• 1 ' The Frontier. ■V sv>', PURLI8IIKI) ItVEUY THURSDAY IlY THE FRONTIER PttlNTlNO COMPANY. W. 1). Matiikws, Editor. ■for President: RKNJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. For Vice-President: WIIITKLAW RICH), of Now York. COUNTY CONVENTION. The county central committee met ns per the call of tlio chairman, in tho re publican club rooms, in O'Neill, Neb., ,: V on Saturday, July 1), 1803, and issued the following call: The republican electors of llolt county are requested to send delegates from the several townships und wards to moot In con vention at the court lionso In the city of O'Neill, Nob., on Saturday, July .10, 18113, at 10 o'clock A. M., for tho purposo of placing lit nomination candidates for tho following offices: One oouuty attorney. Two representatives. Also delegates to tho state, congressional und sonutorlal conventions. Tho several townships und wards are en titled to representation as follows, being based on tho vote cast for Hon. Ooorgo II. Hastings, attorney general in Isiki. giving ' ..t one delegate at lurge and one for every ;_ v' twenty votes und one for every section. It Is reooinuieded that the caucuses In the different townships and wards'be held on Saturday July 33.18U2, at 3 o'clock i>. u. A meeting of the central committee will be hold on that day, all the members are re §,