d EHa Winter. non
Fhi1'defendanta will take notioe that on
tl»e 20th day of January, A. D. 18&J J L
Moore, trustee, plaintiff, fifed his petition l2
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska
against said defendants the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain
n,?^8«e*e.cuted Vy ,hedefendants to the
Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation, upon
menf0iV°w described real estate, situated
M ‘nf Nebraska, to-wlt: The north
sou»bwe8t quarter and the west
half of the southeast quarter of section
i“to'VD.shiP thirty-one, north of
fen wes^ to secure the payment of a
sunF ml* iu£i m*6, dat?1? Jllly ,*87’ for°>‘0
Ani..?? Vr h •°V,payalile ou tho I*™! day of
biifnnw iWf" That there Is ifow due the
plaintiff from the defendants on said note
J1!.'6 8um of 61586.68, with ten
illto rest from the first day of August
1892, together tvlth the further sum of t(H pj
&Wy,hepllf>Q‘lff with ten per oent
thereon. Plaintiff pruys that said
premises may bo sold to sutlsfy the amount
due ou said note and mortgage.
'm-uhir™ „ ♦vS,uJr*<!i _*.? Anss ?r *aMjjj®tition
-*vHuuv« aw nuonci nitiu I
0” or before the 8th day of March, 1 ku*
U Neill, Nebraska, January 20, Utoa.
4 N Ib .T.tCKSON,
Plaintiff s Attorney.
Land OrriCE at O’Neim,, Neb
January S8, IK113
Notice Is hereby given that the following,
named settler has filed notice of bla IntnV.’
tlon to make final proof in support of hi.
claim and that said proof wUl & mdnbS
lore the register and receiver at O'Velfl
Neb., on March 11,1801, via: a u
UHAHLE8 MEDIC, H. E. 14044, for the VWu
6th p. rU'm "■ townab1P Sfi, range 12,^west
6th P. M. -
ne names the following witness*..
?^«UfaUu8d,r^en0e Up°“ ““^uTC
^ro.M8^,ati|*ha‘:S' H^w“aa 0o»»oUy
O’NeiU, Nebraska. ' Bhaw all of
*Mpr B- B- Uillespie, Register.
a charm n iniZr'Si
.IWww -
tiHifh} ls Priceless and it*
miHn»ar.?“tter,or,1)« moJ':
oration of ever person „ 8
sense, Remember that .?
one centimeter (the on* , k
«n Inch) produces as manv"!
it possesses lenticular diXS,
Don t wear noorly m ade &
““ *®» reliables ones ,
j£*d°r * Adamantine lenses
the cleraest crystal ,,hiTT
the nerve powe^easy ttnd°‘^1
the accomodation, they «iT
best adapted for ojptlL l
recommended by alfthe nffi
medical fraternity, includl^
ex-govenorof 2
ex-govenorof AJuaj
4 %■? ^ vloe“Pf«8 Medical Ail
.. ' O’NEILL. NEB.
In thia county to attend to on I
make collections
$18.00 PER WS
JOSEPH R. GAY, i’ret., 192 E. Ma
-Jf/"2ZrTh0 Holiday mn
ea to IS8 pages of that brighter?
Out December t, all news and .
railway trains, price jo cent, i
To all who send II for 3 montM
soriptlon to
The latest, raciest, strongest
ana entertaining weekly lot
Second—To all who will send
sent Town Topics and “Talcs
Topics" from date until Jan. 1.
6 Nos. of the Inimitable quarts
price 12.601 and 14 months of .tie
family weeklies (regular prlceh
f Sr Take one or the other oiler
and remit In postal note, order.!
Exchange to
2t Waatzsdtt.i
i is ■ 1. y ■ • v •.
.. .. » . • ;
Only First Class
P. I), fj. F.
Bust ot MoCuffertoV.