yntorlea Wlilcli fry 'nice—'Tho Mystery of ml Otlior Like Canes the Watlo Wilkes Case. nous darkness shaded o'er tho pi ace. •sluferno. lift uui ui* New York has had a dozen inysteriou crimes during the last few years which have, to ulf in tents and pur poses,baffled the detectives under Insnoctor Byrnes. The moat recent one Is that In which Henry Wade Willies lost his life. • It will be remembered that Wilkes was one of a famonfe band of international swindlers who while operating’ in Italy betrayed his confederates for the clemency of i iho crown. He then returned to this country and tried to lead an upright life. Ills people being among the lead ers of New York society ho tried to re gain the prestige of other years and failed. Then he drifted from better to worse, until one moining not long ago, his dead body was found in the street not far from 1 his lodgings. His skull was fraeturod and there were other evidences of a most brutal crime. The closost detective work has, how ever, failed to develop any clew that might load to the identity of the mur derer. It is believed that friends of the gang he had betrayed had a hand in it. Among the most notable murder mysteries of the metropolis is that surrounding the killing of Ueorge L. Leslie. This crime is Written in criminal history as "The' Mystery of Tramps’ Rock.’* Fourteen years ago Leslie was found n^tfdered on “Tramps’ Rock” just across the New York city line in Westchester county. Leslie was a famous bank burglar. .’ Several lead ers of the most industrious gangs were arrowed and it became plain to their L ' OBORGIC I, I.BSLIK. ambers that some one was revealing W felrplana to the police. It Is believed I that Leslie excited their suspicions by I bis freedom ^om arrest However I this may bdi*L; he was found lying dead on "Tramps’ Rock’’ in June. ,, 1878. There were several bullet holes in liisbody. The police were greatly excited over this crime. It Vwas de cided after careful investigation that the murder must have been effected either in Hew York or Williamsburg and the dead body transmrted to "Tramps' Rook" in a wa^ All efforts of the police tu1(a*Yttrch Murder. Ujliinfe man fell into i drunken > in the lumber yard at 1 ourteenth [t and North Avenue om night in til of 1875. ' Joe Lang Ion, with hrtner, “Mug” Murraj, two all 1 thieves, happened to drop along hay in search of justisuch easy as a drunken j“sleeper." Langdon did the robbing so clumsily kibpt . the man was arousal from bis man was arousqd from his nber. lie showed fight, 'and Lang t and Uis pal clubbed him badly. The anger noticed while Langdon waa ppling with him that tlid thiof had hious birthmark on his aheek, and Vied: i may dome now, but;I’ll know that mark, and I’ll kill yon Oi rSgut.” . r _ When the thieves decampdd the vit tim went around to a saloon on Tent avenue, where he washed tile blood ol his wounds and repeated life threat t kill Langdon on sight, hbr four o five days he hung around tie vicinit; of the crime waiting for Laijgdon. Oi the fifth day he resolved to dive up an' hope o' meeting his man in That neigh ^ jiprhood, so he jumped on1 the rca ; platform of a Bleccker streijt car goini ' *orth. As the car bowled ijlung a fe >cks three other men jum fit of .them wae Lai *1 ijiong a fe ui^^ho^ rceognisud and wait recognized instantly. Lnngdon sprang oil the ear, pursued by bis enemy. They ran toward thu lumber yard, and almost on the very spot where he had btcn robbed the unknown man shot Lnngdon through the heart. Ho has never been captured. The block bounded by Houston Street, First street, Chrystie street and the' Ilowery furnished two murder mysteries within a few weeks of each other in the winter of 188(1. In the first of these cases the victim was a well known young man named Fred Ntobo, the son of wealthy parents who lived In Hoboken. Young Stobo was inclined to be fast in his habits and spent a good deal on time in the con cert balls that flourished plentifully. FRKO BTOJIO. along1 the Bowery at that time. lie usually carried money and wore valua ble jewelry. One niglit he went into Johnny Opp's notorious resort at No. 311 Bowery. He loft the place with a woman after midnight. Ills dead body was found tlio noxt morning lying at tho foot of a flight of stairs in a tene ment house on Houston street, a few doors from tho Bowery. He had been robbed, mhrdcrcd and thrown down stairs. In vain did the police make arrests. There was no conviction. The l’lnkertons took the case up and ■pent thousands of dollars on it. A re ward of $2,500 was offered, but noth ing ever came of it. Johnny Opp’s dive is still running at full blast. Interest in the Stobo tragedy had hardly begun to wane when another crime was committed on the same block. In this case the victim was “Old Doe Werner,” a notorious fence, who did business with all the petty thieves in the city. The “Doc” was generally believed td be wealthy. He lived alone in miserable rooms on the Bowery, a few doors above Houston street. There was a constant proces sion of “snide” crooks to his rooms. One morning ono of these gentry knocked, ns he had often done before, on "Doe’s” door, but got no response. He pushed in the door. Tho old man whs lying dead upon tlie*floor. It was plain, from the way in which the room and furniture were bespattered with blood that there must have been a ter rible struggle between the mur derer and his victim. The weapon used was that deadly contrivance, a stone tied up in a handkerchief. This was a favorite weapon of New York toughs in bygone days. But when it was legally classed ns a slung shot the thugs who were in the habit of carrying it with them discarded it. Nobody was ever convicted of the mur der of Doc. Werner. Even the motive that prompted the crime is an enigma. The Doc. was not robbed. It is be-’ lieved that he held in his possession the key to some crime that would pov sibly send some one to Sing Sing or the gallows, and that this person lulled him to make sure the secret would be kept. These are a few of the great murder mysteries of the metropolis. Some other time I will give an account of more recent ones. . _ Leon Dkvkkeaux. A SENSATIONAL. SCENE Which Is Now Being Enacted In a Now York Play-House. Some of the ballets in “Egypt Through the’Centuries,” a spectacle now holding the boards at the Pali sades, New York, are of unusual excel snee. The army of women in them are gorgeously costumbd. The figures are showy and novel. The most effective HOLDING HER IN HIS AltMS. grouping, perhaps, is in the “Ballet ol the Virgins,” at the close of the first act, when all the girls are dressed in filmy white with ves'tal green ribbon at their waists and large bunches of flowers in' their hands. According to the New York Herald, Bignorita Elena Salmoiraghi.prima ballerina assoluta,la worthy of her name. Her dancing, is as remarkable as her patronymic, and Signor Alfredo Blancifiori, who dances with her, gave a novel performance. At the outset he lilts the Salmoiraghi gently in the air and gracefully skips her up and down. Holding her in his arms he twirls with great rapidity around and around. Then he balanbes her under one arm and swings around with one* of his feet in the air. The most peculiar feature of the dancing is a pas soul, when he spins teplike at an angle of forty-five degrees vtith his anna and legs rigidly extended. I, • A th - r m .a •. ■. i; , 44* LEGAL ApVERTISEMENTS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. The McKlnley-Liinntng Loan and Trust Co., vs. William H. Curtis ot ill. SOTICB TO t»ON-KB»IT>KWT UKrUNDANTS. William H. Curtis, Cliock H. Tonoray, Toncrav. Ills wife, and Kil F. tiallngher will take milieu that on tlioasih clay of March I Hie, the above named iihilntlir Hied a petition HKulnst you. Impleadeil with others, In said court, HU oh|eel and prayer of which are for the. foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by William II. Curtis to W. U. McKinley dated December I. 1KWI, and tiled for record and recorded In the ofllee ol the recorder of deeds of said Ilolt county. In book SI. on page lSi.convcylnK the following described real estate and premises, alluated In said county to-wlt: The south half ol the southeast quarter (Sli SKk) section thirty-five town ship thirty-two. north, range thirteen west of the tltli e. M., that, default, has been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said mortgage. and tlmre Is now due plnlntltf In the premises, the sum of four hundred and sixty dollars, together with Interest at ten percent, per annum thereon from June 111. per an r.. isle, which Is a valid and llrst lien on sttlil premises. lMnlntllf prays for t he sale of saltl promises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due In the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of fill of the said defendants, anil those claiming under them. You, and each of you. are required to answer said petition on or Jiefore Monday the Kth day of August. IslB, or the same will he taken as true, and Judgment and decree rendered accordingly. Till WETS, MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings. Nebraska, MM Attorneys for 1’lalntlff. IN TIIK DISTRICT COURT OK COUNTY*. NEBRASKA. HOLT Magdalene Nowliind, vs. William Webster, t t ill. NOTICK TO NON-KKRUIRNT IIKFKNDANTH. samuol II. Hurls, - Ilurtz, Ills wife. (iimrunty Investment Co., anil I). M. Davis, the receiver thereof, will tako notice that on tiio Tth day of December. 1891, tlie above nanieil plaintiff Hied a petition against you, Iniuleaueil witli others, In said court, the object and prayer of which are for thu foro elosiire of a certain mortgage given by William Webster to Ouaranty In vestment Co. dated April 29,1880, nnd tiled for reeord and recorded In t he ofllee of the recorder ol* deeds of said Holt county. In book 45, on page 414, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated In said eounty,to-wlt: The southwest Quarter of the southeast quarter (SWtt SEVi) and the southeast quar ter of the southwestciliurter (HEJi 8WJ4) of section fourteen (14) and tlie north half of the .northwest quarter (N)4NW)a) of section twenty-three (23), township thirty-two (113), north, range eleven (11). west of the (Ith P. M., that default has been made In the puyrnent of the Indebtedness secured by said mort gage. and there Is now duo plulutilf In the premises, the sum of seven hundred thirty three (*7)61) dollars, together with Interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June 31,1892, which Is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaint Ilf prays for the sale of said promises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due In the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and caoli of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the Btli day of August. Is iff, or the same will be taken as true, nnd Judgment and docree rendered accordingly. TIUUET8, MOHEY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska, 504 Attorneys for Plaintiff. THE FRONTIER FOR LEU A L BLANKS NOTICE. To Jasper N. Jolly, Jennie N. Jolly and James P. Weeks, non-residents, you are hereby uotltled that Ella Burr McManus, plaintiff, did on the Pith day of June. 1808, Hie In the ofllee of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Jasper N. Jolly and Jennie N. Jolly his wife to tlie Iowa Mortgage Company, for the sum of *800 on the 18th day of November. 1888, upon the SWJ4 sec. 31, twp. 27, range lit w. 8tli P. M. The same being recorded in book "20" of mortgages at page 188; ulso to foreclose a second upon said premises in favor of said Iowa Mortgage Company, executed and de livered ou the same day and recorded in book “21" of Mortgages, at page 183 of the re cords of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon which tliore Is now due the sum of *1,014. You arc required to answer said petition on or before the 2f>th day of July, 1892. Dated this l&th day of June, 1892. 49-4 U. M. UTTLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff.. s SHKIFF’S SALE, By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 27th day of May, 1892, in favor of Tho American Investment company as plaintiff and against Enoch L. Ueagcr et al as defendants, for the sum of two hundred forty-one dollars, and seven cents, and costs taxed at *32.88 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section twenty flve (25) township thirty-two (it)) range eleven 111) west of the Otli e. N. In llolt county, Ne braska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest blddor for cash, in hand, on the 25th day of July, a. D. 1892, in front or the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by tlie undersigned. Bated at O’Neill, Nobraska, this 20th day of Juno, 1892. , H.C. McEvonv, 60-5 Sheriff of said County. NOTICE. .1. Q. Clark, C. H, Toncray and II. N. McKee defendants,will take notice that Theodore Q. Dockstader bus tiled a petition in tlie distrlot court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, impleading with Elzy Davis, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a ...- f ■ " —’ 1887. mortgage dated May 10th, 1887, for *700 and interest and tax payments, on the north half of the north-west quarter of sec tion thirty-one. and the south-west q uarter of the soulli-west quarter of section thirty, township thirty-two. range nine, and the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section tweuty-flve. township thirty-two. range ten, west. In said county, given by Elzy Davis to Ueorge A. Dockstader and as signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re corded iu Book 28, Page 321, of the mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a drat lien.and said lands to be sold to satisfy the same, , You are reuuired to answer said petition 011 or lieforo tlie 1st day of August, 1898. Dated, June 18, 1892. \ THEODORE G. DOCKSTADER, Plaintiff, By Munger & Courtright, Attorneys. 50-4 SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed tc me from the clerk of tlie district court ol Holt county. Nebraska, on a degree obtained before the district eou rt ofliolt county, Ne braska. on the 24th day of May, 1892. In favot of Cynthia S. Bartholomew as plaintiff nnd against John L. Colwell et al as defendants, for the sum of eight hundred eighty-eight dollars, and elghty-two cents,and costs taxed at *28.23 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said order of sale to-wlt: The mirth half of southeast quarter and south half of northeast quarter of section nineteen (19) township twenty-nine (29) range twelve (12) west of the 6th p. M. lu Holt county Nebraska. , And will offer the samo/for sale to the high est bidder for cash, In.0:1 Che 25th day of July A. D. 1892, In front of the court house In O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district ccurt was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock q. m, of said day when and where due attendance-will he given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, N, eonvcyinif the following described real estate and premises, situated MOREY h FERRIS, Hastings. Nebraska, Attorneys for plaintiff IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUN TY, NEBRASKA. William W. Hunt vs. Charles C. Millard, et al. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. I). F. Cullender,--Cullender, his wifG, Erast us W. Smith and-Smith, his wife will take notice that on the 29th day of January 1802, the above named plalntlH med a petition against you, Impleading with others, in said court, tiie object and prayer ot which are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Charles C. and Carrie Mil lard, to C. 11. Tone ray, dated April 1st. 1887. and fl^ed for record and recorded In the office of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county In IlMnlf W All nniM Sid) . 1 ... * -“‘>;.P.ounJy’ '"“wn; ino souui-west quarter, (BWki) of section 13. township 30, north range i;i. west of 8th P. M„ that default has beon made In the payment of the lndebt ness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaiutilT in the premises, the sum ol seven hundred and ton dollars, together with the Interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June 21,1893, which is a valid and first Hen qn said promises. PlalntlH prays for the sale of said premises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises, and for a decree foreclosing I lie equity of redemption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and euoh of you, are required to answer said petition on or before the eighl day of August, 1892, or the same will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS, MOREY & FERRIS, „„ . Hastings, Nebraska. 60-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLTOOUN TY, NEBRASKA. The MoIClnley-Lannlng, Loan and Trust Co., vs. Soloman D. Julten, et al, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS, James Jansen and--Junsen, his wife, will take notice that on the 7th day of March, 1895 the above named plaintiff filed u petition against, you, Impleaded with others, iu said court, tho object and prayer of which are foi the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Soloman D. Julleu, to W. B. McKinley, dated November 1st 1888, and filed for record and recorded In the office of the recorder ol deeds of said Holt county. In book 19, page 253, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated In said county, to-wit: The south-west quar ter (8Wk) of section 28. township 31 north, range 13 west of 8 p. m. that,default lias been madeln the.payment of tho Indebt edness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff in the premises, tho sum of fifteen hundred dollars, together with In terest at ten per cent per annum thereon from June 21, 1892, which Is. a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff pray. for the sale of said premises according to law to satisfy the amount udjugdcd due In the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of redemption of all of the said de fendants, and those olalming under them. You.and eaoh of you,are required tnauswei aid petltlou on or before Monday, tht 8l li day of August 1802, or the same will be taken us true, and judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS, MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska. DO-4 Attorneys for Plalutlff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUN TY. NEBRASKA. Sarah A. Cole, vs. Timothy W, Sullivan, et al NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Timothy W.SullIvan,-Sullivan,his wife made defendant as Jane Doe, Guaranty In vestment Co. and D. M. Davis, receivei thereof, will take notice that on tho 30th day of November, 1891. the above named plalntlH filed a petltlou against you, linpluaded witt others, in said court, the object and prayei of which are for the forrelosuro of a certaii mortgage given by Timothy W. Sullivan, t( Uuaranty Investment Co. dated August 1st 1889, and filed for record and recorded In tht office of the reoorder of deeds of said Holl county, in book 49, on page 203, conveying tht following described real »estate ant premises situated In Ilolt county to-wit: The south-west quarter of tho north east quarter (SW^NE)*,) the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter (8E)4N W)» the north-eust quarter of the south-west quarter (NEliSWkiJand the north-westquar ter of the south-east quarter, (NWMSE14,) ot section 28, township 28, north range 13, west of otli p. m., that default has been made li the payment ot the Indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and there Is now due plalntlf in the premises, the sum of seven nundrec and thirty-two dollars.together with lnteres1 at 10 per cent, per annum thereon from Junt 21, 1892, which Is a valid and Hsrt Hen oi said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale o said premises, according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re deinptlon of all of the said defendants, an< those claiming under them. You, and each of you, are required t< answer said petition on or before Monday the eight day of August, 1802, or the gam< will be taken as true, and judgment and do cree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS, MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska. 50-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff, SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed t< me from the clerk of the district court ol favor of The StateRunk of O'Neill as plain, tiff and against Rhoda C. Howard et al a defendant, for the sum of eleven hundred sixty two dollars, and forty-five cents, ant costs taxed at $32.53 and accruing costs J have levied upon tho following premisei taken as tho property of said defendant t< satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: Lots one (1) and two (21 block sixteen (18 and lots one (1) and two (2) block tweuty-om (21) in Hazelets addition to the city of OfNeil as platted and recorded in the clerks offioe. And will off er the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 25th dai of July, A. D. 1892,In front of the court housi in O’Neill, that being the (luilding whereli the last term of district court was held, at thi hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, when ant where due attendance will bo given by tin undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, Nchraska.this 20 th day o June, 18W. H. O. McEvony, 50-5 * Sheriff of said County. NOTICE. To C. U. Tonorav. Emma R. Toncray, H, N McKee and A. H. Farrons. non-residents o the state of Nebraska, you are hereby no tided that Janett B. Herbage plaintiff, did oi the 18th day of June, 1892, file in the office o: the clerk or the dlstrlot court of Holt county Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayei of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgagi executed by W. D. Mathews and Emelim Mathews, to C. H. Toncray, for the sum o $000, on the 24th day of July, 1888, upon thi northwest quarter of seotion 8, township 27 north of range 11, west of the 8th p. x., whlcl mortgage was duly recorded In book 39 o mortgages at page 548 of the records of Hoi county, Nebraska, and upon which there 1 now due tho sum of 88TJ.3A. you are required to answer said petition oi , or before the 31st day of July, 1882. Dated this 18th day of Juue, 1892. 504 ILL M. UTTLEY. Attonley for Plaintiff. ■}/ &i. ■' Notice To C, M.' Toncra*. EmV& B Toncray ChurlgglluAfin. Hiuu’t UnP»»- Fayette Find ley ftml Hi N. McKee, naJFwsldenU, yCu nrc hereby notified that MjJry T. Herbage, plain Mff. did on tile ixth dniirJune, 1892, file in the ofllco of the clerlf llf the district court of Holt county, Nebra6k;f’ a petition, the object and prayer of whtdh l«rto foreclose a certain mortgage executed by W. D. Mathews and Emellne Mathew.-, to C. H. Toncray. for the sum of afiOu.uT fne 25th day of July, 1888. Upon tho noefti half of the southeast quarter or.scction 8/and the north half of the south test quarter section It. township 20, north oi f-.nge, I invest of the (ith p. it., which mort lf««e *r«s duly recorded In botfk ill) of rnorl tfaSwe/at page 552 of the records of Holt couMy, Nebraska, and iqion which there Is now duo the sum of *073.35. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of July, 1892. Dated this 18th day of June, 1392. 80-4 H. M. UTTLEY. s Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. To John J. Mandervllle. C. II. Toncray, Ralph I. Little and the Farmers Loan and Trust company, non-residents, you are hereby notified that T. P. Strong, plalntllf. did on the 18th day of June, 1893, file In the otBoe of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of which la to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by John J.Mandervllle to the Nebraska Mortgage & .Investment Com pany for the sum of *500, on the 1st day of April, 1887, on the EH of SW‘i and NWJi of SW>4, sec. 30, twp. 32, range 12 w. Otli P. M. The same being recorded In book "26" of mortgages, at page 97 of tbo records of Holt county. Nebraska, and upon which there Is now due the sum of *884.60. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 25tli day of July. 1892. Dutod this 15th day or June, 1892. <0-4 H. M. UTTLEY. Attorney for Plalntllf. NOTICE. To Oscar D. Ford and Eliza Ford, non-resi dents, you are hereby notified that William H. V anAntwerp. plaintiff, did on the 13thday of June 1892, file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, « petition, the object and prayer of which Is -J foreclose a certain mortgage executed l>y you to the Nebraska Mortguge and Invest ment company for tho sum of *250, on the with day of August 189C, on the nw*i section 20, town 32, range 9 west Uth 1>. M., the same being recorded In book 53 of mortgages on page1612 of the records of Holt eouiity, Ne braska, and upon which there is now due the sum of *297.10. You are required to answer said petition oh or before the 25th day of July, 1893. Dated this 15tU day of June. 1892. 49-4 H. M. Uttley, Atty. for Pltf. 5 NOTICE. To John Barrett Wm. G. Palmetecr and i O. O. Heffner non-residents, you are hereby notified that, William 11. VanAntwerp, plaintiff, did on the 13th day of June, 1892, Hie In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by ■ Robert W. Gregg, to the Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company for the sum of *300, on the 21st day of August, 1800, on tho sw>4 section 9, town 27, range 11 west 0th P. M., the same being recorded In book 53 of mortgages, at page 628 of the records of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon which there Is now due the sum of *311.50. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of July 1892. Dated this 15th day of June, 1892. 49-4 H. M. UTTLEY, Atty. for Pltf. NOTICE. Willis E. Elliott, Addle 8. Elliott, Erastus W. Smith, Edith L. Smith, D; T. Callender, Mrs. Callender wife of D. T. Callender, defen dants, will take notice that Theodore G. Dockstuder, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage dated May 5th, 1887 for *000 and interest and tax payment on the north half of the south west quarter and the south west quarter of the south west quarter both of section eleven, also the south east quarter of the south east quarter of section ten. all in township thirty-two, north of range twelve, west of the 6tli p. m. in said county, given by Willis E. Eliott and Addie 8. Eliott, to George A. Dockstador and as signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re corded In book 26, page 430 of the mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and tho said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 18th day of July, 1892. Dated June 2,1892 48-4 THEODORE G. DOCKSTADER, Plaintiff, By Munger & Courtright. Attorneys. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. O’Neill, Neb., June 9,1892. Notice is hereby given that Richard J. Dwyer has filed notice of Intention to muki' final proof b6fore register and receiver'at his office In O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday, the 23d day of July, 1892, on timber culture ap plication No. 6266, for the 8E quarter of sec tion No. 27, in township No. 30, Range No. It west. He names as witnesses: Jeremiah McCarthy, John D. Murphy, John Harrington, James R. Sullivan,till of O'Neill, Neb. 40-0 B. S. Gillespie, Register. NOTICE. To Alexander Mills, Matilda Mills, Leonard Seitz and Mrs. Leonard Seitz, defendants. Will take notice that on the 23d day of June 1892, E. Benedict Oakley, executor, and Kate Oakley, executrix of the last will and testaments of Mary B. Oakley, deoeased, herein filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho object and prayer of, which is to foreclose u certain trust deed ex ecuted by Alexander Mills and wife Matilda Mills to E. S. Ormsby, trustee, for P. O. Refrell, upon the follhwlng described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wtt: North half southwest quarter and lot four i of section No. three; also the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section No. 1 four, all In township thirty-two, range eleven west sixth P. M. T» secure the payment of a certain note of *800 and ten Interest coupons all dated July 17,1880. Said principal note of *800i)elng due June 1,1891, and the coupon notes being duo i on tho 1st days of December and June of each commencing with December 1, 1886. The i plaintiff alleges that they are the owners of • and in possesion of all the notes; and that tbero Is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of *1.000 according to the terms of said deed. The plaintiff prays that said premises . be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount found due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on I or before the 8th day of August, 1892. 1 Dated tbis 27th day of June, 1892 . 60-4 R. R. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUN TY, NEBRASKA. Preston Eves, plaintiff, vs. Leouadus Leer, Elizabeth Leer, C. M. Buekly and The Co operative Land & Lot Company, defen dants. To the above named defendants, Lcmadus Leer, Elizabeth Leer and C. M. Buekly® Will take notice that on the 27 day of May, 1892, the plaintiff above named filed his petition in tho district court of Holt county, state of Nebraska against the above named defen ■ dants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tlie i said defendants, Leouadus Leer and Eliza beth Leer to one The Western Farm Mort i gage Trust Company of the state of Kansas, upon the south half of the northeast quarter i and the north-west quarter of the horth-east quarter of section fourteen (14), township ' thirty-one (31) north, in range ten (10) west of tho sixth principal meridian, lying and situ ated In the county of Holt.state of Neorasku, . which mortgage was executed to secure the payment of certain promissory note dated February 15, 1890, for the sum of fourhun . dred dollars, due and payable In tivfe *ars ' from the date thereof, which note and Krt ■ gage were afterwurds duly sold, assignewnd i delivered to the above named plaintliftliat ' there is now due upon said note and mort , gage the sum oMjour hundred and fourteen ’ dollars witli intei^nAereon at the rate of i ten per cent por from the first day of i August, 1891. for^^kh sum with interest : thereon the plalntit^tays and for a decree > that the defendats above named be required , to pay the same or that said premises may be > sold to satisfy the amount found due and for ' a decree barring and foreclosing all the said . defendants above named of and from all l right, tltlo. Interest, estate or equity of re demption of. in or to said premises or any i part thereof. You are required to answer said petition, on or before the 15th day of August, Dated this 6tlvdayaf July, 1892. Preston Eves, Plaintiff. '4 iiMimiwmwa.. _ MHili H. COR] WATTEND TO TODH^ DElftlSTR IN F1N8T-C1A88 SHAPE. a PHOTOGRAPHY* OP &LL KTND8 Office and galiry on Fourth fttreAt" Mufofnnitrnuj|jp..k east of Holt County Bank. Niuiii(iiaiiiitii[iH!iHiii!iaiiiiii!ii«Eti Where th^ b«^t ■ WINESLv | LIQUORS AND CldARS Can Always be rtad Is located opposite Thk Itrm, pat GIBBONS, Prip. R. R. DICKSOi'J &C0J 8UOOES8QR8 TO. T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Title Abstracteis/ConKyancerSi TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS. FARM LANDS • |AND TOWN LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms; -..,4 Purchase Tickets and "liDiUm f*r>i Freight via the . • - .-tf F, E. & M. V. and §£,& ?! f? RAILROADS. ^ < **• dkr •§k . TRAINS DEPAtBhM'f^. ■■ fMvp Qomoeast, m:-:*: r^'» >'‘15 Passenger east, • . ' - Freight east.,, -. - Jraggl^jj^ GOING WEST, 'a > v-j* J Freight west, •* , jc Passenger west, - pjH Freight, - - . - I'-fMVfV., The Elkhorn Line is now running ) Chair Cars daily, between Omaha *SMl £ta4» . wood, jree to holders of first-class teanijit* "* I ■ ■ m"". tatlon. Fer any information oaH da" * , ; ’jjv,. Sr'vk --M'i’ W. J. DOBBS, A*T. I O’NEILL. NEB. f; I C11 rr>K/"-‘-; KIRKS '?*$ ■ *4j£ healthful, aoreeable, cli rcrvi armors, Miners and A PER.'ICT SOAP FOR ALKALI Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Worn £te. A Delightful Shampoo, m\n RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water , ' ALL PAPER [cs A directions how to hang A clean paper sent • hare the lamest stock In the country t* sslect •* u at all prices. Painters sod Pnp-*r Himtfwra. - 7 uflimu KLAFPER1CII, Chlcas Tl; le-sb VV Randolph tit.. and S-W “