The Convention. anti upon motion tbe nominations wore made unanimous, TIicho gentlemen were called for ami each tliankeii the convention for the confidence reposed in them by making them their nominees, and promised, 'f elected, to do all they could to advance the interests of lloll county. The following delegates aud alter nates were elected to attend the republi can state convention to be held in bln coin August 4, 1892: DKI.r.dATKH. »?, M. Hunter John Sklrvlnir J. A. TronunorNhnu*M*r (1. IIIl/C let rUronuo Holuh A. L. Towle 11. V. MrF.vony Trunk Dobney Frank Moore liar rot Scott O. W. Moss AI.TKHN ATK8. Doll A kilt A . T. Wlnnoy l>. It. < 'rumor 1i. Illnl< jir(> Howrlnu It O Wry Warnor Iluers D W Johnson l*otor Urooloy mu uiiiuwiug resolution was roau ami adopted unanimously: Theropiilillcaim of Holt comity. Nebraska, In convention iissumlileil learn with pleiomi'O that, ber worthy citizen anil staunch repub lican Joseph H. Hartley Is a rntnllrinlc for the nomination of state treasurer at the hands of the coming republican state con vention. Tliereforo, belt Hkkoi.vkii. That we Instrnet the ilciogn tlon to said eotiventlon to use all honorable means to soouru Mr. Hartley’s nonilnatlon. The following resolution was rend and upon motion adopted: Uesolvkii, That wo liuroby os press to Henator Paddock our approval of Ills work In tbo United States senate for the past live years lu the Interest of Ills constit uency and the common senple. The passage of his pure food hill by the senate Is a triumph lor the honest people against the fraud anil de ception of trusts and combinations. His vote for free silver was an act which called forth patriotism of the highest, order and a courage seldom exhibited now-dny by men In high positions. Ills work and vote for the anti-option bill, which socks to correct one of tlio greatest evils of thu day and re lievo our asrloul111 nil classes of the most formlnhle harries to their prosperity that does or oyer lias existed, Is no less an ovi deuce of our Junior senator’s fearless cham pionship of his state’s and country’s best interests, and the application of Ills host energies to the accomplishment of desired results. We, therefore extend to him this evidence of our appreciation and hid him Uod speed In the good work he has so mihly and so earnestly undertaken, guaranteeing to him our sliupathies and assistance lu tho unequal struggle of the masses against thu wealth. Intolerance ami agressions of the corporations and classes. The convuution wag one of the best attended and most harmonious ever held In Holt county. The ticket nominated is a good one, and one that every rc ■ publican can get out and work for with a will, and victory is sure to perch on ?! our banner in November. f The Eclectic Assembly, of Bradford, Pa., a fraternal insurance order, has secured the service of Mrs. May L. Adam, formerly of New York but now located in O'Neill. Mrs. Adam will represent this association in the capacity of deputy state organauizer. That the appointment is wisely made must go without question wheu we consider her : , past record, she having been nctively ' . engaged in the life insurance business , for the lost fifteen years and is tbor -- oughly informed] in all matters pertain .>? ' ing to fraternal orders and the plans jte and operations of mutual insurance. Mrs. Adam now holds commissions in the Itoyal Conclave, of Knights and Ladies of Boston, International Alliance J of New York, and also holds commis sions in Ladies of the Maccabees, Equit able Union and Good Templars. Wou - silver medal in Royal Knights for best knowlege of parliamentary Jaw. Was I?, sent to New York and Broonlyn to represent the .Ladies of the Maccabees. . at Commaudery dinner, and originated , first Hine in both cities: also represent ed the Buffalo Mutual Li fe and Reserve for four years. Was regular correspond t ent for New York Bun, with liberal salary, Detroit Free Press and many others, both weekly aud society papers. With this varied and extensive ex Kf. perience in life insurance, and the marks of honor bestowed Upon her, ' together with the fact that she is a graduate of the State Normal school of Fredonia, N. Y.. we bespeak for her the most gratifying success in ner new undertaking. Mrs. Adam has just been elected to the office of Supreme Princess in T. E. A., the fourth lady ever hold :;v ing positions in supreme offices. 85 Cnti until Alter Election. The coming presidential and state campaign trill be one of the most excit ing ever known. During this time you will want a newspaper that is thorough ly in touch with public sentiment, aud )% one that prints the news before it be comes stale. The Semi-Weekly State V Journal prints the newB several days earlier than the old fashioned weeklies, ffc and costs the same, $1 per year. A complete papar twice each—Tuesdays and Fridays. Giving 104 papers a year, almost as good as a daily. The old -v. ' time weekly is not in it when it comos to printing news. A year’s subscription will carry readers all through the cam paign and the next session of the legis laturc. A big dollar's worth. A few of our offers: The Journal a V year and “Stanley in Africa," $1.40; a Journal and Weekly N. Y. Tribune, both one year, $1.33; Journal and Ox ford Bible, $2.75; Journal and Neely’s political map, $1.00. As a trial subscription we will send the Semi-Weekly until after election for a quarter. Address, Nkhraska State. Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. J. K. Thorottghgood, writing from Georgetown, l)ui., says: "l'wo tea spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol i■ ni and diarrhoea Jlcmcdy saved the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place ” lie also stales that several other very had cases of howel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by !’. (’. (’orrignn, druggist. IC’ALTI.Fl'L, AOREl-AULU, Cl HANSINCJ. Fcr Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A F£ftFECV SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cuis* Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. S*»ci:.lly Adapted lor Uso in Hard Water LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 1MII1UCATION NOTIC'K. (First publication August 4,1801.) In tint district court, within and for the county of Holt and state of Nebraska. Tiic Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart ford, Conn., plaintiff. vs. Maggie P. Huston, L. E. Huston, et al, de To Joint Huston, Annie Lovehart, Mary Hemphill, Annie Johnson, Herta Johnson and --Johnson, husband of Maggie Johnson deceased, defendants: Von and each of you will take notice that the above named plaintlir did. on the Jlstduy of March, Isirj, tile its petition in the district court within and for the county and state afore said demanding personal judgment against • he defendant Maggie I’. Huston in the sum of twelve hundred (1200) dollars with inter est thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per aiiniini, from the 1st day of July, 1hm); to gether with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, executed to secure the nay mentor said sum and Interest, on the follow ing described real estate situated in the county of Holt in the state of Nebraska, to wlt: * Tito southwest quarter (sw1*) of section eighteen (18) in township thirty (JOn north of range fourteen ( U>. west of the tftli P. M., adjudging the plnlntiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount of which judgment is demanded; ordering said prem ises to he sold for the payment of said judg ment; ami forever burring mid foreclosing said defendants and each and all of ilium from all right, title. Interest ami equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That unless you uud each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 12th day of September, 1802, the a verments of said pet ition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered ac cording to the prayer thereof. WIIIlillT A STOUT, Att'y. for UltT. Attest: 1st day of August, 1892. JOHN SK1KV1NU.Clerk. 4-4 By C. P. PkLANCE, Deputy. NOTICE OF SUIT. The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, u corporation, plaintlir. vs. Phillip Winkler and wife, Mary Winkler; Herman H. Meyers and wife, Phila.F. Meyers; John LludlolT and wife, Amelia LlndlotT; Stephen W. Switzer and wife, Lib A. Switzer, defendants. Philipp Winkler and wife Mary Winkler, Stephen W. Switzer and wife Lib A, Switzer, nun-resident defendants, will take notice that on the JOth day of July, 1892. the Fidelity Loan uud Trust Company, plaintlir herein. Hied its petition in the district court of Holt comity. Nebraska, against said defendants, tlie object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the de fendants Philipp Winkler and wife Mary Winkler to plaintiff, upon the southeast quarter of section fourteen [14|, township twenty-seven 1271, range thirteen 113], west of the titli P.-M., to secure the payment of a certain promissory note duted July 27. 1887, for the sum «f four hundred fifty [4501 dol lars, and due and payable in fve years from t he date thereof. That there Is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of four hundred and eighty-seven dollars and l'orty-tive cents 1487.401* with interest thereon at ten percent, from the 28th day of July, 1892. for wfiieh sum plaint iff prays for a decree that defendants tie required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of September. 1192. THE FIDELITY LOAN & TRUST CO. Plaintiff. By 8. E. HOSTETTEK 4-4 Dated July JO, 1892. LEOAL NOTICE. Charles Huff, Ida B. llutf and Check H. Toncray. defendants, will take notice that tm the 27th day of June. A. D., 1892, Henry Karman, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you, the object uud prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage, given by said Charles Huff and Ida II. Huff to said ( heck 11. Toncray. and assigned to the plain tiff upon the southeast quarter (V of the southwest quarter 0*) of section eleven (11) and the northwest, quarter (l*) of tho noth east quarter (hP and the north half (!*) of the northwest quarter (^)of section fourteen (14», township thirty-two [J2] and range twelve [121 west of tho sixth principal meridian, containing in said county of Holt and state of Nebraska 1H0 acres, according to govern ment survey, to secure the puytnent of $750 and interest thereon from and after the 25th dav of May. 1888. Tito petition prays lor a foreclosure of said mortgage and for judgment for the amount of said principal and interest, ac cording to the terms of said mortgage, und that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of September, 1892. 4-4 William 11. Atwood, Henry Farman, _Attorney for Plaintiff._Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT CO COT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. AFFIDAVIT FOU SERVICE »V PUBLICATION. vs Charles A. Don nor, E. M. .Minton and T. A. Thompson. NOTICE TO NON-KKSIOENT DEFENDANTS. To Charles A. Pointer. E. M. Minton and T. A. Thompson, defendants, you will take notice that on the 27th day of April. 18U2. 11. K. Suiciding, plaintiff herein, filed his pe tit ion in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the said Charles A. Pointer, one of the defendants herein, in favor of the Western Farm Mortgage Trust Company to secure the payment of one principal note of #500 due March 1.1805. and nine coupon interest notes of $17.50 each, one pay able every six months from March 1, Is*.*), until all are paid; said notes all bear interest at the rate of ten percent, per an num from maturity, the said mortgage and notes secured thereby were sold and assigned ; to this plaintitl before maturity. That there , is now due thereon the sum of 517.50 and in- i forest on the $17.50 from March 1. 1802. The; defendant. E. M. Minton, has become the j fee simple owner of said premises and become : liable for the payment of said debt, and T. I A. Thompson claims some interest in said ! premises, l'laintitf therefore pravs for a ! decree that defendants Charles A. Ikmnor i and E. M. Minton be required to pay the amount found due upon said notes and mortgage or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 18th day of Sep iember. 1KJC1. Dated August 1.1802. 4-4 II. K. SMEIP1NG. liy ids attorneys, Hun;ins & Uakdow. -a NOTICE TO REDEEM. Tn xvlinm It muy roni'orm Vnaro hereby untitled thin on the nth day of Deiember. iHBt), Adams mei Durr bought at, 11 rival a tax sale, i lie same having been i jfTe red at piddle sale and not sold for want, of i>kl ilei s. the following deserlbed real estate, viz: sl''» sei tlon :ai. township at. ranire 10 west llth e M„ situated |t, Hull count v. Nehranka. for Ike delliuieent taxes of the year mail* and 'axed in name of O. \V. K. Dorjey. that, the ; lax sale eertllleale received by Adams and I tai r at said sale have keen Sold anil assigned in the undersigned to the undersigned, who IS the presentowder and holder thereof, and that the lime of redemption of same will, expire on the nil day of Deeemhur. I Hit,', .IOHN BARDEN. NOTICE OF SUIT. The Fidelity Loan and Trust. Company u corporation, plaintiff, lii'iilici* Iiupsmi, a single nmn, mid lienrp E. 'Illti'ii, a single rnuii, defendants. Reuben Impsou and Henry E. Hitch, non resident defendants, will take notice, that mi till) —7tli day of July, |MK, the Fidelity • a mil ami I runt. Coniimny, plain tiff herein, tiled its petition In the dlstrlut court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and pgayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed hy the defendant, Keulien Ini|>son, to tho plaintiff, upon the west half of the northwest quarter of section one (I I and the northeast quarter of section two Ik’) township thirty-one (hi) range nine ill) west of the 7th v. M„ to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated June li, IV87. for tho sum ofeight hundred isi'li) dollars, and due and puyuhle In live yeaiH from the date thereof. That there is now duo upon said note and niorlgngc the sum of nine hundred and thirty four dollars and elithty-ttve conts (#931.85), with Interest thereon nt ten per cent, per annum from the Kith day of July. 1892 for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants lie revulrcd to pay the same, or that said promises may he sold to satisfy the amount fouudduc. Von are required to answer said petition on or before the Pith day or September, ISOS. Til E KIDKUTY I,( IAN & Tltl;ST CO. . Plaintiff. Hy S. 1). Ilostetter, Its Attorney. Dated July at, 181)2. 4.4 NOTICE OE SUIT. Tho Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a corporation plaintiff. vs. Thomas Curran and wlfo Mary Curran, Thomas Uoftus, Michael lottos, Honor laiftus, The Sycamore Marsh Harvesting Company, a corporation, and E. S. Kelley, defendants. Thomas Curran and wife Mary Curran. Iioftus, Michael I-oftus, Honor Uoftus, The Sycamore Harvesting Company and E. 8. Kelley, defendants, will tako notice that on the 21st day of July, lute. The Eidellty Loan and Trust Comp any. plaint iff herein, tiled its Petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and proyc.1 of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tho defend ants. Thomas Curran and wife May Curran to the plaintiff, upon the south-west quarter of section thircy-one pillj. in township twenty six [2(11, north range thirteen [IJj. west of the tith P. M.. to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated October 31, 1887, for Hie sum of seven hundred [7l8)j dol lars, and line and payable In five years from the dale thereof. That there Is now (hie upon said note and mortgage the sum of eight hundred forlv-tlve dollars and sixty-tlvo cents [845.1151, with In terest thereon at ten per cent, from the 20th day of July, 1802, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be re quired to pay samo; o- that said premises may lie sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of September, 1802. THE 1TDF.U1TY LOAN & TRUST CO. . ,, Plaintiff, fly S. E. Ilostetter. Its Attorney. Dated July 20, 18182. 4.4 NOTICE. To Charles \V. Halstead and Clida Halstead: Yon will tako notice that on the 25 th day June. 1802. Robert P. Eicld, plaintiff herein, tiled his pet I Mon in the district court of Holt county, state of Nebraska, against Charles \V. Halstead. Clida liHlstcad, C. 11. Toncray, E. W. Moffett sr„ and Ann Moffett bis wife, Noison Toncray and Ed E. Oallaglier, defendants, the object amt prayer of which whs to foreclose a cer tain mortgage oxfouted by said defendants. Charles W. Halstead anil Clida Halstead, to Hie Western Earm Mortgage Trust Company, a corporation of Uawrenee, state of Kansas, upon the west, hair of tho southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty, CIO), in township twenty-seven (27) north, range ten (10) west of the Sixt h principal meridian, ly ing and situate In the county of Holt, state of Nebraska, which mortgage was executed to secure the payment of a certain promis sory note, dated February 1st, J89U, for the sum of four hundred dollars, due and payable lit live years from the date thereof, which note and mortgage were aftorwards duly sold, assigned anil delivered to the above named plaintiff; that there ts now duo upon said note and mortgage the sum of four hundred dollars with Interest thereon at the ruto of ten per cent per annum from the llrst day of August, 18111, for which sum with interest thereon and costs of suit tho plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants above named he required to nay the .same or that said premises may tie sold to satisfy the amount found due and for a decree barring and foreclosing all the defendants above named from all right, title, interest, estate or equity of redemption of. In or to said prom ises or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of September, 1892. Dated this 25th dayof July, 1892. 3-4t) Koukkt P. Field, Plaintiff. NOTICE. To Patrick Lydon, Albert C. Burnham, Lyaandur W. Tulley.and James N. Brown,co partners, as Hurnham, Tulleys & Co., and L. W. Tulleys, trustee, defendants. You will each take notice that on the 23d day of June, 1892, S. H. Chesebro, plaintiff herein, tiled Ids petition in the district court of Holt county. State o' Nebraska, against the above named defendants and ®ttch of them, the object and prayer of which was to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said defendant Patrick Lydon to the Burnham, Tulleys & Company. Coun- 1 oil Bluffs, Iowa, upon the east half of the , southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section two (2), and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section eleven (11). township twenty-five (25) north, range ten (10) west of the 6th principal meridian, lying and situate iii the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska, which mortgage was executed to secure the payment of ^certain promissory note dated rebruary 1st, 1887, for the sum of three hun dred fifty dollars, due and payable in five yea as from the date thereof; which note and mortgage were afterwards duly sold, assigned and delivered to the above named pmintiff and that there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sura of three hundred sixty-two dollars and twenty-five cents with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of August, 1890, for which sum with interest ! thereon the plaintiff prays and for a decree ! that the defendants above named and each1 of them he required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the anionnt found dee and for a decree barring and foreclosing all the said defendants above named of and from ail right, title; interest, estate or equity of redemption of, in or to said described premises or any part thereof, l ou are required to answer the said pet ition on or before the 5th day of September, 1892. Dated this 25th dav of July. 1892. **-*»» S. II. Cheskbho, Plaintiff. NOTICE. To Edward W. Webb, Rhody E. Webb. Neleigh Investment Co. and A. F. Snow: You are hereby notified that on the 19th daj of July. A. I). 1892, the above namea plaintiff filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska. Its potition against you, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by Edward W. Webb and Khody E. Webb to Hamilton Loan and Trust Compuny, on the 25 day of August A. I). 1888, upon the south west one-fourth of section No. fifteen! 15) Township No. twenty-eight<28) north of range No eleven (11» west of fith P. M. to secure the payment of *575 on the 1st day of September. 1893. with interest, said mortgage being re corded in book 38 at page 514, Mortgage Re cords of Holt county Nebraska, upon which there is now due *742.58 with interest fromt he first day of .1 uno, 1892. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 29th day of August, 1892. Dated this 19th day of July. 1892. HAMILTON LOAN ANDTRL'ST COMPANY, _ ^ „ ,/ Plaintiffs. By B. S. Loedbiu and E. li. Benedict. 2-4 Its Attorneys. NOTIOH. To Minor Thompson, Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company, Alexander Soar!, O. A. Benton, Forcf &c Keith, .1. H. Keith, trustee for Eugene Weslervelt, J. H. Keith, trustee for George H. Ash, Eugene Wester velt, George II. Ash, C. C. Bacon. C. II, Toncrny. O. M. Packard. G. W. E. Dorsey. William Shell. H. N. McKee, Kd Ward W. Mollitt, G. W. LaKue, I,. E. Goodell. A. J. Miller, F. J. Porter, trustee, W. P. Wilson, Elmer O. Blake. Jesse Hunks, S. II. Klwood, John Harlan, Nelson Toncray, H. h. Otte lueler. J. L. McElvane. Henry Brown, William Wliitcouih. E. J. Goodyear and G. II. Ash. mu aim em u or you an; nereuy notified that on tlio 8th day of December. 1890, Adams Sc l):irr bought ut private tax sale for the delinquent tux cm of the year 1889, the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders, the following des cribed real estate, situated In Holt county, Nebraska, vl/t: The south half of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section three, township twenty-six. range fifteen west, taxed In the Qume of Miner Thompson. The northeast quarter of section twenty three. township thirty-three, range fifteen west, taxed In the name of Alexander Searl. The west half of the east half of section nine, township thirty-one, range fourteen west, taxed in the name of 0. A. Benton. The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty, township thirty, range nine west, taxed in the name of C. C. The soutliwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter and southeast quarter of the south east quarter of section eight, township twenty-eight, range thirteen west, and the west half of the west half ol section twenty three, township twenty-eight, range sixteen west, and the northwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-nine, range ten west, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, and the north half of the nortTi east quarter and the southwest quarter of tin* northeast quarter of section twenty four township twenty-eight, range fourteen west, and the southwest quarter of section nine, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed in thenume of G. W. E. Dorsey. The southeast quarter of section thirteen, township twenty-eight, range fourteeiitwest, taxed in the name of Yv. 1*. Wilson. The northwest quarter of section thirty, township twenty-eight, range twelve west, t axed in the name of William Shell. The northwest quarter of section twenty nine. township twenty-nine, range nine west, taxed in the name of G. W. LaRue. The northwest quarter of section thirty, township thirty-two. range eleven, west, taxed in the name of L. E.Goodell. The southwest quarter of section four, township twenty-five, range fifteen west, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one township twenty-eight, range twelve west, taxed in the name of (J. ll.Toncrav. The north half of the northeast quarter and east half of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, township thirty-two, range eleven west, taxed In the name of Jesse Banks. The west half of the southwest quarter of section fifteen, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-one and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, township thirty-two, runge eleven west, taxed in the name of John Harlan. The northeast uuarter of section thirty, township twenty-nine,range nine west,taxed in tlie name of II. L. Ottemeier. The southeast quurtcr of the southwest quarter and northeast quarter of the south east quarter and the south half of the south east quarter of section thirty-five, township twenty-seven, range til teen west, taxed in the name of .1. L. McElvane. The northwest quarter of section thirty four, township thirty-one, range niue west, taxed in the name of E. J. Goodyear. The east half of the east half of section four, township thirty-one, range fourteen west, taxed in the name of G. B. Ash. That the tax sale certificates of said sales have been by said Adams and Durr sold, assigned and delivered to the undersigned, and that the time of redemption of said lands from said sales will expire on the 8th day of December. 1892. 3-3A COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. To Mary McDonald. Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company and H. G. McKenion: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of December, 1890, J. L. llershiser bought at private sale the following described realf estate, viz: The southwest quarter of section fourteen, township tweuty-nim\runge twelve west, in Holt county, Nebraska, lor the delinquent taxes of the year 1889, and taxed in the name of Mary McDonuld, the same having been offered at public sale and not sold for the want of bidders; that said J. h. llershiser has sold, assigned and delivered the tux sale certificates received by him from the treasurer at said sale to the undersigned, and that the time of redemp tion of same will expire on the 8th day of December, 1HUS. 3-3A COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. To Enos It. Barnes, Flotie F. Barnes. O. M. Packard. Mrs. O. M. Packard, David It. Alex ander, Mrs. David R. Alexander, William H. Linn as trustee, William H. Linn, Mrs. William 11. Linn, will take notice that on the 25th day of July.1802 Rockwell Sayer.plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against you and each of you defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgrge executed by the de fendants Enos It. Barnes and Flotie F. Barnes to the plaintiff, upon the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, in township thirty one, range ten west or the Oth i\ M., to secure the payment of a certain note dated July 1, 1887. for the sum of six hundred dollars, due and payable July 1,1892. Also to secure ten interest coupons of $18.00 each. That there is now due upon said note and coupons and trust deed by reason of the failure of defeiid I ants to pay said coupons at maturity.the sum of $1,000.00. Also to foreclose a certain other mortgage executed by the same parties to the plaintiff upon the same premises to secure the payment of three certain promis sory notes of $40 each, said notes und mort gage being dated July 7.1887; the first note being due July 1.1888. second, July 1, 1889 and third July 1, 1800. That there is now due upon said notes and mortgage the sum of $150, for which sums with interest from this date fdaintiff prays for a decree that defendants ie required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer sale petition on or before the 5th day of September. 1892. Dated this 25th day of July, 1892. • It. R. DICKSON. 3-4 Attorney for Plulntiff. THE FRONTIER FOR JOB WORK. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUN TY, NEBRASKA. Preston Eves, plaint iff. vs. Leonadus Leer, Elizabeth Leer, C\ M. Buckly aud The Co operative Land & Lot Company, defen dants. To the alH)vo named defendants, Leonadus Leer, Elizabeth Leer and C. M. Buckly. Will take notice that on the 27 day of May, 181)2, the plaintiff above named tiled his petition in the district court of llolt county, state of Nebraska against the above named defen dants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the said defendants. Leonadus Leer and Eliza beth Leer to one The Western Farm Mort gage Trust Company of the state of Kansas, upon the south half of the northeast quarter and the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section fourteen (14), township thirty-one (31) north, in range ten (10) west of the sixth principal meridian, lying and situ ated in the county of Holt,state of Neoraska, which mortgage was executed to secure the payment of certain promissory note dated February 15, 1800, for the sum of four hun dred dollars, due and payable in five years from the date thereof, which note and mort gage were afterwards duly sold, assigned and delivered to the above named plaintiff that there is now due upon said note and mort gage the sum of four hundred and fourteen dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the tirst day of August, 1801. for which sum with interest thereon the plaintiff prays and for a decree that the defendats above named be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due and” for a decree barring and foreclosing all the said defendants above named of and from all right, title, interest, estate or equity of re- j demption of. in or to said premises or any part thereof. You are required to answer 1 said petition oil or before the 15th day of I August. 1893. Dated this 5th day of July, 1892. I i’KKSTON Eves, Plaintiff. PUBLICATION NOTICE. ( Kilt ST PUBLICATION I4T11 DAY OK JULY, 1892.) 2504. In the district court, within and for the county of Holt and state of Nebraska. The Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart ford. Connecticut, ptalntiff. vs. .John U. Burley. Susan M. Burley, Scott T. Jones, Samuel H reckon ridge and Mrs. Sam uel Brerkenrldpe, ids wife, and M. J. Snow, defendants. To John i>. Burley, Susan M. Burley, Scott T. Jones, Samuel Brec ken ridge, Mrs. Samuel Brocken ridge, his wife, and M. J. Snow, de fendants: You and each of you will take notice that the above named plaintiff did, on the 12th day of May, 18112. Merits petition n the district court, within and for the county and state aforesaid demanding personal Judgement against the defendants Jt>bn I). Burk ley, Samuel Breckenrldge and M. J. Snow. In the sum of seven hundred Ilfty (750) dollars with Interest at the rate of ten per cent., per annum, on $71X1 from the 1st day of January, 1891; together with a decree fore closing a certain mortgage deed, executed to secure the payment of said sum and inter est, on the following described real estate situated In the county of Holt, in the state of Ne braska. to-wit: The northeast quarter (NE‘i)of section No. eighteen (18), in township No. twenty-eight (28), north of range No. fifteen (15), west of sixth (0th) i). in., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount for which judgement is demanded; ordering said premises to be sold for Hie payment of said judgment; and forever barring and foreclosing said defendants and each and all of them from all right, title, in terest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That unless you and each of you answer or pleud to said petition on or before the 22d day of August, 1892, the averments of saia petition will be taken us true and Judgment and de cree rendered according to the prayer t hereof. Whig iit & Stout, Att’y'. for Pit If. Attest: 11th day of July, 1892. John Skikvinci, Clerk. j SEAL. By C. P. DeLani e, Deputy. 1-4 PUBLICATION NOTICE. (First publication 14th day of July, 1892.) 2502. In the district court, within and for the County of Holt and state of Nebraska. The Phoenix Insurance Company ol' Hart ford, Connecticut, plaintiff. Henry Meisslnger Albina Meissingcr. his wife, Scott T. Jones, Samuel Schlesinger, Mrs. Samuel Schlesinger, his wife, Isadore Schlesinger and Mrs. Isadore Schlesinger, his wife, defendants. To Henry Meisslnger. Albina Meisslnger, his wife, Scott T. Jones, Samuel Schlesinger, Mrs. Samuel Schlesinger, his wife, Isadore Schlesinger and Mrs. Isadore Schlesinger, his wife, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that the above named plaintiff did, on the 12th day of May. 1892, hie its petition in the district court within and for the county and state aforesaid de manding personal judgment against the de fendants Henry Meisslnger, Samuel Schle singer ana Isadore Schlesinger in the sum of one thousand fifty (1,050) dollars with Interest at t he rate of ten per cent, per annum, on ♦ 1,000 from the 1st day of January, 1889; to gether with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, executed to secure the pay ment of said sum and interest, on the fol lowing described real estate situated in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to* wit: 1 he southeast quarter (SE&) of section No. twenty-soven (27), in township No. thirty-one tJl), north of range No. lifteen (15), west of sixth (Utii) p. m.f adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount for which judgment is demanded; ordering said premises to he sold lor the, payment of said judgment; and forever bar ring and foreclosing said defendants and each and all of them from all right, title, in terest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That un less you and each of you uuswer or plead to said petition on or before the 22d day of Au gust,, 1892, the averments of said petition will be taken as true ■ and gneigment and decree rendered according to the prayer thereof. Wmight & Stout, Att'y. for Pltff. Attest; 11th day of July, 1892. j —-*— , John Skihving, Clerk. skai. - By O. P. DeLanck, Deputy. 1-4 () PUBLICATION NOTICE. (First publication 14th day of J uly, 1892.) 2501 , In the district court within and for thecounty ot Holt and state of Nebraska. Hie Phoenix Insurance Company of Hurt lord Coimeticut, plaintiff, vs. Joseph Peters. Jane Peters, his wife, Scott 1. Jones, Uichurd K. Welch-Welch, hh wife. John M. Welch and-Welch, hh wife, defendants. To Joseph Peters. Jane Peters, his wife Scott T. Jones, ltichard E. Welch-— Welch ids wife, John M. Welch and Welch, his wife, deiendant: Yoi and each of ouy will take no tice that the above named plaintill did,on the 12th day of May, 1992, tile its peti tion in the district court within and for tht county and state aforesaid demanding per* sonal judgment against the defendant Jos eph Peters, In the sum of live hundred fifty (*’*>) dollars with iuterest at the rate of ten percent, per annum, on $500 from the 1st day of January. 1889; together with a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, ex ecuted to secure the payment of said sun; ami interest, on the following described real estate situated In the county of Holt in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The west half (WVD of the southeast quar ter and thu east half (E*i) of the south west quarter (S$W^) of section No. six (ft) in I ownship No. Thirty-two (J2) north of rang* No. sixteen (10), west sixth (0th) p. m., adjudg ing the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount for which judgmeul is demanded; ordering said premises to bt sold for the payment of said judgment; and lorever barring and foreclosing said defend ants and each and all of them lroui all right title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof, 1 hat unless you and each of you answer oi plead to said petition on or before the 22d day of Ausust, 1892, the averments of said petit on will be taken as true and judgmeul and decree rendered according to the prayei thereof. Wright & Stout, Attest: 11th day of July, 18921 f range 14, was in 1880 taxed and assessed in name of O. W. Pernwrlght. Thu NE‘4 of sec. 33, twp. 32, range 15, was in 1880 taxed and assessed in name of J. M. Sylvanice. The NE'a of sec. 7, twp. 20, range 11. was in 1880 taxed and assessed in name of Mary Uallag her. l’art [4 acres] of the SE'a SWJ4 of sec. o, twp. 31, range 12, was in ls80 taxed and assessed in name of .1. Warner. Part [lo acres] of the NE!4 SEli of sec. I, twp. 111. range 13, was in 1880 taxed and assessed in mge 13, was in 1880 taxed and name of S. T. Vanfleet. Tha time of redemption from each of the above tax-sales will expire on the 4th day of November, 1802. W. llltunACKEK. By Khwaku DeLanii, Agent. Eaiimmis' Loan and TkostOo., 1-3 Sioux city. la. NOTICE. To.I. L. Ransom, C. H. Toncray, Emma R. Toncray, and 11. N. McKee, non-residents: You are hereby notified that Elizabeth Welch, plaintiff, did, on the 11th day of July, 1802. file in the office of the clerk of the dis trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, a peti tion, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by .1. L. Ransom, to C. H. Toncray, for the sum of $300, on the 1st day of November. 1880. the sume being recorded in book 51 of mortgages at page 50 of the records of Holt county, Ne braska, and tipou which there is now due the sum of $300. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 22d day of August, 1802. Dated this 13th day of July. 1802. 1-4 II. M. UTTI.EV, Att'y. for Pit if. PUBLICATION NOTICE. (first publication 14 th day of July, 1892.) 2511. . * In tho district court within and for the county of Holt and state of Nebraska. The Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart ford. ConneUcut. plaintiff. Vs. v"-i William P. Clark. Emily T. Clark and George • L. Miller, defendants. 1 • To William 1\ Clark. Emily T. Clark and George L. MU lor, defendants: Von and each of you will take notice that the above named plaint iff did, on the 18th day of May, 1892, Ule its petition in the district court within and for the county and state aforesaid demand ing personal judgment against the del’end William F. Clark,in the sum of eight hundred twenty (H30) dollars with interest at. the rate of tender cent, per annum, on $770 from the. -.,j 1st day of January 1880: together with a de- ^ eree foreclosing a certain igortgage deed, executed to secure the payment of said sum and interest, on the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt in the. state of Nebraska, to-wit: * v The northwest quarter (NW&) of section thirty-five (35), township thirty-three Ofil), north of range fifteen (15), west of the sixth (0th) p.m., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount forwnlch judgment is demaifUed; ordering said premises to be sold for the payment of syid judgment; and forever barring and fore closing said defendants and each and all of them from all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. That unless you and each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 22d day of August, 1892. the aver ments of said petition will be taken as true and Judgment and decree rendered according to the prayer thereof. Whioiit & Stout, Att’ys. for Pltff. Attest: llth day of July. 1892. t —- i John Skikvino, Clerk. ■j SEAL j- By c. P. DkLance, Deputy. PUBLICATION NOTICE. (First publication 14th day of .July, 1892.) 2505. In the district court, within tyid for the county of Holt and state of Nebraska. . The Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart-* ford, Connecticut, plaintiff. vs. Thomas C. Culiln and Cbarlett Collin, his wife, Scott T. Jones, John It. Harding and -Harding, his wife, defendants. To Thomas C. Cullin, Charlotte Cullin, his wife, Scott T. Jones, John It. Harding and -Harding, his wife, defendants: You and each of you wilL take notice that the above named pkUntilf did, on the 12th day of May, 1892, llle its petition in the district court within and for the county add state aforesaid demanding personal judgment against the defendant Thomas C. Cullin. in the sum of eight hundred fifty (850) dollars witli interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, on $800 from the first day of January, 1891; together witli a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, executed to secure the payment of said sum and interest, on the following described teal estate situated in the county of Holt in the • state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south half [S1/:*] of the southeast quar ter [SKUJ and the south half [S*/*] of the southwest quarter [SVV’14] of section No. two [21, in township No. twenty-seven [27], north of range No. sixteen [10]. west of sixth [Oth] p. in., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien on said premises to the amount of which judgment is demanded; ordering said prem ises to he sold to for the payment of said judg ment; and forever barring and foreclosing said defendants » and each aud all of them from all right, tit le, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises or any part thereof. T^at* unless you and each of you answer or plead to said petition on or before the 22d day of August, 1892, the averments of said petlthNi will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered according t