The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 22, 1892, Image 8

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TM fru«t!r Vtl*« iiliua; 1 a >« Vm 14
far llnfUf * »f 114, 1* |«r h
A vast amonri'. h'-s hot** •••> •**»<- a
About the sttbmlsslvejjess of < ;r;< u3;;l
•1t*A Mil few Mdi'(l1ii.k to the r<ii*
of [•ttbc twinnnw among ’ tn-«u are
tuAed A sh* ill 1:3m- *,* i. bowel t r at*
tfrieutwl wil» beater wan. fHinoied ly
tit* victim in an epjrd'irg mauwer
Mahmud Khan. a it a hi* favorite «iv«t>.
A yam a and Khairunaha. iv«* <« hi*
way to Mci-ea, <;ne eight, betv. r:-a
Itulaa and Sindh. his lent ca>- pilch *d
onaajtv that of a (iinijin tourist, who
observed what jjao retied within and
thus wait able to retea 1 13a* motive iu
a subneoueut tragedy.
At bedtime Mahtnod Khan threw bitn
aelf on liia couch anti called iu Ayaixta
to give Jihu the usual rubbing Ayala a.
how* rer. failed to trrat her Lurd to hi*
satisfaction, an ), matching a rii«w of
Wood from theground, he struck her a
savage blow on the bark. The young
girl, liardly Id years old. started under
tine blow, and. to tile surprise of tbc
wat liing tourist. made a slight. airnost
Imperceptible movement, a» if to return j
It. a* she f*t her teeth and (fbwerwl at ,
the ground. Mahmud Khan evidently
remarked neither the look nor the !
movement, for he roiled over and went
to deep, while U«* Injured Ayaina stole !
The little caravan moved on the next
day. and In due time arrived at Jacob
a lead, m heme Mahmud Kahn and his
t«u wive* ret opt for the la*t part of
their journey before embarking. Their j
way to the next city lay through a
■dense forest- Two days later Ayama and
Klminiakhx return! to Jaeobabad alone.
They behaved strangely and gave con
tradictory and confused answers to all !
inquiries after Mahmud Kahn.
They wen? detained and a search was I
made for their master. He was found !
naked and tied fast to a tree. At the j
loot of the tree was a large ant hill, •
and during the two days of confine- {
tceni the ant* had eaten much of the
llesh off Mahmud Khan's bone*. lie |
rna* dying when found, but was able j
to explain that his wives had drugged j
him. tied hiiu while unconscious to the ;
tree, smeared Ills laxly with wet sugar
to attract the ants, and, after stirring
up the ant lrili, had left him to die.
Mahmud Khan lived three days after
tlie rescue. Ayama and Khairnasha
were condemned to hard labor for life,
hat hanged themselves Immediately. j
Uvtag la Enmdoa m WW • Week Pea
•Ion Money.
King Tli«ud»re of Abyaioit will Ilea
to history as the nemi-unge monarch
who proposed marriage to Queen Vic- |
toria, and imprisoned several English
man in hie chief town and compelled j
England to send an army to liia lofty !
mountain* at an expense of thousand* ]
of pound* to release the captive*. King
Theodore watched the 1/attic that dc- j
* elded his fate, and, when the llritith !
soldiers, flushed with victory, were !
about to enter his stronghold, he shot j
himself, lie left a son. who is now a i
pensioner on the bounty of Englanii. j
lie calls himself 1 Vi nee Charles j
Alexander Edward Theodore, and j
' he lives in England on $.vj a j
week. The dusky Prince has had sn
unpleasantness with a Mr. Ilcarn, who
ventured to remark that s pin which
the Prince wore on his breast was not
j worth a shilling. The Prince resented j
the remark, whereupon, according to !
Theodore's story, Hearn exclaimed. !
iij “You black brute, what do yon mean1.*'' |
and raised a heavy curie to strike him. j
A struggle ensued, during which Hearn j
used threats of murder, but he was put
V, ’ out of the room. The Prince hnd j
Hearn arrested for nssault and the
Story came out in court. The nugU |
trate decided tliut the one side was a., I
much to blame os the oilier and ilU- j
missed the case. Theodore is only one j
Of quite a number of tin* scions of fallen I
rulers who are living on Uie pensions
c . . granted to them by the Hrilish govciu
itf ment_
rw» Old Soldiers Vie wilt* IU«h Other
la Outdoing doles Verne.
“I saw u follow shot clear through
--«■ the body by a grapnell shell within itn
' Inch of bis heart,” lie r-a 1<1. ••The shell
came oat behind unci killed u mule, lo.t
the poor follow that was struck only
gasped a little for air and then he kept
on lighting Just us fresh us ever" ’1 i.c
room became very quiet unci several
looked toward Tangle, who was
Tangle arose and 1- o cod meditatively
around. "1 saw something of the same
kind us that," he hog in "It nus at
one of the first engagements we iia.l
when we went to the front. '1 here « as
a soldier who stoat right he. ide mo
•truck square in the hea l with a tweiv ■
pound cannon ball. and. gentlemen. I.e
never knew it." The old so'dier who
had told the first story looked a Kith
theepisli und several long lied a little.
“Hut," someone thought to eiieu re.
“didn't it kill him?" Tangle tanked o.p.
• little bit surprised. ••Oii.yes.i e.-tun'v
It killed hitn," he replied. ••Hut. the i.
maybe it was nil for the host. I;,,
might have lived to toll the story. It's
probably just as well,” lie added, look
ing at the old soldier.
Matriuiiittfitl I'omplirttMu »**•
The particulars of a ve -y strange
Wedding have become ; n lie «i* lacli.m
•polls. The otlie,• nltli' Mr- i.iza
Stanley, a wealthy widow liv nr cast
if Libel ty. was ueetd d to .1 u.i ■. Ks!t
erman. .Mrs. Stanley is oce- i> ceir
if age uud I'sher.n i Vs n 'y VI
Mrs. Stunh'y was i -‘i u v.idou two
years ago, w. e.i lie •
Stanley, died, lo ivl g
children in very e ■ a
faeces He li ft n r
• ml over ::n.P>i i •
Charles Stan 'ey of i.
ton of Mrs I.saer on •
. t sister of Ids i:o v 1
IIDIII i I r >t Old It'- :>
brt>ila*.*-tli-li»iv a ta it
and ‘a h .rdn-'.uv.
mi ha i I i. -wi
to* •> 1 id tl e
e e r u i
a re nrv
V ctl.c
t, r •! lc
r 'o’ t
i -t
A* Original al' f'wtlafli i.) Mm>
| The conductor* os «j-s*As*m raSi
j roads ar<- greatly ana »r>« i v« .i i iratfljw,
! nwM are uegroc.. the ia
dole : 11ype of that ra ■&,. ihse night
! on a trails oa what i. , .ti ..v.i a. Sun el
route was a typical sorsthera <»in
ductor, who had t*r«* a briga-litr 5*
the euBfnlmlt service ilia train
| had Wen slopping ireaJ. \'j 1hetwvta
; station*. A northern traveler who
! »ai becoming Br.'vuo,. astoH the gen
eral w bat wit Die oecaxioo. iTlis wa*
hi*. *a»*'er.
"Xiggah tramp ti? trains
down hi re eery badly. They Jin't
wait fur the train t.» stop. Tasy art
used to jumpin' us train* wbi-a the
train* are running at hi go rp-td
Tier throw themselves with wc-oder
ful drtPri'.jr «a the rear platf inn and
quicker than I can tel] you they swing
thcmuitct under the car and get a
lodgment oa the a*le»of the car. The
only way to get t lit to off 1* to t. t/ip the
train and hunt Die in out- Sometime*
we hare to shake them off. same a*
you hare to fchakc a coon from a tree.
If we catch them before they swing
them tel re* under the ear, though, we
don't atop the train then.”
“What do you do with them then?*'
“Just drop them, sah, while the train
i* in motion. Sometime* 1 wait till
we get on a down grade and then we
let them go.*'
"Do you not sometime* kill one by
that sort of thing?'*
*T never stop a train to see, but as
we are never summoned before any
coroner's jury, 1 'low we don't.
Mighty hard to kill a niggah unless
you hit bim with the front edge of a
locomotive. **
It Had the Iteadt of 124 Potentate!
Carved (poa It.
In a uiuwiiuj of curiosities at Salem,
Mass., there is preserved a common
cherry seed or stone, hollowed and
fashioned like a basket. Within the
basket are twelve tiny silver spoons,
the shape and finish of which cannot
be distinguished with the naked eye.
The name of the artist who con
structed this little wonder has been
lost, but the actual existence of the
thing- itself will not be questioned by
any one from the Old Witch headquar
ters of the Hay state.
Dr. Peter Oliver, who lived in Eng
land daring the early part of the
eighteenth century, tells of seeing a
carved cherry stone which would be a
wonder even in this age of fine tools'
and fine workmanship. The stone was
one from a common cherry, and upon
it were carved the heads of 124 popes,
kings, queens, emperors, saints, eta.
Small as they must necessarily have
been, it is announced on the authority
of Professor Oliver that with a good
glaas the heads of the popes and kings
could readily be distinguished from
those of the queens and saints by their
mitres and crowns. The gentleman
who brought this little wonder to
England pnrehased it in Prussia, al
lowing the original owner £»,OJO for
his treasure. Think of it, 820,000 for
» cherry seed!
The Story or • Blind Man Who Married
aa Energetic Women.
A gentleman witnessed a curious
episode on the Wabash some time ago.
At Decatur two ladies, evidently
mother and daughter,came aboard and
sat down faeiug a distinguished-look
ing, faultlessly attired stranger, who
proceeded to stare fixedly at tiie young
lady until forbear nee ceased to be a
virtue. The hot blood mount*: l to her
cheeks, and she plainly showed her
aversion to the stranger's attention <.
Plnally the elder lady spoke to him
sharply, calling him impertinent, but
he continued staring at before. The
young lady sprang to iter feet an 1
struck him sharply on the cheek with
her fan, remarking that she wout 1
“give him a lesson In good murmurs
that he would remember." The
stranger half rose, re-u ..el Ills hat
and said with the utm »si poll ten j-.t
“Ladies, 1 aru truly sorry 1 have of
fended; but I—1 am blind.''. Tire i it
was the young lady's tarn to -up >
The gentleman met the trio at In t: to
apolis lately anti the strange- wat
still htariag a. the vein' la l/. hat
with more satisfaction. He he. I re
covered bis sight and m ve • e l her.
Young & Co. have a good second
band piano, to trade for stock.
Young &, Co. have some good second
hand sewing machines to sell cheap 01
trade for stock.
for Fanssis, feint-rs m fcloeiiarics.
Cures Chafing, Chaffed li%ndzt Wounas, Burrs
Etc. A Delightful Bhaunpoo.
\mn aosslAH nm.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wat©
i Summer poops
i Reduced
I Prices.
To make room for nay fall
goods which I am expecting
daily. I will be compelled to
build another addition to my
store or reduce the stock of
spring and summer goods on
hand, so I resolved to reduce
my stock, and in order to do so
I will give you the benefit of a
deep cut in prices on all sum
mer goods for the next 30 days.
I will gurantee you goods for
less money than you can get
them from Montgomery Ward
St Co., or any other eastern
house, if you come and price
my goods before sending away
your money out of the country
for goods you can purchase at
home for ess money. Saveall
the money you can." If is to
your interest to do so. Don't
forget to take advantage of the
Great Bargains for the next 30
days. All of the following
goods I will close out regard-,
less of cost to make room for
inv new stock:
25 pieces light woe ted diets goods
at 25c. worth 50c.
250 yard* white goods at 7c. w 10c
200 yds. calico attic, worth 8c.
200yds. gingham at 5c, worth 10c.
500 yds. check gingham at 7c,
worth 121c.
175vds. ladies' princess flannett
at 8c, worth 12Jc.
150 yds yachting cloth dress goods
at 10c, worth 20c.
250 vds. lace striped white goods
at 7c, worth 10c.
275 yd*. Swiss white goods at 8|c,
worth 15c. ,
100 yds. scrim curtain goods at 5c,
worth 10c.
150 yds. Pongee China silk drap
ery at 10c, worth 20c.
000 yds. French cashmere, assort
ed colors, at 15c, worth 25c.
700 yds. check shirting at 6c,
worth 12 jo.
300 yds. crash toweling at 5c.
worth 10c.
10 doz. men's summer under shirts
at 25c, worth 50c.
10 doz. ladies’ vests at 7c, worth
5 doz. men's over shirts at 25c,
worth 40c.
100 pair men’s congress shoes at
$1, worth $1.50.
100 women’s One shoes $1, worth
100 pair children's shoeB at 50c,
worth 75c.
25 suits men's clothing at $6.50,
worth $10.
56 suits men’s clotting at $5,
worth $8.
25 Alpaca coats and vests at 50c,
worth 1.50.
300 pair ladies’ fast black hose at
5c. worth 15c.
500 pair cbildern's hose at 5c,
worth 8c.
Men’s straw hats at all prices,
from 5c up. Also a few straw
bats we will close out at your
own price, and other articles too
numerous to mention that you
can get bargains in.
Those goods will be sold at
the above prices for
and don’t you forgot it, for the
reason that these goods are
sold at
and are to sell at theso prices for
only for the purpose of
ducing my stock. Don’t
get the place—
AUGUST 10. 1892.
R£CCWrMt»Df»BV*RV510lAH*. ]
Sight is priceless and it* proper preserva- i
Xkm is* matter for the most earnest consid- i
oration off ever person of ordinary common j
sense. Remember that a lease dec-entered |
one centimeternhe one hundredth part of j
an inch) produces as many prism dioptres as j
it p<»ssesses lenticular dioptres of refraction. ]
Don't wear poorly made spectacles when you
can ret reliables ones at the same price.
Tudor4* Adamantine lenses are ground from
the dentes* crystal obtainable, bulletin? up
tbe nerve power, easy and rendering natural
the accomodation, they are without doubt
best adapted tor optical purposes and are
recommended by ail the most eminent of the
medical fraternity, including
ex-govenor of Zacatecas. Mex.;
ti-portaor of Ajuas Calientes:
vice-pres Medical Ass.of Canada.
-rott sale sr—
DR. P. C. CORRIGAN, Druggist,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 18th day of
December, ltftd. and duly filed and recorded
So the office of the countv clerk of Holt
county. Nebraska, on the istb day of Decem
ber. 1*1*1. and executed by W. \V. Page to
Dyer Rice and Co., to secure the payment of
the sum of and upon which there is
now due the sum of K*Jh.2S, default bavin?
been made In the payment of said sum and
no suit or other proceeding at law having
been instituted to recover said debt or any
part thereof, therefore I will sell the pro
perty therein described, two red cows, one
spring wagon, one McCormick mowing
machine, two 0 foot show cases, one harrow,
one two wheel cart, one black mare 1- years
old, one harness and two collars, at public
auction at the Checker barn in the city of
O’Neill, in Holt county, on the Hh day of
October at 1 o’clock, a. k. of said day.
1 »ated October 13, 1&92.
In the district court of Holt county, Ne
Luther E. Hunt
Larety Mitchell et al.
Larety Mitchell, Scott T. Jones, William T.
Griffith.-Griffith his wife, first name
unknown to plaintiff, will take notice that
on the 1 Mb day of August. 18K. the aboved
named plaintiff filed a petition against you,
impleaded with others, in said court, the
object and prayer of which are for the fore
closure of a certain mortgage given by
Larety Mitchell to Scott T. Jones, dated
December 15. IsoG. and filed for record and
recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds
of said Holt county, in book l», on page 41*.
cooxeying the following described real
estate and premises, situated in said county,
The northwest quarter (NW?i) of section 20,
township 32, north range 1G west of the 6th
p. in., that default has been made in the
payment of the indebtedness secured by
said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff
in the premises, the sura of six hundred eight
dollars and fifty cents, together w ith inter
est at ten percent, per annum thereon from
October 1, 1HU2, which is a valid and first lien
on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the
sale of said premises according to law. to
satisfy tiie amount adjudged due in the
premises, and for a decree foreclosing the
equity of redemption of all of the said de
fendants. and those claiming under them.
You, and each of you, are required to an
swer said petition on or before Monday, the
31st day of October, 1892, or the same will be
taken as true and judgment and decree
rendered accordingly.
Tibusts, Morey & Ferris.
11-4 Hastings. Neb., Att’ys. for Pltff.
By virtue of nn order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraks. on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on the 30th day of November. Iskl,
in favor of llolt County Bank as plaintiff and
against Peter Eberle, Delia Eberle, James
M. Hayes Woolen Company as defendants,
for the sum of eight hundred seventy seven
dollars and fifty cents and costs taxed at
$27.73 and accruing costs I have levied on the
following premises taken as the property of
said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
Lot No. six (0), in block No. two (2), in the
village of O’Neill, formerly O’Neill City,
west of the 6th p. m., in Holt county, Ne
braska, and will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 24th
day of October, A. D., 1802, in front of the
' court house in O’Neill, Neb., that beiifg the
building wherein the last term of district
i court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m.
of said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
September, 1802. U. C. McEVONY,
H-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to aie
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the Doth day of November, 1891.
in favor of the Union Trust Company as
I’.loh'tllf and against John Hubby and Mary
1. Hubby as defendants, for the sum of two
hundred nlnty eight dollars and sixty seven
cents, and costs taxed at $21.53, aud acoruing
costs I have levied on the following prefnlses
taken as the property of said defendants,
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The southeast quarter, section ten 1101,
township thirty-one (31), north range eleven
I 111. west of the 6th p. m., in Holt county,
.Nebraska anti will.offer the same for sale
* oidder for cash, in hand, on
the 4th day of October. A. It.. front
of 1 be court house In O'Neill, that being the
building Wherein the last term of district
court was neld, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day, when itndwlieredue attend
tum will be given by the undersigned.
, Dated at 5 Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
September, 1802. H. C. McEVONY.
_ Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the cierk of the district court of ilolt
Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
ion tne district court of Holt countv Ne
braska, on the 23d day of November isui
favor of Mantle Suv'fngs B.iA ^ ilZ S
BrownalUneliattrlit!s A' 1.,urham'Cus,er B
JHrv I JmfiS Jilson S. Smith and
ten ih d?fendantg. for the sumof
two ccnfs «d. f.orty-eiFbt dollars aud twenty
two cents, and costs taxed at $19.03. and ar*
cruin^ costs I have levied upon the follow
defendantif*to&^Ct'l ‘r* thV ,ProPorty of said
to-wit; ’ * faid order of sale,
seTen ATtio^l*t...qU?rter SL‘l;,ion twenty
sc'in >,township twenty-eight (28) ran^«
eleven (11 i west of the (Uh p ni in Holt
county. Nebraska, aud will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder for eLh In
llffnmTnf h*V4lh day ?f October. A. D., 1892?
f m,hUHf°Urt ,hol.,se !» O’Neill, that
slgned.teUdUnC* w<“‘ h® 'Sy'the "nde™
Hated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
September, last!. 11. C. McEVONY, ”
**■“ ; Sheriff of said county.
Loe*J and Tr*v?lle*. to reprt**>-nt our well
known boo You noed no capita] to repiw
wot a flnu that warrants unW
cifliis and true to nioie. ALL THE
YEAR. tlXKi per month to tbe right tea u~ Ap
ply quick. staling «ge.
L. L. MAY £ CO.,
Xureerymen, Florists and St- Pam!. Minn
(This boaw is responsible.)
By virtue of an otdtr of wale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
countr. Nebraska. on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska. on the 20th day of November. 1WL in
favor of Fredrick J. Burnett as plaintiff and
against Patrick Karney. Kate Karatj, W. ft\
McDonald. trustee for the Western Loan A
Truvt Co.. Clara E. Field, D. L. Darr and H.
E. Murphy as defendants, for tbe sum of one
hundred sixty-taro dollars and ten cents and
costs- taxed at S2T.S8 and accruing- costs I
have levied upon tbe following premises,
taken as tbe property of said defendants,
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
Tbe east ballot tbe south west quarter and
southwest quarter of southwest quarter sec
tion seven Ci. township twenty-seven <27 b
north range twelve < 32) west of the 6th p. m..
In Holt county. Nebraska, and will offer the
same for sale to tbe highest bidder for cash
In band, on tbe 54th day of October A. f>..
1H92. in front of tbe court house in O’Neill,
that teintr the building wherein tbe last term
of district court was held. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. jl. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 3«ih day of
(September. ItiXL II. C. JlcEVON Y,
21-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of pale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska. on tbe 3Uib day of November. lt*9i- in
favor of C B. Farley, trustee, et al. as plaint
iff and against \Vm. B. Pettys. James H. Mc
Allister and Mary McAllister as defendants,
for the sum of twelve hundred eightv-two
dollars and sixty cents, and costs taxed
at *21.43 and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises, taken as the
property of said defendants, to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wit:
The northwest quarter section fourtean (14),
township thirty (JO), north range eleven (11)
west of the €tb p. m. in Holt county. Nebras
ka, and will offer the same for sale to tbe
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 34th
day of October. A.1)1*92. in front of tbe court
bouse in O’Neill, that being the place where
in the last term of district court was held, at
the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day. when
and where due attendance willbegiven by the
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 30th day of
September. 105(2. H. C. McEVONY,
11-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of Bale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the Doth day of November. ISM, in
favor of the Union Trust Company as plaint
iff and against Augustine It. Hoyle. Bessie
Hoyle. Geo. 'V. h. Horsey aud Emma E.
Horsey as defendants, for the sum of one
hundred eighty-one dollars and seventy-two
cents, and costs taxed at 822.36 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the property of said de
fendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
south half of southeast quarter and north
west quarter of southeast qnarter and south
west quarter cf northeast quarter section
four (4). township twenty-seven (27>. north
range tbifteen <I3» west of the 6th p. m., in
Holt county. Nebraska, and will offer the
same for sale to the highest bidder tor cash,
in iiand, on the 24th day of October, A. H..
H82, in front of the court house in O’Neill,
that being the building wherein the last
term of district court was held, at the hoar
of 1U o'clock a. vl of said, when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Hated at O’Neill, Neb., this 2]st day of
September, 1822. H. C. McEVONY.
H-4 Sheriff of said county.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate
a road commencing at the SW corner of
section sixteen (16), township twenty
eight (28), north range eleven (11) W,
and rnnuing thence north on tbe section
line between sec.s 16 and 17 ra. 11 d. 45
m. , two (2) miles to the section corner
between sections 4, 5, 8 and 9; thence
west on section line between secs. 5 and
8, two (2.00) chs.; thence north on sec.
five (5), ra. 11 d. 55 m., 8 50 chs.; thence
n. 26 d. 30 m. e 2.45 chs. and intersecting
the section line between secs. 4 and 5;
thence north on section line between secs.
4 and 5, 35.10 chs. to the sec. corners
between secs. 4 and 5; thence west ra. 12
d. 15 m. on section five (5) 10.50 chs.;
thence south 2.00 chs.; thence west 3.00
chs.; thence north 2.00 chs.; thence west
on the >4 section line 7.09 chs.; thence
north ra. 12 d. 15 m. 34.49 chs.; thence
west along the 7th 8. P. N., ra. 12 d. 5.37
chs. to the section corner between secs.
32 and 33, twp. 29 n r 11 w; thence north
between secs. 32 and 33, ra. 11 d. 40 m.
9.00 chs.; thence on sec. 32 a 42 d. 45 m".
n 9.00 chs.; thence north 2 d. 15 m., e.
9 —>0; thence n 89 d e 5.86 chs. intersect
ing the section line between secs. 32 and
33; thence north on section line between
secs. 32 and 33, 17.25 chs., terminating at
the >4 sec. corner between secs. 32 and 33,
twp. 29, n. r. 11 w., has reported in favor
of the establishment thereof, and all ob
jections or claims for damages must be
filed in the connty clerk’s office on or be
fore noon ofjthe 15th day of November,
A. D., 1892, or said road will be establish
ed withont reference thereto. 9-4
Heineich Andeisen, Peter Madison and
Madison Lis wife, defendants, will
lS.reiK>) Cii,nat 0,V t.he 15th day of Septem
Henry Herbage, plaintiff herein
n the district court of Holt
th2n\Tw,ebryka’ a?aIl>st s»*d defendants
,tw°^ect.,V1^ prayer of whiaii are to fore
smt’A 2 ^a n. m“rt«al?e e*eou ted by defend
ant Andersen to C. II. Toncray and subse
to plalntitT upfm the north
half of the northeast quarter, the southwest
nnrrhe!. th® s™a««t quarte^and the
rlf slie-t?t.qua.2er of \he southwest quarter
ot sec. it, twp 28, north range Id. west of the
Mh p.m., in Holt county, Nebraska tosecure
a certain note of WOO, dated AnrilWlssA
hearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent ^
“ootdihg to ten interest «>u&n
notts thereto attached: that there is now
said notes and mortgage the sum
, to date, for whlgh sum with interest
dste plaintiff prays for a d^tree
irthnt-amunts be recluirod to pay the >anie
te.ount1ound dueSeS 1,6 ^ l° salisfy the
moThe^re'Ste^er^i.T^" th‘S PCt!tl°U
Dated September 10.1892. jm
Henry Herbage, Plalutltr.
__Hy A. K. Dark, his attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by
ue clerk of the district court of Holt
:ounty, Nebraska, on a decree of fore
-losnre wherein Amelia S. Mathewson is
plaintiff and William Nollkamper, Marie
k'ollkamper, school district No. 225, Holt
sonnty, Nebraska, and Western Trust and
Security Company are defendants. I will
lell at public auction to the highest bid
ler for cash, at the front door of the
;onrt houso in O’Neill, in said connty, on
he 26th day of September, 1892, at 10
> clock a. m., the following described
ands and tenements to satisfy the iudg
nent and costs in said action: “
The'Southeast quarter of section eight,
sjWHship thirty-one. north range eleven,
n Holt oonnty, Nebraska.
Dated 2Sd day of Angnst, 1892.
7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
nuBOEB & CooBTBioni, Att’ys. for Plt’ff.
By nttw of u order of
the drrk of the district coin
county. Nebraska, on a dee-,
doisn » herein Orient Is Par,
puy is plaintiff and Caibrrta
oogMots V .McDonoagh, An^a
Dotsotgh. Jerome A. MeDonoa
McDonough. James Walter
Thsodore Wheeler and Willard 1
are defendants. I win aell at n
t ion to the highest bidder for a
front door of the *wmt hour,
in said county, on the 36th dr
tember, Ut9i, at 10 o'clock a. t
loving described lands and tea,
satisfy the judgment and eoti
The northeast quarter of sect*,
six. Unrnship thirty, north rang,
in Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated 23d day of Aagast, l*y>
7-5 H. C. MeEYOM.l
Mann A CoirnTsiaHT, Att'y,
Lena Villingcr, Andrew YiUju
Barto, C. H. Tone raj and J. j
defendants, will take notice tfa
29th day of August, 1892, J. j
trustee, plaintiff herein, filed ha
in the district court of Holt coi
braska, against said defendant,
jeet and prayer of which are to
a certain mortgage executed t>,
ante Lena Villinger and Andre?
to the Globe Investment Comp,
the southeast quarter of sectiu
teen, in township thirty, north,
ten. west, in Holt county, tjel:
secure the payment of one pr
note dated September 29, 188.
sum of $70(1 and interest at the:
per cent, per annum, payable w
ally and ten per cent, atter ,
that there is now due upon said
mortgage according to the term
Ibe sum of $897.49 and intern;
rate of ten per cent per aaci
April 1st., 1892, and plaintiff p:
said premises may be decreed t«
to satisfy the amount found dot
Together with the farther sum t
with ten per cent, interest from;
day of July, 1892, taxes paid
plaintiff. You are required ts
said petition on or before the lft
October, 1892.
Dated O’Neill, Neb-, Augusts".
.8-4 J. L. Moo be, trustee, Pa
By N. D. Jackson, his attorney
By virtue of an order of sale i
the clerk of the district court
county, Nebraska, on a decree <
closure wherein John Beekman s
iff and John Moler, Eliza J. 11
'Yestern Trust and Security Com;
defendants, I will sell at puLt:
to the highest bidder for cash at t
doer of the court house in O'Neil:
county, on the 26th day of St:
1892, st 10 o’clock a. w., the i
described lands and tenements u
the judgment and costs in said st
The southwest quarter of secti:
teen, township thirty-one, Don:
eleven, in Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated 23d dav of August, 1892.
7-5 H. C. MeEVONYS
Mu.ngkb A Cocbtbiqht, Att’ys. f
Robert Kuhn, Margaret J. Ks
pleaded with Robert 8. Simp
William Anderson) defendants,«
notice that on the 29th day of
1892, J. L\ Moore, trustee, plait
in, filed his petition in the disti;
of Holt county, Nebraska, agm
defendants, the object and p:
which are to foreclose a certain ■
executed by defendants Robert K
Margaret J. Kahn to the Globe
ment Company upon the southet
the northeast and the norther
southeast quarter of section 34; i
one (1) and two (2), in section S
township 34 north, of range 14
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure'
ment of one promissory note dan
ber 1st, 1888, for the sum of $1.1
interest at the rate of 7 per cent
num, payable semi-annually and
cent, after maturity; that there
due upon said note and mottg
cording to the terms thereof the
$1323.06 and interest at the ran
per cent, per annum from April
and plaintiff prays that said p
may be decreed to be sold to sac
amount fonud due thereon. 1
with the further sum of $41.24«
per cent, interest from July *
taxes paid by the plaintiff.
You are required to answer sal
tion on or before the 10th day of'
Dated at O’Neil), Neb. Ang. 29,1
8-4 J. L. Moobe, Trustee, Pi»
By N. D. Jackson, his attorney.
To all whom it may concern.
The commissioner appointed *
a road commencing at the NE tti
Thompson bridge located on *<>
twp. 29, N, R II W, thence rnnnit
d., E 1.50 chs.; thence N 21 d. 1
5.21 chs., intersecting the J4 see'J
of said sec. 3; thence N ra. 11 d.(
the 34 section ljne on sec. 3, 51.45
to the )4 section corners on the
line of sec. 3, on the 7th 8. P. *>•
west on the 7th 8. P. N. ra i
25.25 chs. to the 34 section corner
sonth line of sec. 34, twp. 29. N. &
thence N on the 34 section line u>
ra. 11 d. 45 m. 20.15 chs.; the
ra. 11 d. 55 m. 40.00 chs., term
with the intersection with the sect'
between secs. 33 and 34 at a poE
chs. N of SW corner of sec. 44,'
N R 11 W, has reported in faT0
establishment thereof, and all oh
thereto or claims for damage*
filed in the connty clerk’s office or
fore noon of the 15th day of No
A. D., 1892, or said road will be *s
ed withont reference thereto,
r i C. E. Bctlu, Clef
| s*ai. I J. c. Hashish, Pe
Land Office at O’Neill, Nob
August 18,1803,
Notice Is horoby given that the -
named settler 1ms filed notice of *
tion to make final proof In suPP'
. claim and that said proof will ho
fore register and receiver at O’.v
on September 24. 1802. vlt:
for the northwest quarter 34-31-tO v
He names the following witnesses
nis continuous residence upon and
tion of said land. vU:
^_?c‘,lmrne^ennig. William Sc I*
__ T.....uulv|pfennl2, .
pu%L?e,ter Hock*!, of saottvllk*
H- H. Taylor, of O’NellL Neb..
B. 8. GlUJCSPIE. 1*