iN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ST A Tin. or nor...James E. Boyd atenant Governor...J. Majors tiiry of State... ...J. C. Allen L Treasurer.J. E. Hill rney (ieneral.George H. Hastings Auditor.Thomas H. Benton Lands and Builings.. George Humphrey Public Instruction.A. K. Goudy HEGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY, us. H. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, _dia; J. M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Ilolmos, ce; ,T. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J.Hull, CONGRESSIONAL. atom—Chas. F. Manderson, of Omaha; rnon S. Paddock, of Beatrloe. rcsentnttves—Wm. Bryan, Llnooln; O. ■in. Broken Bow; Wm. McKelffban, Bed JUDICIARY. Justice., Amasa Cobb dates.. .Samuel Maxwell and T. L. Norval Fl FTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. .M. P. Klnkald, of O'Neill rter.J- J, King of O'Neill ..A.L. Bartow of Chadron rter.A. L. Warrick, of O'Neill LAND OFFICES. O’NBUX. iter.B, S. Gillespie irer. .A. L. Towle. NXLIOH. tor.:.C. W. Robinson ..W. B. Lambert COUNTY. is...Wm Bowen of the District Court.John Sklrvlnsr lty...O. P. DeLance surer...'....Barrett Scott lty.John S.Weekes .C. E. Butler ty.J. C. Harnlsi, It..H. C. McEvony ty.E. Merrlman of Schools.II. W. Dudley taut..Mrs. H. W. Dudley ler. Dr. H. A. Skelton iyor.W. W. Page ney.E. W. Adams SUPERVISORS. IAME III! H inbor K e W iC M ca \V W on S D h W B KG on II K n S John S J ;r 8 L "■EM I ns EE - »n T V jedy Geo I) sli Win y Potef ampor W l L A hoc John s W T J J) ps Frank ford J loud 0 O E C W or J M TOWNSHIP Atkinson Chambers Cleveland Conley Deloit Dustin Einmet Ewing Pair view Francis Grattan Green Valley Inman Iowa Lake McClure O’Neill Paddock Pleasantvlew Rock Falls Scott Saratoga Stuart Shields Sheridan * Swan Steel Creek Sand Creek Turtle Creek Verdigris Wyoming Illowdale ADDRESS I Atkinson I Oh ambers i Dustin Chambers Deloit Dustin Emmet Ewing Chambers Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Inman Puge * Bliss Little O’Neill olackbird Hay Turner Seottville (Turner I Stuart lO’Noill i Atkinson (Swan Star Atkinson I Doty i Page I Amelia lifilnneola CUT OF O’NEILL. ervlsor, T. V. Golaen; Justices, E. H. Jiet und B. Welton; Constables, John in and Perkins Usooks. COUNOILMEN—FIRST WARD. two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one ■David Stannard. SECOND WARD. two years—Fred Gats. For one year lien. THIRD WARD. two years—Barrett Scott. For one year , Millard. CITT OFFICERS. Dr, O. F. Blglln; Clerk,Thos. Campbell; ■rer, David Adams; City Engineer, »r Adams; Police Judge, N. Martin; of Police, John Lappan; Attorney, Carlon; Weigbmaster, Ed. M’.Brlde; Commissioner, O. E. Davidson. OR AT TAN TOWNSHIP. ervisor, John Winn; Trearurer. J. Sul Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor. Pat ; Justices, M. Castello and Chas Ingor lustlces, Perkins Brooks and WillStans toad overseer dist. 26, Theodore Otto; lo. 4, P. Barrett, sr. , DIERS’ RELIEF COMNISSION. ular meeting first Monday In Febru ' each year, and at such other times as med necessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page, nan; Wm. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; Haskins,- Cleveland. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, ervices every Sabbath at 10:80 o'clock. Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath sohool rt lately following services. TIIODIBT CHURCH. Services rery Sunday morning at II o’clock, lm nel followed by Sunday sohool. Preach the evening atOo’clock. Prayer meeting esday evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth le devotional meeting Tuesday evening clock. E. E. Wilson, Pastor. fSBYTERIAN CHURCH Services very«- Sunday morning at 11 o'dook. y school at 10 a. m. Rev. N. S. Lowbie, Pastor. 1. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John I'Nelll Post, No. 86, Department of Ne t G. A. R„ will meet the first and third lay evening of each month in Masonic INelll. S. J. Smith, Com. (HORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. Meets evenr Wednesday evening In Bllows’ hall, visiting brothers cordially d to attend. [. Miltz, Sec. A. H. Gorbett, N. G. 11. Bentley,R.S. D. L. Dark, P. 8. E. H. Thompson, Treas. RFIELD CHAPTER, R. A. M sets on first and third Thursday of each i in Masonic hall. :. Donas, Seo. J. C. Harnish, H, P OF I\—HELMET LODGE, U. D. Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p. Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethem illy invited. E. M. Grady, C. C. E. Evans, K. of B. and 8. KILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 30.1. ). O. F. meets every second and fourth ys of each month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Smoot, 3. A. H. Corbet, C. P. EN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS )P REBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d y of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall, Edith Butler, N. G. nie Scott, Secretary. RF1ELD LODGE, N0.95,F.<& A.M. egular communications Thursday nights before the full of the moon. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. E O’fTEIT.L REPUBLICAN CLUB >oms are located over Morris & Co's, store on Douglas street. Tho rooms are at all times. Republicans are invited it. tlie rooms at any and all times, gers while in the city are invited to thu club rooms their headquarters, ess meeting of the club the first and Saturday evening of each month. A. L. TOWLE, President. D. RIGGS, Secretary. POSTOFFICE OIRCETORY Arrival of Mails r. E. fe M. V. R. R.—FROM the east. yday,Sunday lnoluded at.5:13pm FROM THE WEST. y day, Sunday Included at.9:35 am PACIFIC SHORT LINE, res every day except Sunday at 9:00 p m J-ts “ •• 6:00 am O'NEILL AND CHELSEA, rts Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am res Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...1:00pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK, rts Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00am ’osTuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..4:30 p m O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. ■ts Monday. Wed. and Fri. at... .7:00 am es Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00p m O’NEILL AND CUMMINSVILLE Bs Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at... ts Mon., Wed. and Friday at_ 11:30pm •1:00pm notice. 8 ' Edw*rdS. Reese, Julia Reese, Mary Louisa Lukens, — — ■ Lukens husband of Mary Louisa Lukens, defendants, will take notice that on the 31st day of Aug ust, 1892, The Amerioan- Investment Co* plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against the above named defendants and each of them, the objeot and prayer of whioh is to foreclose a oertain trust deed executed by Edward S. Reese and Julia Reese his wife, to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for P. O. Refsell, upon the following de scribed real estate situated in Holt oounty Nebraska, to-wit: Seuthwest quarter section thirty-one,. township thirty-three, range fourteen west of the 6th P. M. To secure the payment of a oertain note of $578 and ten interest coupons, all dated June 25, 1886. Said princiaal note of $575 being due June 1, 1891, and the coupon notes being due on the 1st days of Deoember and June of eaoh year, commencing with December 1, 1886. The plaintiff al leges that it is the owner of and in pos session of the interest note) which ma tured on the first days of June 1891, De cember 1890, June 1889, Deoember 1888, June 1890, December 1889. That there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of $200 according to the terms of said deed, and the further sum of $60 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be deorsed to be sold subject to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due thereon. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 10th day of Ootober 1892. Dated this 81st day of August, 1892. 8-4 R. R. Dickson, Atty. for Pltf. • NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., ) August IS, 1892. $ Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in sup port of his olaim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Reoeiver at O'Neill, Nelr, on October 6, 1892, viz: TIMOTHY D. McCarthy, Hd. Number 12311 for the North half northwest quarter, section 3, north half northeast quarter section 4, township 27, range 12, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Bernard McQlone, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarthy, all of O’Neill. Also BERNARD MoGLONE, Hd. No. 12616, For the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 27, southwest quarter northwest quarter, north half northwest quarter seotion 34, township 28, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Timothy McCarthy, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarty, all of O’Neill. B. S Gillespie, 8 6 Register. THE FRONTIER FOR LEGAL BLANKS NOTICE. To Adam Gould. Nevada Gould. Lewis 8. Jones, Mrs. Lewis 8. Jones, defendants: You will take notice that on the 30th day of August, 1893, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed Its petition in the district conrt of Holt county, Nebras ka. against Adam Gould, Nevada Gould and eaoh of you, defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendants Adam Gould and Nevada Gould to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for the plaintiff, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-five, range twelve, west of the sixth p. m., the secure the payment of a certain note of 8575 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of *36.15 and nine for the sum of *30 each,all being dated April 6,1887. Said principal note of *575 being due on the 1st da^y of June, 1892. and the Interest coupon notes being due on the first days of Decem ber and June of eaoh year, commencing with December 1, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the first days of December, 1891, June, 1891, December, 1890, and June, 1890: that there Is now due on said Interest coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of *150. there is also due the plaintiff for taxes paid the sum of *100. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said princi pal note and the Interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found thereon, also the amount due plaintiff for taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1893. Dated this 23d day of August. 1893. 7-4 R. R. DICKSON. Att’y. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. To Harry G.Eyman, Emma Byman,George J. Monroe, Mrs. George J. Monroe, defend ants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, IBffi, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebras ka, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain trust deed executed by the defendants Harry G Hyman and wife Emma By man to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for W. L. Telford, also to foreclose a second mortgage exe cuted by the same defendants to W. J. Bowden, trustee for plaintiff, upon the fol lowing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section ten, township thirty, range fifteen, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed being given to secure the payment of a certain note of $700 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $31.71 and nine for the sum of $24.f3 each, said principal note of $700 being due December 1,1892, and the ten interest notes being due one on the first days of December jnd June of each year, commencing with June 1, 1888. Plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest coupon notes which matured on the first lays of December. 1890, June, 1890. December, 1889, June 1889. j Plaintiff alleges that said second mortgage was given to secure the payment of one certain note of $13.59 and line notes for the sum of $10.50 each, all iated October 8, 1*87. Said note of $13.59 being due June 1, 1888, and one each of the notes of $10 50 being due one every six months thereafter; that there is now due on said coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed tne sum of $• , ; chat there is due on said second mortg; :e that there is due the plaint 15 for taxes paid the sum of #G0. Plaintiff cherefore prays that said premises may be lecreed to be sold subject to said principal lote and the interest coupons maturing iubsequent to those owned by plaintiff to iatisfy the amount due the plaintiff on said jai(£°n8 8econ<^ mortgage a;»d for taxes k You. are required to answer said petition m or before the 3d day of October. 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. T*4 11. K. DICKSON. legal Notice. William F, Sweet, non-resident defendant, wtll take notice that on the «th da; of April, }2®> Ballou State Banking Company, plaint iff herein. Hied Its petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendant to II. S. Ballou and Company, upon the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, township twenty-six, range ten, west. In Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promis sory note dated July 13,18X1, for the sum of KSn and Interest at the rute of seven per cent, per annum payable oml-annually and ten percent, after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage ac cording to the terms thereof, lnoludlng taxes paid by plaintiff to protect Its security, the sum of WOO and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from January 1, 1898, and plaintiff jpraya that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8d day of October, 18®. Dated August 19,18®. A7-4 Ballou State Banking Company, Plt'ff. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY D R. C. D. B. EI8AMAN. PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, O'NHILIi, - NEB. H. PIERCE, ! ~ ATTO RNE Y-AT-L A W. Real Estate and Insurance. E. H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberta building, north of Barnett ft Tree** lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NBB. E. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all tho court*. Special at tention given to foreclosures and oolleotiona. Is also COUNTY ATTORNEY, jQR B. T. TRUKBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Discuses of the Eye and Ear and ilttlnfl glasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to&p. in, Office over "THE EMPORIUM." HJULIiEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material! furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIOAR8, ETO. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS.' ESTIMATE8 FURNI8HED. HOTEL EVANS. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarg ed, Refurnished -AND REFITTED. Only First Class Hotel in City, W. T. EVANS, Prop. EMIL SNIGGS, Genera/ Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB*; Wagon and Carriage Repair* ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe ing a Specialty. Hand-Madk Shoes Made to ant Order We atop Interfering and successaully treat quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and cure Corns, where our directions are;strlotly Carry a Ltne of Carriage, Wagon and* lo s‘ jok. Work done on short notice. XI-P32 JONES & ATCU1CHEON PROPRIETORS OF | - CENTRAL Livery Bam. O'NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES .£( tar NEW TEAMS. Everything Firpt-Clapp. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House 1 A. H. CORBETT | * WILL ATTRND TO YOUH DENTISTRY J IN F1HST-CLA88 8HAPX. M I •PHOTOGRAPHY* I OF ALL KINDS jg Froaptlr ui StMctorily ExttiM 1 H Offloe *nd jr*)»rr on Fourth itract tOoun- ' MUt of Holt County Bank. liRiiiiHimiiiiMKiiiunjniiniitimni'iiiiitHiiiiuunwiuliiiHmMB P. D. A J. P. MULLEN, PUOPBIBTOHS UP TUB RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. Bast of MoCafferto’s. O'NEILL, NEB. R. R. DICKSOrt &C0_ 8UOOE88QR8 TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Title Abstracters/Conreyancers, TAXES PAID FOll NON-HE8IDENT8. FARM LANDS • * ifAND TOWN LOTS FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. Deyarman Brothers, PROHRIETORS OF THE Checker Livery.FeedfiSale Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts in thelolty. Good, care ful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Have chargee of MoCafferty'S Hearse. All orders will reoeive careful and prompt atten FRED C. GATZ * DEALER IN Fresh, Dried and Sail Meats, Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, ildei. Spice roll bacon, all kinds of sausages, O’NEILL. NEB O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN WINES^s LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of PINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor ao not fall to call on us. Martin's Old Stand, O’Neill, Nab. FRED ALM, SOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Custom work and repairing—Dwyer’ ihoe Store—Wilson’s old stand. NEB. | O’NEILL, THE AUTHORIZED Neeley institute,1 FOR THE CURE OF LIQUOR, OPIUM: MORPHINE AND TOBACCO HABITS At O’NEILL, NEB. ■’ ''' A •. J' ;, ... . .f Vt This institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely insti tute at Dwight, 111. All remedies are prepared by Dr. Keeley and administered by a physician*appointed and instructed by Dr. Keeley. In fact the treatment is identical with that at Dwight and the results must be the same—certain cure. RATES—$75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine for cure of tobacco habit sent by express for $5. For further information address, Keeley IntitUte, 0’aTelll„ . . KTeTs. YOtfNS & CO. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Bi des and small musical instruments; sheet music and music books, tunning and re pairing. Knabee, Packar Bros., Everett, Shaw, Bradbury and Webster pianos. Farrand & Notey, Mason & Hamlin, Ear huff and other organs. Domestic and American sewing machines. Columbia and all other makes of bicyles. Call on us when in need of anything in our line; on Doug* las street, two doors east of Hotel Evans, O’NEILL, Neb. CHICAGO-— LUMBER YARD. y LUMBER & COAL. I ' ---1-r---P All kinds of Building Materials and best quality of Lumber always on hand. O. O. SNYDER A CO. ' 03 H 9 Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via tha F. E.&M.V.andS. C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: Pasienger east, OOINO BAST. Freight east, OOINO WBST. Freight west, Pas enger west, Fre ght,.... 9:35 a. M. 10:45 A. m. 1:45 P. m 5:15 p. u 6:44 P. m. Tie Cha woe I tatl n Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining r Cara daily, between Omaha and Deud jree to holders of first-class transpor >n. Fer any Information call on Vr, J. DOBBS, Act. O’NEILL, NEB. GIEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, Eastern Railway Co* of Minnesota, SOLID - TRAINS —between S Paul, Minneapolis, Dnlnth and West Superior, Buffet Parlor Care on all day trains. W. A. CARPENTER, . Qenn. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. THROUGH DAILY TRAINS —BETWEEN— SIOUX CITY & ST. PA UL. —PASSING— Doon. Garretson, Pipestone, Marshall, WlU mar, Litchfield, Lake Minnethnka and Minneapolis. —REACHING ALL POINTS IE— XZmSOTA, TIE DAKOTAS, XOXTAKA AND MANITOBA. and all PAOIFO COAST AND PUGET SOUND POINTS. Also all 800 Line and Ornada Paciflo points east. Connects at Sionx City with all the great Diverging Lines. -THE PACIFIC SHORT LINE. (8. C., O’N Jt W. BY.) Through Northeastern Nebraska. (The Land of the Golden Bar), -»rmr» Sioox City, Jaokson, Alien, Dixon, Ran dolph, Otmond, Plainview, Brunswick and O’Neill. THE BHOBT LINE, Tia. O'Neill, from all points between BLACK HILLS AND SIOUX CITY* Three Hours Quloker time than via. any other line. Uolden opportunities along these lines for homeseckers. For full particulars write to F. C. II ILL. 1‘res. and Gen'l. Mgr. W. B.sMcNIDEB, Oen'l. Pass. Agt. J. w. FIRESAUGH, agt., O’NEILL, NEB A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS % Can Always be Had Is located opposite Thc Item, PAT GIBBONS, Prop.