COMING-—«• O’NEILL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30. LEWIS HALL'S FAMOUS Georgia Minstrels. Headed by the eminent comedian Lewi* Hull* with funny Comedians, funny End Men, lamoui Cyclone Quartet. Prof Dayman, champion ' guitar, banjo and mandolin player of the world. Solo Band and Wilt Orchestra. Don’t tad to sen them. Street parade at la o’clock. Hand con cert at 7:30 p. m. Kcscvnd seat* 6o eta.; on sale at Corri ;an’a drug atom. OTHER TOWNS THAN OURS. Khom TUB STI’AIIT I.kiickii. A most unfortunate and very serious accident befell u Mr. McMullen, step brother of John A. Crow, who lives engirt miles northwest of here,on Inst Tuesday evening. Mr. McMullen is an employe in the tsliort Line round house at O'Neill, lie came to spend a portion of his summer vacation with Mr. Crow and family. On Tuesday, ace.punied by Mrs. Crow and Alisa (.'row, his step sister. he went to the pontoon bridge on tho Niobrara and went in bathing. When coming out he stepped into a hole apparantly about six feet deep. Com ing out he called to the ladles to watch him dive, and going back about thirty feet took a run and leaped into what he supposed was deep water, head first. The hole of deep water into which lie supposed ho was going to dive, i‘. seems, covered but a small area and where he struck was only two feet deep —-could not easily be detected as the wa ter of the stream is very murky, lie could not arise and the current began taking him down stream rolling him over and over. The ladies seeing that lie was hurt ran to his rescue ami suc ceeded in getting him out, but ho could not move a limb. Mrs. Crow went to the nearest house, that of Ed ltobinson, over a mile away, and got his assistance, lie took his team and conveyed the in jured man to the residence of Mr. Crow, llolow the injury, which is in the ticok, tho body is pnrnlyzed there being neither sense of fueling or power of motion. The brain is not injured and the man has perfect use of his mind. He is about 30 years of age, of fine physique and weighs about 800 pounds, lie has a wife nnd family. The chances nre very much against his recovery, lie is under tho medical care of Ur. Hunt, of this place. _ rilUM Til r. 1 All N IN KWH, A cliihl of Mr. A. A. Wagers nearly ended Its life, Tuesday, by swallowing some n<[ita amonia. Mrs. Wagers was washing and went over to Mr. Skeltons, just a short distance, after sonic water and during her absence the child got hold of a bottle that contained aqua amonia and drnnk some of it. Mrs. Wagers heard the child scream and sho ran home to see what the matter was, seeing what it had done, sent for Dr. Skelton who was thero a minute after wards. They gave the child something to rnnko it vomit and the stuff which came from its stomach was thoroughly cooked. It was a very narrow escape. The child is all right at this writing. Last Saturday evening about dusk, Dr. A. U. Skelton came driving down Main street and all of a sudden one of the poll straps came unbuckled and let the buggy tougue down, this frightened his horses and ns they wero going down hill ho could not hold them but he stayed with them untill they struck a knoll near the Kye office which upset the buggy and threw him out striking his head against one of the wheels. They telegraphed Dr. Nye of Plaiuview but on boing notified he could not come, D. McGee went up to O'Neill after Dr. Trueblood. lie was pretty badly shook up, but had no serious wounds. This might of proved a serious accident and we are glad the doctor is able to be around again. FnOM Til* ATKINSON UllAIMI tC. Mrs. James White returned to her home in Hot Springs Tuesday evening after a visit with relatives and fr'ends since July 4. A new town has been founded in Boyd county, called Basin. Thus lias a golden opportunity been presented for Col. Skuse to wash his feet. Trials, troubles, tribulations and temptations are always in fruitage in the orchard of modern democracy, and the Nebraska species of that class of fruit is exceptionally bitter this season. P. L. Adams and wife of Saunders county are guests of Mr. Mrs. Jas. H. Sturdevant of this place. The Adams and Sturdevants were old neighbors in Saunders county in years long past. Mrs. Moore and daughter, the former a sister of Mrs. S. F. Hibbard north of town, returned to Saunders county last Saturday. They have been visiting the Hibbards and Moores the past six weeks. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Del., says: “l'wo tea spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and diarrhoea Remedy saved the life of Mrs. Jano Thomas, of this place ’ He also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. HEALTHFUL, AGREEABLE, CLEANSING. for Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. * A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. m\U RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Uso in Hard Water Ar. Original Pi Ire Conte«t. To the first person who by Inking two letter* from the won! "Plague," cun make the nuine of n disease tlmt in com mon in portion* of linfh Cunjitly nmi Hie United States, will lie given nn clegsnt upright piano, (valued at $(!-->. or its equivalent in cash, as preferred). To tSie second person will he given a pony, curt and harness complete, (valued at tfi'JIM), or its equivalent in rush, if pre ferred). To the third person will be given an elegant gold watch valued ut $?.T or its equivadent in cash. Fffty other prizes, ranging in value from twenty-five dollars to live dollars will be awarded to the next fifty persons sending correct solutions strictly in order as received. If you have tried oilier so called competions without suc cess you must not condemn these offered by this company, as they are perfectly reliable, and are carried on iu good faith. Contestants must enclose U.S. Postal note for thirty cents, (or fifteen two-eent U. S. stamps) for one month's trial subscription to the Ladic's Pictor ial weekly, which is the handsomest and best illustrated weekly publication for ladies on this continent. The only object in offering tills coin potion is to introduce it into new homes, and we guarantee that no partiality will be shown in the awarding of prizes. Per sons living at a distance, or in the United Stales, have ns good an oppor tunity, as the date of postmark on let ters will be given precedence, so answer early. Address, Ladle's Pictorial Co., MD.” Toronto, Canada. (1-7 While lit Big Island, Va., last April, I was taken with a very severe attack of diarrhtva. I never had it worse in my life. I tried several old time remedies, such as Blackberry wine, Paregoric and t.audnum without getting any relief. My attention was then called to Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhma Hemcby by Mr. It. C. Tinsley who had been handling it there, and in less than live minutes after taking a small dose t was entirely relieved.—O. C. Brufoim, Haris Creek, Amherst Co., Va. For sale by P. C. Corrigan druggist. “ WOBTII A GUINEA A BOX." j CURE SICK HEADACHE. Disordered Liver, etc. They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs, Regulating the Secretions, restoring long lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen Edge of Appetite, and 'arousing with the ROSIBDOOF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame. These hacts are admitted by thousands, in all classes of Society. Largest Sale in the World. Covered with ft Tarteleaa A Soluble Coating. Of all druggists. Price SB» cents a box. New York Depot, 365 Canal St. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE roil ITIILIC’ATION. Land twice nt O'Neill, Neb. August Is, I Mis', Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled nutiee of hts inten tion In make HiihI proof In support ot his eliitm ami that snkl proof will tie made be fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Nub, on Seplember 24, lkiig. viz: CHARLES WUEuR, 11. E. 14524 for the northwest Quarter 34-31-10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultiva tion ot said land, viz: II Sclilimnclutemilg, William Schimniclp fennlg Peter lleekal. of Scottvllle, Neb., and It. II. l uylor, of O’Ne' l, Neb.. MP It. S. GILI.ESP1E. Uegister. NOTICE. To Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, de fendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 181)2, the American In vestment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district conrt of Holt county, Nebraska, against Leonard Seitz, Anna M. Seitz, defendants, the object and prayer of whioh are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the de fendants Leonard Seitz and Anna A. Seitz to E. S. Orrnsby, trustee for P. O. llet'sell; also to foreclose a certain second mortgage executed by the same parties to \\. J. Bowden, and assigned to the plaintiff, all being given on the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: LiOt No. 4 in section six, in township thirty-two, range ten, and lot one, sec tion one, in township thrity-two, range eleven, west of the sixth p. m. Said trust deed being given to secure the payment of a certain note of $300 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $11 and nine tor the sum of $10.30 each, all be ing due May 34, 188(i. Said principal note of $300 being due on the 1st day of June, 1801, and the coupon interest notes being due one each on the first days of June and December of each year, com mencing with Deocmber 1, 1886. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and iu possession of the interest notes which matured on the first days of June, 1801, December, 1800, June, 1800, and December, 1880. Said second mortgage was given to seonrc the payment ot a certain installment note of $45,30; said installments being due as follwos: J$4.70, December 1, 1880; $4.50 every six months thereafter, the last installment beiug due June 1, 1801. The plaintiff alleges that there is due it on said iutorest coupon notes given by it and secured by said trust deed deed the sum of $100; that there is due it on said installment note secured by said second mortguge the sum of $50; that there is due it for taxes paid the sum $50. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subjeot to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due the plaintiff on said coupons, second mortgage and taxes paid. You art required to answer said peti on on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. 7-4 Dated this 22d day of August, 1892. R. R. DICKSON, Att’y. for Tlt’ff. £ NOTICE OK HCIT. * The Fidelity Loun and Trust Company, a corporation plaintHf. VS. Thomas Cunan unci wife Mary Curran. Thomas Coitus, Michael Loflus. Honor l.ofius, Thu .Sycamore Marsh Harvesting Company, a corporation, and K.». Kelley, ibfcmlunfs. TliomnsCuri an and wife Mary Curran.Thos. Loftus, Michael, Honor Lof'tii*. The Sycamore Harvesting Company and K. 8. Kelley, defendants, will take notice that on ihe Mist, day of July, 1hi>2, Tho Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the district court of Holt count y, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortal ire executed by the defend nuts. Thomas Curran urn! wlfo Mary Curran to the plaintiff. upon the south-west quarter of sect ion thirty-one 131], In township twenty six [26|. north range thirteen [13], west of the tit 11 P. M.. to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated October 31, 1887, for the sum of seven hundred [TOO] dol lars, and due and payable in flvir years from the date t hereof. That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of eight hundred forty-five dollars and sixty-five cents [845.H6L with In terest thereon tit ten per cent, from the goth day of July, IMJ2, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be re quired to nay same; o* that said premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of Kent ember. 1802. THE FIDELITY LOAN & TKFSTCO. I'luintilf. liy S. K. Ilostctter. Its Attorney. Dated July 2llv 1802. 4-4 NOTICE. To whom it may concern: You arc hereby notilied that on the 8th day of December, 18'JO, Adams and Durr bought at private taxsale.the same having been offered at public sale and not sold ! for want of bidders, the following detcrib- 1 ed real estate, viz: 'The E% SWJ4 section 25, township 25, range 13, west 6th p. m., containing 80 acres, situated in Holt county, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes of the year 188‘J and taxed in name of F. M. Cotter; that the tax sale certilicates received byAdams and Darr at said sale have been sold and assigned to the undersigned who is the present owner and holder thereof, and that the time of redemption of same will expire on the 8th day of December, 181)2. 7-3 WM. H. SHORELESS. SHERIFF’S SALE. Ily virtue of nn order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on n decree of fore closure wherein John Heckman is plaint iff and John Moler, Eliza J. Moler and Western Trust and Security Company are defendants, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the front doer of the court house in O'Neill, in said county, on the L’fith day of September, 1*92, at 10 o'clock A. m., the following described lands and tenements to satisfy the judgment and costs in said action: The southwest <|uarter of section seven teen, township thirty-one, north range eleven, in Holt, county, Nebraska. Dated 23d dnv of August, 1 JSiJjf. 7-,-. li. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Mosokii A Coubtbioht, Att’ys. for Plt’ff. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of nu order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein Orient Insurance Com pany is plaintiff and Catherine McDon ough,John V.McDonough, Augustine Mc Donough, Jerome A. McDonough, Annie McDonough, James Walter McDonough, Theodore Wheeler and Willard A. Wheeler are defendants. I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, in said county, on the 2tilh day of Sep tember, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. m., the fol lowing described lands and tenements to satisfy the judgment nnd costs in said action: The northeast quarter of section twenty six, township thirty, north range twelve, in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Mungbb A Coubtbioht, Att’ys. for Plt'ff. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree of fore closure wherein Amelin S. Mathewson is plaintiff nnd William Nollknmpef, Marie Nollkamper, school district No. 225, Holt county, Nebraska, and Western Trust and Security Company are defendants. I will sell at publio auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, in said county, on the 2fith day of September, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. m., the following described lands nnd tenements to satisfy the judg ment and costs in said action: The southeast quarter of section eight, township thirty-one. north range eleven, in Holt county, Nebraska. Dated 23d day of August, 1892. 7-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. Munokb & Coubtbioht, Att’ys. for Plt’ff. REDEMPTION NOTICE. To Thomas Cain, Edward Gallagher, Her min Hageman, Sorn J. Svingholm, O. R. Nelson, Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, M. F. Harrington, Chesire Provident Institution, Stephen Mc Cauley, B. F. Barto, Nebraska Loan and Trust company, Tim Keyes, John McHugh, Addie M. Hershiser, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, E. Kane, Theresa McGuire, John Mc Cann, and to all others whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of December, 1890, J. L. Her shiser bought at private sale for the de linquent taxes of the year 1889, the same having been offered at public sale uud not sold for want of bidders, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, namely: The northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in name of Thomas Kane; and the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Ed ward Gallagher; and the northwest quart er of section eighteen, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Herman Hagerman; and the northeast quarter of section twenty, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, tnxed in the name of Stephen McCauley; and the northeast quarter of section twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, tnxed in the name of Tim Keyes: nnd the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-four, township twenty-nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of E. Kane; and the northwest quarter of section thirty-three, township twenty nine, range twelve, west, taxed in the name of John McCann. The time of re demption from each of the above tax sales will expire on the 8th day of Decem ber, 1892. 7-3 J. L. HERSHISER. NOTICE. To Chmlcs A. Belllnuer. Addle Helllnger, O. I, Fimi. Mrs. U. E. Flun. defendants: Vim will Ink.' police Mint on the 'Ml .In ,.! August. V.r.U. The Ameileiin Invest (’ompany, plaintiff herein, filed its peu i lion in the district court of Holt county, .Ni lini'k»i. against you ami each of you, the ebinct anti prayer of which are to foreclose :i . i-rtaln trust deed executed by defendants Charles A. Dellinger and wile Addle Rel limrer to K. S. Onnshy. trustee * > the plaint iff."upon the following described real estate ! i-itunted in Hoitcounty. Nebraska, to-wit: | The southeast quarter of section thirty, j township thirtvthiee, range fourteen, west I of the sixth p. in., to secure the payment or i a certain note of $7h0 and t en interest coupon ! notes, one for $H.15 and nine for $24.50 e, eh, ! all being dated June 1U, 1887. Said principal i of $700 being1 due June I. 1*92. and the intet | coupon notes being due on the first days of .lime ami December of each i nn tiring with December 1, 1 >7. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and In posses sion of the interest notes which mature on the first days of December. 18? June, 1890. 1 December, 1889. and June, 1889; that there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum iif $2o0, and that there is also duo the plaintiff the further sum of $50 taxes paid. 1 he plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note of $7l J and the interest coupon notes maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff on the notes owned by it and taxes paid. You are required to answer said petit ion on or before the 3d day of October. 1892. Dated tills 22d dav of August, 1822. 7-4 U. K. DICKSON, Att’y. for Pit’il\ NOTICE. To Cumming lioss, Mrs. Cumming Ross. Robert Cumming Ross. Mrs. Robert Cum in ing Ross, Thaddeus Jlluford, Mrs. Thud dens Hinford, defendants: You will take notice that on the 21th day of August, 1892, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the distriet court of Holt county. Nebras ka, against Cumming Ross, Mrs. Cumming Rosa, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendant Cumming Ross to E. Onnshy, trustee for W. L. Telford, upon the following described real estate situated in Hoitcounty, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty seven. township thirty-one, range sixteen, west of the sixth p. m., to securethe payment of a certain note of $850 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum ot' $*' .03 and nine for the sum of $29.75 each, all dated July 2. 1887. Said priucipal note of $850 being due on the 1st uay of June, 1892, and the coupon notes being due one each on the first days of December and June of each year, commencing with the lirst day of De cember, 1887. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the inter- j est notes which matured on the first days of ! June, 1891, December 1891, December, 18* J. i June, 1890, and December, 1889; that there is j now due it on said interest coupon notes se*: cured by said trust deed the sum of $200 and the further sum of $150 taxes paid. The I plaintiff prays that said premises maybe de00, due and payable in’five years from the date thereof; also to secure the payment of ten interest coupons of ¥20 each attached to said bond’as evidence and security for the interest to maturity thereo; that said bond, coupons and trust deed have been duly assigned nnd sold to the plaintiff who is now the owner thereof; that there is now due upon said bond coupons and trust deed the sun, of o • ,or which sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the sum or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 3d day of October, I8'.»2. 7.4 Dated this 22d day of August, 18!I2. R. R. DICKSON, Att'y, for Plt'ff. NOTICE. To Adam Gould. Nevada Gould. Lewis Snoues. Mrs. Lewis Spoues defend ant*: You will take notice that on tho20th day of August. 1892. The American Investment Company, plHntiff herein, filed Its petition in the district court, of Holt county, Nebras ka. against Adam Gould. Nevada v>ould and each »»f you, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by the defendants Adam Gould and Nevada Gould to E. S. Orinsby, trustee for the plaintiff. upon the follow lug described real estate situated la Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty, tow nship twenty-five, range twelve, west of tin* sixth p. m.. tiie secure the payment of a certain note of $575 and ten interest coupon notes, one for the sum of $2f>.15 and nine for the sum of $*:) each, all being due April 0.1887. Said principal note of $’>75 being due on the 1st day of ..une, !;92. and the interest coupon notes being due on the first deys of Decem ber and jura of each year, commencing with December 1, 1x87- The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the ».rst days of December, 1891, June, 18111, December, 18* 9, and June. 18' 0; that there is now due on Bald interest coupon notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of $150. there is also due the plain tiff for taxes paid the sum of $100. The plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to he sold subject to said princi pal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaint iff to satisfy the amount found thereon, also the amount due plaimiff for taxes paid. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1812. Dated this 22d day of August. 1892. 7-4 It. U. DICKSON, Att’y. for Plt’ff. LEGAL NOTICE. William P. Sweet, non-resident defendant, will take notice that on the 0th day of April, 1892, Ballou State Hanking Company, plaint iff herein, filed its petition in the district eouit of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendant to II. S. Ballou and Company, uffon the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, township twenty-six, range ten, west, in Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a pioinis sory note dated July 13. 18ss, for the sum of $225 and interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum payable semi-anuuaily and ten percent, after main ‘ity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage ac cording to the terms thereof, including taxes pa d by plaintiff to protei i Us security, the sum of $ (0 and interest at the rate of ten percent, per annum from January 1. 1892, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petitiou on or before the 3d day of October, 1892. Dated August 19, 1892. A7-4 Ballou State Banking Company, Plt’ff. NOTICE. To William II. Miller, Lizzie Miller, B. T. Barn). Mrs. B.T. Barto. defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th dav of August, 1H'The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Holt county, .Tebnts ka, against William II. Miller. Lizzie Miller, B.T. Barto. Mrs. B.T. Barto. Allred De Four and George J. Squires, defendants, the object and prayer of which ure to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by t he defend ants Wi’liain H. Miller and Lizzie Miller to E. S.Orrnsby. trustee for the plaintiff; upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The sou ill west quartern? section ship twenty-eight, range thirteen, west sixth p. m., to secure the payment of a certain j note of #'.>00 and ten interest coupons, one for the sum of $11.55 and nine for the sum of $.‘11.50 each all being due March 25. 1887. Said principal note of $' 0 being dueon the 1st day I of December and the other interst coupon. ! notes being due on t he first days of | December and June of each year.”comiuenc i big With June ). 1><87. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of all of the interest coupon notes, except the ! one which matured oil the 1st day of Decem I her, 189J; that there is now due on said inter I est coupon notes owned by plaint .ft’ and se : cured by said trust deed the sum of . ( land that there is due the plaintiff the nirther sum of $100 tr .es paid. The plaintift pravs | t hat said premises. may be decreed to >e sold subject to said principal not? and the | interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff, to satisfy the ’ amount found due tiie plaintiff ou said cou pons and ta tes paid. i You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of October, 1802. Dated this22d day of August. 1812. 7-4 K. R. DICKSON, Att’y. lor Pll’ff. NOTICE. To Wheeler ’7. Carpenter. Mrs. Wheeler W. Caroenter, Marian L. Walker,-Walker. husoand of Mariah L. Walker, defendants: You will take notice that on the 20th day of August, 1812, The Amer'can Investment Company, pla ntiff herein, tiled its petition m the district court of Holt county. Nebras ka. against James D. McGee, Amelia B. Mc Gee and each of you, defendants, the object an prayer of wlT di are to foreclose a cer tain trust deed executed by said defendants, James D. McGee and wife Amelia B. McGee toE.S.Ormsb-, trustee for plaintiff, upon the following i escribed real estate situated m Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeat quarter of the northwest quarter, except one acre in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter owned by school district No. <*2. in section twenty-six, township thirty-one, run ;e thir teen, west of the sixth p. m.. to secure the payment of a certain note of $800 and ten in terest coupon notes one for the sum of f;i 11 and nine for the sum of $28 each, all dated May 11. 1884. Said principal note being duo on the 1st dav of June. 1802. and the coupon notes being-. ue on the 1st days of December unu .June of each year, commencing with December 1, 18S7. Plaintiff alleges tnat it is the owner of anti In possession of and in possession of said ten interest coupon notes; that there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of f.c i according to the terms t hereof and the further sum of ISO taxes paid by plaintiff. Plaintiff therefore prays that said premises may be decreed to he sold subject to said principal note of *70U to satisfy' the amount due plaintiff ou said note owned !>v it und the further sum of *.'>u taxes mod bv plaintiff. J You are required to answer said petition on or before t he ad day of October. I8h2 Dated this 32th day of August. 18112. ft. U. DICKSON. NOTICE. To Harry G.Kyman, Emma Kyman.George J ants-06’Mr8' Ut'orRe J- Monroe, defend You will take notice that on the r'utli dHv of August, 18IB, The American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, hied its petition in tlie district court of Holt county, Nebras Ha. against you and each of you. theobiect andprayerorwhich are to foreclose a cer V?.1" ‘r!‘,stexecuted. by the defendants *iavrQ(^i,KyVl!in«an< Wlft* Emma Hyman to E. S. Ormsbv, trustee for W. L. Telford also to force-oee a second mortgage exe cuted by the same defendants *o W* J. Howden trustee for plaintiff, upon the fol lowing describee real estate situated iu Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section ten l-l'Tll11' ti,4r,Y- ••«>•»« fif teen, wJst of t\'i sixtl! p. m. Said trust deed lioliift given to M.nd tent i'nicr,ylt'e"t "r at'ur,ai» note of Kuo s,VmntVi -11 '"Upon notes, one for the Burn ol and mm; lor the sum of $:*!.• ) each, said principal note of #7(H) being due heinc": '• lN!r- anV,e interest notes III si ™. , r flrst days of December ot *nch year. commencing with .iune 1, lass. Plaintiff alleges tl,at it is the owner ot and in possession of tlie interest couponnotes widen matured on the first la>80t fteceniber. m .IUI1e, i«w. December lKN'.June IS,!, Plaintiff alleges Unit said second mortirase was give., to secure the paj incut of’one certain note of ti:if,ii and nine notes for t|„. sum of *10.50 each, all dated Oetniier s. 1SST. Said note ofsla *n notes dofe ''*!!}"<■!,' V**?’ il"d, 0,ie eaeh of tiie nous of *1(1 ,»o being due one every six months thereafter; that there is „o, £ said eounon notes owned In plaintiff an secured ny said trust deed's, ' that there is .iu.- on said second the sum of *p i; that there is.. u„. pblim ill for taxes paid t lie sum of too. Plaint If therefore prays that said premises V/e v iio decreed to he sold subject to said prinrioal iiot« and the interest coupons iiiatumur subsequent to those owned by plaint ff Io satisfy the amount due the plaintiff ,, “aid cmipons and second mortgage ii..d for taxes ^ ou are reijnired to answer said Detlilnn r.sosf Vi1'(l“y <>f Octoberflsaa. Dated this „..d day of August, lsffi. H. K. DICKSON. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF u COUNTY. NEBRASKA. * H. E. Smeiding, VS Charles A. Donner, E. M. Minton aa.ii Thompson. I NOTICE TO NON-li ESI DENT DEKENIMnL To Charles A. Donner. E. M. Mtni,‘,S T. A. Thompson, defendants, you wi ll notice that on the 27th day of Amil 11. E. Smeidinit, plaint!If herein, filed i f tition in the district eofirt of Holt ,.,1 Nebraska, against said defendants. tl,t. and prayer of which are to foreclose a, mortgage executed by the said CharlJ Dormer, one of the defendants hen’! favor of the Western Farm Mortgage i Company to secure tlie pay inenrYal principal note of *500 due March I 1 nine coupon interest notes of $17,511 one puyahle every six months from jk! 1890, until all are paid; said notes n]il interest at the rate of ten per cent iJp nuni from maturity, the said raongsw, notes secured thereby were sold and"v~« to this plaintiff before maturity. Tirol is nowdue thereon the sum of terest on the *17.50 from March 1. lwe defendant, E. M. Minton, has becmal I fee simple owner of said premises and tuif liable for the payment of said debt ml A. Thompson elaims some interest ill § remises. Plaintiff therefore prays! eeree that defendants Charles A. Yil and E. M. Minton be required to inf amount found due upon said initil niortguge or that said premises besj satisfy tlie amount found due. You are ’•equlred to answer said uni on or before Monday tlie Sfltli day nil temlier. 1892. 1 Dated August 8,1892. H.E. SMElblJ By his attorneys. HioniNg & Gaklow.J PUBLICATION NOTICE. (First publication August 4,1S92. In tlie district court, within and fa,I county of Holt and state of Nebraska! Tlie Phoenix Insurance Company of 1 ford, Conn., plaintiff. vs. Maggie P. Huston, L. E. Huston, et ul I fendant. To Joint Huston. Annie Lovehart. Hemphill, Annie Johuson. Bertha .lull and -Johnson, husband of Ml Johnson deceased, defendants: S'oul each of you will take notice that tlie■! named plaintiff did. on the lilstday of Mi 18*2. file Its petition in the district T within and for the county and stateaL said demanding personal Judgment ;; J tlie defendant Maggie P. Huston in tluT of twelve hundred (1209) dollars witli es-thereon at the rate of ten per een l annum, from the 1st day of July, lw gether witli a decree foreclosing a (v. mortgage deed, executed to secure tin 1 ment of said sum and interest, on the ivl ing described real estate situate ir.| county of Holt in tlie state of Nebraskl wit: The southwest quarter (sw'a) of sp| eighteen (18) in township thirty (SOi. of range fourteen (14), west of the tith v| adjudging the plaintiff to have the fii-.l oil said premises to tlie amount nf vl judgment is demanded: ordering said pi ises to be sold for the payment of said I meat: and forever barring and foredJ said defendants and eacli and all of iS from ail right, title, Interest and eipiil redemption in and to said premisesor part thereof. That unless you and cm you answer or plead to said petition , before tlie 12th day of September, lw:| averments of said petition will be talnf true and judgment and decree rondeno cording to tlie prayer thereof. WIIIUHT & STOUT, Att’y. for 1']: Attest: 1st day of August, 1892. 4-4 JOHN SKIRV1NG. Cler lly O. P. DeLANCE. tiepufl NOTICE OF SUIT. Tin* Fidelity Loan and Trust CoinpuJ corporation, plaintiff. 1 V8. I’hiilipp Winkler and wife, Mary Wiu'J Herman H. Meyers and wife, Phil Meyers; John LindlofT and wife. A:.1 Lindloff; Stephen W. Switzer and wife.! A. Switzer, defendants. ■ Philipp Winkler and wife Mary WinJ Stephen W. Switzer and wife Lib A. Swafl non-resident defendants, will take u-f that on the :«)th day of July, 1892. the Kid Lohii and Trust Company, plaintiff lu: tiled its petition in the district court of . county. Nebraska, against said defemiJ the object and prayer of which are toff close a certain mortgage executed by th ft fendants Philipp Winkler and wife 'I Winkler to plaintiff, upon the south' quarter of section fourteen [14 j. town twenty-seven |271, range thirteen [i:;].., tlie filh P.M., to secure the payimi| a certain promissory note dated July 27.1 for the sum wf four hundred fifty [4IHT lars, and due and payable in five years the date thereof. That there is now due upon said not*, mortgage t lie sum of four hundred J dollars and forty-fivee 14s 1.451, with interest thereon at ten per* from the 28th day of July, 1892, for which plaintiff prays for a decree that defemL be required to pay the same, or that 4 premises may be sold to satisfy the aim found clue. . You are required to answer said pet:J on *2.1, ofore the 12th day of September. I TiiE FIDELITY LOAN &TRUST CO I By S. E. HOSTETTEIt Bhimtf Billed July BO, 1893. NOTICE OE SUIT. The Fidelity Loan and Trust Cwnipan<| corporation, plaintiff, Reuben Impson, a single man, and Henry) JUteh, a single man, defendants. Reuben Impson and Henry E. Hitch. _ resident defendants, will take notice, tl on the 27th day of July, 1892, the Fide. Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff her filed its petition in the district court of l*i county, Nebraska, against said defendant the object and prayer of which are to f 1 close a certain mortgage executed by L defendant, Reuben Impson, to the plain! upon the west half of the northwest quarl ot section one (1) and the northeast quaff of section two (2i township thirty-oiu'l range nine (9) west of the <»th p. to siv the payment of a certain jJromissory n djtteu June 0, li’87, for the sum of ei-i hundred dollars, and due and pays! inr,P,ve ye‘irs from the date thereof. f that there is now due upon said note? mortgage the sum of nine hundred f°V,ru ,doJ,ars eighty-five ctf (!p9.>4.8;)), with interest thereon at ten per per annum from the 25th day of July, ■ which sum plaintiff prays for a ileil mat defendants be required to pay the sn| or that said premises may be sold to siitif the amount found due. L ^ ou are required to answer said peti'l on dav of September, if THE EIDLL1TY LOAN &.TRIJSTCO. 1 0 r t, . Plaintiff; I »y Hostetler, Its Attorney. Dated July 29,1892. NOTICE. To Frank Martin, Luranoy E. Martin. Iln Ilosnnthal, —- Rosenthal, husband Bethy Rosenthal, defendants: lou will take notice that on theSOtlis of August, 1892, The American investin' Company, plaintiff herein, tiled Its petit in the district court of licit county* Nei>i ku, against you and each of you defender the oo.leet and prayer of which are to fo close a certain trust deed executed by fendants fnuik Martin and wife Luram y ®* Ormaby, trustee for 1 plaintitl. also to foreclose a certain iu<>r' a^e executed by the same defendants tot ..iatntitr. all upon the following desciil real estate situated in llolt county, Ncbr: ka. to-wit: J 1 he southwest quarter of section tweii two. township twenty-nine, range ten, " of the sixth p. in. Said trust deed hei given to secure the payment of a corn note 01 *j»00 and ten interest coupon no °l>l*i»t0r ^ s,J.m of and nine for the tfl of each, all being dated May 9, 1887. S principal note of $ooo being due June 1.1* and t he interest coupon notes being due the lirst days of December and June of < : ?J.a«lVi*!i,n!!iencin- with December 1,1«K,» piaiutllr alleges that it is the owner of h in possession of the interest coupon n" winch matured on the tlrst days ot Juno, f December, 1891, June, 1891, December. 1 and June, 1890; that said second inertm was given to secure the payment.of ten « tain notes, one for the sum of $10.10 and u for the sum of $9 each, all -dated May 9. I ooid note of $10.10 being due on the 1st < ot December, 1887. and one each of-to* notes every six months thereafter, the i one maturing June 1, 1892; that there is n uue on said interest coupon notes owned plaint I tr and secured by said trust deed i sura ot $200, that there is due on said cond mortgage and notes tiie sum of $75.11 due it for taxes the sum of $150. The plat lif prays that said premises may be dcct» 8oki, to ^id principal nob tow to satisfy the amount due it on said lid est coupon notes, said second mortgae n and taxes paid. Vou are required to answer said petit 1 or before the 3d day of October, 1802. n . , uny 111 ueiUUBr, J Rated this aid day of August, 1892. <-* U. U. DICKSON, Att’y. for I’lt'