The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 13, 1892, Image 8

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    Lift of Premium.
Below is e ll«t of premiums swardet
at the Hoit county fair, at fortiltbed b>
the assistant secretary, Harry Ultley.
Article* not otherwise designated wer<
awarded first premiums, la the list ol
special*, articles which were awarded
premiums hr the association, have been
Standard Bred and lloadsters—Stallion i
years old. Win. Ileal.
Stallion 4 yearn old and upwards, stallion
1 year old. home coll, brood marc with suck
In* colt at side. Ally 11 years old, filler t year*
old, Ally one year old, mare oolt, DeYarman
It roe.
Stallion 4 years old. W. E. Lone. Brood
marc with sucking-oolt at side, Andrew Lit
Percherona, French Draft and Belgians—
Stallion 4 years old and upwards, J. 1'. llayes.
Grade ur Draft Horses llorse suckling colt,
Aral, J. O. A ayes. Second, Michael McCann.
Best mare 4 years old and over, Doolit tle
Bros. Mare it years old, Dan t'ronm. Mure
suckling oolt, first, Doolittle Bros. Second,
Dan Cronin. Saddle horse, Edith Thomas.
Single gelding or mare for driving, DeYar
inaii Bros, liest stallion of any age standard
bred, DeYarman Bros. Best stallion of any
age, draft, flrst J. C. Hayes, second W. h.
Ling Host mare any use, standard bred.
DeYarman Bros. Best mare uiy age, draft,
first, lhsdlttlc Bros, second, Dan Cronin.
Must team of Mules, Wm. Veal, llcst Morgan
stallion, J. H. McAlister.
Cattle, Thoroughbred Short Horns—Bull
1 years old and upwards, bull calf, heifer 1
year old, heifer calf.Dan Cronin. Galloways,
cow 8 years old and upwards, bull 2 years old
and upwards, bull 1 year old. belter 1 year
old. J. 11. McAllister.
Sheep—Buck one year old, ewe lamb, ewe
X years old and over, ewe lambs, best buck
And owe auy age or breed, Steve McGinnis.
Swine, Poland Chinas—Boar 1 year old und
Upwards, flrst, J. 11. McAlister; second Store
McGinnis. Boar under 1 year old. first. Z.
Warner: second Doolittle Bros. How 1 year
old and upwards, first, J. H. McAllister; sec
ond. Steve McGinnis. Sow under 1 year, first
Doolittle Bros ; second, J. 11. McAllister.
Sow with not less than four pigs, same litter,
flrst, J. II. McAllister; second. Steve McGin
nis. Best boar any age or breed, J. H. McAl
lister. Best sow any age or breed. Doolittle
Bros. Best display of bogs, J. A. McAllister.
Chester White, 2 sows under 1 year old. J. H.
Poultry—Pair putrldge cochins, Doolittle
rtroH.i pair light bramas, E. Do I for. pair 8.
8. Hamburg*. drat, C. H. Adam, second, M.
Mullen. Pair Toulouse Geese, Win. Ileal.
Pair American geese, Wm. Veal. Pair black
or brown leukoma, drat, Win. Veal: aecond,
Kmll Pilfer. Pair eaeb variety games, K.
Pilfer. Pair Alsburgh duck*. Win. Veal.
Pair longbows. Win. Veal. English redcaps,
W. K. Long. White uilnlaeua, W. K. Look*
Mechanical—Coat double carriage barneaa,
best tingle harness. V. Alberta, Best speci
men carving In wood, 1>. C. Powell. Heat
half doaen brooma, T. II. Marlng.
Doineatlo Manfaclure—Collection drawn
worldliest specimen drawn work, Mra. Han
ford Parker. Hag earpet. not lean than 10
Varda. Drat, Mra. Ellen Campliell; aecond.
Nancy McDonald. Home made run. Mrs.
. Clara liall. Beat calico patch work quilt,
Mra. D- Benedict, Beat worsted patch work
aullt, Mra. D. I’. O’Hulllvau. Beat knotted
Bed comforter, Mra. C. A Moore. Beat quilted
bed comforter. Mra. E. 8. Klncb. Hurd soup.
Mra. O. W. Meals. Pair fancy knit silk mil
tons. Mra. A. 11. Morris. Pair Woolen alock
.jags, Mrs. G. W. Meal*. Crochet cotton t idy,
Mr*. J. K. Smith. Afghan, Mra. Alaylon
Price. Handaomeat suit of ladles’ under
wear, Mr*. Hanford Parker. Specimen bund
•ewlng, Mra. U. W. Meals. Calico dreaa, Mra.
jj, W. Meals. Pin cushion, Mra. Everett
Evans. Home made coverlet, ltebecca Ann
Warner. Woven spread, Mr*. C. 11. Adam.
Table Comforts—Loaf wheat bread. Mrs.
O W. Meals. Loaf salt risluir, Alice Coyken
dall. Loaf brown bread, Mra. Anna Smoot.
Pie of any kind, Mra. C. A. Ingeraoll. Fruit
mike. Mr*. O. W. Meals. White cake, Mrs.
Maplon Price. Marble cake, Mra. Q. W.
Meals. Layer cake. Mra. J. E. Smith. Her
man coffee cake, Mra. Anna Smoot. Butler,
Mra. G. W. Meals. Currant aud nrape wine.
Mr*. C. A. Moore. Collection Jellies. Jama,
canned fruit, pickles, fruit butter, Mra. R. P.
Micks. Tomato catsup, Mra. C. A. Moore.
Boat and largest exhibit in this class. Mrs. K.
P. Hicks. Walnut catsup, Mrs. E. P. Hicks.
Farmers' rusk, Mr*. Anna Smoot..
Fine Arts—Best display photographs, A. II.
Corbett. Landscape painting, Mrs. J. K.
Smith" Animal painting, Mra. J.W. Thomas.
Flower pntntlng, Mra. W.J. Dobbs. Painting
on silk and velvet, Mra. J. E. Smith. Palnt
lug on china. Mra. E. S. Kioeh. Pencil draw
ing, J. P. Kirwln. Architectural drawing.
Adalbert Baker. Crayon work, J. P. Kirwln.
.Ornamental—Putty work. Mias Slatlcrly.
Heat specimen crystallxed gruaa.Blunce Dale
lleat specimen autumn leaves. M. McAllister
Heat apeclmeu penmanship. Hosu Meals.
Fancy paper work, Mrs. Effle Potter.
Embroidery aud Laces—Center piece, em
broidered tea cloth, best variety needle
work by auy person. Mrs. Sanford Parker
Tidy, Roman embroidery, beat specimen silk
embroidery, best specimen crochet work.
Mra. EIHe Potter. Best specimen cotton em
broidery, best specimen tatting embroidery.
M»«. A. U. Morris. Best speolinen tattlm,
embroidery, Mra. Everett Ev.tna. Beat var
iety crochet articles. Miss Alice Minor. Sofa
pillow, Mary Scblmmelpfennlg. Embroidered
lambrequin, Mrs. E. P. Hicks. Embroidered
table cover. Mrs. A. J. Hammond. Embrold
eeed banner, Mrs. Sanford Parker. Chair
•Osblon, Mrs. J. P. Ffund.
Flortlculturo—Six varieties geraniums hi
bloom, best double and single geraniums In
bloom, most tastily arranged stand of flowers
Mra. A. U. Morris. Three varieties of carna
tions, band and parlor qouquet, Blanslie
Child’s Department—Loaf wheat bread. M.
MeAl.lster. Loaf cake, Nina Byan. Layer
eake, Maggie Hall. Pie of any kind, Nina
Ryan. Specimen hand sewing, Uuasle Martin
darning, Gusalo Martin. Pin cushion. Sadie
Kerwln. Dressed doll by girl under IS years
Lucy Clark. Penmausblp. Melvlna Benedict.
Pencil drawing, John McBride.
Farm Products—Beat and largest collection
Beet four varieties of potatoes, half buslid
potatoes, late and early, onions, turnips,
beats, watcrmellon. musktnellon, radishes,
Peter Cauble. Half bushel sweet potatoes,
sweet cor*, rutabagoa, white and yellow ear
com. sweet oeru, C. A. Mgerwoe. Half bush
el toiuatoa, Joseph Prloe. Sugar beets, tur
nips, egg plants T. B. Marlng. Citrons. Fred
Richter. Cabbrges. William Veal. Three
Sumpklns, calico ear corn. Chambers Exhibit
'beat, Gua Schlmmelpfeuulg. ltye. Fred
Ichter. Oats, Wm. Veal. Pop oorn. George
Ackerman. Field beans, T. B. Marring.
Buckwheat, Qus Scblminejpoenlg. Elax sued
wm. Veale. Timothy seed. Gus Schtmmcl
pfennlg. Hungarian seed, Wm. Veale. Sor
, glium seed, Fred Klchter. Sheaf alfalia, Gus
Bcblnimelpfenntg. Sheaf millet. Chambers
Exhibit. Sheaf oau. H. J. Whltaell. Sheaf
wheat, R. E. Bowden. Vegetable oysters,
Peter Cauble. Celery, T. B. Marlng.
Specials-Two and five pound roll of butter.
- Ben lady rider. Miss LlxxSe Beenian. Blcy
ole race. Lee Hcrahtser. Best 4-year old cow.
Charles Meals. Rest display Holt county
frwlt, J. J. Halloran. Prettiest baby under I
year eld, Johnnie Storer. Reft pencil draw
i lug, Mary Henerlokson.
• Ml leUlers taut as Independent Ini nit.
Oasdt, Neb., Oct 7.—[Special]—The
1 independents had a rally here in the
' . afternoon and evening. The speakers
Were Edrerton, Beal, Higgins, Shrader
^ad Dougberity. The managers of the
5? county fair, had given them the privilege
. of bolding a rally in the evening, but
■ they were determined to’make the most
'" of their opportunity and met in the
’ court house at 2 o’clock. This was a
•; f trespass upon the rights of the society
„ and many independents were displeased
>%•§ at the action of the speakers. In the
£ evening a procession was formed, con
■: aisting of about twenty-flive men and
if ' boys. In the lead was an old broken*
down wagon in which were two dum*
i mies, old clothes stuffed mith hay,
presumably to represent the two old
parties. On a pole waving above was a
y.'. shirt stained red to represent blood, on
•" which was written, “G. O. P. Argu
.ment.” This was hung in the hall in
..?* plain view of all during the speaking,
v Mr. Edgerton, in bis speech, referred to
* •
. "L
it slightingly at “that ensanguined
garment." The old soldiers present
bitterly resented this insult, and it is
safe to say that independents of Logan
county lost many votes.
On Wednesday morning the oid
soldiers and republicans, under the lead
of James Gandy, dragged tbc garment
from the court bouse, where it bad been
left, and with tbe flag waving overhead
they burned it in tbe court bouse yard.
At tbe icnublican rally held on
Wednesday evening Simon Cameron, in
referring to tbe matter, spoke as
"Yes, this was tbe argument of tbe
grand old party when it went forth to
battle for the country, and thanks be to
God it made it a united country. One
thing 1 noticed about tbe bloody shirt
displayed here, tbe blood was on tbe
bosom. It bad received tbe wound in
front; it bad fallen with its face to its
country's foe. Tbe bloody shirt is too
sacred for ridicule, too holy for cari
cature. It faced the whirlwind of or
ganized rebellion on tbe immortal field
| of Gettysburg; it withstood tbe terrible
charges at Cbickamaugu; it scaled tbe
flame-swept heightbs of Lookout moun
tain; it rode with Sheridan on tbe race
to Winchester; it shrouded tbe pale,
cold form of many a boy in blue; it lay
down to sleep with fever and famine in
southern swamps; it was tortured with
hunger and thirst, filth and vermin, and
all tbe torments that tbc ingenuity of
fierce hate could conceive in southern
prison pens; it marched with Sherman
to tbe sea; it encircled Vicksburg. For
seven long days it struggled in the
wilderness and stood with Grant beneath
the apple tree at Appumattox. He who
today would bold it up to scorn is un
worthy the name of an American
citizen."—State Journal.
A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel
metta, N. J.. created much excitement
in that vicinity. Investigation showed
that tbe disease was not cholera but a
violent dysentry which is almost as
severe and dangerous as cholera. Mr.
Walter Williard, a prominent mrrebant
Of Jamesburg, two miles from Helmetto
says Chamberlain’s Colic, Choleia and
Diarrbtea remedy has given great satis
faction in tbe most severe cases of dy
nestry. It is certainly one of tbe best
things ever made. For sale by P. C.
Corrigan, druggist.
A Wonderful Offer
It talkie: We will send you The
Semi-Weekly Journal from now until
January 1, 1894, for one dollar. lie
member we give you two paper* each
week—Tuesday and Friday. All the tele
graphic news and markels twice a week,
making it almost as good as a daily.
This twice-n-week feature has proven
a remarkable success the past year. The
Semi-Weekly Journal now having the
largest circulation of any paper in the
This big dollar’s worth will carry you
through the great fall campaign, and all
through the next legislature. We reach
you with the news a half a week earlier
than the old-fashioned weeklies. No
use reading stale news when you can
get it fresh from the wires at the same
price. We have our own telegraph
wires, and correspondents all over the
country. It takes money to get news,
and we are spending it. We can afford
it because our circulation has quadru
pled the past year
Ye have a few of our Great Stanley
Books left. Will send paper to January
1, 1894, and the book prepaid for 91.40,
or if you send us your own and another
new name with 99, we will send you the
book free. This will be your last chance
to get this great book. We give the
paper and our Oxfor Bible for 93.75.
We give you the New York Weekly
Tribune a year and the Journal to Jan
uary 1, 1894, for 91.35. Regular price
of Tribune is 91.00. Or, if you send us
your own and another new name with
93.00. we will send you the Tribune a
year free.
Don't delay but send us your orders at
once, as the sooner, the more papers you
will get
Nebraska State Journal.
Lincoln, Neb.
WANTED—Local and traveling dep
uties for the Eclectic Assembly. Face
of certificates from 9500 to 93,000; lim
ited assessment; no double headers;
splendid commission to organizers.
Write at once.
State Deputy. M. L. Adam,
«-m Lock Box 77. O’Neill. Neb.
Notice To Our Customers.
On and after Monday October 17, we
will close our stores at 8 r. m., except
Saturdays, until further notice.
F. T. Trueblood O'Neill Grocery
M. M. Sullivan Company
Chas. O’Neill P. J. McManus
J. E. Smith Pkund & Wagers
J. P. Mann.
Dr. P. A. Skinner, of Texarkana, Ark.,
is an enthusiast in the praise of Cbamber
lain's Pain Balm. He used it for rheu
matism, and Bays: “I found it to be a
most excellent local remedy,” For sale
by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
The Omaha Weekly Bee for the bal
ance of the year, with a large colored
lithograph of President Harrison, will
be sent to any adress in this country to.m
25 cents. This elegant picture is the
president published and would cost at
least one dollar in any art store. Don't
miss the chance, but send in your order
at once. Tuk Bkb Publishing Co. :
Omaha. Neb.
It is Dot unusual for colds contracted
in tbe full to bang on all winter. In
such cases catarrh or chronic bronchits
are almost sure to result. A fifty cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
will cure any cold. Can you afford to
risk so much for so small an amonnt?
TbiB remedy is intended especially for
bad cold.i and crouy and can always be
depended upon. For sale by P. C. Cor
rigan. druggist.
There U no use of any one suffering
withe the cholera when Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy can
be procured. I bare tried it and know.
—W. II. Clinton, Helmetta N. J. The
epidemic at Ifelmetta was at first believ
ed to de cholera, but subsequent inves
tigation proved it to be a violent form
of dyeentry, almost as dangerous as
cholera. This remedy was used with
great success. For sale by P. C. Corri
gan. druggist.
Special Campagin Bate.
The Sioux City Weekly Journal, the
brightest, tbe newsiest and best metro
politan weekly newspaper, will be sent
during tbe insuing campagin at the low
price of one cent a week.
Ail tbe news for 80 cents, or one cent
per week until November 80. 1883.
Regular price $1 per year.
Sample copies free. Address tbe
Prrkinr Bnos. Co.,
Sioux City. Ia.
; tcvwvdwttfeaTMMMtandScUiMaCMtiiM. I
*»• e nurvelUme
Antidote (or Week
alao to bo oopootoUy offieaciooa tod remedial
, by riHALE IPrm_
I 01 all draKclau. Prloe n cents s box.
Hew York Depot, MS dual St.
...-——-irrrrrrrrrr im IU;
Notice is hereby given that the leases and
contracts of the following described school !
lands have been cancelled by the Board of
Educational Lands and Funds, and if not
reinstated by payment of delinquent interest
or lease rental due, said lands will be offered
for lease by the county treasurer of llolt
county at 10 o'clock A. m., on the 18th day of
November, 1802:
East half southwest quarter of section 16,
township 30, range l(i west.
Northeast quarter and southwest quarter
of section 16, township 30, range 13 west.
East half southwest quarter of section 16.
township 31, range 11 west.
North naif and southwest quarter of sec
tion 16, township 28, range 11 west.
Southwest quarter of section 10, township
31, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter of section 16, township
30. range 16 west.
West half and southeast quarter of section
16. township 31. range 15
Northeast quarter of section 30, township
27, range 9 west.
West half north east quarter and south
west quarter southeast quarter of section
30. township 31, range 11 west.
Southeast quarter of section 28, township
28, range 10 west.
Southwest quarter of section 36, township
81. range 16 west.
Southeast quarter northeast quarter of
section 16. township 33, range 15 west.
East half southwest quarter of section 12,
township 26, range V* west.
* North half northwest quarter of section 28,
township 28, range 10 west,
Southwest quarter southwest quarter and
Southeast quarter southeast quarter of sec
tion 20, township 27, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of
section 24, township 26, range it west.
West half northwest quarter southwest
quarter and south half southeast quarter of
section 36* township 25, range 11 west.
South half of section 16, township 25, range
12 west.
Northeast quarter southeast quarter of
section 16, township 32, range 13 west.
North half of section 16, township 32, range
13 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarter of
section 36, township 31, range 11 west.
North half southwest quarter and south
east quarter southeast quarter of section 36.
township 'JO, range 16 west.
Southwest quarter of section 36, township
31. range 15 west.
All of section 16, township 28, range 13 west.
Northeast quarter of section 30. township
31, runge 12 west.
A11 of section 36, township 27, range 16 west.
AH of section 36. township 20, range 16 west.
North half and southwest quarter of sec
tion 36, township 27. range 15 west.
All of section 16, township 28, range 14 west.
East half east half of section 16, township
32. range 14 west.
West half and southeast quarter of section
16, township 29, range 14 west
All of section 36, township 25, range 13 west.
East half of section 16, township 28, range
12 west.
Northwest quarter northeast quarter of
section 12, township 27, range 10 west.
East half southeast quarter of section 12,
township 27, range 10 west.
Southeast quarter of section 36, township
27. range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
29, range 10 west.
South half of section 36, township 29, range
11 west.
East half of section 36,township 30, range 11
South half Qf section 36, township 28, range
12 west.
North hair of section 36, township 31. range
13 west.
Southwest quarter northeast quarter and
west half southeast quarter or section 36,
township 31. range 16 west.
All of section 36, township 32, range 9 west.
Southwest quarter of section 2. township
27. range 10 west.
Southeast quarter or section 2, township 27.
range 10 west.
Southwest quarter southwest quarter of
section 16. township 31. range 11 west.
North half southwest quarter of section i
16. township 29, rangte 9 west.
North half souteeast quarter and south
west quarter southeast quarter of section 18,
township 28, range 11 west
Southwest quurter of section 36, township
27, range 12 west.
South half and southwest quarter and west
half southeastquarterand southeast quarter
southeast quarter of section 16, township 30,
ruuge 10 west.
Southeast quarter southwest quarter and
northeast quarter southeast quarter of sec
tion 10, township 90. range 10 west.
All of section fc'8. township 32, range 11
South half southwest quarter of section 37.
township 26. range 12 west.
Bast half of section 36, township 29, range
13 west.
North half northeast quarter of section 38,
township 30. range 9 west.
Northwest quurter northeast quarter of
section 36, township 26, range 12 west.
North half northwest quarter aud south
east quarter northwest quarter of section 13,
township 27, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
IB. range 10 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36, township
Jl, range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 16, township
31. ruuge 13 west.
Southeast quarter of section 16, township
31, range 13 west.
All of section 16. township 31, range 14 west.
North half of section 36, township 81, ruuge
14 west.
South half of section 16, township 27, range
10 west.
West half northeast quarter and east half
northwest quarter and east half southwest
quarter and southwest quarter southwest,
quarter and west half southeast quarter of
section 1ft. township a*, range 14 west.
Northeast quarter of section 38/ township
2H. range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36f township
25. range 0 west.
Southwest quarter of section 30, township
31, range 14 west.
Southeast quarter of section 35, township
20. range 10 west.
Soutnwest quarter of section 36. township
20. range 10 west.
Northwest quarter of section 38, township
20..range 10 west.
North half northeast quarter of section 36,
township 2*\ range 15 west.
Northeast quarter of section 38. township
25. t ange 0 west.
North half northeast of section 16,
township 2ft. range 10 west.
Southwest quarter northeast quarter of
section 16, township 11, range 12 west.
Southwest quarter of section 36, township
27. range 0 west.
Ail of section 16, township29. range 1C west.
North half northwest ana south half south
west of section 16, township 33, range 10
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
27. range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
27. run ire 9 wiut
! All of section 16, township 27, range 12 west.
All of section 16. township 33, range 14 west.
All of section 36, township 33, range 14 west.
All of section 16. township 32, range 15 west.
All of section 38, township £>. range 14 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
30, range 9 west.
North half southeast quarter of section 16,
township 28, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter of section 36, township
31, range 11 west.
Southwest quarter southwest quarter of
section 2H. township 28, range 30 west.
West half northwest quarter and south
west quarter southwest quarter of section 16,
township 32, range 34 west.
West half and southwest quarter south
yast^juarter of section 16, township 25, range
All of section 36, township 25, range 12 west.
Northeast quarter of section 30, township
30 range 16 west.
Kasl half northeast quarter and northwest
quarter and northwest quarter southwest
quarter and southeast quarter southwest
quarter and southeast quarter of section 38,
township 31, range 13 west.
All of section 36, township 30, range 10 west.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 36. township 26. range 12 west.
Southwest quarter of section 36. township
33. range 10 west.
Northeast quarter northwest quarter and
south half southwest quarter and southwest
quarter northeast quarter of section 16,town
siiiD 25, range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36. township
37. range 9 west.
Northwest quarter of section 36, township
^8, range 10 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
30. range 15 west.
Southeast quarter of section 36, township
27, range 15 west.
All of section 16, townshin 25, range 10 west.
All of section 36, townshin 27. range 13 west.
Southeast quarter northwest quarter of
section 28. township 28, range 10 west.
Nerthwest quarter of section 30, township
.12. range 10 west.
East half northeast quarter and southwest
quarter northeast quarter of section 12,
township 27. range 10 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarter and
northeast northwest quarter and southwest
quarter southeast quarter of section 12.
township 27, range 10 west.
South west quarter and south half south
east quarter and northeast quarter south
east quarter of section 24, township 26, range
9 west.
North half of section 38, township 29, range
11 west.
Northwest quarter southeast quarter of
section 24, township 26, range 9 west.
Northeast quarter southwest quarter and
southwest quarter southwest quarter of sec
tion 36. township 31, range 13 west.
Northwest quarter of section 16, township
28, range 12 west.
West half northeast quarter of section 36,
township 31. range 13 west.
Dated at Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3.1892.
A. K. Humph key.
Com. Public Lands and Buildings.
Attest: Barrett Scott,
4 County Treasurer.
Summons for service on non-resident de
« FlrHt published October 13,1892.
To Michael Lyons, Robert W. Staley,-I
Staley his wife, whose first name is to
nlaintiff unknown. Greeting:
You are hereby notified that you have
been sued by F. Jansen, plaintiff.
This summons is to require you to answer
the petition filed by the said plaintiff in the
clerk s office of the Holt county district court
in the slat*} of Nebraska, on or before the
Jlst day of November, 1892, or said petition
will be taken as true and judgment rendered
for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage ex
ecuted the second day of September, 1889, by
the said Robert H. Staley and-Staley
Liu wifn .... . 1, .. _i. « m « -
hts wife, on the following lands and tene
ments situated In said county of Holt, and
described as follows:
The east half of the northwest quarter, the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, section eleven (11), township thirty
two (32), north ranee sixteen (16). west of the
oth p. in., containing one hundred and sixty
(160) acres, more or less, to secure the pay
nient of the sum of seven hundred dollars
with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum, and recorded Id the office of register
of deeds of said county. In Vol. 49, at pace
434. and the prayer of said petition is that the
defendants and each of them, and all per
sons claiming under them, be forever barred
and foreclosed of all interest, right, lien and
equity of redemption in, to or on said land,
and that the said land may be sold according
to law, without appralsment, and the pro
ceeds brought into court and applied to the
payment of: 1st—The taxes due and payable
on said premises. 2d—The costs and aceru
Ing costs of this action. 3d-Tbe olaim of the
P.i ^i' Y'f1* t!ie accruing interest thereon.
4th-rThe claim of the defendants as their in
terests may appear, and fur such other and
further relief as may be just and equitable.
W itness my hand and the seal of said court
at my office in the city of O'Neill, in said
county of Holt. thlB 10th day of October. 1892
John Skiuvino, Clerk.
Guo. J. Barker A B. A. French,
m*4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Robert Simpson. (Impleaded with Robert
Kuhn. Margret J. Kuhn and William Andc”
» nts’ wlu take notice that on the
29th day of August. 1892. J. L. Moore, trustee
plaintiff herein, flled his petition in the
aistrtct court of Holt county, Nebraska®
against Bald defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certahi
mortgage executed by defendants Robert
Kulin and Margret J. Kuhn to the Globe In
vestment company upon the SEK of the
NEK and the NEK of the 8KK of section M
and lots one (1) and two (2) in section 35, alibi
township 34, north of range 14 west in Hnit
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of
one promissory note dated October f, 1888, for
the sum of *1150 and Interest at the rate of 7
percent, porannum payable semi-annually
and ten percent, alter maturity; that there
^ c?.w < l,,i upon said note and mortgage ac
S"?.1"* *°a ‘I16. te™‘8 thereof the sum of
*1323.00 and interest at the rate of ten ner
ccnt. per annum from April 1, 1892 and
plaintiff prays that said nremises may be
decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due
sl,ie«^V,f°?etLer with thP further sum'of
*41.24 with ten per cent, interest from r..i..
29.1802, taxes paid by the pluInUff. JuIy
Yoii are rtxiuired to answer said petition
on or before the 21st day of November 1S9»
Dated at O'Neill, Neb„ Oct. 6, imp ' ,W“
, J- L. Moohb, trustee.
14-1 By N.D. Jackson, his attorney.
To all whom It may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate .
commencing at the centre nf■ ,1so
19, and thence running: west na°/iifsn*seut,on
S ««c line 33.00 ehs. tbThe rhrl ? '?rU <m tb«
the K. E. and M. V. R ]?^ ,7*1* of way of
the nw?4 sec 19, twn ‘*k ■.‘in encp n across
see 24. sV, sec li sc „e' Ldl™ue “!'d «w of
alons the north side of Lid h*iS,oc 14,4,d w
miles and (£1.00 chs. Inter^-tlnl’’w “iWs?y ,wo
the section line betweensw! n u l“ .N°- 8
Ml w on the north side of 14’ twP »
there to terminate has reimro.!i7lt.of w“y>
the establishment thereof 5?,a1 1i1|! ,favor of
thereto or claims fi rH,™ al1 obJ««tions
In the bounty clerk's 8 1ilust be hied
Of the 13th day Of or.btfore noon
said road A. I).. isy* or
reference thereto hC estttbllshed without
Bated Oct. 12,1^2.
I seal] C. E. Butler, Clerk.”
J. C. Harsibh, Deputy.
First National Ban^
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Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Favoi
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Do a nc, -~~- p al> *30.0(
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, TAh^ lnstitute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keelv ins
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Dr Ker; tdfby,aP%S1Cian -a instructed
Dwight and th* ^ the lreatment h identical with that
Dwight and the results must be the same-certain cure.
oure ofAJw~!7Lf0r three Weeks treatment. Medicine I
bfo™2nTdr«,,tSent ^ MpreS9 *W *5- to*
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