The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 09, 1893, Image 7

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Lh the method and reaulta whaa
Imp of Figs is takan; it is pleasant
Ed refreshing to the taste, end sot*
kntlr ret promptly on the Kidney*
Ler end Bo well, eleenaea the eye
(m effectually, dispel* cold*, heed*
Ihes and fever* and oure* hebitnal
Instipation. Syrup of Fig* is the
My remedy of it* kind ever pro*
Led, pleaaing to the taste end so
Lpt*ble to the stomach, prompt in
L action and truly beneficial isits
Recti, prepared only from the most
Lalthy and agreeable substances,
L many excellent qualities com
Lend it to all and have mad* It
he most popular remedy known,
f Syrup of Figs is for sal* In 60o
bd il bottles by all leading drug
liiti. Any reliable druggist who
Lay not bare it on hand will pro
lure it promptly for any one who
pishes to try it Do not accept
my substitute.
I ifswMtf. <r. atm
I had been troubled five months
kith Dyspepsia. I had a fullness
liter eating, and a heavy load in the
kit of my stomach. Sometimes a
leathly sickness would overtake
V I was working for Thomas
dcHenry,Druggist, Allegheny City,
pa., in whose employ I had been for
even years. I used August Flower
br two weeks. I was relieved of all
trouble. I can now eat things I
Bared not touch before. I have
rained twenty pounds since my re.
fovery J. D. Cox,Allegheny, Pa. Qp
UGH oral
ICnm Counmptlon, Coigtu, Croup, Bom
nmt. Sold by oil DmoiiU on o Guuutao
Fori Umo Sido, Bock or Chut ShUob'o Porouo
r will (too great utiifoction.—«s coats,
Ml, bjaU8to*aand Hard war* Daalara. Made only by
I'CHFIVE or euchre parties
p1Tn8?Platouce to John Sebastian, Q. T A.
r, E: RV Chicago. TEN CENTS, la stamps,
r mck for the slickest cards you ever shuffled. For
W)ou will receive fiee by express ten '—
The Forcible and Brilliant
David Frost.
He Endorses Indian Sagwa.
Tbe portrait of David Frost, tlie noted
!:jr,tuU.,eCU,rer- wm be ™eo«“t*ed
frftosT. Boston, Mass.
tliul kmiT.!; conversation with Mr. Erost.
?“h t,le convincing
marks' “0n« n»e characterizes his re
'narks- ..fh, ms re
*>hieh thefri«..a th.° Sfeatest evils with
“mlend uViS1<,f ot ‘cmperance have to
•nil niisemija cheap whiskey decoctions
■ »rkcUs»hivir,,,m m|ztures liy which the
"".''c‘he guise of ‘nit
'Slsiumnll.. . .(illlgen, . oUler
1 laeflioioes.
I rnst 0 .V/Jl' {“can *° "■}’•" continued Mr.
"terihffLES-E!'fPSn. ",C‘".c'nes
,0»>e«n<l<.rTii»oi Proprietary medicines
from head- and in fact 1 know
i"it oiViv »*?,experience of one which is
Tc,nic. snd<tfiMunii^ei]i‘’*nc* 11 ^dendid
*lill'ln, iii^*“l,«l Blood Purifier, hut
“••innocent of all .ist.-i.,..
ii»nL .""v1 niooo runner, hut
l<rH'liini«ltf„uCrn‘ °i deteriorating in
no inattcM ® •fr°ni ,,Hrlnr"1 Effects,
"outer low .e Jfoni Effects,
It used it”,* ,n,,ch or how freelv U muy
.eiu.d"'* .'"y."1*1' 'o «PPp*r as
"""‘*ixine«i my Wish to appear as
t his (as,!' i nny puhlie remedy, hilt in
Unit 'By1'1 V »ty duty to commend
' ,n‘,,an "“*•
•I OSgWB.*
Uood £!e in experience, for It has
''“uto.U.unS0*' MeH<l- When lmlf sick,
'‘'fused u, i,,,,,.™1..V8‘,fehclliotis stomach
‘f"»ed to I on tree. M|ost rebellious stomach
, *" t(7;ioo 2*‘ ln l1? normal capacity,
'"■it*/is*rt,tored to a
I'nve take,, !?****» nothing tltt would. I
"line shout u!uIU10,?ialw> *® ,e"rn some
“"'lknnn O,at?s,''''Ulcliie and its origin,
•">1 tritMi remmia1!?*1* 8 not only an old
"'at its VeinXi!'"^?.*11* '“illnns, but
'1llr»ttveKffL.u2j.PSotE and Harmless
"'“t Its inainifw..*®® S“*‘ maintained, and
"“Memmeu*2?n >» 8tl11 carried on by
"*th ttie wnvs^f .Kexac,u/ ln accordance
"Si'npl*Kbits' ne 2ob!« He" M«n.
fr* troth theswi Barks, heaves mil Flow
Itiooin^i'iy.corestare all that enter into
'Position .-Tl? au ,,lat enter into
from iUn?I"J the Strength which is
nniTJ,h,”s? !? "Ot the false strength
rf ‘he nimbin1'l’E '* »«the false strength
(!"" of ltoundi!,y °ii1 Hi? Nobl® Kxhllarn
hhind. den nil!? iieaI‘h. and the Purified
"‘roiirtjcmmed of its poison, rourslng
u,ja *y«teni?» Ve*n *”*1 Artery of the Hu
!"s remlfjl'JJ" convey ‘he earnest force of
SSf ^SKXh?eWmrt,?;.“a
«£«n?lan lagwa.
'’‘‘'On^ll.tx. $t pw kettle 6TbrS5.
SmMJ * -anator. ■' -
Lixcolk, Feb. 6.—The h ousel on
Saturday was packed almost to
suffocation loo; before calling the
joint con reotloo to order. Such a jam
bas not been seen in Representative
bail since tbe memorable scenes at
tendant oc the organization two years
ago. Jt was generally understood that
a senator would be elected and the
crowd wanted to see the operation.
So densely packed were the galleries
that one man wbo was unwilling to
stand the crush longer clambered out
over the heads and shoulders of the
scores of people behind him.
The roll call showed tbe presence of
all the members with the exception of
Senator Clarke. Porter of Merrick
moved that Clarke bo excused, but
Tefft amended with a motion to pro
ceed to vote for a United States sen
Tbe chair said it was not necessary
to vote on the motion and ordered the
clerk to call the roll. But one ballot
was taken and the result was as fol'
This was but one short of the num
ber necessary to elect the populist
nominee, who received tbe solid sup
port of the independents and demo
crats, with the exception of five—
Babcock, North, Mattes, Sinclair and
The soene during the calling of the
roll was intensely exciting. At no
time were the two leading candidates
more that thiree votes apart and the
greater part of the time they were al
ternating with first one and then the
other in the lead. As the call pro
gressed it was apparent that all de
pended on Withnell. in whose hands
lay tbe power to elect or defeat tbe
independent nominee. When he firmly
recorded his vote for Boyd, republi
cans and democrats alike in all parts
**f the house burst out in applause.
Four Jleti Kill«4 Ur ■ tHan«.
Rushyillk, Fab. 6.—News reached
hare this morning from Pine Ridge of
the killing of four white men on the
Sioux Reservation Thursday night by
Indian*. Rumor* of n sensational
character have been coming in all day.
One report was that the Indians had
indulged in a ghost, dance, and that
Two Strike*, the leading and most
troublesome hostile chief in the ais
turbanee of two years ago, and a num
ber of his followers, had made an at
tack on some white men, who were
watching the dance, and killed four
of them, and that this was the begin
ning of an uprising. This rumor ia
however, contradicted by other re
ports which are considered more trust
worthy, and it is believed that the
affair has no special significance as an
indication of any intention on the part
of the Indians to make trouble.
The correct account o! the affair
seems to be:
On Thursday a number of cowboys
belonging at the beef camp of Isaac
Humphreys a government contractor
located on White river, at the mouth
of White Clay creek, about twenty
live miles northwest of Pine Ridge
agency, returned from town in a
drunken condition and brought a good
supply oi whisky with them. During
the evening they became quarrelsome
and mistreated and injured an Indian
by the name ot Two Sticks, driving
him from their camp and firing their
revolvers at him. Two Sticks re
turned later in the evening, reinforced
by his sons and a number of other
relatives ana friends, and commenced
a deadly fire on the cowboy camp,
killing three and mortally wounding a
fourth mao. who has since died.
Pine Ridge Agency, S. 1). Feb. 6.—
▲ telegram has been received by Cap
tain Urown. Indian agent here, from
the foreman of the government beef
contra core, that he was at the beef
camp during the killing, but made his
escape. He states positively that the
four cow boys were killed at this
agency. There is no reason given for
the killing. Everything points to a
willful and cruel murder.
A detachment of police was sent
from here to bring the bodies of the
white men to the agency, but the
friends of the murdered men refused
to let the police have the remains,
claiming that they would attend to the
burial themselves. It has since been
learned that the four bodies were sent
to Hermcsa, S. D.. yesterday.
Information ban been received since
tbe engagement between the Indian
police and Two Sticks’ band yesterday
that it was owing to the firm and he
roic stand that Young-Man-Afraid-of
His-Horses took that prevented anoth
er outbreak. No Water, a chief at
whose camp tbe fight occurred, is a
prime mover among the ghost dancers
and is on* of the worst Indians on this
reservation. After tbe police here'
wounded Two Sticks and his son and
killed White-Face-Horse ana another
renegade Indian. No Water, llew in a
frenzy and called on his followers to
avenge the killing of Two Sticks and
hit son.
Opinion in pongrees la mubh divided
■a to the advisability of annexation of
Hawaiia. • i
The plant of the Portamouth wheel 1
worka at Portamouth. O., was de-!
atroyea oy fire on Sunday.
Footer’* Valuable Me|>ort.
Washington, Feb. 6.— Cooie* of
Secretary of the Treaaury Foster’* re
port to the aenate under the Sherman
reaolution of July laat are in demand, j
The first part of the report will be de
livered today, it ia one of the most
valuable ataiisticai reports published
by the government, and when com. J
plete will contain a summary or out-1
line of the banking history of the'
government from' its formation down'
to 1832, with a full and complete his
tory of the atate and national banking
svstem from 1832 to June 30. 1832. j
--•* r., >■ ry _ V,. - ■ • • ' ■
’its <■*.'»»v>.vr ^ i ... ' ..
JfuMr and i|t«* 1 hoiinyrNfiki.
The muDcr in which the mosio rea*
«iere»i by the phouugraph la obtained
•• this: A large rumu i« s«t apart eo
urrunged that ho noise can be heard
from the outside, and the floor ia pro
touted »o that even the sound of your
feet walking over it cannot be atidibie.
in tbi* room there are a dozen or more
receiving funnels shaped very much
the some as tne big funneia you aee in
wholsutnle iiquor store*. Supposing
the number is instrumental, such as
••Lovers, Farewell." played by Gil
more's band, or the • 'Pnonograph
Marco.” piayed by tbe United States
Marine band (the President's own).
Tne principal members of these bands
stand in front of the funnel so that the
full volume of sound it delivered into
them. When it it a song by soma fa
vorite singer, he tings into the phono
graph the same way. There is no rea
sonable limit to the number of times
the air can be reproduced all over the
world by playing and singing one time
in the phonograph.
A suicidal mania has strucit Louis
ville, live then killing themselves there
on Tuesday.
Over '’(K) oinntb *•<■* in Loudon are now
fitted with five rte lights.
Completely Uprooted. j
How many remedies there era which merei^
relieve without uprootlns disease The van
trust with sterling medicines which such pal
lluittek atTurd, not only enhances the dignity
of the formur, but serves to emi>b»alie the lolly
of employing half tvuv measures when thor- |
ourIi ones are available. A marked instance i
of this Is the effect, on Ihe one band, of Hoe
tetter's Stomach Billers in e.isea of chills and
fever and bilious remittent, and on the other
of ordinary remedies In maladies of this tree.
H.v tho Hitters, malarial complaint In every
Mage, and of the most' mutlgi ant type, are
completely conquered amt lose their hold upon
the System They arc rarely, If evt r. dislodged
by tho ordinary resources of met! cine, al
!hough their symptoms may unquestionably be
mitigated through such means. The same
holds good of indigestion, biliousness, kidney
runrplalnt, rheumatism, nervousness nnd de
bility. By the Hitters they ere uured when
msny remedies fall.
An average of 36,000 letters are hostel
without addresses In Engluud every day. .
roughing Learie to Consumption.
Kemps Balsam will stop the cough et
once. Uo to your druggist to day end get
e sample bottle tree. Le>ge lotileiOO cents
and fl.MI. _
In tin Alaska mlnea potatoes sell for fifty !
ten.a each and .obacco for $10 a plug. j
If the Unity Is Cutting TPeeth,
Be stirs sad use that old and writ tried remedy, Mss.
Winslow's Sootbisu Sr nor tor chUdrsa toothing.
A live cottonwood tree with petrified
rcots growing near Atchison, Kan.
The earliest m'n'ng schools wete attsh
I shed in tfatouy about UHH).
ROYAL BAKING POWDER imparts that pecuf
iar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the
finest food, and which expert pastry cooks declare is
not obtainable by the use of any other raising agent.
Royal Baking Powder is shown a pure cream-of
tartar powder, the highest of all in leavening strength.
—U. S, Government Food Report,
Royal Baking Powder is superior in purity,
strength, and wholesomeness to any other powder
which I have examined.—New York State Analyst.
Things are ripe for a revolution in
Hayti and the enemies of Hlppolyte
are plotting'arifuily.
For Throat i iseash* and Couch* use
Brown's Bhoohiai. Troches, i.lko all m
ally good things, they are imitated. The
genuine are sold ouly in boxes.
A bald-headed man may yet be a hare
brained fellow.
“Hanson's Maxis Corn Halve.**
Warranted t*> cure. or money it funded. Auk your
drufglm forlt. Price cent*.
The flist complete Bible j rioted Id Eng
land was iseiiei'iu 1.53.1.
('aliiurHlH llionti.
, < P*rt,efc intending to move
lo CallforiitR: Should correspond at once
jrith the undersigned, sole agents for the
” eyto Colony Lands. P. FRY A 80N,
Pieyto, Monterey County, California.
The man who lias confluence in bitnse f
is often taken in by jus: that kind of a
game. _ _
FITS—All fit* Mopped free by BL I UK'S BRUT
MrYk KBSTORBR. No flt after tint dey r use. Mar
velous cures Treatise sad SI 00 trial bottle tree to Pit
bend to Dr. Kline,*31 Arch Bt., Philadelphia, fa.
France has09,350 public schools and 14,
500 private ones.
ELY’8 DatarrH
when applied Into the
nostrils, will be al>
■ orbed, effectually
Cleansing the head of
catarrhal virus, causing
healthy secretions. it
allays Inflammation
protects the membrane
from additional colds.
Oomplotely bed* the
■ores and restores sense
of taste and smell
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and isogree
able. Price 60 cents at Druggists or by mall.
ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren Street, New Yorlb
Mr. J C. Jones, of
Fulton, Arkansas,
1 saysof|
“About ten years ago I oon-|
traded a severe case of blood poi
son. Leading physicians prescribed medicine
after medicine, which I took without any relief.
I also tried mercurial and potash remedies,
with unsuccessful results, but which brought
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
made my life
After suffering
four years I gave up all remedies and began
using 8. 6. 8. After taking several bottles I
was entirely cured and able to resume work.
| Is the greatest medicine for blood
| poisoning to-day on the market/'
TrentUe on Blood and Skin Diaeaaca mailed
(no. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
tt Jow.ollt. U.t ftreit. Cntt. ittma,
Wij«pis» ;n*h. *r<*ekltliui«KkB». Aeritam
kr Smariata Snt Hint tu a tan nM It *4
tfNtiftwukiKtki tnttaM. MetrCN^iMh'
Ltifi Mtbs SO MB'j ultlft. P
Urn "T
W. trout
Maaleal Iiatnania.
_ .bToar.5»C*ntr«l»t..BoMo«i. Mix
W N 07 Ornate. - ‘7 659-6
Hr I.
My doctor says It acts gently cm the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. This
drink Is made from herbs and la prepared for use
as easily as tea. It la called
All druggists sail It at file, and $1 a package. If
you cannot gat It, send vour address for a fret
nple. I«aae'a Family MeHIclae mevea
D Were Is vaeh day. Addrers
1 A A
lCircu larE.KRA.USER*
neic«>! «» head noises ooris “
UEBrbrPcck^IaHilble E»r Cmhkm.. Whlipanhord.
1*or™'S2l'nM IThonpsos's Eye Nitifi
w ,B # umbufl, Kansas, for hit tine
BREEDERS Illustrated Catalogue.
min boies houses.
Ahi’s Ltrf
Wholesale. Good
Paper 5^ cts rer
roll. Gold Parlor
Paper 4 % era. and
up. WHie for ^ara*
piee, Fiee HENRY IJ HMAN. Omaha. Neb. Agent's
Kample Book* over MO different styles, tl.ti.
FARRELL * oo.. Maple A«(ar and fly rape. Jellies.
Pree reee, Jana. Apple I at er, Eta Prope. Oasbt
Caa Maaafac’iag. Oa.Caue aad Generated Tlawarv.
1 fiCHTC " ANTED, of either sex. New Patent Au
flB-fcBBBW Ionia tic Coffee lot; sella on sight, Ex»
AA elusive territory given. Arnold LOoxxaco.Oiuaha
fixtures. BJ'Mard Tablet, Bar Glass
ware. Beer Pumps, eta GATE CITY
B.LUAUD TABLE CO.. lllOFarnam.
liinHALL riAAUS.
A. HOSPE, Jr.,
Ku‘.» Ag»nL Initramnti
►old oti pay men it. A pent*
• auurtJ. CauiiofiM Free.
am OKI! hum
Man. >' ALTER tw. OP. ll*ra. Ho. Omaha. Nab., i hi
IL. Marvel rrporta fw.iUkat upoa application
BVIW BROS A CO«v Lira Stock t'ommlaaloa ■
>>«rvhaiu», l/niun block Yards, ’■oath Omaha aaU 1
vhic.tao. i. orio*-pondan<a and your tr-da solicited. j
Accurate,lupiit, Convenient, Practical
Prtr, c«a,ui,, ts.wo.
Sole A?f&t. KebiKaka and Kanaaa. ail MeCagua
VaMdlntr. Omaha. Xah. Again* arm* tor tarroa
aatf cointjr rights.
K. ’ ’ ■ '■*
v P :/,.v-aAr
, -'..r - V.. 4
•» }>'X
.v>s-.V •
Justice to All.
It b now apparent to the Directors of the World's Gotumbha
Exposition that millions of people will be denied the pleasure of becoimiiy
the possessore of
/X V’-'
World’s Fair
Souvenir Coins
, . -'Vy
The Official Souvenir
of the Great Exposition—
The extraordinary and growing demand for these Coins, and the de
sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be afforded for
theirpurchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution.
To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited
Throughout the Nation to unite with the Banks in placing Columbian Half*
Dollars on sale. This Is done that the masses of the people, and those
living at remote points, may be afforded the best possible opportunity to
obtain the Coins.
of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest upon
new advantages.
$10,000 Was Paid For The First Coin
They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must enhance their
value. The price is One Dollar each.
Go to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have
them. If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to us, ordering
not leu than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered.
Send instructions bow to ship the Coins and they will be sent free
of expense. Remit by registered letter,or send express or post-office money
order, or bank draft to
Treasurer World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, HL
■ '
: mi.
■ • -v--vr
*, 'V.
We refer yoa to UH |.alien ta. Financial 'V;
Befercnce: NATIONAI. BANK OP ' 1
j COMMERCE, Omaha. : ^ r f*
| Invretlaate oor method. Written troarutlee to ahnolutely ruro ell klnde o(
3 RUPTURE of both aezca. without the nee of knife or evrlnze, no matter of i
bow long etandlng. I'X I tlPVATI«»!N bHKK Bond for . truular. Aldruee '
hi. 807-308 Xrw York Life Hulltllng, OH AII.I, INK IB.
^ Spray
worm/ Fruit and W Blight of Apples, Pmih.
Cbcrrlct and Plum* prtrrntwl; al*o Urape aud
Potato Rot—by spraying with Mtakl's Double
Acting Kacetolor HprayTng Outfit*. Brat la the
market. Thousand* in un. Catalogue, describing
all insect* Injnrloua to fruit, mailed Free. Addreea
^ tWo, rtTMuV SUilir*ta«.^S
■ .o-^ Tko«Mn<l» rmi, *—4 fr 1r ><—oil '
mS?1®®"* *!• ^ M3l I>
McVlck4»r*« Th«at«r, Chloa
Th« •■iFmcdletaa k»ow« that wlU car* M«»
M«MHCr«a^, la a print* practice of twentj
‘‘V* »•*«; «• rrnrm HM> kl»4 mt
1rnml **1?** *» u,mV' 1 • ** *'• ••ox.
»«. Iblui fRorimtiT Co. Jamaica. N. Y.
1REURB tk* Farmer* and Merchant* Inmrono*
t.'ooi|» hj of Lincoln. Capital and ampin* over**.*
tdt. 1.5H fvmt* paid %•» N«kr«lu p*.-pl* sine* 1U&
, ' » •*' - f a 1 ‘ >V *1 • . ' - v •. .1 ‘ h
i, •• * i ' r- «• ' ■’ ' - *\ j
A Baimin.
Do you want a bargain? Her*
it is. If you are afflicted with s
cold or troubled with dyspepsia,
we can cure you easily without
any cost to you. Write your ad
dress plainly ou a post al card and
mention the name of this paper
and we will send yon by return
mail a sample bottle of Reid’s
Gorman Cough and Kidney Cure
or a trial box of our Laxative Gnin
Drops. Both of these are stand
ard remedies. Neither of them
are injurious There is not a par
ticle of poison in either o* them.
You can safely try them. Address.
The Sylvan Remedy Co.,
Peoris, I1L,
And be sure to give the name of
the paper.
W w,,“
- :v...
■■ Wh
KIVt I 9*
lot tool* required. Only • hummer needed
to AriTe and rllneh litem eaelly amt quickie;
(earing the clinch abeolulety imoolli Requiring
no hole to be made In the leather nor burr lor tM
mmv >HHU tv wc '■ MW nintT BUT OUVT lor KM :iF
*>”*». They are SIMONS, TOUfiN riieaSlf. U
Millions now Id u s«. All length*. uni form «r >&v
■rnirtoH nni nn in hoeua
■worted, put up in boxes.
A*h your «t#aler for fhwm, or 40a
In sUnj» for a box of 100; a«*ort«Hl 41y-,
MimrACToiKD »r a
Wall ham, Man*.
1 foa/ <«w .|<Mb(rt that
wo con tun th« in «t «,b>
slinstf f«iM« is £•> loM
(tsjs. i«t h ra wr i«r«r,
po tH-UltSTH 40)1 l«VO*lfc»
got* our iwliwlt ity uur
flu*Qci«J barking to
f oo.fioo. Wlws nif .HirT,
io»:id#potassium. scroop Hilo or Hottpruu* fall, w*
gw'roittoo o euro—sod our Me ir 1 yptiiUtuoIntho
thing that will euro pormoaontly. P olrioo proof «*•*
• '*•*1 ftwo. < ooiRiirnT Co., U«• *r». in.
Tm\4 \n *ri«- > fwr IVuai
oa Kmci braak*a Fom,
W • w w T1 ^ f|0*tul ftNuUn la
Coturbraak St Ca.» XMuiM.. Mow Vjrk.
: 1 ooo.Qj
IMrrkrMk Ac *
‘ -A ■
s..\; ifS
; &g| - &