I To make room for my fall goods which I am expecting daily I will be compelled to build another addition to my store or reduce the stock of spring and summer goods on hand, so I resolved to reduce my stock, and in order to do so I will give you the benefit of a deep out in prices on all sum mer goods for the next 30 days. I will guranteo you goods for less money than you can get them from Montgomery Wnrd & Co., or any other eastern house, if you como and price my goods before sending away your money out of the country for goods you can purchase at I home for less money. Haveall the money you oan. It. is to your interest to do so. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Great Bargains for the next 30 days. All of the following goods I will close out regard less of cost to make room for my new stock: 90 pieces light wosted dicss goods at 90c, worth 00c. 900 yards white goods at 7c. w 10c 900 yds. calico at4+c, worth 8o. 200 yds. gingham at 0c, worth 10c. 000 yds. check gingham. at 7c, worth 19 +c. 170 yds. ladies’ princess llannett at 8c, worth 13+0. 100 yds yachting cloth dress goods at 10c, worth 30c. 900 vds. laco striped white goods at 7c, worth 10c. 970 yds. Swiss white goods at 8+c, worth 10c. 100 yds. scrim curtain goods at Gc, worth 10c. 100 yds. Pongee China silk drap ery at 10c, worth 90c. 800 yds. French cashmere, assort ed colors, at 10c, worth 30c. 700 yds. check shirting at 6c, worth 13+o. 800 yds. crash toweling at 0c, worth 10c. 10 dor., men's summer under shirts at 90c, worth 00c. 10 doa. ladies’ vests at 7o, worth 10c. 0 doa. men’s over shirts at 30c, worth 40c, 100 pair men's congress shoes at •1, worth 91.00. 100 women’s fine shoes $1, worth •1.00. 100 pair children’s shoes at 00c, worth 70c. 90 suits men’s clothing at $6.00, worth $10. 06 suits men’s clothing at 60, worth 68. 30 Alpaca coats and vests at 00c, worth 1.00. 800 pair ladies’ fast black hose at Gc, worth 16c. GOO pair childerns hose at 0c, worth 8c. Men’s straw hats at all prices, from Gc up. Also a few straw hats we will close out at your own price, and other articles too numerous to mention that you can get bargains in. These goods will be sold at the above prices for CASH ONLY and don’t yon forget it, for the reason that these goods are sold at BOTTOM PRICES and are to sell at these prices for 30_DAYS only for the purpose of re ducing my stock. Don’t for get the place— SULLIVAN’S ^J^rade J^alace, O'NEILL, AUGUST 10, 1802, V—• • Ex-School Commissioner John H. Thiry, of Lour Island, City, N. Y., is preparing a display of his penny school banking system for the world’s Colum bian exposition in Chicago. In 1885 Mr. Thiry, who is a Frenchman, first in troduced the system in the public schools of Long Island City. Since then it has been taken up in 800 other schools In vnrious parts of the country. According to Mr. Thiry's statistics, moro than 28,000 scholars during the past seven years have deposited and saved pennies amounting to *140,000. ‘vronTn^QjpifVAAMO^ (Tasteless-Effectual.) j BILIOUSm«ANEW0U$ DISORDERS. f ! Such as tick Hssdsctis, Wind and fain in the, ; Stomach, Giddiness. Fullness. Swatting alter' i Meals, Dirtiness, Drowsiness, Chills, Flush, i lags si Heat, Less el Appetite, Shortness ot] • Breath. Cestiseness, Scurry. Blotches on the < Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Oreaais, All] Nervous and Trembling Sensatlens, and Ir- j 1 regularities Incidental to Ladles. ; Covered with a Tasteless and 8olnble Costing. j Of all druggists. Price SB cents a Box. < New York Depot, j6s Canal St. { MseeeeeeteMteeetteeeeesut wanted SALESMEN, Local and Tre'-ellng, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to repre sent. a Arm that warrant!* nuraerr stock lii-st. olass and true to name. WOUlt ALL TTIK YEA It, lift per month to tlio right man. Ap ply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY £ CO., Nurserymen, Florists and St. Paul, Minn. Seedsmen. U-1B (This house Is responsible.) cHarles Hoffman * * * * Merchant Tailor. • * * * 0 CUTTING AND FITTING. A full lino of gtirmiloH of the latest stylos of fall and winter .suitings on hand. Cull and see them. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atO'Nolll, Nub. August 18,1MB!, Notluo is lu.ruby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Inton tlon to make Huai proof In support of his claim anil that said proof will ho made be fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb, on September S4, IS',):!, viz: CHARLES WHERE, II. E. 145:14 for the northwest quarter 34-H1-10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: It Sohlmtnelpfonnlg, William Schlmmelp fennlg, Peter (leck&l. of 8oottvllle, Neb., and U. II. 1'aylor, of O’Neill, Neb.. twip II. 8. UIU.KSPIE, Register. SHERIFF’S SALE. _ By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein Amelia S. Mathewson is plaintiff and William Nollkamper, Marie Nollkamper, school district No. 225, Holt oounty, Nebraska, and Western Trust and Security Company are defendants. I will sell at publio anotion to the highest bid der for cash, at the front door of the conrt house in O'Neill, in said county, on the 26th day of September, 1892, at 10 o'oloek A. m., the following described lands and tenements to satisfy the judg ment and costs in said RCtion: The southeast quarter of section eight, township thirty-one. north range eleven, in Holt county, Nebraska. Hated 23d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Munoxb & CouBTBtOHT, Att’ys. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, de fendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 1802, the American In vestment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the de fendants Leonard Seitz and Anna A. Seitz to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for P. O. Hefsell; also to foreclose a certain second mortgage executed by the same parties to W. J. Howden, and assigned to the plaintiff, all being given on the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in seotion six, in township thirty-two, range ten, and lot one, sec tion one, in township thrity-two, range eleven, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed being given to seonre the payment of a certain note of $300 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $11 and nine for the sum of $10.50 eaoh, all be ing dated May 24, 1886. Said principal note of $300 being due on the 1st day of June, 1801, and the coupon interest notes being due one eaoh on the first days of June and December of eaoh year, com mencing. with Deoember 1, 1886. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the first.days of June, 1801, Deoember, 1800, June, 1800, and December, 1889. Said aeoond mortgage was given to secure the payment ot a I certain installment note of $45,20; said installments being due as follwos: £$4.70, December 1, 1886; $4.50 every six months thfreafter, the last installment being due June 1, 1891. The plaintiff alleges that there is dne it on said interest coupon notes given by it and seonred by said trust deed deed the sum of $100; that there is due it on said installment note secured by said seoond mortgage the sum of $50; that there is dne it for taxes paid the sum $50. The plaintiff praye that said premises may be decreed to be sold snbjeet to said principal note and the interest coupons matnring subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found dne the plaintiff on said coupons, second mortgage and taxes paid. You art required to- answer laid peti on on or before the 3d day of Ootober, 1892. 7-4 , Dated this 22d day of August, 1882. R. R. DICKSON, Att’y. for Pit’S. •f.: SHERIFF'S SALK. By virtue of an order of Rule issued bj the clerk of the district coort of 'Holi comity, Nebraska, oil a decree of fore closure wherein Orient Insnrance Com pany is plaintiff and Catherine McDon oii^li,John M.McDonough, Augustine Mc Donough, Jerome A. McDonongb, An nil McDonough, James Walter McDonough Theodore Wheeler and Willard A. Wheelei are defendants. I will sell at public aue lion to the highest bidder for cash at thi front door of the court house in O'Neill in said county, on the 20th day of Sep tember, 1802, at 10 o’clock a. m., the fol lowing described lands and tenements tc satisfy the judgment and oosts in sale action: The northeast qonrterof section twenty' six, township thirty, north range twelve in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 2!)d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. MoEVONY, Sheriff. Munobb Jo Coubtbioht, Att’ys. for Plt'ff LEGAL NOTICE. Lena Villinger, Andrew Villinger, B. F Unrto, C. H. Toncrey and J. H. Ailing defendants, will take notioe that on the 29th day of August, 1892, J. H. Moore trustee, plaintiff herein, Hied his petition 111 the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, against said defendants, the ob ject and prayer of whioh are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defend ants Lena Villinger and Andrew Villingei to the Globe Investment Company, npon the southeast quarter of section seven teen, in township thirty, north, of range ten, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated September 29, 1888, for the sum of $700 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annu ully and ten per cent, atter maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof, the sum of $897.49 and interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from April 1st., 1892, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be docreed to be sold to satisfy the amount found due thereon. Together with the further sum of $53.20 with ten per cent, interest from the 29th day of July, 1892, taxes paid by the plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of October, 1892. Dated O’Neill, Neb., August 29. 1892. 8-4 J. L. Moobk, trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein John Bcekman is plaint iff and John Moler, Eliza J. Moler and Western Trust aud Security Company are defendants, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, in said county, on the 2Gth day of September, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. m., the following described lands and tenements to satisfy the judgment and costs in said action: The southwest qunrter of seotion seven teen, township thirty-one, north range eleven, in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d daV of August, 1892. 7-5 H. 0. McEVONY, 8heriff. Munozs A Coubtbioht, Att’ys. for Plt’ff. LEGAL NOTICE. Robert Kuhn, Margaret J. Kuhn (im pleaded with Robert S. Simpson and William Anderson) defendants, will taka notice that on the 29th day of August, 1892, J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff here in, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Robert Kuhn and Margaret J. Kuhn to the Globe Invest ment Company upon the southeast % of the northeast % and the northeast 3^ of southeast quarter of section 34; and lots one (1) and two (2), in seotion 35, all in township 34 north, of range 14 west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to seoure the pay ment of one promissory note dated Ooto ber 1st, 1888, for the sum of $1,150 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per an num, payable semi-annually and 10 per cent, after maturity; that there is now iue upon said note and mortgage ao tsording to the terms thereof the sum of $1323.06 aud interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from April 1, 1892, ind plaintiff prays that said premises nay be decreed to be sold to satisfy the imount fonnd due thereon. Together with the further sum of $41.24 with ten per cent, interest from July 29, 1892, taxes paid by the plaintiff. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 10th day of October 1892. Dated at O’Neill, Neb. Aug. 29,1892. 8-4 J. L. Moobi, Trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his attorney. REDEMPTION NOTICE. To Thomaa Cain, Edward Gallagher, Hel mut Hageman, Born J. Sringholm, O. R. Nelson, Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, M. F. Harrington, Chesire Provident Institution, Stephen Mo Cauley, B. F. Barto, Nebraska Loan and Trust company, Tim Keyes, John McHugh, Addie M. Hershiser, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, E. Kane, Theresa McGuire, John Mc Cann, and to all others whom it may ooneern: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of Deoember, 1890, J. L. Her shiser bought at private sale for the de linquent taxes of the year 1889, the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders, the following described real estate situated in Holt oounty, Nebraska, namely: The northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in name of Thomas Kane; and the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Ed ward Gallagher; and the northwest quart er of section eighteen, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Herman Hagerman; and the northeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west taxed in the name of Stephen McCauley and the northeast quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty- nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Tun Keyes; and the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-four, township twenty-nine range twelve, west, taxed in the name ol E. Kane; and the northwest quarter ol section thirty-three, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of John McCann. The time of re demption from eaoh of the above tax sales will expire on the 8th day of Deoem ber, 1898. 7-3 J. L. HERSHISER. NOTICE. To Charles A. Bellinger. Addle Bellinger, G. L. Finn. Mrs. O. L. Finn, defendants: You will take notice that on the JOtn day of August, 1092, The American Invest ment Company, plaintiff herein, filed Its peti tion In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by defendants Charles A. Bellinger and wife Addle Bel linger to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee to the plaint iff. upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section thirty, township thirty-throe, range fourteen, west of the sixth p. m., to secure the payment or a certain note of 1700 and ten interest coupon notes, one for 123.15 and nine for $24.50 each, all being dated June 10,1887. Said principal of $700 being due June 1,1892, and the inter est coupon notes being due on the first days of June and December of each year, com mencing with December 1, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that It Is the owner of and In posses sion of the interest notes which mature on the first days of December, 1890, June, 1890, December, 1889. and June, 1889; that there la now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust, deed the gum of $200, and that there is also due the plaintiff the further sum of $50 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be aeoieed to be sold subject to said principal note of $700 and the Interest coupon notes maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff on the notes owned by It and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. 7-4 It. It. DICKSON, Att'y. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Camming Ross, Mrs. Cuniming Ross, Robert Cummlug Ross. Mrs. Robert Gum ming Ross, Tlmdaeus Rluford, Mrs. Thad deus Itlnford, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 1802, The American Investment Company, plaintilT herein, hied its petition in the distriet court of Holt county. Nebras ka, against you and each of you, tlie object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendant Gumming Ross to E.s. Ormsby, trustee for W. I* Telford, upon the following described real estate situated in Holtoounty, Nebraska, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of section twenty seven. township thirty-one, range sixteen, west of the sixth p. m., to securetlie payment of a certain note of 1850 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $24.83 and nine for the sum of $20.75 each, all dated July 2. 1887. Said principal note of $850 being due on the 1st day of June, 1802, and the coupon notes being due one eacii on the first days of December and Juno of each year, commencing with the first duy of De cember, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and In possession of the Inter est notes which maturud on the first days of June, 1891, December 1801, December, 1800. June, 1800, and Docemher, 1880; that there is now due it on said interest coupon notes se cured by said trust deed the sum of $200 and the further sum of $150 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may lie decreed to be sold subject to said principal note of $850 and the interset coupons matur ing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amounts due plaintiff on said coupons owned by it und taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this 22d day of August. 1892. 7-4 R. R. DICKSON, Att'y. for Plt’if. NOTICE. Josiah H. Whitmire, Harriet E. Whit mire, William T. Carmichael Mrs. William T. Carmichael, defendants, will take notice that on the 6th day of August, 1862, the American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its peti tion in the district coart of Holt coanty, Nebraska, against the defendants and each of them, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by said de fendants Josiah H. Whitmire and wife Harriet E. Whitmire to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for W. L. Telford, upon the fol lowing desoribed real estate sitaated in Holt oonnty, Nebraska, to-wit; The northwest quarter of section twelve, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west of the sixth p. m., to se cure the payment of a certain note of $575 and ten interest coupons, one for the sum of $27.61 and nine for the sum of $20.13 each, all dated September 23, 1887. Said principal note of $575 being due the 1st days of December, 1892. and the coupon notes being due on the first days of December and June of each year, commencing with June 1, 1888. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner.of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the 1st day of June, 1890, December, 1889, December, 1890, June, 1891, December, 1891, June, 1892, and June, 1889; that there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of $300 ac cording to the terms thereof, and the farther sum of $50 taxes paid by plaint iff under the terms of said mortgage. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be sold snbjeot to said principal note of $575, and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due it. Yon are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. R. R. DICKSON, 7-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. William D. Conklin, Mattie A. Conklin, Ada!ine4 0. Wheelock, widow of Oscar Wbeeloek deceased, Lewis J. Wheelock, Alfred H. Wheelook, William E. Wheelock, Asa O. Wheelook, Ada H. Rogers, former ly Ada S. Wheelock, Evaldj. C. Hopkins, formerly Evalda C. Wheelook, Frances E. Dowe, formerly Frances E. Wheelook, Cassie B. Wheelock, aons and daughters and sole heirs at law of Oachar Wheelock, deceased, and Ella Mathews, -— Mathews, hnsband of Ella Mathews, Harvey E. Hingsly, Mrs. Harvey E. Hing sly, Mrs. Lewis J. Wheelock, Mrs. Wil liam E. Wheelook, Mrs. Alfred Wheelock, Mrs. Asa 0. Wheelook, Walter N. Rogers, Alva Hopkins, - Dow, hnsband ol Frances E. Dow, defendants, will take notice that on the 6th day of August, 1892, Milton H. Yale, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court ol Holt county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trusl deed or mortgage executed by the de fendants William D. Conklin and wife Mattie A. Conklin to J. H. Keith, trustee, and Eugene Vestervelt upon the north west quarter of section twenty-nine, township thirty-one, range fifteen, wesl of the sixth p. n, in Holt county, Ne braska, to secure the payment of a cer tain note or bond dated May 1, 1885, for the sum of if500, due and payable in five years from the date thoreol; also to secure the payment of ten interest coupons ol f20 each attached to said bond’as evidence and security for the interest to mature thereon; that said bond, ooupons and trust deed have been duly assigned and sold to the plaintiff who is now the owner thereof; that there is now due upon said °0Up0"! 8nd trnst deed the sum of J700, for which. sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the sum or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tne amount found dne. * You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 3d day of October, Dated this 22d day of August, 1892^ * R. R. DICKSON, Att’y. for Plt'ff. LEGAL NOTICE. To tbe southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and tbe east liulf of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section fourteen (It), township No. twenty-five (25). range No. thirteen (13); and the northeast quarter of section No. thirty-three (»»). township No. thirty-two (32), range No. fifteen (tj); and the northeast quarter of section No. tnlrty four (.‘{4), township No. twenty-seven (27), range No. nine (9): and the northeast nuarter of the northeast quarter of section No. ten (10). township thirty-two (38), range No. ten (10): and the south half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest nuarter of section seventeen (17), township No. thirty-one (31). range twelve (12); and the east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one (31), township (33), range twelve (12); and the southwest quarter of section No. twenty-live (25), township No. thirty-two (32). range No. fourteen (14). west 0th p..in., in Holt county, Nebraska, and to the unknown owners of said lands and all persons inter ested therein: . _ A You are hereby notified that the Farmers Loan and Trust Company has filed its peti tion in the office of the clerk of thp district court of Ilolt county, Nebraska, wherein It alleges that at a regular tax sale held in sain county on the 7th day of December, 1881. and tiie 31st day o! December, 1888, it pur chased the above described land for taxes and that since said purchases it lias paid subsequent taxes thereon, for which amounts with Interest, attorney’s fees and costs of suit plaintiff claims the first lien against each of said tracts of real estate, and prays that the same be foreclosed and said lands be sold to satisfy the several amounts (lue plaintiff. You are further notified to appearand answer this petition on or before Monday, September 26, 1862, or tho petition will bo taken as true and judgment rendered ac cordingly. Dated this 13th day of August. 1892. 6-4 FARMER’S LOAN ANI) TRUST CO. By M. J. Sweklev and E. H. Benpict, Its At.tnrnp.vs. LEGAL NOTICE. Julius Jepnerson, Amanda Jenuorson his wife, George Wallen. George W. Morgan and N. Dearborn Murstou, defendants, will take notice that on the 10th day of August, 1892. c. n..(. Douglas, plaintiff herein, tiled a peti iloninthe district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants ■InliusJepperson andAniandaJepperson upon l lie east half of the northeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quart er and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township thirty-three, range twelve west, in Holt comity, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promissory note dated December 17, 1888, lor the sum of $500 and Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum payable semi annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $585.87 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from June 1, 1802, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amouut duo thereon, and that defendants may be foreclosed of all equity of redemption or other interests in said mortgaged premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2Stli day of September, 18112. Dated August 18.1892. (S-4aL'. H. J. DOUGLAS. Plaintiff. PUBLICATION NOTICE. In the district court, within and for the connty of Holt and state of Nebraska. The Phoenix Insnranoe Company of Hartford, Connecticut, plaintiff, vs Even Canldwell, Lovina Canldwell, Clar ence D, Honck and Mrs. Clarence D. Houck, his wife, whose Christian name is to plaiiftiff unknown, et al, defend ants. To Clarence D, Houck and Mrs. Clarence Houck, whose Christian name is to plaintiff nnkDown, defendants: You and eaoh of you will take notice that the above named plaintiff did, on the 20th day of August, 1892 file its peti tion in the district court within and for the county and state aforesaid demand ing personal judgment against the de fendants Even Canldwell and Lovina Canldwell in the sum of one thousand dollars (flOOO)with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of December, 1889, and a further judgment against said defendant Even Canldwell for the sum of $80 with 10 per cent, interest on $40 from the 1st of of December, 1889, and on $40 from the 1st of June, 1889, together with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, ex - eouted to secure the payment of said sum and interest, on the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The Bouth half (S%) of the southeast quarter (SE)^) and the south half (8^) of the southwest quarter (SWj£) of sec tion twenty-eight (28), township twenty seven, (27), north range nine (9), west of sixth (6)th p. m., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on Baid premises to be sold for the payment of said judg ment; and forever barring and foreclos ing said defendant and each nnd all of them from all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That un less you and each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 17th day of October, 1892, the averments of said petition will be taken as true and judg ment and decree rendered according to the prayer thereof. WRIGHT & STOUT, Att’ys. for Pltff. Attest: 5th day of September, 1892. John Skibvino, j SEAL | 9-4 Clerk. ~ notice to land owners. To all whom it may concern: The commissioners appointed to vacate a road commencing at a point on the J4 section line on section three (3) town ship twenty-eight (28), north range eleven (IX), w. 61, 46 chs. south of the 14 sec. corner on the M. line of sec. 3, and run ning thence west parallel with the Elk horn river to the centre of the NWV of sec. 3, thence N. 15.00 chs. to the 7th 8. P. N., has reported in favor of vacating said portion of road No. 8. and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county olerk’s office on or before noon of the 15th day of November, A. D., 1892, or said road will vacate without reference thereto. Dated September 3, 1892. 9I4 0, E. Buti.eb, Clerk. SEAL- J. 0. Hashish, Deputy. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may concern. The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the NE end of the lhompson bridge located on section 3, twp. 29, N, R 11 W, thenoe running N 45 d-> E 1.50 chs.; thence N 21 d. 15 m. W 5.21 chs., intersecting the J4 seotion line of said sec. 3; thence N ra. 11 d.*40 m. on the 14 section line on sec. 8, 61.45 chs. to to the I4 section corners on the north N line of sec. 3, on the 7th 8. P. N.; thence west on the 7th 8. P. N. ra 12 d. 15 ra. 25.25 chs. to the J4 section oornerB on the south line of sec. 34, twp. 29. N. R. 11 W.; thenoe N on the j-4 section line on seo. 34,' ra. 11 d. 45 m. 20.15 chs.; thenoe west ra. 11 d. 56 m. 40.00 chs., terminating with the intersection with the section line between secs. 33 and 34 at a point 20.00 chs. N of S\V corner of seo. 44, twp. 29 N Rt1.1 ,W> hns reported in favor of the establishment thereof,, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the oounty clerk’s oflioe on or be the . 15t*> day of November, “1 .’ 1892> or said road will be establish ed without reference thereto. 9.4 C. E. Butleb, Clerk. | seal | J. C. Habnisb, Deputy. NOTICE. To Frank Martin, Luranoy E. Mam. Rosenthal, - Rosenthal, hX Ilothy Rosenthal, defendants: U8“*1 You will take notice thatonthe^ of August, lathi. The American inv. Company, plaintiff herein, Bled its I— in the district court of Holt county v ka, against you and each of you deV' the object and prayer of which close » certain trust deed executed i fondants Frank Martin and wife rVTL Martin to E. 8. Oriusby, trustee I plaintiff, also to foreclose a certain ‘1 ace executed by the same defend»,t. plaintiff. all upon the following d? real estate situated in Holt county v!* kfl The southwest quarter of section t, da fnivnohin twflntv.nlna two. township twenty-nine, ranee — a tl.n r,lvtl, n ••• Qm*t*1 a_ n . w-0, of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed given to secure the payment of ,,, note of *800 and ten Interest coup™ one for the sum of *21.56 and nine fnr,.! of *31 each, all being dated May 9, ]88;w principal note of #000 being due .In,,,, and the Interest coupon notes belnr, the first days of December and June of year, commencing with December I i* plaintiff alleges that It is tbs owner”,' in possession of the interest coupon which matured on the first days o: juJ December, 1891, June, 1891, Docombe and June, 1891': that said second inZ was given to secure the payment of tl tu.in nnfpfl nnp f'nr fhrt sum rtf iin to . . tain notes, one for thd sum of fio io for the sum of *9 each Jwll dated dated Mari Jlfl^ due on tin' Said note of *10.10 bol w___ of December, 1887, and one each of notes every six months thereafter th one maturing June 1, 1892; that there: due on said interest coupon notes o«> plaintiff and secured by said trust d« sum of #200, that there Is due on cond mortguge and notes the sum of ? due it for taxes the sum of #169. The'! iff l>ray9 that said premises may l>ed« to be sold subject to said principaln *000 to satisfy the amount due it on said est coupon notes, said second mortal, and taxes paid. You are required to answer said n«i on or before the 3d day of October, lsSi Dated this 22d day of August, 1892 7-4 It. K. DICKSON. Alt'v. fir 1» NOTICE. To Wheeler W. Carpenter. Mrs. Whet Carpenter, Marlali L. Walker._\ husband of Marlah L. Walker, defei You will take notloe that on the'ti of August, 1892, The American lnv, Company, plaintiff herein, filed its n in the district court of Holt county 1 ka, against James D. McGee, Amelia Gee and each of you, defendants, the and prayer of which are to foreclosi tain trust deed executed by said defe James D. McGee and wife Amelia II to E. S. Ortusby, trustee for plalntif tlie following described real estate si in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast quart the northwest quarter of the noi quarter and the northeat quarter northwest quarter, except one acre northwest quarter of the northeast! owned by school district No. 42, in twenty-six, township thirty-one, rain teen, west of the sixth p. m„ to see, payment of a certain note of #800 ami to rest coupon notes one t'orthesunu and nine for the sum of #28 each, all May 11. 1887. Said principal note lui on the 1st day of J une, 1892. and the i notes lieiug due on the 1st days of Dei and June of each year, commem-in Docomberl, 1887. Plaintiff alleges th tho owner of and in possession of possession of said ten interest coupon that there Is now due on said notes ok plaintiff and secured by said trust d, sum of #400 according to the t»ms t and the further sum of #50 taxes i plaintiff. Plaintiff therefore prays tli premises may be decreed to be sold, to said principal note of #700 to suti amount due plaintiff on said noteow it and the further sum of #50 taxes i plaintiff. You are required to answer said c on or before the 3d day of October. 189 Dated this ‘22th day of August, 1892. 7-4 H. R. DICK NOTICE. To William II. Miller, Lizzie Miller, B Barto. Mrs. B. F. Barto, defendants: You will take notice that on the 2iH o^August, 1893, The American Invcsti Company, plaintiff herein, filed its p« in the district court of Holt county. NeS ka, against William H. Miller, Lizzie 51; B. T. Barto, Mrs. B. T. Barto, Alfred Four and George J. Squires, defendant object and prayer of which are to fur* a certain trust deed executed by the del ants William H. Miller and Lizzie Milk E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for the plaintiff.i tlie following described real estate situ in Holt county. Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarterof section nim.t ship twenty-eight, range thirteen, wests p. m., to secure the payment of a «' note of S1W0 and ten interest coupons, uu the sum of $11.55 and nine * for the slit $31.50 each, all being due March 25.1887. principal note of $900 being dueon the 1st of December and the other interst coni notes being duo on the Urst days December and J une of each year.!eo]:.! ■ lug with June 1. 1887. The plaintiff all that it is the owner of and mpossessiw all of the Interest coupon notes, except one which matured on the 1st day of lie1 ber, 1891; that there is now due on said it est coupon notes owned by plaintiff anti cured by said trust deed the sum of M that there is due the plaintiff the fur sum of $100 taxes paid. The plaintiff p< that said premises may be decreed t sold subject to said principal note and interest coupons maturing subset]ter those owned by plaintiff, to eatfsfy! amount found due the plaintiff on said i pons and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petil on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this.22d day of August. 1892. T-4 K. B. DICKSON, Att’y. for PH’ NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may oonoern: The commissioner appointed to 1« a road commencing at the SW corna section sixteen (16), township twei eight (28), north range eleven (11) and rnnning thence north on the sect line between sec.s 16 and 17 ra. 111 m. , two (2) miles to the section coi between seotions 4, 6, 8 and 9; thi west on section line between secs. 5 8, two (2.00) ohs.; thenoe north on five (6), ra. 11 d. 66 m., 3.60 Ohs.; thi n. 26 d. 30 m. e 2.46 ohs. and intersect the section line between sees. 4 an thence north on seotion line between » 4 and 6, 36.10 chs. to the 34 sec. con between secs. 4 and 6; thence west n d. 16 m. on seotion five (6) 10.60 cl thence south 2.00 ohs.; thenoe west I chs.; thenoe north 2.00 chs.; thence* on the )i( section line 7.09 ohs.; tha north ra. 12 d. 16 m. 34.49 ohs.; tha weBt along the 7th 8. P. N., ra. 12 <1. i chs. to the seotion corner between a 32 and 33, twp. 29 n r 11 w; thence no between secs. 32 and 33, ra. 11 d. 10 9.00 chs.; thence on seo. 82 a.42 d. 13 n 9.00 ohs.; thence north 2 d. 16 m. 9.60; thence n 89 d e 6.86 ohs. inters* ing the section line between. secs. 32 1 33; thence north on section line betv< secs. 32 and 33, 17.26 chs., terminating the 34 sec. corner between sees. 32 and twp. 29, n. r. 11 w., has reported in f»' of the establishment thereof, and all1 j actions or claims for damages must filed in the county clerk’s offioe on or J fore noon of^the 15th day of Novemb A. D., 1892, or said road will be estald* ed without reference thereto.- iH ( 1 ) O. E. Buraia, Clerk. ( a,AAl ( J. C. Hashish, Deputjj ISOTICE. To whom it may concern: Yon are hereby notified that on the ■ day df December, 1890, Adams and D1 bought at private taxsaie,the same hnvii been offered at pnblio sale and not s for want of bidders, the following deocr ed real estate, viz: The EJ£ 8W# section 25, township Tange 13, west 6th p. m., containing acres, situated in Holt county, Nebrnsl for the delinquent taxes of the year 1* and taxed in name of F. M. Potter; H the tax sale certificates received byAda and Darr at said sale have been sold assigned to the undersigned who is present owner and holder thereof, that the time of redemption of same expire on the 8th day of December, 1 7*3 WM, P. SHARPLESS