AIN M EXPECT AT101 lEALtZEEfc, •'* i;5 Wj DlmnidttM 0*«|l Londg«— |tk« CnMqr Ijorourtfc— ' fmllB p«wf>'' * ly, 7.—Mr, 1. • To-day the polling will come Portsmouth, Plymouth, South j|g»ohoater, Sheffield, Leeds, vHnUand Newcastle-on-Tyne, ■expect better lnck in they had yesterday, ion la 0 -bore disappointment to may have to rely on for jds majority, if ha 4n the elections up to s. m. ahow tha.t bq far the Tories its, the Liberal/ 00, the Lib .and the McCarthy-. I INCREASING. • ~,r —• > Xp'purenUy Spread* Jntar Eantpe. , July 9.—Peports and ,Erivan and iff; towns on the taUhe'-iricapacity of i to cope with’ the'situa i filthy condition of the ^ _ttfi"tM0djs described a* injurious, while the noFta&tence of fdepL' system f of fraimag-e is deplored '/■Seva toff is apparently mid .only t threatened i, Russian i rara?\rtflfe’e®Cient preventive raeas | nrevscfe/he^n taken/ The risk of con I WfniiB Astrakhaniagreatly increased 1 hy ihe inhabitants eating putrid fish, \ whilffcsonstitutss thept habitual food.: ", that the cholera has ap ‘ " ‘ . LtolshiS^^iSi heir^tehmersplying |n thp liatoefiFroute he neeounf of the cholera epifitaskt m Only four Apetomsd OslM haw Wi ll teered tenMM^w* petiente la the Sp’era hosp®als. The other fieetors lly assist in the work when theyare el led to give their nervicea by the strict rules to that sfisct which Lnv»rnment has laanad. t•• ; it mas ! says: rms to be slrmnoistf to It is priyktely reported 1 on tbs other in Samaria. The r in Baku and its . ..j. 4.0: ■ 7.—Dr. 1%wl» in a re gard of health on Cholera says: "The greatest |l be necessity if the t8resent epidemic following- the the felseaae took in 1831 end iMft®.. Cholera ia becoming more pre in the' suburbs. There were' deathr-froin .!$ yesterday. The lealth if gjcwA. ' . />r -- j; 1 ‘l-:•dA\ ' RseSIred Llfht sentences# 'Pgfq'pe, July 7.—The miners who are tmmrjgaiHy ;0<, hiring caused the mml exploit in the Beckenbridge fever Jttlne, near Przibram, by which ■er three hundred men lost their lives, Ire been sentenced, l£riz, who threw I - burning lampwiik which ignited B gaees, waa sentenced to three years ^feriaonment; Knbfcdoo waifehen teheed ^K||6iayfor two years; while Havelka, ppie oonf ession to the* authori ■uSTAfll with eighteen months im febnnt t t Hu Folly-qsptari* Anarchists. Reel three dangerous anarchists .iped Dexvaux, maurice and Farer. ;rvaux, is supposed to have been iii^ ChlBOM^OFlom nttHr^udkti . Sw Fssjrcieoo.oCal-, Jhly S.—Io ml revenue agents found in an un-* ■,-round cellar in the Chinese quarter Hpium.fsotory large enough to sup ft* L-Va ■Wirrsui vs. m Its Curtis ot ill. #$rHlMKI NO.N-lIKHIHKNr BEPKNIlAKTS. >*\VjJiStn H. gurtls. Check III Tonerny, ToHCniy. his wKe, Hml K(i I<\ (liiUiiulier will t&ko notlcv that on the 28th day of March 18M3,llie above named plaintiff filed a petition attukist you, Impleaded with others, In said eouat, the Object and prayer of which im« for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given WUUam H. Curtis to W. B. McKinley 5y dated December 1. and tiled lor record and recorded liilbc office ot the recorder of deeds of said Molt county, in hook 21. on page 12?, convey lug the following described real estate and premises, situated in said county lo-wlt: The south half ol the southeast ■quarter (SVi HEKi) section thirty-Hve town ship thirty-two, north, ruuge thirteen west of the 6th i*. m., that default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and thero Is now due plaintiff In the premises, the sum of four hundred and sixty dollars, together with interest at ton per cent, per annum thereon from June 31. 1892, which Is a valid und first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises, und fora decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and each of you, arc required to answer said petition on or before Monday the Sth day of August, 1602, or the sUtne^wlil he taken as true, ami judgment and decree rendered accordingly. T1BBET8, SlOREY & VBKK1H. Hastings, Nebraska, 50^ Attorneys for Plaintiff* IN T11E DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ..>*• £ Magdalene Newland, vs. William Webster, et al. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. samuel B. Hart/., -— Hart*. his wifo. Guaranty Investment Co., and 1). M. Davis, the receiver thereof, will take notice that on the 7th day of December. 1891, the above named plaintiff filed a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer or which are for . the fore closure or a certain mortgage given by William Webster to Guaranty ItfVostmGutCo. dated April 20,1889, and filed for redbrd and recorded In the ofiioe of tlio recorder Of deeds of said Holt county, In book>45, on page 414, conveying the following described reiirhoatatc, and premises, situated in said county ,to-wlt:‘ The southwest quarter of the soutileugt quarter (SWJ4 SE**) and the southeast quar ter of the southwest quarter <8K* 8WI4) of section fourteen (14) und the north half of the northwest quarter (N^NWk) of section twenty-three (23), township thirty-two (32), north, range eleven til), west of the 0th i\ M., t hat default has been made In the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mort gage, and there is now due plaintiff In the premises, the sum of seven hundred thirty three (87513) dollars, together with interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June 21, 1892. which is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises according* to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the Sth day of August. lHffiS, or the same will be taken as true, and judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIB BETS. MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska, 50-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff. THE FRONTIER FOtt LEGAL BLANKS NOTICE. To Jasper N. Jolly, Jennie N. Jolly and Janies P. Weeks, non-resfdents, you are hereby notified that Ella Burr McManus, plaintiff, did on the 13th day of June. 189*2, file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose »t certain mortgage executed by Jasper N. Jolly and Jennie N. Jolly his wife to the Iowa Mortgage Company, for the sum of *800 on the 16th day of November, 1880, upon the SW‘.i sec. 21, twp. 21, range lit w. Htli 1\ M. The same being recorded in book “20” of mortgages at page 180; also to foreclose a second upon said premises in favor of said Iowa Mortgage Company, executed and de livered on the same day and recorded in book “21” of Mortgages, at page 103 of the re cords of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon which there Is now due the sum of $1,014. You are required to answer said petition on or*befi»*e the 25th day of July, 1892. Dated this 15th day or J une, 1892. 49-4 11. M. UTTLKY, A ttorney for Plaintiff. SIIEIFF’S SALE, By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district! court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska. on the 27th day of May, 1892, in favor of The American Investment company as plaintiff and against Enoch L. Geager ct ul as defendants, for the sum of two hundred forty-one dollars, and seven cents, and costs taxed at $32.(18 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section twenty five (25) township thirty*two (32> range eleven (11) west of the (fth p. M. in Holt county, Ne braska. And will offer the samo for sale to the highest bidder for cash, In hand, on the 25th day of July, a. D. 1892, In front of the court house In O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 20th day of June, 1892. H. C. McEvonv, Gu-5 Sheriff of said County. NOTICE. J. Q. Clark, C. !L Toncray and II. N. McKee defendants,will take notice that Theodore G. Dockstader has filed a petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, impleading with Klzv Davis, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage dated May 10th, 1887, for MOO and interest and tax payments, on the north half of the north-west quarter of sec tion thirty-one, and the south-west q uarter of the south-west quarter of section thirty, township thirty-two. range nine, ami the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section twenty-five, township thirty-two. range ten, west, in said county, given by Elzy Davis to George A. Dockstader and as signed to plaintiff, which mortgage wus re corded in Book 20, Page 321, of the mortgage records of said countv, and to have the same decreed to be a first Tien and said lauds to be sold to satisfy the game, You are reautred to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of August, 1892. Dated, June 18,181*2. THEODORE G. DOCKSTADER, Plaintiff, By Munger & Courtright, Attorneys. 50-4 SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district cou rt of Holt county, Ne braska, un the 24th day of May, 1892. in favor of Cynthia S. Bartholomew as plaintiff and against John L. Colwell et al as defendants, ttor the ohm of eight hundred eighty-eight [dollars, apielghty-two cents.and costs taxed at 128.23 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the propertv of said defendant to satisfy said order ofaaie to-wit: The north;half of southeast quarter and south half or northeast quarter of section nineteen (19) township twenty-nine (29) range twelve f 12) west of the Gth i». m . iu Holt county Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the high estbidder for cash, iu.on the 25th day of July A. D. 1892, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building -wherein the lost term of district court wdJP-held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m, of saldaav when and 1 where due attendance will be given by the , undersigned. * Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska,! fcis 20th day of June, 1802. 30- 5 uii ok 24, on page 75, conveying the following described real estate and pwinlmw, situated In said oounty, to-wlt: The north half of the northwest quarter (NS NW^) and the _ _ . K») and north hair of tho northeast quarter (NtiNEW) north. p (Si), in range fifteen west of tho tith i*. m,. that default has been made in the payment of the Indebtedness seen red by said mortgage, ana there Is now due plaintiff in the premises, the sum of six hundred dollars together with interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June lit 18«2, which is a valid and first lieu on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of sain premises accosdiug to law, to satisfy the uraCnjut adjudged due in thoprem id for a decree foreclosing the equity Isos, and 1 ...__ .. ...... ... ~ig .^_„ of redemption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. Vou, and each of you, are required to answer iuld piHttlmi on or before Monday, the Hth dav of ^ugnat, 181W. or the same will »t, 18iw. or the same ne tuKeu us rrue. am; Judgment Und dec re rendered accordingly. tihbktw, Morey a frruip, ■t<* Hastings, Nebraska, ' Attorneys for plaintiff 504 1\ THE ms-fuiCT UOflHT OF 1IOJ.TUUITN. , TY, NEBRASKA. • , William W. Hunt vs. Charles C. Millard, trial* NOTIC^O NON-RK8UJKNT DKrKNUANTp. T). 1<\ Cullender.-Cullender, his wife, Krastus tV. Smith and-Smith, his wife, will take notice that on tho UUt-h day of January 1802, tho above named plaintiff tiled a petition against you, lirt&eading with others. In said court, the object ami prayer of which are for the foreclosure of a qertuin mortgage given by.Charles c. and Carrie Mil lard, to tV. IK Toncray, dated April 1st. 1887, and tiled for record und recorded la the office of the recorder of deeds nl’ said Holt county in,U|fGK*£V*,n page NW, .conveying the fo’Jow iiig^b^ftpuQOd real estate aucfpromlsos, situ ated I it* said1 edtinty, to-wit: The south-’west qunrter.if&WhiJhf section 12. township JO, north rim^c 10. west of 0th p. m„ that default has been made In the paymqntof the indobt* ness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff In the premises, the sum of seven hunwed npd ten dollars, together with the In to ism at ten pay cent, per annum thereon from June 21, IkWK, which Is a valid und tirat lieu on said promises. Plaintiff prays for tho wile of said premises according to law, to satisfy fhejsmnunt adjudged due in the premises, and for a decree foreclosing t be canity of redemptuwuof alt of the said defendants, and those.ctjilnjlug-under them. You, and each.jof you, are required to - . - — . - „ -— requli - answer said petition on or before the eight day of August, IHiW, or tho same will bo taken as true and judgment and decree rendered eu according!, f’fBBETH, MORBY & FERRIS, 50-4 HustingH, Nobrusko. ...- • • r piutntiir. Attorneys lor ] IN 1UK lMSTKItri OOUIIT OF IlOLTCOlJN TY, NEBRASKA. The McKlnley-Lunnlng. Lojin and Trust CJo., vi. . ,•*. . • - * u ; / Solomnn D. Jullen, et al, NOTICK TO NoN-KKHIDENT DKVENI>ANTH. .James Jatfffeon and--Jansen, Ills wife, will take notice that on the 7th day of March. 1892 the above named plaintiff tiled a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Soloman D. Jullen, to W. II. McKinley, dated November 1st lH8tf, aud tiled for record and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county. In book j», page 2K1, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated in said county, to-wit: The south-west quar ter t SW1*) of section 28. township UO north, range 151 west of (11». m. that default 11:ls been made in the payment of the Indebt edness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff In the promises, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, together wit h in terest at ten per ceuttycr .annum thcMjon from June 21, 1892, which is, a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises according to law to satisfy the amount adjugded due In the premises, and for a decrye foreclosing the equity of redemption of all of the said de fendants, and those claiming under them. You,and each of you,are required to answer said petition on or before Mondsy. the Nth uay of August 1892, or the same will be taken as true, und judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIBBUSTS, MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska. 50-4 Attorneys £or Plaintiff. -Lijf—_ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF IlOLf COUN TY, NEBRASKA. i. ... Small A. Cole*, vs. Timothy W. Sullivan, et al, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Timothy W.Sullivan.-Sullivan,ills wife, made defendant an .Jane Doe, Guaranty In vestment Co. and U. M. Davis, receiver thereof, will take notice that on the .'{Oth day of November, 189J. the above named plaintiff tiled a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the forrelosure of a certain i mortgage given by Timothy W. Sullivan, to Guaranty Investment Co. dated August 1st, 1889, and filed for record and recorded In the ollico of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in book 4il, on page 203, conveying the following described real estate and premises situated in Ilqlt county, I to-wit: The south-west quartef'of the north I east quarter (SW^NEM,) the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter (SE*4NW*4) the north-east quarter of the south-west quarter (NEViSWUJand the north-west quar ter of the south-east quarter, (NWHSEVi,) of I section 2(5, township 28, north range 13, west of Gtli p. m., that default* has been made In I the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff in the premises, the Bum of seven hundred and thirty-two doilars.together with interest at 10 per ©ent. per annum thereon from June 21, 18112, which is a valid and ttvrt lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises, according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises, and for a decree foreclosing fie equity of re demption of all of the said fend ants, and those claiming under them. You, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the eight day of August, 1892, or the same will be taken as true, and judgment and de cree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS, MOREY & FERRIH, Hastings, Nebraska. 50-4 Attorney* for Plaintiff. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county. Ne braska, on the 25th day of March. 1892,4n lavor.of The State Bank of O’Neill as plain tiff and against Rhoda C. Ilowai*d et al as defendant, for the sum of eleven hundred sixty two dollars, and forty-five cents, and costs taxed at 132.53 and accruing costs I have, levied upon the following premise* taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two (2) block sixteen (16) and lots one (1) and two (2) block twenty-one (21) in Hazelets addition to the city of (rNelil as platted and recorded In the clerks office. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hund, cm the 25th day of July, A. D. I892,in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska,this 20 th day of June, 1892. 11. 0. McKvonv, 50-5 Sheriff of saidCoarity. NOTICE. To C. II. Toncrav. Emma It. Toncray, H, N. McKee and A. H. Farrens, non-residents of the state of Nebraska, you are hereby nor titled that Janett B. Herbage plaintiff, did on the 18th day of June, 1892, file In the office of the clerk of the district court of JJolt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by W. 1). Mathews and Emeline Mathews, to C. H. Tun^ray, for the sum of .. — — ■ - ■ - **'■09. on the 24th day 6f July, 1888, upon the northwest quarter of section 8, township 27, north of range 11, west of the 6th p. m., which mortgage was duly recorded. In book 39 of mortgages at page 548 of the records of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon which there is now due the sum of 1673.35. \ you are required to answer said petition on or before the 81st day- of July, 18*2.’ -* J - * !, 1892. Dated this 18th day of June, frM 11. ‘ _ UTTLEY, Attorqy^Jor Plaintiff. umi n( *1100.1** i'll till' 36th iluy of .Inly, isss. Upon tliv north half of till) souMienst quarter or.soctlou s, iiiul tho nol'tli half of the south wi-it quarter Moctlon #, towtmlilp an, north of rnn*r« It. wont of tlm lll.h i>. M.. which mort gage Kin ilnly recorded III hook illi of mort gages, »t page m of the rooord* or lloli I'limitjr, Nebraska, amt upon which there la now duo tlm sum of *173.36. You lire required to unswer said pistil Ion on or before tlm 11 tat Uuy of July, isiia, Dated tills IBth ilny ot Juno. lmB, 6U-4 II. M. UTTI.EY. Attorney for I'liilnuif. • ' NOTICE." To John J. Mandcrvllle. 0. II, Tonuray Itnlpli I. IJttlo unit tlie Partners Loan mill Trust company, non-residents, you nr,, hereby nPtlboU’that T. P. Strong, 'plaintlif (Hit on thu lath day of Juno. IHoa. ttlw In t in< ontoc of tlio clerk of ttiv illttrlvt court of lloli county, Nebraska, a petition, tho olijcct mm prayer of which la to foreclose uocrtnlo mortgage executed lir John J.Maiiilcrvlllo lo tlm Nebraska Morttugo & Investment Com pany tor tho sum of *500, on the lstiluvof April, 1H87, on th« KV4 of awi* mol NWC of SW>a, see. 1IU, twp. ,’W, rango la w. mil p. M Tlm same bcluir recorded In hook -air of mortgages, at page D7 of the rocotxls of lloli county. Npbrnska, anil iinonwsjilcli there !•, now duo tuit sum of-4684.30. You arc reipilred to unswor sulil petit Urn ill or before the 35th day of July, Mt.'. Dated this 16th day of June, I Hit.1. 411-4 H, M. CTTI.KY, Attorney for Pluhitllf. NOTICE. To Oscar D. ford and Kurd, non-resi dents, you are hereby not I lied thill William II. VanAiitwurp, phUntllT, did on the 13th buy of .I mm 1833, tfto In the ottlco of tlm clerk , > I tho district court of llolt county, Nebraska, a petition, tho object and prayer of wlimli Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by you to tho Nebraska Mortgage and Invest ment company for tin* sum of 4360, on i he Sktli duy of Annual 1HIC, on the tiwl, suction au, town lla, range 0 west lllh 1'. M., the same holntf ixscordud III hook 63 of morttraifus on KB 13of thu records of Holt county, Ne ka, and upon which thoru Is now due the sum of 42lfJ.I0. You uro required to unswor'sald petition un or before the afith day of July, Isua, Dated this 16th day of June, lfilfe. 411-4 H, M. CTTUtv, Atty. for Pltf. • NOTICE. To John narrett Wm. O. l’ulmotcor and O. O. Heffner non-rosldents, you arc hereby nottded that, William II. VauAfitworp, plaintiff. did on tho lilth day of June, IBU3, tile In tho ollluo of tho olork of tho district' court, ol Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, tho object mid prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain inorqnuro executed by Kobert W. Broun, to tlm Nebraska Mortnuno and Investment Company for the sum of SHOO, on tlm 31st day of Auniist. I8U0, on tho unit section I), town 37. range II west nth P. M„ the suum hulnn rocorded In Is toll 63 of mortnunos, at punu 038 of the records of Holt county, Nebraska, and upon wlilob tlioro Is now duo tho sum of 4311.60, You are required to answer sulil petition on or before tho 36th duy of July 1BU3. Dated this ]5t,li duy of Juno, 18112. 404 11. M. Ptti.kt, Atty. for Pltf. NOTICE, WIlltsE. Elliott, Addle 8, Elliott, Erastus W, Smith, Edith I,. Smith, D. T. Callender, Mrs. Cullender wife of D. T. Callender, defen dants, will take liottoe that Theodora U. Dockstador, plaintiff, has tiled a petition lu tbo district court of Holt county, Nebraska, anuliist said defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foroolose a certain mortgage dated May 6tli, 1887 for MOO and Interest and tax payment on tlm north half of tho south west quarter and tho south west quarter of tho south west quarter both of soctlon eleven, also tlm south east quarter of the south oust quiirtor of sootton ton, all lu township thirty-two, north of range twelve, west of the lllh i>. M. in said county, given by Willis K. Eliott and Addle a. Eliott. to George A. Dock Minder and as signed to plaintiff, which mortgage) waa re CQrded in book page 4.J0 of the mortgage .lejuimhi otagki county, and to have tho name decreed to be a iirst lion and the said lands dold to satisfy tho name. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before tlie 18th day of July, 1«M3. Dated Juno 2, 181B5 . 4H-4 " i THEODOUE G. DODKHTADEK, Plaintiff, lly Munger & Oourtrlght, Attorneys. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statkh Land Office. O’Neill, Neb., June 0, 1 892. Notice is hereby glyon that Kichurd .1. Dwyer hun tiled notice of Intention to innke final proof before; register and receiver at his office in O’Neill, Neb.. on Saturday, tin* Ski day of July. 1k92, on timber culture ap plication No. iWUtt, for the SE quarter of sec tion Ntv~*7, in township No. west. Ho names an witnesses: .Icreniluh McCarthy, John I). Murphy, John Harrington, James It. Hulllvan, all of G5Nelil, Neb. 49-11 B. H. Oii.mhi-ie, Register. NOTICE. To Alexander Mills, Matilda Mills, Leonard Seitz and Mrs. Leonard Heitz, defendants. Will take notice that on the aid day of June 1892, E. Benedict Oakley, executor, and Kate Oakley, executrix of the last will and testumeats of Mary B. Oakley, deeeuseil. herein Hied their petition In the district court of liolt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain trust deed ex ecuted by Alexander Mills and wife Matilda Mills to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee, for P. O. Kef roll, upon the follhwlng described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: North half southwest quarter and lot four of section No. three: also the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section No. four, all In township thirty-two, range eleven west sixth P. M. Te secure the payment of a certain note of $HUO and ten Interest coupons all dated July 17, 188(1. Said principal note of $800 being due June 1,1801,' and the coupon notes being due on the 1st days of Decora tier and June of each commencing with December 1, 1886. The plaintiff alleges that they are the owners of and in possesion of all the notes; and that there is now due on said notes owned tty plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of $1,000 according to the terms of said deed. The plaintiff prays that said promises be decreed to be gold to satisfy the amount found due theceoiK You are requiredJLo answer said petition on or tiefore the 8th (fdy of August, 1802. Dated this 27th-day of June, 1802. MM It. U. DI^tKBON, Attorney for Plaintiff IN TI1E DISTRICT COtJKT OF HOLT COUN TY, NEBRASKA. Preston Eves, plaintiff, vs. Lconadus Leer, Elizabeth beer, C. ,M. Buckly and The Co operative Land &£ Lot Company, defen dants. b " To the above named defendants, Leon ad us Leer, Elizabeth Leer and C. M. Buckly. Will take notice that on the 27 day of May, 1802. the plaintiff above numed filed iris petition in the district court of Holt county, state of Nebraska against the above named defen dant* the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the Said defendants. Lconadus Leer and Eliza beth Leer to one The Western Farm Mort gage Trust Company of the state of Kansas, upon the south half of the northeast quarter and the north-west quarter of the north-eusl quarter of section fourteen (14), township thirty-one (UD north, in range ten (10) west of the sixth principal meridian, lying and situ ated in the county of Holt,state of Neoraska. which mortgage was executed to secure the payment of certain promissory note dated February 15, WOO, for the sum of four hun dred dollars, due and payable in five years from the date thereof, which note and mort gage were afterwards duly sold assigned and delivered to the above named plaintiff that I there Is now due upon gaid*note and niort-I gage the sum of four hunared and fourteen | dollars with interest thereon at the rate of toll' per cent per annum from the first day of . August, 1801. for which sum with interest thereon the plaintiff prays and for a decree, that the defendats atn»ve named be required to pay the same or that said premises may tie sold to satisfy the amount found due and’ for a decree barring and foreclosing all the said defendants above named of and from all right, title, interest, estate or equity of re demption of. In or to said premises or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of August, 18to5. Dated this 5th day of July, Wi. Pmutov . uol Itrockonrldi'e, lilt wile, ami M. J. Snow, defendants. To John l>. Hurley, Susan M. Hurley, Scott T. Jones. Samuel UrerkcnrldifO. Mm, Samuel llreckimrUlffc. hit wife, ami M. J. Snow, de fendants: You ami enoh of you will take notion that thu ahovo named plaintiff did. on the ISth (lay of May, IMIS. IIlo It* pntltlon In the district court within anil for thu county and state aforotald demand tux personal JJdiramtuit ayalott tlm dofomlantt John 1). Ilurklcy, Samuel llrockeurlilfm and M. J. Snow, In tho turn or seven hundred Itfty <7tM» dollars with Interest ill the rate of tenner osiit. per annum, on t. from the 1st day of January, IMIlj toitother with a decree fore cloatlilt a ucrtntn umrtirnitc deed, executed lo secure the paymeut of aald sum and lutcr oat, on the followhiif dexcrllnhl real uul ate situated In the county or Holt, hi the nlnlr of Nohrusku, to-wlt: The norttieuat. quarter f N KVikif section No. elithteen (Ik), In township No. twciity-olirlit and the east hair (Em of the south west quarter (SW'4) of section No. six illj in Township No. Thirty-two (.ti) north of range No. sixteen (IIP, west sixth (i 1S89 taxed and assessed In name of O. W. Peruwrighl . The NE!4 ol see. ail, twp. 22, range 15, was In 1880 taxed and assessed In name of J. M. Bylraidoe. 'The NKJa of see. 7, twp. 20, range II. was In ISxd taxed and assessed In name of Mary tiallug lier. Part |4 acres] of tile 8EI4 BW!i of see. 11, twp. ai, range 12, was in 1880 taxed anil assessed In name of J. Warner. Part 1 Hi acresl of the NEH MF.ik of see. 1, twp. ai. range la, was In 18K0 taxed and assessed in name ot ft. T. Van fleet. The time ot redemption from each of the above tax sales will expire on the 4th day of November, 1802. W. UituuACkku. By Kiiwakd DbLand, Agent. Fahmkkh' Loan and Trust Co., 1-3 Sioux City, la. NOTICE. To.!. L. ltansom, C. H. Toneray, Emma If. Toncray, and II. N. McKee, non-residents: Yon are hereby notified that Ellzalieili Welch, plalntilT. clId, on the lith day of Jul^, IMtl. tile In the office of the clerk of the dis trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, a peti tion, the object and prayer of which Into foreclose a certain mortgage executed by J. L. Hansom, to C. TI. Toticruy, for the sum of taUU, on the 1st day of November, 1880, the same being recorded in book rd of mortgages at page Sti of the records of Hr braska. and upon which ther sum of 8860. “ You are required to on or before the 22d day Dated this lath day of I M U. M. Utti county, Ne mw due tbe id petition . 1802. ’or Plttt. . from 5 with a. MW. .«•) To Willing F. Clark; (luorge li, Miller, dofont of you will toko not loo tli plaintiff did, on tho IHtli It* petition in tlm dlatrl' Tor tlio ooumy and *Ih Iiik nomonnl Judgnien William V. Clark,In tin twenty (Mil) dollar* w!l„._ of ton per coni . por annum, ol_ l*t day of January IHWt: toitotbor ereo lorodciHlnu it oortulu mortgage - executed to nooiii-o tho payment or said • and Into rout, on tint following doiqrlUed i OMtato MlUmtnd In tho county of Unit ' •tnto of Nebraska, to-wlt: Thu nortliwoHt quarter (NW)() rf Rootle thlrty-ttvu (DIM, township thirty-throe ~ north or ritugu Ilf toon (IS), west of the l mill l p. m„ adjudging tlio plaintiff. thu llrst lion qu Hold promises to thol forwnloh Judgment 1* domandod; f *ald premise* to bo *old for the pal Nyld Judgment! and foruvur barring eloKlng said defendants and uaoh them from all right, title, Intoriwt in. of rodomptloii In and to laid promlHi part, theroor. That union* you nml you answer or Ulead to raid petltli before the HM day of- August, isttt, I ineutH of mild petition will be taken and Judgment and decree rendered ~ to tho prayer thereof. Wiik. Attest j UK At, j itioHT It Ktihtt, Att'y*. for llth day of July, IMM. J JOHN NKIHTIRtH Ole 1 lly C. I'. DiCaNck, -rr* PUBLICATION NOTICK. (First publication 14th day of July, I In thu rtlstvlut court.. within unit . — ibr county of Holt null statu of Net Tho Phoenix Insurance Uoniptny ford. Cimiiuotlcut, plaintiff, VH. ThomuM C. Ciillln nml Clmrlutt wlfu, Scott. T. Jones, John K. Hi Harding, htw wlfu, defend To Thulium C. Ouilln, Cliiirlottn _ wlfo. Hoott T. Jomw, .loliu It. Hull -Harding, hit, wife. defendal nml each of you will tnlm nul led above imnioil plnlntllf did, ou tho : Mu.v, IMB, Dio 11m petition In th emil l, within mill for the county I uforuHiild dnmundlug pursimul J ngnlnst thu ilufendiinl. Thomas Cl, tliu Hiini of olKlit hundred fifty (4 with InturcHl lit the rate of ton peed aiinuin, or| PCX) from thu llrsl, day of duuroo fg null; together with u a uurtulii mnrtgngu dueil, to Been re tho payment of and Interest, on tho followlnit dumi estate Hltuutud III thu ooiinty of hUIo or Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho south halt IH1 of tlio aontlui tor LSKfel and the south half I NoiithweMt ipiarter LHWtU of huuIIi Lai, III township No. tweuty-ievun of range No. sixteen LIU], went of R. in., adjudging thu plalntllT to hit.. en on mild premium, to the amount Judgment lx demanded: ordering • lmm to Ihi Hold to fur thu payment of muiit; and I’oruvtir hnrrtl foreeliiHlng hiiIiI dufundanta each aud all of thorn from title, Internal and equity of red_ and to aalil prein Ilea or any part That unloaa you and uaoli of you or plead to Halit petition on or hufon day of August, 1MB, thu nvermu •IK petition will bo' tukeii aa truo aud Mid; - ' ilM| and dueruu rendered aeeortllng to I ho prays* thereof. WiuoiiT k d'rflwr,. Att'ys. tor I Attoat: Uth day of July, 1H1H. •rm. | HBAI, John Hkikvinh, Oil .. *Jlt. Ily 0. P. DkLanck, Deputy. PUBLICATION NOTION. j. < First publication I4tli day of .Tilly, INS.) In the dlatrlct omirl, within uad for that ooiinty of Holt and atato of Nobreaka. w The Phoenix liiaurance Company of Bart.*; lord, Coilnutlciit, plullitltf. ' Hilaries A. Thomas. and Mrs. Ohurlaa A. Thninna, Ida wife. wIioho ehrlatluh name la. unknown hi plahitlll, K. L. Newell and Hr*. K. L. Newell. wlmHO ehrlNllan nsune IH un known lit plnlntllf. defendants. To K. L. Newell and Mrn, K. L. NiMeU.WMir' ehrlHtluii name In unknown U> plaintiff. fendunla: Von nml each of ynu will take notli'U that the above named plaintiff did, Ml : tho Mat day of May, IMB. Hie Its petition tn i lie district court within and for tho coupty and Htate aforomild demand lug personal ludginunt ngalnat tho dofeiidunt Uhorlo* A. Thoinaa, In tho sum of six hundred LMW| dol* lar-K with InteroHt at the rate or ton per cent, ' |n r iinniun, on t. from the Dttti day Of November, 1MM: together with a ilouroe foMv .I.lcIiwf ,i iinwtnli, rnopl iruiffi flmifl nvAnilliut lllr cloning a certain mortgagedeed, exountod fat secure the payineutof said , J * _ .Hum and tntereafe m the followingdOHurlbed reiilcsi ntesttnatSd In thu enmity of Holt In tho atutu of Nthree-y ka. to-wlt: The north half of thu southwest tor IHWH'I aud the Houtheaat quarter of the northwoat quarter LNVVIa] southwest quarter LHWlal of tint aud quarter LNKfel of Huutltm No. till"*-' township No. thirty-two nor' fourteen 114] west, adjudging tho have thu first llun on Huld preid_ amount of which Judgment Ih do ordering said premises to be sold payment of said Judgment-, and for*i_ ring aud foreclosing aald defendant M each and all of tliem from all right, 11*40.1 forest and equity of redemption In Sad J said promises or any part thereof. That pi less you and euoli of you answer or | said petition on or beforo the £M t August, IMB thu averments of said j wlil lie tukun uh true and Judgment i ureo rendered aoaordlng to tbe pr thereof. WllilinT & 8'COtft,K. v" Att’y*. tor fust. Attest: lllh day of July, 1MB. . . •• . —. John Bkiuvinij. (tort, j HKAf. y By 0. I‘. DEl.ANOIfeDgplitj Tf lie - notice. m ZT, To Charles M. Dicktfon and C. J.llr hush, noii-rcHlUentH: You uro hereby notified that A MfJjT JkifMf ? soil, on I»1h own behalf und And administrator of tho ostato of, Judd, plaintiff, did on tho 11th IHW, ttfo in tiio office of the clerk < , trlct court of Holt county, Nobruka, ki tlon the object and prayer of whfcal foreclose a certain mortgage executed bl fondant Charles M. Dickson to Krnett A. J for the sum of 1260, on tho 25th day m cember, 1KU0, the same being ro book 58 of mortgages at page 181) j cords of Holt county, NcbrasW* which there is now due the sum < You are required to answer n___ on or before the 22d day of August* t Dated this IBtli day of July, laid. 1*4 H. M. uttmsy, Att’y. 1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Neill, Nob., J uno 2.1MB, Notice Is hurutiy given that th* named settler has Hied nutlue of tlon tn make final proof In s claim and that said proof will fore register anil receiver at (Pj on August is. IMB, vli: __ JOHN It. BELLAIt, HJJ MOT, for the 8KI4 sec. 2W-IW-12 w. Ho names tho fuUowIng witnesses lil.s continuous residence upon aim tlon »r suhl land, vlx: , John Hollar. Itlchnrd Jennings, Jumps Dings, Frank iieeb, all of O’NmII.'HctF Notice Is hereby given that the f*T named settler has filed notice of his lot tii make llnal proof In support of Bu said proof will lie made ho and that - , — - register und receiver ut O’Neill, August IH.lslB. vl/.: _ ■IOHN BKLLAR, HD U3W. * for tho 9WI4 sec. 2S-J0-12 w. - i He names the following witness R tils continuous residence upon, andeul tlon of said land, vix: f , John It. Bellar. Ulchard Jennings, Jil. Jennings, Frank NOTICE.' i-‘ Win. DavldHon who hantlilH i application for a Uccnn** tojtottT_^ and vinous liquors in Dorsgy, Steel i_ township. Holt county, Nebraska* for zu«_ cal, mechanical and chemical purpduMM. aa a druggist from August 1,1802 to August 1,1 Two weeks time will be allowed " of remonstrances against said if there be none filed said 11 granted without further Witness my baud and seal 1' June, 1802. * SCAL.