ly wife suffered with indigestion | dyspepsia for years. Life be a burden to her. Physicians to give relief. After reading jf your books, I purchased a of August Flower. It worked charm. My wife received im [ate relief after taking the first She was completely cured— [weighs 165 pounds, and can eat ‘ling she desires without any Iterious results as was formerly fase. C. H. Dear, Prop’rWash Dn House, Washington, Va. ® A'-'-' ft trssColSr.. Caught Si.i Tlrort, Creep, Iifciim. lisphT Cough. Brenchltli ail istlna. l e-rain cert Csnnaptioa ia Jrat sUgti, tai a aura rtlUf la ai ie:l itajsi. In at east. Too will iu the ea:ellett let after taiiai tkt Urn don- Geld hr dcalcrt mm |H Large bottlei 50 eeati aai 11.00. '1stI BR^ Thla Ttade Mark la on the beet TERPROOF COAT in the World I T”'* A. J. TOWER, BOSTON. MASS. 1 DtlCATIO^Al,. Cheapest aai Bart Hemal School la the Wert. p| Twenty-five Dept’s. Thirty Teachers, all [specialists No vacation except Aug. Enter IRE lany time. Take any classes. Expenses low. ^IflrD^naeu in Javnon^ Tn r.rdor that call . . 1 Graduates in demand. In order that all ^||}a| may test the merits of the Western_Normal ■College, we will pay your R. Re fare t your home to Lincoln, Neb. Full particulars, cata I and circl. FREE. W». M. Croan, Frts. Lincoln, Eel. )A//ZC?£S/ * ICE Tuition! Fall term, in seven different ■tfcooursai. Only high grad* Independent Nor in the state. Finest buildings, equipments and t Normal faculty. No experiment, but an entah management. -0 courses ano spacialtic*. 35 tea* h ■ and lecturers. A live school for the mnsHea. Write | a catalogue to F. F. ROOSK, M'n'ger, Lincoln, Neb. 1MAHA BUSINESS HOUSES. |,A,ORCHARD, fmrptetse’ hurt for ILI.l>TKA. |F.I> CATALOGUE. CURTAINS. [AGONS,CARRIAGES W. f. SEAMAN Cmaha'rf Larg est Variety. ME CROSS RUN C0«o"n*' An,mun'tion-F,ei ---— — J and Athletic Sportiu tods. Write for catalogue, 1612 Douglas St., urnahi LFCTRIfi Light Supplier, Door Bells, Annunci bhW i III* tow, Etc. 8end for prices. WOLJ h-- liAt. oruu lur puces. wui I ELECTRIC CO.. 1614 Capitol Avenue, Omaha. IaRRELLACO.. Maple Sugar and Svraps, Jem 1 J"”-*'Jamt. Apple Kilt er, Etc. Props. On>» Can Munu/ac lug. Co.,Caus and Decorated Tinwa I ARMAN* ft DUDLEY, Fred W. Gasmann, Win, H Dudley, Live Stock Commission .Room US Exchange Building, South Omaha, Neb. Telephone 1641. I UMBER, Wholesale and Retail. Hard wood lumber— I pine ft oak fence lath, white ced&r posts, split oak ft ' cedar posts, piling, lime, etc. C. R. Lee, ftthft Douglas I00FIHG We do all kinds of Roofing or sell the materials. Get our prioes, F. J. Lewis Roofing Co., 101ft-l017 Jones street. Liquor, Morphine & Tobaoeo He CASTLE CURE COMPANY has no C»R THE f CURE OF Habits the CASTLE CURET COMPANY jftuaJ. Hundreds that have been cured of long stand kg will testify. Calbor address the CASTLE CUBS OMPAJCT, No. 40t North Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Eebraakk IAY PRESSES FULL CIRCLE South wick Hay Baiier, 14 tong daily capacity. Best Press man bfaciured. For terms and prices addicts SANDWICH MANUFACTURING CO., COUNCIL BLUFF*, IOWA. WM. SNYDER, MANUFACTURER Fins, High Grade Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons and Road Wagons 14th and Barney Sts., Omaha, Nebraska, iyReference: Any business man in Omaha. KIMBALL PIANOS, EMERSON PIANOS, KIMBALL OKOANS, AT FACTORY PRICES. A. HOSPE, Jr., OMAHA, . NKH. Stale Agent Inutruments sold on pay ine ms. A treats wanted. Catalogue Free. r DR. C. GEK WO Treats successfully all chronic cases given up by other doctors. Call and ■e* him or write for question blank. I Do nof think your case hopeless be cause yo*ir doctor teliB you so. but try the Chinese doc tor with his new and wonderful rem edies, and receive new bene tits and a |>eimanent cure— what other doctors cannot ffive. Herbs, Hoots and Plants— nature’s remedies —h i s medteinea The world his wit ness. One thous and testimonials in three year’s prac tice. No injur.ous deeoctions, no nar cotics, no poison. Rational treatment ran. Enclose 4 cents In stamps for reply. Office open d*ll7> t a m. to t p. m. Cor. 14th and California BCa., Osthoff Block, Omaha, Neb. ^.^^IThonpsM’s Eya Water. • ' • rlimlcil >-IItier. " orknn*' Allusions nave heretofore been made to a machine for wonting granule* of butler n.< ury as may be desired by • means of centrifugal force, recently ' there was an exiiib.llon of one ut the | wonting dairy of ine Koval Dublin So | oiotv s show. 1 he Agricultural Ga zelle. of l.ondon. thus describes it: ■•The Normandy Deluitreuse. a ma chaine for drying the boiler without l working it. is a most valuable adjunct ■ to tneordinarv churn and butter work* ' er; ii comes mio operation after the butter has been churned into small granules and washed amt sailed in the churn. At this stage ine butler is put ! in the ltelaiireuse. which is easily i turned by iiand, and after a very lew I miuutes ii e butter conics out still in j granules, but perfectly firm and dry; is now only necessary to amalgamate the butter bv one or two turns in the butter worker, thus both drying and solidifying it with the very smallest amount of pressure, and with no dan ger of overworking. This machine was used in the working dairy with the most satisfactory results." E. B. WALTHALL A CO., Druggistr, Horse Cave, Ky., say: “Hall's Catarrh Cure cures everyone that"takes it.” Sold by Druggists, 76c. \ N«»v«*l « «j r«r ClHlioriiiii'-r. A correspondentof the Ohio Farmer strongly favors dehorning, but he ful- , lows a different plan from that of oth ers in reaching that result, llis method is certainly unique, and he describes it as foiiows. the subject of the opera tion being a .Jersey buii: ■■1 put cn him a muzzle. such as are used to keep horses from biting, or eating their bedding: covered the low er part of it with cotton flannel, which I kept wet with chloraform. In about ten or lifteen minutes the buil con cluded to lie down and take a nap. While under the influence of the anu s thetic, to such a degree that I couid touch the eye-fcall without his flinch ing I sawed off his horns, dressed the stumps with antiseptic cotton, took off the muzzie and put a ring in his nose, ail of which was done in twenty min utes from the time 1 entered the stable and that. too. without any suffering. The bull soon got up. minus his horns, with a jewel in his nose, and proba bly will never know how it occurred, i It cost the price of three ounces of ! chloroform, but I did not have any tied legs, or men sitting on a hand spike. 'A merciful man is merciful to his beast.’ ” Onr young friend, Miss Helen Frew, wlio took a course of .Shorthand at El liott’s business College, burlington, la., is now private stenographer for the general secretary of the Y. M. C. | A. of Chicago. Hxinrss One soon finds in bee keeping that some fixtures and conveniences are necessary- First of all is a good smoiter. to help us in handling and controlling the bees. Without the | smoke it would sometimes be difficult, if not impossible, to properly control the bees. Like fire and water, they are obedient servants, but fearful mus ters. Now it is by constantly keep ing them in subjection that bees me rendered gentle and pleasant to work with. If one expects to do much wih bees, they should carefully study their nature, and always work in consonance with their habits. In this we do not mean that nothing must be done to dis turb them, for it often becomes neces sary to open their brood nest, and tear their home all to pieces: but in doing this they should be thoroughly controlled by the smoker. The ex- | tractor, foundation fasteners and many ' other things wiii be needed as the number of colonies increases, but space 1 forbids mentioning them here.—West ern Piowman. ; --- . Persons desiring information on The- ; osophv, and those who find in the pre vailing systems of the day no satisfac tory auswer to the why, whence and ' whither of life, may pet a clue to the ; same, free of charge, by addressing FI I T. S.. 707 Fourteenth street, Sioux | Citv, Iowa. I I ’ 1 Stockmen will be pleased with the information that the American Here ford Cuttle breeders’ Association has offered #5.000 in special premiums to be awarded Herefords exhibited at the World’s Fair, in addition to the amount offered by the Flxposition authorities. List showing classification wiii be mailed in a few davs. With Ely’s Cream Bnlm a flillil can be treated without pain and with perfect safety, i Try the remedy, it cures Catarrh. ! ,My son bus been atiiietcd with nasal ca tarrh since quite young. I was induced to try Ely’s Cream Balm, and before he had used i one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell bad all left him. lie appears as well as any j one. It is the best catarrh remedy in the market.—J. C. Olmstead, Areola, 111. 1 | One of my children had a very bad dis- j charge from her nose. Tw o physicians pre- j scribed, but without benefit. Wc tried Ely’s Cream Balm, aud, much to our surprise, there | Was a marked improvement. We continued using the Balm and lu a short time the dis- ! "barge w as cured.—O. A. Cary, Corning. X. Y. | Apply Balm into each nostril. It is Quickly Absorbed. Gives Itelief nt once. Brice 60 cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHER:?, fid Warren St., New York. Hay stored under cover is worth one-fourth more than the average kept ! in stack. Tne best haying weather is when the ground is dry add the sun only reasonably hot. A cold north or easterly breeze is belter than a scoren ; ing south or west wind. The bay dries j out more uniformly and without crisp ing the finer parts of the hay. causing ! a loss of these in handling, which are | the most valuable parts. I I If the large gray-head louse trou ; bies young turkeys immediate action . had better be taken, or the result will 1 be a diminution in the numberof young ! turkeys. Grease the head of ea/nfowi i so affected with lard, and as it is ob | noxious to the louse be will no longer trouble the turkeys. ; I "Great Rock Island Route.” ! Are yon a busy business man? And must nmte ' atrip to Denver or Colorado Springs? Well,listen!! The “Big Fivk” on the C . IL i. & P. lly. leave* i Chicago dully nt 10 p. m. You can go to lK»nver I ond back in three day* by thin train and have one whole day (?:UU a. m. to b: 1U p. m.j ta Denver. [ Investigate. * JNO. BEBABTIAX, O. T. & P. A., Chicago. . The southwest quarter of section four, town ship twenty-nine, range sixteen, west* taxed in the name of John Hohrecker, Jr., and The southwest quarter of eect-ion six, township twenty-nine, range sixteen, west, taxed in the name of C. S. JteynoiUs.ami Trie northeast quarter of section seven, town ship t went v-nine, range sixteen. west. taxed in the name of A. W. Wiliering, and The north half of the uorthweatquarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of sectiou nine, township twenty-ulne, range six teen. west, taxed In the name of Luther li. Go)try, and Trie southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section nine, township twemv-nlue, range six teen, west, taxed in the name of Luther H. Uol try. und The northeast quarter of section ten, town ship twenty-nine. range sixteen, west, taxed in the name of K. Stanislaus, and The sou'hwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-iiliie, range ten, west, taX*d in the name of L. C. Putnam, and The northwest quarter of section eighteen, township twenty-nine, range sixteeu, west, taxed iu the name of Thomas Box, and The southwest quarter of section nineteen, township thirty, rnuve sixteen, west, taxed ,u the name of James White, and The northeast quarter of the northeast qu»rter ter and the south half of the northeast qua ter und the southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter of section five, township 1hlrtv-ono, range sixteen, west, tuxed in the name of A. J. liotchkcn, und The southwest quart r of the northeast quar ter and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter and tne soutu half of the northwest quarter of section six. township thirty-one, range sixteen, t{e»t, taxed iu the of Clara Tutt.e, and I Hi- iioi-tnetiM quarter*)! the northeast quarter of section seven, township thirty-one, ranee six teen, we»i, tnxeii in the name or H. A. Wake field, nnil Tiie northwest quarter of the northeast quar ter ami the east half of the northwest quarter of nation seven, township thirty-one, ranqo sixteen, west, taxed in the nuiue of ii. A. Wake field, arid The south half of tlie northeast quarter and the semh half of the northwest quarter of sec tion ten, township thirty-one, ranee sixteen, west, taxed in tiie name of'Murv A. Ilyrnes. anil Th ■ southeast quarter of section ten, tow n-ldp thirty-one. rung- sixteen, west, taxed in the name of Mary A. Ilyrnes. and Tiie southwe.-t quarter of sect on tea. township thirty-one, range sixteen, we.-t, taxed in the name of J. A. Andrews, and The northwest quarter of section twenty-three, township thirty-one, no ore sixteen, west', taxed in tiie name of rt. A. Hatiieid, and The northwest qunrter of section twenty-eight, township thirty-one, ran e sixteen, west, taxed in tiie name of K I). Adams, and The sent invest quarter of tiie northwest quar ter and the west half of thesoutivest qunrlcrand the southeast quart'r or tiie soiitnwest quarter of section thin-yone. townsliip thirty-on1'. ranire sixteen, west, taxed in the name of Henry Kbrchi, and The southwest quarter of lection thirty-live, town hip thirty-one, range sixteen, west,’taxed in tiie name of Orange Haliock.and l.ot Hand the northeast quarter ofthenorth ?nst quarter of section three, townsliip tliiny tliree. range fifteen, west, nixed in the mime , f F. f.eutlierman; tiiai said Aiinni- ami Durr have sold, assigned ami delivered tiie tax sale ier tiilcates received by ihem from tiie treasurer at said sale, to tiie undersiuned and that the time )f redemption of same will expireon th * srh da.* )f December. 1SJJ. H. H. ANDKESKN. Hlnta to Houaekeepsn. it has been said that carrots pro mote digestion, and that the tomnio. so long unappreciated, is an excellent aid to the liver, and is invaluable in the work of purifying the blood. Nor are these the only green things that improve the general health. The onion is a great stimulant to the cir culatory system, and the sea kale and water cress correct scrofulous tend ency, while the turnip is nearly as nutritious as corn meal. Lettuce and cellery supply a craving ot the nerves, ana early spinach rouses the inert kidney. Every one who can should have a garden, no matter how small, for really fresh vegetables will help to save many a doctor's bill. For breakfast there are few more appetizing dainties than clam fritters. If they are properly made and eaten hot, they will tempt almost any ap petite. They are very easy to make, too, the only special skill that is re quired being a knowledge of the proper way to manage a frying pan. No food is good that is fried slowly, or fried without a sufficiency of fat, and clam fritters are no exception, because there are no exceptions to this universal rule. Clover for pillows is being gathered now in many a field. They need to be well dried and only the blossoms used, and should be packed first in slips of stout muslin. An overslip of clover blossoms cretonne is pretty and suita. bie if one has neither time, skill nor inclination to embroider on some art cloth sprays of pink and white ciover, than which few needlewori; designs are more beautiful. Toting (reum. Each butler maker must rely on his own judgment and know what to do with the cream when he sees it and has got used to it, as in each locality the dilTerenl kinds of cream require different treatment to get the best re sults, but it is only since this spring that I have had so good results, says a correspondent of an exchange. I no ticed that after melting the oil in the test bottles to empty them out to wash, that there was a better separation and the oil was as clear as tbe acid test is in testing milk. So 1 have given the tests different treatment since. I will give my method of churning the test. We use a Conqueror test churn. First, put the bottles in the head of the churn, heal them up enough to shake good, put in a churn and while in motion pour three or four pails of cold water over them, let them run till you see the butter in good sized lumps in the bottles pnt them in warm water to melt. If a good separation takes place the first time, all right; if not, churn and melt them until a good one is se cured. Then let them cool until the oil in the bottles harden. In the last place put them in as hot water as steam will make and your test will show the clear oil, the casino and the albumen all at the bottom of the bottle. When the roads are rough we have more butter churned on top of the haul ing cans than usual, I will teli you how I dispose of that. Skim the but ter off tbe top of the cans into a tin pail, set the pail into your hot water tub and melt the butter, and it all goes back into the cream. Then strain the rest of the cream into the vat ana you will not see it again. It does not hurt the quality of the butter and is the best way that I have found to dis pose of it and save ail of it_Dairy World. Kev. G. W. Ckokts of Council Bluffs, la., has accepted a call to the pastor ate of the First Congregational church of Beatrice, made vacant by the resig nation of Rev. E. S. Smith. Rev. Crofts will enter on his pastorate, Sep tember 1. A Broken Reed, Tndesd. Tbit, and do mistake, It the Individual whose •tamlnt but waned to tucb a low ebb, for want of an efficient tonic, that he would certainly topple over ar.d fracture something If a bulky subject such at fat wife for Inxlance, were to lean upon him. llulld up. y« lean, pithless and strcngthless with Uostetter's Stoma.'h Hillers, which will enable you to out and digest heartily, and thus acquire ticuh and vigor, the fortress of life will speedily capitulate to the grim scylhe-wtelder. death, if you don't. Nervous ness, sleeplessness, biliousness, constipation, malaria, rheumatic and kidney trouhlo ure all conquerable by this superb restorative to health and vigor. In connection with the use of tbe Bitters, It would be well for the debili tated invalid to study the wants of his en feebled stomach with a view to the selection of the most digestible articles of diet. I Fok peach rot the Delaware experi. meat station found spraying- with a so lution of copper and ammonium car bonate a good preventive, ltordeaux mixture was tried and found to injure the delicate foliage of the trees. Tho experiments were made upon ten trees of an early variety. The trees were first sprayed when the fruit began to show signs of rotting. Tho second spraying was made live days later, and the third fifteen days later. Thir ty days after the first spraying the fruit was ready to pick. The leaves had been injured a very little. Toe percentage of sound fruit on the treated trees was *d TooHei digestion and TooHeartj Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizzlneoe,Nausea Drowsineaa, Bad Taate in the Mouth, Coated Tongue.Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Price Sft Cents; CASTES MEDICINE CO., NEW TOSS. Small Pill, Small Dose. Small Price BORE WELLS TNI "OHIO" WELL DRILL with ear fatnouM Well Machinery. The onlj perfect self-cleaning ana fist-dropping tools in use. LOOMIS A NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. 'attlofoe PUKE. FARMERS’ ALLIANCES! School Boards or Clubs will find It to tbell interest to purchase their b» tbe oar load of J. J. ’IHOMA8 * CO., 1615 Curtis M., Denver.Col. Write lor price/ Uf IFF SAYS SHE CARNOT SILHOW Wirt YOU DO IT FBR THE «wur: • he.OOIaprstH Os for* Slant Vl* •*«•»*« Mart. in.; farlKi work ref , iwlkabW, Bwelj fluiah-d adwf wA t« ijbt U<1 be«ry wmk. wttL irerapltii aMoYthalataatlinprowadattM-hawnu FREE. Iwt maohla. I « ftaaraaa—d hr » Bar *'—1 * —* h*-«nrr. and Mr* d«ltri «ad mm —.rni-t cATAi"«rE. NMM..a p*m. OJWtli MK.CO., Dri’U A 8. CHIUUU ILL. ARLY 1)0 Witt’* Little ■ m Early Kiaera. the Famous Little Pills for Conrtlnatlon.Plrk Head OChe, Dyspep8ia.No Nausea.No Paiu. Very Smalt TEXAS WHEAT RE ION. .i mart ttvim, if yoti keep at it, in apt to tell upon tho liver. Tlio things to prevent, this are Dr. Fierro's Pleasant Pellet*. Take one of these little Foliate for a. rorreettvo or gontio laxative—thre*. for a eathartlc. They'ro the small est, easiest to take, plousail test and) most natural in tho way they sot.. They do permanent f;c»d. Consti pation, Imllgestk:■"! >t:r ' ‘tack*. Sink or Rilious ii._u . hc', end all derangements of tho liver, eto i.och, «ml bowels are prevented, relieved,, and cored. faction la every cane, or yotir money le returned. The worst cases of Chronic Ca tarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. So cer tain is it that its makers offer $500' reward for an incurable case. } li'M’h Jfc i’o’h catalogue In “a household I riecowuty.” It Ulu-imU'f anddescribe* till article* unnfill and ornamental fur flirt wear of either young or old. and for the furnishing and boauUfyitig of n home; uod ttiotr good* arc* Ilu* choru'oM without ever suerlliemg tpm'lty u» price, mid they o If0r extraordinary inducement* to r«oelvo good* tiort of charge at liny Kxpreat* OUJce In the II. 8. ll.C.HkOCHiCO. .... Importer* and Retailer 8,.. THZ ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Will purify BLOOD, regulate* KIDNKVS, MVEK. disorder. build *tr» urth. renear Appetite, restore luullli and * Vlgorof youth. DynprnilK, ludlgeMlon, that tired feel-■ lu«aiiM»hitel y eradicated.. Mind brightened, brain, power lucrea*od, hone*, tiorven, mu#-. Idea, receive new force, suffering from coiuplnliita cullnr to their sex. using It, find _A ante, npeedy cure. Iti-turns robe bloom on cheeks, lieauti ties Complexion. hold everywhere. All genuine goods bear MCreaeei»uf* bend us2 ceul stamp for 32-nag* pamphlet. at. HAITIR HIDICINI CO.. «t Lecll. Mfc. $5to$15pMiijr LIQHTNINO PLATER* and plating ji-welry.waicbM. tableware, Ac. Plate* iJm-‘ Aural of Jewelry good iii new, on ail kind* of metal. with gold, direr or aiokal*. No experience. No capital. Kerry bouse hu Rood* Deed ing plating. Whole**]* i agents |S. Write for dm* lar*. II. €. DF.LNO (Jo~Oola«kiM,tt. Pino's Remedy ror Catarrh is the Hest. Kasjegt to t’ee. and Cheapen? CATAR R IH fr-old by dniRRisis or sent by oia;i. Mr. E. T. Ilar-WtlM, Warren, Pa. FOLKS REDUCED 10 to 25 lb*, per month by harmlwR herbal (remedies No Btarvine, no i noon van ienoe & and no had effects. Strictly confidential. Rd Be. fw rir'-ulnp. andJ^timonialu /ddrenaDr. W F.8VTDKB.McVioker xTheutra Bids. Chicago. llL IMUliLt; Brfech-loadei *7.99 RIFLES l-.oo| WATCHES SUNS BICYCLES 815 A 11 kiud8Clir»|itr that. • tierr. Before auii buy. Head >ump For eatclogue to ThePowEIIAClIMENTCO. I (W MU. ClirlRMtliUb FIENSIONJ«.Kr5^ ESuccessfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Examiner U.8. Pension Bureau. Sj iaiu luei war, lOai^judicutiugduuus, utly aiuccb DRTmTC I?!1'"?* r- *lmi««>n. v .ihinimm. I'll I T N I \ U l" >o .tty, («■(■ mini Piitt’iii ..Jl 1^1 Lll I W tainetl. Write for Inveutor’a uuidu Cl A HO nr Ponflns.. PLAhN i HKKII_Atiri.AU Alls. vm... i haew Easton, Pa, Semi lor price.. RUPTURE CURED0" NO PAY National Bank of Commerce, °xk5.4' Investigate our Method. Written (iusranfee to absolutely Cure all kinds of Hlfl li It K of both Sexes, without the use of knife o. syringe, no matter of how long standimr. KX % ••l.N A I ION I ItF.E. Send for t ircular. Address THE O. E. MILLER COMPANY, 307*308 N. If. Life Building, - O.H.UIA, NEHK1SB1, INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM -TitKATS ALL ||7|ontl0,1r 1"ln " r,le ,or ,,ook u“ »*••««■«■ unit Qilcal.ou llionka (Frre) INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM, KixtrentH anil Howard HU,.. 1»K. IV. Tl >\tt i:i.l„ Preuldi-nl. 0*1.411 A. A S ACK 4*kA. CArTION.- Rrwore of dralen aafc. ,tJilliL,,_Ia*P0*i without Wo Le IIOBflU .W. L DOUGLAS »‘"a*Ah SHOE B&uie and the price •tamped on bottom, feurfi Mubstitution* are fraudulent and ibject to prosecution by law for ob* FOR rcmti runr i A tcnnlne sewed shoe that will not rip i flue Calf, 1 seamless, smooth inside, flexible, more comfortable, sty Halt I r.ud durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. tuuals custom-made shoes costing from $4 to $5, The only 93.00 Shoe unde with two complete •01 ce, aecur?iy sowed at the outride ed te (as shown In cut), which gives double the wear of cheap welt shoes sold at tho same price, for such easily rip, having only one sole sewed £ wtrip ct leat“er on the edgu, and when onco worn through are worthless. Ihhe.£T*JS?!E,0,,ie 'v\r- norc.LAS 83.00 sno.. yA-?.y^a through can be repair.J as many times aa neoeasary, as t hey w ill never rip or Lc^ea from the upper.. ^ Furcha-ers of footwear d .'siring to econo- • mize, should consider the superior Qualities; of these shoes, end not be influenced to buy cheap weit shoes sold at ga.J0. caving only appearance to commeua them. W. 1>. 1)0f t;LAS Men's Si and 93 I iae Calf. Hand Sewe Siioes: Ladies’ 8X1H) llnn.1 Sewed: $-.1.30, jj.Ort inJlf®' 81.7-5 Best DotwoU, of the sainu in^a. Standard of merit. mam?.1]1 »• »kM dernier* and ceoeral uirchaniM wbe SUCJft-}' "WAfe*”* If not for sale in Four place send direct *.» •Mine Hindi Kite and width wanted* reittge free* \Vi Lt Dnni'lu, > I hire factory* .Mi OUHU.