The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 20, 1892, Image 8

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    Wo predict tlist Murphy will -cover
himself and party with gfbry In his
coming debates with Chapman.—O'Neill
Shades of departed eloquonce! what a.
commentary on your fame—what a aat
v? ire on vocal human expression. In the
; line of oratory, Murphy only acts as an
opiate and can only he utilized as a
i ' " remedy for insomnia. A man who at
> tempts to listen to one of his harangue ■
will become paralyzed with sleep, and
never wake up until after the election.
If there is any glory in brooding night
mares, Murphy may succeed in covering
himself and party with that kind of
It Is not unusual for colds contracted
In the fall to bang on all winter. In
such cases catarrh or chronic broncliits
are almost sure to result. A fifty cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
s; will cure any cold. Can you alTord to
risk so much for so small an amount?
This remedy is intended especially for
bad colds and crouy and can always be
c depended upon. For sale by P. C. Cor
U".. rlgan, druggist.
Mullen tells the voters of his baili
wick that a ballot can bo cast only for
the names printed thereon. Mullen is
surely not a safo man to send to the
legislature, as ho is either shamefully
ignorant of the law or lied knowingly.
.1 The object he has in view Is to have the
|Y;Y voters in his precinct vote a straight
ticket against tbelr will, as they are op
. posed to some of the nominations made.
. Mr. Mullen will ascertain, after the
election is over, that there will be a
large number of names written on the
ticket with ink and a cross marked
opposite. He will also be painfully
aware of the fact that this little story
has cost him several votes.—Graphic.
A reported outbreak of cholera at llol
f '/ metta, N. J., created much excitement
, in that vicinity. Investigation showed
SI-, that the disease was not cholera but a
violent dysentry which is almost us
severe and dangerous rs cholera. Mr.
Walter Wllllard, a prominent mrrehant
Of Jamesburg, two miles from Uelmetto
<- says Chamberlain's Colic, Choleta and
Diarrhoea remedy has given great satis
Y- faction in the most sovere cases of dv
nestry. It is certainly one of the best
things yer made. For sale by 1\ C.
Corrigan, druggist.
Btpnblioan Borbsou* At Plainvlew, Neb.
The republicans of the third congres
■ • sio.tal district of Nebraska will be ad
dressed by Congressman Perkins of the
eleventh Iowa district, Saturday, Oct.
88, at 9 o’clock r. m. There will be a
barbecue at which an immense roast ox
will be served at noon.
The Pacific Short line will run a spe
cial train leaving Sioux City at 8:45 a.
m., arriving at Plainvlew 18:15 r. m.;
returning, leaving Plainvlew 4:30 r. m.
Passengers from the west will use
regular trains. Very low rates. Call
jr\ “ upon local ticket agents for further
particulars. W. B. McNidbr,
General Passenger Agent.
A Wonderful Offer.
■ It Is this: We will send you The
Semi-Weekly Journal from now until
January 1,1894, for one dollar, lte
member we give you two papers each
week—Tuesday and Friday. All the tele
graphic news and marketB twice a week,
- making it almost as good as a daily.
This twlce-iv-week feature has proven
v • a remarkable success the past year, The
Semi-Weekly Journal now having the
largest circulation of any paper in the
This big dollar’s worth will carry you
lav through the great fall campaign, and all
,-v •' through the next legislature. We reach
yon with the news a halt a week earlier
rV than the old-fashioned weeklies. No
use reading stale news when you can
get It fresh from the wires at the same
y V price. We have our own telegraph
wires, and correspondents all over the
</. country. It takes money to get news,
pV and we are spending it. We oan afford
It because our circulation has quadru
p. pled the past year '
We have a few of our Great Stanley
Books left. Will send paper to January
1,1894, and the book prepaid for $1.40,
| or if you send us your own and another
' new name with $9, we will send you the
p - book free. This will be your last chance
to get this great book. We give the
fsfe paper and our Oxfor Bible for $2.75.
■ We give you the New York Weekly
^ - Tribune a year and the Journal to Jan
uary 1, 1894, for $1.25. Regular price
pt of Tribune is $1.00. Or, if you send us
your own and another new name with
$8.00, we will send you the Tribune a
■ year free.
S?if. Don’t delay but send us your orders at
' once, as the sooner, the more papers you
{v f will get.
<■ p:[r Nkdbaska Statr Journal,
\ , _ Lincoln, Neb.
fv-N ■
WANTED—Local and traveling dep
uties for the Eclectic Assembly- Face
of certificates from 950Q to 98,000; lim
ited assessment; no double headers;
splendid commission to organizers.
Write at once.
State Deputy. M. L. Adam,
fi-m Lock Box 77, O'Neill, Neb.
Letter List.
Follow luff is the list of letters remaining In
the postoffioeat O'Neill. Neb., unclaimed, for
the week ending Oct. ft), IMS:
Jt. D. Adams, John House, Joe M. Naper,
Archibald Tompkins, Samuel J. Griffith,
Jasper McArthur. Share Wassar, Miss Brums
Perael, Miss Laura W. Thompson. Miss Wet tit
Splcknell, Miss Rebecca McCere, Mrs. L. At
leu (2). Mrs. Jennie Smith.
In calling for the above please say “adve
tlsed." If not called for In two weeks thej
will be tent to the dead letter office.
J. H. Btocsl1. M.
■ V ‘ r ' ■ •
a woman's vengeance.
The Penalty That Mnlnunil l a in I’mIiI
for Heating One of Hie Wlwt
A vuat amount I no been written
about tlie xiibmlsslvoncxs of Oriental
wives, anil few oxeepliou* to the rule
of passive endurance among them are
noted. A abort time ago, however, an
Oriental wife beater was punished ly
Ills victim in an appalling manner.
Mahmud Khan, with bis favorite wives,
Ayaina and Kluiirnaalm. wii^i on ids
way to Mecca. One night, between
Itolnn and Sindli, Ids tent was pitched
opposite that of a (ionium tourist, who
observed what pio ceded within and
(Ims was aide to reveal the motive in
a subsequent tragedy.
At bedtime Mahmud Khun threw hlm
aolf on iiis couch and called in Ayama
to give him the usual rubbing. Ayama,
however, failed to treat her lord to his
satisfaction, and, matching a piece of
wood from tlie ground, lie struck her a
savage blow on tlie back. 'J'lie young
girl, hardly HI years old, started under
the blow, and, t:> tlie surprise of tlie
watching tourist, made a siiglit, almost
Imperceptible movement, us if to return
It, us she set her teetli and glowered at
the ground. Mahmml Klian evidently
remarked neither tlie look nor the
movement, for ho rolled over and went
Vi sleep, while the injured Ayuma stole
The little caravan moved on the next
day, and In due time arrived at Jaeob
ubud, whence Mahmud Kalin and his
two wives set out for the last part of
their journey before embarking. Their
way to the next city lay through a
dense forest. Two days later Ayama and
Klmlrnasha return I to Jncobabad alone.
They behaved strangely and gave con
tradictory and confused unswera to all
inquiries after Mahmud Kahn.
They were detained and a search was
inude for their master. He was found
nalced 11 nd tied fast to a tree. At the
foot of the treo was a large ant hill,
and during the two days of .confine
ment the ants had eaten much of the
flesh-off Mahmud Khan’s bones. He
was dying when found, but was able
to explain that his wives had drugged
him, tied him while unconscious to the
tree, smeared his laxly with wet sugar
to attract the ants, and, after stirring
up tlie tint hill, had left him to die.
Mahmud Khan lived three days after
tlie rescue. Ayama anil Khairnasha
were condemned to hard labor for life, ■
but haiigedtliemsclvcs immediately.
Living In London on 930 a Week Pen
nlon Money.
King Theodore of Abyssinia will live
in history ns the semi-savage monarch
who proposed marriage to Queen Vi»
ioriti, and imprisoned several English,
men in his chief town and compelled
England to send an army to his lofty
mountains at un expense of thousands
of pounds to releaso the captives. King
Theodore watched the battle that de
cided his fate, and, when the liritish
soldiers, flushed with victory, were
about to enter his stronghold, he shot
himself. Ho left a s<m, who is now a
pensioner on the bounty of England,
lie calls himself l’rince Charles
Alexander Edward Theodore, and
he lives in England on 850 a
week. The dusky Prince 1ms had an
unpleasantness witli a Mr. Hearn, who
venting to remark that a pin which
the Prince wore on his breast was not
worth a shilling. The Prince resented
the remark, whereupon, according to
Theodore's story, Hcain exclaimed,
“You black brute, wliat do you mean?”
and raised a heavy cane 1o striko him.
A struggle ensued, during which Henri,
used threats of murder, hut lie was put
out of the room. The Prince liud
Hearn arrested for assault and the
Story came out in court. The magis
trate decided that the one side was as
much to blame as tlie other and dis
missed. the case. Theodore is only one,
of quite a number of the scions of fallen
rulers who are living on the pensions
granted to them by tlia British govern
ment. _
two Old Soldiers Via w!IH Kuril Other
In Outdoing dole* Verne.
“I saw a fellow shot clear through
the body by a grapnell shell within an
inch of his heart,” he said. “The shell
came out behind and killed a mule, hut
the poor fellow that was struck only
grasped a little for air and then lie kept
on fighting just as fresh as ever.” Tfce
room became very quiet and several
looked toward Tangle, who was
Tangle arose and looted meditatively
around. “I saw something of ttie same
kind as that,” he began. * “It was at
one of the first engagements we had
when we went to the front. There was
a soldier who stood right beside rue
Struck square in the head witlia t-.iclve
pound cannon ball, and. gentlemen, he
never know it.” The old soldier who
had told tlie first story looked u little
sheepish and several laughed a little.
“Hut,” someone thought to enquire,
“didn’t it kill him?” Tangle looked up,
a little bit surprised. “Oh.yen,certainly
it killed him,” he replied. ‘•Hut, then,
maybe it was all for tlie best. lie
might have livetl to tell the story. It's
probably just ns well,” he added, look
ing at tlie old soldier.
.nutrimonlul ( ompilcatloas.
'J in' particulars of a very strange
wedding have become public ut Indian
apolis. The other night Mrs. Liza
Stanley, a wealthy widow living east
jf Libeitjr, was weddid to James Esh
ermau. .Mrs. Stanley Is over 40 years
>f age and Kshc-'-amis only 21
Mrs. Stanley was left ft widow ttvc
rears ago. when her husband. Lewis
' a >!ey. died, leaving Ids wife and five
b hi -on in very comfort sblc eircuin
. a -.'s lie leit a ;r -o I tiiO-arro farm
ad ter .vit.Oi'.i i i utsh. Ueoently
h rle. Stan ce of Liberty, who is a
oi f Mrs. Eshcrman. was married to
'-'-te-.if Isis new >t'p a h’ir. Esher
>'t only Ids stepfather, but his
m-law. as.d his wife's brother
h r-in-law.. . .. ,
!• !
v; ■ ■ r3 '■ 3d‘v;'i
There is no use of any one suffering
withe the cholera when Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy can
be procured. I have tried it and know.
—W. H. Clinton, Xlelmetta N. J. The!
epidemic at lleimetta was at first believ
ed to de cholera, but subsequent inves
tigation proved it to be a violent form
of dysentry, almost as dangerous as
cholera. This remedy was used with
great-success. For sale by P. C. Corri
gan. druggist.
i >%%%%%'
. olILL !
-1 St. Helena,' |
England, ia ,
the aeat of i'
> a great bus
iness. 11
| ni I I © are made there. They
i are a specific for all|
'■ Nervous and Bu
tton* nisordfrs arising from Weak
> Ntomach, impaired Blaestlon.Dls
! ordered Uvcr and all Vemale
> Allmenti.
!THEY«TO,eWi,mi“ I
Of til druggists. Price 3K cents a box.
New York Depot, 365 Canal St.
Nelson 8. Bussell, Elvira Bussell, O. M. :
i Cleveland, J. O. Sandberg and Greta Hand- I
I berg, wife o' J. O. Sandberg. defendants, will ;
take notice that Priscilla 8. Nickerson, plain- :
tiff, has Hied a petition in the district court i
of lfuft county, Nebraska, against said de- j
fondants impleaded with Daniel O’Donnel,
HJTrah O’Donnell, Fremont, Elkhorn and Mis- |
Hour! Valley Kailroad Company, Catholic I
bishop of the diocese of Ornuha, Nebraska,
Holt County Bank, E, (.’.Coon and Co., George
Dear!nger, Dora Deurlnger. Clinton Hamil
ton, 11. C. Fisher, Kilpatrick Koch Dry Goods
Co., John Ilynes, Schneider & Loomis, J. T.
ltoblnnon Notion Co., C. C. Pond, Mrs. Pond,
wife of 0. C Pond, Michael Ford, Mrs. Ford,
wife of Michael Ford, Peter Uyan, Mrs. ltynn,
wife of Peter Uyan, W. H. Brobst, John Carr,
John Daugherty. W. E. Moore, and A. M.
Hopkins, defendants, the object and prayer
of which arc to foreclose a mortgage dated
Febrnary 20, 18*0, for $000.00. interest, and tax
payments, on the southwest quarter of sec
tion II, township 27. range 10, in said county,
given by Nelson 8. Bussell and Elvira Bussell
to the Western Trust and Security Co. and as
signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re
corded In book 12, page 130, of the mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to be a first lien and said land sold to
sat isfy the same.
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before the 28tl» day of November, 18U2.
Dated tOtii day of October, 181)2.
Pitiacii.i.A 8. Nickerson1.
15-4 Plaintiff.
By Munoer i Court right, Attorneys.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the leases and
contracts of the following described school
lands have been cancelled by the Hoard of
Educational Lands and Funds, and If not
reinstated by payment of delinquent interest
or lease rental due, said lands will be offered
for lease by the county treasurer of Holt
county at 10 o’clock a. m„ on the 18th day of
November. 1892:
East half southwest quarter of section 16,
township IK), rango 16 west.
Northeast quarter and southwest quarter
of section 16, township 30, range 13 west.
East half southwest quarter of section 16.
township ;il, range 11 west.
North naif and southwest quarter of sec
tion 16, township 28, range 11 west.
Southwest quarter of section 16, township
ill, range lowest.
Northeast quarter of section 16, township
30. range 16 west.
West half and southeast quarter of section
16. township 31. range 15
I Northeast quarter of section 30, township
27, range 9 west.
West half north east quarter and south
west quarter southeast quarter of section
30, township 31, range 11 west.
I Southeast quarter of section 28, township
| 28. range 10 west.
j Southwest quarter of section 36, township
31. range 16 west.
I Southeast quarter northeast quarter of
, section 16, township 33, range 15 west.
j East half southwest quarter of section tX
township 26, range 9 west.
| North naif northwest quarter of section 2$,
township 28, range 10 west,
I Southwest quarter southwest quarter and
Southeast quarter southeast quarter of dic
tion 20. township 27, range J west.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of
section 24, township 26. range we*i_
West half northwest quarter southwest
quarter and south half southeast quarter of
section 36, township 25, rang* t!
South half of section 16, township 25, range
12 west.
Northeast quarter eotatbe*«« quarter of
section 16, township 32, rang* ii »***.
North half of section It*, 32. range
13 west.
Northwest quarter souquarter of
section 36, township 31, rang* 22 ant.
North half southwest quarter and south*
east quarter southeast quarter of section 35,
township 30, range 16 west.
Southwest quarter of Motion 35, township
31. range 15 west.
All of section 16, township 28. range 13 west.
Northeast quarter of section 35. township
31, range 12 west.
All of section 36, township 27, range 1A west.
Ad of section 36. township y+ range IS west.
North half and southwest quarter of seo
tion 36, township 27, range 15 west.
All of section J6. township2a, range 14 west.
East half cast half of section 16. township
32. range 14 west.
West half and southeast quarter of section
16, township 29, range 14 west
All of section 30, township 25, range 13 west..
East half of section 16, township 20, range
12 west.
Northwest quarter northeast quarter of
section 12. township 27, range 10 west.
East ha.f southeast quarter of section 12,
township27,range lowest.
Southeast quarter of section 36, township
27, range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
29, range lowest.
South half of section 36, township 20, range
11 west.
East half of section 3S, township 30, range 11
South half of section 36, township 28, range
| North half of section 36, township 31. range
Southwest quarter northeast quarter and I
we*t half southeast quarter or section 36,
township31. range 16 west.
All of section 36, township 32, range 9 west.
Southwest quarter of section 2, township
27. range 10 west.
Southeast quarter of section 2, township 27,
range 10 west. *
Southwest quarter southwest quarter of
section 16, township 31. range 11 west.
North half southwest quarter of section
16. township 29, range 9 west.
North half souteeast quarter and south
west quarter southeast quarter of section 18,
township 2«, range 11 west.
Southwest quarter of section 30, township
27. range 12 west.
South half and southwest quarter and west
half southeast quart er and southeast quarter
southeast quarter of section 16, township 30,
range 10 west.
Southeast quarter southwest quarter and
northeast quarter southeast quarter of sec
tion 16, township 30. range 10 west.
All of section 36, township 32, range 11
South half southwest quarter of section 37,
township 26, range 12 west.
East half of section 36, township 29. range
13 west.
North half northeast quarter of sect ion 36,
township HU, range 9 west.
Northwest quarter northeast quarter of
section 36, township 26. range 12 west.
North half northwest quarter and south
east quarter northwest quarter of section 12,
township 27. range 10 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
32, range 10 west .
Northwest quarter of section 36, township
31, range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 16, township
31. range 13 west.
Southeast quarter of section 16, township
31, range 13 west. F
All of section 16. township 31, range 14 west
North half of section 36, towuship 31, range
14 west.
I South half of section 10, township 27, range
10 west. . . u i#
West half northeast quarter and east hair
northwest quarter and east half southwest
quarter and southwest quarter southwest
quarter and west half southeast quarter of
| section 16. township 32, range 14 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
28, range 9 west. . .
Northwest quarter of section 36, township
25. range 0 west. ,
8ou Mi west quarter of section 36, township
31, range 14 west.
1 Southeast quarter of section 36, township
till, range 10 west.
Huntuwest quarter of section 36. township
29, range 10 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36,Township
29. range 10 west.
North half northeast quarter of section 30,
township 28, range 15 west.
Northeast quarter of section 30. township
25. range 9 west.
North half northeast of section 16,
township 20, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter northeast quarter of
section 16, township 11, range 12 west.
Southwest quarter of section 36, township
27. range 9 west.
All of section 16, township29. range 10 west.
North half northwest and south half south
west of section 10, township 33, range lu
wist. ’
Northwest quarter of section 10, township
27. range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
27. range 9 west.
All of section 10, township27, range 12 west.
All of section 16, township 33, range 14 west.
All of section 30, township 33, range 14 west.
All of section 10. township 32. range 15 west.
All of section .'*0, township 29. range 14 west.
Northwest quarter of section 10. township
au, range v west.
North half southeast quarter of section 16,
township 86, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter of section 1ft, township
31, range 11 west.
.Southwest quarter southwest quarter of
section 28. township 28. rango 10 west.
West half northwest quarter and south
'west quarter southwest quarter of section 1ft,
township 32. range 14 west.
West half and southwest quarter south
east quarter of section 16. township 25, range
15 west.
All of section 3H, township 25, range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 3ft, township
30 range 1ft west.
East half northeast quarter and northwest
quarter and northwest quarter southwest
quarter and southeast quarter southwest
quarter and southeast quarter of section 36,
township 31, range 13 west.
All of section 36, township 30, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 3ft. township 2ft, range 12 west.
Southwest quarter of section 3ft, township
33, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter northwest quarter and
south half southwest quarter and southwest
quarter northeast quarter of section lft,town
shin 25. range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 3H, township
37. range 0 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36, township
28, range lowest.
Northwest quarter of section lft, township
30, range 15 west.
Southeast quarter of section 36, township
27, range 15 west.
All of section lft, township 25, range 10 west.
All of section 36, township 27, range 13 west.
Southeast quarter northwest quarter of
section 28, township 28, range 10 west.
Northwest quarter of section 3ft, township
32. range 10 west.
East half northeast quarter and southwest
quarter northeast quarter of section 12,
township 27. range 10 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarter and
northeast northwest quarter and southwest
quarter southeast quarter of section 12,
township 27, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter and south half south
east quarter and northeast quarter south
east quarter of section 24, township 20, rknge
9 west.
North half of section 36, township 29, range
11 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarter of
section 24, township 2ft,.range 9 west.
Northeast quarter southwest quarter and
south west quarter southwest quarter of sec
tion 3ft, township 81, range 13 west.
Northwest quarter of section lft, township
28, range 12 west.
West half northeast quarter of section 3G,
township 31. range 18 west.
Dated at Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3.1892.
A. R. Humph hev.
Com. Public Lands and Buildings.
Attest: Barrett Scott,
h4 County Treasurer.
Summons for service on non-resident de
First published October 13,1892.
To Michael Lyons, Robert W. Staley,-:—
Staley his wife, whose first name is to
plaintiff unknown. Greeting:
You are hereby notified that you have
been sued by F. Jansen, plaintiff.
This summons is to require you to answer
the petition filed by the said plaintiff in the
clerk’s office of the Holt county district court
in the state of Nebraska, on or before the
JOs-fi day of November, 1892, or said petition
«riH£ he taken as true and judgment rendered
for nil* foreclosure of a certain mortgage ex
*«m-n**l n&e second day of September, 1889, by
an* -h*?v$ Robert II. Staley and-8taley
sfcfa-srjj*.. on the following lands and tene
*.seated in said county of Holt, and
as follows:
half of the northwest quarter, the
Bwrttowest quarter of the northeast quarter
ac*a sft>e rcortheast quarter of the southwest
section eleven (11), township thirty
two r32.v north range sixteen (16). west of the
teh p. m, containing one hundred and sixty
* Im acre*, more or less, to secure the pay
nwret of tb« sum of seven hundred dollars
wsih ^merest at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum, and recorded In the office of register
of deed* of said county, in Vol. 49, at page
and the prayer of said petition Is that the
defendant# and each of them, and all per
CiahoSng under them, be forever barred
and for*cl'*ed of all interest, right, lien and
equity of redemption in, to or on said land,
and that the said land may be sold according
to >aw, without appraisment, and the pro
ceed* brought Into court and applied to the
payment of: 1st—The taxes due and payable
on said premises. 2d—The costs ana accru
Ing co*t* of this action. 3d—The claim of the
P.k T tli‘: truing interest thereon.
4th—rne e.aim of the defendants as their ln
tercsts may appear, and for such other and
further relief as may be lust and equitable.
UiY hand and the seal of said court
at my office In the city of O’Neill, in said
county of Holt, this 10th day of October, 1892
John Siukvixq, Clerk.
... Geo. J. Barker A: B. A. French,
l*~* Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Robert Simpson, (impleaded with Robe
Kuhn. Margret J. Kuhn and William Ande
•on >, defendants, will take notice that on tl
dJ?£ °! Auru*t. 1802. J. L. Moore, trust*
B hereln, filed his petition in t:
district court of Holt county, Nebrasli
against said defendants, the object ai
prayer of which are to foreclose a certa
mortgage executed by defendants Robe
Kuhn and Margret J. Kuhn to the Globe I
vestment Company upon the 8E* of t
NE„ti and the NE*« of tne SKV4 of section.,
ani lots one (1) and two (2) in section 85, all
township 34. north of range 14 west, in H<
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment
one promissory note dated October 1, 1888,1
the sum or 11150 and interest at the rate o
per cent, per annum payable seml-annua
and ten per cent, after maturity; that the
Is now du«* upon said note and mortgage a
S”"*1"* to, ‘he terms thereof the sum
ftl'&f.uti and interest at the rate of ten i
2?Pit‘.iier anuu.m from April 1, 1893. a
plaintiff prays that said premises may
decreed to he sold to satisfy the amount d
ii\cJfoni’.f°gether with the further sum
16,1 Pl-'r cent, interest from Jti
29.1MK, tuxes paid by the plaintiff.
tou are required to answer said petlti
011 or before the 21st day of November, 189°
Dated at O Neill, Neb., Oct. 8,1892.
,. . B. Moore, trustee.
H-4 By N. D. Jackson, his attorney
T«> all whom it may concern:
l no commissioner appointed to looat« »
?nV£enc*I1*f at *b© u°rth end of main
lSe town °* Inman. sec. 19, twp.28*
"uJ°* \fhe,]?e ri‘nning n qa lid 50 m e 17 70
. tQ sec *ine 0,1 section 19. Also
Vu ?^f?ulnsr at t^ie centre of said section
eaaoo??.?'1? "hSI q? Vd 5l,m
tl.o F. R umi M V' It l!'H: Il*ht ot way of
'w'4W^v^Cscci‘tW‘> *■ r j,0-son»e»ndmvOof
! said AkH away two
i ,1,lk's “"d®-«0ch». Intersoctltifr roud'lfo 8 at
i hi section line between secs 11 and 14 two 28
1 i , J*°Vhe ?0Pth eld0 aa;d right of waf
!{ «ie ^'Af.rn^nate has reported in favor of
the establishment thereof, and all objections
refcrencothereto. te '™b°ut
Dated Oot. 12,1802. U4
l seal] C. E. Butlkb, Clerk.
J. C. Hashish, Deputy.
First National Bani
Pair-iJp Capital. $5o,ooo. Surplus, $j^
Authorised Capital, $100,000.
ED F. GALLAGHER. Casiiier. FRED H. 8WINGLEY, Asst, c.
Money Loaned on Personal Security on tlie Most Jt’aV()
Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Interest
Buy and Sell Foreign <fc Domestic Exchange.
P. .1. McManus M. CavanaWir. T. F. Bermingitam. j p
E. VV. Montcomeky. Ei^ F. Gallagher. Trad. J. Berming^,
o’neill, Nebraska.
DAVID ADAMS, President. D. L. DARR, Cas
Wm. Adams, Asst. Cashier.
Agents for the Cunard, North German Lloyd, American and Red Star li
American Steamships.- Buy and sell drafts drawn on principal cities
Europe and America. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited.
Collections Made and Remited on the Day of Payment
T. W. THOMAS, President. G. W. WATTLES Vic?
JOHN McHUGH, Cashier.
Authorized Capital, $100,000- • ^
Paid up Capital, $30.00
Pioneer hardware dealer
Hardware, Tinware, f
Copper & Granitewan
The famous JOHN DEERE Plows, Culti
vators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru
City Cultivators.
Call and see me before you make your purchases as 1
save you some money.
Keeley institiJti
Th^ institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely
u e at wight, 111. All remedies are prepared by Dr. Ived
and administered by a physician appointed and instructed
iJr. Keeley. In fact the treatment is identical with that
wight and the results must be the same—certain cure.
RATES—$75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine!
cureot tobacco habit sent by express for $5. For furtl
information address,
Keeley Intitote,