CONGRESSIONAL. Clias. F. Manderson, of Omaha; ,,,ii S. Paddock, of Beatrice. , w n (j i II K SUPERVISORS. ulin .1 * L - K M i: IS E E n T V •dy Geo Ii It Win y Peter imper W LA me John > W T j n ps Prank • • id J >(1 U n G E c w .er J M TOWNSHIP Atkinson Chumbers Cleveland Conley Deloit Dustin Emmet Ewing Fair view Francis Grattan Green Valley Inman Iowa Lake McClure O’Neill Paddock Pleasantview Rock Falls Scott Saratoga Stuart Shields Sheridan Swan Steel Creek Sand Creek Turtle Creek Verdigris Wyoming Illowdale W C11Y OF O’NEILL. KTvlBor, T. V. Golaen; Justices, E. II. i. t and B. Welton; Constables, John a and Perkins Usooks. COUNCILMEN—FIRST WARD, two years.—Ben DeYnrman. For one -David Stannard. SECOND WARD. two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— illen. THIRD WARD. i wo years—Barrett Scott. For one year !. Millard. CITY OFFICERS. tor, O. F. lliglin; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; mrer, David Adams; City Engineer, itr Adams; Polioe Judge, N. Martin; of Police, John Lappan; Attorney, Curlon; Wcighmaster, Ed. M.Brlde; t Commissioner. O. E. Davidson. ! GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. jcrvisor, John Winn; Trearurer. J. Bui lt Clerk, D. 11. Cronin; Assessor. Pat r: Justices, M. Castello and Chas Ingor .1 ustices, Perkins Brooks and WlllStans Itoad overseer dist. 38, Theodore Otto; No. 4, P. Barrett, sr. J)IERS’ RELIEF G0MNI8SI0N. fular meeting flrst Monday In Febru if each year, and at such other times as limed necessary. Itoht. Gallagher, Page, 'inan; Wm. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; . Haskins, Cleveland. PATRICK’S CATHODIC CHURCH, lerviees every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clook. Rev. Cassidy, Poster. Sabbath school finitely following sendees. STHODIST CHURCH. Services very Sunday morning at It o’clock, lm aiel followed by Sunday school. Preach - i the evening atto'clock. Prayer meeting uesday evening at 8 o’clock. Epworth tie devotional meeting Tuesday evening h o’clock. F. Ellis, Pastor. ESHYTEHIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, ay school at 10 a. m. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, Pastor. A. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John O’Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne ta G. A. H., will meet the first and third rday evening of eaoh mouth In Masonic 1 Neill. S. J. Smiih, Com. KIIORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. „• Meets every Wednesday evening in fellows’hall. Visiting brothers cordially ed to attend. H. Miltz, Sec. A. H. Gorbett, N.G. . II. Bentley, R.S. D. L. Darr. P. S. E. H. Thompson, Treas. ,RF1EI.U CHAPTER, R. A. M loots on flrst and third Thursday of each h in Masoniohall. J. Doers, Seo. J. C. Harnish, H, P OFP.—HELMET LODGE, U. D. Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p. i Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting bretbern ally invited. „ _ . E. M. Grady, C. C. E. Evans, K. of R. and B. ikill encampment no. 30. i. O. O. P. meets every second and fourth lys of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. '• Smoot, S. A. H. Cobbet, C. P. KN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS Dl) ItKBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d y of each month lii Odd Fellows’ Hall, Editii Butler, N. G. f’NiE Scott, Secretary. RF1ELD LODGE, NO.05.F.&A.M. egular communications Thursday nights belore the full of the moon. T. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. K O’lTEILL REPUBLICAN CL >oms are located over Morris & C lt.or?,01,' Douglas street. The rooms at all times. Republicans are lnvl ‘■D*0, rooms at any and all tic gers while in the city are Invited 1 the club rooms their headquurt less meeting of the club the flrst i Saturday evening of each month. Tt „ A.X. TOWLE, Presidi D. RIGGS, Secretary. POSTOFFICE DXRCETORY Arrival of Mails F; E. Ic M. V. R. H.—FROM THE EAST. 'day,Sunday included at.6:15pm FROM THE WEST. 'day,Sunday included at.9:36am PACIFIC SnORT DINE. CS every day except Sunday at 9:00 p m t8 “ “ 6:00 am . „ o’neili, and chebsea. ts Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am es Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 1:00 pm . „ O’NEIIjD and paddock. te Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am ee Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .1:30 p m „„ O’NEILr, AND NIOBRARA. "Monday. Wed. and Fri. at....7:00 a m es Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O’KEIDD AND CUMUINSVtLDB. es Mon..Wed and Fridays at...11:30pm ts Mon., Wed. and Friday at.1:00 p m ! So You Wast a Oook Book. The Omaha Weekly Bee is offered for the balance of the year together with Mrs. Jane Warren’s cook book of 100 pages for 50 cents. This book shows how to buy, dress, cook,serve and carve every kind of meat, game, fish, fowl and vegetable. It aiso gives plain directions for preserving, pickling, canning and drying all kinds of berries, fruits, meats, game, etc. Also for making in the best style all varieties of candies, ioe creams, cake and pastry. Besides _ this there are several pages of useful tables of figures. This book is easily worth the price asked for it and the Bee, but the pub lishers desire to have the paper more thoroughly introduced, hence this liber al offer. Send oiders to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. H3A-nin.i., AGP3CASLB, CLEANSING. r:-! k-:«rs$ {liners and Mechanics. k v.r,T kbn alkali watli. • arvi. Chiafiug, Chopped Hands, Wounds, Durns, j-lc. A Delightful Shampoo. mmm- soap. facially Ads;:'ad hr Use in Hard Water LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICE. To E. Cleveland, L. M. Cloycland, and Ne braska Mortgage and Investment company. You are hereby notified that on the 17tli day ot March, 1891. J. L. ilershlser bought at pri vate sale the following described real estate, viz: The north half of the south half of section twelve, township thirty-two, range sixteen west, lu Holt county, Nebraska, for the de linquent taxes of the year 1889, and taxed lu the name of E. Cleveland, the same hnvlng been offered at public sale and not sold for tho want of bidders. That said J. L. Her shlser has sold, assigned and delivered tho tax sale certificates received by him from the treasurer at said sale to the undersigned, and that the time of redemption of samo will expire on the I7th day of March, 1893. i 15- Commercial Investment Compamy. NOTICE OP SALE POR FEED LIEN. Notice Is hereby given that on the 25th day of August, 1892,1. James McAllister, caused to be duly filed In the office of the county clerk of Holt county. Nebraska, a lien for feed and keeping of the following described property: One light rod cow, about four years old and calf; one roan cow four years old; one spot ted red and white heifer two years old; one roun heifer about two years old. Said lien being to cover the keeping of said stock and others from December «, 1891, to August 1,1892. und said lien being for the sum of 850.00 no part of which has been puid, and that the same is due. That demand having been made lor the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law baying been instituted to recover said debt, or any part thereof I will sell the property above described to satlsy said lien. Also the keep ing ot said cattle from August 1,1892, to the date of sale, und expenses of sale, at public auction at my house in the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska and sltuated.ln the southeast quarter of section 115, township 31, range 11, west of the Oth p. M., on the 12th day of November, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated this 17th day of October, 1892. 15-4D JAMES MCALLISTER. PUBLICATION NOTICE. (First publication October 29,1892.) In the district court, within and for the couuty of Holt, and state of Nebraska. Tho Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut, plaintiff, vs. Charles S. Wiles. Scott T. Jones, Geo. W. E. Dorsey and Mrs Geo. W. E. Dorsey, and Citizens Bank of Atkinson, Nebraska, defendants. To Charles S. Wiles and Scott T. Jones, defendants: You and each ot you will take notice that the above named plaintiff did, on the 15th day of August, 1892, file its petition In the district court within and lor the county and state aforesaid demanding per sonal judgement against the defendant Charles S. Wiles in the sum of six hundred and twenty-four dollars <*U24) with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum on *824, from the first day of July, 1889, to gether with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgnge deed, executed to secure the pay ment ot said sum and interest, on the follow ing described real estate situated in the county of Holt, In the Btate of Nebeaska, to The south half (s%)of the southwest quarter (sw)4) and the south half (s1/,) of the south east quarter (se'i) of section No. seven (7) In township No. twenty-eight (28) north of range No. thirteen (13) west of the sixth («) P. M. Adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on euid premises to tho amount for which judgment Is demanded, ordering said prem ises to be sold for the payment of said judg ment; and forever barring and foreclosing said defendants, and each and all of them from all right, title, interest and equity of re demption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That unless you and each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 28 day of November, 1892, the averments of said petition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered according to tho prayer thereof. Wright & Stout, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: 17th day of October. 1892 John Skikving, Clerk By C. P. DkLance, Deputy. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 20th day of November. 1891, in favor of Fredrick J. Burnett as plaintiff and against Patrick Karney.Kate Karney, W. tv. McDonald, trustee for the Western Loan & Trust Co., Clara E. Field, D. L. Durr and II. E. Murphy as defendants, for the sum of one hundied sixty-two dollars and ten cents and costs taxed at $27.03 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southwest quarter sec tion seven (7), township twenty-seven (27). north range twelve (12) west of the 6th p. in., iu Holt county, Nebraska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for casli Jn “and* on the 24th day of October, A. I)., 1892, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term district court was held, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under !)ated a* O'Neill. Neb., this 20th day of September, 1892. . H. O. McEVONY, Sheriff of said county. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of un ordor of aale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraka, on a deoree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 3Uth day of November. 18W1, In favor of Holt County Bankas plaintiff and ajtalnst Voter Eberle, Della Eborle, James M. Hayes Woolen Company as defendants, for tho oum of eight hundred seventy seven Syi*!Srs “i1** •'fly cents and costs- taped at and accruing costs I have levied on the following premises taken as the property of suld defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: Lot No. six (0), In block No. two (2), In the village of O’Neill, formerly O’Neill City, west of the 8th p. m., in Holt county, Ne braska, and will offer the same for side to the highest bidder for cash, In hand, on the S4th day of October, A. D., t«8, In front of the court house In O’Neill, Neb., that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. °f said day. when and whore duo attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, Nob., this 2tst day of September, 1802. II. 0. Me E VON Y, 1,-5 Sheriff of said county. SHERRIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to \!.l0,from the clerk of the district court of ttolt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 20th day of Novembor. 1801, in B. Farley, trustee, et al, as plalnt iff and against Wm. B. Pettys, James H. Mc Allister and Mary McAllister as defendants, for the sum of twelve hundred eighty-two andx 8*xty cents, and costs taxed at $21.4,1 and accruing costs I have levied uP°n the following premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The northwest quarter section fourtean (14), township thirty (30), north range eleven (11) west of the 6th p. ni. In Holt county, Nebras ka, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder foreash. in hand, on the 24th day of October. A.D1892, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the place whore in the last term of district court was heloTal the hour of 1U o’clock a. m. of said day, wher fl at . . .-- — -..when and where due attendance wlllbeglven by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 20th day of September, 1802. H. O. McEVONY, H--5 Sheriff of said county. SHERIFF’S SALE. Dy virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt eouuty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county. No Draska. on the 28d day of November, 1891, In favor of Nlantlc Savings Bank as plaintiff and against Charles A. Durham. Custer U. Brown, Della Brown. Jason S. Smith and Mary J. Smith as defendants, for the sum of ten hundred forty-eight dollars and twenty two cents. and costs taxed at 819.03, and ac cruing costs I have levied upon the follow ing premises, taken us the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt; The northeast quarter section twenty seven (27), township twenty-eight (28), range eleven (11) west of the 6th p. m., in Holt county, Nebraska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash. In baud, on the 24th day of October. A-D., 1802, In front of the court bouse In O’Neill, that being the building wherln the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day when and wbero due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of September, 1892. U. C. McEVONY, 11-5_ Sheriff of said county. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Ilolt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 30th day of November, 1801, in favor of the Union Trust Company as plaint iff and against Augustine D. Doyle, Bessie Doyle, Geo. W. E. Dorsey and Emma E. Dorsey as defendants, for the sum of one hundred eighty-one dollars and seventy-two cents, and oosts taxed at 822.38 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises, taken as the property of said do lendants to satisfy said order or sale, to-wit: South half of southeast quarter and north west quarter of southeast quarter and south west quarter cf northeast quarter section four (4), township twenty-seven (27), north range thirteen (13) west of the 8th p. m., In Holt county. Nebraska, and will offer the same for sule to the highest bidder tor cash, In hand, on the 24th day of October, A. I).. 1892, In front of the court bouse in O'Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. M. of said, whon and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 21st day of September, 1892. H. C. McEVONY. u-5 Sheriff of said county. SHERIFF’S 8ALF. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne braska. on the 30th day of November, 1891. In favor of the Union Trust Company as plaintiff and against John Hubby and Mary T. Hubby as defendants, for tho sum of two hundred ninty eight dollars and sixty seven cents, and oosts taxed at 821.58, and accruing costs I have levied on the following premises taken us the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The southeast quurter, section ten (191, township thirty-one (81), north range eleven (11), west of the 0th p. m.. In Holt county. Nebraska, and wlll.offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 24th day of October, A. D., 1892, In front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A M. of said day, when and where due attend tlon will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of September, 1892. H. C. McEVONY, H-5 Sheriff of said county. LEGAL NOTICE. Defendants will take notice that on the 22 day of July, 1892, T. H. & W. J. Baker, admit istrators of the estate of Isaac P. Baker, de ceased, plaintiff herein, filed a petition In th district court of Holt county, Nebraski agalust said defendants, the object an prayer of which are to forclosc a certai mortgage executed by defendant, Robei Hobach, to Isaac P. Baker, upon the follow ing described real estate, situated In tb state of Nebraska and county of Holt, to-wil lhesouth half iyt) of tho northwest quarte 04). and the south half (’/,) of the northeac quarter of section twenty-five (25), In town ship tblrty-one (81) north and range thlrtee (13) west of the 6th P. M. ® To secure the payment of one coupon bor d July 24, 1887, for the sum of 80U9 and li : 1 u8 t no t*o4n # u — —_^ __ dated - —, -... ...^ o........ mu, auu i terest at the rate of 8 per cent, per anni payable semi-annually and ten per cent, i ter maturity; that there Is now due upon si note and mortgage, according to the ter thereof, the sum of 8672.00 and Interest at 1 rate of ten per cent, per annum from Juli 1892. and plaintiffs prays that said premli inay be sold to satisfy the amount d thereon. You are required to answer said petition or before the 22d day of November, 1892. Dated October 3,1892. T. H. & W. J-Baker, Admistrators, PI’fl By Martin & Piehce. their attorneys. Deyarman Brothers, PBOHRIETOR8 OF THE Checker Livery,Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts In thelclty. Good, care ful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Have chargee of McCafferty’s Hearse. All orders will receive careful and prompt atten O’NEiLLBUSINESS DIRECTORY J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER, OIALIR IN OIQARS, ETO. C. D. B. EI8AMAN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, 3‘NKILL,.NEB. yy n. pierce, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Real Estate add Insurance, j^h. benedict. LAWYER, Oflloo In the Judge Roberts building, north 1 ol' Barnett A Trees’ lumber yard, O NEILL. , NEB. ' £ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praotloe In all the oourts. Bpeolal at tention given to foreclosures and collections. Is also COUNTY ATTORNEY, J)R B. T. TltUKHLOOIJ, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eyo and Ear and flttlnfl glasses ii specialty. OIBoo hours 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in, OrncB ovbh “THE EMPORIUM." • ]Y|IJLLKy BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material: furnished. „ Jobbing promptly attended to. • ^ BOYD, BUILDERS.’ ESTIMATES FURNISHED. A. H. CORBETT WILlj ATTEND TO YOUK DENTISTRY IN F1H8T-CJLASS SHAPE. •PHOTOGRAPHY* OF ALL KINDS Froaptlr and Satisfactorily Executed. Office and salary on Fourth atreet eaat of Holt County Bank. Hotel Evans. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, Refurnished -AND REFITTED. Only First Class Hotel in City, W. T. EVANS. Prop. O’CONNOR&GALLAGHER dealers in WINEt** LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of Rood liquor do not full to call on us. Martin's Old Stand, O'Neill, Nab. FRED C. GATZ. _‘__ - DEALER IN— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats. Bugaroured Bam, Breakfast Bacon, 81de«, Bploe roll baoon, al 1 kinds of sausages, O’NEILL, NEB I JOHN J. McCAFFERTY -^DEALER IN=- s HARDWARE,: Tinware, Farm Implements, Furniture, Woodenmre, Wagons, Corn-Shellers, Coffins and Undertaking Supplies,. O’NEILL, HOLT CO, NEB. I YOUNG & CO. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines. Bi des and small musical instruments; sheet music and music books, tunning and re pairing. Knabee, Packer Bros., Everett, Shaw, Bradbury and Webster pianos. ’ Farrand & Notey, Mason & Hamlin, Ear huff and other organs. Domestic and American sewing machines. Columbia and all other makes of bicyles. Call on us when in need of anything in our line; on Doug* las street, two doors east of Hotel Evans, O’NEILL, Neb. Purchaae Tiokata and Conelgn your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS. C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING BAST. Passenger east, - - 0:85 a. Freight east. - 10:45 a. X X GOING WEST. Freight west, - • 1:45 p. m Passenger west, • 5:15 p. m Freight, - • - 6:44 r.M. Tlie Blkhorn Lino Is now running Declining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. ** For any Information call on W- J. DOBBS, Act. O’NEILL, NEB. wannted SALESMEN. laical and Traveling, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to repre sent a firm that warrants nursery stock flrst olass and true to name. WORK ALL THB Yr.AU, *100 per month to the right man. Ap ply quick, stating age. r L. L. MAY £ CO., Nurserymen, Florists and St. Paul, Minn. Seedsmen. g.jg (This house Is responsible.) GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, Eastern Railway Co. of Minnesota, SOLID - TRAINS -BETWEEN St. Patti, Minneapolis, Dnlnth and West Superior. Buffet Parlor Cars on all day trains. W. A. CARPENTER, Gen’L Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. THROUGH DAILY TRAINS —BBTW«Sn— SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL. —PASSING}— Doou. Oarrotson, Pipestone, Marshall, Will mar, Litchfield, Lake Mlnnethnka and Minneapolis. —HBACHIHO ALL POINTS Iff— xnrau, m unus, itmn AND MANITOBA. AND ALL PAOIKO COAST AND PUOBT SOUND POINTS. Also all Soo Line and Ornada Paoiflo points east. Conneets at Sioux City with all the great Diverging Lines. -THB PACIFIC SHORT LINE. (S. C., O’N A W. RY.) Through Northeastern Nebraska. (The Land of the Golden Bar), —UKTWEKN— Sioax City, Jackson, Allen, Dixon, Ran* dolph, Otmond, Plainview, Brunswick and O'Neill. THE SHORT LINE. via. O'Neill, from all points between BLACK HILLS AND SIOUX CITY. Three Hours Quicker time than via. any other lino. Golden opportunities along these lines for hodioeeekera. For full particulars write to F.C.HlLL. W. B.'McNIDEB, 1 res. aud Gen'l. Mgr. Gen’I. PassTAgt. J.’w. FIRE8A1J6H, aot., O’NEILL, NEB FRED ALM, T HO SHOE SHOP. Custom work and repairing—Dwyer* Shoe Store—Wilson’s old stsnd. O'NEILL, NEB. A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always be Had Is located opposite Tu* Itch, O’NEILL, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. . .41.