The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 10, 1892, Image 8

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    fffISfe ȴ A WHALE.
Mf A#ef«#f Md hanger### R*p#r Mfflee
«f A I.IMf# Acheener.
ftlA Aehnonef t/ttttt lie# on the w»y*
4H *♦»«* whAff, In Nan Ulegn, 0*1, In
i; €*♦♦# * d#1*frtdAled condition, her bnt
WMA ##t#ped *« Ihntigh *ti* had bean
Seen** Ihe bight. and about *
♦flWflef of her rudder Is missing. It
AM happened In thl# WAT!
On# evening lately Captain Kd IlnrkA
IMA At the wheel, nailing nor I h ward
tender a stiff btecre. The vessel In of
*♦# ton# burden, and w*» loaded with
font and A half ton# of fish. No waa
Jn#t off I'rHny Conor##, 3V> mile# «onth,
and wa# htmeward bound. All at
one# the tittle craft reared tip ont of
Ifi# water, lit# atom went down Into
lb# A##, and a crashing told that aome
*M»ff Hhttsu tl had happened.
John Cl toting lies waa ntttl riff for
tAAfd near tit# port rail, and he went
ttmboard head flrat, hut In the deacent
Be ifrAhhed a tonne line that hung over
#b# #ld#. The vessel neat raised out
«*# Ihe water from the middle, as if
foVCed Op by A powerful Jackaerew,
MHe want up like a flash, and fell bnrk
JlMt In time to right herself. Then
something struck the rudder a power*
1*1 jolt, and the tiller threw Captain
flttrke sprawling upon the dock. Ily
this time Pitshnghea had managed to
crawl aboard, and a huge whale ap
pearing to be wounded, threw water
from hi* spouting apparatus all orer
III* vessel. The monster swam rapidly
Away, spouting at Irregular but fre
quent Intervals, and the two old aalts
got dowu on their knees and offered
ttp fervent thank* for their aafe de
**C UnMmtol Urlfla ml M*liN«lli|lf
tlw*r and Useful Attain.
The accidental origin of whnt may
y»t become a useful patent camo under
•otic* lately. A eaahler In a New York
downtown reatanrant had returned
from hie vacation, and had on hie holi
day ran a thorn Into the palm of his
right hand. The wound caused him
considerable pain, to alleviate which
ha put a rubber band around his hand,
which held in place a moistened
"That's a clever idea," remarked a
westerner, “for moistening your
Angers when counting bills. Where
do yon bny them?"
The eaahler explained what the real
ace of the band and sponge was.
"Do yon mean to any that thing is
not patented?" asked the man, and,
learning that it was not, expressed his
Intention of taking ont a patent at
once. The eaehler, however, told the
tale to a New York man, who prompt
ly harried off and had a strap and
buckle made, to which is attached a
cap containing a sponge. The whole
can be comfortably carried on the
hand, and, In future, cashiers wishing
It moisten their finger tips have only
to close the hand. The New York man
got the patent
I ere.Here Vt»l rrlxhtensd In
S the of CHalenr.
writem, om-ng them the
eminent Samuel ;k. Ht.i.nplain, toll
UW*»1 lories of the w.>rk of a super
natoial monster that for inhab
ited the islands of the liny cf aleur.
Tie the Indiana of the Chair* region
thie terrible being, which always ap
peared fa the form of a woman, was
known ae the "gon-gon.” As printed
tha word la usually divided, as in the
headlines, and pronounoed with a
outok, guttural sound, not wholly us
llki the "goo-goo" of a baby. This
monstrous Amasonian, the legend tells
as, lived oa human flesh. She caught
Indians by the dozens and stowed
them away in poaches at her hips, the
ftwahee being large enough, so an old
radian told Champlain, to hold “fifty
•(■tan" Hundreds of the Indians liv
ing around the bay declared to both
Multi and Champlain that they had
often men the horrid monster stop
island to island, and that her
'higher than a cloud.”
what they say,” Champlain
. "1 should aay that Chaleur la
Urn dwelling plaoe of some devil that
ita them la the above-named
Tfce Paper Cap.
! Wm will the artists at the comic
papers lwn oil drawing the English
Wrinns with a square paper cap? It
.. has ban oat of use this twenty years,
' and when It whs in use was not of
general wear. Carpenters and men
who worked at trades where there was
plenty of dost flying about wore it for
the practical purpose of keeping the
fleet out of their hsir, but nobody in
London wears it now. lint because
the paper esp was worn when Punch
hagaa to put the working man into
cartoons, the Ht Stephen's Review,
and Judy, and Fun, and S to per, and
all the small fry of illustrated comic
Journals adopt the square paper cap as
n badge of the workman whenever
they went to drew him. It is utterly
ridiculous. For middle-aged men the
round hat, for younger men the cheap
Eton cap, is worn in the workshops
Aa Acs*! risk a Caaatbsi.
A novelty et the London Zoological
Gardens is a specimen of the “angel
Ash,** which has been placed hi a tank
along with n number of flounders.
The habits of the fish suggest that it
la aa angel remarkably well disguised,
for it is on# of the most ferocions and
bloodthirsty fishes extant Small
though the specimen at the Zoo is, it
la quite poesible that the tank where
it Uvea may be the scene of a tragedy.
Cor flounders and flat fish of various
Mad* are precisely the diet which this
erantura prefers. The fish has also
•eoslved. for an fequally Inscrutable
reason, the name of “monk fish.” The
heat name of the many which it enjoys
ia shark ray. The creature is Inter
mediate In its form between the flat
tened rays and the sharkn '
. \ '■ - ■?r ,;i -
Mo» an Adirondack Former karprloed a
An Adirondack farmer discovered
that a bear was prowling around his
pig pen, and from the tracks he judged
it to bp a small bear, perhaps a year
ling. One evening, on returning from
the neighboring village, he saw the
marauder plainly outlined in the
moonlight. .Stepping back in the
shadow, he cut a blue beech ‘‘ox gad”
the length of an ordinary fish pole,
and with this weapon ho startod for
the bear. The bear turned at the sight
of the man and received a cut on the
nose that brought tears to its eyes.
Another, clip brought its noso down
between its forelegs, and every time it
raised its head down came the gad on
the same spot. In vain poor Iiruin
tried to run away; the man was active
as a cat, and handled the whip like a
ring master. At last the bear started
for the smokehouse, only too glad to
get out of range of tho castigation,and
there it was safoly barred in until
morning, when it was shot. It is not
to be supposed that an old, full-grown
bear could be captured in that way,
but the feat waa certainly very re
Thu TliInntiM of a llubble.
The most powerful microscopes
render risible a point about 1-100,000
part of an inch in diameter. There is
reason for believing that a single
molecule is much smaller even than
that. One reason for this has been
deducted from the soap bubble.
Scientists have measured the thick
ness of the envelope of soapy water
inclosing the air of the bubble when
it had becomo so thin as to produce
rainbow tints. At the appearance of
the shade of violet it was one-fourth
the thickness of the length of an
ordinary violet wave of light, one
sixty-thousandth of an inch, thus
making the thickness equal to one
two-hundred-and-forty-thousandth of
an inch. As tiio bubble continued to
expand a black patch formed adjacent
to the pipe from which the bubble
was being blown, and the thickness
of such patch has been found to be
only one-fortieth of the thickness of
the violet section, or about one-fifty
millionth of an inch.
Ha Rat* at Random.
J. B. Rumford, of Los Gatos, Cal.,
has originated a new system of living,
which he calls the Edenic system.* He
eats nothing but raw wheat, consum
ing about three-quarters of a pound a
day. Bread, butter, sugar, meat, eggs
and milk he regards as poisonous He
eats only when he is hungry and ap
pears to thrive on Ills strange diet.
At 40, he says, he was an old man,
whereas, now, though &l, he feels
young. "I can get along,” he adds,
“on one or two cents a day and do a
good day’s work. Five cents worth of
rolled oats have lasted me twenty-four
hours while traveling. I could not
possibly eat more than ten cents worth
of wheat a day; so you can see how
economical my system is.” Mr. Rum
ford also has a theory about feeding
horses, giving them only one good
meal a day just before bed time.
Holy Lands of AU Religion*.
Christians call Palestine the Holy
Land because it was the birthplace of
our Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as of
our religion. To the Mohammedans,
Mecca, in Arabia, is the Holy Land, it
being the scenes of the nativity of
Mohammed, the savior of those who
believe in his doctrine. India is the
Holy Land of the Chinese and other
oriental Buddhists, it being the native
land of Sakya Muni, the supreme
Buddha. Elis, one of the several divi
sions of the ancient Peloponnesus, was
the Mecca and the Jerusalem of the
Greeks. The temple of Olympius Zeus
was situated at Elis, and sacred festi
vals were held there each year. The
believers in the Sinto religion make
annual pilgrimages to Sitsa-Kara, the
immense stone pillar where their su
preme ruler last stood while talking
to men.
Now! Cm For • Watch.
An ingenious German has reduced so
trifling a matter as boiling an egg to
an absolute science and has devised a
watch for that purpose for particular
people. The watch has a series of
dials to mark hard, soft and medium,
for ducks and hens’ eggs, there being,
however, but a single hand or pointer.
The mechanism marks the minutes
and half minutes up to ten, and even
the dullest of servants, by the aid of
this apparatus, can tell when to re
move the boiler from the fire.
J^WoirrH^GtTIM'EA^A BOjT.' ' >
I Uaman lsd»oway !
|lo tho day Ume!!
attar a good
night's aleep,
there’s indiges
tion and stomach
• disorder.
P| | | M by removing the waste]
r^l kbO matter which la clog.,
log the system, will Hire all Bilious <
mad Nrrrwia Disorder*. and will]
qakkly nUm Sick Headache*
Catered with a Tasteless tad Soluble Coating. ]
Of aU druggists. Price 9h cents a box.1
New York Depot. 905 Oanal 8k.
Land Office at O’Neill. Neb.
November 3,18U2.
Notice Is hereby given that the following*
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and tiiat said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on l>eecmber i.\ viz:
ELIZABETH HF.LLKK, widow of Joseph
Be Her. deceased. SLD 13KV. for the sw quart?
er 38-au-12 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resideuoe upon aud cultiva
tlon of *^aid laud, viz:
Annie Iiodea aid. John Harris. Frank
Heap, John Heller, all of O’Neill. Neu.
l«w» It. S. Gillespie. Register.
H. E. Hmetdlnff,
Charles A. thinner, E. M. Minton and T. A.
Thou, infill.
To CharlmJA, Dormer, E. M. Minton nntl T.
A, Thompson, defendants. you will take
not loo that on tho 27th day of April, IPOS,
II. K. Smeldlng. plttlntHT heroin, filed his tie
tltlon In tho dlHlrlct court or Holt county.
Nebraska, against Mild defendants. the
object ana prayer or which are to foreclose
a ecrlnln mortgage upo" the following de
scribed real estate In Holt county, Nebraska,
rtouthwest (inartcr of section twenty,
township twenty-live, range fifteen west Blit
p. in., executed ny the said Charles A. Don
ner, one ot the defendants herein, In favor
or the Western Farm MortgageTnislConipaiiy
to secure tho payment of one principal note
of-folio due March 1. 1895, und nine coupon
!nlrrest notes of (17.50 each, one payable
every six months from March 1, 1893, until
all are paid: said notes all bear Interest
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from
maturity, the said mortgage and notes se
cured thereby were sold and assigned to this
plaintiff before maturity. That there is now
One thereon the sum of Fil7.R0 and Interest
oil the (17.50 from March 1, 1802. The defend
ant, E. M. Minimi, has become the fee simple
owner of said premises and become liable
liir the payment of said debt, and T. A.
Thompson claims some' interest in said
premises. . Plaintiff therefore prays for a
decree that defendants. Charles A. Homier
and E. M. Minton, be required to pay the
amount found due upon said notes and
mm-tgageor that said premises be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
Vou are rrsiulred to answer sold petition
on or before Monday, December 11), 1st).'.
Dated November 9, ISO.’.
liy his attorneys. Uiciginh & Gaklow.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued by
i be clerk of the district court, of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wle-rin
Theodore Q. Hockstader Is plaintiff nod Elzv
Ihivls. .1. Q. Clerk, C. H. Toncruy and H. N.
McKee are defendants. I will sell ut public
inietlon to the highest bidder for cash at the
I rout door of the court house In said county
on the glilh day of November, 1803, at It o'clock
a. si., the following described l-.imls ami ten
ements to sutlsfy the Judgment and costs In
said action:
The north half of tho northwest quarter of
sect ion thirty-one, and the southwest quart
er of the southwest quarter of section thirty,
township thirty-two, raiure nine, and the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section twenty-live, township thirty-two,
ratine ten. west, in Holt countv, Nebraska.
Hated -lith day of October, lte.
lfi-f) II. C. MeEVUNY, Sheriff.
Mlnokh Sc Oouktkiuht, Attys. for I*ltf.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the clerk of tho district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 17th day of November, 1893, In
favor of Eupliemta L. Warner as plalutltr and
aguinst,Patrick Shea,.1. L. Clark. Mrs. ,1. L.
(.'lark, 0. 11. Toncray, Aqullla H. Pickering.
Hannah N. S. Pickering. Theodore A Uehr
ntaln, Mrs. Theodore A. Uehrmaln.J. H. Ail
ing and Horace N. McKee as defendants, for
the sum of six hundred forty-seven dollars
and slxty-two cents and costs taxed at 839.7J
and accruing costs 1 have levied upon the
following premises, taken as the property of
said defendants to satisfy said order of sale,
Tho southeast quarter of section thirty
four. (.'!4i township twenty-eight, (2*1 north of
raiq-e thirteen, (lit) west of the nth p. m„ in
Holt countv. Nebraska, and will offer the
same tor sale to the highest bidder tor cash,
hi hand, on the 29tli day of November. A. 11,.
1892, In front of the court house In O’Neill,
that being the building tvhereln the last
term of district court was held, at the hour
of 10 o’clock A. M. of said, when and where
due attendance will be given by tho under
Hated at O’Neill, Neb., this 2Gtli day of
October, 1892. H. C. McEVONY.
.10-0 Sheriff of said county.
Reuben A. Donnell. William Whitcomb,
Henry Brown, Charles F. Metli and Joseph
S. Hamrou. mui-resident defendants, will
take notice that on the illst day of October,
1SK2, T. W. Boyer, plaintiff herein, tiled his
pet ition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage exeeuted by defendant,
Reuben A Bomiell to the Guaranty Invest
ment company upon tbo north half of the
soutliwcstquarter and the southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter und the northwest
of tbo southeast quarter of section thirty
three, township twenty-seven, range eleven,
west. In Holt county, Nebraska, to secure
tlie payment of n promissory note dated
September i. bird, for the sum of 83(H) and in
terest at the rate of — per cent, per annum
payable semi-annually and ten per cent,
after maturity: that there Is now due upon
said note und mortgago according to the
terms thereof the sum of 310.00 und Interest
at the rate of'ten per cent, per annum from
March I, tsstt, and plaintiff pruvs that said
premises may lie decreed to be sold to satis
fy the amount due thereon.
t'ou are required to answer said petition
on or before the l Jth day of December, 1*92.
Hated October 31. 1882.
17-*a F. W. BOYKB, Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before tbe district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on tbe 8th day of October. 1892 in
favor of the State Hank of O’Neill as plaint
iff and against W. 1). Mathews et ai as de
fendants, for tbe sum of five thousand eight
hundred twenty-four dollars aud forty cents
and Thomson Huston Electric Light Co. ob
tained a decree for the sum of S5S24.40 and
costs taxed at *75.28 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises,
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
Lots 6 and V. block 12; lot 2, block 16; lots
7. 6, #. 10 and 11, block .’>; lots 11 and i2, block
32, all In the city of O'Neill as originally
platted and recorded; also lots 12 and 14
block C, Faliy’s second addition to the city
of O'Neill: also lots2 and ii of Faliy’s sub
division of lots 1,2 and 3 In block 9 in tbe city
of O'Neill as originally platted and recorded
Also the following real estate in Faliy's park
addition u> said city of O'Neill, namely
Lots 9. 10,11, 12. 13,14,15 aud 16 in block O
and lots 5,6, 7 and 8, block N. Also the fol
lowing described real estate situated lu Mc
Cafferty's annex to the elty of O'Neill, com
mencing at the southwest corner of block
I In McOafferty's annex to O’Neill, runulii'r
thence north 300 feet, thence east ito feet”
tlience south 360 feet, thence to the place of
beginning, being u tract of land 170 feet by
360 feet in said block 1; also that part of the
north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 25, township 29, range 12. w., lying eol;t!i
of the south line of the right of way of the
Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley
Railroad Company as laid out and construct
ed across said tract. Also the north half
of the southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
2.>. township 29. norm range 12, west Al-o
all that part of the northeast quarter of 'the
northwest quarter of section 32. township •«*
range It. west lying north of the north line
of the right of way of the l’remont. Elkhorn
and Missouri \ alley Kail road Company as
the same U located and constructed across
siid tract. Also the south bulf ot block £ and
the north half of bjoek 3 in McCaffertv'a an*
\\vx ^.\h0 clt.??f “!*» »11 Of block
U and tiie north half of block 3 in Mct'af
ferty's second addition to the city of O'Neill
Also the following described real cstale
situated in O'Neill and Hagerty's addition to
said city of O'Neill: Tbe north half of bloc
i>i lots 7 8. 9,14 and 15. block F; lots 3. 4 and
5, block E. lots 5. 6, 7. 8 and 9, bit
the east half of the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the east half of the
southeast quarter ot the northeast quarter
of the north east quarter of section "9
township 29. range 11, west, containing"™
acres; also that part of block A in McCaf- I
terty s second addition of the city of O’Neill
ducrloed us follows: I’ommencing at the
! northeast corner of said block A. running
thence south oil tbe east line of said hlocfc
A. 283 feck, running thence west on a line
parralell with the north line of said block A
l.i th.» uist 11.,., > r . . "o— -
running thence last on the north line
! -■‘id block A to the place of hegVnnlnV,
i ui'n . °i“cr the ?ulne for kale to the
highest bidder tor cast in hand on the 4th
day of December, A. 1)., 1892. in front of the
court house in O’Neill that being the build
ing wherein the last tern, of District court
was held, at ilie hour of lu o'clock a ii of
said day. when uni where due attendance
Will lie given by tne undersigned
\oSXl^UAeiU’ Xeb" u,u'28th
! ... HC.McEVONY,
1 '**3 Sheriff of said county. I
Edward F. Fisher. Mary Fisher his wife,
W. liufus Walker, first and real name un
known, Mrs. W. Kufus Walker his wife, first
and real name unknown, defendants, will
take notice that on the 18th day of October.
1892, George F. Luthringer. plaintiff herein,
filed a petition in the district dourtof Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to fore*
close a certain mortgage executed by Ue
fendents, Edward F. Fisher and Mary Fisher,
to the Nebraska Mortgage and Investment
Company upon the southeast quarter of sec
tion nineteen, township twenty-nine, range
fourteen west, to secure the payment of a
promissory uote dated March It. 18ft*. for the
sum of *700 and inteiest at the rate of 7 pet
cent, per annum payable semi-annually and
10 per cent, after maturity; that, there is now
due upon said not© and mortgage according
to the terms thereof including taxes paid
by plaintiff to protect his security, the sum
of 9775.40 and interest at. the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from March t, 1892, and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be
decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 5th day of December, 1802.
Dated October 26, 1892.
George F. Luthbinoer,
10-4 a Plaintiff.
Ole Flor and Tilda Flor, his wife, defend
ants, will take notice that on the I8th day of
October, 1892, George F. Luthringer, plaintiff
herein, filed a petition in the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by de
fendants, Ole Flor and Tilda Fior to t he Ne
braska Mortgage and Investment company,
The north half of the northwest quarter and
the soutlieastquarterof the northwest quar
ter and the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of section twenty-two, township
thirty-two, range fourteen west.
To secure the payment of a promissory note
dated March 16.1889, for the sum of $8o0 and
interest at tlie rate of seven per cent, per an
num payable send-annually and ten per cent,
after maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortguge according to the terms
thereof, the sum of $859.70 Including taxes
fuiid by plaintiff to protect his security and
nterest at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num from October 1. 1891, and plaintiff prays
that said premises may be decreed to be sold
to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 5th day of December. 1892
Dated October 20, 1892.
Geougk F. Luthringer,
10-4A Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraka. on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 22d day of September. 1892,
in favor of Fidelity Loan ana Trust Co. as
plaintiff and against James F. Cunningham,
Charles W. Lemont. Check H. Toncrtiy, Em
ma R. Toncray, Joseph Ho’mes, John M.
Diels, Ezra U. Carr, admr.. Edward F. Gal
lagher & Henry A. Jant, Edwin C. Tompkins
& Addison W. Erwin, co-partners doing
l)usiness under the firm name and style of
Jandt & Tompkins. a6 defendants, for
the sum of six hundred twenty-four
dollars and forty cents and costs taxed at
*4*5.18 and accruing costs I have levied on the
following premises taken as the property of
said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
The southwest quarter of section thirteen
< 13), township thirty (30). range ten (10),
west of the 6th p. in., in Holt county, Ne
braska, and w ill offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 27th
day of November, A. 1)., 1892, in front of the
court house in O’Neill, Neb., that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m.
of said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Mated at O’Neill, Neb., this 26th day of
October, 1892. 11. C. Me EVON Y,
16-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, on a decree obtaiued be
fore the district court of Holt countv. Ne
braska, on the22d day of September, 1892, in
favor of Charlotte F. White as plaiutiff and
against James H. Perry, Lucia A. Perry and
Orra H. Nickerson as defendants for the sum
of three hundred seventy dollars and costs
taxed at #106.53 and accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises, taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
suid order of sale, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of northeast quarter
and southeast quarter of northeast quarter
and southwest quarter of northeast quarter
and southeast quarter of northwest quarter
section eight (8). township thirty-two (32).
north of range thirteen (13) west of the 6th
p. m., in Holt county, Nebraska
and will offer the same for
sale to the highest bidder for cash. In
hand,on the 29th day of November. A. D.,1892,
in front of the court house in O’Neill, that
being the building wherin the last term of
district court was held, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 28th day of
October, 1892. H. C. McEVONY,
IW Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 25th day of March, 1892, in
favor of Olive E. Emmons nee, Mrs, Henry
Emmons as plaintiffs and against Cathrine
McCormick, Mathew M. McCormick, The
Showulter Mortgage Co., Jacob Stotler. reer.,
Howard Investment Co., Ferdrlck Stevens,
Alva C. Burridge. Moses W.Richards, Charles
E. Flaudio, as defendants, for the sum of
ten hundred thirty-nine dollars and thirty
six cents, and costs taxed at $34.63 and accru
ing costs I have levied upon the following
premises, t-akdn as the property of said de
fendants. to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
two (22). township thirty-one (31),
north range eleven (11) west of the 6th p. in.,
in Holt county, Nebraska, and will offer the
same for sale to the highest bidder for cash
In hand, on the 29th day of November A. T).,
1892, in front of the court house in O'Neill,
that being the building wherein the last term
oi district court was held, at the hour of 10
o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill. Neb., this 26th day of
October, 1892. If. V- McRYON Y,
Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
mefromtbe clerk of the district court of
Molt oounty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on tlie 22d day of September. 1892, in
favor of Fidelity Loan an Trust Company as
plaintiff and against l'hilipp Winkler, Mary
Winkler, Herman H. Meyers, Phi’a J. Meyers,
John Llndloff, Amelia J. Llndloff, Stephen W.
Switzer and Lib A. Switzer as defendants,
for the sum of four hundred nlnty-four
dollars and seventy-five cents, und costs taxed
at 633.93 and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises, taken as the
property of said defendants, to satisfy said
order or sale, to-wit:
The southeast quarter, section fourteen (14),
township twenty-seven (27), range thirteen (13)
west of the 6th p. m. in Holt county. Nebras
ka, and will offer the sa;ne for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the ;?th
day of Nov., A. JJ, 1892. in front of the court
house in O'Neill, that being the place where
in the last term of district court was held, at
the hour of 9 o'clock a. u. of said day, when
and where due attendance willbcgtven by the
10-5 Sherltf of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
oounty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on tiie 6th day of November, 1890.
In favor of Nebraska bean and Trust Oo. as
plaintiff and against Israel Morris, MaryV,
Morris and R. 8. Mofi'et ns defendants, for the
sum of eighty-three dollars and fifty cents,
and o >sts taxed at 039.711 and accruing costs
I have levied upon the following premises,
taken as the property of suid defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of section twenty
eight (28i, township twenty-nine (2D), north of
range thirteen (13), west of the fitli p. m., in
Holt cotnty, Nebraska, und will
offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on
the 29th day of November. A. 1)., 1892, in front
At the court house In O'Neill, that being the
.building wherein the last term of district
'court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A.
M. of said day, when and where due attend
tion will be given by the uudersigned.
Dated at O’Neill. Neb- this 26tli day of
October, 189!.
fli.S’.y V; V
. - ■ '■■'S'.
„ H. C. McEVONY.
Sheriff of said county.
The State op Nebraska I oc
Holt coithtt. f
In the county court of said county.
To Mabel Stan nurd: You are notified that
application lias been made by Fredrick R.
Stannard lor the appointment of a guardian
of your (person ana) estate, because of your
minority. Said petition Is duly verified and
filed, and the time appointed for hearing the
same Is the 28th day of November, 18112. at 10
o’clock a. m.. and the place my office in
O’Neill, in said county.
All persona interested may appear and be
heard concerning the same.
Witness my hand and seal of tills office this
24th day of tlctobcr, 1802. Wif. Bowen.
10 [seai..] County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the 30th day of March, 1889, In
favor of the Union Trust Company as plaint
iff and against John Kinaly and Mary Kinaly
as defendants, for the sum of sixty dollars,
and seventy cents, and cost* taxed at $23,38
and accruing costs I have levied upon the fol
lowing premises, token as the property of
said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
The south half of the northeast quarter and
southeast quarter of northwest quarter and
northeast quarter of southwest quarter, sec
tion eightteen (18), township thirty-two (32),
north, range twelve (12) west of the 6th P. M.,
in Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same forsale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 27th day
of November, A. D. 1892, in front of the court
house iu O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
hold, at the hour of ll o’clock A. M. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 28th day of
October, 185)2. H. C. McEVONY,
16-6 Sheriff of said County.
Nelson S. Iiussell, Elvira Russell, G. M.
Cleveland, J. O. Sandberir and Greta Sand
berg, wife of J. O. Sandberg, defendants, will
take notice that Priscilla S. Nickerson, plain
tiff, lias tiled a petition in the district court
or Holt countv, Nebraska, against said de
fendants impleaded with Daniel O’Donnel,
Sarah O’Donnell. Fremont, Klkhorn and Mis
souri Valley Railroad Company, Catholic
bishop of the diocese of Omaha, Nebraska,
Holt Countv Bank, E. C.Coon and Co., George
Dearinger, Dora Deuringer. Clinton Hamil
ton, H. C. Fisher, Kilpatrick Koch Dry Goods
Co., John Hynes, Schneider & Loomis, J. T.
Robinson Notion Co., C. C. Pond, Mrs. Pond,
wife of C. C Pond. Michael Ford, Mrs. Ford,
wife of Michael Ford, Peter Ryan, Mrs. ltyan,
wife of Peter Ryan, W. H. Brobst, John Carr,
John Duughertv, W. E. Moore, and A. M.
Hopkins, defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a mortgage dated
Febrnary 20,1886, for $600.00. interest, and tax
payments, on the southwest quarter of sec
tion 1J, township 27. range 10. in said county,
given by Nelson S. Russell and Elvira Russell
to the Western Trust and Security Co. and as
signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re
corded in book 12, page 130, of the mortgage
rocords of said county, and to have the same
decreed to be a first lien and said land sold to
satisfy the same.
You are required to answer suid petition on
or before the 28tli day of November, 1802.
Dated 19th day of October, 1892,
Priscilla S. Nickerson,
J5-4 Plaintiff.
By Mungek & Couhtiught. Attorneys.
Notice Is hereby given that the lenses and
contracts of the following described school
lands have been cancelled by the Board of
Educational Lands and Funds, and if not
reinstated by payment of delinquent interest
or lease rental due, said lands will be offered
for leasd by the county treasurer of Holt
county at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 18th day of
November. 1892:
East half southwest quarter of section 16
township 30, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter and southwest quartei
of section 16, township 30, range 13 west.
East half southwest quarter of section 1G
township 31, range 11 west.
North half atid southwest quarter of sec
tion 10, township 28, range 11 west.
Southwest quarter of section 16, townshir
31, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter of section 16. townshir
30, range 16 west.
West half and southeast quarter of section
16. township 31, range 15.
Northeast quarter of section 30, townshir
railin'9 w'pwt r
27, ran go 9 west.
West half north east quarter and south
nlinrtnr ciMillxmol ..._ m
fuai quarter ami SOUtll
west quarter southeast quarter of sectioi
Ilii, township 31, range 11 west.
Southeast quarter of section 28, townshi
28, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter of section 30, townshi
31. range 10 west.
Southeast quarter northeast quarter o
section 18, township 33, range 13 west
East half southwest quarter of section II
township 20, range 1) west.
North half northwest quarter of section °i
township 28, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter southwest quarter am
Southeast quarter southeast quarter of sec
turn 20, township 27, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter c
section 24, township 20, range 9 west
West half northwest quarter soutliwes
quarter and south half southeast quarter o
section 36, township 23, range 11 west,
l.south half of section 10, township 25, rang.
^orU‘oast quarter southeast, quarter o
sect ion 10, township 32, range 13 west
! North half of section 10, township 32. rang
Northwest quarter southeast quarter of
section 3tt, township 31, range 11 west
North half southwest quarter anil south
east quarter southeast quarter of section %
townBhlp'JO, range 16 west. section JO,
Southwest quarter of section 36, townshiD
31. range 15 west.
All of section 16, township 26, range 13 west
3,s^‘rer of 8ection ™>p
3«K % SSS£SPp £ range IS ZSt
»"Iih*half !y.ld ;?>Hhwest quarter of ^
tiou itf, township 2j, range 15 west.
AU of section 16. township 28, range 14 west
ewaSthalfo( seeUou “■
of s';cti0''
All t>* section 36, township 23, range 13 west
ke“**K Of section 16, township 28, range
^rtl,v.esfc <>uti1,ter northeast quarte/of
wViV a S<rtowufi,ip ~T’ ran*e 10 west.
East ha.f southeast quarter of section l»
township 27, range 10 west. section i_,
southeast quarter of section 30, townshin
27. range 12 west. ’ wiwnsuip
\’nrfh»i‘lot nunstAs A* J * ... .
-ige U
20Nr°angeToUst.rtCr °f ^“on 36, township
halt o( sec“on 36, township 29, range
west?1 half °f 86041011 ?8.township 30, range 11
half 01 S60ti0n 38. township 28, range
Nilrth Half Af caasIa- aa .
15 w°o?th haU °f 8eCti0n “• township 31. range
wStU,»nttt nq°urt.hrtTo?«naS?
township31, range ltt west. action 30,
All of section J56, township 32, range 0 we«t
ra^Ue^weVi.Uttrter°f “***» 3- township27.
North half southwest quartet nr
0. township 29, range 9 w?st °f 8ectlon
North half siiutpoocf _
VaJ.i i. *1* ' muge w west.
west Quarter soutiunS^quarter^f sectionals"
township 28, range 11 west 1 ®ectlon
KfS!WVS:?rter °f Seca°n ». township
hifir'slmt'lfca s'tifuarter and 8oathearian<i west
west. * *Cl',lon m- township 32, range II
township 2^ range'l2west?art*r °f S6ctlon *
i:)'vvest!"'lf °f S6cUou * township 29. range
«o|0n^^:,"a8^“arterof 8601 lon 36,
^rr?u« «n^efasU"arter
x- _*V K * 1 west.
2“ °' 860,10,1 30, townshi;
v rlw west. ’ -
ll^r0angeWie2Sw^rter °f S6C,lon 36. townshi
31. range 12 west. -
3l range’i?ltw'isUar“r of 6eclioi>townshi
Ol^rangeWvJcit?1" °f 860110,1 I«. townshi
South half of aeotton
10 west. n “• “wmhljj.;
West half northeast nua«..
northwest quarter and S,? “M
quarter and soutlfScst mL^,1'
quarter and west lialf south!!??
section 16. township 82,ranw U»q'^
Northeast quarter of seoH,,„I.Cs'
28, range 9 west. section ft, t
Northwest quarter of soom^ .
25. range ft west. s®ctl0l> M, to,
Southwest quarter of i_
31. rango 14 west. *ect,on 38. toi
Southeast quarter of section
i. range 10 west. section », ^
Sniltnwput tinnw*Aa -rm
"WJfc. ' Mil
Soutnwest quarter of ^
29. range 10 west. ®6ctlon 36.
Northwest quarter of aeon™...
£9. ranee 10 west. sectlo*> *, toi
V’nrlll lio 1 f .
North half northeast quarter nr
township 28, range 15 west 0t WcUi
Nni't.hoQ&t nunatn. _m ’
WT aL 1 I* JO WeSt.
Northeast quarter of section •.*
So, Tange 9 west. 110,1 <*• to*.
\tipfn Vtnif
North half ’northeast
township 2«. range 10 west.
Nnnthwpslt _ .
. ........~... range iu west.
Southwest quarter northeast „
section 16, township 11, range ^if*-'
Southwest quarter of section ^!
27. range 9 west. on ®. to»i
All of section 18, townsblnM „„
North half northwest and^south?
welto ° 8eCtl°n 18,
Northwest quarter of section 1s .
27. range 9 west. oa “■ to.,
Northwest quarter of section i« ...
27. range 9 west. 1 **' U»\
•-'‘'too » wvoim
All of section 16, townshln 27
All of section 10, township rantM?
Of section Hfl tnwnuh«.^ ’rtt%H
.i ow,“wu ia* wjwnsnip rttniTcTi.
A 1 of section 36, township 33 SKJK
All of section 10. townshlD H2 Ia.n,feJt
All of section 36, township £ S f
8oSXrrter ot secti
aFXSgtfSSF” °f sert,0n * tor
West half northwest qSartoSi
west quarter southwest quarter of si™
township 32, range 14 west. Kc
West half and southwest quarter
?5west“rler0f seotion 16- townships
AH of section 30. township 25, range:
Northeast quarter of section »
30 range 1H west. ' “
Kast half northeast quarter and nor
quarter and northwest quarter an.
quarter and southeast quarter Z
quarter and southeast quarter of
township ai, range 13 west. ™
All of section 30, township 30, range I
Northeast quarter northeast quarter
tion 30. township 26, range 12 west
Southwest quarter of section30, to,
■11. range 10 west.
noniieasc quarter northwest qulrt
south hulf southwest quarter and sonik,
quarter northeast quarter or section III
ship S», range 8 west.
Northwest quarter of section 3ti, town
37, range 9 west.
Northw est quarter of section !16 tons
-’S, range 1(1 west. ”
Northwest quarter of section 16. tom!
■M. range 15 west.
Southeast quarter of section 36. tons
27, range 15 west. ”
All of section 16. townshin 25, ranee 10*
All of section 38, township 27, range 13.
Southeast quarter northwest quarto
section 28. township 28, range 10 west
Nerthwest quarter or section 3(1. tons
•12. range 10 west.
East half northeast quarter and smith!
quarter northeast quarter of scctioi
township 27, range 10 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarteri
northeast northwest quarter and southi
quarter southeast quarter of sectiun
flHVnchin 07 vanrr,, 1/1
.7\ uuarici U* sea!
township 27, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter and south half i
f»nat nnarfaw nnH _
anu suuill nan fw
east quarter and northeast quarter so
•east quarter of section 24. township & ri
9 west.
North half of section 36, township »,n
11 weel.
Northwest quarter southeast quarrn
section 24. township 20, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter southwest quarter
southwest quarter southwest quarter of <
tion 36, township 31, range 13 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16. tow
28, range 12 west.
West half northeast quarter of sectloa
township 31. range 13 west.
Dated at Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3,1892.
A. It. Humphuev,
Com. Public Lands and Buildino
Attest: Barrett Scott.
14 4 County Treasure
Summons for service on non-resident
__ m First published October 13,1892.
To Michael Lyons, Robert W. Staley.
Staley liis wife, whose first name is
Plaintiff unknown. Greeting:
rou are hereby notified that you ki
been sued by F. Jansen, plaintiff.
This summons is to require you to ansi
the petition filed by the said plaintiff in
olerk’s office of the Holt county district ra
in the state of Nebraska, on or beforetl
21st day of November, 1892, or said petitk
will be taken as true and judgment rtnden
for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage u
ecuted the second day of September,
the said Robert H. Staley and-Sul*
his wife, on the following lands and ti
ments situated in said county of Holt,
described as follows:
The east half of the northwest quarter,
northwest quarter of the northeast quai
and the northeast quarter of the southw
quarter, section eleven (11), township thin
two (32), north range sixteen (16), west of u
6th p. ni., containing one hundred and sis*
(160) acres, more or less, to secure the Mf
merit of the sura of seven hundred doll;
with interest at the rate of ten percent. )
annum, and recorded in the office of regfea
of deeds of said county, in Vol. 49. at F
434. and the prayer of said petition is that t
defendants and each of them, and nil Fr
sons claiming under them, be forever bar*“
and foreclosed of all interest, right, lieu
equity of redemption in, to or on said las*
and that the saia land may he sold accorca
to law, without appraisment, and the F
ceecis brought into court and applied tou_
payment of: 1st—The taxes due aud p»v»M
on said premises. 2d—The costs and awtj
ing costs of this action. 3d—Tho claim ©t
plaintiff, with the accruing interest there*
4th—The claim of the defendants as their it
torests may appear, and for such other™
further relief as may be just and equity
Witness my hand and the seal of eaid cour
at my office in the citv of O’Neill. In-*
county of Holt, this lOth day of October.
John Skikving, Clerk.
„ . Geo. J. Barker & B. A. French.
14-4 Attorneys for Plaintl'
Uobert Simpson, (impleaded with KotjJ
Kuhn. Margret J. Kuhn and William An®'
eon), defendants, will take notion that on W
29tb day of August. 1MB. J. L. Moore, trusts
plaintiff herein, hied his petition in «
district court of Holt county, Nehru*"
against said defendants, the object «•
prayer of which are to foreclose a efr"
mortgage executed by defendant
lvulm and Margret J. Kuhn to the Clone i»
vestment Company upon the SE‘» o( Jr
NE), and the NE‘* of the SK>. of section?
and lots one (1) and two (2) in section S>, an”
township at. north of range H west, inn
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment
one promissory note dated October 1, 1N*,1S
the sum of *1150 and Interest at the rate *
per cent, per annum payable
io.4 vein, pvr aunuui payauie , '
and ten per cent, after maturity; that **
is now du® upon said note and roortgWS®
cording to the terms thereof the suw
iaj luo loruis luircui ^
Iliii.lkJ and interest at the rate ojJ*11®
cent, per annum from April 1, 1
plaintiff prays that said premises
decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount
tli Anorvi. __ _i.L a X- - r..Bthnl' B11111 **
thereon, together with the further sum
141.24 with ten per cent, interest from J^l
29.1802, taxes paid by the plaintiff. l M
You are required to answer said pcjJL
on or before the 21st day of November, »««•
D ated at O'Neill, Neb,, Oct. 6, U&.
,, J. L. Moons, trustee. x _r
14-4 By N. jl). Jackson, his attorttff*
To all whom it may concern: .
The commissioner appointed to mt**1
road commencing at the north end of J* *
stront n __!? t__1<J tWD-~
street in the town of Inman, aec. 1».
n»r w* thence running u qa lid M J*1 e , -
chs to the J4 sec line on section
commencing at the ceutre of said^n.
J9, and thence running west qa lid 5i*m "f ^
H'sec line SS.OO chs. to the right of
the F. E. and M. V. It. K.; thence n
the nw't seiTlil* twp *28, V ’lO. se ne and***
sec 24. sw?4 sec 13. se ne and nw sec 14
- --- . uwv ne uv *»»■»* u '■ • — <g0
along the north side of said right a*JJ; j
111 lln., M -1 /•«, | Ui . ... . . _... , a ■ , t Nil.' .
mile's chs. Intersecting road N0- ' 5
line between secs 11 and I*.
t he section line U.iru --, - ,
r 11 w ou the north side of said right ol
there to terminate has reported in -
the establishment thereof, and all H
thereto or claims for damages must ’*!ll)oi
. !5e p°nnty clerk’s otlico on or bedort-u ^
of the 15th day of December. A. D..,}
said road will be established 'ttn
reference thereto. .j
Dated Oct. 12, tw>. ,
C. K.,
a. C. HahniSU, DepMtJ
l SEA 1.1