GEN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ST AT it. Governor.Jun!r STEM«S>rs , Me u tenant Governor.1 Vo fin!.. Secretary of State.o till! K Attorney General.Weor#e H. HtisttiiKS State Auditor.Thomas II. Benton Coin, hands and Bollings..George Huntphtey Supt. Public Instruction.A. K. Gouay REGENTS STATE UNIVEUSITI . Ohas. II. Gere. Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; .1. M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, I’ierco; J. T. Mallaieu. Kearney; M..I. Hull, Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—Gluts. F. Manderson, of Omaha; Algernon S. Paddock, of Beatrice Representatives—Wm. Bryan. Lincoln! O. . M. Korn. Broken Bow: Wm. MclvelRfcaa, Bed I Cloud. . JUDICIARY. | Chief Justice..; • • -A?1?® Cobb : Associates.. .Samuel Maxwell and T. L. Norval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTltlCT. Judge./M.P. Klnkald, of O’Neill Reporter.J. J. King of O'Neill jndee A. L. Bartow of Chadron Roporter.A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill LAND OFFICES. O'NEII.I.. ftetrlstor.II. B. Gillespie Ltooeiver.A. L. Towle. KJSI.IOB. Register.C. W. Robinson Receiver . . .W. B. Lambert COUNTY. Judge..Wm Bowen Clerk of the District Court.Jolm Sklrviug Deputy.O. 1*. DeLance Treasurer.Barrett Scott Deputy.lohn S.Weckes Clerk.C. E. Butler Deputy.f. C. Harms*. Sheriff.•...H. C. McEvony Deputy.E. Me.rlmnn Supt. of Schools.II. W. Dudley Assistant.Mrs. H. W. Dudley Coroner.;. Dr. H. A. Skelton Surveyor.W. W. Page Attorney.E. W. Adams SUPERVISORS. TOWNSHIP | Miller II Macumber It Hrudie W Smith € M itetliea W W Dutton S D llaigh W II Roll 1) G Dayton it IC Gilson S Winn John Doud S J Conger S L Waring E M Kline A Perkins E E Golden T V Kennedy Goo Alfa J D dovish Win Kelley Peter Nollkamper \ Jilson L A Donohoe Join Hayes W T JonesJ D Phillips Prank (-rawiord J Garwood G Hryau G E Moss C W Hunter J M Atkinson Chambers Cleveland Conley Deloit Dustin Emmet Ewing Pair view Francis Grattan Green Valley Tmuan Iowa Lake McClure O’Neill Paddock Pleasantview ltock Falls Scott r Saratoga Stuart i Shields Sheridan Swan Steel Creek Sand Creek Turtle Creek Verdigris Wyoming Willowdale Atkinson Chambers Dustin Chambers Deloit Dustin Emmet Ewing Chambers Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Inman Page Bliss Little O’Neill blackbird Hay Turner Scottville Turner Stuart O’Neill Atkinson Swan Star Atkinson Doty Page Amelia in i uncola C11Y OF O'NEILL. Supervisor, T_. V.Golaen; Justices, E. U. Benedict and B. Welton; Constables, John Luppan and Perkins Bsooks. COUNCIDMEN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one year—David Stannard. SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— B. Mullen. THIRD WARD. For two years—Barrett Scott. For one year -C. C. Millard. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Biglin; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; Treasurer, David Adams; City Engineer, Sumner Adams; Police Judge, N. Martin; Chief of Police, John Lappan; Attorney, Thos. Carlon; Weigh master, Ed. M. Bride; Street Commissioner, O. E. Davidson. GRATTAN TOWNSIUP. Supervisor, John Winn; Trearurer, J. Sul livan; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor. Pat Clear; Justices, M. Castello and Chas Ingor soll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and WillStans kio: Hoad overseer dist. Theodore Otto; dist. No. 4, P. Barrett, sr. SOLDIERS' RELIEF COMNISSION. Regular meeting first Monday in Febru ary of each year, and at such other times as is deemed necessary. Iiobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Win. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; A. K. Haskins, Cleveland. LST.PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock. Very Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school immediately following services. M ETHODI8T CHURCH. Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, 1m . id 1 " ' ’ " mcdiatel followed by Sunday school. Preach ing In tho evening at8o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Epworth League devotional meeting Tuesday evening lit 8 o’clock. E. E. Wilson, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, Pastor. Cl A. R. POST, NO. 8G. The Gen. John X. O’Neill Post, No. ml, Department of Ne braska G. A. It., will meet the Urst and third Saturday evening of each month in Masonic hall O’Neill. S. J. Smith, Com. invited to attend. O. H. Miltz, Seo. A. H. Gorbett, N.G. 0.11. Bentley, R. S. D. L. Darr. P. S. E. H. Thompson, Treas. Garfield chapter, r. a. m Meets on first and third Thursday of each month In Masonic hall. W. J. Dobiis, Sec. J. C. Harnish, H, P KOFP.—HELMET LODGE, U. D. . Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p. m. In Odd Fellows' nail. Visiting brethern cordially Invited. E. M. Grady, C. C. E. E. Evans, K. of K. and S. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 30.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. J.C. Smoot, S. A. H. Corbet, C. P. TMIEN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS JLj OF REBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Friday of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. Edith Butleii, N. G. Fannie Scott. Secretary. fXARFlELD LODGE, NO.05.F.& A.M ^o?&?gemSlnoi^,o°^LhnUr8daynight# W. T. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. rilHE O’NEILL REPUBLICAN CLt X Booms are located over Morris & Cc drug storo on Douglas street. Tho rooms a open at all times. Republicans are invit to visit, tile looms at any and all tim< Strangers while in the city are invited make the club rooms tlielr lieadnuarte Business meeting of tliu club the first a. third Saturday evening of each month a* A. L. TOWLE, Preside! Clb. D. RIGGS, Secretary. reside! POSTOFFICE D1RCETORY Arrival of Mail, F. I. ft M. V. R. R.— FROM THE EAST Every day, Sunday included at.5:18 j FROM THE WEST. Every day, Sunday included at.#:35i PACIFIC SHORT LINE Arrives every day except Sunday at »• 00 i I departs ” ” B:U0i I -■ O’NEILL AND CHELSEA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Fridav at ? m , l Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 1:00 I O'NEILL AND PADnoCK. [Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at 7-m, I Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sut. at.'.4:30 , . O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. I Departs Monday. Wed. and Pri at 7-m ■ A ——*- » mi ’ ’ • * *W I Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at!.4% I O’NEILL AND CUMM1NSVILLE ■Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at 'll 'in, ■Departs Mon., Wod. aud Friday nt ' j-qq NOTICE. To Minor Thompson, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, Alexander Snarl, C. A. Uonlon, Kurd & Keith, J. H. Keith, trustee for Eugene Westervelt, J. H. Keith, trustee for tleorgo 11. Ash, Eugene Wester velt, tieorgo II. Ash, C. O. Uacon. C. H. Tonoray. O. M. Packard. G. \V. E. Dorsey. William Shell. H. N. McKee, KcUVard W. Moltltt, (I. W. l.iiKiu*. j1'. (ioudell. A\ .1. Miller. V. J. Porter, trustee. W. P. Wilson, Elmer O. Hluke. Jesse ltanks. S. II. FJwood, John llarlan. Nelson Toncruy, II. E. Otte meter, J. L. McKlvunc, Henry Hrown, William Whitcomb. E. J. Uoodyear and <1. 11. Ash. You and each of you mi hereby notified that on the 8th day of llccemHer, 18H0, Adams & Darr bought at private tax sale for the delinquent tiixes of the yeur 1881), the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders, the following des cribed real estate, situated in Holt county. The south half of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section three, township twenty-six. range fifteen west, taxed in the name of Miner Thompson. The northeast quarter of section twenty three. township thirty-three, range fifteen west, taxed in the name of Alexander Searl. The west half of the east half of section nine, township thirty-one, range fourteen west, taxed in the name of C. A. Benton . □The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty, township thirty, range nine west, taxed in the name of u. C. Bacon. . .. The southwest quarter of* the northeast quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter and southeast quarter of the south east quarter of section eight, township twenty-eight, range thirteen west, and the west half of the west half of section twenty three, township twenty-eight, range sixteen west, and the northwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-nine, range ten west, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, and the north half of the north east quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section t wenty tour township twenty-eight, rangefourteeu west, a nd the southwest quarter of section nine, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed in the name of O. W. E. Dorsey. The southeast quarter of section thirteen, township twenty-eight, range fourteemwest, taxed in the name of W. P. Wilson. The northwest quarter of section thirty, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed in the name of William shell. The northwest quarter of section twenty nine, township twenty-nine, range nine west, taxed in the name of G. W. LaRue. The northwest quarter of section thirty, township thirty-two. range eleven, west, taxed in the name of L. E. Goodell. The southwest quarter of section four, township twenty-five, range fifteen west, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed in the nameflof C. H. Tone ray. The north half of the northeast quarter and east half of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, township thirty-two, range eleven west, taxed in the name of Jesse Banks. The west half of the southwest quarterof section fifteen, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-one and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, township thirty-two, range eleven west, taxed in the name of John Harlan. The northeast quarter of sect ion thirty, township twenty-nine,range nine west,taxed in the name of II. L. Otteiucier. The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and northeast quarter of the south east quarter and the south half of the south east quarter'of section thirty-five, township twenty-seven, range fifteen west, taxed in the name of .1. L. McElvane. The northwest quarter of section thirty four, township thirty-one, range nine west, taxed in the name of E. J. Goodyear. The east half of the east half of section four, township thirty-one, rangfk fourteen west, taxed in the name of G. B. Ash. That the tax sale certificates of said sales have been by said Adams and Darr sold, assigned and delivered to the undersigned, and that the time of redempt ion of said lands from said sales will expire on the 8th day of December. 1892. IKiA COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. To Mary McDonald. Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company and 11. G. McKenion: You are hereby notified that on the 8tli day of December, 1890, J. L. llershiser bought at private sale the following described re a If estate, viz: The southwest quarter of section fourteen, township twenty-nine,radge twelve west, in Holt county, Nebraska, lor the delinquent taxes of the year 1880, and taxed in the name of Mary McDonald, the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for the want of bidders; that said J. L. llershiser has sold, assigned and delivered the tax sale certificates received by him from the treasurer at said sale to the undersigned, and that the time of redemp tion of same will expire on the 8th day of December, 1802. 8-3A COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. To Enos it. llarnes. Flotie P. Barnes. O. M, Packard. Mrs. O. M. Packard, David It. Alex ander, Mrs. David It. Alexander, William II. Linn as trustee, William H. Linn. Mrs. William II. Linn* will take notice that on the 25th day of July.1892 Rockwell Sayer.plaintiff herein, filed Ids petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against you and each of you defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgrge executed by the de fend ants Enos It. Barnes and Flotie F. Barnes to the plaintiff, upon the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, in township thirty one, range ten. west or the 6tli p. m., to secure the payment of a certain note dated July 1. 1887, for the sum of six hundred dollars, due and payable July 1, 1892. Also to secure ten interest coupons of $18.00 each. That there is now due upon said note and coupons and trust deed by reason of the failure of defend ants to pay said coupons at maturity.the sum of $1,000.00. Also to foreclose a certain other mortgage executed by the same parties to the plaintiff upon the same premises to secure the payment of three certain promis sory notes of $40 each, said notes and mort gage being dated July 7. 1887; the first note being due July 1,1888, second, July 1,1889 and third July 1, 1890. That there is now due upon said notes and mortgage the sum of 9150, for which sums with interest l’roan this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount tound due. You are required to answer sale petition on or before the5th day of September, 1892. Dated this 25th day of July, 1892. R. R. DICKSON. 3-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. THE FRONTIER FOR JOB WORK. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., June 2,1892, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made be fore register ami receiver at O’Neill, Neb,, on August 18. 1802. viz: JOHN R. BELLAIi, 11D 12517, for the SE?4 sec. 20-30-13 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: John Bellar. Richard Jennings, James Jen nings, Frank Heel), all of O’Neill, Neb. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that saiu proof will bo made before register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on August 18,1892. viz: JOHN BELLAR, HD 12375. for the SWfc sec. 28-20-12 w. He names the following witness to prove ids continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: John R. Bellar, Richard Jennings. James Jennings, Frank Heel), all of O’Neill. Neb. 52-0 B. 8. Gillespie, Register. * NOTICE TO REDEEM, To whom it may concern: You are thereby notified that on the 8th day of December. 1890. Adams and Darr bought at private tax sale, the same having bee.i offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders, the following described real estate, viz: SWH section 20. township 29, range 10 .west 0th p. m., situated in Holt county, Nebraska, for the delinquent tax*-* of the year 1880, and taxed in name of I red , B. Johnson, that the tax sale certificates re ceived by Adams and Darr at said sale, have been sold and assigned to the undersigned, who is the present owner and holder thereof and that the time of redemption of same wil expire on the 8th day of December, l™* 4-3 A/KO M. DOWS. ! NOTICE TO REDEEM. | To whom It may concern: | Vo are hereby notified that on the Hth day : of December, IHSK>, Adame and Dart bought. at private tax sale, the Mime having been ottered ul public sale and not Hold for want of Idd ! dors, the lollowing described real estate, via: | SKV, section :i5, township HO, range 10 west nth j i*. m.. situated in Holt county. Nebraska, for 1 the delinquent taxes of the year 1880, and j taxed in name of (i. W, K. Horsey, t hat the I tax sale certificate received by Adams and Harr at said sale have been sold and assigned to the undersigned who Is the present owner and holder thereof, and that the time of redemption of same will expire on the Hth day of Deeembor, 18112. t-:i .JOHN BARDEN. NOTICE Oil SUIT. The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Reuben Iinpson, a single man, and Henry E. Hitch, a single man, defendants. Reuben Impaoti and Henry E. Hitch, non resident defendants, will take notice, that on the 27th day of July, 1802, the Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff herein, filed Its petition in the district court of lloit county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the defendant, Reuben lmpson, to the plaintiff, upon the west half of the northwest quarter of section one (1) and the northeast quarter of section two (2) township thirty-one (HI) range nine (9) west of the 7th i\ m„ to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated June (», 1S87, for the sum of eight hundred itf'O) dollars, and due and payable In five yeais from the date thereof. That there Is now due upon said nolo and mortgage the sum of nine hundred and tillrty four dollars and eighty-live cents (#994.85), with interest thereon at ten per cent, per annum from the 25th day of July, lHini for which sum plaintiff-prays for a decree that defendants bo required to pay the same, or that said promises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answer said petition on or beforo the 12th day of September, 1892. THE FIDELITY LOAN & TRUST CO. Plaintiff. * By S. E. Hostetter, Its Attorney. Dated July 29, me. 44 NOTICE OF SUIT. The Fidelity Loan and Trust Oompuny, a corporation plaintiff. vs. Thomas Curran and wife Mary Curran, Thomas Loftus, Michael Loftus, lionoi Loftus, The Sycamore Marsh Harvesting Company, a corporation, and E. 8. Kelley, defendants. Thomas Curran and wife Mary Curran, Loftus, Michael Loftus, Honor Loftus, The Sycamore Harvesting Company and E. 8, Ivelley, defendants, will take notice that on the 21st day of July, 1892, The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff herein, tiled it.* pet ition in the district court of Holt count y Nebraska, against said defendants, tin object and prayer of which is to foreclose t certain mortgage executed by the defend ants. Thomas Curran and wife May Currat to the plaintiff, upon the south-west quartet of section thirty-one [311, iu township twenty six [20], nortli range thirteen [191. west ol the Oth P. M.. to secure the payment of ti certain promissory note dated October 91 3887, for the sum of seven huudred [700] dol lars, and due and payable in five years froir the date thereof. That there is now due upon said note anc mortgage the sum of eight hundred forly-tivi dollars and sixty-five cents [845.051, within tcrest thereon at ten per cent, from the 200 day of July, 1892, for which sum plaint!f prays for a decree that defendants be re quired to pay same; ot that said premise! may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petitior on or before the 12th day of September, 1892 TIIE FIDELITY LOAN & TRUST CO. Plaintiff. By S. E. Hostetter, Its Attorney. Dated July 29,1892. 44 NOTICE. To Edward W. Webb, Rhody E. Webb, Neligl Investment Co. and A. F. Snow: You are hereby notified that on the 1911 day of July, A. I). 1892, the above name( plain till filed in the office of the clerk of tin district court of Holt county, Nebraska,! t petition against you, the object and prayer o which is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by Edward W. Webb and Rhody E Webb to Hamilton Loan and Trust Company on tli© 25 day of August A. 1). 1888, upon tin south westone-fourth of section No. flfteeri( 13 Township No, twenty-eight (28) north of rang* No eleven (11) west of (ith 1\ M. to secure tin payment of $575 on the 1st day of September 1892, with interest, said mortgage being re corded in book 28 at page 514, Mortgage Re cords of Holt county Nebraska, upon whicl there is now due $742.58 witli interest from t.hi first day of June, 1892. You are renuired to answer said petitioi on or before the29th day of August. 1892. Dated this 19th day of July, 1892. HAMILTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Plaintiffs. y R. S. Leedom and E. 11. Benedict, 2-4 Its Attorneys. U'NhlLLhUSINESS DIRECTORS W H. PIERCE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Real Estate and Insurance, E. H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building:, nortt of Barnett A Frees' Umber yard, O NEILL, NEB £ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all the oourts. Special at tention given to foreclosures and collections, Is also COUNTY ATTORNEY, J^R. B. T. TRUEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of 4lic Eyo and Ear and fittlnfl glasses a specialty. Office hours 1* to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. ni, Office oveii “THE EMPORIUM." Mu LLEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. J. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN 0IQAR8, ETO. A. BOYD, BUILDERS.' ESTIIHIATE8 FURNISHED. JJIl. C. D. B. EISAMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, i J’NUILL, - NF.B. N. HOPKINS, M. I>. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Blglin's furniture store. Calls promptly attended day or nlglit. | A. H. CORBETT 1 WILL A1TKN1) TO VO UK fcj DENTISTRY IN FIHST-CLA83 HHAI’K. fi jj •PHOTOGRAPHY* * OF ALL KINDS 1 Fromptlr and Satis&otorily Sucntid. OJBm and salary on Fourth itroot east of Holt County Dank. iiiMimiiiiM.iiiiiiiiHiiiiiniwii'iiiiiiiawiiiiiiiiaiiiHiiimiuiiiiin F. |). a J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP THE RED - FRONT JttfiS&M. asmmm sKsmsi GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices lieasonable. East of McCafterto's. O’NEILL, NED. R. R. DICKSOi'J &CO„ 8UOOE88QRS TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., * Title Abstracters/Conveyancers, TAXES PAID FOB NON-BES1DENT8. FARM LANDS • • (AND TOWN LOTS FOB SALE OH EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable TermB. 1 Deyarman Brothers, pnonniBTOKs of the i Checker Lifeiy,Feed&Sale Stable ; O’NEILL NEB. Flnost turnouts In tholclty. Good.oare 1 fill drivers when wumed. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Have chargee of McCnfferty’s Hoarse. All orders will receive careful and prompt atten FRED C. GATZ. - DEALER IN— Fresh, Dried and Sail Meats. Sugar-oured Ram, Breakfast Bacon, Sides, Spice roll bacon, all kinds of sausages, O’NEILL, NEB O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to cull on us. Martin’s Old Stand, O'Neill, Neb. FRED ALM, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Custom work anil repairing—Dwyer’ Shoe Store—Wilson's old stand. , ^ NES. | O'NEILL, THE AUTHORIZED Keeley INSTITUTE, FOR THE CURE OF LIQUOR, 0PI1, MORPHINE AND TOBACCO HABITS v-v# At O’NEILL, NEB. This institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely insti tute at Dwight, 111. All remedies are prepared by Dr. Keeley and administered by a physician appointed and instructed by Dr. Keeley. In fact the treatment is identical with that at Dwight and the results must be the same—certain cure. RATES—#75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine for cure of tobacco habit sent by express for #5. For further information address, , v,-; . .. -Q-k | Keeley IntitiJte, # O’lfcTeill,, . . .' atTeTs. | YOUN6 & CO. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines. Bl- ' cles and small musical instruments; sheet music and music books, tunning and re- 11 pairing. Knabee, Packar Bros., Everett, Shaw, Bradbury and Webster pianos. Farrand & Notey, Mason & Hamlin, Ear- 1 buff and other organs. Domestic and American sewing machines. Columbia and all other makes of bicyles. Call on us when in need of anything in our line; on Doug las street, two doors east of Hotel Evans, O’NEILL, Neb. 1 fj Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. K.&M.V. andS. C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: (lOINO EAST. Passenger cast, - • 9:35 a. m. Freight east. - ■ 10:45 a. m. GOING WEST. Freight west, Passenger west, Freight, Tlio Elkhorn Lino is now running Reclining Ciuiir Curs daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of flrst-class transpor tation. 1:45 p. m 5:15 p. M 0:44 P. M. For any information call on W- J. DOBBS, Act. O’NEILL. NEB. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, Eastern Railway Co. of Minnesota, SOLID - TRAINS —11ETWKKN St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulnth and West Superior. buffet Parlor Cars on all day trains. W. A. CARPENTER. Oen’I. Pass. Agent, St. Pan), Minn. THROUGH DAILY TRAINS —BETWEEN— SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL. —PASBINfJ— I>ooii. Garretaon, Pipestone, Marshall, Will* mar, Litchfield, Lake Minnethnka and Minneapolis. —REACHING ALL POINTS IN— VImm, TBS DAKOTAS, VOVTAXA AND MANITOBA. ASII AI.I, PACll'O COAST AND PUOET SOUND POINTS. Also all Boo Line and Ccnada Paoifio \ points east. Connects at Sioux City with all the great Diverging Lines. -THK PACIFIC SHORT LINE. (8. C.t O’N A, W. RY.) Through Northeastern Nebraska. (The Land of ihe Gulden Ear), —BETWEEN— Sioax City, Jackson, Allen, Dixon, Ran dolph, Otmond, Plainview, Brunswick and O’Neill. THE SHORT LINE, via. O’Neill, from all points between BLACK HILLS AND SIOUX CITY. Three Hours Quicker time than via. any other line. Golden opportunities along these lines for lioineseckers. For full particulars write to F. O. IIILL. W. B.'McNIDEK, Pres, and Gen’l. Mgr. Gen’l. Pass. Agt. J. W. FIRESAU6H, AST. O’NEILL, NEB A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always be Had Is located opposite The Item, PAT GIBBONS, Prop.