The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 21, 1892, Image 8

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Ding dong. Dong ding.
Ho the tails say all day long,
As the humble worker strays
Through the city’s winding ways.
At the hovefc and the halls,
Everywhere that duly calls,
Whilo the bells his purpose ring.
Ding dong. Dong ding. ,
Dong ding. Ding dong.
All his days the sounds prolong.
Working with a purpose true
That a priest’s heart might imbue.
Honest toil through storm and sUn 1
And when life's long task is done
Heaven’s bells may swoetly ring
Ding dong. Dong ding.
—Chicago Herald.
While taking an evening stfroll
through the Southern etatei, my at
tention was called to the hearty slng
■'l Ing of one of the gospel hymn*. The
sound proceded from a little chapel
.which I had p used in my walk, nnd
- retracing my steps, 1 entered the door,
and ,-oon found myself in the presonue
, of quito a congregation of blacks, who
were engaged in holding a mooting
conducted by one of their own color.
, , ,t At the oonolu«ion of the hymn the peo
ple seated themselves, and it was very
evident from appearances that some
wing out of the usual course was ox
peoted, for the “darkies” were all on
. : the alert, and a feeling of anticipation
was universally manifested. After a
. few moments my curiosity was grati
fied by hearing the following announce
meat from the lips of the preacher: “If
le parties what intend to commit mat
rimony will peroeed to advance for
, ward in frunt ob de altar, I will also
peroeed to jine ’em iiffdo holy bands.”
* , Two persons Immediately roso from
' their neats in one of the front pews,
and walking toward the pulpit, stood
before the speaker, who then addressed
them as follows;
“Pete Johnson, .do you mean to deal
‘d ".Jhirly by dis woman, and lub hor dear
/ V *11 de days ob your mortal life: and
m Also do you—”
$E |‘ ^“Ves, sahl" replied the willing brido
4; groom. • 4
"W • ’’ •‘Don’t you be in too much ob a hur
ry," Bald the preacher. “I habn’t got
^nalf fru wld my fust question yet; so
: fou jes keep still a while, and don’t
'allow* you’se’f to get Into too much of
A presperation.”
“But, sah,” Interrupted the man,
“we didn’t cum in here for to be lee-%
to red to; we cum in for the sprees pur
pus of being jined togedder in wed
lock, and we don't want you to con
soom too muoh time in de preliminaries.
Me and Jemimy mean for to take a
tower; de kyars won’t wait for nobody,
and besides dat, can’t you perseave
dat she’s a-gettin’ nervoiys a-standin’
up here afore folks so—so conepicu
wy ousP”
The parson drew himself up to his
full height and expanded his broad
„ xnest; then raising his right hand, ex
claimed : 1‘Pete Johnson, I know’ti you
afore you knew nuthln’, when you
didn’t know nuthln’. Wasn’t I present
.. 1; on dat ’oaslon when your dear old
mammy (who is now a-singln’ hallo
loojars in anuther world) chastised you
publicly wid her slipper for oummittin’
a dlsdomeanor? It was dat day when
you runned away from skool and don
told a lie about it. I woodn’t have de
luded to that unfortunit sureumstans
r rite here in publlo if you hadn’t brok’
In and ’terrupted me in de midst ob my
remarks. I want you and all de rest
ob my flook to understand dat I’m hear
V.. to-night in my ’fishal capacity, clothed
■far a new black coat and all de terrors
of de law. and consequently am to be
’speoted Accordingly. I’ve a good
many mental fireworks on hand to
night, which I ’tend to let off for your
illumination and dat ob de .congrega
tion here assembled. Beside dat, you
ought to know dat talkin’ back in meet
in’ ain’t ’lowed in our connection.
‘ Only ’Piscopals do dat, and ebon dey
ain’t ’lowed to indulge in any ’riginal
remarks, fur all dey say is all printed
>v-»' out lor dem. I hab heard, howeber,
dat some ob de fash’nable sects are
tryin’ to iihitate dem by usin’ what dey
call a desponsive service; but such
things don’t iaeet wid my ’proval. I’ve
wandered off a little, but I’ll 'get dere
all de same.’ You’d better be silent
^ . and hear all I’ve got to say, for it ’ll
do you and Jemimy good. 1 don’t
ofen get you two in here to talk to,
for. like some odders ’mong de bred
■■ 'i dren and sistren, you are too frequent
• ly conspicuous by your abaens. So
i m goin’ lor to improve de present
’cation and show you up afore dis con
„ gregation. I don’t care a nickel whed
§ 4«r you pay me a dollar for dis job or
not, for I intend for to get all it’s
worth in dat salubrious feelin’ ob in
ward satisfaction' which ebery pius,
Sober-minded pusson experiences when
he's gone and done his duty in a hum
f* - gumptious manner. Dis here prelim
'nary peramble might have been
’breviated somewhat if you hadn't
brok’ in and ’terrupted me in de midst
ob my discoorse. To resoom de thread
of my remarks: I was ’tendin’ for to
ask you, in de midst ob dis ’sembly,
whedder you really lubbed dis ’omanP
s, “P’r’aps you think dat because I am
so unfortunit as to wear a glass eye
dat I can’t alwua see,what’s a-goin’ on
’round me; but let me tell you dat I’ve
" tv bad my good eye on you for some time
CUitinVup and carrin’s-on wid some
ob (je weaker vessels belongin’ to my
flotkhere in de wilderness; and I want
you to understand dat suoh foolin’
bron’t be wlWfced at any longer in dese
I , precincts. Derifore, it I jine you two
togedderthero dis eight, you’ve got to
make mo a uolem promis* dat you’ll
Meavor to improve in your conduct
hereafter, and be true and faithful to
‘ sty-, dis fojdiah woman a-standin’ up here
widjroU to-night; dat you’ll pervide
her wants and be a good husban’
to, her ail de days ob your nateral
■ /• , ' ■
“See, sah!—yes, sahldat's what I’ve
and 'blivioKS to de faot ob your
said all do time, sah. Go rite on wld
do scrmnony, sub, and tio de knot tite,
snh. ”
"Pete Johnson, do yon think dat
you is do one to instruct yotir old par
son in his dootvP Habn’t I told you
fur to keep Rtlll nnd not open vour
“What for don you ask mo so many
konundrutns if you don’t sport mo to
say nuttinP I’vo boon of’n to white
folks’ weddin’s, and do parties Inter
ested always despond to do questions.’’
Hero Jemima hastily shook up her
companion, saying, “For mercy’s sake,
Poto, do keep quiet till wo’ro jlnod,
nnd don’t talk back to tho parson. Jos
think how ’dlckorlous wo two uns must
’pear to all dose pussuns settin’ down
I'l uum uo.
A few seconds of silence followed
these remarks on the purt of the bride
elect, which, however:, were somewhat
Interrupted by the titters of certain
young- women in tho congregation. I
thought to ‘myself: “Well, they’re
having rather a hard time getting
married. I wonder whether it is at
all prophetical of their future life!*”
when the preacher once more resumed
his task by addreBBing himself to the
other party.
“Jemimy, do you proinis’ mo here
to-night dat you'll be a good wife to
Pete, dat you'll cook his vittlos, mend
bis clo’es, and take care ob his house
(if ho ever has one, which I very much
doubt); will you oboy him and sarvo
him, lub, honor, and keep him all do
days ob your mortal life, while you lib
togodder in dls lower wurldP”
••Is it time for me to speak up salt?"
said tho woman, making a low courtesy,
“Ob course it am. What for do you
spect I asked do question ob you, if I
didn't moan for you to answer itP” was
the reply.
“Why, ’cause," said she, “you
blowed up Pete so when he said any
thing; .dat I kinder thought I’d wait
awhile afore roplyin’ to you." #
“What’s your answor to my ques
tion?" shouted the clerical gentleman.
“Well, now, parson, don’t get’cited;
all dat depends on a few circum
stances. If Pete behaves hisself and
takes good keer ob me and de family,
brings home t’ings to eat and gibs me
a good Share of all ho earns, I’ll be
good to him; oderwise I won’t promis’
to stay wid him all^o days ob my life.”
“Well, now,” said tho disoouragod
groom, “dats’ mi’ty fine talk to hear
from you, and rite hear before folks,
too. Hasn’t I said I’d do de rite thing
by you ten hundred thousand times?
If you’ve gone back on mo and changed
your mind since last eb’nln, doro’s
Mundy Phelps a-sottin’ close by in de
front pew, and she’d jump at do
chance ob Btandin’ hore where you do
dis blessed minit.
This pointed allusion to one of his
old flames waB altogether too much for
Jemima, who cried out:
“Uat-’o *** _
Special Campagin Rate.
The Hioux C’ily Weekly Jon mill, the
brightest, the newsiest and best metro
politan weekly newspaper, will be sent
during the insuing campAgln at the low
price of one cent a week.
All the news for 20 cents, or one cent
per week until November 20, 1882.
Regular price $1 per yenr.
Sample copies free. Address the
Pkukiks linos. Co.,
Hioux City, la.
A New Kind of Insurance.
For twenty-flve cents you can insure
yourself and family against any had re
sults from an attack of bowel complaint
during tho summer. One or two doses
of Chamberlain’s Celle, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi
nary case. It never fails and is plensant.
and safe to take. No family can afford
to be without it. For sale at 25 and 50
cents per bottlo by P. C. CountoAN,
For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
Cares Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burn?,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate>
To Edward W. Webb. Hhody E. Webb. Nelelgti
Investment Co. and A. F. Snow:
You hi*© hereby notified that on the 19th
day of July. A. I). 1892, the above named
plaintiff Hied in tin' office of the clerk of tin*
district court of Holt county, Nebraska, its
petition against you, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by Edward W. Webb and Utiody E.
Webb to Hamilton Loan and Trust Company,
on the 25 day ot August 1888, upon the
southwcst.oue-fourjh of section No. fifteen! 15)
Township No, twenty •eight (3k» north of range
No eleven (II) west of /ttb JVM. to secure the
mymentof $575 on the 1st daty of September.
S!W. with Interest; said mortgage being re- ,
corded in book Js at cage 5J4, Mortgage He- :
cords of Holt county Nebraska, iipoi* which
(here is now due $742.58 with interest from flu*
first day of June. 1892.
You are required to answer f^tid petition
on or before tlie29th day of August, lstr>.
Dated this 19th day of July. 1892.
Ily 11. S. Xjcedoiu and K. ii. lfenedlct.
2-4 IU Attorneys.
. i - :«w -! ■ i : *■ . ■
TIik MoK iiilry-I.iuinlmr Loan and Trust Oo.,
WUIIhiu H. ('ni t Is ot al.
William II. Curtis. Check IfrToneray,
Toncruy. his wife, und Ed F. (iallagher will
*1uke notice flint on the gMtli day of March
1*H2, the above uaiiicd pisInt Iff filed a petition
against you. impleaded with others, in said
court, the object and prayer of which are for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given
by W1 Ilium II. Curtis to W. II. McKinley
dat ed I December I. Ihhij, and filed for record
and recorded in the office ol the recorder of
deeds of said itidt county, in book 551, on page
127,convoying tlu* following described real
estate and premises, situated in stud county
to-wlt: The south half of the southeast,
quarter <S‘4 SK1*) section thirty-live town
ship thirty-two, north, range thirteen west of
the tit h I*. M.. that, default lias been made In
the payment of the Indebtedness secured by
said mortgage, and He re Is now due plaintiff
In tin* premises, the sum of four hundred and
sixty dollars, together with interest at ten
per cent, per annum thereon from June 21.
isinj. which Is a valid and first Hen on said
premises. Plaint Ilf prays for the sale of said
premises according to law, to satisfy the
amount adjudged due in the premises, and
for a decree foreclosing the equity of re
demption of all of the said defendants, and
thtjse claiming tinder them.
You, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday
the xth day of August, lxir», or the same will
he taken as true, and judgment and decree
rendered accordingly.
i*i itHKTs. Morey & feuuis,
Hustings, Nebraska,
jAttorneys for Plaintiff.
Magdalene Nowland, vh. William Webster,
et al.
notick to non-kkmidknt defendants.
samuel 11. Harlz, - Hurt/., his wife.
Guaranty in vestment Co., and D. M. Davis,
the receiver thereof, will take notice that
on the 7th day of December. INWl, the above
> named plaintiff filed a petition against you.
Impleaded with others, in sukl court, the
object and prayer of which are for the fore
closure of a certain mortgage given by
William Webster to Guaranty InvestmeutCo.
dated April 20, 1HHI, and tiled for record and
recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds
of said Holt county, tn book 45. on page 414,
conveying the following described real estate
and premises, situated in said county,to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (SW»4 SE)*) and the southeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter (SK^i 8W>4) of
section fourteen (14) and the north half of the
northwest quarter (N'/jNWV section
twenty-three (211), township thirty-two (I!?),
north, rapge eleven (11). west of the (itii i*. m.,
that default has been made In the payment
of the Indebtedness secured by said mort
gage, and there Is now due plaintiff in the
premises, the sum of seven hundred thirty
three ($7J3) dollars, together with Interest tit
ten per cent, per unnum thereon from June
«1. lHWtf, which is a valid and first lien on said
premises. Plaint iff prays for the sale of said
premises according to law, to satisfy the
amount adjudged line in the premises, and
for a decree foreclosing the equity of re
demption of all of the said defendants, und
those claiming under them.
You, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday,
the Stli day of August. 1892. or the same will
be taken as true, and Judgment and decree
rendered accordingly. 'v
Hustings, Nebraska,
50*4 Attorneys fo? Plaintiff.
Luther E. Hunt vs. Albert Buxton, et ul.
Albert Buxton,-Buxton, his wife whose
real name is to plaintiff unknown, and Scott
T. Jones will take notice that on the 2tst day
of June, 1802, the above named plaintiff tiled
a petit ion against you, impleaded with others
in said court, the object and prayer of which
are for the foreclosure of u certain mortgage
given by Albert. Buxton, then unmarried, to
Scott T. Jones dated March 11, J887, and filed
for record and recorded in the office oi the
recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in
hook 24, on page 75, conveying the following
described real estate and premises, situated
in said county, to-wit: The north half of
the northwest quarter (N*4 NWKDandthe
north half of the northeast quarter (N'^NEfi)
of section three (ID. township (27). north,
range fifteen (15), west or the (it h t*. m.. that
default has been made in the payment of the
Indebted ness secured by said mortgage, and
there Is now due plaintiff in the premises,
the sum of six hundred dollars together with
interest, at ten per cent, per annum thereon
from June 10, J802, which is u valid and first
lieu on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the
sabs of said premises aecosdlng to law, to
satisfy the amount adjudged due in the prem
ises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity
of redemption of all of the said defendants,
and those claiming under them.
You, and each of you. are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday,
the Nth dav of August, 1892, or the same will
he taken as true, anc judgment and decree
rendered accordingly.
„ Hastings. Nebraska,
i*>-4 Attorneys for plaintiff
Hy virtue of iui order of sale, directed to
me from tlio clerk of the district court of
Holt comity, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the -"Tt b day of May. ItWS, in
favor of Tile American Investment company
ns plaintiff and against Enoch I,. Yeager et
Hi ns defendants, for the sum of two hundred
forty-one dollars, and seven cents, and costs
taxed at &E.li8 and accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises taken as
the property of said defendants to satisfy
said order of sulo, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
live (ffi) towushlp thirty-two («) range eleven
(11) west of'thollth i\ m. in Holt county, Ne
Ami will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the Cath
day of July, A. 1). IMtC. in front of the court
house in O'Neill, that being the bulldiug
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 0 o’clock a. in. of said
day. when and where due uttcudunce will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neiil. Nebraska, this mil day of
i une, JS#*, H. O. McEvonv,
oika Sheriff of said County.
Hy virtue of an order of sale, directed tc
me from the clerk of the district court o:
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtainec
before the district court ofllolt county, Ne
braska, on the '.'4th day of May, 18W. in favoi
of Cynthia,s. Bartholomew as plaintiff ant
against John L. Colwell et ill us defendants,
for the sum of eight hundred eighty-eight
dollars, and eighty-two cunts,and costs taxed
nt Ks.SS and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendant to sat isfy said
order of sale to-wit:
The north half of southeast quarter and
south half of northeast quarter of section
nineteen (ill) township twenty-nine (2#> range
twelve < 12) west of the Gth i>. m . in Holt count v
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder tor cash, in,on the 25th day of July
ioV fS2* in front of the court house in
) Neill, that being the building wherein the
list term of .district cgurt was held, at th
wa, Kyat,, It-i. ujuri WHS neiu. at im
lour.of »o clock a. m.o' said day wheu ant:
L'luiPH (Inn at*iin/l.inj.A .»lll I.* "'JVC *
«. ui.u Binu u*»v wuen nnc
Where due attendance will lie given by tin
Haled at O'Neill. Nebruska.tbis mil day ni
June. 181K,
.... H.O, McEvonv.
:>U-J Sheriff of Said County.
^ ■
By virtue of an order of .sale, directed to
me from the cleric of the district court of
Ifolt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
* before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the 25th day of March. ]892, in
favor of The State Bank of O'Neill as plain
tiff and against Hhoda O. Howard et al as
defendant, for the sum of eleven hundred
sixty two doilurs, un<l forty-five cents, and
costs taxed at and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendant to
satisfy said order or sale, to-wit:
! IiOts one (I) and two (2) block sixteen (19)
I and lots one (1) and two (2> block twenty-one
| 1211 in Iluxelets uddltlon to the city of OrNeill
as platted and recorded In the clerks office.
Ami will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for rush, in hand, on the day
of J j|y, A. I). 1892,In front of the court house
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
i he last term of district, court was held, at the
hour of 1 o'clock p. in. of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given by the
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska,this 20th day of
June, 1892. H. C. MebvoNY,
50-5 Sheriff of said County,
William W. Hunt vs. Charlus C. Millard, etui.
II. K. Cullender.-Cullennv'r, his wlfu,
Krasins W. Smith and-Smith, his wife,
will take notice that un the tilth day
of January 1892, the above named plulullff
tiled a petition against you, ImpleadliiK with
ot hers, lu sahl court, the object and iirayer
of which are for the foreclosure of a certain
mortgago fflven by Charles C. and Carrie Mil
lard, to c. II. Tone ray, dated April 1st. IssT.
and ll'ed for record and recorded in thcottico
of lile recorder of deeds of said Holt county
In book 22, on page ikii), conveying the follow
lug described real estate and premises, situ
ated In said county, to-wit: The south-west
II Harter, (SWl4) of section 12. township HU,
north range 111. west of (1th H. M„ that default
has been made in the payment of the indeht
ncss secured by said mortgage. and there Is
now due plaint Ilf in tile premises, t lie sum of
seven hundred and ten dollars, together with
the Interest at ten per cent, per annum
thereon from June 21. 1892, which Is a vulld
and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff
prays for the sale of said premises aceordluft
to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due
In the premises, and for a decree foreclosliijf
the equity of redemption of all of the said
defendants, and those claiming under them,
t ou, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before the eight
day of August, 1892, or the same will he taken
us true and Judgment and decree rendered
Hustings, Nebraska.
50-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The McKlnlcy-hanning. Roan and Trust Co.,
Soloman D. Juliet], et. ul,
James Jansen and-Jansen, ills wife, will
take notice that on the 7th day of Mureli, 1892
the above named plaintiff filed a petition
against you, impleaded with others, In said
court, tlu> object und prayer of which are for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given
by Soloman D. .I ullen, to W. It. McKinley,
dated November 1st 1S8«, and filed for record
and recorded in t he office of the recorder of
deeds of said Holt county, in book III, page
2511, conveying the following described real
estate and premises, situated In said
county, to-wit: The south-west quar
ter (SlVf-i) of section 28, township HO
north, range Iff west of 01>. m. that default
has been mude in the payment of the indebt
edness secured tiy said mortgage, and there
is now due plaintiff in the premises, the sum
of fifteen hundred dollars, together with in
terost at ten per cent per annum thereon
from June 21, 1892, which is. a valid and
first lieu on said premises. Plaintiff prays
for llio sale of said premises according to law
to satisfy the amount adjugded due in the
premises, and for a decree foreclosing the
equity of redemption of all of t he said de
fendants, and thosu claiming under them.
You.and each of you,are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
8th day of August 1892, or the same will be
taken as true, and judgment and decree
rendered accordingly.
Hastings, Nebraska.
flO-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Snrali A. Cole, vs. Timothy IV. Sullivan, ot al,
Timothy W.Sulltvan,-Sullivan,liis wife,
made defendant as Jane Doe, Guaranty In
vestment Co. and D. M. Davis, receiver
thereof, will take notice that on the HOtli day
of November, 18H1. the above named plaintiff
filed a petition against you, impleaded with
others, in said court, the object und prayer
of which are for the foreclosure of u certain
mortgage given by Timothy W. Sullivan, to
Guaranty Investment Co. dated August 1st,
1880, and filed for record and recorded in the
office of the recorder of deeds of said llolt
county, in book 40, on page 20H, conveying the
following described real estate and
premises sltpated lu Holt county,
to-wit: The south-west quarter of the north
east quarter (SW^NE1*,) the south-east
quarter (>r the north-west quarter (SE'iNW'i)
the north-east quarter of the south-west
quarter (NEliBiyUJand the north-west quar
ter of the south-east quarter. (NWl.iSE't,) of
section 2li, township 28, nprtli range 1H, west
of tith i». m., that default has been made in
the puyment of the indebtedness secured by
said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff
In the premises, the sqm of seven hundred
and thirty-two dollars,together with interest
at 10 per cent, per annum thereon from June
21, 1892, which is a valid and tisrt lien on
said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sule of
said premises, according to law, to satisfy
Hie amount adjudged due in the premises,
and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re
demption of all of the said defendants, and
those claiming under them.
You, mid each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before .Monday,
the eight day of August, 1892, cr the same
will he taken as true, and judgment and de
cree rendered accordingly.
Hastings, Nebraska.
59-1 Attorneys for Plaintiff,
United States Land Office.
„ , O’Neill, Neb., Juuel), 1892.
Notice Is hereby given Unit Richard J.
Dwyer 1ms filed notice of intention to make
limit proof before register1 and receiver at
his office in O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday, the
-•jd day of July, 1892, on timber culture ap
plication No. icilifi, lor the SE quarter of sec
tion No. :!7, in township No.
11c names as witnesses:
Jeremiah McCarthy. Johu 1). Murphy, John
Harrington. James It. Sullivan, all of O’Neill,
Neb. 49-0
B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Preston Eves, plaintiff, vs. Leonadns Leer,
Elizabeth Leer, C. M. lluckly and The Co
operative Land & Lot Company, defen
To the above named defendants. Leonadns
Leer, Ellznbcth Leer und C. M. lluckly. Will
take notice that on the 27 day of May, 1892,
the plaintiff above named tiled his petition
in the district court of Holt county, state of
Nebraska against the above named defen
dants the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose ;i certain mortgage executed by the
saul defendants. Leonadns Leer and Eliza
beth Leer to blip The Western Farm Mort
gage Trust Company of the state of Kansus,
upon the south half of the’northeast quarter
and the north-west quarter of the north-east
quarter of section fourteen (14), township
thirty-one (Jl) north. In range ten (10) west of
the sixth principal meridian, lying and sRn
[ ated In the county of Hoit.state of Neoraska.
which mortgage was executed to secure the
payment of certain promissory note dated
February 15. 1890, for the sum ol four hun
dred dollurs, due und payable lu tlvfe years
from the date thereof, which note and mort
gage were afterwards duly sold, assigned and
dellvored to the above named plaintiff that
there is now due upon said note and mort
gage the sum of lour hundred and fourteen
dollars with interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent per itiiniim from the first day of
August. 1891. for which sum with interest
thereon the plaintiff prays and for a decree
that the defenduts above named be required
to pay the same or that suid premises qinv lie
sold to satisfy the amount found due and" for
a decree barring and foreclosing all the said
defendants above named of and from all
right, title, interest. estate or equity of re
demption of. in or to said premises or any
part thereof. You are required to answer
said petition on or before tiic 15th day of
August, lute.
Dated this 5th day of July. 1892.
I'ueston Eves, Plaintiff.
'. ’ • • .. ,
' jfci f- ,-j >n'.4V'-.-f^'AViw. -—
( rmsT Flmi.ICATlON 14tii i>av OP JULY, 18U.1.)
In tho district court, within itnrt for tho
county of llolt itnd state of Nebraska.
Thu I'hocnlx Insurance Company of Hart
ford, Connect icut. ptaintltT.
John I>. Burley, Susan M. Hurley, Scott T.
Jones, Samuel Hrerkonrldgo and Mrs. Sam
uel Hrerkenridye. his wife, and M. J. Snow,
To John I). Hurley, Susan M. Hurley, Scott
T. Jones, Samuel Ureckenridge. Mrs, Samuel
Hreckenrldgc, his wife, and M. J. Snow, de
fendants: You and each of you will take
notice that the above named plaintiff did.
on the 13th day of May. 1*82, tile its petition
n the district court within and for thecounty
and state aforesaid demanding personal
judgement against the defendants Jehn 1).
Berkley, Samuel Hreckenrldgc and M. J.
snow, la tho sum <rt seven hundred fifty (750)
dollurs with Interest at the rate of ten per
cent, per annum, on *. from the 1st day
of January, IsUi; together with a decree fore
closing a certain mortgage deed, executed to
secure the payment of said sum and Inter
est. oil the following described real estate
situated In the county of llolt. In the state,
of Nebraska, to-wlt: '
The northeast quarter ( section No.
eighteen (IS), in township No. twenty-eight
it's), north of range No. fifteen (15), west of
sixth (tlth) p. m„ adjudging the plaintiff to
have the first lien on said premises to tho
amount for which judgement Is demanded;
ordering said premises to bo sold for the
payment of said judgment; and forever
barring and foreclosing said defendants and
each and all of them from all right, title, in
terest and equity of redemption la and to
said premises or any part thereof. That
unless you and each or you answer or plead
to said petition on or before the 2>d day of
August, lsl«, the averments of said petition
will bo taken us true and judgment and de
cree rendered according to the prayer thereof.
Whioiit & Stout, Att’y. for Pltif.
Attest: 11th duy of J uly, Intel.
John Skikvino, Clerk.
By C. P. DeLanck. Deputy.
f SEAI,.
(First publication 14th day of July, IKUg.)
in the district court, within and for the
County of Holt aud state of Nebraska.
The Phoeul.x Insurance Company of Hart
ford, Connecticut, plaluttlf.
Henry Metsseugcr, Albina Meisseiiger. his
wife, Scott T. Jones. Samuel Schlesinger,
Mrs. Samuel nchlesinger, Ids wife, Isadore
SchiesliiKur and Mrs. Isadore Schleslnger,
Ids wife, defendants.
To Henry Mulsstnger, Albina Mclsslnger,
his wife, Scott T. Jones, Samuel Scblesinger,
Mrs. Samuel Schleslnger, his wife, Isadore
Schleslnger and Mrs. Isadore Schleslnger,
his wife, defendants: You and each of you
will take notice that the above named
plaintiff did, on the lath day of May. 18U2,
Hie its petition in the district court within
and for the county and state aforesaid de
manding personal judgment against the de
fendants Henry Meisslngur, Samuel Schle
siuger and Isadore Schleslnger in the sum of
one thousand tifty <l,05tl) dollars with interest
at 1 lie rate of ten per cent, per annum, on
if UHKi from t lie 1st day of January, 18WI; to
gether with a decree foreclosing a certain
mortgage deed, executed to Sleure the pay
ment of said sum and interest, on thu fol
lowing described real estate situated in the
county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska,
The southeast quarter (SEhi) of section No.
twenty-seven (21). in township No. thirty-one
(111), north of range No. fifteen (15), west of
sixth (lith) p. m„ adjudging the plaintiff to
have the first lien on said premises to the
amount for which judgment Is demanded;
ordering said premises to be sold for the
payment of suid judgment; and forever bar
ring and foreclosing said defendants and
eacn aud all of them from all right, title, in
terest and equity of redemption in and to
said premises or any part thereof. That uu
icss you and each of you answer or plead to
suid petition on or before the 22d flay of Au
gust, ISU2, tlie averments of said petition
"dl be taken as true and
giidgment and decree rendered according to
1 he prayer thereof.
WHifiiiT & Stout, Att’y. for Pltff.
Attest : lltli day of July, 18112.
. — . John Skiuvino. Clerk.
By C. P. DeLanck, Deputy.
, SEAL ■
( First publication 14th day of July. 1HH2.)
III the district court within and for tliccounty
of Holt and state of Nebraska.
The Phoenix insurance Company of Hart
lord Conneticut, plaintiff,
Joseph Peters. Jane Peters, his wife. Scott
1 . Jones, Kicliard K. Welch-Welch, liis
- Welch, ids
.. ife, John M. Welch and ■
wife, defendants.
To Joseph Peters. Jane Peters, his wife
Scott T. Jones, Kicliard K. Welch-—
Welch ills wife, John M. Welch and
Welch, his wife, dotepdnut: You
and each of ouy will take no
tice that ‘ the above named plaintlll
,. : iiaiuvu (juunii
did,on the 12th day of May, 1UH», liie its pet:
tion in the district court within and for th
county and state aforesaid demanding pei
sonal judgment against the defendant Joi
eph Peters, in the sum of live hundred lift
(.VS)) dollars with interest at the rate ot te
per cent, per annum, on *500 from the h
day of January, 1880; together with u decn
foreclosing a curtain mortgage deed, ei
edited to secure the payment of said sui
and interest, on the following described rei
estate situated in the county of Holt in th
state of Nebraska, to-wit:
The west half (W‘i) of the southeast qua]
ter (bgfc) apd the east half (E!j) of the soutl
west quarter (SWlDof section No. six (0)1
t ownship No. Thirty-two (32) north of rang
No. sixteen (IB), west sixth (Bth) p. m.. adjud”
in* the plaintiff to have the first Hen on sal
premises to the amount for which judgmer
is demanded; ordering said premises to L
sold for the payment of said Judgment; an
torever barring and foreclosing said defend
nuts aud eaeli and all of them lrom all rigid
tale, Interest and equity of redemption i
and to said premises or any part thereo
1 nut unless you unci each of you answer o
plead to said petition on or before the 22
day of Ausust, 18‘Jg, the averments of sai
petition will be taken as true andjudgmen
ami decree rendered according to the prayc
thereof. Wiucht & Stout/
Attest: 11th day of July, lay1 f°' 1 ltH‘
i '-J'—- , .Iohn Skiuvino, Clerk.
) bkai. ^ By 0. P. DeLance, Deputy
To whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the :ird day
of November. 1890, each of the following de
scribed tracts of real estate, situated in
llolt county, Nebraska, was sold at public
tax sale by the treasurer of said county for
the delinquent taxes of 1889, to vV. Hrubacher
who received a certificate of tax sale for
each of said tracts and who is the present
owner aud holder thereof. Said lands were
described, taxed and specially assessed as
follows, to-wit:
The SE'i of sec. 11, twp.range 10. was in
180!) taxed and assessed In name of H. Oakes.
Part |four acres] of the SW‘4 SW’iof see. 0
twp. ill, range 12, was in 1881) taxed and asses
sed in name of M. 11. Walker, l or a i„ ..... •>-.
-... Lot 3 in sec. 2.>.
twp. .Cl, range 10, was in 1889 taxed and as
sessed in name of J. Lane. The SSE'i N\V].
aud the ISK'iNW'i and the SW'i NEk and
t..e NBJ* SW'i, all in see. 14, twp. 25, range
I. J, wuh in 1880 taxed and assessed in name of
II. D. Stafford. The OW’k of sec. 25, twp. 82,
range 14, was in 1881) taxed and assessed in
name of O. W. Pernwrlght. The NIC!* ol sec.
id, twp. it!, range 15, was in 188!) taxed and
1,1 ',lune <>f J. M. Sylvanice. The
NEU of sec. ,, twp. at, range 11, was in 1889
taxed and assessed In name of Mary liullug
lier. Part [4 acresl of the SE'iSWh, of see.
», twp. .11, range 12, was in 1889 taxed aud
assessed in name of .1. Warner. Part 110
acres] of the NEU SEJ4 of see. 1, twp. 81.
range IJ, was in 18s!) taxed and assessed in
name of S. T. Vanflcet.
Tha of redemption Horn each of the
above tax sales will expire on the 4tli day of
November, 1892. W, UnunACKEII,
liy Edwakd DeLanp, Agent.
Eaioieiis’ Loan axu Tkust do.,
**“ Sioux City, la.
Tod. L. Hansom, C H. Toncray, Emma K.
Toncray, and II. N. McKee, non-residents:
\ou are hereby notified that Elizabeth
Welch, plaintiff did, on tlie 11th day of July,
lb92. hie in tin; office of the clerk of the dis
trict court of Holt couDty, Nebraska, a peti
tion, tlie object and prayer of which is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by .1.
L. ltansom, to O. H. Toncray, for tlie sum of
*3UI, on tlie 1st day of November, 1889, the
same being recorded in book 51 of mortgages
at puge n0 of the records of Holt county, Ne
braska. and upon which there is now due the
Hum or wwi
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 24d day of August, 1892.
Dated this l.ith day of .1 uly, 1892.
1-4 H. M. Utti.kv, Att'y. for Pltif.
(First publication 14tli day of July, 18*2.)j
2511. ' 1
In the district court within and for (I
county of Holt and state of Nebraska. ]
The Phoenix Insurance Company of Had
ford, Conncilcut. plaintiff. 1
William F. Clark. Emily T. Clark and CdiM
Ij. Miller, defendants.
To William F. Clark, Emily T. ClaiM
George L. Miller, defendants: You and^H
of you will take notice that the above njS
plaintiff did, on the 18th day of May, imM
its petition in the district court within!
for the county and state aforesaid dcimH
ingpersonui Judgment against the dctjE
William F. Clark,In the sum of eight hiiflHf
twenty (820) dollars with iuterest ut
of ten per cent, per annum, on $770 fro^H
1st day of .January 1880: together wit
cree foreclosing a certain mortgage
executed to secure the payment of sui^H
and interest, on the following describeC^H
estate sit uated In the county of Holt tn^|
state of Nebraska. to*wit: * Du
, The northwest quarter (NiVk) of serau
thirty-ttve (35), township thirty-three^Bi
north of range fifteen (15), west of the alx!
(l»th) p. m.. adjudging the plalntilf to hal
t ne first lien on said premises to the amoun
forwnich judgment Is demanded; ordpriij
said premises to be sold for the payment!
*yid Judgment; and forever barring and foil
closing said defendants and each and all I
t hem from all right, title, interest and cqutl
or redemption in ami to 8ai(l premises or an
part thereof. That unless you uud each 1
you answyr or plead to said petition on J
before the £2d day of August, the av|
ments of said petition will be taken us tnl
ana judgment and decree rendered accord ini
to the prayer thereof.
(First publication 14th tiny of July, 1893.)
Intlio district court, witlilii and lor tlic i'S
con nty of Holt and state of Nebraaklt. M
1 lie Phoenix Insurance Company of Mart
lord, Connecticut, plaintiff.
Thomas C. Cullin and Cliarlett Cullin. hi;
wife, Scott T. Jones, John It. Hardin); ua
-Hardin);, ids wife, defendants.
To Thomas 0. Cullin, Charlotte Cullin. ill
wife. Scott T. Jones, John It. Harding an
—--Hardin);, ills wife, defendants: Ye
and each of you will take notice thattl
above named plaintiff did. on the 12th day i
May, 181)2, hie its petition In the distrid
court within and for the county add stud—
aforesaid demanding personal judgment!
against the defendant Thomas C. Cullin. tit
the sum of eight hundred fifty (860) dollaig
witli interest at the raft) of ten per cent, per
annum, on #s(K) from the first day of January •
1801; together with a decree foreclosing
a certain mortgage deed, executed
to secure the payment of said sum
and Interest, on the following described real'
estate situated in the county of Holt 111 the'
stato of Nebraska, to-wlt: ' •
The south half [ S1,] of tlie southeast quar-fl
ter [SE‘4] and the south half [Sli] of the!
southwest quarter [9\V»i] of section NI>. two!
[*l. in township No. twenty-seven |2T). north *
Ilf range No. sixteen [Iff], west of sixth [«lh| „
p. in., adjudging the plaintiff to have the first |
lien on said premises to the amount of which
judgment is demanded; ordering said prem
ises to bo sold to for the payment of said judg-1
meat; and forever barring anil
foreclosing said defendants and
each and all of. them from all right, j
title, interest and equity of redemption in j
and to said premises or any part thereof.
That unless you and each of you answer,
or plead to said petition on or before the 22d I
day of August, 1802, the averments of said I
.petition will lie taken as true and judgment!
and dec we rendered according to the prayer!
thereof. WniuiiT x Stout,
, Att’ys. for Pltff.
Attest: 11th day of July, 1802. -
i —*— , John Skikvino. Clerk. v
- seai, - By C. P. DeLance, Deputy.
—1~ ’ ’1-4
(First publication 14th day of July, 1802.)
In the district court, within and for the
county of Holt and state of Nebraska.
The Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart
ford, Conneticut, plaintiff,
Charles A. Thomas and Mrs. Charles)“'A.
Thomas, his wife, whose Christian name is
unknown to plaintiff, E. L. Newell and Mrs.
E. L. Newell, whoso Christian name Is un
known to plaintiff, defendants.
To E. L. Newell and Mrs. E. L. Newell,whose
Christian name is unknown to plaintiff, de
fendants:' You and each of you will take
notice that the above named plaintiff did. on
the of May, 18112, file its petition in i
the district court within' and for the county
and statu aforesaid demanding pcrsonul
judgment against the defendant Charles A.
Thomas, in the sum of six hundred [ono] dol
lars with interest at the rate of tea per cent .
per annum, on *. from the 29lh ilay of
November, 1888: together with a decree fore
closing a certain mortgage deed, executed to
secure the payment of said sum and interest,
on tiie following described realc^tate situated
in the county of Holt in the state of NCtrrasv
ka, to-wlt: 7
The north half (N!4) of the southwest quar- •
ter [rtWHl and the southeast quarter I SE'-I ||
of the-northwest quarter [NW)4] and the]
southwest quarter [SW141 of the northeast!
quarter [NE^l of section No. thirteen [hi].I
township No. thirty-two |82% north of range 1
fourteen [14] west, adjudging the plaintiff tol
have the first lien on said premises to the
amount of whicli judgment is demanded;
ordering said premises to be sold for the
payment of said judgment; and forever bar
ring and foreclosing said defendant and
each and all of them from all right, title, in
terest and equity of redemption in anil to‘
said premises or any part thereof. That ini- •
less you and each of you answer or plead to
said petition 011 of before the 22d day of
August, 1892 the averments of said petition
will he taken as true and judgment and de
ereo rendered according to the prayer
thereof, Wright & Stout,
'Att’ys. for PUtf.
Attest; Uth day of July, 1892,
, —■ , John Skirvinci, Clerk,
- seai, By C. P. DkLance, Deputy.
' —r— 1 1-4
notice. •
To Charles M. Dickson and C. J. Bracken
bush. non-residents:
You are hereby notified that Andrew Bus
sell, on his own belialf and Andrew Bussell,
administrate!' of the estate of Ernest A.
Judd, plaintiff, did on the Jlth day of July.
1892, file in the otHce of the clerk of the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, a peti
tion the object and prayer of whieh is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by de
fendant Charles M. Dickson to Ernest A. Judd
for the sum of *250, on the 25tli day of De
cember, 1899, the same being recorded In
book 5S of mortgages at page 18U of the re
cords of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon
which there is now duo the sum of *289.
You are required to answer said petition 1
on or before the 22d day of August, 1892.
Dated this 13tli day of July, 1802.
1-1 H. M. Uttusy, Att’y. for Pltff.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb.,
J une 2,1892,
Notice is hereby given that tin* following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb.,
on August 18.189*4 viz: *
, ' R. BELLAR, HD 12517.
for the sec. 29-J0-12 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cuftlva-.
tion of said land, viz:
John Bellar. Richard Jennings. James Jen
nings, 1* rank Hp9b, all of O’Neill. Neb.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has fllcd notice of his intention
to make lmal proof in support pf his claim,
and that said proof wifi be made before
M °'Ne)“'Neb- «•
for the S\YH sec. 28-:W-12 w, *** *
He names tho following: witness to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: |
/l BoUar, Richard Jennings. James/
Jennings. I rank Heob, all of O’Neill, Neb. *
8. Gillespie, Register. '
i 1
r,u> 1,a» this day filed Ms
application for a license to sell limit, spirit
and vinous liquors in Dorsey, Steel Creek
township. Holt county, Nehluskii, for medi
cal, mechanical and chem|#ul purposes, as a
druggist from August. I,1«|B to August 1.1893.
Two weeks time will bo uliowed for the tiling *
r/.V. nio?stra'K'»» agiilnft suld petition and i
If there be none fHed j.Hl<l I lee nee will be
trranteil without furtlu^uotice
t.. Ltui«s2 my 1,ttnd su“l tl>i* 28th day of
June. J892. m 51-2 %*
I B C. E. Bittlbk,
County Clerk