A BIG Clearing! Out I Sale OF— Summer Coops OF ALL KINDS jj At Greatly Reduced Prices. s. * To make room for my fall gooda which I am expecting daily I will be compelled to build another addition to my store or reduce the stock of spriog and summer goods on band, so I resolved to reduce my stock, and in order to do so I will give you the benefit of a deep cut in prices on all sum mer goods for the next 30 days. I will gu ran tec you goods for lees money than you can get them from Montgomery’ Ward & Co., or any other eastern house, if you come and price my goods before sending away your money out of the country for goods yon can purchase at homo for less money. Saveall the money you can. It is to your interest to do so. Don’t forgot to take advantage of the Great Bargains for the next 30 days. All of the following goods I will dose out regard loss of cost to make room for my new stock: 85 pieces light wosted diets goods at 25c, worth 50c. 250 yards white goods at 7c. w 10c 200 yds. calico aUfc, worth 8c. 200 yds. gingham at 5c, worth 10c. 500 yds. check gingham at 7c, worth 124c. 175 yds. ladies’ princess flannett at 8c, worth 124c. 150 yds yachting cloth dress goods at 10c, worth 20c. 850 vda. lace striped white goods at 7c, worth 10c. 275yds. Swiss white goods at 8ic, worth 15c. 100 yds. scrim curtain goods at 5c. worth 10c. 150 yds. Pongee China silk drap ery at 10c, worth 20c. 800 yds. French cashmere, assort ed colors, at 15c, worth 25c. 700 yds. check shirting at 6c, worth 124c. 800 yds. crash toweling at 5c. worth 10c. 10 dox. men's summer under shirts at 25c, worth 50c. 10 dox. ladies’ vesta at 7c, worth 10c. 5 dox. men's over shirts at 25c. worth 40c, 100 pair men’s congress shoes at $1, worth 81.50. 100 women’s fine shoes 81, worth 81.60. 100 pair children's shoes at 50c, worth 75c. 25 suits men's clothing, at 86.50. worth 810. 58 suits men’s clotting at 85, worth 88. 25 Alpaca coats and vests at 50c, worth 1.50. 300 pair ladies’ fast black hose at 5c, worth l&c. 500 # pair cbildern's hose at 5c, worth 8c. Men’s straw hats at ail prices, from 5c up. Also a few straw hats we will close out at your own price, and other articles too numerous to mention that you can get bargains in. These goods will be sold at the above prices for „ CASH ONLY and don’t yon forget it, for the reason that these goods are sold at BOTTOM PRICES and are to sell at these prices for 30 DAYS only for the purpose of re ducing my stock. Don’t for get the place— SULLIVAN’S ""J^rade palace, O'NEILL. AUGUST lO, 1892, i? 'a'-y t-iX ' j The Chicago Schuetxen-Yerln ba* §*• :■ sued an invitation to ike sharpshooter* of the world U> participate in a great international sharpshooter's contest in Chicago in connection with the exposi tion next year. Should a sufficient num ber of acceptance* be received to war j rant it the festival will be continued j during the first fire month* that the ex ! j position is open. The festival is to be conducted by the Chicago society under : the title of the Columbia Scbuetzcnfest. Communication* should be sent to C. Schotte. 20 S. Canal St. Chicago. “WOITH A OXJJMMA A BOX.09. . : TASTELESS—EFFECTUAL DISORDERED UVER T*k*n Mi drrwcted th«M Pill* vtU wot# Mn»UoM rntortUTM to ul MlMbiad by Ik* *bot* or kmdrwd di— n— 2B Cents a Box. bat (earrail* rteonjird ta Esiltsd tad, ia fact ibnmchMt the world to be “wortb a gomes a bo*' for th* reason that Uter WILL CrftB a wlda rsag« sftws. sUtsia, aod tael Ikty hare sated Vo many selerers not cases If ooe bat as doctors* LUls. SATuMwiMMCNSlL Of all 4ni(ti«ta. met SS eaaw a bos. Krm Tors Dapot. W Canal H. *a%n»aaaaaaaaaaa»a»%>»»»»aaaain* LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Xelil, Neb. August Ik.ltttt. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler ha* filed notice of hi* inten tion to make final proof in support of hit. claim and that •vald prtjof will be made fore n*f!«tep and receiver at O'Neill, Neb. on September 3#. 1WC. viz: CHARLES WKKUR, If. E. 14&54 for the northw<-»t quarter 31-31-10 west. He names the following witness* to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land. viz: K Soliimmeipfetinlg, William Sehiinmeip feunljr, Peter flec kal. of Soottvilie. Neb., and IL If. Taylor, of O’Neill. Neb.. ii. S. GlLI.KSPIE. Register. NOTICE OF SUIT. Tiie Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a corporation plaintiff. vs. Thomas Curran and wife Mary Curran. Thomas fxrftu*, Michael LiftuH, Honor Yjoftuft. The .Sycamore Mar»h Harvesting Company, a corporation, and K. 8. Keller, defendants. Thomas Currau and wife Mary Curran.'Tin#-. Loft us, Michael Loft us. Honor Loflu*. The Sycamore Harvesting Company and F.. H Kelley, defendants, will take notice that on theday of July, IKK!. The Fidelity Loan and Tru»t Company, plaintiff herein, filed U> petition in the dUtrlct court of Holt county. Nebraska. against said defendants. the object and prayer of which an* to foreclose a certain mortgage* executed by the defend ant!#. Thomas Curran and wife Mary Curran to the plaintiff, upon the south-west quart#!- I of section thirty-one [31]. in township twenty- i six 135). north range thirteen [131. west **f I the 6th P. M.. to secure the payment of a! certain promissory note dated October 31. | 1*)£. for thee sum of seven hundred [TOO) do!- i lars, and due and payable in five years from I the date thereof . That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of eight hundred forty-five ■ dollars and sixty-five cent** (645.«*>, with in- i tercet tiien-on at ten per cent, from the 3fth f Holt I county, Nebraska, oa a decree of fore- j closure wherein Orient Insurance Com— j pany is plaintiff and Catherine Me Don- j ocgh.John V.McDonough. Augustine Me- | Douough, Jerome A. McDonough, Annie ■ McDonough, James Waiter McDonough. \ Theodore Wheeler and Willard A. Wheeler are defendant#. I will (tell at public aue- | tion to the higheat bidder for eaah at the front door of the court bouae in O’Neill, i in aaid county, on the 26th day of Sep- j tember. lbtrj. at 10 o'clock a. M-. the fol- j lowing described landa and tenements to satisfy the judgment and costa in aaid j action: The northeast quarter of section twenty- j •ix, township thirty, north range twelve, j in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d day of August, 1892. ; 7-S U. C. MeEVONY, Sheriff. Mukoeb A Coi-araiuiiT, Att’ya. for Plt'ff. | LEGAL NOTICE. Lena Yillinger. Andrew Yillinger, B. F. j Barto, C. H. Toiicn; and J. H. Ailing, j defendant*, will take notice that on the , 29Sh day ot August, 1892, J. H. Moore, • trustee, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition ; in the district court ot Holt county, Ne- i bracks, against said defendants, the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose j a certain mortgage executed by defend- j ant« Lena Yillinger and Andrew Yillinger j to the Globe Investment Company, upon ! the southeast quarter of section seven- ! teen, in township thirty, north, of range j teu, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to I secore the payment of one promissory i note dated September 29, 1888, for the j sum of $700 and interest at the rate of T ] per cent, per annum, payable semi-annu- I ally and ten per cent, alter maturity; j that there is now due upon said note and | mortgage according to the terms thereof, , the sum of $897.49 and interest at the i rate of ten per cent per annum from ! April 1st., 1892, and plaintiff prays that j said premises may be decreed to be sold ! to satisfy the amount found due thereon. ; Together with the further sum of $53.20 j with ten per cent, interest from the 29th I day of July. 1892, taxes paid by the J plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of I October, 1892. Dated O’Neill, Neb., August 29, 1892. j 8-4 J. L. Moose, trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his attorney. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued by j the clerk of the district court of Holt j county, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein John Beekman is plaint iff and John Moler, Eliza J. Moler and j ’Yestern Trust and Security Company are defendants, I trill sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, in said county, on the 2Cth day of September, j 1892, at 10 o'clock a. s, the following described lands and tenements to satisfy j the jndgpient and costs in said action: The southwest quarter of section seven teen, township thirty-one, north range j eleven, in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d dav of August, 1892. 7- 5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Mckoeb & Cocbtbioiit. Att’ys. for Plt’ff. LEGAL NOTICE. Robert Kuhn, Margaret J. Kuhn (im pleaded with Robert S. Simpson and William Anderson) defendants, will take notice that on the 29th day of August, 1892, J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff here in. Aled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said j defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Robert Kuhn and Margaret J. Kuhn to the Globe Invest ment Company upon the southeast J4 of the northeast *4 and the northeast j} of southeast quarter of section 34; and lots one (1) and two (2), in section 35, all m township 34 north, of range 14 west, in Holt connty, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated Octo ber 1st, 1888, for the snm of $1,150 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per an num, payable semi-annually and 10 per cent, after matnrity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage ac cording to the terms thereof the sum of $1323.06 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from April 1, 1892, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount fonnd due thereon. Together with the further sum of $41.24 with ten per cent, interest from July 29, 1892, taxes paid by the plaintiff. Yon are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 10th day of October 1892. Dated at O’Neill, Neb. Aug. 29, 1892. 8- 4 J. L. Moobe, Trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his attorney. redemption notice. To Thomas Cain, Edvard Gallagher, Her min Hageman, Sorn J. Svingholm, O. R. Nelson, Nebraska Loan and Trnst Company, M. P. Harrington, Chesire Provident Institution, Stephen Mc Cauley, B. F. Barto, Nebraska Loan and Trust company, Tim Keyes, John McHugh, Addie M. Hershiser, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, E. Kane, Theresa McGuire, John Mc Cann, and to all others whom it may concern: Yon are hereby notified that on the 8ih day of December, 1890, J. L. Her- j shiser bought at private sale for the dc- ] linquent taxes of the year 1889, the same j having been offered at public sale and I not sold for want of bidders, the following j described real estate situated in Holt | county, Nebraska, namely: The northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed m name of Thomas Kane; and the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, township twenty-nine, range j twelve, west, taxed in the name of Ed- { ward Gallagher; and the northwest quart- j er of section eighteen, township, twenty- ! nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the j name of Herman Hagerman; and the northeast quarter of section twenty township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, j taxed in the name of Stephen McCauley; and the r urtheast quarter of section j twenty-fo' , township twenty-nine, range twelve, we .t, taxed in the name of Tim Keyes; and the southwest qoarter-of sec- 1 tion twenty-four, township twenty-nine, j range twelve, west, taxed in the name of < E. Kane; and the northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township twenty- j nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the I name of John McCann. The time pf re- j demption from eaoh of the above tax p&leb will expire on the 8th day of Decem ber, 1892. 7-3 J# I*. HERSHISER. NOTICE. To Charles A- Bellinger. Addle Bellinger. G. L Flan. Mrs. G. I,. Finn, defendant*: Voa will uke notice that on the 20th day of Au|u«t. ISMS. The American Invest ment Company, plaintiff hereto, filed Its peti tion in the district court of tlolt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by defendants Charles A- Bellinger and wife Add it* Bel linger to B. S. Orrnsby, trustee to the plaint iff. upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county. Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of sectioo thirty, township thirty-three, range fourteen, west of the sixth p. m.. to secure the payment of a certain note of teU) and ten interest coupon note*, one for 121.15 and nine for fttJjo each, all being dated June 10,1»*C. fraid principal of T.00 being due June I. 1*92, and the inter est coupon notea being due on the first days of June and December of each rear, com mencing with December 1. l**7. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and io posses sion of the interest notes which mature on the first days of December. UWO. June. 185S). December. 1«®. and June. liM: that there is now due on said note* owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the guru of fclW, and that there is also due the plaintiff the further sum of 150 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note of fTUO and the Interest coupon notes maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff on the notes owned by it and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October. 1*02. Ifcited this 23d day of August. 1*92. c-4 K. R. DJCKjiON, Att'y. for Plt ff. Notice. To Cummin* Kots Mrs. Cummin* Ross. Hubert Cummins Ross. Mrs. Robert ('uru ining Ross. Tliaddeu* Bin ford. Mrs. Thad deus Binford. defendant*: You will take notice that on the ’3'til day of August, inti. The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein. filed its petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebras ka, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendant Cummins Ross to E. is. Ormsby, trustee for W. I- Telford, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-writ: The southwest quarter of section twenty aeven. township thirty-one. ranee sixteen, west of the sixth p. m., to securelhe payment of a certain note of fast) and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of t24.Ci and nine for the sum of ftsi.75 each, all dated July 2. Is-7. Said principal note of fsjj being due on the 1st day of June, late, and the coupon notes being due one each on the first days of December and June of each J ear. commencing with the first day of De cember, ISK7. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of tlie inter* est uotes which matured on the first days of June, 1M*1, December 1S91. Decern tier. 1S80. June, 1“JU. and Decemher. lsaM; that there is now due it on said interest coupon notes se cured by said trust deed the sum of i'JJU and the further sum of f!30 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note of frvTO and the Imerset coupons matur ing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amounts due plaintiff on said coupons owned by it and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lid day of October, listt. - Dated tills 22d dav of August. less. 7-4 H. R. DICKSON. Att y. for PIPIT. NOTICE. JosiahH. Whitmire, Harriet E. Whit mire, William T. Carmichael Mrs. William T. Carmichael, defendants, will take*notiee that on the 6th day of Angnst, 1862, the American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its peti tion in the district court of Holt connty, Nebraska, against the defendant* and each of them, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by said de fendants Josiah H. Whitmire and wife Harriet E. Whitmire to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for W. L. Telford, npon the fol lowing described real estate situated in Holt connty, Nebraska, to-wil: The northwest qnarter of section twelve, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west of the sixth p. m., to se cure the payment of a certain note of $575 and ten interest coupons, one for the sum of $27.61 and nine for the snm of $20.13 each, all dated September 23, 1887. Said principal note of $575 being doe the 1st days of December, 1882. and the coupon notes being dne on the first days of December and Jane of each year, commencing with Jane 1, 1888. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured oa the 1st day of June, 1890, December, 1889, December, 1890, June, 1891, December, 1891, Jane, 1892, and Jane, 1889; that there is now dne on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed tbe snm of $300 ac cording to the terms thereof, and the farther gum of $50 taxes paid by plaint iff under the terms of said mortgage. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be sold subject to said principal note of $575, and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found dne it. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. R. R. DICKSON, 7-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. William D. Cooklin, Mattie A. Conklin, Adaline C. Wbeelock, widow of Oscar Wbeeloek deceased, Lewis 1. Wheelock, Alfred H. Wheelock, William E. Wbeelock, Asa O. W’heelock, Ada 8. Rogers, former ly Ada 8. Wheelock, Evalda C. Hopkins, formerly Evalda C. Wbeelock, Frances E. Dowe, formerly Frances E. Wheelock, Cassie B. Wbeelock, sons and daughters and sole heirs at law* of Oschar Wheelock, deceased, and Ella Mathews, - Mathews, husband of Ella Mathews, Harvey E. Hingsly, Mrs. Harvey E. Hing sly, Mrs. Lewis j. Wheelock, Mrs. Wil liam E. Wheelock, Mrs. Alfred Wbeelock, Mrs. Asa O. Wheelock, Walter N. Rogers, Alva Hopkins, - Dow, husband of Frances E. Dow, defendants, will take notice that on the 6th day of August, 1892, Milton H. Yale, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by the de fendants William D. Conklin and wife Mattie A. Conklin to J. H. Keith, trustee, and Eugene Vestervelt upon the north west quarter of section twenty-nine, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west of the sixth p. m., in Holt county, Ne braska, to secure the payment of a cer tain note or bond dated May 1, 1885, for the sum of $500, due and payable in’five years from the dste thereof; also to secure the payment of ten interest coupons of $20 each attached to said bond’as evidence and security for the interest to mature thereon; that said bond, coupons and trust deed have been duly assigned and sold to the plaintiff who is now the owner thereof; that there is now due upon said bond, coupons and trust deed the sum of $700, for wnich sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the sum or that said premises may be sold to satisfv the amount found doe. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 3d day of October. 1892. 7.4 Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. R. R. DICKSON, Att'y. for Plt’ff. NOTICE. Edvard 8k Reese, Jolia Reese, Mar; Loain Litnu, - Tokens husbanr of Mary Louisa Lukens, defendants, wil take notice that on the 31st day of Aug ust, 1892, The American Investment Co. plaintiff herein, filed its petition in th< district court of Holt connty, Nebraska against the above named defendants anc each of them, the object and prayer o; which is to foreclose a certain trust deec executed by Edvard 8. Reese and Julii Reese his wife, to E. 8. Ormsbj, truster for P. O. Refsell, upon the following de scribed real estate situated in Holt const] Nebraska, to-wit: Seuthwest quarter section thirty-one township thirty-three, range fonrteet vest of the 6tb P. M. To secure the payment of i certain note of $171 and tet interest coupons, all dated June 25 1886. Said princiaal note of $575 being dne June 1, 1891, and the coupon notei being due on the 1st days of Decembei and June of each ■ year, commencing with December 1, 1886. The plaintiff al leges that it is the owner of and in pos Session of the interest notes which ma tnred on the first days of June 1891. De cember 1890, June 1889, December 1888 June 1890, December 1889. That there i< now due on said notes owned by plaintifl and secured by said trust deed the sum ol $200 according to the terms of said deed and the further sum of $60 taxes paid. The plaintiff prays that said premise) may be decreed to be sold subject to spic principal note and the interest coupon) maturing subsequent to those owned b] plaintiff to satisfy the amount found dm thereon. „ You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 10th day of Octobei 1S92. Dated this 31st day of August, 1892. 8-4 R. R. Dickson, Atty. for Pftf. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. •* Land Office at O'Neill, N»b., ) August 1 1>, 1892. J Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice ol hig-intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Reeeivei at O’Neill, Neb., on October 6, 1892, viz: TIMOTHY D. MCCARTHY, Hd. Numbei .12311 for the North half northwest quarter, section 3, north half northeast quarter section 4, township 27, range 12, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Bernard McGlone, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarthy, all of O’Neill. Also BERNARD McGLONE, Hd. No. 12616, For the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 27, southwest quarter northwest quarter, north half northwest quarter section 34, township 28, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Timothy McCarthy, Edward Boyle, Henry W. Shaw and Daniel McCarty, all of O’NeilL B. S Gillespie, 8 6 Register. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed propos als for the publishing of the delinquent tat list of 1«1 will be received at theuffioeof the county clerk until noon of Saturday, September 17.18U2. Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. " itness niy hand and seal this anth day of August, A. I).. 1SB2. seal. '• C. E. Bi-tleii. Clerk. NOTICE. To Adam Gould. Nevada Gould. Lewis S. Jones, Mrs. Lewis 8. Jones, defendants: 1 ou will take notice that on the 20th day of August, lMIJ. The American Investment Company, plaintiff- herein, filed its petition in the district conrt of Holt county, Nebras ka. against Adam Gould. Nevada Gould and each of you. defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendants Adam Gould and Nevada " Gould to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for the plaintiff, upon the following described real estate situated in llolt counry, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-five, range twelve, west of the sixth p. in., the secure the payment of a certain note of 4575 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of 426.15 and nine for the sum of tSOeach.all being dated April 6.1887. 8a id principal note of *575 being due on the 1st day of June, 1892. and the interest coupon cotes being due on the first days of Decern her and June of each_year, commencing with December 1, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the Interest notes which matured on the first days of December. Will, June. 18U1, December, IMS), and June, 1800; that there is now due on said interest coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the -itin of 1150. there ig also due the plaintiff for taxes paid the sum of 4100. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may in- decreed to be sold subject to said princi pal note and the Interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found thereon, also the amount due plaintiff for taxes paid. ’ You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1883. Dated this 22d day of August. 1892. 7-4 It. It. DICKSON. Att’y. for P'lt’ff. NOTICE. To Harry G. Hyman. Emma Hyman,George J. Monroe, Mrs. George J. Monroe, defend You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebras ka. against you and each of you. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain trust deed executed by the defendant* 1,u£r£Ci; Ky»,mn and wife Emma Hyman to E. fc>. Ormsbv, trustee for W. L. Telford also to foreclose a second mortgage exes cuted by the same defendants to W. J. Howden. trustee for plaintiff, upon the fol lowing describee real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter of sect ion ten, township thirty, range fifteen, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed being given to secure the payment of a certain note of *700 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of *31.71 and nine for the sum of *24.50 each, said principal note of |70u being due December 1, 1892. and the ten interest notes i^ing due one on the first days of December and June of each year, commencing with June 1,18hrt. Plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest coupon notes which matured on the first days of December. 1890, June. 1800. December. 1889. June 18H). - Plaintiff alleges that said second mortgage was given to secure the payment of one certain note of *13.59 and nine notes for the sum of *10.50 each all dated October 8. 1887. Said note of *13.50 being due June 1, 1888. and one each of the notes of #!0 50 being due one every six months thereafter; that there is now due on said coupon notes ow ned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of *2U0 that there is due ou said second mort^a^e the sum of *1(W; that there is due the plaint iff for taxes paid the sum of *00. Plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff on said • coujxms and second mortgage a..d for taxes You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October. 1892. Dated this 22d day of August, 1892 R. R. DICKSON, i Iff THE DISTRICT COC3T OF ft CTJCNTY. NEBRASKA. H. E- Smelling, vs Charles A. Donner. E. X. Minton and Thompson. -NOTICE TO XOX-RESIDEXT DimDAXTi To Charles A- Donner, E. M. M Inter T. A. Thompson, defendants, you t||i, notice that on the S7th day of April H. E, Suiciding, plaintiff herein. Died hi. tition in the district court of Holt P0B Nebraska, against said defendants, the oh and prayer of which are to foreclose a rer mortgage executed by the said Charts Dormer, one of the defendants hem, favor of the Western Farm Mortgage f, Company to secure the payment of principal note of K00 due March 1. nine coupon interest notes of tlT.ao J one payable every six months from JI»n l-'Jt'. until all are paid; said notes ail t interest at the rate -of ten per cent.'nsr nnrs from maturity, the said mortgag,-, notes secured thereby were sold and assi, to thLs plaintiff before maturity. Til.111; is now due thereon the sum of felTAu terest on the f 17.50 from March 1. lisrj defendant. R- M. Minton, has lx sot., fee simple owner of said promises and to llable for the payment of said debt, ant A. Thompson claims some interest in, premises. Plaintiff therefor# prttv,' decree that defendants Charles A.’it,, and E. M. Minton Ire required to pa, amount found due upon said cote, mortgage or that said premises be a,'. satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said pet; on or before Monday the Mth day of i tember. ltW2. Dated August ft. IKS. * H.E.SMKIDIV By his attorneys. Uigciss A Ganuitr. NOTICE. To Frank Martin, Lurancy E. Martin. Rosenthal. - Rgsenthal, husband Hethy Rosenthal, defendants: ; You will take notice that on the a&thj of August. 185*2. The American invests Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petd in the district court of llolt county. Ne'r.J ka, against you and each of you defend! the object and prayer of •which are to f notes every six months thereafter, the one maturing June 1. 1*92; that there Us due on said interest coupon notes own. c plaintiff and secured by said trust dev. sum of 5200, that there Is due on sals cond mortgage and notes the sum of 57.i. due it for taxes the sum of 5130. The p.; iff prays that said premises may be til. to be sold subject to said principal nu SM to satisfy the amount due it on said ir,, est coupon notes, said second mortgae : and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petii on or before the 3d day of October, 1*92 Dated this 22d dav of August, 1582. 7-4 It. It. DICKSON. Alt’y. for i'll ' NOTICE. To \\ heeler W. Carpenter. Mrs. Wheeler Carpenter. Martah L. Walker. — Wn • husband of Mariah L. Walker, defend You will take notice that on the 2m ii: of August, 1*92, The American Invest:. Company, plaintiff herein, filed Its pet : in the district court of Holt county. Nri: ka, against JiMnes D. McGee, Amelia Ii.! Gee and each of you, defendants, the el and prayer of which are to foreclose a - tain trust deed executed by said defends James D. McGee and wife Amelia II. V. to E. 5. Ormsby. trustee for plaintiff a: the following described real estate situ» in Holt county. Nebraska, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast-quarter : the northwest quarter of the north, quarter aod the northeat quarter of northwest quarter, except one acre it, northwest quarter of the northeast qu.: owned by school district No. 42. in sen twenty-six. township thirty-one. range: teen, west of the sixth p. m., to secure payment of a certain note of *800 and te: terest coupon notes one for the sum of f. and nine for the snm of *28 each, all dj May 11. 1887. Said principal note being on the 1st. day of June. 1892. and the eoi.; i>°tes being due on the 1st days of Deceit and June of each year, commencing * December 1,1887. Plaintiff alleges thai the owner of and in possession of te possession of said ten interest coupon w that there is now due ou said notes own. plaintiff and secured by said trust deed sum of *400 according to the terms ther . . fu,r.ther sum of *50 taxes paic plaintiff. Plaintiff therefore prays that - premises may be decreed to be sold sul> to said principal note of #700 to satisfy amount due plaintiff on said note own* it and the further sum of *50 taxes pai'i plaintiff. You are required to answer said pet:: on or before the 3d day of October. 1892. Dated this 22th day of August. 1808. *-* M. K. DICK8C1 NOTICE. To William H. Miller, Lizzie Miller. B Barto. Mrs. B. T. Barto, defendants: You will take notice that on the Slit of August, 181*2, The American Invests Company, plaintiff herein, filed its pen: In the district court of Holt county Nek ka. against William H. Miller, Lizzie B. T. Barto. Mrs. B. T. Barto. Alfred i Four and George J. Squires, defendants, object and prayer of which are to force a certain trust deed executed by thedein ante William H. Miller and Lizzie Milk: E. b-Ormsby. trustee for the plaintiff, n; the following described real estate situt in Holt county. Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarterof section nlne.ti' ship twenty-eight, range thirteen, west - P- to secure the payment of a cert note of fUOO and ten interest coupons, out the gum of ill.55 and nine for the sum Ril-oO each, all being due March 25, 1887 s principal note of *500 being due on the 1st of December and the other intent coup notes being due on the lint day> December and June of each year Jcommc mg with June 1. 1887. The plaintiff alk 1 n ls^t18 owner °* &nd in ptwseflbiuu all of the interest coupon notes, except one which matured on the 1st day of Do* her, 1891; that there is now due on said in'. ! est coupon notes owned by plaintiff ami cured by said trust deed the sum of *40" • that there is due the plaintiff the furt: sum of #100 taxes paid. The plaintiff P* that said premises may be decreed t< sold subject to said principal note and' interest coupons maturing subsequent those owned by plaintiff, to satisfv ' amount found due the plaintiff on said e pons and taxes paid. You are rcniuired to answer said petit 0nn0r.,bi‘f. Nollkamper, school district No. 225, H county, Nebraska, and Western Trust a Security Company are defendants. I * sell at public auction to the highest b der for cash, at the front door of > court house in O’Neill, in said eonnty. the 26th day of September, 1822, s' o’clock a. a., the following dsscrit lands and tenements to satisfy the jn. ment add costs in sa^d action: The sontheast quarter of section eigl township thirty-one. north range eU*.< in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d day of Angnst, 1892/ 7-5 H. C. MeEVONY, Sheriff Mumiza A CocaiaroHT, Att’ys. for l’B