The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 25, 1892, Image 6

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    KKiM iimox Nonet:*
To Cc.r» A. HuM. Ford A K*tth. (!btrl*«it Drown.
M. Dhhibnn, Colonial and t * nil* «l Slut***
Mor.ffiv.’i* CC*||V|»MHV. Ch.trlr* f.niiKhi i H. o.
Orwlu, Knil)•»«11 A Mijilr. Urn run Duncan,
<4c^r * L. K. rrtK, ,\ Ji. Uoby. John H Mcm’uI
loufili, N*th tmi >t*iurhy company, thorut*
<irnv n, l< s U'h«-«*icr. M .1 Drummond,
"»• MoMtth. AlfXiindor Miller, Mr* K. II.
Cobb, Jo«>] h f.ip*ka. Hhnwnitrr Morttf.ini*
romi any. c. i: im-hl. Wllll.nn Sl.itliowor, N.
II. ltt«*tinr«iK, (inork'H I,. Hi**, riipiti-r >*
sitopiird Mwi.v llliirk, N.d.rnwkn f onn «V Truot
eompuin. S-»tit*.•• I \. Wlit*i*K*r, Walter A Drink*
wjiter, a. H Ft tor. Stimuli lloodyenr, s. I*,
fhiodyear,* Nye. c II. Cnrdlnor. Annin
Robert*. a .1 Robert*. Dakota Mortw’occ
Alibli* I. I>nrr«>w, W. U. Palmntttecr. Iwwa
jMnftitatro company, J K. Ktiunuoii, C II.
noncrii.v, Kilni Thomon, Helena Fisher. II. N.
McKee, |» Hr.hum, I). a IIunton, Globe ln
\®*tment company, IV Seihlor, s. Spuhler. T.
f. Ilrown. Julius y. Leonard. J. II. Keith,
Jan. I)reth, Jacob Slins, l id ward Muller, II F.
Ow«», ,1. Pycke. s. .1. ItaUteml, K llur own.
Arbucklo 1)rot her*. II. I. Wood. A. M Rosa, 0.
C. rrlnuif. Henry Ilrown, Charles lLmnn, s J.
TomA. W. Hnldwlu, George W, K. l»or>ey,
Murt T. Herbage, W. lloHHitbick, Kiiftenit
Ucstervelt. u. W. Raker. Juntos F Cunning
BRin, Fidelity Loitu & Trust ronipmiy, c. W.
Lemont. John F. Scott, W. A. Stevens, Cnlted
State* (link. Hartford, Coun.; Pierson mill
gtt». P.d ward Pyle, Jlennette S. Jones, Flor*
•nee Mathis, John A. Strumreliiml, W. II.
* Gate*. Ilenrv II Jlowerm in, M. It. Alwdl, J.
Glenn, Jiimi'K K. Lowry. W. Tapely.
William N Slmll. M. sunnard. Walter A
Drink water, George V. Weaver, Kilns Fuller,
1 bourns Fuller, K. It. I tiger sol L C. Arml, Vm
cent M. Rom, Card ice Rosa, Ilona, Lewis A
Jennings, (buries Romsey, F. ,1. porter, Irn
Uadaell, Charles I*. Wright, Hugh K Coeon,
Tom (’row. Henry C. Clough. George W Mil
Ion Janie* C Mi Cowan, J. A llarncs, II. N
McKee, George Roby, F It'nck. Thomas N
Ilurna, Nebraska Mnrtgugo A Investment com
pany, Conover Kennedy. WIIHum Illunk, Hath*
Arttie T. Khrunger, Krnesi II. Lotigatreet, *1. P.
Hoads, A. II Farrens, Jarrot II. Herbage,
llasactt Ruggi It. .lames Cheatham. Fanners’ Jt
Merrhant*’ National Hunk, I, I). Hickman,
Daniel H<ddm*bm id t, .1. I*. Johnson. K. F.
Howard. 8. H Wilson. Michael K Tierney,
Jl. Tierney, James It. McKinley, W. It. Mc
Kinley, Kate F. Howard, George it. Ash, Lorn
rmrd Invent merit, company. J. It. Smelt/.nr,
Frances A. Henuird, F. I> Humor, George W.
Adams, Patrick Itrennan, p, Isrennan, Mary K.
Monfort. James W (a> lor. J. W. Cay lor, Mon
tlccllo bank, J Lowtdl Moore, M. Diamond,
M . A. Saunders, (> M. Packard, 0. I). May,
A. L. May, J. K. Young, James 8. Naylor.
Guarantee Investment company, James* A.
Harris, Oliver Maggurd. Margaiet Kllloran,
First National hank, Alva heecher, Lillie
Npaiildlng, Samuel G Robertson, S. 0. Robert
»°n, John Leonard, Laura Carter, Klllott chund
*V Sprague. Kdward W. Moflltt, Jr.,
J. It Stein. John W. Connolly, Fred P. Wll
George W.
uitiii m i, iiiunmi nri iiiiun,
., - .. Bowden, William J Daugherty,
l.HJUtu Hnr,t Charles a. It*«ut<>ii. Water A.
cx>rt Mowing A Reaping Machine company,
J)unh*l H. Godwin. Lewis IMulley, I,. A. V.
Pinuey, Theodore Sohur, Mr*. Heatrlc© M. Sill.
* i. iPH?c<w ' Tiu'o, Schnr, .lames 8. Kaw
®*tt. Ida K. McAllister, A. A. Parkins, .lames
a. lurklns. gimdlnu «f minor heirs; Laura
1 ark ins, Jesse \\ right, c. C. Clark, Li/zle
Gullumber, Libby Cullumber, John II • O. Cal
Janan, |, [j Hammond, ,!. u. Snyder. Bridget
Coggins, Matilda Llndgren, Patrick Me
uutro, Jasper Savage, 'Frances Horner.
Janet II Hurhuge, J(. H. Hatch. 1). F.
Ca ender. Erastus \V. Smith, Albert Lewis.
<’• » Hash, Edward
Irost, Elmer W. Hurst, Henry lleithetids, F. A
5*P{yy* H. F. llarto, M. Flannlgtw. M. Mosher,
M. Hemphill. U. !>. Pitcher, George Cutup, A
V* I'rye, L. J. Wing. Charles A. llenton, John
Langon, Samuel O. Thomas, <\~Rhnmim,Jen"
nle Dereg. Scott T. Jones. A. J. Miller. F E
Cross, F. \V Little, Fritz Marvell, Ira II. Mars
ton. Julius Jepseu. M. Cochran. J. L. Hansom,
i' }» VMMttrt <?’ SHgeser. Frank K. Hmltli,
1 MyNknn, John Grogan, T. F. Chupln.
Pobert II. Athens H. |i. Anthony, Alvali II.
fUland..August Deltriehs Anton Hind. F. Clnv
ton. J. M. Huunel. Cliolac Hansom, Thomas H,
Met ape. K. W. Xlccolll*. K II. Nichols, Nel
^ouloncray M Vaughan, K. McMillan, A. G.
Itra-ojfield, Klla Ilurr McMat
lunsHneld, Klla Harr McManus, J. p. Weckes
Thomas Cain, Hubert Wormnhl. Thomas Kane,
Hynes. J. K Hayward, Joseph
<\rr,m*.,Tho,nMfcl Haves. Simeon' » hilllps, Mi<
£hen Elwo«><), Matthew Diamond, American
osn and Trust company, F A. Nichols. John
-McGlohun. 1 limit hy W. Sullivan. Frank Forbes.
J.4: W. J. How den, Guorgo L. Sipes,
waiter rorsythe, Lorenzo D. Wllgut, h, H
Saunders, Anuiudu E. Harrow, Edward smith,
T. J. Blaekniar, James ll. Diehl, F. L Model
Un. JorgonJ. Svingholm. Leah Diehl.
Pawling, o. H. Nelsot
Smoot, Adam Hies.
.. C. d.
Manuals Nelson, II j
. .... . ... ..eorge Hies, George Fuller |
Aumlnlstrntor of the estate of Daniel .lugger
deceased. Michael O* Don nel I, Ellen Law, George I
Kiemr. Julia Fillmore, T. Woodworth. Nannie
J. Muger, H. Gultck, Ellen Cozens, Harry M
Buraks*, Andrew J. Miller, F. It. Van Flew \
T\ Short, W. S. Short, J. T. Henedlut, Wlli’lam
«• Crowell, Edward We It on. Charles Wei
Aarou Risop. II. W. Mathews, James !
C. Mebb, Dora llowriDh, J. C. Webb, j
Samuel MtS'ucn, Samuel McClure. Ira '
Davenport. John Grogtt, Augusta Lehmau. I
£• A. Lehman, Harriet C. I hotuas. George I
Kelly, Andrew Llndgren, National Security j
«ont| any, Jes-u K. Urook, Catharine McArdle, •
Baker W tre company, 11. T. Hanson, W. L. I
Curtis, Edward Crngln. Synttala Rogers, Syn
thtu Uagu*. James Wyclcoff, William H. Hub I
beh, Thomas Patrick, George D. I^onard, Com
Colllus. Cornel Schmidt, Henry M. Hanks, Wal
ter B. Sheppard. David A. Coulter, 11 A. Well
tnatt, Charles Moulton. 11. s. Ballou A Coin on
tty, P. J FritcUiotT, A. Clmrleson, John Stew
Art. J. L. Moore. Mary J. Spencer, John Smith,
<#*orge h. Glhson,Ho-*a Joraton, Mrs. A. J. Tre- 1
ver, Peter Newstrom, II. Johnson. Mary II.
Goldsmith, Jtnn c M. Smith, Robert S. Carnes, i
George Ormsby. Wesley Swayze, A. Rirdsell
Angeline Simpson, A. Ilahnun. C. J. Wilson,’ 1
Sloan, Johnson A Company. V. G. Baker, Swan
L,nke Imp. Company. J. E. Hllev,Frank Gordon,
Louis Grime tad. W. M. Jlnlbut.K. 1). Lunt, Jen
nie Hutchins, K. 11. Dowd, Oscar P. Croswalt,
H. Colburn, M. L. Richards. John Deeters,
Frankly an Li*»w, W. M. Hull>ert, John J.
Ro Wt harUs T.’ Gorham* Ed Norrid. M
Curdllr Viola P. Keeney ** ’*
A -. . . F. Farnsworth. Murv
A. Linell, L t. HetTron, J. Ilaudlun, Frank
Gregg, M., 1. N. Green, H L. Smith,
N. W, Dee ring, N. W. Gregg. .1. II. Shultz. G.
8. Leonard, A. Diullard, Jonathan Phillips, c.
J. Allison, A. A. Wuilingor. Joseph Monteith,
H. Winteres, Franklin Walker. E. S. Brown.
OCorge VV. Clark, R. O. Cunningham. David
Barrow, C. H. Cunningham. Cynthia Clark, Hi
Jey O. Cunningham, J. C, C. Harris, William
F. O’Garo, L. L. Dodge, Emma L. Withers. I*
L. I'riot*. T. K. Wheeier, Emmett Wheeler,
•Charles Nlcjians. D.11. Shaffer, David Mould,
E. M. Elliott. Dane T. Bsrtlett, John F. lluh
mai'n, Owen T. Owens, M’Ullam Lower, Annie
Mason. II. A. Hills, Charles Waterman. Add
Monroe. Gilbert Cleveland, R. II. Averv. Trus
tee, Avery Planter com: any, L. V. Ludwig,
Erwin M. < ram. Anna S. Mason, Clarence
A. Parks, Francis L. Miller, D. O. Chapman,
First National bank, of KushvHie, Malimia >.
Chapman, Jamea A. McClurg, James Simons,
James Brook, Luurn Dlckerinan. A. F. Rushy,
Eliza etli Greenmail. Edward Mundhenk'e,
Thomas MeTighue. Mrs. Lois Blackman, J. P,
Deidrick, O. II. Johusou. Mary C. Houston.
Martin P. Andrews, M. C. Cadis, J. \V. B. ^
Huston, Wili'atu Woife, Miss E. J. Alexandi-r,
Fritz Hyttrek, Walter Frosythe. John Ho
brecker, Jr.. E. lleidick. Commercial National
bank, Omaha. Nebraska; Wilson Reynolds,
Leon H. Ancrews, C S. Reynolds.A. W . WR
Jering, Luth-r H. Glotr.v, Thomas Reid, Har
riett K. Townsend. J. A. Shank, K. Stanis
laus, M. J. Bailer. W. E. Johnson. L. C. Put
nam. Tiille May. Thomas Box. William Whit
comb, James White, A. J. Hotchken, Clara
Tutilo, S. A Dr p«*r, H. A. M'akefleld, Mary
A. Byrnes, reth Woods, Harnum Rent/.. J. A.
Andrews. S A. Hatfl-dd. James Hunt, Henry
Ebreot, McCornuek Harvesting Machine com
pany. Orange Uallock, C. Leatheriuan, and to
y alt others whom it tuny concern:
Tou are hereuy notified that on the 8th day of
Oecember. 1890, Adams A Barr bought at private
•ale for the delinquent taxes of the year 1889
{tbaaame having been offered at public sale and
not sold for vrant of bidders) the following de
scribed real estate, situated in Holt county, Ne
braska, namely: i he southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-eight, towushlp twenty-five, range
•in*, west, taxed in the name of Cora A. Ball and
The south half of the northwest quarter nud
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and me northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section ?, township 2«. range V, west, taxed
In thenaiu^of W. C. Towusend, and
Tbe northwest quarter of section 10, township
*7. rang3 9, west, taxed in the name of R. G. Or
Wig. and
The southeast quarter or the southeast quarter
of section thirteen, township twenty-seven, range
nine. west, tuxed in the nuuie of George Duucan,
*°The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section twenty-one. township twenty seven,
range nine, w«sr, taxed in the name of A. B.
Boby, and .
The'outhwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter tw**ntv eight. »nd the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, towu
•hip twentV'-eight, range nine, west, taxed in the
name oiJohn R. McCullootrh. and
Tbe w«*t half of th - northwest quarter of sec
tion thirty-three, township twenty-eight, range
nine, wc»t, taxed In the name of John R. McCul
longh,and . .. . .
The ttorthwest quarter of sretion nineteen,
township twenty-nine, range nine west, taxed la
tht» name of Jos*eph Lipski, and
The southeast quarter of section one, township
thirty* range nine, west, taxed In the uame of C.
B. Wehl, and
TIm» northeast qnuitrr of pocllon flu*, township
t*.ir»v. ra litre nine, went, taxcl in thuuamoof
WiMim Mlothower. aruJ
The northeu*f quarter of seoflon twelve, town
ship thirty, run**# nine, west, taxed In the name
of < '((••(•rtT W Shepard, ami
The ea»t one half of the northwest quarter anil
south mi** hail of the northeast quarter of section
one, township thirty one, ran#** nine, went, taxed
in the name of I, S Wheeler.
Tin* west half of the south weal quarter and the
sou|beast, quarter of the southwest quarter of
sect Ion seven, township thirty-one, tnuirenlne,
west, taxed in the name of A. " . I-tier, and
The southeast quarter,of section nine, town
ship thirty on**, ranee D,* west, taxed In the name
• f S. I* (• iitid
I lia north naif of the northeast quarter ana
th<* southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northoiiHt quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section twelve, township thirty-one, range
nine, tux»d in the name of J. H. Anderson,
The northwest quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-one. range nine, went, taxed in
the inline of o',1. Phillip*, and
The south half of the southeast quarter of sec
! tlon thirty five, township thirty one, mugs ulna.
w**nt, taxed In the name of A. L Arrasmfih, ami
I nit two in section twelve, township thirty-two,
range n I no, west, taxed in the nuiue of K. d. Bes
miiii. and
The ho ii the a-t quarter of the northweat quarter
and the south half of the southwest quarter and
the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
•eetion eighto-u, township thirty-two, range
nine, went, taxed in the name of J. K. .shannon,
The northeast quarter of se tlon twenty three,
township thirty two. range nine, west, taxed in
the name of J>. iJrnlmm, and
The smith half of the northeast quarter, and
tots one and two of section six, township twenty*
five, range ten, wost, taxed in the name of D. A.
liuston, and
The northwest quarter of section ten. township
twenty live, range ten, west, taxed in the name of
Hpuhler, and
The south half of the southeaat quarter and the
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section fourteen and the northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of section thirteen, town
ship twenty-live, range ton, west, taxed in tho
name of T p. Hrowu and
The south half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion nineteen, township twenty-five, rauge ton,
west, taxed In the nntne of .lames Drenths. and
Ttie north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-five township twenty five, range teu,
West., taxed in the name of Jacob Sims, and
Tho south half of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the northwest quarter of section
thirty, township twentv-ilve, range ten, west,
taxed in the name oi J. (*ycke. and
The west half of the northwest quarter and tho
east half of the northwest quarter of section
three, township twenty.alx, range ten, west, taxed
lu the name of S. C\ Halstead, and
The southwest quarter of section ten. township
twenty-fix, range ten, west, taxed in the name of
A . M . Ko-oi, and
The southwest quarter of section thirty-three,
township twenty seven, range ten, west, taxed lu
the name of (’. Primus, and
The southeast quarter of tho northeast quarter
and the north half of the southeast quarter and
the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-six, township tweuty eight. range
ten. west, taxed in the name of S. J. Tomten,
The southeast quarter of section flv\ township
twenty nine, range ten, weal, taxed in the mime
of A. W. Baldwin, and
The southwest quarter of section thirteen,
township twenty nine, run go ten, west, taxed In
the name of \V. Rosenlmck, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty, town
ship twenty-nine, rango ten. west, taxed in the
name of (4. W. Baker, and
The southwest quarter of section thirteen,
township thirty, rattle ■•'ten, west, taxed in the
name of .lames I*’, Cunningham, and
Tlie west half of the northwest quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northwost quarter of
section fifteen, township thirty, range ten, went,
taxed in the name of John l«\ Scott, and
The northeast, quarter of section twenty-two,
township thirty, range ten, west, taxed In tho
name of W. A. Stevens, aud
The nhrthea-t quarter ot section twenty five,
township thirty, rutige ten, west, taxed lu tho
name of Pierson Ihllagas, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-seven,
township thirty, range ten, west, taxed in the
name of Florence .Mathis, aud
The southwest quarter of section twenty-nine,
township thirty, range ten, west, taxed in the
name of VV. II.-Gates, nnd
The southeast quarter of section thirty-two,
township thirty, range ten, west, taxed in the
name of II. H. Powerman, and
The southwest quarter of section thirty-three,
township thiity, range ten, west, taxed iu the
name of M. Staunurd. aud
Tho southeast quarter of the northea-t quarter
and the north half of tho southeast quarter aud
the southeast quarter of the. southeast quarter of
section o even, township thirty-one, range ten,
West, taxed in the name of C. W. Lemont, and
The northeast, quarter of the southeast quarter
of section twelve, town-hip thirty-one. range
ten, west, taxed in the name of Amanda W.
Utter, aud I
The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter and the northeast, quarter of the southwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section thirteen, township thirty
one, range ten, west, taxed in the name or George
V. Weaver, and • I
The northeast quarter of section thirty four,
towuship thirty-one, range ten, west, taxed in
the name of C. W. Lemont, nud j
The north half of the southeast quarter and 1
the southwe-t quarter of the southeast quartet
of section thirty four, towuship ihirty-one, range
ten, west, taxed iu the name of Thomas Fuller, i
The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of aedion twelve, township thirty-two, range
ten, west, taxed iu the name of C. Arnd, and
Lot one and two and the southwest quarter of
the southwest, quarter of section five, township
thirty two. range ten, west, taxed in the name of
C. Ross, and I
Lot oue and the southeast quarter of the south* '
east quarter of section six, township thirty-two, '
range ten, west, taxed in the name of C. Ross.aud
The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter ot section six. township thirty-two, range ten,
west, taxed in the name of Lewis Jennings, :
and I
Th'* south half of the southeast qunrter and
tho south*u*»t quarter of the southwest quarter
of section eight, township thirty-two, range ten, ,
West, taxed in the name of Charles Romsev, and |
The southwest quarter of the southwest'quar
ter of section nine, township thirty-two, range
ten, west, taxed in the name of Charles Hornsey, l
and I
The east half of the northeast quarter of sec- ,
tion twenty -one and the west half of the north
west quarter of section twenty two. township'
thirty-two, range ten. west, taxed iu the name of
G. W . K. Dorsey, and
The eoutti half of the southeast quarter and
the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section twenty two, towuship thirtv-two,
ranee ten. west, taxed in the name of George W
Millon, and
The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section thirty-two, township thiry iwo. range
ten, west, taxed in the name of J. A. Barnes,
The north half of the northwest quarter and
the southwest quarter of tin* northwest quarter
of section thirty-three, township thirty-two,
range ten, west, taxed in the name of J. A.
Barnes, and
The northeast quarter of section thirty five,
township thirty-two, range ten, west, taxed in '
the name of Torn Crow, and 1
Tnesouthwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and lots 2,8 and 4 of section two, township tw»n
tv-flve. range eleven. west, taxed in the name of •
B. F. Cleveland, and j
The southeast quarter of section seven, town- ’
ship twenty-five, range oieven. west, taxed in the i
name ot George Roby, and
The southwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty five, range eleven, west, taxed
in the name of W. F Black, and
The north half of the .southeast quarter of se?
tion eight and the nor* h half of the southwest
quarter of section nine, township twenty-six, '
range eleven, west, taxed iu the name of \V. D. I
Mathews, and
The uorthwest quarter of section seventeen,
tow uship twenty-six, range eleven, west, taxed iu
the name of Conover Kennedy, and I
The east half of the southeast quarter of '
section thirty-two and the west half of the south- 1
west quarter of section thirty three, township
twenty-six, range eleven, west, taxed in the name
of \\ imam Lell, and j
The nonh half of the southwest quarter and the
north half of the souti.ea-t quarter of section
two, township twenty seven, range eleven, west,
taxed in the name of J. P Rhoads, and
The no thwest quarter of section eight, town
ship tweutv-seven, range eleven, west, taxed in
the name of W. D. Mathews, nnd
I The uorthwest quarter of section nine, town
ship twenty-seven, range sleveu west, taxed in the
I name of L. D. Hickman, nnd
1 The southwest quarter or the northeast quarter
of section eleven, township twenty-eight, range
eleven, west, taxed in the name of J. P. Johusou,
I The northeast quarter of section eighteen,
towuship twenty-eight, range eleven, west, taxed
in the- name of K. K. Howard, and
The southwest quarter of section eighteen,
township twenty-niue, range eleven, west, taxed
in the name of M. Tierney, and
The southeast quarter of section five, township
thirty, range eleven, west, taxed iu the name of
J. B. Smeltzer. and
The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section seven, towuship thirty, range
eleven, weat, taxed in the name of F. D. Bruner,
The northwest quarter of section twenty-two,
township thirty, range eleven, west, taxed la the
name of a . \V llnldwin. and
The southwest quarter of section twenty-two.
township thirty, raiisfe eleven, west, taxed in the
inline of IV Hrenuan. and
The southwest quarter of the northeast quiirter
ntul tiie southeast quarter of tin* northwest quar
ter mid the northeast quarter o(‘ the southwest
quarter mid tin* northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section twenty-four, township
thirty, ramp*. eleven, west, taxed in the name of
J W. Cay lor, and
I The northeast quarter of section twentv-eijrht,
township thirty, mure eleven, west, taxed in the
| name o Patrick Urenuan, nnd
The southeast quarter of the southwest qusr
| ter and the south half of the southeast quaiter
I and the northwest quarter of the southeast qnar
ter of section twelve, township thlrt.v-oiie, runiro
i V, 'T*1, WV®*‘ tax,‘d in the name of Monticeilo
Hank, and
i ne weni naif of the southeast quarter of sec
lion eighteen and the went half of the northeast
quarter of sectiou nineteen, township thirtv-onw.
ranine eleven, went, taxed in the nuuieofM. 1M
inonil, ami
The southeast quarter of section nineteen,
township thirty-one, range eleven, west, taxed in
the name of O. M. Packard, and
The east lialf of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the southeast quarter of suction
twenty-three, township thirty one, range eleven.
West, taxed in tin* name of ,1. E. Young, and
The southwest quarter of sect‘on twenty-three,
township thirty-one, range eleven, west, taxed in
the name of Joseph S Naylor, aud
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section twenty-nine, township thirty-one,
range eleven, west, taxed in the name of Mar
garet Killoran. and
Tim east half of tin* southwest quarter and lota
1, 2,4, of section two, to tnship thirtv-two,
range eleven, west, Mixed in the name of Hyland
Purkor, and
The south half of the southwest quarter and
the south half of the southeast quarter of section
three, township thirty two, rang** eleven, west,
taxed in the name of Georg - W. K. Dorsey, and
I The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter, and the southwest quarter of tin- southeast
quarter of section five, township thirty-two.
range eleven, we-t. taxed in the name of George
W . E. Dors.y, and
The southeast quarter of section eight, town
ship thirty-two, range eleven, west, taxed in the
naine of l.illie NputiWIIng, and
The east Imlf of the southeast quarter of sec
tion nine, township thirty,two. ran go eleven,
w,*9t, taxed in the name of 8. G. Robertson, and
Tlte not theast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section ten, township thirty two, range
eleven, west, taxed in the name of George W E.
Dorsey, ami
The west half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion ten, township thirty-two, range eleven, west,
taxed in the name of S. G. Robertson, and
The west, half of the northwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of tho southwest- quarter of
section eleven, township thirty-two, range
eleven, west, taxed in the name of George W. K.
Dorsey, and
i The u rth half of th'* northeast quarter and the
north half of the northwest quarter of section
thirteen, township thirty two. range eleven,
west, taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsev,
The east half of the northwest quart *r and the
north half of the southwest quarter of section
fourteen, township thirty-two, range eleven,
west, taxed in the name of Geoige W. E. Dorsey,
1 he south half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion nineteen, township thirty-two, range eleven,
west, taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsey,
The west half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty, township thirty-two, raimo eleven,
west, taxed in the uaine of George W. B. Dorsey,
The southwest quart *r of the northeast quar
ter ami the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of sect iou twenty-throe, township thirty
two, ration eh ven west, taxed in the name of
John Leonard, and
The north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-three, township thirt.v two, range
eleven, west, taxed iu the name of John Leonard,
The north half of the southeast quarter anti the
Southwest quarter of the southeast quarter slid
the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
section twenty eight, township thirtv-two, range
eleven, west, taxed in the name of Elliott (.’hand
ler, and
The south half of the northeast quarter and
lots 1 and - of section four, township twenty-five,
range t wclv -, west, taxed in the name of J. B.
Stein, and
The southwest quarter of section twen tv-one,
township twentv-live, range twelve, wo*t, taxed
iu the name of John \V. Ooiiindlv, and
The northwest quarter of section twenty-one,
township twenty-five, range twelve, west, taxed
in the name of >1. J. Drummond, nud
The south half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-two aud the north half of the north
west quarter of section twenty-even, township
twenty-five, range twelve, west, taxed in the name
of It. G. Orwig, and
The east half of the southwest quarter and the
west half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-eight, township twenty-five, range twelve,
west, taxed in tie* name of Charles Swarne, and
The south half of ths northeast quarter and lots
1 utuisection three, township twenty-five, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Thomas
Brennan, and
The northeast quarter of section seven, town
ship twenty-six, range twelve, west, taxed iu the
name of George \V. llowden. and
The south half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion fit teen, township twenty-six. range twelve,
west, taxed iu the name of William J. Daugher
ty. and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-five,
township twenty-six, range twelve, west, taxed
in the name of diaries Benton, and
The northwest quarter of section twenty-five,
township twenty-six, ranee twelve, west, taxed
in the name of Lewis Dudley, and
Toe northwest quarter of siction five, township
twenty seven, rang- twelve, want, taxed iu the
name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
1 he northeast quarter of section six, township
twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed lu the
name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
The sou'Invest quarter of section seventeen,
township twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed
in the name or A W. Baldwin, and
The southeast quarter of section seventeen,
town hiptwenty-sevon, range twelve, west, taxed
in the name of A. W. Baldwin, and
The east half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion nineteen and the west half of the southwest
quarter of section twenty, township twenty-seven,
range twelve, we»t, taxed in the name of George
W . E. Dorsey, and
The uorthenst quarter of section twenty-one,
township twenty-Heven, range twelve, west, taxed
iu the name of George IV. E. Dor.-ey, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-six,
township twenty-seven, range twelve, west, taxed
in the name of Theo. Shur, and
The north half of the northeast quarter and the
north half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-seven, township twenty-seven, range
twelve, west, taxed in the name of A. Lippin
cot*, and
The southwest quarter of section four, town
ship twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed in
th<* name of George \V. 15. Dorsey, and
The southeast quarter of section seven, town
ship twenty-eight, ranee twelve, west, taxed in
the name of (’. 11. Toneray, and
The iu»rihea>t quarter of section seven, town
ship twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed in
the name of J. M. Parkins, and
The northeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section ten, township twenty-eight, range
twelve, west, taxed iu the name of Jesse Wright,
The west half of the southeast uuarter and the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of
section ten, township twenty-eight, range
twelve, west, taxed in the name of Jesse Wright,
The south half of the northwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the northwest qnarter
of section fourteen, and the southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of section eleven, township
twenty-eight, range twelve, west, taxed iu the
name of Libby Culiumber, and
The southeast quarter of section seventeen,
township twentv-e ght, range twe ve, west, taxed
:u the name of John H. O. t'&Uahau, and
The south half of the southwest quarter of
section eighteen and the north half of the uorth
east quarter of section uineteen, township twen
ty-eight, range twelve, we>t, taxed iu the name
oT Bridget Coggins, and
The southwest qnarter of section twenty-live,
township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed
in t’lenume of W. I>. Mathews, and
The southwest quarter of section thirty, town
ship twenty eight, range twelve, west, taxed in
the name of Patrick McGuire, aud
The east half of ttie southeast quarter of sec
tion twelve, town-hip thirty, range twelve, west,
taxed in the name of Francis A. Berner, and
The west half of the southw-st quarter of sec
tion two, township thirty-one. range twelve
west, taxed in the name of R. H. Hatch, and ’
The southwest quarter of section four, town
ship thirty-one, range twelve, west, taxed in the
| it a ire of Albert Lewis, and
I The west hair of the northwest quarter of sec
tion eleven, township thirty-one. range twelve
Wi»t. taxed In th« name ur s. 11 Hickman, and
The west half of the southwest quarter of >ec
t iou seventeen and the south ball of the south
east quarter of section eighteen, township thirtv
one. range twelve, west, taxed in the name of
y. A. Ripley, and
The southeast quarter of the southwest miar
•er of sect iou eighteen, township thirty-one
,nT ' " eSt' tOIeJ tL“ »<•»«? of U
Th» northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of stvtton niuetwii. township tltirtv-one, rattwa
The south half , f the southwest q'uVrter of
tion twenty-one. township thirty-one. ran£j
and WeaL’ *UXtJ *u oame of C. C. lliilard.
The south half of the southwest quarter and
the west half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-six, townshlo thirtv one. range twelve
west, taxed iu the name of k. Moeher.and ‘
The we*t half of the northwest quarter and ths
«oi.thea»t quarter of the northwest quarter an !
the iiorthea t quarter of the southwest quarter
of section twenty -eiftht, township thirty-one,
rnnjre twelve, we.-t. taxed in the name of M.
Hemphill, and
The uorth half of the northwest quarter of seo
tlon two, town-h u thirty-two, ranwre twelve,
t >x**d in the name or George VV. K. horsey, and
The northeast quarter of the northeast quar
ter « f -action three, township thirtv-two, ran^e
twelve, west, taxed in the name of George \V. K.
Dorsey. iind
The southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter ami tli— north half of the southwest quarter
and the southwest, quarter of timeout hwest quar
ter of section seven, township thirtv-two, ranpre
twelve, west, taxed in the name of Gi*oiir.< \V . K.
Dorsey, ami
The north half of the northeast quarter of sec
'Ion nine, township thirt.v-two, range twelve,
west, taxed in th«* n me of K. 1). Pitcher, and
The north ha.f of tlie northwest quarter of sec
tion ten. township thirty-two, range twelve,
west, taxed in th«* name of It. I). Pitcher, and
The southwest quarter of section fifteen, town
ship thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in the
mime of A. <•. Frye, and
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section twenty-two ami the southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three,
township thirty-two, range twelve, west, taxed in
the name of A. Itenton, and
Th • southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the north half of the southwest quarter
ami the southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section twenty-five, township thirty-two,
runge twelve, west, taxed in the name of J. L.
Winy, and
The we»t half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-six, township thirty-two, range
twelve, west, taxed in the nan e of Charles A.
Benton, and
The north half of the northeast quarter and
the north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-nine, township thirtv-two. range
twelve, west, taxed in the name of Jonn Langon,
The northwe-t quarter of the northeast quar
ter and the north half of the northwest quarter
and tin* southwest quarter of the northwest quar
ter of section thirty-one, township thirty-two,
range twelve, west, taxed in the name of’C. R.
Damon, and
I The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
j ter ami the southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-nine, township thirty
three, range twelve, west, taxed in tlie name of
Jennie Dereg, and
I The west half of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
| section thirty, township thirty-three, range
twelve, west, taxed in the name of F. E. Cross,
The east half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion thirty-two, township thirty-three, rang#, west, taxed in the name of Jennie l»ereg,
The southeast quarter of section thirty-three,
township thirty-three, range twelve, west, taxed
iu the name of Fritz Morvell. and
The east half of the northeast quurter and the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and
the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section thirty-three, township thirty-three,
range twelve, west, taxed in the name of Julius
The wen half of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
section thirty-four, township thirty-three,
range twelve, west, taxed in tne name of M.
Cochroiu. and
The east half of section three, township twen
to-llve, range thirteen, west, tuxed in the name
of A. G. Edwards, and
The northwest quarter of section three, town
ship twenty-five, range thirteen, west, taxed ia
the name of Isaac Sntreser, and
Lot 4 and the southwest quarter of the north
west quarter of section four and the east half of
the northeast quarter of sectiou five, township
twenty-five, ranee thirteen, west, taxed in the
name of Frank E. Smith, und
Lot 3 and the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of section seven, township twenty
five, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of
John Grogan, and
The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section twelve, township twenty-five, range
thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of it. B. An
thony, and
Th** northwest quarter of section twenty-four,
towhship twenty five, range thirteen, west, taxed
in the name of Anion Hind, and
The east half of the southwest quarter and the
west half of the southeast quarter of section
tw nty four, township twenty-five, range thir
teen. west, taxed in the name of C. A. Benton,
The southwest quarter of section thirteen,
township t wen tv-five, range thirteen, west, taxed
iu the name of F. Clayton, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty, town
ship twenty five, range t hirteen, west, taxed in
the name of Cieorge W. E. Dorsey, and
The southwest quarter ol the southeast quar
ter of sect ion six and the northwest quarter of
the north-ast quart*r and the north half of
the northwest quarter of section seven, township
twenty-six, range thirteen west, taxed in the
name of George \Y. E. Dorsey, and *
The south half of the south wet quarter of
section twenty-seven and the south half of ths
southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, town
ship twenty-Mix. range thirteen, west, taxed in
the name of J. M. limine], and
The east half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-two, township twenty-six, range thir
teen, west, taxed in the name of E. W. Niccollis,
The south half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion thirty-thiee. township twenty-six, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of E. H. Nich
ols. ana
The southeast quarter of section one, township
twenty-seven, range thirteen, west, taxed in the
uameof M. Vaughu, and
The east half of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the southeast quarter of section
thirteen, township twenty-seven, range thirteen,
west, taxed in the name of E. McMillan, and
The south half of tne southwest quarteraud the
south half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty, township twenty-seven, range thirteen,
west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey,
The southwest quarter of section twenty-one,
township twenty-seven, range thirteeen’west,
taxed in the name of J. P. Weeks, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty-one,
township twenty-seven, range thirteen, ‘west,
taxed in the name of Thomas Kane, and
The northwest quarter of section twenty-three,
township twenty-seven, range thirteen, west,
taxed iu the name of N. J. Hynes, and
The southeast quarter of section thirty-one,
township twenty seven, ranee thirteen, west,
taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
Tne north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-five, township twenty-seven range
thirteen, west, tuxed iu the name of C. 11. Ton
cra.v, and
The southeast quarter of section three, town
ship twenty-eight, ran ire thirteen, west, tuxed in
the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
The northwest quaiter of section teu, township
twenty-eight, range thirteen, west, taxed in the
name of George W. R. Dorsey, and
The south half of the southwest quarter and the
west half of the southeast quarter of section four
teen, township twenty eight, range thirteen, west
taxed iu the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
The south half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion tweuty-two, township twenty-eight, range
thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of C. H Ton
cray, and
The south half of the northeast quarter and the
south half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-three, township twenty-eight, range thir
teen west, taxed in the name of George \V E
Dorsey, and
The east half of the southeast quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of
seciton twenty-three, township twentv-eiirht
ran^o thirteen, west. Used iu the name of George
u . E. Dorsey, and e
The .
The west half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-four. township twenty-eight, ran
thirteen, worn i« ,»T... * .J?®
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W
E. Dorsey, and e
The east half of the northeast quarter of •section
t0’J”shi,P twenty-eight, range th?"
teen, west, taxed iu the name of John Mctilohun
n*1?!?, f“nll;rest 'luarl,‘r of the northeast quarter
?"d•outheaat quarter of the northwest quar
Ur and the northeast quarter of the soutliwe-t
e»»Y,ou»rtiJhefn0rth-W'‘',t inarier of the south
east quarter of section twenty-six, townshiu
twenty -eight, range thirteen, west, taxed iu the
name of Timothy tv. Sullivan, aud
I ihe north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tiou twenty-seven, township twenty-eight, ran»e
K t'or?;.yWand laied 1,1 the nam" of George W.
quarter of section twelve, town
ship twtntj iime. range thirteen, west, taxod in
tht^ name of t rank Forbes, and
The west half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen and the east half of the northeast
quarter of section fifteen, townshin
GeorgeVYsipes. am?'" U“d ln‘““
‘ hu.f,outhwes'quarter of section twenty-seven
tweutv-uine. range thirto n, we'.t,taxed
in the name of George W.t. Dorsey, and
loTnheth£tl?w'„f °* «*■
tlpn thirty-two, township twenty nine, range
Wllgus! and*’ Uxed ln the namo oi Lorenzo D.
The southeast quarter of section thirty-five
township iwentv-ume. range thirteen, west, taxed
in the name of fceorge \v £. DoVsev.’and "
thiVrv • quartcr of action Hve, township
range thirteen, west, taxed in the- *
T. L. Black mar, aud
»Jr.h.KSoutYast ‘fiartor of the northeast quarter
nqit the northeast quarierofthe southeast on.,.
quarierofthe southeast quar
tor of section seven, township thirty, range thir
teen, west, taxed in the name of F. h. McClellan,
. The weat half of the northwest quarter or see.
tlon eight, township thirty, range thirteeu west
taxed in the name of F. L McClellan and
quarter of the northeait quarter
YjtYiYlt '•“ tnd the south half of the north
wait quarter of aecttoa eleven, township thirty
ran^ff thirteen west, taxed la the name of Han
nah Nelson, and
The touthwest quarter of section twelve, town
ship thirty, range thirteen, west, taxed in tb
name of H. Smoot, and
The southeast quarter of section nineteen
township thirty, range thirteen, west, taxed ii
the name of George Jtcis, and
The uorthwest quarter of section twenty-twc
township thirty, rang** thirteen, west, taxed ii
the name of Michael O’Donnell, and
The north half of the northeast quarter and thi
southeast quarter of th * northeast quarter am
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter o
section one. township thirty-one, range thirteen
west, taxed in the name of George W. £. Dorsey
The northeast quarter of section thirteen, town
ship thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed in tb<
name of C. Hash, and
The northwest quarter of section nineteen
township thirty-one, rang-* thirteen, west, laxe<
in the name of T. Woodworth, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty-two
town-hip thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxet
in the name of H. Gulick, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-three,
township thirty-one, range thirteen, west, taxed
in the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
The southwe>t quarter of the northeast quar
ter and the southeast quarter of the ■orthwesi
quarter and the west halt of the southeast quar
ter of section twenty-four, township thirty-one,
range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Harr)
M. Burgess, and .
The south half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-six, township thirty-one, range
thirteen,west, taxei in the name of H. E. Sturde
vant, and
The southeast quarter of section thirty-four,
township thirty one, range thirteen, west, taxed
in the name of George W. K. Dorsey, und
The west half of th * southwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of
section thirty-tive, township thirty-oue, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E.
Dorsey, and
The west half of the northwest quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section one, township thirty-two. range thir
teen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E.
Dorsey, and
The’west half of the northwest quarter and the
north half of the southwest quarter of section
three, township thirty-two, range thirteen, west,
taxed in the name of .1. T. Benedict, and
The east half of the southeast quarter and the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section seven, township thirty-two, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of William W.
Crowell, and
The southwest quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of sectiou eight, township thirtv-two,
range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Charles
Welton, and
The northwest quarter of the southwest quar
| ter of section nine, township thirty-two, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Wm. Mo
Math, and
I The southwest quarter of section seventeen,
township thirty-two, range thirteen, west, taxed
in tiie name of Aaron Bisop, and
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section fifteen, township thirty-three, range
thirteen, west, taxed iu the name of J. C. Webb,
The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and the north halt of the northwest quarter and
the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section eighteen, township thirty-three, range
thirteen, west, taxed in the name of Samuel Mc
Clure, and
The east half of the northeast quarter and the
northeast quarter or the southeast quarter and
the south half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-two, township thirty-three, range thir
teen, west, taxed in the name of J. C. Webb, and
The northwest quarter of the northwest quar
ter ami the northwest quarter of the' southwest
quarter of section twenty-three, township thirty
three, range thirteen, west, taxed in the name of
J E. Webb, and
The west half of the northeast quarter and the
north half ot the northwest quarter of section
twenty-six, township thirty-three, range thir
teen, west, taxed in the name of James (J. Webb,
Lots 4, 5, R and 7, section six, township twenty
five, range fourteeu, west, taxed in the name of
George W. E. Dorsey, and
The north half of the southeast quarter of see
tion twelve, township twenty-five, range four
teeu, w* 6t, taxed in the name of John Gorgan,
The southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the north half of the southwest quarter
nud the southwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section seventeen, township twenty-five,
range fourteen, west, taxed in the name of W. D.
Mathews, and
The north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen, township twenty-six, range four
teen, west, taxed in the name of George W. E.
Dorsey, and
The south half of the southwest quarter and
the west half of the southeast quarter of section
thirty, township twenty-six, range fouiteen
west, taxed in the name of P. A. Lehman, and
The north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion five, township twenty-seven, rauge fourteen,
west, taxed in the name of George Kelly, and
The southwest quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section ten, and the jiorthwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of section fifteen, township
twenty-seven, range fourteen, west, taxed in the
name of Andrew Lindgren, and
The northwest quarter of section thirty, town
ship twenty-seven, range fourteen, west, taxed in
the name of George W. E. Dorsey, and
The northea-t quarter of section thirty-two,
township twenty-seven, ramre fourteen, west,
taxed in the name of George W. K. Dorsev, and
The northwest quarter of section eleven, town
ship twenty-eight, range fourteen, west, taxed in
the name of H. F. Hamsen, and
The northeast quarter of section twelve, town
ship twenty eight, range fourteen, west, taxed in
the name of Edward Cragin, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-two
* ..U VI..1.0 ■ Ijuanu ui arvilUll I<wellbV-IW
township twenty-eight, range fourteen, ’ wes
taxed in the name of George \V. E. Dorsey, ar
'I’hn rmaptn, nf .-mpIa.. ..,
'J he soutnwest quarter of section twenty-eight
j towr.shlp twenty-eight, range fourteen, weBt
taxed in the name of Synthia Kagus, aud
The northwest quarter of section twenty, town
ship twenty-nine, range fourteen, west, taxed ii
the name of Ira J. Burleson, and
The east half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-four, and the east halt of the north
west quarter of section twentv-five, townshii
twenty-niue. range fourteen, west, taxed in th!
name of Wilcox & Flannigan, and
The southwest quarter of section thirty-three
township twenty-nine, range fourteen, west
taxed in the name of Thomas Patrick, and
The northwest quarter of section thirtv-flve
township twenty-nine, range fourteen ‘west
taxed in the name of Cora Collins, and ’
The southwest quarter of section thirtv-flve
township twenty-nine, range fourteen west
taxed in the name of Cornel Sehtnit, and
The ea*t half of the northeast quarter and thi
northeast quarter cf the southeast quarter 01
section twelve, township thirty, range fourteen
west, tale i in the name of Henry M. Banks, anc
1 lie southwest quarter of section twenty-seven
township thirty, range fo..rieeu, west, taxed it
trie name of J. B. Sturdevant, and
The northeast quarter of section nineteen
township thirty-one, lange fourteen, west, taxei
in the name of H. A. Wellmau, anil
The southeast quarter of section twentv-two,
township tlnrty-oue, range fourteen, west.’taxed
in the name of Charles Moulton, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty-six,
township thirty-one, range fourteen, west, taxed
m the name of J. 15. Siurdevant, ami
The southwest quarter of section two. town
ship thirty-one* range fourteen, west, taxed Id
the name of V. Hamsen, and
The southwest quarter of section four, town
ship thirty-one. range fourteeu. west, taxed in
the name of B. E. Sturdevant, and
The northwest quarter of section ten, townshii
thirty-one, range fourteen, west, taxed in tht
name of A. Charleson, aud
The northwest quarter of the northeast quartei
and the east half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion five, township thirty-two, range fourteen,
west, taxed in the name of John Stewart, and
1 he northeast quarter °f section seven, town
ship thirty-two, range fourteen, west, taxed it
the name of Mary J. Spencer, aud
The northeast quarter of the northeast uuartei
of section eighteen, township thirty-two? rang*
andrteen’ we8t’ taxed tlie “ante of John Smith
me west nail or tne nortneast quarter ana i
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of s
tion eighteen, towneliip thirty-two. rnnae fo
teen, we,t. taxed in the name of John Smith, a
T he northwest quarter of section thirty-tv
township thirty-two, range fourteen, west, tax
In the name of lfosu Jorston, and
The northeast quarter of section thlrty-thr
township thirty two, range fourteen, west, tax
in the name of H. Johnson, and
1 he north half of the northwest quarter of si
tion two. township thirty-three, range four let
Wmi’taxed 111 the name of S. E. Smith, and
The southeast quarter of section three, tov
ship th rty-three, range fourteen, west, taxed
the name of Robert S. Carnes, and
The northeast quarter of section nine, towns!
thirty-three, range fourteen, west, taxed in t
name of A. Birdsell, and
The south half of the southeast quarter of s<
tion ten, township thirty-three, range fourtet
west, taxed in the name of A. Bahnan. and
The north half of the northeast quurter of sc
tion fifteen, township thirty-three. run<*e foi
teen, west, taxed in the name of A. Bahnan. a
The northeast quarter of section seventet
township thirty-three, range fourteen, west tax
in the name of Sloan Johnson A Co , and * *
The southeast quarter of the southeast quan
of sectiou two township twentv-flve, ra^e
and** W8St’ Ux* d in lhi uame of C. H. Toner*
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, in section two, townshin tw(
I^rank'Gordom'a^d’ *“«■ “»* *“
*«.«. towdlottomho! J JLRjteJI^nd”
The north halt of the northeast quarter and the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of see
- tion eleven, township twenty-five, range fifteen
; west, taxed in the name of C. H. Tonoray, and ’
The northwest quarter of section twenty-one,
township twenty-five, rauge fifteen, west, taxed in
i the name of Louis Grimstad, and
The southwest quarter of section one, township
, twenty-six, rauge fifteen, west, taxed in the name
l of E. D. Lunt, and
The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
i of section ten, townshiptwenty-six, range fifteen,
i west, taxed in the name of E. 11. Dowd, and
' The south half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion two, township twenty-six, ran^e fifteen.west,
, taxed m the name of Jennie Hutchins, and
The north half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion three, township twenty-six, range fifteen,
» west, taxed in the name of Robert 1 hompson,
The north half of the northeast quarter of sec
i tion eleven, towur<hip twenty-six, range fifteen,
west, taxed in the name of George W. E. Dorsey,
The north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-four, and the northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter
ol the northwest quarter of section thirty-five,
township twenty-six, range fifteen west, taxed in
the name of H. Colburn, and
The southeast quarter of section nineteen,
township twenty-seven, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of George W. K. Dorsev, and
The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of section twenty-nine, township twenty-seven,
range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of W. M.
Hulbert, and
The east half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-four, township twenty-seven, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Robert
Thompson, and
The north half of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and
the no theast quarter of the northwest quarter
section thirty-five, township twenty-seven, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Ed Norrld, and
The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
of section seven, township twenty-eight, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of M. C. Cardis,
The northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter and the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section seven, township twenty-eight,
range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of M. C.
Cardie, and
The southeast quarter of section fifteen, town
ship twenty-eigut, range fifteen, west, taxed in
the nameof F. Farnsworth, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty-two,
township twenty-nine, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of W. D. Mathews, aud
The southeast quarter of section twenty-five,
township twenty nine, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of J. Hamdlan, and
The northwest quarter of section twenty-three,
township thirty, range flfteeu, west,taxed in the
name of M. F. Sagesser, and
The north half of the northwest quarter of
section thirteen, township thirty-one, range fif
teen, west., taxed in the name of J. N. Green, and
The north half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion fourteen, township thirty-one, range fifteen,
west, taxed in the nameof I. N. Green, and
The southeast quarter of section fourteen,
township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed in
the name of John Crawford, and
The northeast quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed iu
the name of N. W. Gregg, and
The northwest quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed in
the name of J. H. Shultz, and
The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and the east half of the southwest, quarter of
section twenty-six, township thirty-one. range
fifteen west, taxed in the name of A. Drullard.
The northeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter or section thiry-flve, township thirty-one,
range fifteen, west, taxed iu the name of A. Drul
lard, and
The northeast quarter of section thirty-three,
township thirty-one, range fifteen, west, taxed iu
the name of A. A. Walliuger, and
The north half of the northwest, quarter of sec
tion thirty-three, township thirty-one, range flf
teeu, west, taxed in the name of H. Winters, and
The north half of the southeast quarter and
the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of
section thirty-four, township thirty-one. rat-go
fifteen west, taxed iu the name of Frunklin Walk
er. and
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section thirty-four, township thirty-one, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Franklin
Walker, and
The north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion two. township thirty-two, range fifteen,
west,4 taxed in the name of C. H. Cunningham,
The northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter and the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section two, towhship thirty-two,
range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Cynthia
J. Clark, and
The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter or the uortheast quar
ter of section three, township thirty-two, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of Cynthia J.
Clark, and
The northwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter of section three, town-hip thirtv-two, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name o‘fC. H. Cun
ningham, and
The northeast quarter of the Bouthwest quar
ter and the south half of the southwest quarter
of section five, and the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section eight, townsh p
thirty-two. range fifteen, west, taxed in the name
of L. L. Dodge, and
The southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter and the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter and the south half of the southeast quar
ter of section eleven, township thirty-two, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of L. L. Price,
The southwest quarter of section fourteen,
township thirty-two, range flfteeu, west, taxed
in the name of T. E. Wheeler, and
The northwest quarter of section seventeen,
township thirty-two, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of Charles Nickans, and
The southwest quarter or section eighteen,
township thirtv-two, range fifteen, west, taxed in
the name of li. H. Shelter, and
The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of the southea-t quar
ter of -ection twenty-two, township thirty-two,
range fifteen, west, taxed in the name of E. M.
Elliott, and
The north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-seven, township thirty-two, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of E. M. Elliott,
* ui aotbiuu miriy, LOWu
: ship thirty-two, range fifteen west, taxed in the
name of John F. Buhinann. and
The southeast quarter of section thlrty^two.
I township thirty-two. range fifteen, west, taxed
in the liam^ of Isaac S. Rartlett, and
The northwest quarter of section thirteen,
township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of William Lower, and
The southeast quarter of section nineteen,
township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of Annie Mason, and
The southeast quarter of section twentv-three.
township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of Charles Waterman, and
The northeast quarter of seetlou twenty-eight,
township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, taxed
in the name of Add Monroe, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty-eight,
towuship thirty-three, range fifteen, west, tuxed
in the name of Gilbert Cleveland, and
The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northwest quar
ter and rhe Dorthwest quarter of the south*
west quarter of section twenty-nine, and
the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section thirty, township thirty-three, range
fifteen, west, taxed in the name of L. V. Lud
wig, and
The northwest quarter of section thirty, town*
ship thirty-three, range flrteen, west, taxed in the
name of Ann E. Mason, and
The west half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion thirty, towuship thirty-three, range flfteeo,
west, taxed in the name of Erwin M. Crune, and
The northwest quarter of section twenty-nine,
township thirty-four, range fifteen, west, taxed in
the name of Miller & Chapman, and
The southeast quarter of section twenty-nine,
township thirtv-four. range fifteen, we^t, taxed in
the name of James A. McClurg, and
| The northeast quarter of section two. township
twenty-seven, range sixteen, west, taxed in the
name of A. F. Busbv, and
i The west half of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-three, township t-wentv-elght, range six
teen, west, taxed in the name of Edward Muud
henke, and
The northwest quarter of section ten. town
ship twenty-eight, range sixteen west, taxed in
the name of Thomas McTlgue, and
The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section twelve, township twentv-eigbt, range
ftndeen’ '%e8t’ taxed in the niira» M. c. CardU,
The southwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section twenty-nine, township twenty*
t r*raii“«e i8 xte?n> west* taxed in the n me of
J. P. Deidrick, and
The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
of section twenty-nine, township twenty-nine,
range sixteen, west, taxed in the name of J. P.
Deidrick, and
The east half of the southeast quarter of sec
iton thirty, township twenty-nine, range sixteen,
west, taxed in the name of P. Deidrick. and
The south half of the northeast quarter and the
north half of the southeast quarter of section
thirty-two, towuship twenty-nine, range ten,
west, taxed in the name of J. \V. B. Huston and
The southeast quarter of section thirty-three,
township twenty-nine, range sixteen, west, taxed
in the name of S. H. El wood, and
The northwest quarter of section one, township
twenty-nine, range sixteen, west, taxed in the
name of William Wolfe, and
Th« northeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter and the northwe-t quarter of the southeast
quarter and the south half of the southeast quar
ter of section two, towhship twenty-nine, range
Sfteen, weft, taxed in the name of F. Heidlok,