The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 16, 1893, Image 7

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oschee’s German Syrup is more
-essful in the treatment of Con
ation than any other remedy
cribed. It has been tried under
r,. variety of climate. In the
,k bitter North, in damp New
riand is the fickle Middle States,
the hot, moist South—every
ere It has been in demand by
ry nationality. It has been em
Ved in every stage of Consump
i In brief it has been used
millions and its the only true and
able Consumption Remedy. O
, doctor M7> It not* gently ©*
kidn*y>» end !• * ptoMawt
JISmate from *«**, •"* ** VW*** tor
_mJ!t ai tea. It l» called
Iane’s ihiedicihe
liamwiiu nil it at 5*0. aadfl a paokaao. If
^ffia?OTLm tot ai0
c*nnot H«t it, send toot addreflf for * fNc
ipi«. Liiae’a Fanlly Medlefne mtm
Lwili ewh day. AddreM
Every Month
many woman auObr from Imadw or
Sunt Maaatraatlon; thajr don't know
who to conlldo ta to got propor odrlaa.
Ooa't coaftdo in anybody but try
Ftmale Regalator
■tpMfflo lor PAINFUL, PROFUai,
kanty, suppressed and irrioulai
Book to ••WOMAN” nsaUad Ana.
We offer money-making dunces
(or special work during 1803.
“Curtis Publishing Co.
Cure* CoMomptlon, Cooffas, Croup, Sort
taoftt* Sold by all Druggist* oa a Guuastaa
ora Lame Side, Back or Ch«t8hUoh’» Form
Iwttt will giro great eatiafactioa*—Of COBtK
0111 TRY WrttetoO. E. SKINNER, Col
1 n 1 umbua, Kaneas, for bis Ana
REEDERS Illustrated Catalogue.
" u
G> 8. Asat, Bushvilu, Neb.
ta Indian Trader tells his stirj «f
Kiekapoo Indian Sagwa.
Cured of a Distressing Stomach
Etjshvtixe, Neb., June. 5
Sometime ago alter Buttering aeverely
with stomach trouble and dyspepsia,
such had been greatly aggravated by
tte alkali water ol the western country,
a when I had reached that stage
ere * ®o^ld frequently hold nothing
°n my stomach, and would even throw
y watj* “ Boon as drank, I learned
vtotVtw who had been on a
•nl ^.^Poo tribe, of a wonder
hiL * medy called 'Sagwa.” I got
wanmlTS 8ome ,or “«• Theef/ect
»W®- } tried to ««* more
me hum? Indian, but he would not let
Soch hp r1?;1 He prised it eo
fewrnd twuS 1?ot Mlye 14 “P- I then
•Sfe^rw, * Bigelow, of New
the *?•?.•“ arrangement with
thfii,.,eka??° tribe, and waa putting
&e°dVuT hp?
■‘p-SaSSSSW-* andW
Salt b£0<?4 Jjfjything set before me
Stressing effort T*5 40 h*V* \mcmi
relish iit.F—.®!;®0** 1 can now eat an
ol the Kick
lolly reoom
reUahTuT8 ®necti I
an Indian
Indian Trader and Interpreter.
The***®?, ,"I0,A»' 8ACWA.
~ ncomw*~hl» Liver, fitomacl
K?t?& Owe’ttofiir pS
. .Bottlea «or Five Dollara
d b) Druggists and Dealers ONLY.
• v:
Cleveland's loaacarailon.
Washington, Feb. 13.—The work
of the committee* having charge of
the ceremonies incident to the inaug
uration of President-Klect Cleveland ie
progressing satisfactorily.
General McMahon and Colonel Cor
bin. .who have supervision of the ar
rangement of the particulars, are daily
receiving letters from military organ
izations all over the United States for
positions. More than a hundred or
ganizations (including Tammany) have
thus far reported a probable strength
o^ 17.000 men to form in line on March
4. The governors of the following
named states have notified the com
mittee that they will be in late, ac
companied by members of their re
spective staffs and in many instances
by independent military companies:
Delaware, Pennsylvania. New jersey,
Connecticut; Massachusetts. Maryland,
North Carolina. South Carolina, Vir
ginia, Illinois. Louisiana and Wiscon
It is almost certain that a majority
of the governors of the remaining
states will be present, but as yet they
have not notified the committee.
Pennsylvania, as usual will send the
largest representation of any state.
Its full national guard of 8,600 men
will be in line. New York will tend
its crack organizations—the Seventh
and Sixty-ninth regiments—and prob
ably company A of the Thirteenth reg
iment (Brooklyn).
T)iere is every probability that the
inauguration of March 4. 1893, will
surpass all its predecessors.
Congressional Forecast.
Washington, Feb. 13.—But sixteen
working: day* remain of the Fifty-sec
ond congress. Only one of the annual
appropriation bills (the army bill) has
become a law, and from this time on
until the 4th of March both houses of
congress will bend every energy to
the completion of tbe remainder of
the important measures. For this rea
son it is uncertain whether the senate
will be able to carry out the program
of legislation, short as it is, arranged
by the republican caucus. The Ni
caragua canal bill is the unfinished
business, but as it promises to provoke
long debate it must from time to time
give way to the appropriation bills and
conference reports.
Next to the Nicaragua bill on the
caucus programme is the omnibus
statehood bill. Senator Carey, who
it in charge of the bill does not pro
pose to lose any opportunity to ad
vance it, and whenever recourse is had
to the calendar, on whioh the bill oc
cupies a favorable position, he will
endeavor to reach the measure with
out waiting for action on the Nicar
agua bill. It is possible that the senate
may be plunged into a financial dit?
cushion any day in the week should
Mr. Sherman call up the amendment
to one of the appropriation bills, of
which he has given notice^ authorizing
the secretary of the treasury to sell
bonds to maintain specie payment un
der the resumption clause of the act.
The silver question is definitely
solved, for this congress. The lead
ers in the house do not see anything
ahead between now and tbe 4th of
March to cause trouble, except the ap
propriation bills and the anti-options
bill. It is proposed to keep the house
pounding away on the appropriation
bills with but little intermission until
the last one of them goes over to the
senate. Those remaining before tbe
house are the pension (|rhich is under
consideration), the post-office, the In
dian. the agricultural and the naval
Monday is District of Columbus day,
and as the District lost its day two
weeks ago it will doubtless be con
ceded the floor. The remainder of the
week will be occupied mostly with the
several appropriation bills, though
there is some prospect that a special
order may. be brought in in behalf of
the New York and New Jersey bridge
bill, for which measure a cloture pe
tition has been presented to the rules
committee, or the agricultural com
mittee. which has the anti-option,
pure food and other bills in charge.
Tlilgika Mlver € olnage JJust Go.
New York, Feb. 18.—Henry Villmra
returned yesterday from Washington,
where he has been working for the
repeal of the Sherman silver purchase
•‘If all the republicans had cd-oper
ated with the anti-silver democrats, ”
said he. • -as they did last year in pre
venting the passage of the Sewart free
coinage bill, the repeal bill would
have been carried by a considerable
majority. The principal cause is the
iamentable and incomprehensible ob
stacle raised by the business commu
nity throughout the country, in the
face of the momentous issue before
congress. This teems to be a fact that
public sentiment in the eastern and
middle states is now almost a unit as
to >he necessity of the immediate ab
solute stoppage of the purchase silver
bullion and the issue of more currency
against it It is also a fact that a
strong expression of this sentiment
was wanting, and that on the contiary,
active representatives on the ground
in Washington could literally be
counted on the fingers of one hand. ”
‘••What do you think of the prospect
of the repeal of the Sherman law?’’
••I am satisfied that notwithstanding
the failures in the senate and house, |
the country will be relieved of this
fatal incubus before long. 1 pin my
faith in absolute oertainty that as the
silver disease has reached the acute
, stage, it is already causiog serious
complications and is bound to produce
great difficulties in the near future,
and the law of self-preservation will
compel the conservative classes in all
parties of the country to insist upon
. the repeal of this law.”
What fir. Ball’* Cough Byrap btl done I
for others for nearly two generation* it will
do for yob. If you will try It one* you will
b« convinced that it lath* b«<t family med
lcln*, and yon will never be without It.
New York city la to hare oueot the larg
est public schooia ever erected.
The attention of. I a>eball playera who re
wire wounda of one kind or another every
day, from bat or ball, la directed to the feet
that Salvation 011 1* the beat application In
na* for enre of cuts, i ruiaea, and sprain*.
**5 cents
A Watch that apeaka.
It it said a watchmaker of Geneva,
Swttterland, named Culmlr Livau, baa
Just completed a watch whloh, instead
of striking the hours and quartera an
nounces them by speaking liko the
phonograph. The meohanlsm of tbo
watch is based on phonographio condi
tions, the bottom of the case contain
ing a phonographic sensitive plate
which have received the impression of
the human voice before being inserted
in the watoh.
The disk has forty-eight concentric
grooves, of which twelve repeat the
hours, twelve those of the hours and
quartera. and twelve more those of the
hours and second and third quarters.
If the hand on the dial shows the time
to be 12:ld o’clock one of the Una
needle-points of the mechanism crosses
the corresponding, groove, and the
disk, which turns simultaneously, calls
out the time, just as the phonographio
cylinder. The lower lid of the case ie
provided with a tiny mouth-piece, and
when the watch is held to the ear the
sound is all the more plain. —Jewelers’
New Yorker* IHnil Have Louttr*.
A Maine lobster dealer ha* order*
from one New York firm for 160 bar
rel* of lobster* & week, and be *ay* it
is the great appetite of the Goth Am
ite* for these. shell fish which make*
the price ao high. New Yorkers will
have lobsters, no matter what the
price may be, and they are now paying
15 cents a pound at wholesale. Fifteen
cents a pound for lobsters means about
40 cents a pound for lobster meat The
traffic between Maine and New York
has reached such proportion* that a
Friendship man has constructed a new
and improved method of transporta
tion—a oar which preserves each lob
ster fresh and firm, and in whioh they
can be kept for a long time or trans
ported a long distance in the very best
of condition, alive and kicking.
Tlie Modern Invalid
Has tastes medicinally, in keeping
with other luxuries. ▲ remedy must
be pleasantly acceptable in form, pure
ly wholesome in composition, truly
beneficial in effect and entirely free
from every objectionable quality. If
really ill he consults a physician; if
constipated he uses the gentle family
laxative Syrup of Figs.
The kind of leliglon that warms and
cheers Is the kind that is lull of sunshine.
"Hanson's Magic Com Salve.”
Warranted to cure, or money refunded. Ask your
Srugglst forit. Price St cents.
Two hundred sud seventy-two textile mills
were erectel in th s country in 1892.
Baker's Cod Liver OH.
91i* beet in the world. Cures consumption.
Makes new blood and Sesta. Sold by druggists.
Over 2.000 obel'eks, in posit on or fallen,
are known to exist in various parts of
roughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemps Balsam will stop the cough at
once. Go to your druggist to-day and get
a sample bottle free. Large totiles50 cents
and *1.00.__
The world Is full of heroes whose names
will never be known In this life.
We eat too much and take too little out
door exercise. This is the fanlt of our
modern civilization. It is claimed that
Garfield Tea, a simple herb remedy, helps
Nature to overcome these abuses.
A mericsn lard aells for 25 cents a pound
in Mexico.
“ ‘Brown's Bronchial Troches’ are ex
cellent for ihe relief of Hoarseness or Sore
Throat. They are exceedingly effective.”—
Christian World, London, Eng.
The first complete Bible printed in Eng
land waa issued in 1535.
Lass’s Medicine Moves the Bowele
Eaeh Day. Ia order to b* healthy this is
necessary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney
and liver troublee and regulates the stomach
and bowels. Price 50c and *1.00, at all dealer*.
need Dr.
favorite rrescrip
tlon — those who
want to be made
strong, and those
who want to be
made well. It
builds up, invigor
ates, regulates, and
It's for young
l girls just entering
L womanhood; for
‘ women who have
reached the critical
“change of life”; for women expect
ing to become mothers; for mothers
who are nursing and exhausted; for
every woman who is run-down, delicate,
or overworked.
For all the disorders, diseases, and
weaknesses of women, “Favorite Pre
scription” is the only remedy so unfail
ing that it can be guaranteed. If it
doesn't benefit or cure, in every case,
tho money will be returned.
It Cana Coll:. Ooickt. Si.-o Threat. Crap.
Whoopisr Cotgb. Bnaetttta ailaotfcma. aomihem
ferCoanaptlosIa Smotacta, ul a out nilotls at
mcol itifti VN at oaea- Toa trill no tie ecatat
affect after taldif tho Art*, dtsa. Sell brdealenets**
vbaro. Large tettloa SO eeati ast 11.00. p
W N U. Omaha. - - 660-7
- -- -- «*Hm araMawee.
A young woman of Poughkeepsin
K. Y., has bogus a novel ault for dhm
ages against the Uudion River and
New Yoric Central railroad oompany.
She allege* that in an accident oo It*
road, the re*ult of oareleitneag, a cer
tain young man to whom ihe wa* en
gaged to he married waa killed; that
by hi* death *he ha* lo*t a husband,
and therefore *he ho* been deprived
of suppport and maintenance during
her life. She. demands between $30,
000 and 1(40,000 a* an equivalent for
this lota
Ralph W. Bennett, collector for the
Dee Moines Union Railway oompany,
ha* abioohded with considerable
money of the company in hie posses
A tramming hand, an uncertain imp, edge
tlnnas, Indicated by reatleea shifting from on*
Pleen nr posture to toother, usually mvnttl an
noyance *t unexpected noises, ere among the
Indications or extieme nervousness. Those
teem trifling, hut the heelih of met end women
It this condition le "deeidcaly shuky." liable to
be overthrown disastrously by causes whloh
the ytioroue mlicht defy. To fortify the nerv
oue nyetem, general vigor must through the
medium of relnforoed digestion. end a renewal
of an impaired power of sleeping at night, be
rained to a healthful atandard. A guarantee of
thit te Hoetetter'a Stomach Hitters, which re
establishes digestion, bile accretion and the
habt| of body on a permanently regular baala,
thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, which
I* followed by a gain of atrength and nerve
tranquility. For kidney complaint, rheumat
lam, neuralgia, and ea a preventive of the lirat
attack or subsequent return of malarial disor
der*, this medicine 1* without a peer. Thrloo
dally taka a wlnegleaaful._
If yon atop to debate any questionable
matter with tne devil ha will outwit you.
Beware of the man whoae wife la always
saying he has no faults.
“Each Spoonful has .
done its Perfect Work)’
Is the verdict of every woman who has used Royal
Baking Powder. Other baking powders soon
deteriorate and lose their strength, owing to the
use of inferior ingredients, but Royal Baking
Powder is so carefully and accurately com
pounded from the purest materials that it retains
its strength for any length of time, and the last
spoonful in the can is as good as the first, which
is not true of anfy other baking-powder.
* 41" v m
Mt. Sterling, Ky., Feb. i$, 1889.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Gentlemen:—I desire to make a brief
1 :!v
statement for the benefit of the suffering. I
had been afflicted with <£tarrh of the hea<|,
throat and nose, and perhaps the bladder
for fully twenty-five years. Having tried
other remedies without success, I was led <
by an advertisement in the Sentinel-Demo
■'S. h ... . I
crat to try Hall’s Catarrh Cure. I have just
finished my fourth bottle, and I believe I
am right when 1 say 1 am thoroughly re
stored. 1 don’t believe there is a trace of
the disease left Respectfully, *
WM. BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor.
. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 75 cents.
' i
LIGHTNING—The CO Day Cabbage.
~ Tfcto ii alaatatalr tha wUmI aafcbaaa la tha nri[ ImI
mjtmrm. Pk*.,Ua.| m.,Ha.) Wit.,It,partial*.
| T* bn i|i nrlmt, pint Bclatrs md«.
I Kfkfl. EctUMI, portfdd.
L _ FOH 14c. (WITH CATALOQUE, 1*0.)
t *» fr*™*"* •»' "wywtaw. »< —«.yWp«H.»p—
L (Mnp* I4e.:
} “ Silver Stoto Lettuce, 19c.
1 M OUct ProUio Tomato, 20c.
1 M LouOUat Caocmbor, 10c. _
I M BrUmot Plover 8oc4c, Me. AU. fOR 14 c.
la tfca faaal paMiaM. (Mi u ant fM^Ot! II la aladlT
Ballad apot aaaaipl of la. poalafa.
JOHN A. 8AL2ER SEED CO., U Crooa, Wit.
CADTI lltlCO AHW*MMia4asMia
HU ■ Blr ■ H 1WI With plain date* horn them, and wnMMMMMiM
r U^M kUM mftMm Watch ter Hirer dollars dated betwsaa
■ _® ud UK: kilf dollui diu4 before UM, aMitM
dated before 1MB. all JO wot pise
1*73. all largt coppar oacdst alao aaall esi
* cent pi«M b
With a
^^F 17*4 amd Uttj half dollars dated before 1IM; naitm
bteoea 1MI| may S antpacN t t c«at piaeaa between UM and
•***• on, aloe ond ofU73aad 1877 ■, all halfeutei tereiya
MM or UM east, MO ter awtala half dli
Mini are in condition wanted
- $MJt for UM half dollar,
coins, confederate fractional currency, etcl Ter
Kfrosa & scats te fl,Mt
ae, if as reqauvd. Among the nneaa
are **.74 for MManartecs. *10 tor IMU dollar. *l£* for
1MM dollar, A1 ferUTT1 osat or UTS feewt piece, fS tec
r. *1-M for bin teartor. aad many store (te anr “
fepa tomans to yon.
*" ■*! fopifYntey moaamany *SlEFZJi
■KUtintm. CsU teebsr, Ad Mayaead Meeh ---
' A Mwed shoe that will not rip; r»if,
I seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable,
1 stylish and durable than any other shoe ever
sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom.
i made shoes costing from $4 to $5.
L The^following are of the same high standard el
L i4-oo and Ss-oo Pine Calf. Hand-Sewed. '
H Police, Fanners and letttr-Cnrlera
IT tSASOTTma awe yaareaU
i CK3.tS*^d*^°J«u*waSSif: ‘“u“*
■;;j .a
■ v •-.. -
_>_ \
They are warranted and made
by Skilled Workmen,' of the beet
Selected Stock.
goods manufactured by us and
take no others. It will pay you
to investigate by a trial.
Unlike tha Ditch Process
jNOAiKaues ;
— OR —
Other Chemicals
f' ■
■ra need In the
preparation of
4Cs *.■
which it ahtuluMp
purt mud tolublt.
| It baa morefAonfhree time*
I the ttrangth of Uncoa mixed
■ with Btarcb. Arrowroot ot
f '
.. '
nomloal, eoHlnff leu than one cent a cup.
It la delicioua, nourishing, and iaiilt
M4 by flrorert mryytora ; & ^
W. BAKER Sc CO., DorohMtor, Xm*.
KtTeta. They an tTgQNd, TyuaH and OUJMMLK.
ngtba, aaifon ar
HUUona now la me.
anortad, pat ap In boxen
Aik year dealer hr thorn, or eand tOi
In efcunpe for a box of 100; aeeortad el Mr.
WnlUtnne, Mau,
Ho tool* required. Only___
to drlra and clinch them aaetly and quickly:
tearing the clinch abeolutely emootli. Requiring
no hole to be made In the leather nor burr for too
. .TO
o wiuumi. o
tint ii (hi Wwii
Bj mill, postage said,
_n» a package ana up
[Grand tot of EXTRASu
II cant a package
of EXTRAS «1t_
with ererjr order. Prettiest
and only nil
rid with ptoti
_ the worl- w.
■ail Tartetlea
i ■ S'*
; -n
loturea t
I— - —«d To ora
and neighbors' address.
. R. H. (HUMWAV.
■locmis. • auncta
p,r,os ujm rop
CMivaptlvM and people
who have weak lunge or Asth
ma, mould um Piao’aCure for
Consumption. It has ean4
tkaowsfa. it has not Injur*
ed one. it is not bad to take.
It is the best cough syrup.
Bold overr where. d.Te.
COS' ' ' p 1 'ON.
reproof s
i» III.
Holds the worst rup
ture with esse under all
circumstances. Perfect
Adjustment. Com tort
end Cure New Patented
Improvements. Illus
trated catalogue end
rules for eelf-eteasure
in ent sent securely
sealed Q. V. HOl’sfc
MF(i CX> , 744 Broad*
way, Mew York City.
If any one doubts that
wo can cure the most op.
stlnate (an in M to M
days, let him writs for
particulaiu and Inra&tt
pats our reilab.IIty. Our
flnsaclal backing is
taeo.ooOk When mercury,
Iodide potassium, sarsaparilla or Hot Springs fall, wp
Siarantee a cure—and our Mesrlo Cypbilene Is the only
ing that will cure permanently. PoeiUn * ‘
coos REMEDY Co., Chtoago,
inawi. Book DrUU, HrfitnUs
ud inttu KuhlntTTi Iradjl
SlUa, eto., 1m Iue Hare'
been tested and all warranted.
SlMZ Cltjr, Itwi.
64* OhmI St, ChloMO.
fUMii« HMkkMt wkkc. hIMH UM. i%M U tl*« M kwy Nk,
ML kr
»• *»■ w tMtwf, m4 mm Mki hi4 mi
mi sm fc* rut CATAi/ioor iNit«Mk
,7^: jteoMr^r^.
ttrfBf phrtMsn). No*t*rvi»C ^,\'
~\di cnrM._ S#b4 *c la it—p4 l
O.W.K MNVJDRR. M. !>.. Matl'ltopt,
MoVlcker** Theater, C'hlratfo,
Early Risers
■HD* Wltt’a Little | m. Karly Kiam,
the Famous Little Pills fer Const!nation.Hick H«a4*
Ljspepaia.No Neuaea.No Pain.Very SaaU
ttW ■ be sproutodoa the i
^ • Nil MViwrlBniM r«.i
No ezperlenoe ~ ‘]nlnlt
Directions for sprouting free. Address
T. J. SKINNER, Columbus, Kansas.
■ 'V:
should send st once to Jons bksasttah. O.TTa. ' '*
R. 1. * P. It. K-. Ollcsso. TF.» CENTS in stumps, ->»
perpuckfor the slickest cards you ever shuffled. iuf
pl-tjo you will receive free by osprey* tou pucks. .. :-v
ft® 1 SRassafewaai!
foe our list of IS Cusu
l«s mt Made us
Musical Tom
. 26 Central Su.9