The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 09, 1893, Image 8

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||V' ■ “ ———
C(... Mew Um tttopkm Is KhsisI la Thai
IshtMilsi Country.
;■ * The two Bounmnlan cities, Oalata
%<?■ *nd Rarila, on the Danube, were lately
connected by telephone, which in, like
the telegraph in that country, an instl
tutlon ot the state. Before its open
| tag an ordinance of the government
for Its nse was published In the official
£ , gaaette, the principal part of which Is
«s follows:
r “A parson who wants to have inter
course with another by telephone la
bound to notify that person before
hand by letter, telegraph or other
A Mr. Kir Zarldi, In Bartla, dealer
in produce, was about to close a con
tract for a supply of parley. He desir
ed, however, to learn beforehand
the price of barley quoted at the board
of trade in Oalata For that purpose
he went to the telephone office and,
!*•<.' after paying the fee, desired to get
telephone connection with u Mr.
Pastramaki, his correspondent In Gal
. ata
“Very well; have you Informed Mr.
$ „ Paatramaki?"
“What for? Re is in Galata and the
person to whom 1 want to telephone."
“That would not do, sir. Here is
■( the ordinance. Before you can tele
. phoni to him you must inform him
beforehand by letter, telegraph or in
■, any other way.”
;':L “Nonsense! Is the government
urasy? Maybe they ask me to travel
to Uniats and inform him that on a
certain day and hour he may be at the
telephone office to reoelve a communi
cation from me?"
“Yes, that would do, too," the of
ficial said,
. Mr. Kir Zarldi had to give up his
barley deal.
•urn Coes lastly a Woman Who la Inals*
Ibla to Othara,
Otorge A. Wright, who is believed
to have come from Staten Island, at
' tempted to commit suicide in a New
> VorW lodging-house the other morn
f. ipg. beoause he was haunted, he said,
SV. by the face of a woman who was in
visible to all others.
. Wright, who was well dressed and
•.. respectable la appearance, went to
the lodging house at No. 134 Park row,
; Thursday night, and registered as “N.
Brewster, city." Friday noon he re
turned to the house, after being out
all morning, and.then began a course
of conduot that greatly annoyed and
surprised the other inmates.
Doing to the sitting room of the
1 place and walking up and down the
room, saying nothing, he muttered to
himself and constantly east terrified
glances toward a particular door of
the room, This he kept up far into
the night, until all the lodgers had re
tired except one. Stopping abruptly
before this man he said firmly:
"Call that lady there. 1 want to
(peak to her ”
The lodger saw no one to call, how
ever. All night the footsteps of the
haunted man could be heard as he
walked up and down restlessly. At a
y few minutes after e the stranger
i turned toward John Larry, the clerk,
who had oome down, and Larry was
, horrified to see blood spurting from
the strauger's throat Wright stepped
up and handed him a blood-stained
pocket-knife. The clerk reported the
cnee to the police and Wright was ar
rested and sent to Bellevue hospital
V for treatment.
The Bve as a Test of strength.
vW. It is said .that the health of the
if brunette type of eye is, as a rule,
superior to that of a blonde type.
V Black eyes usually indicate good pow
jf era of physical eaduranoe. Dark blue
eyea are most common in persons of
delicate, refined or effeminate nature,
; and generally show weak health.
Light blue and, much more, gray eyes
. are most common in the hardy and
jf,;. active. With regard to diseases of the
eye, brown or dark colored are weaker
or more susceptible of Injury, from
J:* various causes, than gray or blue eyea
Light blue eyes are generally the
most powerful, and next to those are
i gray. The lighter the pupil the
•' greater and longer continued is the
; degree of tentlon the eye can sustain.
- The majority of first-class shots are
f men whose eyes are either blue or
gray in color.
.5 _■
If tki RBynw-KoUnr.
The empress-mother of Chine is
obliged to re3ort to various means to
replenish her coffers. One of the
moat profitable of these is the sale of
orders, the tariff of which is as fol
lows. The title of "Yan Foh, ’’knight,
coats about forty pounds; “Ne Dan,”
which is a little higher, comes to sixty
pounds; “Yuu Why.” or the title of
.baron, is to be acquired for two hun
dred pounds; and for 500 pounds a
Chinaman can be made “Chesoo,” or
mayor of a town with 10,000 inhabi
■Is Mother's Champion.
, Bare la a good story about the crown
prince of Germany: A clergyman waa
.recently explaining to him that all
men are sinners, whereupon the royal
pupil asked gravely if hia father, the
emperor, was not an exception to this
p "No.” replied the clergyman, "he is
; not The kaiaer is a atnner, like every
? other mortal."
; "Well, I am positive of one thing,”
insisted the little prince, “and that is
v that my dear mother is no sinner!”
SaAned ghees *ttr.
An unfortunate man gained access
V to a rich nobleman. He depleted his
|X misfortunes and his misery in so mov
' ■ • log a manner that the noble lord, with
tears in his eyes and hia voloe choked
erlth sobs, called to the servant:
“John, ppt this poor fellow >out into
the street; he is breaking my heart”
Hew to lavs Doctor Bills.
From Chicago Daily Calumet: Many
a doctor’* bill haa been saved by the dee
of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The
name fs a household word In many
parts of the country. Chamberlain’s
medicines have an estenslve sale in the
world's fair city abd many people teitify
to the merits of their different remedies.
For sale by P. C. Corrigan, drugget.
It Toek Trouble, But He Oot It.
About two or three mouths ago I
purchased from you a bottle of Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy, put up in Des
Molne, Iowa. Such good results were
obtained from its use that I enclose one
dollar and ask that you send me two
bottles depress.—J. A. Schivkn, 18 E.
15th St., New York City. To H. H.
Cane, drussist, Peekakill, N. Y. Mr.
Scriven is president of one of the largest
shirt factories in New York, and widely
known in business circles. When
troubled with a cold give this remedy a
trial and. like. Ms. Scriven, you will
want it again when in need of such a
medicine. 50 cent bottles for sale by P.
C. Corrigan, druggist.
WANTED—Local and traveling dep
uties for the Eclectic Assembly. Face
of certificates from $500 to $8,000; lim
ited assessment; no double headers,
splendid commission to organizers;
Write at once.
State Deputy, M. L. Adam,
6-m Lock Box 77, O’Neill, Neb.
A Cur* fir Croup.
If your children are subject to croup,
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s
cough remedy at hand. It is a prompt
and certain cure. If given as soon as
the croupy cough appears it will prevent
the attack. For sale by P. C. Corrigan,
By virtue or an order of sale directed to me
from the clork o( the dlstrlot court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, ou the 30th day of September, 1802,
In favor of E. Benedict Oakley et al as
Slalotllf and against Alexander Mills, Matll
a Mills, Leonard Setts and Mrs. Leonard
Seitz as defendants for the sum of ten hun
dred forty-three dollars and costs taxed at
228,63 and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wlt;
The north half of the southwest quarter
and lot No. four (4) of section three (3); also
northeast quarter of southeast quarter
of section four (4), all In
township thirty-two (22). range eleven (ll)
west of the 8th p. m. In Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the
18tl> day of March, A. D„ 188U, In front
of the court house In O'Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term of dlstrlot
oourt was held, at the hour of 1 o'clock P,
M. of said day, when and whore due attend
tlon will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
December, 1802. H. 0. MoEVONY,
81-Bx Sheriff of said oounty.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the dlstrlot court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 30th day of September 1802, In
favor of Mlllou H. Yale as plaintiff and
against Ellas Scott, Annie Scott, John E.
Shore, Mrs. John B. Shore, as defendants, for
the sum of eight hundred nluety-two dollars
and oosts taxed at 120.18 and accruing oosts,
I have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter of seotlon thirteen
(13) township twenty-seven (27) range twelve
(17) west of the 6tb p. x., In Holt county. Neb.,
and will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In hand, op the 18th
day of Maroh, 180S, In front of
tho court house In O’Neill, that
being the building wherein the last term
ui district court was held, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. M. of said day, when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this fist day of
December, 1802. H. o. McEVONY,
31-Bx Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale dlrectod to me
from the clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt
oounty, Nebraska, on a deoree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt oounty, Ne
braska, on the 28th day of September 1802, In
favor of B. Lombard, Jr., James L. Lombard
U. W. L. Russell, trustee, as plaintiff, and
against Jacob L, Dye, Gertie Dye, Holt
County Bank, Jesae Banks, Clara Banks
and George W. E. Dorsey, as defendants, for
the sum of six hundred ten dollars and
seventy-eight cents and oosts taxed at 140.68
and acorulng oosts I have levied npon the
following premises taken as the property of
sate defendants to satisfy said order of sale,
The south half of the northwest quarter,
the northwest quarter of northwest quarter
and west half of northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section eleven 111‘
township twenty-nine [22], range ten 1 ltd
west of the 6th p. m. In H("
lolt oounty, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In hand, on the 18th
day of March, 1818, In front of
the court house In O’Neill that
being the building wherein the last term
of district court was held, at the hourof 2
ooloqkP. il. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this tilth day of
Deoember, 1822. H. C. McEVONY.
31-Bx Sheriff of said countv.
In the matter of the estate of James Kernan.
In the county oourtof Holt county.
Now. on the 18th day of January, 18K), came
II. H, McCarthy administrator of said estate,
and prays for lease to render an aocount as
such executor.
It la therefore ordered that the 14th day of
February, 1888, at lo’olock. p. a, at my office
in O'Neill, be fixed as the time aud place for
examnlug and. allowing such account. And
the heirs, of said deceased, and all persons
Interested In said estate, are required to
appear n the time and place so designated,
and show cause, if such exists, why said
account should not be allowed. It is further
ordered that said M. H. McCarthy adminis
trator, give notice to all persons Interested
In said estate, by causing a copy of this
order to be published In The Fhontieh, a
newspaper printed and In general circulation
In said countv. for four weeks prior to the
day set for hearing.
ISBALl Wu. Bowna, County Judge.
Dated January IS, IMS. . 8-4
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
befere the district court of Holt county, Ne
break, on the filth day of June, lwi, In
favor of H. S. Ballou & Company, as plaintiff
and against Hiram R. Henry and Mary S.
Henry as defeudauts for the sum of one hun
dred twenty-one dollars and costs taxed at
flciO.fg and accruing costs I have levied upon
the followlngpreiulses taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wit:
The south-east quarter of section nine |H.
township thirty LSD], range tea [10]. west of
the6th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska,
, *n<* Hlft offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on the 6th
day of March, A. D., MW, in front of the
court house In O Nelli that being the build
ing wherein the last term of District court
was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. it. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'NelU, Neb., this 1
January, IMS.
_ H. C. MoF.VONY,
KM Sheriff of said oounty.
Pit day of
To the northwest quarter of the northeast
tneaat q uarter of the north*
quarto rand the nortl____
west quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter and the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter of section fourteen
< 14), In township twenty-fire <85), of ranee
thirteen 113); and the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
ami the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of seotlou thirty-three lit)], township
thirty-two [82>. range fifteen | IA|: and the
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the southwest
und the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter und the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-fire 1851,
In township thirty-two [821, of range fourteen
1141; and the northeast quarter of the north
east quarter und the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of seotlon thirty-four [84], township twenty
seven 187], range nine (6); and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of section
ten (101, township thirty-two [82[, range ten
[10]; and the southeast quarter of the south
east quarter and the southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
of section seventeen 117], township tbtrty-one
[81], range twelve [12]; and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quartet
of section thirty-one [81], township thirty
tree (88.) range twelve 112], all west of theflth
E. m. In Holt county, Nebraska, and the un
now owners of said lands.
You are hereby notified that on the 18th
day of August, A. D., 1892, plaintiff, The
Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, filed In
the office oi the clerk of the dlstrlot court
of Holt oounty, Nebraska, Its petition agalnts
you and each of you as defendants, the
object und prayer of whloh. as therein set
forth, are to foreclose certain tax liens, and
to that end said petition alleges;
That on the 14lh day of December, A. D.,
1887. at a regular private tax sale held within
and for the county of Holt, In the state of
Nebraska, plaintiff purchased for the taxes
then due, delinquent and unpaid thereon,
the following described real estate, situated
In said oounty, and paid the treasurer of said
county therefor respectivelly; the amount
set opposite each tract respectively, to-wit:
swSi of ne!4, section 14, township 25, range
ia!ttt82>fBeoMon I4, township25,yange
Utters*nw!4, section 14, township 25, range
^ojiljmtswK, seotlon 14, township 85, range
of neX, section 88, township 82, range
uw$4 of neX, seotlon 33, township 32, range
lOt VI2.92.
seW of neW, section 88, township 82 range
lOi VU.UJ.
,,87,^ 2? ne54, *ectlon H3, township 82, range
IDs Vld,nJ,
14n*IM an *®otlon township 88, range
^nwHofsw)4,seotlon 85, township88,range
14*81^29 8W^' aeotlon township 82. range
14*8W m *e°t|on **• township 88, range
;rhat subseqvent thereto and on the 81st
day of December, A. D., 1888, at a regular
private tax sale held within and for said
oounty of Holt and state of Nebraska, plaint
iff purohased for the taxeB then due, delin
quent and unpuld thereon other lands as
described below, situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, and paid the treasurer of Holt
county, Nebraska therefor respectively; the
amounts set opposite each tract respectively,
"eK of ne)4. section 84, township 27, range
»»for Cm.oOi
9 forfef<«e^’,eoUon **’ township 27, range
“eotton **• township 87, range 9,
, *wHof neX, section M, township 87. range 9,
for vSiiflUt
lo'lJ'H of neX, section 10, township 82. range
b^forVltLs^’ 8801,0,1 Vt' township 81, range
*yX ?,f “K* “Ctlon 17, township 81, range
■•I Tor wiuioli -
18Dfor *W 81*’8801,0,1 ”• township 81, range
•®X of swX, section IT, township 81, range
12, for *18.81.
,„n«X of neX. section 81, township 33, range
is. for 17.85.
«X oJ_noX, section 81, township 83, range
12, for 17.35.
That subsequently thereto and at divers
times plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes,
oosts and attorney's fees on each of said
tracts of land, as by statute In such cases
made and provided; and.tnat there Is now
duo it for purchase money, subsequent taxes,
costs and attorney's fees for which they aslt
a lien and decree and order of sale as fol
lows. to-wit;
150 TO °f n84’ 8801,0,1 W* town*bip 25, rang* 18,
100 00°* DW*’ 8801,0111,1 township 25, rpnge 18,
jjJ^of nw4, section 14, township 25, rang* 18,
^netof sw4,section 14, township25,range 18,
Mg W °* n*4’8801,0,1 ®’ township 82, range 15,
999 0^ °* ne4’880110,1 ®, township 83. range 15,
^jj08 of ne4, seotlon 38. township 32, range 15,
^sw4of ne4,section88, township 82. range 15.
of sw4, section 25, township 82, range 14,
gnvrt of sw4, section 25, township 82, range 14,
^sU of set, section 26, township 32, range 14,
Iw’to °* #w4,8801,0,1851 township 82, range 14,
^noj of ne4, seotlon 84, township 27, range 9,
^n w4 of net, section 84, township 27, range 9,
^sUof ne4,seotlon84,township 27, range9,
gSwt of ne4, section 84, township 27, range 9,
jjO®8 of ne4, section 10, township 32, range 10,
^se4'of set,seotlou 17, township31, runge 12.
^swt of set, section 17, township 31, range 12,
n< 4 of sw4, section 17, township 31, range 19,
^snj^et swt, section 17, township 81, range 12,
^netof net.section 81.township33,range 12,
^sM of net, seotlon 31, township 83. range 12,
And that unless you answer said petition
in or before the I8th day of Msroh, A. 1).
1898. the allegations of said petition will bi
taken as true and the amount i
““ MUD muu nun wiuvuub B6t ODDOStU
each traot respectively will be decreed bj
■aid court to be & first Hen upon each tract
respectively and each tract will be ordetet
fiAIn 4a se4lu#v — — — — J II.. i ^
.VUUVVM, - auu vsa^ss unvt will LW uruew«
sold to satisfy said respective liens, interest
“nd coats Including attorney’s fees.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb.* February 1,1896.
"wvvw ■» was.* r oui uarj l, ibwj.
Farmers’ Loams TrustOokpant, Plt'ff.
By M. J. Swum Aim E. B. Bummer,
Its Attorneys.
Lard Ottici at O'Nanx, Nebraska,
« .t . w . February A 1W8,
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
named aettler has Hied notice of his mten- ;
tlon to make Anal proof in support of his
olaim, ana that said proof will he made be
saiu yiwi win ue raaae oe
fore register and receirer at O’Neill, Neb.,
nn M AfO n W Iflfkl writs.
on March Si, 1803, vis;
** ~vy y. **• n> u, 12004
Jor the NV4 8K!* and 8B!4 SEVi, sec. 13, and
NKU NE*. sec. 18, twp. M, N. R l4 W.
Ha nnniAa 4 h a IaI inml a
WU AO, tW|i> Wi ill A 19 W, ^
He names the following witnesses to Drove
Ifl PAnt.lmmiia ‘ -iisutai » « A lltlVft*
, **v luituniui WIU1WBD8 K)
nls continuous reeldenoo upon and cu
tlon of said land, via:
Moses Gaughenbaugh, ^George Gaughen
baugh, Norton E. Hiat, Jamas Gaughen
hailffh h i nf Fntmnl* Voh B
baugh, all of Emmett, Neb.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has bled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim and that said proof will be made be
»«■» wuu pruvi win uo iuaue DO
‘“rM£^.iSf at ONeU1> Neb
uouuniuiBawa, a. A. ISHT.
for the EH N»l*. sse. A twp. W, N. B. 13 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nls continuous residence upon and oultiva
f/In AV aaL4 1.kA
on or sow tana. vu:
J. B. Marins, 8. H. Biwood, T. B. Marlng,
Emery Herlok, all of O’Neill, Neb. ‘
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notloe of hts Inten
tion of making final proof In support of his
claim, and thatsaid proof will do made be
£,»«re®WS,r wcolver at O’Neill, Neb.,
on March S, 1893. vis: •
THOMAS B. HARING, H. E. 19819,
ffllrN H.13 WH’ “ a°d MO- U
He names the following witness to prove
Ms continuous residence Spou and oultlva
tlon of said land, vli:
Moses Gaughenbaugh, Morton E. Hiat,
unusurauauan, annos A. mar,
James Gaughenbaugh, George Gaughen
baugh, all ofKmmett, Neb,_
<n* B, 8. GILLESPIE, Register.
By virtue of an order of wla directed to me
from the cleric of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore tnedistrict court of Holt CountVjNe
braska. on the 30th day of December, 1822. In
favor of It. H. Van Pet. exeoutor, as plaint
iff and against Robert H. Shrewsbury, Ida
Shrewsbury, L W, Tulleys, trustee, and Ann
Tulleys his wife, Anglo American Mortgage
and Trust Company, and Albert C. Burnham,
Lysanders W. Tulleys and James N, Brown,
lute co-partnors under the firm name and
style of Burnam. Tulleys A Co., as defendants
for the sum of one thousand and thlrty-tbree
dollars and thirty r 'tits and costa taxed at
* — and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter of seotlon nine [9],
township twenty-live [381, north range eleven
I 111. west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county,
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, In band, on the 6th
day of March, A. D.. 1893, In front of the
court house In O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o'cloch, A. M., of
said dav, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill this 31st dav of January,
1893. H. O. McKVONY.
30-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the olerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before the dlstrlot court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on the 23d day of Septem
ber, 1892, In favor of the Union Trust Company
as plaintiff and against Gusta El wood.
Stephen H. Elwood, P. C. Corrigan, Ed F.
Gallagher, Check H, Toncrny, Emma R.
Toncray, George W. E. Dorsey Emma
E. Dorsey and Nelson Toncray as
defendants, for the sum of live
hundred thirteen dollars and thirty-live
oents and costs taxed at 636.23. and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following prem
ises taken as the property of said defendants
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and northwest quarter of the north
east quarter of seotlon twenty-two (22), town
ship twenty-eight (28), north range thirteen
(13), west of the 6tn p. m. In Holt oounty,
Nebraska. And will offer tho same
for. sale to the highest bidder for cash,
in hand, on the 13th day of March, A. D.,
1893, In front of the oourt house In O’Neill,
that being the building wherein the last
term of dlstrlot oourt was held, at the hour
of 9 o'clock A. M. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill. Neb,, this l9thdayof
December, 1892. H. c. McEVONY.
81-5x Sheriff of Said County,
Laud Orioi at 9>'Nbiix, Neb.
„ . . . Jan. 2,1893.
Notloe Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
February 13,1893. vis:
JAMES TIMLIN, H. E. No. 12893,
for the southwest quarter section fifteen,
township thirty, range eleven west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Andrew Schmidt, Patrick Gabagan. James
Brennan, Mlohael Brennan, all of O'Neill,
Neb. B. 3. Gillkspie,
26-dPit Register.
Mlcbael Hand and Mary Hand, non-real
dent defendants, trill take notice that on the
18th day of November, 1883, William Hoffman,
HenrvJarue and A. H. Brown, plaintiffs
herein, died their petition In the dlstrlot
court of Holt county. Nebraska, against
said defendants et al.. the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by Michael and Mary Hand to 6.
M. Mackenzie upon the northeast quarter of
section eleven. In township twenty-seven,
north range twelve, west, In Holt county,
Nebraska, given to secure the payment of a
certain first mortgage bond dated October
11,1886 for the sum of 1300 and due and pay
able October 1,1801; that there Is now due
upon said notes and mortgage the sum of
1300, for which sum with ten per cent, inter
est from October 1, 1891, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that defendants oe required to pay
the same with 8125 taxes paid by plaintiffs to
protect ttielr security in said land, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 30th day of March, 1898.
. 31-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
“By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the dlstric t court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Priscilla Nickerson Is plaintiff and Nelson S.
Russell, Elvira Russell, Daniel O'Donnell,
Sarah O'Donnell, Fremont Elkhorn and
Missouri Valley Railroad Company, Catholic
Bishop of the Diocese of Omaha, Nebraska,
Holt County Bank, B. C. Coon & Co., George
Dearlnger, Dora Dearlnger. Clinton Hamilton
G. M. Cleveland, H. C. Fisher, Kilpatrick
Koch Dry Goods Co., John Hynes, Schneider
and Loomis, J. T. Robinson Notion Oo., C, C,
Pond, Mrs. Pond, wife of C. C. Pond, Michael
Ford, Mrs. Ford, wife of Michael Ford, Peter
Byan, Mrs. Ryan, wife of Peter Ryan, W. H,
Urobst. John Carr, John Daugherty, J.O.
Sandberg, Greta Sandberg, wife of J. O.
Sandberg, W. E. Moore, and A. M. Hopkins,
are defendants, I will sell at public auction
to the highest t ldder, for cash, at the front
door of the court house In said county, on the
13th day af March, 1883, at 10 o'clock, A. x.,
the following described lands and tenements
to satisfy said judgment and costs in said
action: The southwest quarter of section
eleven, township twenty-seven, range ten. In
Holt county. Nebraska, saving and excepting
therefrom several tracts of land described us
follows: first, a strip of laud 300 feet In width
accross the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of said section which strip of
land Is known as the rtghtof way of the de
fendant, Fremont Elkhorn rnd Missouri Val
ley Railroad Company and lies 100 feet in
width on each side of the center line of the
railroad traok of said defendant; also ex
cepting a strip of land 160 feet In width
accross said southwest quarter of said section
eleven Immediately south of and abutting
upon said right of way of said defendant
Fremont Elkhorn and Bissourl Valley Rail
road Company as above mentioned; also ex
cepting a portion of said southwest quarter
of said section eleven described as follows;
commencing at a point 370 feet west and forty
feet north of the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of said southwest quarter
or section eleven, running thence west 260
feet, thence north 360 feet, thenoe cast 290
feet, thence south 350 feet to point of begin
Dated 8th day of February ,1883.
81-6 H. O. McEvohy, Sheriff.
Munger & Courtright, Attorney's for Pltf.
..By virtue of un order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district oourt of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district oourt of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the lath day of November. UK.
in favor of J. H. Keith, trustee, et al us plain
tiff and against Carv B. Wade. George W. E.
Dorsey, and Emma E. Dorsey as defendants,
for the sum of seven hundred llfty-three
dollars and thirty-four cents.and costs taxed
at taO.06. tnd accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of sectlou twenty-one
(Si) township twenty-eight (88) range thirteen
(13) west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county. Neb.,
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in band on the 13th
day of March. A. »., 1MB. in front of the
court house In O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherdln the last term of dlstrlot court
was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. u. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this Tth day of
February, 1803. H. C. MoEVONY,
31-6 Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosurewherefn
Orient Insurance Company Is plaintiff and
Catherine McDonough, John M. McDonough,
Augustine McDonough, Jerome A. MoDon
ougu. Annie McDonough, James
Donough. Theodore Wheeler and Willard A.
Wheeler are defendants. I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the
front door of the court-house in said county
on the l»th day of March, lwa. at 10 o clock
A. u., the following described lands and
tenements, to satisfy the Judgment and
costa In said action: _
The northeast quarter of section twenty
six. township thirty, .north range twelve,
westTln Hpit;count#. Nebjaska^
Dated Sth day
ai.* H. C. McEvout, Sheriff.
Monona * CocarniOHr, Attys. for Pltff.
Erameth H. Sprague will take notice that on
the 6th day or October. 18ft], Wm. H. Bradley,
Klchard Hunting and Jobn F, Tyler, trustees,
plaintiffs herein, filed tbelr petition in the
dlstrlot court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and pray
er of which are to forclose a certuln mort
§age executed by the dof-ndent, Kmineth H.
Prague, to the Farmers’ Loan and Trust
Company, of Kansas, which, before maturity,
was duly assigned to plaintiffs upon the fol
lowing described property, towlt:
East Vt of southwest 14 and west H of south
east fci of section 10 township at north ol
range IS west of 8 P, M. Holt county. State of
Nebraska, to secure the payment or one prin
cipal promissory note for (700, and nine
Interest coupon notes for 121 such. All of
said notes bear date, April 1, 1800, and said
principal note Is due and payable In five
years from the date thereof. That there Is
now due upon said notes and mortgage the
sum of 8841.75. for which sum with interest
from October 1. 1992, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that defendant. Emmeth H. Sprague,
be required to pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy said amodnt
found due and that the equity of redemption
of all the defendants may be forever, barred
and foreclosed.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 27th day of February 1893.
Wm. H. Bradley, Richard Hunting and
John F. Typer, Trustees,
28-4 By Joy, Call & Joy, Attorneys.
Henry Harman and Margaret A. Harman
will take notice that on the nth day of Octo
ber. 1892, Wm. H. Bradley, ltlchara Hunting
and John F. Tyler, trustees, plaintiffs herein,
filed their petition In the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which arc
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
the defendants Henry Harman and Margret
A. Harman to the Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company of Kansas and which before matur
ity was duly assigned to plaintiffs, upon
the following described property, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of section 33, town
ship 26, north range 13, west of 6th p. m., Holt
county, state of Nebraska, to secure the
payment of one principal promissory note
for $4U9 and nine Interest coupon notes for
*12 each, all of said notes bear date April 1,
1889, and said prtdclpal note Is due and pay
able In five years after date thereof; that
there is now due upon said notes and mortg
age the sum of *481, for which sum with In
terest from October 1, 1898. plaintiffs pray
for a decree that defendants, Henry Harman
and Margaret A. Harman be required to pay
the same or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy said amount found due and that
the equity of redemption of all the defend
ants may be forever barred and foreclosed.
You are required to answer said petition'
on or before the 87th day of February, 1683. ,
r _ By Wm. H. Bradley,
Jot. Call A Joy, Hichard Hunting,
Attorneys. John F. Tyler,
28‘t Trustees
John Gatheje and Marla Oatheje will take
notloe that Henry Herbage has filed his
petition against them In the district court
of Holt county, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendanst above named
to O. H. Toncray and subsequently assigned
to plaintiff upon the southwest quarter of
section 28, township 28, north range 13 west of
the 8th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska, to
secure the payment of a certain bond or note
dated March 27,1888 for the sum of $400 with
interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum
payable semi-annually, and there is now due.
upon said notes and mortgage the sum of
$400 and Interest thereon from April 1,1800.
according to the tenor and effect of said
note or bond. Plaintiff prays for a decree
that his said mortgage be decreed a first
lien and said premises sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon.
You are reautred to answer this petition
on or before February 27,1898.
Dated Jan. 23,1803. Henry Herbage, pltf
By A. K. Dame, his attorney. 29-4
(First Publication Jan. 26, 1893.)
In the district court, within and for the
county of Holt, and state of Nebraska.
The Phoenix Insurance eompany of Hartford
Connecticut, Plaintiff,
Moses J. Bailey and Mrs. Moses J. Bailey.his
wife. Edwin Barnum and Mrs Edwin Bar
num, his wife, NeW England Mortgage and
Investment Company, a corporation, and
Crrrle E. Jennings, Defendants.
To Moses J. Bailey, Mrs. Moses J. Bailey,
Edwin Barnum. Mrs. Edwin Barnum, New
England Mortgage and Investment company
and Carrie E7 Jennings, defendants; You
and each of you will take notice that the
atiove named plaintiff did. on the 30th day of
December. 1810, file Its petition In the district
court within and for the county and state
aforesaid demanding personal judgment
against the defendants Moses J. Bailey and
Edwin Barnum In the sum of seven hundred
fifty-four dollars and ninety-seven cents with
Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent,
per annum on 6624.00 from the first day of
July. 1889; on 6110.97 from November28. 1891;
together with a decree foreclosing a certain
mortgage deed, executed to secure the pay
ment of ealdjsum and Interest, on the follow
ing described real estate situated In the
county of Holt, In the state of Nebraska,
The northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section thirty .one; the west half
of the southwest quarter and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
thirty, all In thownshlp thirty-one, north of
Jange fifteen, west of the sixth principal
meredlan, adjudging the plaintiff to have
the first lien on said premises to the amount
for which judgement Is demanded, ordering
said premises to be sold for the payment of
said judgment, and forever barring and fore
closing said defendants and each and all of
them from all right, title, interest and equity
of redemption In and to said premises or any
part thereof. That unless you and eaoh of
you answer or plead to said petition on or be
fore the 6th day of Marob.iaw, the averments
of said petition will be taken as true and
judgment and decree rendered according to
the prayer thereof. 8
2»-4 Wright & Stout.
. . Attorney’s for Plaintiff
Attest: 24th day of January, 1893.
Lsbal] John Skirting, Clerk.
Martin F. Wimer and EUa Wimer non
'“Wgg* d/?fend!*ntf wU1 *ake notice that on
the 30th day of January, A. I), 189,1. J I,
Moore, trustee, plaintiff, fifed his petition in
the district court of Holt county. Nebraska
against said defendants the objectand
half of the southeast quarter of section
seventeen, in township thirty-one. north of
range ten west, to secure the payment of a
Ju‘y for °h2
August llse ViP...ya.Lle the flrs» day of
PlaJnHff from ^“‘de^en'dants^saldVote
and mortgage the sum of $1586.68 with ten
S2LiAtew8,tirom the first di”of August
J892, together with the further sum of liui.i
ONelll, Nebraska, January 30, 1893.
**'4 jf-.Ji.J-'CKSOK,
_ Plaintiff’s Attorney.
Laud Office at O'Neill, Neb.
January 23. 1893
;S!W,fe’ss Slavs.1® “.‘“si'
SsAssaas sss assnas®
the reginter and receiver at O’Neill
Neb., on March 11, im. via: «eiil,
He names the following witnesses to nmeo
to'SFSSfiX&S*^ «d ««
O'NeiU. Nebraska. H- W' Bhaw *11 of
®-*Pr a 8. Gillespie, Begister.
PILLS =l4?i
win nn M«k ■RSiSSJ
m ehmrm M th• lta^> **»*1
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