L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATU. ..James E. Boyd ur.t Governor.T. J. Majors i v of State... ..J. C. Allen retisurer.• •..... J. E. Hill y General.George H. Hastings j(IItor.Thomas U. Benton nils and Bulling*..George Humphrey blio Instruction.A. K. Goudy AGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. II Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, .1. M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, J. T. Mallaiou, Kearney; M. J. Hull, CONGRESSIONAL. * rs—Chas. F. Manderson, ot Omaha; 1 S. l’addock, of Beatrice, entatlves—Wm. Brvan. LlnoolniO. Broken Bow: Wm. McRelghan, Red JUDICIARY. ..Amass Cobh ns.. .Samuel Maxwell and T. L. Norval PTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. .M. P. Ktnkald, of O’Neill .J. J. King of O'Neill .A. L. Bartow of Cliadron .A. L. Warrlok. of O’Neill LAND OFFICES. O’NKIIX. .B. 8. Gillespie . .A. L. Towle. SIUOS. .C. W. Robinson .W. B. Lambert COUNTY. ...Wm Bowen the District Court ....John Sklrvlng .C. P. DeLanco ir.Barrett Soott .John S. Weekes .C. E. Butler .J. 0. Harnish .H. C. McEvony .E. Me,rlman Schools.H. W. Dudley it.Mrs. H. W. Dudley . Dr. H. A. Skelton .W. W. Page .E. W. Adams SUPERVISORS. erR l TOWNSHIP uk 111 soil 'hambers Cleveland Jonley >eloit lustiii !niniet Cwlng 'airview ’runcis i rattan Jreen Valley imian owa >ake ilcClure VNeill ‘addoek •loasuntvlew lock Falls icott Saratoga Ituart ihtelds iberldan Swan Steel Creek land Creek turtle Creek ferdlgrls Vyomlng Vulowdale ADDRESS Atkinson Chambers Dustin Chambers Delolt Dustin Emmet Ewing Chambers Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Inman Pago Bliss Little O’Neill blackbird Kay Turner Scott vllle Turner Stuurt O'Neill Atkinson Swan Star Atkinson Doty Page Amelia inlnneola C11T OF Of NEILL. p-vleor, T. V. Golaen; Justices, E. H. Set and B. Welton; Constables, John p and Perkins Bsooks. i COUNCILMAN—FIRST WARD. two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one Pavia Stannard. SECOND WARD. pro years—Fred Gatz. For one year ten. 6 TRIRD WARD. nro years—Barrett Scott. For one year Millard. CITY OPEICERS. r, O. F. Blglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; rer, David Adams; City Engineer, r Adams; Police Judge, N. Martin; ;of Police, John Lnppan; Attorney, Carlon; Weigh mas ter, Ed. M'.Bride; Commissioner, O. E. Davidson. OB ATT AN TOWNSHIP. rvlsor, John Winn; Trearurer. J. Sul Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor. Pat Justices, M. Costello and Chas Ingor usttces, Perkins Brooks and WlllStans toad overseer dlst. 26, Theodore Otto; io. 4, P. Barrett, sr. HERS’ RELIEF COMNISSION. liar meeting first Monday in Febru each year, and at suoh other times as ned necessary. Bobt. Gallagher, Page, tan; Wm. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; tiasklns, Cleveland. 'ATRICK’S CATHODIC CHURCH, rvices every Sabbath at 10:80 o’clock, ttev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school (lately following services. rUODIST CHURCH. Services ery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, lm tel followed by Sunday school. Preach the evening atSo’clock. Prayer meeting ssday evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth e devotional meeting Tuesday evening dock. E. E. Wilson, Pastor. CSBYTKRIAN CHURCH Servloes rery Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. f school at 10 a. m. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, Pastor. ,. R. POST, MO. 86. The Gen. John 'Neill Post, No. 86, Department of Ne l G. A. H., will meet the first and third lay evening of each month In Masonio Nelli. S. J. Smith, Com. LHORM VALLEY DODGE, I. O. O. Meets event Wednesday evening In illows’ hall, visiting brothers cordially 1 to attend. . Miltz, See. A. H. Gorbett, N. G. H. Bentley, R. S. D. D. Dark, P. S. E. H. Thompson, Treas. LBFIELU CHAPTER, R. A. M nets on tint and third Thursday of each ih in Masonic hall. [J. Docks, Sec. J. C. Hashish, H, P f OP P. i _HELMET LODGE, TJ. D. Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p. s Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethem tally invited. E. M. Grady, C. C. E. Evans, K. of K. and S. NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth sys of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. C. Smoot, S. A. H. Cosset, C. P. JEN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS OF BEBEKAH, meets every 1st and 8d ay of each month in Odd Fellows' Halt, Edith Butlkk, N. Q. .nnik Scott. Secretary. 4RF1ELD LODGE, NO.95,F.<6A.M. Regular communications Thursday nights ir before the full of the moon. . T. Evans, See. A. L. Towle, W. M. HE O’NEILL REPUBLICAN CLUB Booms are located over Morris & Co’s, g store on Douglas street. The rooms are in at all times. Republicans are Invited rlstt. the rooms at any and all times, angers while In the city are invited to ke the club rooms their headquarters, ilness meeting of the club the first and rd Saturday evening of each month. A. L. TOWLE, President. 0. D. BIGGS, Secretary. P08T0FFICB DIRCETORY Arrival ofMaila r. E. a M. Y. R. R.—FROM THE EAST. Dry day,Sunday included at.5:15 pm FROM THE WEST. cry day, Sunday included at.9:35 a m PACIFIC SHORT LINE. rives every day except Sunday at 9:03 p m ports “ " •• 6:00 am O'NEILL AND CHELSEA, parts Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am rives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..1:00pm O'NEILL AND PADDOCK, parts Monday. Wed. and Friday at. .7:00 a m rives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .4:30 p m O'NEILL AND NIOBRARA. >arts Monday. Wed. and Frt. at_7:00 am 'Ives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p m O NEILL AND CCHHINSVILLE. IvesMon.,Wed. and Fridays at...ll:30p m •arts Mon., Wed, and Friday at 1:00 p m NOTICE. Edward B. Reese, Julia Reese, Mary Louisa Lnkena, ■ ■ ■■ Lnkens husband of Mary Louisa Lnkens, defendants, will take notion that on the Slst day of Aug ust, 185)2, The American Investment Co^ plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against the above named defendants and each of them, the object and prayer of wbioh is to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by Edward 8. Reese and Julia Reese his wife, to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for F. O. Rcfsell, upon the following de scribed real estate Bituated in Holt county Nebraska, to-wit: Seuthwest quarter seotion thirty-one, township thirty-three, range fourteen west of the 6th P. M. To . secure the payment of a certain note of $676 and ten interest coupons, all dated June 36, 1886. Said prinoianl note of $676 being doe June 1,1891, and the coupon notes being due on the 1st days of December and June of eaoh year, commencing with December 1, 1886. The plaintiff al leges that it is the owner of and in pos session of the interest notes which ma tured on the first days of June 1891, De cember 1890, June 1889, Deoember 1888, June 1890, December 1889. That there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and scoured by said trust deed the sum of $200 according to the terms of said deed, and the further sum of $60 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amcfbnt found due thereon. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 10th day of October 1892. Dated this 81st day of August, 1892. 8-4 R. R. Dickson, Atty. for Fltf. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neil], Neb., ) August 1C, 1892. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in sap port of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Reoeiver at O’Neill, Neb., on October 6, 1892, viz: TIMOTHY D. MCCARTHY, Hd. Number 12311 for the North half northwest quarter, section 3, north half northeast quarter section 4, township 27, range 12, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Bernard McGlone, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarthy, all of O’Neill. Also BERNARD McOLONE, Hd. No. 12616, For the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 27, southwest quarter northwest quarter, north half northwest quarter seotion 34, township 28, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Timothy MoCarthy, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarty, all of O'Neill. B. S. Gillespie, 8 6 Register. THE FRONTIER FOR LEGAL BLANKS NOTICE. To Adam Gould. Nevada Gould. Lewis S. Jones, Mrs. Lewis 8. Jones, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 1892. The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the district conrt of Holt county, Nebras ka, against Adam Gould, Nevada Gould and each of you, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendants Adam Gould and Nevada Gould to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for the plaintiff, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-five, range twelve, west of the sixth p. m., the secure the payment of u certain note of *575 and ten Interest coupon notes, one for the sum of *26.15 and nine for the sumof *20 each, all being dated April 6,1887. Said principal note of 8575 being due on the 1st day of June, 1892. and the interest coupon notes being due on the first days of Decem ber and June of each year, commencing with December 1, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and fn possession of the interest notes which matured on the first days of December, 1891, June, 1891, December, 1890, and June, 1890; that there is now due on said interest coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of (150. there is also due the plaintiff for taxes paid the sum of *100. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said princi pal note and the Interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found thereon, also the amount due plaintiff for taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 18®. Dated this 22d day of August, 1«U2. 7-4 R. It. DICKSON. Att’y. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Harry G.Ryman, Emma By man, George J. Monroe, Mr*. George J. Monroe, defend ants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August,<1892, The American Investment Company, t>latntiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt oounty, Nebras ka. against you and each of you. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain trust deed executed by the defendants Harry O. Uyman and wife Emma Uyman to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for W. L. Telford, also to foreclose a second mortgage exe cuted by the same defendants to W. J. llowdon, trustee for plaintiff, upon the fol lowing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The northwest quarter of section ten, township thirty, range fifteen, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed being given to secure the payment of a certain note of *700 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of *31 71 and nine for the sum of *24.30 each, said principal note of *700 being due December 1,1892. and the ten interest notes being due one on the first days of December and June of each year, commencing with June 1, 1888. Plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest coupon notes which matured on the first day8 of December. 1800, June, 1890, December. 1889, June 1880. 1 Plaintiff alleges that said second mortgage was given to secure the payment of one certain note of *10.59 and nine notes for the sum of (10.50 each, all duted October 8, 1887. Said note of *13.50 being due June 1, 1888, and one each of the notes of *10 50 being due one every six t months thereafter; that there is now due on said coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of *200; that there Is due on said second mortgage the sum of $100; that there Is due the plaint iff for taxes paid the sum of $00. Plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the Interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff on said coujwns and second mortgage ai*d for taxes You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October. 1802. Dated this 22d day of August, 1802. T-4 K. K. DICKSON. LEGAL NOTICE. To the southwest quarter of the northout quarter und the cast half of the northwest quarter und the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of sootion fourteen (14), township No. twenty-five (25). ranite No. r - ■ vs V»«\ J u > o i itunvi mi, thirteen (13); and the northeast quarter or section No. thirty-three (id), township No. - - - - - V til ft W I Oil /• Ml W lid H ft |l 41U • tlilrty-two (02), range No. fifteen (15); and tho northeast quarter of seotlon No. thirty four (.'Ml, township No. twenty-seven (87). runge No. nine (3): and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section No. ten quarter __ __ (10), township thirty-two (id), raqgo No. ten (10); and the south half of the southeast quarter and the oast half of tho southwest quarter of seotlon seventeen (17), township No. thirty-one (31). range twelve (18): and tho east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one (31), township (33), range twelve (12); and tho southwest quurterof seotlon No. twenty-five (25), township No. thirty-two (32). range No. fourteen (14), west flth p. m.. In Holt eounty, Nebraska, and to the unknown owners of said lands and ull persons Inter ested therein: You are hereby notified that the Furmer's Loan and Trust Company has filed Its peti tion In tho oflloe of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebrusku, wherein It alleges that at a regular tax sale held In said oounty on the 7th day of December, 1887. and the 31st day ol December, 1888, It pur chased the above described land for taxes und that since said purchases It has paid subsequent taxes thereon, for which amounts with Interest, attorney’s fees and costs of suit .plaintiff claims the first lien ugulnst eaoh ol said tracts of real estate, and prays that the same be foreclosed und said lands be sold to satisfy tho several amounts due plaintiff. You are further notified to appearand answor this petition on or before Monday. Septemlier 20, 1802, or the petition will bo taken as true and j udgmont rendered ac cordingly. :d this 13th day of August. 1802. 6-4 _ _ FARMER'S LOAN AND TRUST CO. By M. ,T. Bwkelky and E. H. Bkndict, Its Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. Julius Jepperson, Amanda Jepperson his wife, George Wallen. Goorge W. Morgan and N. Dearborn Marston, defendants, will take notice that on the 10th day of August, 18112. C. 11. J. Douglas, plaintiff herein, filed a peti tion In tho district court of Holt county. Nebrusku, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortguge executed by defendants JullusJoppersou andAmundu.lepporson upon the east half of tho northeast quarter und the southwest quarter of the northeast quart er and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township thirty-three, range twelve west, In Holt connty, Nebraska, to seoure the payment of a promissory note duted December 17, 1888, for the sum of 9500 and Interest at tho rate of seven percent, per annum payable semi annually and ten nor cent, after maturity: that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to tho terms thereof the sum of 9535.87 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from June 1, 1802, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to De sold to satisfy tho amount due thereon, and that defendants may bo foreclosed of all equity of redemption or other Interests in said mortgaged premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2flth day of September, 1832. Dated August 10.1832. 0-1a U. H. J. DOUGLAS. Plaintiff. PUttLlCA HON NOTICE. In the district court, within and for the count; of Holt and state of Nebraska. The Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, plaintiff, vs Even Cauldwell, Lovina Cauldwell, Clar ence D, Houok and Mrs. Clarenee D. Houck, his wife, whose Christian name is to plaintiff nnknown, et al, defend ants. To Clarence D. Houck and Mrs. Clarence Houck, whose Christian name is to plaintiff unknown, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that the above named plaintiff did, on the 20th day of August, 1892 file its peti tion in the district court within and for the county and state aforesaid demand ing personal judgment against the de fendants Even Cauldwell and Lovina Cauldwell in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000)with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of December, 1889, and a further judgment against said defendant Even Cauldwell for the sum of $80 with 10 per cent, interest on $40 from the 1st of of December, 1889, and on $40 from the 1st of June, 1889, together with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, ex - ecuted to seoure the payment of said sum nnd interest, on the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south half (8%) of the southeast quarter (SEJ£) and the Bouth half (8>}4) of the southwest quarter (SWJ^) of sec tion twenty-eight (28), township twenty seven, (27), north range nine (9), west of sixth (6)th p. m., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to be sold for the payment of said judg ment; and forever barring and foreclos ing Baid defendant and each and all of them from all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That un less you and each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 17th day of Ootober, 1892, the averments of said petition will be taken as true and judg ment and deoree rendered according to the prayer thereof. WRIGHT £ STOUT, Att’ys. for Pltff. Attest: 5th day of September, 1892. r • ) John Sxibvino, J bkal f 9-4 Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may ooncern: The commissioners appointed to vacate a road commencing at a point on the seotion line on section three (8) town ship twenty-eight (28), north range eleven (11), w, 61, 45 chs. sooth of the }£ sec. corner on the M. line of Bee. 8, and run ning thenoe west parallel with the Elk horn river to the centre of the NW)^ of sec. 3, thence N. 15.00 chs. to the 7th S. P. N., has reported in favor of vacating said portion of road No. 8, and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages most be filed in the connty clerk’s ofiice on or before noon of the 15th day of November, A. D., 1892, of said road will vacate without reference thereto. Dated September 3,1892. 9-4 E. Bdtub, Clerk. seal,_J. O. Hashish, Depnty. NOTICE TO LAND OWNER8. To all whom it may concern. The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the NE end of the Thompson bridge located on section 3, twp. 29, N, R 11 W, thenoe running N 46 d., E 1.50 chs.; thence N 21- d. 15 m. W 5.21 chs., intersecting the % seotion line of said Bee. 3; thence N ra. 11 d. 40 m. on the H section line on sec. 3, 61.45 chs. to to the seotion corners on the north N line of sec. 3, on the 7th 8. P. if.; thenoe west on the 7th 8. P. N. ra. 12 d. 16 m, 25.25 chs. to the )( section corners on the south line of seo. 84, twp. 29. N. R. 11 W.; thence N on the % section line on sec. 84, ra. 11 d. 45 m. 20.15 chs.; thenoe west ra. 11 d. 55 m. 40.00 chs., terminating with the intersection with the section line between secs. 33 and 34 at a point 20.00 chs. N of 8W corner of sec. 44, twp. 29, N R 11 W, htyp reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or be fdre noon of the 15th day of November, A. D., 1892, or said road will be establish ed without reference thereto. 9-4 ( ) C. E. Butleb, Clerk. | shal J J. C. Hashish, Deputy. NOTICE. To Frank Martin, Luranoy E. Martin. Betty Rosenthal, —»— Itosenthal, husband ot Uetliy Rosenthal, defendants: You' will take not loo that on the filth day of August, 1892, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein. Hied Its petition in the district court of llolt county, Nebras ka, against, you and oaoh of you defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain trust deed executed* by do fuiiMik ikto L*t,,,-.tr as.. al a is . v. fondants Frank Martin and wife Luranoy K. Martin to K. 8. Urmsby, trustee for the plaintiff, also to foreclose a certain luortg ago executed by the same defendants to the plaintiff, ull upon the following described real estate situated In Holt county, Nebras ka, to-wlt: 1 he southwest quarter of section twouty two. township twenty-nine, range ton, west of the sixth p. m. bald trust doed being given to secure the payment of a eertaln note of MOO and ten Interest coupon notes one for the sum of *23.50 and nine for the sum of CM each, ull being dated May 0,1887. Bald principal note of 8100 being duo June 1, 1892, and the Interest coupon notug being duo on the first days of llccomber and J unu of each year, commencing with December 1, 1887, aud plaintiff alleges that It is the owner of and In possession of tbo Interest coupon notes which matured on tho first days ot June, 1892, December, 1801, Juno, 1891, December, 1890, and Juno, 1890; that said second mortgage was given to Bcuure the payment of ten cer tain notes, one for tho sura of *10.10 aud nine for the sum of *9 ouch, all dated May 0,1887. Bald note of *10.10 being due on tho 1st day of December, 1887, und one each of the *0 notes ovory six months thereafter, the last one maturing June 1, 189*; that there Is now due on said Interest ooupon notes owned by plaintiff und scoured by said trust deed the sum of *200, that there Is due on said se cond mortgage und notes the sum of *78, and due It for taxes the sum of *ino. The plaint iff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal noto of 1000 to satisfy the amount due It on said Inter est coupon notes, said second mortgae notes and taxes paid. You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 8d day of October, 1899. Dated this 22d da; 1 * ‘ ' 7-4 . ils SS2d day of August, 1892. It. It. DICK8QN. Alt'y. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Wheeler W. Carpenter. Mrs, Wheeler W. Curueuter, Marian L. Walker,-Walker, husband of Marluh L. Walker, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 1892, The American Investment Company, plaintiff heroin, filed Its petition In the district court of Holt eounty, Nebras ka, against James D. McGee, Amelia B. Me Oee and each of you, defendants, the object and prayor of which aro to foreclose a cer tain trust doed executed by said defendants, James D. MeOee and wife Amelia U. McGee to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for plaintiff, upon the following described real estate situated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The east half of tho northeast quarter and the northwost quarter of the northeust quarter und the northeat quarter of the northwest quarter, except one ucre In the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter owned by school district No. 42, in section twenty-six, township thirty-one, range thir teen, wost of tho sixth p. m., to secure the payment of a certain notu of *809 und ten In terest coupou notes one for the sum of tUl.ll and ntue for the sum of *28 ouch, all dated May 11. 1887. Bald principal note being duo on the 1st day of June, 1892. and the ooupon notes being duu on the iHt days of December and June of each year, commencing ftltli December 1,1887. Plaintiff allegos that It Is the owner of and-In possession of and In possession of said ton Interest coupon notes; that there Is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of (409 according to tho terms thereof and the further sum of (SO taxes puld by plaintiff. Plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to ue sold subject to said principal note of *700 to satisfy the amount due plaintiff on said note owned by It und the further sum of (50 tuxes paid by plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day or October. 1892. Dated this 22lh day of August, 1802. 7-4It. It. DICKSON. nunuK. To William II. Miller, Lizzie Miller, B. F. Barto. Mrs. B. F. Barto, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of,August, lHWi The American investment Company, plaintiff herein, Hied lu petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebras ka, against William H. Miller, Lizzie Miller, R. T. Barto, Mrs. B. T. Barto. Alfred De Four and Oeorgo J. Squires, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defend ants William H. Miller and Lizzie Miller to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for the plaintiff, upon the following described reul estate situated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The southwest quarterof seotlon nine,town ship twenty-eight, range thirteen, west sixth p. m., to secure the payment of a certain note of WOO and ten Interest coupons, one for the sum of 111.55 and nine for the slim of 831.50 each, all being due March 25,1887. Said principal note of *000 being due on the 1st day of December and the other Interst coupon, notes being due on the Hrst days of December and J une of each year.lcommenc lng with June 1. 1887. The plaintiff alleges that It Is the owner of and in possession of all of the Interest coupon notes, except the one whioh matured on the 1st day of Decem ber, 1891; that there Is now due on said Inter est coupon notes owned by plaintiff and se cured by said trust deed the sum of MOO and that there Is due the plaintiff the further sum of 8100 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to bo sold subject to said principal note and tho Interest coupons maturhlg subsequent to those owned by plulntiff, to satisfy the amount found due the plulntiff on said cou pons and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this 22d day of August. 1892. 7-4 It. It. DICKSON, Att'y. for Plfff. U'Mil LL11U bl NESS 1)1 RECTOR f iR. C. D. B. BIS AM AN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, O’NHILL, w. H. PIERCE, NEB. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Real Estate and Insurance. £ n. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north of Barnett ft Frees' lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. £ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all the oourts. Special at tention given to foreclosures and collections. Is also COUNTY ATTORNEY, J)R B. T. THUEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eye and Ear and flttlnfl {lasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 13 a. m. »nd2 to5p. m, Office over “THE EMPORIUM.” ^JULI,KN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material: furnished, robbing promptly attended to. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS.' E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED. THE AUTHORIZED > KEELEY INSTITUTE, FOR THE CURE OF LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHING AND TOBACCO HABITS At O’NEILL, NEB. ‘ K8 MMMiimaiuMMiMaiiiiManiiMMM This institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely insti- . tute at Dwight, 111, All remedies are prepared by Dr. Keeley and administered by a physician appointed and instructed by Dr. Keeley. In fact the treatment h identical with that? at "i Dwight and the results must be the same—certain cure. RATES—$75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine for j «mre of tobacco habit sent by express for $5. For further information address, I Keeley IntitUte, o’areiii„ . . areio YOUNG 9:85 a. m. Freight east. • • ' 10:45 a. m. aonto WIST. Freight west. Passenger west, Freight, 1:45 P. h 5:15 p. u 8:44 P. M. The Slkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on W, J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. *V GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, Eastern Railway Co. of Minnesota, SOLID - TRAINS -BETWEEN St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and West Superior. Buffet Parlor Cars on all day trains. . W. A. CARPENTER, Oeu*|. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL. —PASSING— Boon. Garretson, Pipestone, Marshall, Will mar, Litchfield, Lake Mlnnethnkft and Minneapolis. —REACHING ALL POINTS IN— mow, us wm mu AND MANITOBA. AMD all PAOIFC COAST AND PUGET SOUND POINTS. Also all Soo Line and Crnada Paoifio points east. Connects at Bioax City with all the great Diverging Line,. ;V; r V -THE- >x PACIFIC SHORT LINE. (8. C., O’N A W. BY.) Through Northeastern Nebraska. (The Land of Ihe Golden Ear), —BCTWXIN— Biooz City, Jackson, Alien, Dixon, Ban , dolph, Otmond, Plainview, Brunswick and O'Neill. THE 8H0BT LINE, tfa. O'Neill, from all points between fc BLACK HILLS AND SIOUX CITY.!4'? Three Hours Quicker time than via. any other line. Golden opportunities along these lines for homeseekcrs. For full particulars write to F. 0. HiLL. W. U.i'McNIDER, Pres, and Gen'l. Mgr. Gen'I. Pass. Agt. J. W. FIRESAIJ6H, agt., O’NEILL, NEB A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS » Can Always be Had Is located opposite The Item, ■ # f PAT GIBBONS, Prop. t