The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 11, 1892, Image 3

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Of the Affairs of the Office of
I, Barrett Scott, Treasurer of Holt county, Ne
ll rasaa, do hereby certify to the beet of my
knowledge and belief thnt the following is a true
and correct tabulated statement, showing the re
ceipts and disbursements of the office of County
Treasurer of said county, from January 8th, 1892,
to June noth, 1892, Inclusive.
Babbitt Scott,
County Treasurer.
Statement showlnv cash balance on hand Jan
uary 6. Is92, and amounts collected and disbursed
In all funds, exoept State, up to June 30th, 1392,
y County tax 1883.
Dr. Cr.
To county general.I 9 75
By transferred to Co Oeu, 1890 I 2 75
To county bridge . 1 21
By transfers to Co Gen. 1890.. 1 21
To county funding bond. 37
By redeemed bonds. 87
To county road. 81
By cash on hand. 81
To county labor. 2 85
By transferred to general fund
1890. . 2 85
To Center precinct. 91
By cash on hand. 01
To school bond . 91
By bonds redeemed. 91
To special school. 23 25
By cash on hand. 23 25
County General.
To amount on baud last set
tlement . 67 79
To amount since collected.... 8 95
By transferred <o general fund
'1890 . 30 00
By cash on hand. 48 74
County Bridge.
To amount on hand last settle
ment. 12 06
To amount since collected.... 8 09
10 02
By amount transferred to Co. 12 06
lly cash on baud. 3 96
16 02
Co Funding Bond.
To amouut on hand last set
tlement . 6 0t
To amount since c.d.ected. 1 98
By bonds redeemed. 8 01
County Labor.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.... .$ 11 4QS
By transfered to Co. General
18i#Q. 8 11 40
Center Precinct Board.
To amount on band last set
tlement...$ * 6 63
To eiuoe collected. 3*4
By cash on hand.......
To amount on hand last set
To since collected.....
By transferred to Co. General
1890 .
To cash on hand.
9 8?
8 9 87
1 10
1 20
2 30
$ 1 10
1 20
School Funds.
To amount col.ected.8 7 79
By paid district treasurers.... 8 7 79
School Board Fond
To amount oft naud last set
tlement.8 16 31
To since collected. 4 35
By bond redeemed. 8 20 06
To amount collected .8 6 95
By paid village treasurers. 8 6 95
County Road.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.8 0 03
To amount since collected. 1 98
By amount on hand. 8 8 Cl
County General.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.8 140 97
To amount since collected. Hi 79
8 165 76
By transferred to Co. General
1890... f 105 00
By warrants redeemed. 4 00
By cash on hand. 50 70
8 105 70
County Bridge.
To amount on hand last set
meat.8 19 29
To amount since collected_ 11 00
By amount transfered to Co.
General 1890.. 8 19 29
By cash on hand. 11 to
County Funding Bond.
To amount on hand last set
ment.8 7 82
To amount since collected..... 4 41
fc __
8 12 23
By bones redeemed.• $
30 29
12 23
' County Judgment
To amount on hand last set
tlement.. .8
To amount since collected_
By transfered to Co. General
By cash on hand...
County Road.
To Amount on hand last set
To amount since collected....
By cash ou hand.
County Labor.
To amount on hand lust set
To amount since coll #tcd..
By amount transferred to Co.
Gen, 1891..
By poll tax receipt.
By cash on hand.
Center Precinct.
To amount on hand last settle
ment .
To amount since collected.
By cash on hand
To amount on hand lost settle
ment .
To amount since collected....
By amount transfered to Co.
Gen 1890.
By cosh ou hand.......
District School.
To amount cdllected..
By amt paid Dist Treasurers..
4 53
2 70
7 28
9 60
5 50
15 10
4 52
4 33
8 85
607 99
7 43
675 41
1 70
3 90
28 54
4 53
2 70
7 23
15 16
4 62
3 00
1 33
8 8)
575 41
2 2>
1 70
28 51
School II nd.
To amount on hand last settle*
ro®nt . 27 88
To amount since collected'.... 14 03
By bonds redeemed. ' 4187
Village Fund.
To amount collected.. 10 07
By amt puld village treas. 19 07
To amount on hand lastaet
tlement . 79 &Q
To amouut siuce collected. 24 34
By cash ou hand
103 00
103 00
County General.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.. 248 37
To amount since collected.... 66 29
814 85
Ily warrants redeemed. 6 00
By cash on hand. 806 05
814 W
County Bi ldge.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 48 08
To amount since collected. 29 44
77 62
By cash on hand... 77 52
County Funding Bonds.
To amount on hand last set
tlement . 15 01
To amount since collected.... 0 57
25 18
By bonds redeemed. 25 18
County Judgment.
To amount on hand last set
tlera nt. 12 00
To amount since collected.... 7 36
19 30
By amount transferred to Co.
Gen. 1890. 12 00
By cash on hand. 7 36
IV if
County Labor.
To amount on band last set
tlement . 109 57
To amount since collected.... 1100
123 57
By amount transferred to Co.
lien. 1890. 109 f*7
By poll tax receipts. 9 00
By cash on hand. 2 00
120 IT
Center Precinct Bond.
To amount on hand* last set
tlement.r.. 694 84
To amount since collected.... 12 41
707 27
By cash on hand. 707 27
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 6 13
To amouut since collected 3 40
9 53
By amount transfered to Co.
lien. 18 30. 8 13
By cash on hand. 3 40
To amount collected. 34 39
By amount paid village treas.. 34 39
District School.
To amount collected. 80 35
By amount paid Dist treasur
er. 80 35
School Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 3,148 20
To amount since collected_ 32 48
3,180 68
By bonds redeemed. 2,702 2>
By amount cash on hand. 478 43
Township Fund.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 71 17
To amount since collected. 4/ 5S
By paid twp treasurer. 118 60
By twp receipts. 15
118 If
County General.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. .... 1,189 88
To amount since collected.... Ill 00
1,240 83
By amount transfered to Co.
Geu, 1890. 600 00
By warrauts redeemed. »9 10
By cash on hand. 681 78
1,240 88
County Bridge.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 190 92
To amount since collected.... 49 50
240 42
By amount cash on hand_ 246 43
County Funding Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 107 90
To amount since collected.... 15 46
123 36
By bonds redeemed. 123 36
County Judgment.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 73 61
To amount since collected... 6 09
76 70
Bv amount transfered to Co.
General 180. .
By omount cast on hand.
County Road
To amount on hand last set
tlement.$ 95 04
To amount collected.„ 24 96
72 61
3 09
75 V0
120 00
Byroad receipts. 22
By amount cash on band. 119 78
County Lai or.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 37 22
To amount since collected. 51 55
Bv amount transfered to Co.
General 1890...
By poll tax receipts.
By amount cash on hand....*
88 77
37 22
42 00
9 55
88 V
m Center Precinct Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 1,048 31
To amount since collected.... 33 49
1,081 SO
By amount cash on hand. $ 1,081 84
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 55 03
To amount since collected. 6 60
By amount transfered to Co.
General 1890.
By amount cash on hand.
61 63
55 03
6 60
61 63
To amount collected
By paid village treasurers.
55 14
55 14
District School.
To amount collected.«... 96 83
Bv amount paid district treas
96 88
S| ecial School.
To amount on hand last set
ilemeut. . 3 75
To amount since collected .. 4 05
6 80
By balance.
School Board.
To amount on hand last set
tlement... ,v. 8,451 60
• 6 80
To amount lines collected.
84 84
8,1.38 44
By amount on band. 8,838 44
To amount on band last set
tlement. 13 34
By amount on hand. 18 34
Township Fund.
To amount colleotcd. 88 87
By paid twp treasurers.
liy twp receipts.
County General.
To amount on hand last aet
tlement. 188 08
To amount since collected.... 838 88
To tranefered from different
,, funds. 5,084 S3
To over draft. 387 10
68 80
58 67
„ , 8,181 80
By warrants redemed. 6,18180
County Bridge.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.. 4,888 78
1 o amount since collected. 337 88
4.608 87
liy nmonnt on hand. 4,608 87
County Funding Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 3,113 g<
To amount since collected. 7113
n . , s 8,185 01
By bonds redeemed. 8,185 01
County Judgment.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 8,038 15
To ainonut since collected. 60 31
By amount transfered to Co.
bridge. 1891.
By amount transfered to Gen.
Uyumounlon hand.
3.007 46
1,030 00
1,000 00
87 46
County Labor.
To amount collected. 491 05
By poll tax receipts.
By amount cash on hand,
Center Precinct Bonds.
To amount on baud last set
tlement.. 1,651 57
To amount since collected. 100 26
Ily amount cash on hand.
| To amount on baud last set*
I tlement. 1,440 70
To amount since collected.... 26 20
By amount transfered to Co.
Gen. 1890. 1,440 7»
By amount ou hand. 26 20
1,466 90
Village Fund.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 313 05
To amount Bince collected.... 235 26
518 31
Bv paid village treasurers. 648 31
District School.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 14,478 59
To amuuut since collected 601 C9
By amount paid district treas
urers. 15,173 28
School Bond.
To amount on hand lost set
tlement. 9,104 32
To amount collected... :SJ 46
9,390 78
By amount on hand . 9,390 78
Township Fund.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 2,532 82
To amount collected. 261 89
2,794 81
By township road receipts.... . 9 84
By township treasurers. 2,784 97
450 05
41 05
491 03
1,751 83
| 2,794 si
* Soldier’s Relief.
To amount on hand last set*
met. 273 32
To amount since collected. 17 78
291 10
By warrants redeemed. 229 60
By amount on hand. 61 50
291 1J
O'Neill R. R. Bond.
' To amount collected. 128 73
To over draft. 273 30
402 03
By bond redeemed. 402 03
Grotton R. R. Bond.
To amount on hand last set*
ment . 1,116 70
To amount since collected. 190 72
1,307 42
By coupons redeemed. 1,307 42
County General.
To amount on hand last set
raent. 836 95
To interest on deposits . 66 69
To interest since collected.... 12,603 45
12,9 j7 09
By amount warrants redeemed 7#5C0 67
By miscellaneous vouchers... 719 32
By amount on hand. 4,627 10
12,907 09
County Bridge.
| To amount collected. 2,800 75
To transferred from judgment *
fond of 1890. 10 fO
To interest on deposits. 100 95
3,961 70
By warrants redeemed. 1,10 95
j By amount cash on hand. 2,612 09
By deficiency. 152 09
County Funding Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 29 56
To amount since collected.... 1,400 37
To amount interest on depos
its. 69 10
1.499 03
By bonds redeemed...,. 145 84
By amount on hand. 1,353 19
County Labor.
To amount collected. 1,434 00
By poll tax receipts. 1 431 00
By cash ou hand. 3 oj
Center Precinct Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 16 00
To amount since collected_ 748 46
By amount on hand.
764 46
764 46
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 20 00
To amount since collected. 1,490 53
By paid Village Treasurer. .321 65
By paid twp treas. 836 29
By amount on hand. 352 59
1.510 53
To amount on hand last set
tlement.;. 115 20 ,
To amount since collected.... 6,611 39
„ 5,726 59
By paid twp treasurers. 1.616 50 ‘
By paid twp road receipts.... 165 41
By amount on hand. 3,944 68
District School.
Td amount on hand last set
tlement. 404.07
To amount since collected.... 19,868 99
2 ), 273 06
tty amount paid diet treas'ra.. 5,469 M
By amount paid twp treaa'ra.. 691 M
By amount on haud. 14.119 49
90.973 06
Dint School Bonda.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 88 57
To amount tlnoe collected.... 4,554 80
„ 4,018 87
By amount on hand. 4.018 87
Soldiers’ Relief.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 8 87
To amount since collected.... 420 09
To Interest on deposits. 9 47
By warrants redeemed. 80 00
By antouut on hand. 851 43
431 41
978 80
553 00
835 99
859 08
840 81)
1,609 07
Judgment S. D. Mo. 44.
To amount on hand laat set
tlement. 9 13
To amount since collected.... 173 55
175 74
tty amount on hand. 175 74
O’Neill R. R. Bond.
To amount on hand last set
tlement. 10 61
To amount since collected.... 815 01
tty oyer draft on 1890.
Uy amouuton hand.
Trattan R. R. Bond.
To amount on hand laat set
tlement. 99 15
To amount since collected. 1,070 83
1,699 97
ny coupons redeemed.
By amouut ot hand..
State Apportionment
To amonnt on hand last set
tlement. 68 09
To January 1893 appropriation 4,808 34
To July •• •• 5,1)79 94
To flues. 43 00
o r.uu
lly amount paid district treas
urer. 4,441 44
By amount on liuud. 5,146 93
9,588 37
S de Wft'k.
To amount collected. 91 4®
By amount paid township
treasures . 7 50
By cash on liuud. ^ 83 9J
91 40
Labor Tax.
To amount collected ci sh.... 0 00
By paid township treasurers.. 6 00
Si eciul School for year 1884.
To amount on hand last set
tlement.. 85 00
To amount on hand..... 85 00
Statement showing State Funds on hand Jan
uary 6, 1892 and amounts received and paid out
since said da<e up to June 30 1892 inclusive.
State funds on hand Jan’y 6,
lfc92.. 11,308 60
Paid state treasurerjvr 4,638.... 11,338 60
State General 1891
Amount collected. 7,001 02
By amt paid state treasurers... 2,031 50
To amount on hand. 4.967 4S
7,001 92
State School 1891.
To amount collected. 700 18
By paid state treasurers vr.
4,741. 203 45
By amount on hand. 496 73
7.0 18
State University 1891.
To amount collected. 525 13
By puid state tr.asures vr.
4.741. 152 59
By amount on hand. 872 54
526 13
State Relief 1891.
To amount collected. 175 04
By paid state treasurers vr.
4741.. 5»
By amount on hand.. 124 18
175 64
State Sinking Fund 1391.
To amount collected . 175 04
By paid state treasurers. 50 80
To amount on liuud. 124 18
State Institute Feeble Minded 1891
To amount collected. 175 04
By amount paid state treasur
ers vr. 4741.
By amount on hund..
SO Ffl
15*4 18
176 01
Recapitulation showing cash balances in the
several State funds, JuneSJ. 189*2:
State General, 1886.
4 96
13 76
36 81
61 77
237 24
1891. 4,967 42 6,321 96
State sinking 1886.
1 37
124 18 12.) 93
State School 1886.
2 75
3 68
6 18
29 65
496 73
639 98
State University, 1886.
1 04
2 76
4 61
22 5*3
372 54
403 56
State Capitol,
18 7..
2 08
5 53
8 10
State Reform School,
1887.. ..
1888.. ..
1889.. ..
1890.. ...
1891 HN.
1 77
8 4/
124 18
135 80
State Institute Feeble Minded,
1886 .
1887 .
1888 .
1889 ..
1890 .
1891 ..
1 54
7 41
124 18
134 51
Live Stock Indemnity, 1886_
1 84
2 64
Total State.
6,672 48
Recapitulation showing cash June 30. ISO?, in
all funds except State funds: ’
Connty General, 1881.
1887 .
1888 .
Overdraft 6387 10 1890.
Total less over
46 74
56 76
308 65
681 78
4,627 10 5.333 93
County Bridge, 1886,
..... 3 96
. ... 11 00
77 52
. 246 43
1890 . 4.603 97
1*91. 2,612 66 7.564 53
County Road, 1885 .
8 01
15 16
119 78 143 TO
County Funding Bond, 1891... 1,353 19 1,353 19
County Judgmeut, 1887.
18S8.. v...
« 180J.
2 78
7 36
3 09
07 46 110 fl?
Soldiers’Relief, 1890.
61 50
361 43
412 93
County Labor, 18*7,
1889.. .
1 33
2 00
9 55
41 06
3 00 56 0)
District School, 1391. 14,112 47 14.112 47
District School Bond, 1SS*.
47!) 43
8,636 44
0.890 78
4,643 37 81.049 01
v.riuor rreuinci no mi
» w
MB 41
tot *r
1.0X1 xo
I.TBI 83
T04 4# 4.891 BB
Village, 1801. 3811 AO 833 60
Special School, im. S3 38
now.. am
1334 . 38 00 03 08
Sidewalk, 1387. M3 80
1S80. IS 34
1801. 83 88 800 83
Judgments. D. No. 44. 1801.... 178 71 178 74
Townehlp Faude, 1301 . 3.844 03 3,014 03
O'Neill H. Jl. nonde (Over
draft MTIl 00) 1800, ulnue
overdraft l8tfl. 868 03 883 83
Orattan R. R. llond, 1301. 840 80 810 88
. MM.
t so
1 70
a <o
6 00
so so
ao to
Stata apportionment. r>,lirt 93 n.l-lil os
Total County . MH.SSfl 91
Amount of warrant! proaontod anil roglitorod
and upon what fund.
Bridge warrant! fund. ..1881.. 8,7!» 03 3,733 03
County gi-ncrnl warrant! fund!
1*M. . 470 00 479 00
Amount of warrant! paid and from what fund.
»*u nunuuifi i mm ,...
“ 1*80....
' " 18W1.
Brldsw warrant fund.. 1HW1
Soldier's relief fund...I'M).
fl oo
M> 10
8,151 8)
7,MO 77 13,781 07
1,10ft 03 1,100 05
120 ftrt
HO 00 300 flO
Outstanding warrants registered and unpaid.
Bridge warrants fund 1801. 4,(Mi5i SO 4,(184 80
County geueral warrant* hind
1890 ...
UD1 ...
357 73
118 50
•43 15
13,841 73 18,880
A. Wild Wc«tern Man Who Never Deceived
the Coroner.
'‘Years ago," said the drummer,
“When I first went on the road, 1 had
a customer at one of these wild
Westen towns who also held several
publlo offices; I never knew what;
only that he held them. One day I
was in his store helping him make
out an order, when an ugly-looking
fellow, with a big gun in his pocket,
came in and aftor buying a plug of
tobacco he casually inquired:
“llaln’t Been nothin' of Shacklin
Jim Oulllon around this mornin', hev
Scon him down to Mike’s saloon
about half an hour ago," replied my
customer. ••WhyP"
“Nothin’ much. I'm goln’ down to
hev it out with him. and I reckon
you better git the papers ready."
Then he went out.
“Who's he?" I inquired.
“Jeff Shooter we call him, an' I
guess that's all the name he's got”
said my cu tomer, going over to a
desk and rummaging over a lot of
official blanks.
''•■Well, he talks a good deal like a
man that likes to hear himself," I
The merchant looked up quickly
over his Bboulder and about the store.
“I guess you don't know Jeff.” he
explained, “er you wouldn't be talkin’
that way. This makes the sixth time
he’s come in here askin’ me to git the
papers ready in the last two years;
and he hain’t deceived me nary a
The man was talking enigmas to
■ 'What the deuce have you got to
do with it?" X asked.
He stuck a bundle of papers in his
pocket and once more sat down before
the order book.
‘•Nothin’ till it’s over," he said.
••I’m the coroner.”
A Hint Which tha Lu; Will Do Wall to
One of the oddities of the Columbia
river is the ••Williams’ patent Ashing
wheol, ” an automatic disciple of Wal
ton, which stands on the Oregon side
of the river about a mile below the
fanifjs cascade. The whole device
consists of a jetty of rocks built out
from the shore with an outside sluice
way in which the gigantic “Ashing
wheel" constantly rovoives. It is an '
undershot wheel and, having been
built at a time when the river was re
markably low, can \>e raised or low
ered according to the stage of water.
The persons who built this large pis
catorial device understood the habits
nnd instinct of the salmon, the Anny
beauty for whoso capture it was speed
ily erected, it being well known that
in making their “runs" they follow
the shore line instead of taking to the
center of the stream. A sluiceway to
the slaekwater caused by the jetty
ha* been built, and the salmon in at
tempting to go through this are
caught in the net buckets that are
fastened to the arms of the Ashing
wheel and safely deposited in a trough.
This trough or gutter communicates
with the •round-up’’ pen on shore;
where tho “catch" Is canned and
shipped to all parts of the world. Be
sides several hundred young Ash undt
for canning, from 1,500 to 5.000 adult
salmon are caught every day in this
Ashing novelty, and it is safo to say
that there is not a more curious m»
chine in the world to-day.
Two Ways to Look At It.
"You can take off the sign ‘Shut the
Door,’ and carry it up to the lumber
room," he said to the office boy, “and
bring down a ‘Walk in’ that you’ll
find there.”
“This is the only sign that’s up
there,” said the boy, returning with a
big placard on which was inscribed
‘Keep off the Grass.”
“Well, you can nail that on; it’ll
do.” ..
“But there ain’t any grass krowin’
here.” said the boy.
“No, and we don’t want any. 1
don’t calculate to let any grass grow
under our feet—see?”
And the boy said he did.—From the
Detroit Free Press.
MUItla Proceed to tha„ Beene and lta*
atora Order—Warrants laaued for tba
Rlugleaders—Telegraph Oparatora MBf
Go Out—General Labor New*.
V - ' ' - ‘A
r#--9 ?¥•
Homkstkap, Pa., Aug. 0.—Stones
were used by a few strikers to prevent
a stampede at Ouquesne yesterday. As
it result several persons were beaten
and the militia is In charge of the steel
works there. Yesterday it became
evident that a break was imminent.
There were a number of departments
out of order and Supt. Morrison ordered
William Mileslugcl, foreman of the
mechanical department, to report with
thirty men In the morning for work.
Sixty men who had led the strike, hom
ing of it, determined to stop the work.
Twenty Homestead men started for
Duqucsne also about daylight to assist
In preventing any persons entering the
At 6 o'clock twelve deputy sheriffs,
In charge of Capt. Gray, were stationed
at the mill gate, and a crowd began to
gather. By 7 o’clock it numbered 300.
About this time members of the me
chanical department, in oliedlenoe to
tho order of Foreman Mllcslagel, ar
rived with lunch pails, They were
halted by the crowd, which was armed
with clubs und bowlders. Every man
was ordered home with such threaten
ing demonstrations that the majority .
fled in terror. Foreman Mllcslagel ap
peared at 9 o'clock and was about to
enter tho works, when a number of
men ordered him to leave. On his re
fusal, stones were thrown at him and
he waB knocked down, but not seri
ously Injured.
A telegram was dispatched by Capt.
• •ray to Brig.-Gen. Wiley, commanding)
the Second brigade, stationed at Home
stead. He sent the Sixteenth regiment
to the scene of disorder on a special
train. It arrived just In time to pre
vent the mill gate being stormed.
1'fiTMiiuiio, Pa., Aug. 0.—Last even
ing informations were made before
Aid. Reilly of this city against fifteen
participants in the riot at Duquesne.
The warrants were issued and the con
stables will endeavor to make the ar
rests to-day. Tho alderman refused to ■
give tho names'' of the accused or the
name of the prosecutor.
A Medical Library on a New Plan—A
Novel Kleetrlc Hoad.
Nt. Louis, Aug. 8.—Librarians
lu other cities would stare with
envy could they see the list of
books which the public library will
carry into its new quarters in the Poly
technic building, when it is finished.
When the new library was first pro
posed, Librarian l<'red M. Crunden had
an idea by which he thought he could
get for the library the most complete
medical library in the country, lie
offered all the medical societies
of thd ci'-y the priviliges of the
library for their members on
condition that they turned over to him
all their books to go into the cases as
the property of the library. Each of
the societies had an immense number
of valuable books, which were poorly
cared for, and they jumped at thu
chance, as Mr. Crunden thought they
would. Medical books are very costly,
as every young doctor who trlfcs to buy
them knows, and the lot that Mr.
Crunden has thus obtained could not be
duplicated for a hundred thousand
/. «v
, v'4'
n' tv
. .
. '■<
The proposed belt line around Forest
Park is meeting with favor. The
board of public improvements has to
decide whether or not it shall be,and all
of the members of the body want it.
The only question is as to the company
that shall have the franchise. It is
suggested, to dispose of that obstacle,
that the right to build the line be sold
by the city at auction. It would bring
several hundred thousand dollars, no
doubt. There are plenty of electric
roads to the park, but it is so big, and
so much of it has purposely been left
as nature made it, that most of the
people who go out there never see one
third of it, and leave it, after a short
walk through the accessible parts of it
with a very wrong idea of its propor
tions. At present, only those who
drive through the park in vehicles un
derstand fully its beauty and extent,
and a belt road around it would admit
everybody to this delightful knowledge.
The wheelmen of St. Louis have just
originated two novel plans for making
the bicycle conspicuous in this city as
a vehicle that can be both picturesque
and useful. There are over two thou
sand wheelmen here now, and when
they enter into any scheme unitedly
they make it go. To show that the
wheel can produce great spectacular
effects, a score or more of the boys
have got up a rocket corps which takes
long night rides on the smooth roads
around the city, the wheelmen dis
charging Roman candles and rockets as
they go, a sort of flambeau battalion
on cycles. The line of wheels, as they
whirl down a long hill at full speed on
a moonlight night, each one sending
up to the heavens a stream of fire, is a
most dazzling sight. They parade
around the parks in this way, and dis
band at the club house. A military
organization the wheelmen have es
tablished is designed to show that the
wheel may be of use in time of war. In
the drill, the boys carry heavy loads,
and practise mounting and dismount
ing with their burdens.
The courageous wife of Ed. Noland,
the former treasurer of Missouri, who
has just gone to the penitentiary for
embezzling State funds, is keeping a
boarding-house here and making a very
good living for herself and her twin
children. As soon as the State elec
tion is over a movement will be started
here to get Uov. Francis to pardon No
land, on the ground that he and his
family have already been punished
heavily enough for the crime.
City of Chicago Bring* MM.
London*, Aug. 6.—What remains of
the wreck of the Inman line steamer
City of Chicago, which ran ashore some
time near the Old Head of Kinsale, has
been sold privately for £430 after a
public auction had failed to elicit B
higher bid than £30.