ItKIM MI”! ION NO TICK. To Oort A. lh»H, I A Keith. Cl*r!*»« Drown. H. M. Bold Don, Colonial ami l mud Mor.r e I*. 1-Vrn*. .\ It Kohy. John K WeCol -lough. National .VnurHv compane, tC-orge **rav n, L ** Wheeler. M J Drummond. \Wn M.*MiHi. Alexander Millet. Vm t. I* *Col>h. Jo^i-pii Lip*ka. showaiur V *ri,r**e turn any. c I! Diehl. William 50«d&»•»*r. N H Uu'ii.irds- n. (»iu>rk’«* I. ,1 «**. r^ivf •' Shepard Mary |ll*i<*k. Nebra»k-% Lmx A Tr«*t company, * min i L Wheeler. Waive \* water, a l? Ft ter. Samuel > 1* <}«oit)i'»r, Thotnw* N\e, r H t •••'.iWe* A n;e ttohertN. A .1 Kohert-. Dakota Mot trace D'-an <’or|m,atloii. o .1 Phillip*. v 1. Areaamiih. ■AMm» I. Harrow. w. h I w* Mortgage company. .1 K Sh»rtt n. C II Toneray, Klirn I hor*on. Helen* Ki»h-r. II \ McKee, D. (ifiihntip |». A llultoB Ilk'll In V*»t nielli company, P Seth let, S Snu:.>r. T *P. Drown. >1 ultiin* v L« o >*rd. J H h« Ph. J*n I troth, Jacob Mima. Kdward llu!>r. 1. K. Owan. .1 Pvekc. S J. K llur.owa, Arbueklo Brother*. It. I \t.*od A M Ko-u. C. Priinua, Il'Mirv lirown, Chariot Il.-tiina, S J. Totuaon. A. VV. Baldwin, (toorite \> . K Dor-ey, Mart T- JI W. Koooub M*k. Lugem* Wi'Ntervrlt. r •tu'r Mat lit*, John A Strnmre'.ond, \V II. <*atot. Ilenrv II Howermm, M 1l Aboil,.!. <' Mletin. Janie* k Lowry. (' \\ . Tapoly, William N shall. M Mannnrd, Walter A. Drinkwater, deorgc V. Weaver, Klia* Fuller, ThottiHN Fuller, K ll Injforsoll, c Arnd, Vln cent M Ho«t. (’urdice Hoot, r. Boss, Low la A. Jetming*. Chark* Knmacv. F .1 Porter. Irn llmlaoll, Churlo, |» \\ right, Hugh K. Coeou. ; Torn Crow, llei.rv ('. cioujjh. t»eorge W Mil Ion, Jitnion C NLCiownn, .1 A Itnrnoa, II N McKee, (Jeorwe |{<»hy, F k. 'I’liomna N HuriiN. No!'Mtkii .M-triyu^o »t Invoaiinoiit i* pany. Coimver Kennedy, William Itlaek. Kath arine T. Lhnnu't r. Lrnost II. LoneatreiT, .1 P Koida, A. II Karron*. Jar rot || Herbage, lia^actt Da^urtL Juiuea (’bout litm. Kai itiera’ A Merchant*’ National bank, I, 1» Hickman, •|>anb*l OoldM.-l.mult, ,|. p .luhnaon. K. K Howard. S II Wilaoti, Michael K Tlerin-y, M Tierney, Jamea It McKinley, W II. Me Klnley, Kate F Howard, Ucorsre It. Aab, Loin Imrd Itiveetment company. J II. Stnelt/er, i Francoa A Itcrnnrd. F. I) IItimer, Oeorue W Adame, Patrick Hroiitian, IV liremian. Marv K I Al on fort. James W. caylor, J. W. Caylor, Mon ! Ulcello bank, .! Lowell Moore, M. Diamond, | w A. Maunder*, O M. Packard. V. 1). May. | Guarantee Inve-iimMit. coin [tuny, James' A ! Harris, Oliver Maggnrd, Margaret Kill-rim, i First National hunk. Alvu bc.-cher, Lillie Spaulding, Munu« | G Robertson, H. (i. Robert 1 «»n, .John Leonard, Laura Carter. Elliott (hand- i • r" L. Sprague. Edward W. Mollltt, Jr., J. It. Stein. John \V. Connolly, Fred IV Wil cox, Charles Swnrner, Thomas Hrcnnnn, -OeorKe W Ilowden, William J Daugherty. 'J^lista Hart. Charle* a. Itenton, Wul or A. Mood Mowina: * Rruplng Machine company, IJaniel R. Uodwiu. Lewis Dudley, L A. K. Puiliey, Theodore Schar, Mrs. lteatrico M Sill. A. Limnneott, Tl.oo. Schur, James S. F’aw celt. Ida K McAlL-ter, A, A. Harkins, James A. larkln*. guardian of minor heirs; Laura Parkins, Jess* Wright, C. C. Clark. Lizzie Culluniher. l.lbhy Cullumhcr. John II- O. Cnl lunun, T. H Hammond. J. G. Snyder, Bridget V,1** ins, Matilda Llndgren, Patrick Mo Aiuire, Jasper Snvnire, Frances liernor, Janet It. Herbage, I<. II. llatoh, I). 1\ •Cullender. Krastus \V. Smith. Albert Lewis, H. II Hickman 0. Rash. C. II. Rush, lid ward Frojit. 1-1 mer W. llursi, Henry lleltl.ends, F. A. Klplev, It. F. liarto. M. Flnniiigati, M. Mosher, M. llemphiII. R. 1). 1*1 teller, George Camp, A. 'O. Frye. L J. Wing. Charles A. Itenton, John l«aoffoii, >umuel G. | hoiuus, C\ It Dutnon, Jen «te Dereg, Scott T. Jones, A. J. Miller, F K ‘Cross F. \V. Little. Frit/. Marvell, Ira It. Mura ton, Julius .lepsen, M. Cochran. J. L. Ransom, i ’ w!ir^s‘ Sngeser, Frank E. Smith, n » . lui“V ‘,ohn T. F. Chapin, Robert It. Athens, It. H. Anthony. Alvati II. Kuland. Augutfi Ucttrlrh*, Anton Rind. F. Cl»v ton J. M. llunnel. Cholac Hansom, Thomas ||. McCague. K. W. Nlcanlll*. K II. Nichols, Nel son 1 oncrav, M. Vaughan, K. MeMillun. A. ti. RrasBtleld, Fella Iturr McManus, J . I*. Weekes. Thomas Cain. Robert Worinnld. Thomas Kane, Thomas N. J. Hynes, J. K. Ha\wurd, Joseph •Urena.rhom is Haves, Simeon iliillips. ste ,.t>U*n El wood, Matthew Diamond. American Loan and Trust company. F A. Nichols, k ... . * ' - • . ... .lignum, ,f< no -{Jctdoliun. -I nmitliy >v. Sullivan, Frank Kurl,,-*. 'Ij; " bruuby, V\. J, Ilowden, George L. Sipes, falter Forsythe, Lorenzo 1). Wilgtii, If. n. ’Saunders, Amanda K. Harrow, Kdward Smith, T. J. Blaekmar, James II. Diehl, F. L Model Un. .lergenJ. Svlngholin. Leah Diehl, C. J. Rawllng, O. R. Nelson, Hannah Nelson. II. arnoot, Adam Ries. George Hies. George Fulh-r AumltiUtrator ufth«o»t,uo of Daniel Jagver, • deceased. Michael (,>'Donnell, Mllen Law. George • Kleine, Julia Fillmore, T-Woodworth. Nannie J. Magor, H. Guliek, Kllen Co/.* us. llarrv M. -Burgess, Andrew J. Miller, F. It. Van Llew, A. ?• Short, \\. S. Short, J. T. Benedict, William “• Crowell, Edward Walton. Charles Wel *ton, mAaron Hiaop, H. W. Mathews. James V. Webb, Dora Itowdlsh, ,1. c. Webb, •’Samuel McCuen, Samuel McClure. Ira .Davenport, John Grogan, Augusta Lehman. jF. A. Lehman, Harriet C. 1 hotnas. Georg.* iKelly, Andrew Liudgrun, National Security company, Jes^o E. ItrooW. Catharine MeArdle, Buker Wire company, II. T. Hanson. W. L. Curtis, F-dward Craglii, Synthia Rogers, Svn Jhla Hagus, James Wyckoff, William R. Rub belt, Thomas Patrick, George l). Leonard, Cora Colllue. Cornel Schmidt, Henry M. Hanks, Wal ter 11. Sheppard. David A. Coulter, 11. A Well man, Charles Moulton. II. s. Ballou .t Comiia *J. %• Fritchloff, A. Chnrlesou, John Stew mrt, J. L. Moore. Mary J. Spencer. John Smith, "George K. Gibson, Rosa Jorston, Mrs. A. J Tr-» Peter Ncwsiium, II. Johuaun. Mary H OoUainlth. .Umiiu M. Suiitli, Itoln-rt s. C irn.-a Ortuahy, Wvsley Sway/.v, a. l|iri|s,.n' AiiRKiinn Simpson, A. Bahnnn, ('. .1. Wilson :uloan, Johuaon A company. V. G. Hakor. Swa m , ..“f vu,,v.. » • '»• niiKt*r. awat Luke Imp. Company. J. \). Riley.Frank (iordon >uts Grimstad.W. M. Hulbut.E. D. Hint. Jen ,, II ltt..t.t.,a Is* II I \ _1 -V as * 'LOUiS 1 — . . ... o . m.. , a, , . 11,111 ‘«le Hutchins. K. 11. Dowd, Oscar P.'i roswait SH. Coiburn, M. L. Richards. John Deeters kFrauk Van Liew, W. M. Hulbert, John J Bov he, Charles T. Gorham, Kd Norrid. M. V •Cardls, \ iola P. Kw»ney, F. Farnsworth. Mary -A. Line!I, L F. Hetfron, J. Haudlan. Frant --- — - ■ •, u. iiaiiiiiiiu, r rani Gregg M. F. Sages.,er. 1. N. Green, H. L. Smith N. W. Deering, N. W. Gregg. ,1. ||. Shultz. G a t -i 7 *'• *»• ssiimiz, y 8. Leonard, a. Drullard, Jonathan Phillips i J. AlUson, A. A. Walllnger. Joseph Monieith H. Wintered, Frauklln Walker. K. S. Drown George W. I'lark. R. O. Cunningham, Davit Harrow, C. H. Cunningham. Cynthia Clark, Hi ley (V ( unningham, J. C. C. Harris. William JF. O Gara, L. L. Dodge, Emma L. Withers. L I rice T E. Wheeler, Emmett Wheeler -Charles N iohans. DH, Shaffer, David Mould K. M. hllhitr. I.ftuc T. nsrtlott, John K Huh .tnnu'i, Owen 1' Owens. William Lower. Annh Mason, II A lliils, Charlvs Walpruian. AJi llonroe. Gili ert Cleveland, K. H. Avery True rtec, Averv Plnm.T i-oini any, L V. I.udwli; fcrwin M. . ram Anna K .Mason, t'lar, ■A Parks, Francis L. Miller. I). O. t hapman First National lank ot Kushvillc. Mull ml a h vaaptnan, James A. McCiurp, James Simons -James Itrook, Laura IMekerinan. A. K Hush, Elun oth Gro.-nmnn„ IMwnni Mumlhonke lhotuaa MoTIvhue. Mrs. Lola Hlm-kman J p Dtldrlck.O. It Johnson. Mnrv f Houston Martin 1‘. Andrews, M. I', t’adia. .1 \V H Huston. William Wolfe, Miss K J Alexander Frlti Hyttrck, Waiter l'rosylhe, John Ho Jireeker, Jr., K. Heidiek. Oommerehil Nalionn Bank. Omabn. Nebraska; Wilson It-ynnlds l«D H Aiidr-ws. c S. Heynolds.A W Wil nerins, Luth-r H. Ulotry. Thomas Keid, Hat rrlelt E. Townsend. J. A. Shank, K. Stanis Hsus, M. J Holler, w. K. Johnson L. t'. Put inaru. Tilli- May, Thomas Hox, William WMl -oomb. James White. A. J. Hotchken, t'lnr 'Tuttle, S. A. l>r.her, H. A. Wakefield, Mar A. Byrnes, ,-eih Woods, ltsrnum Kent/. J a -Andrews. S A Hattb ld. James Hunt. Hear Rbrect, McCurmu-k Harvesting Ma hine com •pauy. Oranse llalloek. c. Lesthermnn, and t all others whom it may concern: You are hereuy notified that on the 8th dav o -Ovoember. DVMX Adams A Barr bought at privat •ale for the delinquent taxes of the vear iss *» i nine, west, taxed in th** name of Cora' A. Ball an The south half of the northwest quarter an ‘ the northeast quarter of the northwest quarte ?and the northwest quarter of the southwest qua ter of section 7. township rauge y, west, taxe »|n the nnni‘'of W. C. Townsend, and The northwest quarter or sect ion 10, townehi ’87, range 9. west, taxed in the name of It. G O 'irig. and The southeast quarter of the southeast quarU ‘Of section thirteen, township ttventv-seven, ram nine, west, taxed ;u the name of George Duucai The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter d. Of section twenty-one. towuship twenty seven, .range niue, w-st, taxed in the name of A. B. IBoby. and •',* . The southwest qnart.*r of the southwest qnar * *4er twenty eight, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, towu ship twenty-eight, range nine, west, taxed iu the ansuae of John K. McCullough, and The west half of th*- northwest quarter of see 'tlon thirty-three. township twenty-eight, range anlne, west, taxed in the name of John R. McCul dough, and The northwest quarter of section nineteen, •township twenty nine, range nine west, taxed iu • the name of Joseph Llpski, and Tlie southeast quarter of section one. township rtblrtv. range pine. west, taxed in the name of C. * «JT. iflnhl. awl Th * northeast quat ter of section five, township f 11«r r %*. run i/t* it I no, west, taxed In thouarocor William Slnthownr. and , The northeast quarter of section twelve, town ship thirty, range nine, west, taxed in the name i of rhesfer W. Shepard, and I Tin* east one-half of the northwest quarter find •outh on** half of the tiortheuHt quarter of section one, towii-tiip thirty one, range nine, west, taxed in the name of 1,. 8. Wheeler. j The west half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of ' section seven, township thirty-one, tange nine, west, taxed in the name of A. W, (’Iter, and j The southeast quarter of sec'lon nine, town* I ship thirty one. range tf, west, taxed lu the name j « f s IV Goodyear, and j The north naif of the northeast quarter and the southeast qtiurtor of the northeast quarter I and the northeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section twelve, township thirty-one, range i nine, west, taxed in the uamu of J II. Anderson, The northwest quarter of section eighteen, I township thirty-one. range nine, west, taxed in I the name of O. .1. Phillips, and I The south half of the southeast quarter of sec* tloii thirty live, township thirty one. range nine, west, taxed In the name of A. L. Arrasmlth, and l.ol two In section twelve, township thirty-two, range nine, west, taxed in the name of K. C. Bee inuii, and The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section clghto'ii, township thirty-two, range nine, went, taxed in the name of J. K. .shannon, and The northeast quarter of He tlon twenty-three, township thirty-two. range nine, west, taxed In the name of 1). Graham, und Thesnuth half of the northeast quarter, and lots one and two of s«*ct on six. township twenty* five, range ten, west, taxed in the name of 1). A. liuston, and The northwest quurtcr of section ten, township twenty live, range ten, west, taxed in the name of 8. Snuhler. and I lie south half of the southeast quarter nrnl the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section fourteen and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirteen, town ship twenty-live, range ten, west, taxed in the name of T. I*. Brown. and The south half *>f the southeast quarter of sec tion nineteen, township twenty-five, ran^e ten. west, taxed in the inline of .lames Drenths, and The north lialf of the iiorthwcnt quarter of sec tion twent\-five township twenty five, range leu, west, taxed in the name of .laenb Sims, and The touth half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section I thirty, township twenty live, range ten, west, I taxed In t he name ot J. Pycke. and j The west half of the northwest quarter and the | east half of the northwest, quarter of section I three, township twentv-six. range ten, west, taxed j ill tiie name of S. C. Halstead, and | The southwest quarter of section ten, township twenty 'lx, range ten, west, taxed in the name of i A. M. Ho«a, and I The southwest quarter of soetion thirty-three, township twenty-seven, range ten, west, taxed in ttie name of <\ (’. Primus, and j The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter j and tiie north half of the southeast quarter and • tiie soutliwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-dx, township twenty eight, range ten. west, taxed in the name of S. J. Tomsen, and | The sdutheast quarter of section flv •. township ' twenty-nine, range ten. west, taxed in the name of A. XV. Baldwin, and j The southwest quarter of section thirteen, j township twenty-nine, range ten, west, taxed in ' the name of XV. Roscnback, and j The southeast quarter of section twenty, town ship twenty-nine, range ton, west, taxed in the name of O. XV Baker, and * The southwest quarter of section thirteen, township thirt v, range ten. went, taxed in the ' name of Juuies F. Cunningham, aud I The west half of tiie northwest. quarter and the ; ‘ southeast, quarter of the northwest quarter of , section fifteen, township thirty, range ten. west, taxed in (lie name of John l'. Scott, and I 1 The northeast quarter of sccttou twenty-two, township thirty, range ten, west, taxed in' tiie name of XV. A Stevens, and > f The northi-a-t quarter of section twenty the, * township thirty, range ten. xvest, taxed tu the j name of Pierson litllngas, and l , The northeast quarter < f section twenty-seven, { township thirty, range ten, xvest, taxed in the , name of Florence Mathis, and I j, The soutliwest quarter of section twenty-nine, * township thirty, range i**n, west, taxed’in the v name of XX’. II. Hates, and | * The southeast quarter of section thirty-txvo, j township thirty, range ten, west, taxed in the naineoi 11. II. Ilowertnan. and I * The southwest quarter of section thirtv-three, = township tIIIt ty, range ten, west, taxed in the 1 name of M. Stannard. and » . The southeast, quarter of the uorthea-t quarter ami the north half of the southeast quarter and . the southeast quarter of the southeast quarterof section e.evcn. township thirty-one, range ten, i west, taxed in the name of C. XX'. Lemont, and J Tin* northeast quarter of the soutlieust quarter * of section twelve, town-iiip thirty-one. range ten. west, taxed in the name of Amanda W. i Utter, and | . The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter * J ami the southwest quarterof the northeast quar* > ter ami the northeast quarter of the southwest j 1 quarter and the northwest quarter of the south- I s east quarter of section thirteen, towuship thirty- j one. range ten, west, taxed in the name or George , V. Weaver, and j * The northeast quarter of section thirty-four, ? township thirty one, range ten, west, taxed in . the name of C. XV. I.emont, and j 1 Tin* north half of the southeast quarter and . the southwe-t quarter of the soutiicast quartet : of section thirty-four, township thirty-one, range . ten, west, taxed iu the name of Thomas Fuller, I t and I J The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter i of section twelve, township thirty-two, range * ten, west, taxed in the name of C. Arnd, and j . Lot one and two aud the southwest quarter of I Hie southwest quarter of section five, township , thirty two, range ten, west, taxed iu the name of . C. Boss, and Lot one aud the southeast quarter of the south' | . east quarter of section six, township thirty-two. ■ j range ten, west, taxed in the name of C. Loss, and ( The southeast quarterof the southwest quar- ‘ . ter ot section six, township thirty-two, range ten, j \ west, taxed iu the name of Lewis Jennings, j and | t The south lialf of the southeast quarter and < the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter i of section eight, township thirty-two, range ten. West, taxed iu the name of Charles Hornsey, and The southwest quarter of the southwest quar- 1 ter of section nine, township thirty-two, range ten. west, taxed iu the name of Charles Hoinsey, and The east half of the northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-one and tiie west half of the north- j west quarter of section twenty-two. township thirty-two, range ten. west, taxed in the name of G. XX . E. Dorsey, aud Tiie south lialf of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter ami the southeast quarter of the soutuwest quar ter of section twenty-two, township thirty-two, range ten. west, taxed in tiie name of George XV. Mil ion, ami The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-two, township thirty-two, range ten, west, taxed iu the name of J. A. Barues, and The north half of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of tiie northwest quarter of secilou thirty-three, township thirty-twe, range ten, west, taxed iu the name of J. A. Barnes, and The northeast quarter of section thirtv-flve, township thinv-two, range ten, west, taxed in the name of Tom Crow, and Tne southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and lots *J, and 4 of section two, township twen ty-five. range eleveu, west, taxed in the name of B. F. Cleveland, and The southeast quarterof section seven, town ship twenty-live, range eleven, west, taxed in the uatue of George Roby, and The southwest quarter of section fourteen, township twenty five, range eleven, west, taxed iu the uatne of XV. F. Black, and The north half of the southeast Quarter of sec tion eight and the nonh half of the southwest quarter of section nine, township twenty-six, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of XV. D. Mathews, and The northwest quarter of section seventeen, towuship twenty-six, range eleven, west, taxed iu the name of Conover Kennedy, and The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two and the west half of the south- ' west quarter of section thirty three, township | twenty-six, range eleven, west, taxed in the uame of William Lell, and The nonh half of thesouthwest quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section two, township tweuty seven, rang© eleven, west, taxed in the name of J. P Rhoads, and The northwest quarter of secilou eight, town ship tweutv-seven, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of XX’. D. Mathews, and i The northwest quarter of section nine, town ship twenty-seven, range eleveu west, taxed in the i name of L. D. Hickman, and I The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter j of section eleven, township twenty-eight, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of J. P. Johnson, The northeast quarter or section eighteen, township twenty-eight. range eleven, west, taxed in the name of K. F. Howard, and The Houthwest quarter of section eighteen, township twenty-nine, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of M. Tierney, and The southeast quarter of section five, township thirty, tinge eleven, west, taxed in the name of J. B. Smeltzer. and The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section seven, township thirty, rang* eleven, west, taxed In the name of F. D. Bruner, aud The northwest quarter of section twenty-two. township thirty, range eleven, went, taxed in the name of A W. Baldwin. and The southwest quarter of section iwentv-two. township thirty, range eleven, west, taxed In the name or IV Hreitn-m. aud The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter Mid the southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter mid the northeast quarter oi the southwest quarter mid tie* northwest quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-four. imvuship thirty, ranife elevi o, west, taxed in the name of J W Cay lor, and The northeast quarter of section twenty-eight, township thirty, nnge eleven, west, taxed in the name «»• Patrick Brennan, and The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter and the south half of tin* southeast quarter und the northwest quarter of the southeast quar ter of section twelve, township thirty-one, range eleven, west, taxed in the nume of Monticello Hank, and The west, half of the southeast quarter of sec tlon eighteen and the west half of the northeast quarter of section nineteen, township thirtv-one. range eleven, west, taxed in the name of M PI tnond, and The southeast quarter of section nineteen, township, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of O. M Packard, and The east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section twenty three, township thirty one, range eleven. West, taxed in the name of.J. K. Young, ami The southwest quart* r of section twenty-three, townsh’p thirty-cue, range eleven, west, taxed in the xi une of Joseph S Naylor, and The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty nine, township thirty-one, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of Mar garet Kllioian. and The east half of the southwest quarter anil lots 1. 2, 3, 4. of section two. township thirtv-two, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of Upland Parker, and The south half of the southwest quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter of section three, township thirty two, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of Georg* W. K. Por-ev. and The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section five, township thirty two. range eleven, we-t, taxed in the name of George The southeast quarter of i<»n eight. town ship thirty-two. range eleven, west, taxed in the rulin'' of I.i 11i.* Spaulding. and Tlit* east Imlr of the Houthoint qtuirter of sec tion nine, township thirty,two. mure eleven, went, taxed in the name of S. t;. I'-hertson, and The nntiheiipt quarter of the southeast quarter of Heetion ten, township thiit.v two, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of George W E. Dorsey, and The*west half of the gotit hwest quarter of sec tion ten, township thirty t wo, ratine eleven, west, taxed in tie* name of S. G liobertson, and The west half of tie* northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of seetion eleven. township thirty-two, range ideven, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Tin* u rtli iuilf of the northeast quarter ami the north half of the nort hwest quarter of section thirteen, to\\u>liip thirty two. ranee eleven, west, taxed in tin* mime of George \Y. E. Dorsey, 4 ml The enst half of tin* northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section fourteen, township thirty-two, range eleven, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsr*v, mil The south half of the northeast quarter of sec don nineteen, township thirty-two, range eleven, vest, taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsey, i nd Tin* west half of the northwest quarter of see ion twenty, township thirty-two, rantre eleven, vesr. taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, Tin* southwest quart *r of the northeast qusir er and the northeast quarter of the southwest piarter of section twenty-three, township thirty "<>, ran-e el. ven west, taxed in the name of ohts Leonard, and The north half of the southeast quarter of sec ion twenty-three, township thirty-two, range leveii, west, taxed in the name of John Leonard, ud The north half of the southeast quarter and the out Invest quarter of the southeast quarter sml lie southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of ertion twenty eight, lown-hip thirty-two, range •‘•ven, west, taxed in tin* name of Elliott C'haiul •r, and Tiie south half of the northeast quarter and ds 1 and g of section four, township twenty-five, niigt* twelve, went, taxed in the n unc of J. B. t.*in, and The southwest quarter of section twenty-one, mvnship tweutv-hve, range twelve, west, taxed i the name of John \V. Connolly, nud The northwest quarter of section twenty-one, iiwnship twenty-five, range twelve, west, taxed ii the name of M. J. Drummond, und The south half of the southwest quarter of sec ion twenty-two aud the north half of the north est quarter of section twenty--even, township went y-five, range twelve, west, taxed in the name f U. G. Orwig, and The east half of the southwest quarter and the ost half of the southeast quarter of section wenty-cight, township twenty-five, range twelve, j Tst, taxed in the name of Charles Swarne, and The sout h halt of ths northeast quarter and lots aud'd section three, township twenty-nve, range liirteen, west, taxed in the name of Thomas irennan, and The northeast quarter of section seven, town hip twenty-six, range twelve, west, taxed in the •me of George W. Bowden, and The south half of the southeast quarter of sec on ftiteen, township twenty-six, range twelve, rest, raxed in the name of William J. Daugher y. and Tho uortheast quarter of section twenty-five, uwnthip twenty-six, range twelve, west, taxed a the name of Charles Benton, and The northwest quarter of section twenty-five, awnshlp twenty-six, range twelve, west, taxed ii the name of Lewis Dudley, and The northwest quarter of section five, township wenty-seveu, rang** twelve, wsst, taxed in the ante of George \V. K. Dorsey, and The northeast quarter of sectiou six, township wenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed in the iftMie of George W. E. Dorsey, and The southwest quarter of section seventeen, ownship twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed n the name of A W. Baldwin, and The southeast quarter of section seventeen, own hip tweuty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed u the name of A. W. Baldwin, and The east half of the southeast quarter of sec ion nineteen and the west half of the southwest [uarter of section twenty, township twenty-seven, unge twelve, wed, taxed in the name of George V. K. Dorsey, and The northeast quarter of section twenty-one, ownship twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed n the name of George W. K. Dor-ey, and Tho northeast quarter of section twenty-six, ownship twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed n the name of Theo. Shur, and The north half of the northeast quarter and the lorth half of the northwest quarter of section wenty-seven, township twenty-seven, range welve. west, taxed iu the name of A. Lippin •ofi, and The southwest quarter of seetion four, town 'hip twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed io he name o*f George \V. K. Dorsey, and The southeast quarter of section seven, town* ship twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed in ihe name of C. H. Toncray, and The northeast quarter of section seven, »^wn dtip twenty eight, range twelve, west, taxed in lhe name o’f J. M. Parkins, and The northeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section ten, township twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed iu the name of Jesse Wright, The west half of tho southeast Quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section ten. Township twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed in the name uf Jesse Wright, and The south half of the northwest quarter ami ths northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section fourteen, and the southwest quarter of | the southwest quarter of section eleven, township ] twenty-eight., range twelve, west, taxed iu the name of Libby Culiumber, and The southeast quarter of section seventeen, township t went ye ght, range twe ve, west, taxed :u the name of John H. O. Callahan, and The south half of the southwest quarter of section eighteen and the north half of the north oast quarter of section nineteen, township twen ty eight. range twelve, west, taxed iu the name of Bridget Coggins, and The southwest quarter of section twenty-live, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed m t'iename of W. D. Mathews, aud The southwest quarter of section thirty, town ship tweuty eight, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Patrick McGuire, and The east half of the southeast quarter of see tlon twelve, township thirty, rauge twelve, west, taxed in the name of Francis A. Berner, and The west half of the southw- st quarter of sec tion two, township thirty-one, ran^e twelve, west, taxed iu the name of K. H. Hatch, and The southwest quarter of section four, town ship thirty-one, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Albert Lewis, and The west half of the northwest quarter of see tiou eleven, township thirty-one, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of 5*. B. Hickman, and The west half of the southwest quarter of >ee tion seventeen aud the south half of the south east quarter of section eighteen, township thirty one. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of r*. A. 11 ip ley, and The southeast qnarter of the southwest quar ter of section eighteen, township thirty-one, | range twelve, west, taxed iu the name of C. I The uortlteast quartor of the northwest quarter 1 of section nineteen, township thirty-one, rau«e twelve, west, taxed in the nr.m* of C. Rash, nud The south half i f Ttie southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-one, township thirty-one. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of 0. C. Hidard and The south half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the toatheast quarter of section twenty-six. township thirty one. range twelve west, taxed in the name of M. Mosher, and The vre*t half of the northwest quarter &n d the | 'O.tlienst quarter of the northwest quarter and ! the northea t quarter of the southwest quarter ! of section twenty-eight, township thirty-one, i range twelve, west. taxeJ iu the name.of 31. Hemphill, and The north half of the northwest quarter of soc tion two, t«vMi'h p thirty two, range twelve, t «xed in the name of <>corg<* \V. K. Horsey. and The northeast quarter of the northeast quar* ter of eciion three, township thirtv-two, range nvehs. west, taxed in the name of George \V. K. Horsey. and The southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter a mi th" north half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of thesouthwest quar ter of section seven, township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Geoige W. li. Horsey, and The north half of the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in th*- u in#of R. H. Pitcher, and , The north Imif of the northwest quarter of sec tion ten. township thirty-two. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of If. I). Pitcher, and The southwest quarter of section fifteen, town ship thirty-two. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of A. G. Frye, and Tho southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter of section twenty-two and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in th- name of Charles A. Kenton, and Th* southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter and the north half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter of section twenty-live, township thirtv-two, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of J. L. Wing, and The we.-t half of the northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-six, township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Charles A. Kenton, and The north half of the northeast quarter and the north half of tho northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-nine, township thirty-two. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Joun Langon, The northwest quarter of the northeast quar ter and tiie north half of the northwest quarter mid the southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter of section thirty-one, township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of C. R. The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter ami the southwest quarter of the southeast liiarter of section twenty-nine, township thirty three, range twelve, west, taxed iu the name of Jenni*- Dereg, and Tlie west half of the northeast quarter and ths southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty, township thirty-three, range welve, west, taxed in the name ofF. E. Cross, The east half of the northwest quarter of sec ion thirty-two, township thhty-three, range, west, tuxed iu the name of Jennie Dereg. md The southeast quarter of section thirty-three, owuship thirty-three, range twelve, west, taxed n the name of Fritz Morvell, and Tiie east half of the northeast quurter and the lorthwest quarter of the northeast quarter and he southeast quarter of the northwest quarter >f section thirty-three, township thirty-three, •ange twelve, west, taxed in the name of Julius Jepsen. ami The west half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-three, •ange twelve, west, taxed in tue name of M. 'ocnroiu, and The east half of section three, township twen :o-tive, range thirteeu, west, taxed in the name jf A. G. Edwards, and The northwest quarter of section three, town ship twenty-five, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Isaac Sagcser, and Lot 4 and the southwest quarter of the north west quarter of section four and the east half of lie northeast quarter of section five, towuship twenty-live, ranee thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Frank K. Smith, and Lot 3 and the northeast quarter of the south west quarter of section seven, township twentv range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of John Grogan, and The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter \ )t section twelve, township twentv-live, ramre I ip twenty-live, range taxed in the name of If. It. An thirteen, west, Ihony, and Th- northwest quarter of section twenty-four, J lowhship twenty-live, range thirteeu, west, taxed j iu the name of Anton Hind, and I The oast half of the southwi »r quarter anil the ! •vest half of the southeast quarter of section tw uty four, township twentv-tive, range thir leen. west, taxed in t he uatne of C. A. Benton, nail The southwest quarter of section thirteen, township twenty-five, range thirteeu. west, taxed iu the name of F. Clayton, and The northeast quarter of section twenty, town ship twentv-five, range thirteen, west, taxad in the name of George VV. E. Dorsey, and The southwest quarter of the southeast quar ter of section six and the m>rthwe>t quarter of the iiorth-ast quart*r and the north half of tlie northwest quarter of section seven,township twenty six, range thirteen west, taxed in the name of George \Y. E. Dorsey, and The south half of the southwe t quart* r of section twenty-seven aud the sonth half of th# southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, town- I ship twenty-six, range thirteen, west, taxed ia 1 the name of J. M. Hunnel, and i The east half of the northeast quarter of sec tion thirty-two, township twenty-six, range thir teen, west, taxed in the name of E. W. Niccollis, and The south half of the northwest quurter of sec tion tUirty-thiej. township twenty-six, ran<'« thirteen, west, taxed in the name of E. H. Nich ols. and The southeast quarter of section one, township twenty-seven, range thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of M. Vaughn, and The east hair of the northeast quarter and »he east half of the southeast quarter of section thirteen, township twenty-seven, range thirteen west, taxed in the name of E. McMillan, and The south half of the southwest quarteraudthe south half of the southeast quarter of section, twenty, township twenty-seven, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. K. Dorsev I and ’ ’i The southwest quarter of section twenty-one, township twenty-seven, range thirteeen west. 1 taxed iu the name of J. P. Weeks, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-one, township twenty-seven, range thirteen,'west, taxed in the name of Thomas Kane, aud The northwest quarter of section twenty-three, township twenty-seven, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of N. J. Hynes, and The southeast quarter of section thirty-one. township twenty seven, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The north half of the southeast quarter of sec tion thirty-five, township twenty-seven ran^e thirteen, west, taxed in the name or C. H. Ton tray, and The southeast quarter of section three, town ship twenty-eight, range thirteen, west, tuxed in th - name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The northwest quaiter of section ten, township twenty-eight, range thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of George \V. E. Dorsey, and The south half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section four teen, towuship twenty eight, range thirteen, west xed in the name of George W. E. Dorsev and ... - E. Dorsey, and 1 he south half of the southwest quarter of sec ion twenty-two, towuship twenty-eight, range tion twenty-two, towuship twenty-eight, range thirteeu. west, taxed in the name of C. H. Ton cray. and The south half of the northeast quarter and the s.outh half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three, township twenty-eight, ran^e thir teeu west, taxed iu the name ol George W E Dorsey, and The east half of the southeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of seciton twenty-three, township twenty-eight rauge thirteen, west, taxed in the uame of George » . E. Dorsey, and * iey, and The west half of the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-four, township twenty-eight range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W E. Dorsey, and The east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty five, township twenty-eight, range thir teen, west, taxed in the name of Jofin McGlohun 1 he southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-six. township twenty -eight, range thirteen, west, taxed lathe name of Timothy tV . Sullivan, and “ UB 1 he north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seven. township twenty-debt, ran»e thiiteeu, wc8t- taxed in the name of George W 1. Dorsey, and " ' The northwest quarter of section twelve, town ship twenty.nine, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Frank Forbes, and “ The West half of the northwest quarter of sec. tion fourteen and the east half of the northeast quarter of section fliteen, township twenty-nine «d*’ *“* tS! » m.\°r,i'e?r?e W-B- Dorsey.’and 1 he west half of the northwest quarter of see th»n thirty-two, township twenty-nine ran^e Wilgu'e” ,WnT' ‘“ed the Uamc 6t Lot'™™ D thirteen ... the name of George W. E. Dorsey.'Tad ^ ! rl.tVtv ti’tttfler of section ttve. towpshin ! T Ly'Biackinar'ra”d' *“'• taied ‘Q th“ »? teen, west,Taxed SS ttS,'SK5iltft“'t'. IVoCMUu. 1 he west half of the northwest quarter of m*n taxed in*the°name of *F McClellan^and’ | west quarter of «ctioa eleven, townahlp thirty 1 mbs?© thirteen west, taxed in the name of Ban j nah Nelson, and I The southwest quarter of section twelve, town ship thirty, range thirteen, west, taxed in the ( name of H. Sinoot, and I The southeast quarter of section nineteen, ! township thirty, range thirteen, west, taxed in j the name of George lie!*, and The northwest quarter of section twenty-two, township thirty, range thirteen, west, tuxed in the came of Michael O’Donnell, and The north half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of th.* northeast quarter und the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section one. township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The northeast quarter of section thirteen, town ship thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of C. Kush, and The northwest quarter of section nineteen, township thirty-one, rang? thirteen, west, taxed in the name of T. Woodworth, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-two. town-hip thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of II. Gulick, and The northeast quarter of section twenty-three, township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quar ter of section twenty-rour, township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Barry M, Burgess, and The south half of the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-six, township thirty-one, range thirteen,west, taxed in the name of B. E. Sturde vant, and The southeast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsey, and The west half of th southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-five, township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E% Dorsey, and The west half of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of tue northwest quarter nnd the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section one, township thirty-two. range thir teen, west, taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsey, and I he west hair of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section three, towushlp thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of j. T. Benedict, and The east half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed in the nnrne of William W. Crowell, and The southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Charles Welton, and The northwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section nine, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Win. M’c Mutb, and The southwest quarter of section seventeen, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Aaron Bisop, and The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section fifteen, township thirty three, range thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of J. C. Webb, and The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the north hall of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen, township thirty-three, range thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of Samuel Mc Clure, and The esist half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two, township thirty-three, range thir teen, west, taxed iu the name of ,J. C. Webb, aud The northwest quarter of the northwest quar ter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, township thirty three, r«nge thirteen, west, taxed in the name of .1 E. Webb, and The west half of the northeast quarter and the north half ot the northwest quarter of section twenty-six, township thirty-three, range thir teen, west, taxed iu the name of James C. Webb, and Lots 4, a, 0 and 7, section six, township twenty five, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The north half of the southeast quarter of §ee lion twelve, township twentv-flve, range four teen, Wtst, taxed in the name of John Uorgun, The southeast quarter of the northwest qunr ter and the north half of the southwest quartei and the southwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section seventeen, township twent.v-flve, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of W. D. Mat he ws, and The north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion fourteen, township twenty-six, range four teen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The south half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section thirty, township twenty-six, range fourteen west, taxed in the name of F. A. Lehman, and The north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion five, township twenty-seven, range fourteen, west, taxed iu the name of George Kelly, and ’ The southwest quarter of the southeast quar ter of section ten, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section fifteen, township twenty seven, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of Andrew Lindgren, and The northwest quarter of section thirty, town ship twenty seven, range fourteen, west, taxed in tbe name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The northeast quarter of section thirty-two, township twenty-seven, ranee fourteen, west’ taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The northwest quarter of section eleven, town ship twenty-eight, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of li. F. Hamsen, and The northeast quarter of section twelve, town ship twenty eteht, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of Edward Cragin, and The northeast quarter of section twenty two, township twenty-eight, range fourteen, west taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and The southwest quarter of section twenty-eight township twenty-eight, range fourteen, west! taxed iu the name of Synthia Magus, and The northwest quarter of section twenty, town ship twenty-nine, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of Ira J. Burleson, and The east half of the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-four, and the east hall of the north west quarter of section twenty-five, township twenty-nine, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of Wilcox *fc Flannigan, aud The southwest quarter of section thirty-three township twenty-nine, range fourteen, west’ taxed in the name of Thomas Patrick, and ’ The northwest quarter of section thirty-five township twenty-nine, range fourteen, west’ taxed in the name of Cora Collins, and * The southwest quarter of section thirtv-five, township twenty-nine, range fourteen, ‘west taxed in the name of Cornel Sehmit, and * The east half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter cf the southeast quarter of section twelve, township th rty. range fourteen west, taxe i in the name of Henry M. Banks, and 1 he southwest quartet of section twenty-seven township thirty, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of J. B. Sturdevant, and The northeast quarter of section nineteen township thirty-one, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of H. A. Wellmau, and The southeast quarter of section twentv-two township thirty-one, range fourteen, west 'taxed in the name of Charles Moulton, and The northeast quarter of section twenty-six township thirty-one, range fourteen, wist, taxed in the name of J. B. Slurdevaut, and The southwest quarter of section two, town ship thirty-one, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of V. Hamsen, and The southwest quarter ot section four, town ship thirty-one. range fourteen, west taxed in the nnrne of It. E. Sturdevant, and The northwest quarter of section ten, township thirty-one, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of A. Charleson. and The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of see non five, township thirty-two. range fourteen west, taxed in the name of John Stewart and ' 1 he northeast quarter of section seven town ship thirty-two, range fourteen, west, tax«Hn the name of Mary J. Spencer, and *“ The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section eighteen township thirty-two run,m fourteen, west, taxed in the name of John Sn " h ine west nan of tne nonnpast quarter ana th« southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion eighteen, township thirty-two, range four th" of John SmUh and The nor.hwest quarter of section thirty-two ownship thirty-two range fourteen, west? taxed in the name of Rosa Jorston. and a The northeast quarter of section thirty-three own,hip thirty two range fourteen, west, taxed to the name of H. Johnson, and 1 he north half of the northwest quarter of see Uou two, township thirty-three, range fourteen west, taxed in the name of S. E. Smith, and shin' th «ihthV‘ qu*ner,or motion three, town nip th rty-three, range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of Robert S. Carnes, and 1 he northeast quarter of section nine, townshln n»rBi^?,.'a°„UdrtM“' «“■ ^ t.o?^urn*^,;f^rr:r.h«.e:trrg^oruor,te8;tr WTh.t4Xel i? of A- Bahnan. and . The north half of the northeast quarter of sei* tion fifteen, township thirty.three, range four' The^nVrw?0? in the na“e of A. Brtnfn. end Ihe northeast quarter of section seventnen township thirty-three, range fourteen, west taxed m the name of Moan John«on A i'o and * &XeJ Ihe southeast quarter of the southeast qu*m^ of section two. township twenty-five rimT!?/ tem. west, taxed in ih t name of C. H.' Toncrty^ Lota n,», 10,11, in section two, townehiD t».n r*°fe fiHeen, west, taxed in ts- « Frank Gordon, and * th® narae of qrU‘rt,re°/ — m—t, taxed ln the naaia of j/g. R'iie *°.^.tflttl>*n' The north half of the uortheast quarter and twj northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of tion eleven, township twenty-five, range fifteen"1 west, taxed in the name of C. H. Toncray, and 'I The northwest quarter of section twenty-os* I township twenty-five, range fifteen, west, taxed ij the name of Louis Grimstad, and 1 The southwest quarter of section one, township twenty-six, range fifteen, west, tuxed in the naa.I of E. D. Lunt, and I The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter! of section ten, township twenty-six, range fifteen! west, taxed in the name of E. U. Dowd, and The south half of the southeast quarter of sec-1 tion two, township twenty-six, range fifteen.west I taxed in the name of Jennie Hutchins, and ' I The north half of the northeast quarter of sec-1 tion three, township twenty-six, range fifteen I west, taxed in the name of Robert Thompson' I and ’1 The north half of the northeast quarter of svv., tion eleven, township twenty-six, range fifteen^ west, taxed in the name of George W. B. Dorsey’ ? and i The north half of the southeast quarter of sec- 1 tion thirty-four, aud the northwest quarter of I the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter ( of the northwest quarter of section thirty-five 1 township twenty-six, range fifteen west, taxed in I the name of II. Colburn, and [ The southeast quarter of section nineteen township twenty-seven, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and l The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter I of seotion twenty-nine, township twenty-seven I range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of W. M* I Hulbert, and ' I The east half of the southeast quarter of sec-1 tion thirty-four, township twenty-seven, rauve I fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Robert I Thompson, and I The north half of the northeast quarter and the I southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the no theast quarter of the northwe-t quarter I section thirty-five, township twenty-seven, ran^e I fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Ed Norrid, and The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter I of section seven, townshjp twenty-eight, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of M. C. Cardi< The northwest quarter of the southwest quar ter aud the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven, township twenty-eight range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of M. c.' Cardie, and The southeast quarter of section fifteen, town ship twenty-eignt, range fifteen, west, taxed in the nameof F. Farnsworth, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-two, township twenty-nine, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of W. D. Mathews, and The southeast, quarter of section twenty-five, township twenty-nine, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of J. Hamdlan, and The northwestqnurter of section twenty-three, township thirty, range fifteen, west,taxed in the name of M. F. fcagesser, aud The north half of the northwest quarter of section thirteen, township thirty-one, range fif teen, wegt, taxed in the name of 1. N. Green, and The north half of the northeast quarter of sec tion fourteen, towuship thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of I. N. Green, and The southeast quarter of section fourteen, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed iu the name of John Crawford, and The northeast quarter of section eighteen, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed it! the name of N. W. Gregg, and The northwe-t quarter of section eighteen, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of J. H. Shultz, and The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-six, township thirty-one, range fifteen west, taxed in the name of A. Drullard, and The northeast auarter of the northwest quar ter of section thiry-ttve, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of A. Drui lard, and 1 he northeast quarter of section thirty-three, township thirty-one, range fifteen, west. taxed in the nameof A. A. Wallinger, and The north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion thirty-three, township thirty-one, range fif teen, west, taxed in the name of H. Winters, and The north half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-one. rat ge fifteen^west, taxed in the name of Franklin Walk The southeast quarter of the south -ast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-one, rang.* fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Franklin Walker, and The north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion two, township thirty-two, rauge fifteen, west,* taxed in the name of C. H. Cunningham, and The northwest quarter of the southwest quar ter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section two, towhship thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Cynthia J. Clark, and The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quar ter of section three, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Cynthia J. Clark, and The northwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of section three, town-hip thirty-two, rauge fifteen, west, taxed in the name o*f C. H. Cun ningham, and The northeast quarter of the southwest quar ter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section five, and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section eight, towns h p thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name j of L. L. Dodge, and The southeast quarter of the southwest quar I ter aud the north“ast quarter of the southeast quarter and the south half of the southeast quar ter of section eleven, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the nameof L. L. Price, and The southwest quarter of section fourteen, towuship thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of T. E. Wheeler, and The northwest quarter of section seventeen, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Charles Nickans, and The southwest quarter of section eighteen, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of U. H. ShefTer. aud The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southva-t quar ter of -ection twenty-two, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of E. M. Elliott, and The north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seven, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of E. M. Elliott, and The southwest quarter of section thirty, town ship thirty-two, range fifteen west, taxed in the name of John F. Huhmann. and The southeast quarter of section thirty-two, township thirty-two, range fifteen, west,'taxed in the name of Isaac S. Bartlett, and Tlie northwest quarter of section thirteen, township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of William Lower, and The southeast quarter of section nineteen tow nship thirty three, range fifteen, west, taxed in the uaine of Annie Mason, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-three township thirty-three, range flft-en. west, taxed in the name of Charles Waterman, and The northeast quarter of section twenty-eight, township thirty-three, rang,, fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Add Monroe, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed r .-j y» uucru, w in the name of Gilbert Cleveland, and The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter and the northwest quarter of the south west quarter of section twenty-nine, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter ofsection thirty, township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of L. V. Lud The northwest quarter of section thirty, town ship thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed In the name of Aim E. Mason, and 1 he west half of the southwest quarter of sec tton thirty, township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed In the name of Erwin M. Crane, and j. he northwest quarter of Peetion twenty-nine, township thirty-four, range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Miller A Chapman, and The southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, township thtrtv-four. range flfte n, we-»t, taxed in the name of James A. MoClnrg, and The northeast quarter of section two. township twenty-seven, range sixteen, west, taxed in the name of A. F. Busby, and The west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three, township twenty-eight, range six teen west taxed in the name of Edward Muud henke, and .J^^rthVTe^ dnarter of section ten, town ship twenty-eight, ranee sixteen west, taxed in the mime of Ihomas McTigue, and The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twelve, township twenty-eight, range and060’ W08t’ tuxetl in the uume of M. C. CardU, The southwest quarter of the southwest quar ‘"of *™tlon, ♦W'nty-nine. township twnnty J. P Deid?ick. Jnd "• W0,t> taS8d "* th' “ m° 01 »eil,t,l*uarter of ,he Southwest quartei of secfion twenty-ntne. township twenty-nlno, DeidKekXd We“’ tar8j‘n the J-** itnnh?hit^th,alf of it® 8°u">e«‘ quarter of seo west th„!3' In'lh,h p twe“*J,-ulne. range sixteen, >n Rename of P. Deidrick. and „„v, ? ha.lf.of ,hs northeast quarter and the Jhiriv Aalf ,of lh* “oufheast quarter of section thirty-two, township twenty-nine, range ten, west, taxed in the name of J. W n. Huston. and q?*rt#r of »<-=tion thirty-three, township iwenty-ulne. range sixteen, west, taxed name of S. H. El wood, and * nofthwe,t quarter of section one, townvhip ,*ixteen’ "»•*. taxed in the name of William Wolfe, and uprthoa.t quarter of the southwest quar ter and the northwest quarter of the southeast 2° Hier *outh half of theaoatheaat quar ter of lection two, towhshlp twtaty-nine. range ■fteeu, west, taxed In the uame •/*H,ld£k*