muscular Christianity. tiuM • PMMr't l*o|>ulsrlty Iprlifi ; • From s. small Thine. . "It I* strange how small a thing will §|f4 .unite a clergyman Immensely popu <;.r ” >aika tho Hoot of Thine*. Here’s» short leuon In contentment that m»y he worth noting1. A Hart ford gentleman had been annoyed by a huge rat which peraiated In making Way with chicken feed and pretty much everything that it found in the barn loft, where a few hena were straggling to reproduce themselves in the shape of ehiokena One of the new fangled French rat traps had been baited with a choice pleoe of roasted skeeae to tempt the trespasser, but the old fellow was too “fly,” and so the old faahlonod steel trap was buried un der the chaff In the well-worn path flrem under the hay, the wire affair being pushed aside meanwhile. The old rat tumbled Into the hidden trap and was caught Nothing was thought of the wire sage (which lay half concealed by a look of hay) until lately, when it was moved out of the way. A mass of stuff in the center of the cage attract i od attention, and, upon examination, It was fonnd that a couple of half grown rats had found their way into it, had evidently given up trying to es oape and settled down to make the best of tho situation. They had drawn In through the spaces at least two quarts of shaft and bits of hay and had con structed a oomfortable home and gone to housekeeping. They looked sur prised at being disturbed. KILLBD BY PRIQHT. .BllsSit % ef Prussia Seared to Death hr His Ora*r wue. One of the moat remarkable in • etanoee in history of death by fright is that of King Frederick I. of Prussia. He was actually soared to death by his wife. He was one day sleeping In an arm-chair when his queen, Louisa of “‘•leoklenberg, who had boon hopeless ' ly insane for some time, escaped from her keepers and made her way to his private apartments As mentioned above, Frederick was dosing when his wife, dressed In a pure white gown, dashed through the plate glass in the door and threw herself in a raging de lirium upon him. In breaking the glass She of course cut herself most ' horribly. The king had not been ap p' prised of the hopelessness of her case, and was astonished beyond measure at the appearanqe of the woman, clad ; .only in linen and covered with blood. His shrieks aroused the whole palaoe, but when she had been secured the king himself was found to be in a rag ing delirium. From this he never re covered, but died trying to hide from : terrible phantoms. DMtnlnt to Bo Nought/. A oertain Boston kindergarten is §§; Messed with the attendance of a very original youth named Richard. He is • easy honest little boy. and highly respected by his parents, but the other ff afternoon when he came home ho ao ;J knowledged frankly to his mother that a punishment had been inflicted upon him at the kindergarten. •• Why, what have you done?” "Well, you see,” he answered. “Johnny and I got tired of being good, and we made up our minds that we would Just get our heads together and holler out the V very naughtiest word we could think of, both together! ” The mother was inexpressibly shocked. Johnny was' another very nice and well-bred boy. But she managed to ask: “ Well, what did you soy?" “We Just screamed out'Bedbug!* as loud as we could!” Probably this tragic episode has never had its duplicate in the history of ldndergar tuning. >lnw|« Uttls Travelers, Some queer little animals arrived re cently in New York from Australia. They are called kangaroo rats, and re semble the kangaroo very much when viewed through the reversed end of a f telescope. Their method of locomotion is the same as that of the kangaroo, The females carry their young in a pouch, and their faces are very bright and pretty. They were en route to the Golden Qate park, the first of their Mad ever sent to California. _ . v. ...:.J. tpeeiti Csmpagln Bats. The Sioux City Weikly Journal, the brightest, the newsiest and best metro politan weekly newspaper, will be sent during the insulng campagin at the low price of one cent a week. All the news for 20 cents, or one cent per week until November 20, 1883. Regular price 81 per year. Sample copies free. Address the publishers, * Pkiikinh Bnoa. Co., Sioux City, la. 2S Cents Until Aftar Election. The coming presidential and state campaign will be one of the most excit ing ever known. During this time you will want a newspaper that is thorough ly in touch with public sentiment, and one that prints the nuws before It be comes stale. The Semi-Weekly State Journal prints the news several days earlier than tha old fashioned weeklies, and costs the same, 81 per year. A complete paper twice each—Tuesdays and Fridays. Giving 104 papers a year, almost as good as a daily. The old time weekly is not in it when it comes to printing news. A year’n subscription will carry readers all through the cam paign and the next session of the legis lature. A big dollar’s worth. A few of our offers: The Journal a year and “Stanley in Africa," 81.40, Journal and Weekly N. Y. Tribune, both one year, $1.25; Journal and Ox ford Bible, 82.75; Journal and Neely’s political map, 81.80. As a trial subscription we will send the Semi-Weekly until after election for a quarter. Address, Nb iibaska State Journai,, Lincoln, Neb. HSALTHFL'L, AQKUaAULK, ClXANSiNS. For Farnieis, Miners and Mec,«w!a A PEPFECT SJAP r:.-5 ALXALS WAtlH. ii'iiSt Cures C.Yifl j, Chnp.w .) I f*n8s, Wounds, Burra Etc. A jDuil>>h 1 &hknipo,>. »2? II ‘V S" K )! C ' • Socially Ac!u~!-:c U i. i i W VJ 4 i I » ;s in Hard Wale* NOTICE OK SALE UNDER CUATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice la hereby Riven that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 18th day of December, 1891, and duly Hied and recorded In the oltlce of the countv clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the IHth day of Decem ber, 1891. and executed by W. w. Page to Dyer Rice and Co., to secure the payment of the sum of 8308.26 and upon which there Is now due the sum of 8308.25, default having been made In the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding ut law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will seli the pro perty therelu described, two red oows, ono spring wagon, one McCormlok mowing machine, two 0 foot show cases, ono harrow, one two whoel cart, one black mare IS! years old, one harness and two collars, at public auction at the Cheokor barn In the city of O’Neill, In Holt county, on the 8th day of Ootober at 1 o'clock, A. m. of said day. Dated Ootober lit, 1802. KMd DYER RICE A CO, Mortgagee. LEGAL NOTICE. W 1111am F. Sweet, non-resident defendant, will fake notice that on the ttth day of April, 1882, Ballou State Ranking Company, plaint iff herein. Hied Its potltlon lu the district court of Holt couuty, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendant to H. S. Ballou and Company, upon the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, township twenty-six, range ten, west. In Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promis sory note dated July 13,1888, for the sum of 8326 and Interest ut the rate of suveu per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and teu percent, after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage ac cording to the terms thereof, Including taxes paid by plaintiff to protect Its security, the sum of 8300 and Interest at tlio rate of ten per cent, per annum from January 1,1892, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satls'y tho amount due thereon. You are required to pnswer said petition on or before tho 3d day of Ootober, 1892. Dated August 19,1892. A7-4 Ballou Statk Banking Company, pit’ff. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom It may conoern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the 8W corner of section sixteen (16), township twenty eight (28), north range eleven (11) W, aud rnnuing thence north on the seotion line between seo.s 16 and 17 ra. 11 d. 45 m. , two (2) miles to the seotion corner between seotlons 4, 6, 8 and 9; thonce west on section line between eecs. 5 and 8, two (2.00) chs.; thence north on sec. five (5), ra. 11 d. 55 m., 8.50 chs.; thence n. 26 d. 30 m. e 2.45 chs. and Biterseoting the section line between secs. 4 and 5; themoe north on section line between secs. 4 and 5, 35.10 ohs. to the )( sec. corners between sees. 4 and 5; thence west ra. 12 d. 15 m. on section live (5) 10.50 ohs.; thence south 2.00 ohs.; thence west 3.00 chs.; thenoe north 2.00 chs.; thence west on the seotion line 7.09 ohs.; thence north ra. 12 d. 15 m. 84.49 ohs.; thenoe west along the 7th 8. P. N., ra. 12 d. 6.87 chs. to the seotion corner between seos. 82 and S3, twp. 29 n r 11 w; thence north between secs. 32 and 83, ra. 11 d. 40 m. 9.00 chs.; thence on sea. 32 n 42 d. 45 m. n 9.00 chs.; thence north 2 d. 16 m., e. 0.60; thenoe n 89 d e 5.86 ohs. intersect ing the section line between secs. 32 and 83; thence north on section line between sees. 32 and 38,17.25 chs., terminating at the sec. corner between eecs. 32 and 33, twp. 29, n. r. 11 w., has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all ob jections or claims for damages mast be filed in the county clerk’s office on or be fore noon of^the 15th day of November, A. D., 1892, or said road will be establish ed without reference thereto. 9-4 C. E. Butlih, Clerk. J. C. Hashish, Deputy. , v , K . ‘I Summer Goods OF ALL KINDS At Greatly Reduced Prices. To make room for my fall goods which I am expecting daily I will be compelled to build another addition to my store or reduce the stock of spring and summer goods on hand, so I resolved to reduce my stock, and in order to do so I will give you the benefit of a deep cut in prices on all sum mer goods for the next 30 days. I will gurantee you goods for loss money than you can get them from Montgomery Ward & Co., or any other eastern house, if you come and price my goods before sending away • your money out of the country for goods you can purchase at home for less money. Saveall the money you cab. It is to your interest to do so. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Great Bargains for the next 30 days. All of the following goods I will close out regard less of cost to make room for my new stock: Iao pieces ngnt wosted diess goods ftt 25c, worth 50c. 250 yards white goods at 7c. w 10c 200 yds. calico at4}c, worth 8c. 200 yds. gingham at 5c, worth 10c. 500 yds. check gingham at 7c, worth 121c. 175 yds. ladies’ princess flannctt at 8c, worth 12jc. 150 yds yachting cloth dress goods at 10c, worth 20c. 250 vds. lace striped white goods at 7c, worth tOc. 275 yds. Swiss white goods at 81c, worth 15c. 100 yds. scrim curtain goods at 5c, worth 10c. 150 yds. Pongee China silk drap ery at 10c, worth 20c. 300 yds, French cashmere, assort ed colors, at 15c, worth 25c. 700 yds. check shirting at 6c, worth 12Jc. 800 yds. crash toweling at 5c, worth 10c. 10 do*, men's summer under shirts at 25c, worth 50c. 10 doz. ladles’ vests at 7c, worth 10c. 5 doz. men’s over shirts at 25c, worth 40c, 100 pair men’s congress shoes at 81, worth $1.50. 100 women's fine shoes $1, worth 91.50. 100 pair children’s shoes at 50c, worth 75c. 25 suits men’s clothing at $6.50, worth $10. 56 suits men’s clotting at $5, worth $8. 25 Alpaca coats and vests at 50c, worth 1.50. 300 pair ladies’ fast black hose at 5c, worth 16c. 500 pair childern's hose at 5c, worth 8c. Men’s straw hats at all prices, from 5c up. Also a few straw hats we will close out at your own price, and other articles too numerous to mention that you can get bargains in. These goods will be sold at the above prices for CASH ONLY and don’t yon forget it, for the reason that these goods are sold at BOTTOM PRICES and are to sell at these prices for 30 DAYS only for the purpose of re ducing my stock. Don’t for get the place— SULLIVAN’S ^J^rade palace, O’NEILL, AUGUST 10, 1892. Chamberlain's Cough remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds and as a pre ventative and cure for croup, SO cents per bottle. St Patrick's Pills. They are the best physic. They also regulate the liver and bowels. Try them, 25 cents per box. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment for tetter, salt-rheum, scaldbead, eczema, piles and chronic sore eyes. 20 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. FILLS (Tasteless-Effectual.) iBILIOUS ud "NERVOUS DISORDERS, Such as Sick Headache. Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Liver Complaint, and Female Ailments. ! Corsrsd with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating.,, ! Of all druggists. Price M cents a Box. ' New York Depot, 3S5 Canal St. j[ wwtwsmuses smswssststm 1 wannteo SALESMEN. Local and Traveling, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to repre sent a firm that warrants nursery stock first class and true to name. WORK ALL THE YEAR, $100 per month to the right man. Ap ply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY £ CO., Nurserymen, Florists and St. Paul, Minn. Seedsmen. 9-10 (This house Is responsible.) cHarles Hoffman » » » » Merchant Tailor. • * * * * CUTTING AND FITTING. A full line of samples of the latest stylos of fall and winter suitings on hand. Call and see them. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb. August 18,1803, Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made be fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb. on September 24.1892, viz: CHARLES W RE OK, II. E. 14524 for the northwest quarter 34-81-10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: It Sohlmmelpfennig, William Schlmmelp feunig. Peter Heckal. of Scottville, Neb., and It. H. Taylor, of O’Neill, Neb.. 9-fip B. S. Gillespie, Register. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtne of as order of sale issned by the clerk of the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein Amelia S. Mathewson is plaintiff and William Nollkamper, Marie Nollkamper, school district No. 225, Holt oounty, Nebraska, and Western Trust and Security Company are defendants. I will sell at pnblio auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, in said county, on the 26th day of September, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. M., the following described lands and tenements to satisfy the judg ment and costs in said action: The southeast quarter of section eight, township thirty-one. north range eleven, in Holt oounty, Nebraska. Dated 28d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Mdnokb A CooBTBionr, Att’ys. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, de fendants: Yon will take notice that 'on the 20th day of Angnst, 1892, the American In vestment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the de fendants Leonard Seitz and Anna A. Seitz to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for P. O. Refsell; also to foreclose a certain second mortgage exeouted by the same parties to W. J. Bowden, and assigned to the plaintiff, all being given on the following described real estate situuted in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in section six, in township thirty-two, range ten, and lot one, sec tion one, in township thrity-two, range eleven, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed, being given to secure the payment of a certain note of $300 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $11 and nine for the sum of $10.50 each, all be ing dated May 24, 1886. Said principal note of $300 being due on the 1st day of June, 1891, and the coupon interest notes being due one each on the first days of June and December of each year, com mencing with December 1, 1886. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the first days of June, 1891, December, 1890, June, 1890, and December, 1889. Said second mortgage was given to secure the payment ot a certain installment note of $45,20; said installments being due as follwos: *$4.7o December 1,1886; $4.50 every six months’ thereafter, the last installment being due June 1,1891. The plaintiff alleges that there is due it on said interest coupon notes given by it and secured by said trust deed deed the sum of $100; that there is due it on said installment note 8eC°“d the sum of $50, that there is due it for taxes paid the sUm $50. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be deoreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due the plaintiff on said pa?d °n8’ 8ec0nd mortgage and taxes You art required to answer said pe'ti onon or befere the 3d day of October, Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. * B. R. DIOK80N, Att’y. for Plt’ff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein Orient Insurance Com pany is plaintiff and Catherine MoDon ough.John V.McDonough, Augustine Mo Douoogh, Jerome A. MoDonough, Annie McDonough, James Walter McDonough, Thsodore Wheeler and Willard A. Wheeler are defendants. I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, in said county, pn the’ 2Gth day of Sep tember, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. m., the fol lowing described lands and tenements to satisfy the judgment and costs in said action: The northeast quarter of section twenty six, township thirty, north range twelve, in Holt oounty, Nebraska. Dated 23d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Mungbb er 1st, 1888, for the sum of $1,150 and nterest at the rate of 7 per cent, per an lum, payable semi-annually and 10 per lent, after maturity; that there is now lue upon said note and mortgage ae lording to the terms thereof the sum of 11823.06 aud interest at the rate of ten >er cent, per annum from April 1, 1892, ind plaintiff prays that said premises nay be decreed to be sold to satisfy the imount fonnd due thereon. Together rith the further sum of $41.24 with ten >er cent, interest from July 29, 1892, axes paid by the plaintiff. You are required to answer said peti 892 °D °r bef°re the 10th dBy of October Dated at O’Neill, Neb. Aug. 29, 1892. 8-4 J. L. Mooee, Trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his attorney. REDEMPTION NOTICE. To Thomas Cain, Edward Gallagher, Her ein Hageman, Born J. Svingholm, O. R. Nelson, Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, M. F. Harrington, Chesire Provident Institntion, Stephen Mo Canley, B. F. Barto, Nebraska Loan and Trust company, Tim Keyes, John McHugh, Addie M. Hershiser, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, E. Kane, Theresa McOuice, John Mc Cann, and to all others whom it may concern: * You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of December, 1890, J. L. Her shiser bought at private sale for the de linquent taxes of the year 1889, the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders, the following described real estate situated in Holt oounly, Nebraska, namely: The northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed m name of Thomas Kane; and the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Ed ward Gallagher; and the northwest quart er of section eighteen, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Herman Hagerman; and the northeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Stephen McCauley and the northeast quarter of seotion twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Tim Keyes; and the southwest quarter of seo tion twenty-four, towuship twenty-nine range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Jt. Kane; and the northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of John McCann. The time of re demption from each of the above tax expire on the 8th day of Decem ber, 1892. 7-3 J. L. HERSHISER, 'NOTICE/ To Charles A. Bellinger. Addle Belli_ L. Finn, Mrs. G. L. Finn, defenda! You will take notice that on ti! day of August, 1992, The American t mnnt flnmnunT. hnFntn ment Company, plaintiff herein. Bled h tion In the district court, of HoltJ, Nebraska. against you and each of >, object andprajrer ot which jire to fo. a certain trust deed executed by defi Charles A. Bellinger and wife Add! linger to E. S. Ormsby, trustee tothei Iff, upon the following descrltjed rear situated In Holtoounty, Nebraska, tb-i The southeast quarter of section township thirty-three, range fourteen of the sixth p. m., to secure the pay/ a certain note of 1700 and ten interest o notes, one for $23.15 and nine for set a all being dated Juno 10,1887. Bald dh, of $700 being due June 1,1802, and the est coupon notes being due on the fin of June and December of each year mencing with December 1, 1887. The alleges that it is the owner of and in > sion of the Interest notes which mat the first days of December, 1800, Jun. December, 1889. and .1 nnh, 1888; thattt now due on said notes owned by pi and secured by said trust deedthe< $'100, and that there Is also due the pi' the further sum of $50 taxes paid plaintiff prays that said premises ni decreed to be sold subject to said pri, note of $700 and the Interest coupon maturing subsequent to those own, plaintiff to satisfy the amount foun plaintiff on the notes owned by It und paid. You are required to answer said pe on or before the 3d day of October, I8r* Dated tills 22d day of August, 1802. 7-4 K. R. DICKSON, Att’y. for Pi NOTICE. To Cumming Ross, Mrs, Cummin? Robert Cumming Ross. Mrs. Robert ming Ross, Thadaeus Btnford, Mrs deus Bluford, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th d August, 1802, The American Invest Company, plaintiff herein, filed Its pc in the district court of llolt county, ft? lta, against you und each of the object and prayer of which ® foreclose a certain trust deed execut the defendant Camming Ross to Ormsby, trustee for W. I* Telford, upo following described real estate sltuai Holtoounty, Nebraska, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of seotlon twi seven, township thirty-one, range sir west of the sixth p. m„ to securethe psj of a certain note of $850 and ten Int coupon notes, one for the sum of $24.t nine for the sum of $29.75 each, alii July 2. 1887. Said prlnolpal note of being due on the 1st day of June, 18ft*, the coupon notes being due one each# first days of December and June of year, commencing with the first day of eember, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that tlte owner of and in possession of the i est notes which matured on the first (la June, 1891, December 1801, December .1 une, 1890, and Decemher, 1889; that tin now duo it on said Interest coupon not, cured by said trust deed the gumofiM the further sum of $150 taxes paid plaintiff prays that said premises tm decreed to be sold subject to said prim note of $850 and the interset coupons mi ing subsequent to those owned by pi® to satisfy the amounts due plaintiff on coupons owned by it and taxes paid. You are required to answer said pet on or before the 3d day of October, 18m:, Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. 7-4 It. R. DICKSON, Att'y. for Pit NOTICE. JosiahH. Whitmire, Harriet E, W mire, William T. Carmid Mrs. William T. Carmiehael, defends will take notice that on the 6th dij August, 1862, the American Investa Company, plaintiff herein, filed its r tion in the district court of Holt con Nebraska, against the defendants each of them, the objeot and prave which are to foreclose a certain ti deed or mortgage execnted by said fendants Josiah H. Whitmire andi Harriet E. Whitmire to E. 8. Orm trustee for W. L. Telford, upon the lowing described real estate situated Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: a no uurtuwest quarter oi sect twelve, township thirty-two, rt thirteen, west of the sixth p. m., to cure the payment of a oertain not $575 and ten interest ooupons,one foi sum of $27.61 and nine for the sum $20.13 each, all dated September 23,1 Said principal note of $575 being the 1st days of December, 1892. and coupon noteR being due on the first d of December and June of each ji commencing with June 1, 1888. 1 plaintiff alleges that it is the owner and in possession of the interest m which matured on the 1st day of Jt 1890, December, 1889, December, if June, 1891, December, 1891, June, If and June, 1889; that there is now due said notes owned by plaintiff and sect by said trust deed the snm of $300 cording to the terms thereof, and further sum of $50 taxes paid by piai iff under the terms of said mortgi The plaintiff therefore prays that t premises may be sold snbjeet toe principal note of $575, and the inter coupons maturing subsequent to th owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amo found due it. You are required to answer said p tion on or before the 8d day of Octoi 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. R. R. DICKSON, 7i Attorney for PlaintiC NOTICE. William D. Conklin, Mattie A. Couki Adaliue C. Wheelock, widow of Os Wheeloek deoeaeed, Lewis J. Wheel® Alfred H. Wheelqcfc, William E.Wheelc Asa O. Wheelock, Ada 8. Rogers, for® ly Ada 8. Wheelook, Evalda O. Hopkii formerly Evalda C. Wheelook, Fram E. Dowe, formerly Frances E, Wheel® Cassie B. Wheelook, sons and daughtt and sole heirs at law of Oachar Wheeloi deceased, and Ella Mathews, — Mathews, husband of EUa Mathe’ Harvey E. Hingsly, Mrs. Harvey E. Hin sly, Mrs. Lewis J. Wheelook, Mrs. " liam E. Wheelook, Mrs. Alfred Wheeloi Mrs. Asa O. Wheelook, Walter N. Bog« A.lva Hopkins, - Dow, husband Frances E. Dow, defendants, will tal notice that on the 6th day of Aug® 1892, Milton H. Yale, plaintiff herd Sled his petition in the district court' Holt county, Nebraska, against the als> named defendants, tho object and prajj of which are to foreclose a oertain tnj leed or mortgage executed by the d lendants William D. Conklin and wii Mattie A. Conklin to J. H. Keith, trusts ind Eugene Vestcrvelt npon the nortj west quarter of section twenty-n*' township thirty-one, range fifteen, vd of the sixth p. m., in Holt county, S toraska, to secure the payment'of a c*1 tain note or bond dated May 1,1886, # the sum of $600, due and payable in fit fears from the date thereof: also to sec® tne payment of ten interest coupons* $20 each attached to said bond’as eyidcn* and security for the interest to raatni thereon; that said bond, coupons a*5 trust deed have been duly assigned bb sold to the plaintiff who is now the own* thereof; that there is now due upon pb> bond, coupons and trust deed the sum* $700, for wtiich sum with interest froi this date plaintiff prays for a decree thi defendants be required to pay the sum( that said premises may be sold to satis! the Amount found due. You are required to answer said p®* tion on or before the 8d day of Octobe 1892. 7.4 Dated this 22d day of August. 1892. ‘ R. R. DICKSON, Att’y. for Pit’ll.