| OiVK KIVJUYS Both the method and results whea BByrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant rand refreshing to the taste, and acta I gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, i Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys [ tern effectually, dispels colds, head* I aches and fevers and cures habitual | constipation. Bjrup of Figs is tha ! only remedy of its kind ever pro* [ duced, pleasing to the taste andoo r ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial is its ; effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Svrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO, SAM FRANQMO, CAL. uumnuE. a. nets rone. «.r. “German Syrup” Just a bad cold, ana a hacking cough. We all suffer that way some times. How to get rid of them is the study. Listen—‘‘lamaRanch man and Stock Raiser. My life is rough and exposed. I meet all weathers in the Colorado mountains. I sometimes take colds. Often they are severe. I have used German Syrup five years for these. A few doses will cure them at any stage. The last one I had was stopped in 24 hours. It is infallible.” James A. Lee, Jefferson, Col. ® CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE, it Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Ganthv express on receipt of price $t.50 per bottl# BRADFICLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Oa. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS. WELL MACHINERY. Illustrated catalogue showing Well Augers, Rock Drills, Hydraulic ana Jetting Machinery, Wind ' Mills, etc., Bent Feme. Have ' been tested and al 1 warranted. THE PECH MFC. CO. Sioux City, Iowa. 548. Canal St., Chicago. KDVCATIUNAL. DRAKE university, VIAnni. DE8 MOINES, IA SI departments; 35 courses; 7 buildings; S’! instructors; 836 students; S100,00J new endowment. Send for catalogues. OMAHA BUSINESS HOUSES. D UPTIME Lure Ruarantewl or no pay by the Bell |i , iwiih TjUfn, with concave pad. Endorsed by prominent Omaha physicians. Jill cheeley Blk. THE CROSS RUN C0.(Jnn?’ Ammuul,'on- Fie»d p . Ia. , W"yU a''d Athle te Sporting' fa pooh. Wi1le for catalogue, 1«12 Douglas S(.. oiuilxa. OMAHA BASKET MFG. CO U KKUIT PACKAOKS, Siud for 1 baskets, bku • KY ItoXKS and 'rice List. FLECTRIC ,u‘rl,t S'U'l'lie-. Door Bells, Annuncla 1 ,B,W tors. Etc. Send for prices. WoLPK *i KLECTH1C CO.. 1614 Capitol Avenue, Omaha. IAHRELL At CO., Maple Sugar and Sv™™ * i<> Pres rves, Jams. Apple Hut er, Etc. Props' Omaha tan llunufaein*. Co.,Cans and UecoraWd Tlnw.ro? Dorsey bros. a cltfto;i. Lire stoat 1.7. Uerchsnte, Esc. Bid*, room IS, Tel. 42, So. CmiahT Beb. References, The Bank you do bu.ines.witt aASMANN * DUDLEY. Prod W. Gasmsnn.Wm.il Dudley, Live fetock Commimdon .Room 115 Evehann* Building, South Omaha, Neb. Telephone 1441* F li LUMBER, Wholesale «nd Retail. Hard wood lumber pine A oak fence lath, white cedar posts, split oak A cedar posts, piling, lime,etc. C. R. Leo, tthADouglaf We do all kinds of Rot flng or sell the materials, faet our prices, F. J Lewis Rood.* Co., 101ft-1017 Jones street. HOOFING PATENTS Es.OMAHA No Fee until Patent Is Obtained. Advice rxuwm IfcuRKo? Liquor,Morphine ft Tobaccc 1 Habits the CASTLE CURE? COMPANY has n< equal. Hundreds T^at have been cured of long stand ing will testify. Call or address the OA8TXR CURJ COMP ANT. No. 401 North Sixteenth StreeComsSI Nebraska. ^ HAYPRESSESi ki ll CIRCLE 8»u hwfek Hay Bai.er, 14 tons daily capacity. . Bo Ht l^l'UIlg II1H ll ufao ured. Eor term* and price* addiet* H \NI)\Vir«ir M AM FAi TURING CO., COUNCIL BLI fA iqu ! LIME for ASH G-ROVE maker *&l per cent more niortnr than uu • other Unit* Is 1’L'KK WHITE uu I will not pi p on tli • wall. Ask your dealer for it. If he does not keep it write P1” Chestnut St., rd. l.ouis. Mo; Walter G. (IKan w, General T.ik-t Agent. Parsons, ' Kansas. Frightful and Nothing T.en Are the ravages In physlcsl stumlna coined by disease* of Iho kidney* and Madder. Often times, moreover, they ure awlftly progressive lo a fatal termination. llednntng with Dimple Inactivity of Iho organ*, renal dtnpn«o, if un checked by intermediate death or relief, wind* up in deetruetlon of the kiduey*. Thla I* ter rible to contemplate, dreudful to undergo. Anticipate the danger by arousing and regu lating the kidney*, when inactive, with Hos tetter'* Stomach lllttera. a moat efficient diuretic us well aa a general alterative and tonlo of unexampled excellence. It performs a further good office for the system In promoting activity of the kldnvye, In that It morn effec tually expels through these ehnnnela Impuri ties whluh produce rheumatism and dropsy. Malaria, constipation. biliousness, liver trouble, nervousness, dyspepsia, all succumb to It* beneficent notion. . BileBe&ns Small Positively cure Bick-headachc, COnstf* pntlon, IllUousncss, Liver C'o'.nplaint, Colds nnd General debility. 40 to the bottle. Sugar coated. Busy to tr.lcc. Do not gripe nor sicken llio stomach. Sold by druggists. Price 35c. Reliable and economical. Sample doso free. f. F. Smith i!- Co . • Cirrrnvich St.. A*. IT AI>ont ns |er cut of the property In this country It Insured. The mlnet of New Zeland tatve turned out |3Ti’,U00,ll0i> of gold. Coughing hrtdt to Cniianntptloii. ' K emp’s Belsam will stop the cough et onre. Ho to vour druggist today end get e sample bottle'free. Large bottles 50 eta aud Kverv si|uaremlle of the »ca coni alui 1 MO, 001),COO Hull of t'arlou* kinds. *’llnimoir* tlmlo Corn l*nlvr.” rSnrriiM.'il o. run*, rr nmnur refunded. Ask jour druirutst fur n. Price IS oeuts. An express engine consume'ion gallons of water per inl.c. Mrs. \VItialnrT'aHnnllilngnmip. for Chil dren tool lime, tuftoni I ho emus, remico* Intlaiimia Mon. niluys luitn, cures wind coho. lUo.u bottle. How to get Inside lufurmatlon: L’so a stomach pump. A Drunkard, Morphine or Opium enter or Tobacco cbewers, cun bo safely, speedily unit pertnluentljr cured nv inking the Elisor Cures. Write for testimonials nnd prices on territory to Kuaor Hemciiy Co., -fill N. 24th 8t., Pouili t^mnhn, Nehr. For nfull crop ou the fmm commend us to the old hen. Dr. .1udti’s Kiectric belts are sold on six months trial. Judd Kiectric Co.. Omaha. HOW 40 BRIGHT GIRLS won their college course and edu cation in music WITHOUT EXPENSE * (i Girls Who Have Push” A 28-page illustrated pamphlet will be mailed FREE to any girl sending her address to THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL Philadelphia THE NEXT MORNING 1 FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. MvdortorpavB It arts gently on the Btomnchjlver ind* kidneys, and Is a pie naan t Inxutlve. Thin 3rink Is made irom herbs. and 1b prepared for uto drink I.. -- . , as cosily as lea. It 1b called LANE’SMEDIGIHE All druggists sell It at 60c. and fl a package. If you cannot gei it, send your address for a free RHmiile. I.nne’n Family Mmllclnu move* tkc bowel* each day. Add re** OKATOfc H. WOODWARD, LeROY, N. Y. FOR SUMMER COMPLAINTS Perry Davis’ Pain-Killer BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Patents! Pensions Send for Inventor's Guide or How to Obtain a Patent. Send for Digest of PENSION and MIH'N'I'V LAW'S. PATRICK OTARRELL, • WASHINGTON, D. a nr||C everyone should always use rEHd TUC DECT NOS.04M. n.unzw.aia. ^JoaNs''.. NEW YORK. ESTERBROOiH WANTED AGENTS Campaign ics of all Pr todeiils. The onlv Po itn al Encyclopedia. Thr.e volumes in one. Magnificent | r jmwcmu* 3.r*c. Demo ciatir or Republican. Clin*. L. "vb t r A Co., N. Y. WANTED9 rKN*“° TBty|!*‘*we _|TiO to 1100 a month and expenses. kioMi A \% ELLlMilONoUatUiou, Wle CK.M'S pays for un Aluminuin Lord's* Prayer u.— .—.. **““ Souvenir Chaim and tm-tiple copy of our 100-p Magazine. T J. <>i LJtOKK. Mil Olive St., Hi. Lout*. FLAGS dr flnnnem. Silk or Rnntlnff* A HF.lt M AN FI.AGMIk.Co., Easton, Pa. Send for prices. If afflicted wSth •ore eyes, uae I Thompson’s Eye Water. $JCKHEADACHB r - s Pualtltrlyi'iirrib) tlirw Little mi*. They ftlM relievo r>t» treee fromDyepepele.lt! (llgeetlon end TnoHeerty Betlng. A perfert rem edy for Dleelneee.Neueee Droweineee, Bed Testa In the Month, Ooeted Tongue.Pelii In the Bide. TOItlTD LIVKK. They roguleto the Bowels Purely Veoeteble. Price aft Cents. castes msionni oo., new toat. Small Pill, Small Dose. Small Price. THE ONLYTRUE riRON TO ft! EC \V|IU’"r,rr BLOODS rejruUlB. KIDNEYS, rtino\OLIVER. dUunler. In:ltd renew V‘K « npiMi it'iion ore heal Hi ami :r-... i y mu ill. lifting 1 ndi, *»peiUm, that iirun IW/U. luunlittolnlfl y eradicated* Mlml brightened, hr ala power Increased' hone*, iu rvt'«, lima* clea, receive new force. i Buffering trout coni|*lnliiU ii«* cullnr to their *cx, using It, flmt , n aal'e. a|tee*Iy cure. ltd urn* it check*. WaullileiiCompleiloa* erywhere. All Pennine irooiU hear “** Bern! ua 2 cent stamp for 32-pag* rose tilooin 4 #«l. ‘C’rencent pamphlet. Oft. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. It. LettU. ' PI SOS CURE TOR Consumptive* and people | wholiuvo weak lung* or A»th Bk, abould use I’lao nCuro for I Gonftumption. It bus cured I thouiABdi. 11 tins not Injur-1 ed one. I tin not bad to take. I It In the be*t cough nyrup. Sold everywhere, •.‘ie. L EWIS’ 98 % LYE lowsmc and psiraas (PATKNTKDJ The ttmngfkt and purett I«yg* Hindu. Unlike other Lye, it being* a hue powder and parked m a can. removable lid, the content* are always ready for ute. Willi make the bett perfumed Kurd $0*? in 20 minute* without boltiug. Ills I he heel for cleansing waste pipes, dialmfeetInu dink*. Clouets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc. PENNA.SALT M'F’G Ca to Gen. Agents.. Phi la.. Pa. Patented.) niun i AHU WAT* Hold* the worst rup* tur« with ease under alL i iioiinixtum-e* Perfect; Adjustment. Comfort, ■nd Curt* New Patented Improvements. lllu*> tinted catalogue nntk rule* for self-ineoMUrw ni • n t sent vecnrelv •eiliHl. G. V. HOU8B. MKG CO., 744 UroaO- / way, New York UtfU Shipped Anywhere on Trial. Cntuloum* Fr» e, QBO. BBTliL * Co.. 7 Ky St. QUtNC?, LUL., C.3.A. the Famous Little PIUn for Const! r>ntlnn.8l<*k Heart ache, Dyspepsia.No NuuMea,No Pain.Very Small* LADIES!! Sir HI, THERE, PRINTER! Do you want to buy an Army Press awful cheap? We can lit you out with either a 6 or 7 column size, at prices that will make you shiver in August. DON’T YOU WANT either a small Pilot or Model Jobberf If so, come quick, and get a bargain. Address WESTERS NEWSPAPER UNION, Oil A III, MOIItl'Kl. GOME FARMERS oii<‘Hiui mii mi3 for the A me mu* Hom 3* stead, ihe best Farm aul 11010** paper in Ne braska. American Hotnest al one .rear iind Web- 01 QA star’s Ui abr Used Dictionary for . . $|,0U American llle shoes ever sold at these prices. They equal fine Imported shoes costing from $8 to $13. 50 Police Shoe, worn by fanners and all others who s|P*#a want a *-oxl heavy calf, three solid, extension edge shoe, easy to walk in, and will keep the feet dry ami warm. CO 3*1 Fine Cslf, $2.25 raid $3 WorkinsneB's f oots will give more wear for the money tnan any other make. They are made for service. The Increasing sales show that work ingmen have found this out. QQY0V 9ki aid Youths9 91.75 Schcol Short ore> worn by the boys everywhere. Themu»t service* able shoes sold at these prices. I AniPQ’ 93 Hnnd-Sewed, 92*50, 92 and 91.75 bMId 160 Shoes for Mi»sennre^nadoof the best Don golaorflne Calf, as dctired. Tney are very stilish, com fortable and durable. The $3 shoe equals cumcm made sWs coding fr m $4 to $B. Ladles who wish to econo mize in thofr footwear cr© ilm'lng this out. C A 17TION.— Beware o* i.ealers substituting shoos wltfcv out W. L. Dougins’ name and thcrrtf'c5^ tit* edon bottom. A511 FUR w. L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES. « f.',, M ^ .. - - obtaining n»om»v «ir.