I ‘August Flower” 7' ■ " I am Fost Master here and keep • Store. I have kept August Flewer for sale for some time. I think it is ! ,« splendid medicine.” E. A. Bond, 7 F. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y. The stomach is the reservoir. If it fails, everything fails. The liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart, the head, the blood, the nerves nil go wrong. If you feel wrong, look to the stomach first. Put that right at once by using August Flower. It assures a good appetite and a good digestion. % OMAHA BUSHES HOUSES. SnnroriXLD swaxires, separators and HORSE POWERS. For Special Price# ad dree# Z. O. NOETHWALL. Omaha. Hebraaka. OMAHA BASKET MF8. CO U FRUIT PACKAGES. Send for P BASKETS, BE It • KY BOXES and 8end for Price List. TLECTRIC ^D^or **lB* **2*™*+ WL-— - — w ion, r.ic. Send for prioos. WOLFI A ELECTHIC CO.. 1014 Capitol Avenue, Omaha HARNESS. hardware, HDIinU^ KK) GOODS, Etc. Send for OM ** And Prtocc. C.D.Uoodwanh A Co., ISM tViuj St RUPTURE f"1® *nar,nt®'d or no pay bj the Bell «[ ■ Htlt Ira», with ookcat. pod. Kixlonml B. Truit, with OOIICATE pod. Kndoraa ** by prominent Omoho phyeictaaA. 110 V. 16th St. FARRELL * CO., Maple Buffer and B.vrwpe, Jelllee, Free, rree, Some. Appla Butter, Etc. Prope. Om .hi Oou Monuloo luff. Co.,Can. and Decorated Tlaware. D IOR8ET BEOS. A CLIFTON, Lire Stock Commission 1 March*Din, Ere. Bldg. room 18, TeL *2 So. Omaha, lfeh. References: The Bank you do business with* 6ASMAKN A DUDLEY, Fred W. Qaemaan. Wm. 8 Dudley, LAvefAteek Commission .Room ll5 E whang* Building, South Omaha, Neb. Telephone 1441. T UMBER. Wholesale and Retail. Hard wood lumber— Lplae A oak fence lath, white cedar poets, split oak A cedar poeta, piling, llme^tc. C. R. Lea, flhADottglae^ HOOFING We do all kinds of Roofing or sell the materials. Get our prices, F. J. Lewie Roofing Co., 101P-1R17 Jones street. Fours"? Liquor,Mo rphlnefcTobaooo Uabite the CiffiTLS CURE COMPANY has no Habita the C^TLR CURE •quaA. Hundreds that have been cured of long stand Sag will testify. Call or a ditrees the CASTLE CURB COMPANY, No. 401 North Sixteenth Street, Omaha, MANUFACTURER Fine, High Grade Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons and Road Wagons. M4th and Barney Sts,, OinaJia, Nebraska, •^Reference: Any business man in Omaha. EDUCVnONALl ZArgest, Cheapest a&i Best Normal School ia the West. A Dl Twenty-five Dept’s. Thirty Teachers, all ** ■* Ispecialists No vacation except Aug. Enter I any time. Take any claasea. Expenses low. iGraduatea in demand. In order that all ■ may test the merits of the Western Normal College, we will pay your R. R. faro >m your home to Lincoln, Neb. Full particularw, catn ium and cixcl. FREE. Wffl. U. Groan, Frl Lincoln, Neh PH EC Tuition! Fall term, in seven different ■ •■wfcoonreefl and specialty*. Only high grade Independent Normal in the state. Fi»-est buihlmgK, equipments and ablest Normal faculty. No exiwriment, but an established management. *0 courses. !13 t<*v l.« era and lecturer*. A live sehroJ for the Write for a catalogue to F. F. ItOOtsE, M'n’ger, Lint o'n. Neb. nES MOINES COLLEGE ^ ^ M with CHICAGO UNIVERSITY.) Cor. Ninth and Washington Sts. College and Pre paratory Courses. Students udmitted at any time. £Ot catalogue address Prof. A B. PHI CL, Dies ClOUiBS, 1QWA. no AMP UNIVERSITY, BESMOtMCI DES MOIRES. IA. 9 departments: 25 courses; 7 buildings; S3instructors: 8*26 students; $100,000 new Endowment. Bead tor catalogues. DR. C. GEE WO Treat! successfully all chronic case* Iflven up by other doctors. Call and sec him or write for question blank. Do nof think your case hopeless be cause your doctor tel m you so, but try the Chinese doc tor with his new and wonderful rem edies, and receive i new benefits and a I permanent cure— I what other doctors I cannot give. Herbs, ' Roots and Plants— nature’s remedies —h i s medicines. The world his wit ness. One thous and testimonials in three year’s prac tice. No Injurious deeoclions, no nar cotics, no poison. Rational treatment cure. Enclose 4 cents In stamps for reply. Office open daily, 9 a m. to 9 p. m. Cor. 16th and California Sts., Oethotf Block, Omaha, Neb. A Sample Pair! IT WILL SATE YOU MONEY. KIMMLM1ES&C0., YOUR DEALER FOR BOOTS AND SHOES | WITH THIS i TRADE MARK. OCH OHM jlAtvr* IFEW«M«rVHVUR AfftBuys kMkMIarrmd Oi(W Wmw I fU t«*tac VmKImi ywf»i t varkiaf , wllftM*. Ivi; lakM, Mayto4 U ll|i< Md bw*y vork, wUk k rat a ftWlUMt *.tt»eh»*«»r TUI **J 1 Onftfha Mr ftewr^, m4 mm SmUt* *od ■*■■<* I prMt. M fcy nkk CATAl^XW* Mm*m mm*. oxtobbui. ml, i«i. a a. oocam.iu* FOR SUMMER COMPLAINTS Perry Davis’ Pain-Killer BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Ig% C|KT8 pays f* an Aluminum Lord * Prayer W boVreair Cfca/ra and sample copy of our 100-p Kacaaine. t. J/WUMM, Ml Oliva St.. St. Louis. PATENTS fli«niu P. Simpaon. Washington, D. C. fioatty'* fee until Patent ob tained. Write for Inventor's uuid* It afflicted •ora ojea. IThompsoa’j Ey> Watsr. W. N. U\ Omaha, - .630-30 0 THE EXPLANATION. Loto and Doath once ceased thalr strife At tbo Tavern of Man’s Lite. Called for wine, and threw—alas!— ] Each his qalvor on the grass. Wh-n tho bout was o’er they found Mi led arrows strewed the ground. Hi ly they gathered then Ea. a tho lores and lives of men. Ah, the fateful damn deceived! Mingled arrows each one sheaved. Death's dread Armory was stored With the shafts he most abhorred. Lore’s light quiver groaned beneath Venom-headea darts of Doath. Thus it was they wrought our won At the Tavern long ago. Tell me, do our masters know, Loosing blindly as they fly, Old men live while young men die? -Rudyard ftipling in the American Culti vator. LOTTY’S ADVICE. I was quite young when I went out to service—only sixteen—and I was luite frightened at the idea of golug among the grand folks; but father had not loft much, except debts and mortgages when he died, and mother was fee bid and there were all the little children to be taken care of; and Neighbor Ford told me they wanted a parlor-maid at the court. ■'There ain't so much to do;” said Farmer Ford, 'and twelve dollars a month.” "But a servant!” said mother, and she put her black stuff apron up to her eyes and began to cry in that weak, uncertain way she had. "We’ra all of us servants Lydia, to the Lord, ” said Neighbor Ford. "And if every one of us does his duty in the state of life where it pleases God to put us there ain't nothing more to be expected." •Mother.” said 1, ‘only think of it! Twelve dollars a month. How much it will help us! Oh. mother, 1 am so glad!” "The child looks at the matter right” said Neighbor Ford. "She's got more sense than you have, Lydia!" So 1 went to Christall Court There was a housekeeper there, and a butler and seven servants besides m& and 1 soon learned to perform the duties of my place neatly and well. Mrs ChrUtail’s maid used to give me many valuable hints—she was a quiet substantial Englishwoman, whom the family hnd brought from fordign parts with them. But her brother fell UL and she went home to nurse him, and there came a fine French mademoiselle in her place; whom they called Mademoiselle Veroniqua. She spoke two or three different languages, dressed hair like a fashion plate; altered over Mrs. Christall’s bonnets and dresses until her wardrobe seemed twice as large and varied, and had a score of other accomplishments at her finger ends. Mrs. Christall said she was a "per fect treasure,” the old housekeeper laughed uatil her sides ached at Veronique's stories; the footman fell deeply in love with her, and all the other maids copied her drosses, re peated her smart sayings and strove in various ways to imitate her. But I kept quietly aloof. Somehow. I was afraid of Mademoiselle Veronique. She had groat; luminous green eyes; like those of a cat; she showed her teeth, in glistening double rows, when she laughed, and, although Bhe was always priding herself on her com plexion, 1 am quite sure it was powder and paint. rcue I'HIUti StUlllUg WJ 1UO UUO DlKUb —it was of a Sunday evening. I re member, when I was sitting by the Window reading my hymn-book, and wondering what mother and the children were doing. ••Here is ma petite Lotlee,” she said. “The shy bird who shrinks away from me always. But I have eye a Lot'ea, and I have already made myself to perceive that you are very prettea Ah! Say I not the truth? And you shall put a rose in those brown braida Lotfee, and dance to night Peter is going, and Felix, and Amanda; and the coachman, who proves himself most amiably will take us ia the wagonette." “It is Sunday evening." said I; I do not wish to go. I have beon brought up to spend Sunday evening quietly at home.” ksAnd Mademoiselle Veronique’s per suasions, ilatteries and blandishments were in vain. They alt went I could hear them returning at one oclock in the morn ing. tiptoing past my bedroom door; and their desoriptions of the festive gathering at the breakfast table tbo next day were enthusiastic in the ex treme. ■•There’s to be a hop Friday night week,” said Felix, “with a band from Mincaster. Lotty will go this time. I am quite certain, if I ask her; and Mr. and Mrs. Christall wilt be in New York that night for the charity ball.” ••Friday night week!” It came be fore we knew it. almost. Mr. and Mrs. Christall went to the charity baiL the latter so superbly dressed tnat the servants gathered in a little group Dehind the butler's pantry door to see her go out in her diamonds and pink silk. Old John, the elder coach man was to wait at Slington Station to bring them back at three o'clock— the other coachman, Thompson was m league with Veronique and her friends and was to harness up the wagonette as soon as the coast was fairly clear for Veroniquet Hatty. Julia and Felix. ■ ‘And Lotty might get ten if she only would. ” said Hatty, reprochfully. •■I don't think it's right." said I. Mrs. Hood had gone to see her daughter at Slington. leaving the house in Julia's charge, for Julia had been there some time and was re garded as quite trustworthy; the old butler always went to bed at nine; so that when the wagonette vras of I was the only person left about the place. And I had hardly seated my self by the fire with my needlework before there came a tap at the door. I started, for I wa< nervous and easily frightened, and the house seemed unnaturally large and lone some in the quiet evening sllonce. Ti was a little boy—a stunted, big-eyed creature—whom I did not remember to have seen in the neighborhood bo for^ 1 'Are you Lottie Lee?” he askod. "Yea” I answered, in surpriso. "It's your mother,” said he. 1 Che's felt on the ice and broken her leg. She wants you right o(T." "How did it happen?" I cried, bursting into teara "Who told youP" "I can’t stay. ” said ha "They've sent me for a doctor, aad I ain't to delay a second. And of! he scudded, his small figure seeming to lose Itself in the black masses of evergreen on the lawn. What was I to do? I knew that Johnson, the butler, slept like a log of wood, and there was no one else about the house. "I can just run down home and be back In half an hour.” thought L So l' lbcked the doors, saw that the fire was all right and started off across the dark copses and frozen fields. At the mill I saw a light burning and slopped to Inquire of old Mr. Dawson, whose wife was our nearest neighbor, as to the extent of 'the aoct "Is mother much hurt?" said I. Ho looked amazed and I proceeded to ex plain myself more fully. "Thoy’ve fooled you. my girl * snld he. *Tvn just come from there—and your mother's as well and sound as ever she was In her life." A sudden light scemod to* flash across me. Something was wrong. There was Borne undercurrent of ma licious purpose hidden -under all this tissue of falsehood. And I saw In the eyes of Harry Dawson, the miller’s tull son. who stood beside me; that he too shared my ideas. ••Father." said ha ‘nil isn't right. Call the Ford lada Let us go up to Christall Court with Lotty. “EhP" said Mr. Dawson. ... "You don’t suspect—” "I don't know what I do suspect father,’’said Harry, hurriedly button ing his coat "But I know all isn't as it should be." We came up to the Court a little band of us. in the frozen sllenoe of the winter night and -found that it was as Harry Dawson had suspected. Christall Court was in the possession of three mon whose tools scattered around, proclaimed them to be pro fessional burglars, while the poor old butler fast asleep at the top of the bouse, never dreamed that aught was amiss. But expert as were these thieves, the sturdy strength and supe rior numbers of our party were too much for them. They wore overpow ered and bound—and when the wag onette came home with its load of cross and sleepy servants, it served to carry the captives to the county jaiL It proved that one of them was Ver onique’s brother—and that the French-woman herself was in league with them. Veronique left the ooun try abruptly; all the other servants, except Mrs. Hood, old John and the butler, were discharged—and I am Mrs. Christall's maid. now. To be sure, it isn’t much of an ad venture. but such as it is I have told it as plainly as I could remembes, — Farmers Voice. Needless To Telephone. If parents could see their own children os others see them, it is to be feared that the sum of human happiness would sutler a serious dim inution. An exchange reports that a boy of 12 years, more or less rung the door-bell of a house not long ago. and said to the girl who answered the summons: “Won't you please telephone to the police station for me? 1 have found a lost boy." “A lost boy? How oid?” “About 4. I should think, mtfam. He can talk, but he can't tell where he lives." Borne poor child, probably." • 'Some awfully poor child. Why, he was the dirtiest boy you ever saw, taa says he can't have bad any thing to eat for a week. We think his folks lost him on purpose. Ma says they ought to be sent to state prison." “So they had. Does he give any name?” “Ob, yes; he says his name is Burt—1 ’ • ‘What! Has he light hair and blue eyes?” •■Yes'm.’ “And one front tooth gone?" “Ho’s my own boy, he is. and you walk him over here as quick as you know how! Also, tell your mother that people have got rich minding their own business."—Cincinnati En quirer. Easily Done. She had been trying for twenty minutes to entertain him with the gossip of the neighborhood. “Aw. Miss Quicksteps" he said, “cawn’t we—aw—talk about some, thing fwesh?” ••Why, yea Air. De Swellnut, ” she answered, with an engaging smile. * 'Tell me all about yourself. How do you manage to pass the time these dull days?"—Chicago Tribune. A Child of Ctrenmitmneea. First Guest—Awful bore, isn’t it? Second Guest—Dull as a funeral. I knew it would be. First Guest—You knew it? Then why did you come? Second Guest—Had to. My wife heard that the formula for writing re grets had changed, and she couldn’t tiad out what the new style waa So she sent an acceptance.—New York World. _ fiet Healthy Jurors. Jimson—I wouldn’t hang a mod on any ‘expert" testimony of doctors. Would you? Jamson— Not if I were in good health. ■■Humph! W’hat’s that to do with it?" “I haven't much faith in doctors— when I’m welL"—New York Weekly, j Carnlolan Iltth l^.t, Met of Carniola are noted for uelr great gentleness. They ouly rare iy resent manipulation, and need very ittle smoke to subjugate them. It might be thought that they were lack ing in pronounced qualities, but on the other hand they show decided traits peculiar to themselves and accompa nied by distinctive makings, and are therefore ae justly entitled as any bees found in Europe to be called an estab lished raee. The typical, select Car niolan queen has a deep eopper or bronze-colored abdomen, thorax thick ly set with gray fuzz, large, strong wings and a large, stout-looking body. Carniolan queens were larger on the average than those of any other rooe, having especially broad abdomens. Some queens are quite dark, even at taining with age a shining jet color. Such queens, though themselves re sembling queens of the common raoe, do not produce bees in any other way Inferior to any other Carniolan queens. Also pure Carniolan queens are occa sionally met with which are as yellow as Italians; yet they invariably produce workers and arones which are distinct ively Carniolan.—Ex. Our young friend, W. R Church 111, tvlioattended Elliott's Itusiness College, Burlington, la., him just secured a tine position in Hurling ton. The Visibility of Light. Experiments lately made show that light can be seen through a clean cut opening of not more than 1*40.000th of an Inch. Populur Science News tells that this fuct was determined by taking two thoroughly clean straight edges, placing a piece of paper be tween the surfaces at one end, the op posite end being allowed to coma together. The straight edges being placed between the eye and a strong light in a dark room, a wedge of light was perceived from the ends between which the paper was placed and those opposite when brought together. The thickness of the paper being known, the distance apart at the two edges of the small end of the wedge of light was easily calculated, ana the result was shown as above. We will give 1100 reward for sny case of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken Internally. r. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo, O. The old saying that time is money needs to be changed to time is cost, when applied to fattening stock. The more time is taken to put flesh on the more it costs. Animals fattened quickly also have sweeter and tenderer meat. The secret of quick fattening is never to overload the stomach, and give as large a variety of food as the animal will take. It is over feeding that induces a feverish condition of the body, that not only stops putting on of more flesh, but gives the animal the unpleasant flavor lhatnaturally results from disease, however slight it be. Webster's Diction'amef.—G. & C. Mer rlam Co. having won their suit against the Texas sifting Co. of New York, for offering a 40 years oU reprint olthe edition of Web ster’s Unabridged as premium for subscrib ers for their paper, are devoting their at tention to several other suit* of a like nature now In the courts,—The Topeka Capital Co. of Topeka, Kansas, being one of ihe latest. They claim they are compelled to do this In justice alike to" the public atul themselves and liuve therefore given Uirec tions to their att irney to prosecute In ev erv ease where a publisher makes use of misleading announcements._ A woman witu a wail on uer nose always bales a looking glats. Get a Good Start In Business Life tf securing a thorough biolneu eduostlon ut home, t-jr mall, luw rales; Bryant's College, Buffalo, N, Y. A man who cannot stand prosperity Is al ways ready to stand the drinks, Tlia Only One Rear Printed—Can Von Bind the Word! There Is a S-Inch display advertisement In this paper this week which has no two words alike except one word. The same Is true of each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This bouse places a “Crescent” on everything they make and publish. Look for It. send them the name of the word, and they will return yon Book, BsAUTirob Lithoouapbs or Baupi.it Full. It cost over $203 recently In legal fees, In South Carolina, to settle a claim of $5. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, Is rapidly becoming one of the great educa tional centers of the country. See advert isement elsewhere. _ A hypocrite Is a man who tries to fool everybody, but who only fools him.-elf. IF TOC n.M!XWTI,V Intend to mnrry quirk, hyn -- - ' oniul N»ovh — Mr.Kl'l It. ornlily, rend !'«•. for Miitrimonl Uiuleil lu lilalu smiled envelope. SUS >- Sib SC.. N. Y. The man who owns the landscape is sel dom the one who pays the tax on it. For Kale. THE GOOD WILL AND SUBSCRIPTION LIST of a lti-paee Agricultural Weekly, es tablished lnlsS4; published in a flourishing Western city, situated in a rich agricultural state. Will’be sold ut a sacrifice. A splen did opportunity to secure an established ag ricultural weekly. Address F. A. SuiTtl, 88 W. Jackson St., Chicago, 111. Cheap Home* for the Millions, In order to meet the constantly growing demands which come from every quarter of the Norlh, East and West, for reduced rates, to enable the farmer, the emigrant and the capitalist to visit the Southwest, particularly Texas, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Baitway have determined to sell tickets on August 25tli, September 27th and October 25th, from all points in the North, East and West, to all points on its main line in Missouri and, Kansas, south of Clinton, Mo., and all points in the State of Texas, at the ex tremely low rate of one fare far the round trip, good to return 20 days from date of sale! The reports which come from Texas of the prodigious prospective yields in the crops for the present season, aa well as those for several previous years, together with the seventy of the win ters in the Northern and Western States far several years past, will in duce many to locate on the sun-hissed prairies of this favored land during the coming fall. Now. is your oppor tunity. Grasp it while it is yet within your reach. For further information as to routes, rates, maps, time-tables, etc., call on or address E. IX Spexcer, Traveling Passenger Agent, Boom 12, Bookery Bldg.. Chicago; E It. Parker. Ass't Gen. Pass. Agent, 505 Chestnut St., St. Louis. Mo.; Walter G. Graham, Gen •ral Ticket Agent, Parsons, Kansas. Opening Ilia Canal. The most acceptable proportion that can be marie to person* troubled with chronto constl pntlon, is to open that Important canal—the bowels, 'flint proposition can be aarrlcd out by the parties Interested It they resort to Hos tetler's Stomach Hitters, tho most effective, most penial alterative extant. Jt Is the mis take or many otherwise sensible people, that they resort to drastic, or in other words, vio lent purgatives. Without exaggeration, this Is highly Injurious, since such medicaments weuken the bowels besides convulsing both them and the stomach with pain. Relief sought from the Hitters comes freely enough, but they never produce pain, excessive action, or subsequent weakness of the bowels. Liver and kidney trouble, malaria, dyspepsia, lack of atamlna and a tendency to rheumatism, are remedied by this pleasant substitute for drenching cathartics. Captain. W. H. Jordon, of Des Moines, Iowa, has turned over to the Slate Agricultural society a full set of nine volumes of the Shropshire Sheep Breeders' Flock Book of England. This valuable book was pretested by the English Shropshire Breeders' As sociation and brought from England by Captain Jordan when making his lust importation. They will be kept in the agricultural library at the Capi tol for tho use of any one who desires to look up the English record of Shropshire sheep. BEST OP ALL To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, turn the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the fuiuihr and costs only 50 cents; the large size #1. Try it ana l>c pleased. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. The man with no music in bis soul should hire s hand organ. Rev. J. tV. Burke, Macon, On., says: I have found Bradycrotine an infallible and almost instant cure for hciularho. A hive of 5.(KK1 bets will t roducs about fifty pounda of boner annually. Ir drowsy afters good night’s sleep there la Innltrcstioti and stomach disorder which Brechuin's 1’IUs will cure. Stealing away from bad company Is Justi fiable larceny, •• Ilnnaon’a llfnalc Cam Salre.” Warranted in cure, nr iiinuuy refunded. Aik your uruggiat fur a. price 1J cento. It always dors a mean man good to swear at a mule or kick a dog. Mrs. Wlnelow'e Soothing arras, far Chil dren teotlilng, Buttons tlioguiuo, reduces itidumtua tton, alleys puln, curus wind colic, iuc. a bottle. The men who can drluk or let It alone generally does It. ■lenltli Tld-I'lts BHvcwnak. nervous men. ft. Trial 10c. Ohio Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Sham pleasures are the ones that cost the most. _ I)r. Judd’s Klectrlc Belts urc sold on six months trial. Judd Klectrlc Co.. Omaha. Nature should be assisted to throw offlmpurltleaofthe blood. Nothing does it so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific. LIFE HAD NO~CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and 1 was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could getno relief. I then deckled to try KKKH A few bottles of this wonderfulESsBfl medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan. Oar book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa. SICK HEADACHE - ' 1 • »^nr«mltl»ri¥cured fey CARTER’S VPlTTLE Tiver M itlvrlycurrd fey (hfw IJItlr FflU. They alao relieve Dis tress from D.vapepaia.In digestion and TooHaarty Eating. A perfect rou» Bdy for PiKdueeOIftUMa Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue,Pain in the Hide, TOHPID LIVEK. They regulate the Boweia. Purely Vegetable. Price Sft Cents. CASTES UESICQTE CO., MEW TOSS. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. me “OHIO" WELL DRILL Catalogue FltlCK. BORE WELLS with our fniiioiiM Well Mftrliiii«*ry. The only perfect gelf-cleAning ana gast-droppiog tools in use. LOOMIS <& NYMAN, Tim>. ouio. NO FUES ON US If you use Dutcher’s Fly Killer. Evpry sheet will kill a quart of flies, destroy their eggs and prevent reproduction. Always ask for Dutcher's and get best results. Fr.dk. Dnteker Brag Co., St. Albans,Vt. mnir ir\K|JOHM ». uniutis, I ILNdlvN Wafthlnuion, !>.«'. K* Successfully Prosecutes Claims. H Late Principal ExAinlner U 8. Pension Bureau. ■ 3yr« in last war, iiadjmlicaliugclaun*, ally auiwj. FLAGS «!A” finnn«»r*. Silk or Bunting. A M KIC M A N FI,A4« Mlg.Co.. Easton, Pa. fceml fur pneea. Fixed just right —Liver, Stomach, and Bowel*, by Dr. Pieroo’s Pleasant Pellet*. Thtjr do it in just the right way, too ■■ by using Nature's own methods* Tnat’s why they’re better than the dreadful, old-fashioned pills, with their griping and violenoe. But they’re better in everyway. In size, for instanco, and dose. They’ro the smallest and the eas iest to take; only one little Psflefc is needed for a gent' laxative*-* three for a cathartic. They deans* and regulate the system thoroughly — but it’s done fchsily and naturally. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all dosangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels aro prevented, relieved, and cured. They’re the cheapest pill you An} buy, for thoy’ro guaranteed to |hs satisfaction, or your money is un turned. You pay only for valm received. < Something else, that pm ' lo oifOTod dealer bettor, may_—__, “ just as pood.” Perhaps It ,i$ him, but it can’t bo, for yi>y» 8 WEEKLY COURIER-JOURML la the Largest, Newt lost, Beat lhdied. Hits the greatest olrunlnlKMi Of Democrat to y epor In the United 8 Late*. LOTTERY Sohemna Imva ben ■upnreaaeU bf HsM, National laglalatlon. Hut tblj "o rto with” he WKUKLY COUH NAL'S lawful, legitimate, lioueat pl»« t* tribute absolutely free $14,400 in 0*14 Odi! wno limy nu*"ui • .1 ; to stiswerlug naowrotoir oift: j rointnllos ftjo * la NovonSor, Ifps tiMmrfT. To »tib«orlbort who may anawer ***it»aSt^y or come nearest f tala questions I olectlou toaoouf will be One Grand Prlxe ofj§l0,00© AND 44 1‘ltizm or SUO UA1W. Ur mi bum I her at •! a y*W t f*Ur Democrat to paper putNMMi lw m wai and in Addition lisa 4ft nhsnajkh M til grand gold coin priao*. In a4#IUo»» *0 IMS? lug la value from HI to I •very lay In the week to the nJMfof “at club Tito .BUMABILITf 004 HI SI III MTV of the OOCBlUU JOUKHAt l-ANV 18 KNOWNTH* WOULD OT Every promise it mskso U always fuuMlad. , A sample oopy at the pa par. OQCtOlftlaf ilolall* of the*, marvelous oMwfnl bo SMB. free anywhuse, Mad you tlM Mt Ngp THE ONLYTRUE „ IRON. ,!TONIC •Pit tone i»l4«e«M wu el Kohl "•isirrsiXiirL jsai; ARlIer luthulr wx, RJiuc • hm. *|K*ci|)r cure, ni hceke, Wul IA< ■ adm shoe* and Klaud-newed* easy anil uu: able shoes due Imported shot a coating from SB t 5tt Police !Shoe, worm Af_ ■ want a good heavy calf, three easy to walk In, and will keep the 4*0 5® Flue CnIf, *£.25 m will give n.ore wear for tNo They are tuatle for service. The Ingmen have fouud this out. pQygf M And Yonlhs* worn by the boy* ev able shoes Fold at these prices. | A ff\| BT Q* *3 Ilnnd-Hcwa liAUICiV fchoea for Miaaes_ gola or tine Calf, as desired. Tamy _ tor table and durable. The $3 shorn e^moi* shoes costing fram $4 to $«. Lading wjua .. mire In tPeir footwear tre finding thtgamt* CAUTION.—Fewareof dealers .. it \V_ T. l)i >n:* !>»«*’ n.itiie «n,i ♦ a ASK FOR W. L. DOUGUS’ SHOES. Such substitutions are fraudulent -ni nahM Won by law for obtaining money nn 'lsfihJegfw, If not for sale iu your place send direct to Factory, stating bin wanted. Postage free. H ill give exclusive sale to shoe dealers «. chants where 1 have no agents. Write ter Catalogue. W. L. Drselcs,