The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 30, 1892, Image 5

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spegiaib bargains fsr the Next 30 days
in order to give everybody a chance to get a new suit for the summer, the poor as well as the rich. In Dress (roods I have an abundance of the latest styles and in light
Suitings the latest patera the market can afford, ranging in price to suit every customer. Also a lange assortment' of Dress Goods of all kinds. This department eyibrases
the largest stock carried by any store in.the Elkhorn Valley, and the prices cannot be beaten in the State.
5 __;_;
1 MY BOOT AND SHOE department is second to none
| west of the Missouri river. Come and investigate and you will be con
| vinced. Where else can you get a Woman’s Grain Button Shoe for
i| $1.10 a pair? The same shoe is sold elsewhere for $1.50 a paii. I
| have the Largest and Best collection of Fine Shoes and Fancy Slippers
to be found in the country. Ypu will have no trouble t<J "procure a
fit, having such a large stock to select from.
MY CLOTHING department is the moat complete'assort
ment in the Elknorn Valley. ‘Having recently made some very large
purchases in Philadelphia I am enabled to sell at less than the old *
prices, I sell no goods except fcVh CASH, or in exchange for produce
which I can use to advantage. You will save money by examining
my prices before buying your Spring and Summer goods. I will give
you special prices on ail goods during this month.
M. M. SULLIVAN, Proprietor.
IN THE district court of holt
The McKlnley-Lanning Loan and Trust Co.,
William H. Curtis et a#.
William H. Curtis. Check H. Toncray,-—
Toncray. his wife, and Ed F. Gallagher will
take notice that on the 28th day of March
lsi)2, the above named plaintiff filed a petition
against you.4mploaded with others, in said
court, the object and prayer of which are for
the Toreelosure of a certain mortgage given
by William H. Curtis to W. B. McKinley
dated December 1, 1886, and filed i or record
and recorded in the office ot the recorder of
deeds of said Holt county, In book 21, on page
127,conveying the following described real
estate and premises, situated in said county
to-wit: The south half of the southeast
quarter (SK SEJ4) section thirty-five town
ship thirty-two, north, range thirteen west of
the 6th p. m., that default has been wade in
the payment of the indebtedness secured by
said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff
in tiie premises, the sum of four hundred and
sixty dollars, together with interest at ten
percent, per annum thereon from June 21,
18112, which is a valid and first lien on said
premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said
promises according to law* to satisfy the
amount adjudged duo in the premises, and
for a decree foreclosing the equity of re
demption of all of the said defendants, and
those claiming under them.
You, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday
the 8th day of August, 1802, or the same will
Magdalene Newland, vs. William Webster,
et al.
samuel B. Harlz, - Hartz. his wife.
Guaranty Investment Co., and D. M. Davis,
the receiver thereof, will take notice that
on the 7th day of December. 1891, the above
named plaintiff filed a petition against you,
impleaded with others, in said court, the
object and prayer of which are for the fore
closure of a certain mortgage given by
William Webster to Guaranty InvestmentCo.
Anted April 20, 1889, and filed for record and
recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds
of said Holt county, in book 45, on page' 414,
conveying the following described real estate
nnd premises, situated in said county,to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (JSW»i SEfc) and the southeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter SWVi) of
flection fourteen (14) and the north half of the
porthwest quarter (NHNWk) of section
twenty-three GB). townahip thirty-two (32),
north, range eleveu HD. west of the 6th p. m.,
that default has been made in the payment
of the Indebtedness secured bv said mort
gage, and there is now due plaintiff in tpe
preipfceft, the sum of seven hundred thirty
three ($733) dollars, together with interest at
top per cent, per annum thereon from June
21* 1892, which is a valid and first lien on said
premises. Plaintiff praysrfor the sale of said
premises according to Taw, to satisfy the
amount adjudged due in the premises, and
for a decree foreclosing the equity ot re
demption of all of the snld defendants, and
those claiming jiydcr them.
By virtue of, an order of sale, directed to
me from tbo clerk of the district, court of
Holt, county, Nebraska, on ft decree obtain 'd
be'ore life district court of Holt county, N
braska. on tlie 27th day of May, 1892, lti
favor of The American Investment company
as plairttiff and against Enoch L. Geager et
al as defendants, for the sum of two hundred
forty-one dolkirs, and seven cents, and costs
taxed at 2.V>8 and accruing costs' I have
1 levied upon the folhnring premises taken as
the property of said defendants to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
five (*? ) township thirty-two (32) range eleven
(11) west of the Oth p. m. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 25 th
day of July, a. D. 18ir2, in front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court wus
held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated atO’Neiil, Nebraska, this 20th day of
June. 1802. H. C. McEvonv,
50-5 Sheriff pf said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the 19th day of February. 1892, in
favor of B. Lombard, jr., James L. Lombard
and H. VV. L. Russell trustee, as plaintiff and
against Esbon B. Hat ?h, Emily Hatch and
John P. Spittler as defendants, for the sum
of seven hundred one dollars, and four cents
and costs taxed at $29.88 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendant to
satisfv said order of sale, to-wit:
Thenorth half of southwest quarter and
southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
and the west half of the southeast quarter of
the southwest qnarter of section seven (7)
township thirty (JO) range ten (10) west
of the 0th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 5th day
of July. A. D. 1892. in front of the court house
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
the last term of district court was held, at
the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said dav, when
and where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned. , , ,
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 31st day
of May 1892. _ H. O. McEvony,
47-5 Sheriff of said County.
J. Q. Clark, C. II, Toncray and H. N. McKee
defendants,will take notice that Theodore G.
Dockstuder has filed a petition in the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, impleading with Elzy Davis, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
mortgage dated May 10th. 1887, for
$700 and interest and tax payments, on the
north half of th§ north-west quarter of sec
tion tliirty-one, and the south-west-quarter
of the south-west quarter of eectipn thirty,
township thirty-two. range nine, and the
south-east quarter of the south-east quarter
of section twenty-five, township thirty-two.
range ten, west, in said county, given by
Elzy Davis to George A. Dockstader and as
signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re
corded in Book 26, Page 321, of the mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to be a first lien and said lands to be
sold to satisfy the same,
You are reauired to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of August, 1892.
Dated, June 18, 1892.
By Munger & Courtright, Attorneys. 50-4
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the distric^court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before tho district court of licit county, Ne
bra ’ • on the 24th day of May. 2. In favor
off - da S. Bartholomew a intiff and
aga John L. Colwell et al us < pfenaants,
for t. o sum of eight hundred eighty-eight
dollars, and eighty-two cents.and costs taxed
at $28.23 and accruing costs I have levied
-upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendant to satisfy said
order of sale to-wit:
The north half of southeast quarter and
south half of northeast quarter of section
nineteen (19) township twenty-nine (29) range
twelve (12) west of tho 6th P. M. In Holt county
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in.on the25th day of July
A. D. 1892, in front of the court house in
O’Neill, that being the building wherein tho
last term of district court was held, at the
hour of 9 o’clock a. m. said day when and
where due attendance will be given by the
under igned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska,this 30th day of
June. 1892.
H. C, McEvony, '*
50-5 Sheriff of Said County.
Luther E. Hunt vs. Albert Buxton, ot al.
Albert ltuxton,-Buxton, his wife whose
real name Is to plaintiff unknown, and Scott
T. Jones will take notice that on the 21st day
of June, IS the above named plaintiff filed
a petition against you, impleaded with others
in self! court, the object and prayer of which
are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage
given by Albert Buxton, then unmarried, to
eott T. Jones dated March 11, 1887, and Hied
for record and recorded in tbo office oi the
recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in
book 24, on page 75, conveying the lot lowing
described real estate and pre niscs, situated
In said oounty, * )-wit: The north half of
the northwest quarter (Nil NW!*) and the
north half of the northeast quarter (N) jNEH)
of section three (ill, townsldp (27), north,
range fifteen (15), west of the Otli P. M.. that
default has been made in the payment of the
indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and
there is now due plaintiff in the premises,
the sum of six hundred dollars together with
interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon
from June 10, 1892, which is a valid and lirst
lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for tho
salo of said premises accosding to law. to
satisfy tho amount adjudged duo In the prem
ises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity
of redemption of all of the said defendants,
and those claiming under them.
You, and each of you, Aire required to
answer said petition on or before Monday,
the sth dav of August, 1892. or tho same will
be. taken as true, anc judgment and decree
rendered accordingly.
• Hustings. Nebraska,
uO-4 ■ Attorneys for plaintiff
William W. Hunt vs. Charles C. Millard,'otal,
_D. F. Cullender.-Cullender, his wife,
Erastus W. Smith and-Smith, his wife,
will take notice that on the 29th day.
of January 1892, the above named plaintiff
filed u petition aguinst you, impleading with
others, in said court, the object and prayer
of which are for the foreclosure of a certain
mortgage given by Charles C. and Carrie Mil
lard, to C. 11. Toncray, dated April 1st. 1887,
and lded for record and recorded in theoltico
of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county
in book 22, on page 509. conveying the follow
ing described real est .to and premises, situ
ated in said county, to-wlt: The south-west
quarter, (SWkilof section 12. township an. i
north range 13. west of 8th p. m„ that default
has been made in tho payment of the indebt
ness secured by said mortgage, and there is
now due pluinttlf in the premises, the sum of
seven hundred and ten dollars, together with
the interest at ten per cent, per annum
thereon from June 21.1892, which is a valid
and first lieu on said premises. Plaintiff
prays for the sale of said premises according
to law. to satisfy the amount adjudged due
in the promises, and for u decree foreclosing
the equity of redemption of all of tho said
defendants, and those claiming under them,
1 You, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before the eight
day of August, 1892, or the same will be taken
as true and judgment and decree rendered
Hastings, Nebraska.
50-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The McKlnley-Lanning. Loan and Trust Co.,
Solomnn D. Jullen, et al,
James Jansen and-Jansen, his wife, will
take notice that on the 7th day of March, 1892
the above named plaintiff filed a petition
against you, impleaded with others, in said
court, the object and prayer of which are for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given
by Soloman D. Julien, to W. B. McKinley,
dated November 1st 1888, and filed for record
and recorded la the office of the recorder of
deeds of said Holt county, in book 19, page
2. ', conveying the following described real
estate and premises, situated in said
county, to-wlt: The south-west quar
ter (SW's) of section 28. township 30
north, runge 13 west of 6 p..«. that default
has been made tq the payment of the indebt
edness secured by said mortgage, and there
is now due pluintiff in the premises, the sum
of lifteen hundred dollars, together with in
terest at ten per cent per annum thereon
torn Juno 21. 1892, which is. a valid and
I, rat lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays
for She sale -if said premises according to law
to satisfy .ho amount udjugded due in the
premises, and for a decree foreclosing the
equity of redemption of all of die said de
fendants. and those claiming under them.
You,and each otyou.aro required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
81 li day of August 1892. or the same will be
taken as true, and judgment und decree
rendered accordingly.'
Hastings, Nebrasku.
Attorneys for Plalutlff. .
Sarah A. Cole, vs. Timothy W. Sullivan,et al,
THnothy W.Sull>v?in,-Sullivan,his wife,
mad© defendant as .lane Doe, Guaranty In
vestment Co. and D. M. Davis, Receiver
thereof, \vl'1 take notice that on the 30th day
of November, 1891. the above named plaintiff
tiled a petition against you, Impleaded with
others, m said court, the object and prayer
of which are for the forrelosure of a certain
mortgage given by Timothy W. Sullivan, to
Guaranty Investment Co. dated August 1st,
1889, and filed for record and reco ded In the
off4 of the recorder of deeds of said Holt
cou l .In book 49, on page 203, conveying the
folio .ng described real estate and
premises situated in Ilolt county.
. »-wit: The south-west quarter of the north
east quarter (SW^NE1*,) the south-east
quarter of the north-west quarler (SE^CN VV )
the north-east quarter of the south-west
quarter (NEkiSW&Jand the north-west quar
ter of the south-east quarter, (NW‘48Eti,) of
section 26, township 28, north range 13, west
of 6th f. m., that default has been nuido In
the payment of the Indebtedness secured by
said mortgage, and there Is now due plaintiff
in the premises, the sum of seven hundred
and thirty-two dollars,together with interest
at 10 per cent, per annum thereon from Jflhie
21, 1HU2, which is a valid and fisrt lien 1m
said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of
said premises, according to law, to satisfy
the amount adjudged duo In the premises,
and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re
demption of all of the said defendants, and
those claiming under them.
You, and each of you, are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday,
the eight day of August, 1892, cr the same
will be taken as true, and judgment and de
cree rendered accordingly.
Hastings, Nebraska.
50-4 Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district eourt of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 25th day of March, 1892, in
favor of The State Bank of O’Neill as plain
tiff ana against Uhoda 0. Howard ot al as
defendant, for the sum of eleven hundred
sixty two dollars, and forty-five cents, and
costs taxed at $32.53 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendant to
satisfy said order or sale, to-wit:
Lots one (1) and two (2) block sixteen (16)
and lots ono (l) and two (2) block twenty-one
(21) in Hazelets addition to the city of fVNeill
as platted and recorded in the clerks office.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 25th day
of J Jly, A. 1). 1892,In front of the court house
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
the last term of district court was held, at the
hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given by the
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska,this 20 th day of |
June, 1892. H.C. McEvony,
50-5 Sheriff of said County. |
To C. H. Toncrav. Emma It. Toncray, H. N.
McKee and A. II. Farrens, non-residents of
the state of Nebraska, you are hereby no
t ified that Janett B. Herbage plaintiff, did on
the 18th day of June, 1892, file in the office of
the clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, a petition, the object, and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by VV. D. Mathews and Emeline
Mathews, to C. H. Toncray, for* the sum of
$600, on the 24th day of July, 1888, upon the
northwest quarter of section 8, township 27,
north of range 11, west of the 6th p. m., which
mortgage was duly recorded in book 39 of
mortgages at page 548 of the records of Ilolt
county, Nebraska, and upon which there is
now due the sum of $673.35.
you are required to answer said petition on
or before the 31st day of July, 1882.
Dated this 18th day of June, 1892.
r*0-4 . H.M. UTTLEY.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To John J. Mauderville. C. II. Toncray,
| Ralph I. Little and the Farmers Loan and !
| Trust company, non-residents, you are j
j hereby notified that T. P. Strong, plaintiff, i
j did on the 13th day of June, 1892, tile in the
office of the clerk of the district court of Holt l
county, Nebraska, a petition, the object ami j
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain 1
mortgage executed by John J.Mauderville to !
the Nebraska Mortgage & Investment Com
pany for the sum of $500, on the 1st day of1
April. 1887, on the E!4 of SW*4 and NWV4 of
SW»4. sec. 30, twp. 32, range 12 w. 6th P. M.
| The same being recorded in book *'26” of
mortgages, at page 97 of the records of Holt
county. Nebraska, and upon which there is
now due the sum of $584.60.
You re required to answer said petition
on or fore the 25th day of J uly. 1892.
Dai . this 15th day or Juue,A892.
49-4 H. m. UTTLEY,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To C. H. Toncray, Emma II Toncray,
Charles Hanna, Honry Brown, Fayette find
ley and H. N. McKee, non-residents, you are
hereby notified that Mary T. Heritage, plain
tiff. did on the 18th day of June, 1802, file In
the office of the clerk of the dlntrict court of
Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object
and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by W. D. Mathews :»d
Emeline Mathews, toO. H. Toncray. for in
sum of $600.00 on the 25th day of July, I .<h,
u on the north half of the southeast quarter
o section 8, and the north half of the south
west quarter section «, township 2(5, north ol1
range 11. west of the (Ith r. :i.. ' dch mort
gage was duly recorded in jok of mort
gages, at page 562 of the records of Holt
county. Nebraska, and unou which there is
now due the sum of $673.< 5.
fcYou are required to answer said petition
on or before the Hist day of July. 18(l„.
Hated this lbth day of June, 1892.
60-4 * H. M. UTTLEY.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Oscar D. Ford and Eliza Ford, non-resi
dents, you are hereby notified that William
11. VanAntwerp, plaintiff, did on tne 12th day
of Juno 1892, file In the office of the clerk of
the district court of Holt county, NobraHka,
a petition, the object and prayer of which is
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
you to the Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
ment company for the sum of $250, on the
28th day or August 189C, on the nw?4 suction
2(J, town 32, range 9 wost ttth P. M., the same
being recorded in book 63 of mortgages on
^ 612 of the records of Holt county, Ne
ka, and upon which there is now due
the sum of $2* /.10.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 26th day of July. 1892.
Dated this 15th day of June. 18512.
49-4 H. M. Uttijsy. A tty. for Pltf.
To John Barrett Wm. O. Palmcteer
and O. O. Ileffner non-residents, you
are hereby notified that, William II.
VanAntwerp, plaintiff, did on the
13th day of June, 1892, file In the office of
the clerk of the district court or Holt
county, Nebraska, a petition, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by Kobert W. Gregg, to
the Nebraska Mortgage and Investment
Company for the sum of $300, on the 21st day
of August, 1890, on the swU section 9. town
27, range 11 west (ith p. M., the same being
recorded’ In book 53 of mortgages, at page
628 of thd records of Holt county, Nebraska
arid upon which there Is now due the sum of
You arc required to answer said potitfoci
on or before the 25th day of Ju ly IMS. *
Dated this 15th day of June, INK
40-4 II. M. 11 ttlkjp, Attjr, for $
’_ ■ rff.
Willis E. Elliott, Arfldlo S. Elliott. 1_
W. Smith, Edith L. Smith, D. T. CftUeodor,
Mrs. Callender wife of B. T. CaUeoder, 4«fen
dants, will take notloo that Theodor* G.
Doekstader, plaintiff, ha* ftfcftd a petition In
the district court of Holt aunty, Webraska,
against said defendant^object and
prayer of which la to foveefme a' certain
mortgage dated May SQi, 1887 for $600 and
interest and tax payment on the north hall
of the south west quarter and the south west
quarter of the south west quarter both oi
section eleven, also the south east quarter of
the south east quarter of section ten,
all in township thirty-two, north
of range twelve, west of the 6th p. ai. In said
county, given by Willis E. Eliott and Addle
S. Eliott, to George A. Doekstader and as
signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re
corded in book 26, page 430 of the mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to he a first lien and the said lands
sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 18th day of July, 1892.
1 >ut ed .1 u lie 2, 1892 48-4
By M unger & Courtrlght, Attorneys.
United States Land Office.
O’Neill, Neb., Juno 9, 1892.
Nptico Is hereby given that Richard .1.
Dwyer has filed notice of intention to mal e
final proof before register and receiver ;
his office in O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday, t *
23d day of July. 1«92, on timber culture *. *
pH atiou No. 6266, lor the SE quarter of soo
th • No. 27, m township No. 30. Range No. 11
He names os witnesses:
Jeremiah McCarthy, John !>. M - >hy, John
Harrington, James It. Sullivan, ah of O’Neill,
Neb. 49-6
11.8. Gu.ijESFiE, Register.
Purchase Tickets and Consign your
Freight via the
F. E.& M.V.andS. C.&fc
Passenger east,
Freight east.
0:85 a. m.
10:45 a. M.
Freight west,
Passenger west,
1:45 P. m
5:15 P. M
6:44 P. M.
Tho Elkhorn Line Is now running Reclining
Chuir Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead- ^
wood, jroe to holders of iirst-class trfrnapor Jar ‘
For any information call op * 1 ^
w J. DOBBS, Apt.
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Bands, Wounds, Bums, Etc,
Removes audPre vents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Samples & directions how to hang 8c clean paper sent
We have the largest stock Id tho country to select
m»m at all pieces, Planters and Paper Hangers
trade solicited.
•. » .«HOTll & KLAPPEIIICII,Chicago. 111.
bri6 W Uanuolph tit.. uud tt-10 8. Canal