The Frontier. PUBLISHED BVERY THURSDAY BY TUB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY W. D. Mathews. Editor. 8BNAT0B ALLEN. Weld, the jig U up—the ropubllcani ere knocked out—the democrsta aided and abetted—to be conclae, Judge Allen, of Madiaon, was, on Tuesday, elected United States Senator, to succeed A. L. Paddock, by a vote of 70 to 09. Allen was the populist nominee. This Is against him from our standpoint. But he is a good man, personally, intel lectually and pbysloally, and will better represent Nebraska than would any other man the independents could have ■elected. Thb Frontier is disapointed, how ever. It wanted a republican, and was in hopes, when the caucus selected Thunton, he would be it winner. He Is the Blaine of Nebraska. But when he failed to score within five votes of enough, and Poddock was given another chance, we hoped he would win. Bu as it is an independent, we are most awfully glad it is Judge Allen. * ' Cleveland says we must take In the HalwaHan Islands. Governob Bonn declines the port folio of agriculture under Cleveland. Bnr Harbisok will be appreciated ten yean from now more than he ie today. _ _ _ Bo Fbt has reformed and now usee clean white paper on which to print his Pioneer._ _ _ • Gib. Thatbb denies the report that he Is without means and the subject of oharlety._ | A Fullerton man, last week, shipped ;i, a train load of corn direct to Glasgow, Scotland. , Senator Mullen is right In It. He Is up near the senatorial throne, being the original Allen man. Thb Independents picked out their , best man, both In point of ability and good looks, in Judge Allen. Thb way work is progressing on the Short Line Bridge at Sioux City indi cates that that line Is to be made longer. --— Thb legislature should pass that bill abolishing the death penalty, or else adopt one providing for electrocution. Fbbd Fblte, about the only true-blue democrat in Ewing, Is an applicant for the postoffice, and ought to be successful. Watson is getting mad, and now publicly declares, in small caps, that he is a candidate for the Coleridge post office, • » <»!»•■ ■ ■■. Thb republicans had no cause for regret or shame In putting Judge Thurs ton to the front as their candidate for the senate. ' Thb people of the great state oi Nebraska ought to feel thankful that the blatant demagogue, Greene, was not elected senator. m Tnn Frontier it the offloial paper o( the county, and although its bank account will pile up in consequence thereof, it* proprietors will not refute to accept other work. • rife. A usury bill hat been Introduced it the house, providing for the forfeiture of both principal and interest. It it safe to predict that it will not become i law. It is too extreme altogether. si? Charlie Fields, a former employe' of this offlee, has started a paper a Tilden called the Citlsen. Charlie is i tint class, all around country printer and it properly enoouraged will giv« Tilden a good paper. m • Moshxr is the prince of rascals. Am from Irhat the winter knows about bank lug, it is a sure thing that the cashlei and book-keeper were in on the bif steal with the president. It coulc hardly be otherwise. i. > ! fciVf' President Harrison appointed i democrat to succeed Lamar on tbi supreme bench, and the republican sen ators who had given out that the] would not vote to confirm, are a trifli angry. The - president did right ii appointing Judge Jackson when hi found out a republican would not b confirmed. a 1 tM':' i.rfi »y-; Thu Bun evidentily profits by th election of republican officials. And it proprietor also hungers for democrat! pop as well. Nothing like it. Now i the independent patronage should fal that way, the effulgence of the Bun' rayswohldbe so dassling as to blim the eyes of even the star-eyed goddes of reform. s-ii' t.; - ItM.. I'vy'd *• wS-l ' IfoNn must be scarce in Soutl Dakota. A Chamberlain man secure the contract for taking up the bodies* Fort Randal) and preparing them fa removal to Kansas, by bidding the lrn Team of fit.90 each. An O’Neill mu who bid from W to §100 a head ha y concluded that he is not ns hard up a As supposed* ^ Accord mo to the Independent, the existence of the pertjr depends upon the existence of thet paper. It says: “And farther we say positively that should this paper c’ose up business for the want of support, the independent party will go down with It." This Is not only egotistical, but smacks of demagogisin. What has the poor old Trlb. to say about It?_ _ __ Tnn citizens of Sheridan county have organized an Immigration society and piopose to keep a man in the east for the balance of the year working up sales of land to actual settlers. The 7. K. ts M. V. railway company furnishes all transportation, which cuts the expense down largely. This Is one of the very best schemes yet devised, and we sug gest that our people take hold of it. Thk career, the record of James G. Blaine, the great secretary, is a com* plete refutation of the charges of the live asses who would kick at the dead Hon. No grander record exists In the annals of the civilized world, made by any statesman. The detractor, the slanderer of Blaine will not be heard from agatn; for even the mugwumps and croaker in politics will not seek to put himself on record as opposed to sober better iudgement of all mankind. The New York Sun, a political oppo nent of the statesman, now says: "Per sonally, Mr. Blaine was the most demo cratic and the most social of men. His heart was warm, his temperament friendly and sincere, his purpose gener* ous and elevated, his manner cordial and delightful. The charm of his pres ence and his conversation overcame animosities and invited confidence. * * * Take him all in all, who Is there among the political characters of the last twenty-five years of whom it can be said more truly than of Blaine, that be was a great man ? Of the many tribute* paid the late Mr. Blaine, the following by Ignatiua Don nelly h about the lineal we have seen: "Nature, ever fecund, vlgoroua and original, and more generous than our cowardly provincialism would ask, seems resolved that this mighty nation shall produce no barren copies of the great men of other lands; but she sends forth new creations, with the flavor of the fresh soil In their souls, and the free life of new conditions upon their lips. She gave us Lincoln, the backwoodsman, the quaint, modest, towering, tremend ous figure, fit to stand beside ASsop and Socrates, Henry of Navarre and William the Silent, in the gallary of the world’s immortals. And even as she expels the lava flood from her bosom, so she sent forth this striking, picturesque, com bative, soaring and immensely energetic figure, whose loss we deplore today, and for whom there is no precise parallel in the history of mankind. He was preeminently an American of the Ameri cans; he had our weaknesses; he had our greatness. We loved him because he was like ourselves.” -M4» « The Fremont Flail thus pays the following handsome compliment: "It is refreshing to get a man on the bench in Fremont who has ths nerve and the tact and the disposition to hold the lawyers with a firm hand and expe dite the business before him. Judge Kinkaid may be called the Daniel af the North Nebraska bar. The lions cannot scare him, and when he comes to judg ment, the Jews and Gentiles are con founded. When he makes a ruling It is crisp, short and decisive, and he abso lutely refuses either to discuss a point with the Saducees or bandy words with the Pharisees. Everything must move, and woe be to him who attempts in his court to Impede the wheels of justice. Now this eulogy is not ment to detract from the judicial fame or acumen of our own brilliant bench. No sounder or more able or more august judge graces the bench of Nebraska than our , own and only Maashall, but he permits the milk in the coconut of Justice and jurisprudence to congeal while he is administering it. Like the mills of the gods he grinds slow, and while he grinds he grinds the tax payers as well as the 1 lew defyers. If Judge Marshall could number with his grand and noble quali ties, that all Important one or dis patch, he would be a very god among men." Ex-Congressman Dorsey, with othen | from Fremont, spent Monday in O’Neill. Although out of politics, Dorsey hai his weather eye open and keeps aboul as well polled as the best of ’em, Speaking of Dorsey calls to mind as , interview by the State Journal Wash ( ington correspondent with a prominent . statesman, who said: *'I see that mj . friend, G. W. E. Dorsey, has been ai , Lincoln. I miss him at Chamberlain’* L where I drop in of an evening now , and then to gaae in awe at th< i many men of prominence who make li their nocturnal rendesvnus. Dorse] used to be a familiar figure at the litth • round table in the bay window of thi • front room. It is true thatheaiwayi : insisted that Eikhorn river terripii I could discount John Chamberlain's best I and that the case of Mumm’s extra dr] i which the Grand Duke Alexis sent hin I was far superior to the now famed vint i age of 1884. But he was popular, evei if critical, because bis statements on al subjects were conservative and truthful General M&hone and Dorsey were warn 1 friends,, and Don Cameron, Senato 1 Stewart, Senator Jnnee, Senatoi Ves I and a number of others used to oftei meet with him to discuss petty question r of statesmanship in a couple of room r upstairs, when the lights used to Iran i sometimes until 8 o’clock in the morn i tng. 1 remember one session was heli on the subject of force bill or anti-fore 1 bill. Dorsey had the anti aide of it in won." OWE! LL BUSINESS DIRECTORY JO, SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DKALKN IN OIQARS, STO. J)R. J. P. OILLIGAN, 1 PIIT8ICAN AND SURGEON. Day ud night calls promptly attended to. Offloe over Blglln't furniture store. . _O’NEILL. NEB. J}B. C. D. B. EISAMAN. PHYSICIAN ft BURGEON, -J’NItILL. _-NEB. |^H. BENEDICT, LAWYER. Offloe In the Judge Roberts building, north of Barnetts Frees’ lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the oourts. Special at tention given to foreclosures and collections. Is also COUNTY ATTORNEY, J}& B. T. TBUEBLOOD, ' PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Diseases of she Eye and Ear and flttlnfl glasses a specialty. Offloe hours 9 to 12 a. m, and 2 to 5 p. m, Omot oybb "THE EMPORIUM.” j^PLLBf BROS., CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS. Intimates taken and material; furnished, Jobbing promptly attended to. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS/ E8TIMATE8 FUR8I8HED. | A. H. CORBETT I WILL ATTEND TO YOUK I DENTISTRY § IN F1R8T-CLA88 BHAFB. | •PHOTOGRAPHY* ■ or ALL KINDS 1 Fnaptlr ui SiMctdy EanUd. j I Offlue and salary on fourth street ( g east of Holt County Bank. g Deyarman Brothers, FBOHRMTOBB OF TNI Checker Lirefy,Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts In the oitr. Good, sere ful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Hare ohartoe of MeCafferty's Beane. A1 organ win reoetTe careful and prompt atteo R.R.DIGKSOi'J&CO. BUOOWOM TO T. V. OOLDKN A CO, Title Abstracters/Conireyancers TAXZ8 PAID rOBINOX-BKSIDKNTS. rinw ljlkd» • • AMP TOWN LOTI FOBAALB OB BXOHANGK. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Maa Reasonable Terms. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHEF DULIM IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS i 5 If you waat a drink of good liquor I Aaot fallen call an ne. arartta'e om iurs, O'noiii, mm JONES dk 3TCU7CHEON FROraiKTORfl OF - CENTRAL - Livery Barn O'NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES .£1 OT NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Class. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House FRED ALM, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Custom wor^ and repairing—Doc. Shore’s old office. O’NEILL ^ NEB. WEST EAST Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAI2T8 DEPART: oonra wun. Passenger east, ; 9:85 a. m. Freight MaL 10:46 a. k. 0011(0 WEST. Freight west, • « 1:46 r. m Passenger west, • 6:15 p.m Freight, • - 6:44 p. u The Blkhorn Lina Is now running Reclining Ohalr Can dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, Jree to holden of flrst-clana transpor tation. Far any Information call on W* J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIQGS, General Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB*. Wagon and Carriage Repair ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe ing a Specialty. Hahd-Madr Shoes Mask to ahy Obdbb We stop Interfering and successsully treat quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and cure Corns, where our directions are strlotly followed. Carry a Line of Carriage, Wagon and* In stock. Work done on short nonce. XI-P32 FRED C. OATZ. . 4 -DUUB nr— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats, i BuimuM Hum, Breakfast Baoon, I aides, SptoeronbMon, all kinds of eaaaaaee __OTTKILL, NKB A SALOON Where the beet WINES, ! LIQUORS 1 AND CIGARS Can Always be Had ' _kjsl-GLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. * - • • } ' /; i '■ it ", *■ .Vi-'.*4 •: : ’/• iJ'.lrV.O' :v’ '. NO. 3424. First National Bai Paid-up capital, $60,000 Mv 0s! Surplus,'62o,oooo s Nebr Authorized capital, Sloo,ooo THAD d. BERMINGHAM. PBb d. P. MANN. Vioe-pres. ED F. GALLAGHER. Cashied FRED H. SWINGLEY. Asffjf Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most it' Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing lnte*n Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: M. CAVANAUQH T. P. BIRMINGHAM j B L EP F. GALLAGHER THAD J. BIRMINGHAM T. W. THOMAS, President. G. W. WATTLES vJ JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. ’ * THE - STATE - BAI OF 0*NEILL. Authorized Capital, 6100,000. Paid up Capital, 630,< DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSH HOLT III GOUNTY III BAl O’Neill, Nebraska. DAVID ADAMS, President. U. L. DARR, C, Wm. Adams, Asst. Cashier. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACI Agents for the Cunard, North German Lloyd, American and Red Slat American Steamships. Buy and sell drafts drawn on principal cilia. Europe and America. Accounts of firms and individuals solicit# Collections Made and Remited on the Day ot Payment Pioneer hardware deale GARLAND STOVES AND RANCE I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF H ardware, Tinware, Gopper & Gi^anitewa IN XORTHiNEBRASKA. AND MAKE A SPECIALTY 01 ELI BARBED WIR IN IMPLEMENTS I [CARRY The famous JOHN DEERE Plows, Culti vators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Pern City Cultivators. LISTERS and DRILLS Gall and see me before you make yonr purchases s save you some money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’NEILL NEI THE. O’NEIL! MILLS H AVE BEGUN operatic and request, your patr01 age. All the machinery is and the latest and best impr(] ed process adopted. : : •