pi-' FARM AND HOME. COB MEAL. ABANDONED BY ’ s WHOLE COMMUNI TIES. Cob* Have Too I.ltMi- I't-cihnjr Value to ,'? Pay for OrlnhlnK --Trmwplantliig Trot* — i’oullo rh-klng UlUl llllllll' lllllt H, John M. Stall 1. who is u practical farmer, as well ns an able writer, says. "I have fed cob moal—made throe trials of it—anil have not boon ably to get much feeding value from it.” Waldo !•'. llrown Is an advo cate of cob meal, but ho admits that utono institute in Ohio ho ••found but fow advocates for it in a largo audl oneo. and found many who considered it unfit to food.” Thoro was a cob-ujoal crazo about forty years ago. It broko out sud denly, like tho small-pox or moaslos, attracted a good deal of attention at tho time, says tho Country Gentleman, ran its courso and died out In lsod my father who owned a grist-mill, at the suggestion of his miller, and tho solicitation of his customers, built an addition to his mill, put in an extra wuter-whool, and proourod the neces sary machinery for grinding corn and cobs together. The oxpunso was live or six hundrod dollars, and for a time it seemed to bo a prolitnblo Invest ment He ground tho corn for his regular customers, and attracted cus tom from other mills to such an extont thdt they too had to put In machinery for grinding corn in tho oar. The ad ditional toll charged for grinding corn and oobs together was not much, tho mill was kept In good order, and the meal was ground as line as possible, which (owing to the moisture in the cob) was not always very fine, and the miller was honest; but gradually tho corn-cob custom foil off. and in less than throe years had coased entirely, and the spiders Bpun thoir webs unmolested over tho cob-mill. It was the same with every mill in this part of the country that put in the ••improvement," and I do not know of a single mill that now has tho machinery for grinding corn in the ear. t What was the cause of such a sur prising downfall in the popularity of oob meal and cob mills? First, be cause fanners, having givon tho meal a fair trial, became fully convinced that the actual value of eobs was so little that tt did not pay to have them ground, and that corn in tho eur could not bo ground so fine as the -shelled grain. Fow farmers keop any Old corn over. Most of them com mence feeding tho now crop as soon as it is husked, and continue feeding until spring, and it is not possible to grind corn and cobs as lino as thoy should bo ground ut the season the farmors want to feed the largest amount. Tho cobs rotain moisture much longer than the grain, which makes them grind hard, and if an at tempt is made to grind fine, the mill stones will begin to rumble and ■grumble,” gla e over, go slower and slowor, and unloss.thoy are raised und allowed to grind ooarsa. will choke up and stop with a full head of wnlor on the wheel. Then thoy must be taken up and' the glazing p.oked u t clqes of men were over more happy than millers wlion the eob ora e was over, and cob moat wont out of fushlon. There was no profit in grinding it and millers were blam'd for not grinding liner, when the; did the best they could. Let a person take u cob und try Whittling It with a knife: lie will Had that on each sido of the euvitios where the kf-o'.s stood, exteuJiii},' to tho pith, it is full of small, thin, circular plates hard as a hemlock kno!. ot him examine the dune1 of animals fed on tho cob meal and he will see these hard, sharp plates have not digested, and could not be digested b> the s um ach of an ostrich. and he \vi.. be^nil to have doubts whether sue', s!. ih '.u n substances could pass Ih o.-vh tho long tortuous route of she in-cm.nos without productn;' in‘tnti i not laceration, ini nmmutioi. n i d. r.,.io.i My experience In l«nli. i- ..i, probably as great .is thr.t ... ... of the directors at tho exp rim is ..t.i Mon. but not like theirs lav...- n l . to. Its use. livory animal t..i .\ i .... .t was fed endeavored i,. t :iio cob inonl from the ke. tui. a.e^i \..| leave the former. A New Kind of Insoranos. For twenty-five cents you can insure yourself and family against any bad re mits from an attack of bowel complaint daring the summer. One or two doses sf Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant tnd safe to take. No family can afford to be without it. For sale at 25 and 50 Mitts per bottle by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. | ■ —7 Stock Cattle! We have on hand and are prepared to furnish stock cattle of all ages and in numbers to suit purchasers. Time given on approved security. Call at section 13, township 28, range 13, or address, Frank Anderson Co., 89-tf O’Neill. Neb. We will pay Sioux City prices for 150 head of thin, dry cows. Frank Anderson a Co. 44-tf O’Neill, Neb. Half Fare Excursion Kates. TUeS. C. & N. R. R. and Pacific Short Line will sell tickets as follows: All stations to S;oux City and return one fare for round trip for “Race Meet ing” June 28, 29, and 30, good to return July 1, One fare for round trip,account, national holiday, between all stations July 2, 3, and 4, good to return July 5. For particulars call upon ticket agent, or W. B. McNider, General Passenger Agent. » ' ■ When in oeoil <>T a nice spring suit be sure ami give us a call. Wo can furnish you n nice spring suit, latest styles, from j>25 up. Patronize home institutions sat isfaction guaranteed. 47-0 KhTT.knd & Heopkn. It feaves the Children. Mr. C. II. Hliawcn, Wellsville, Kan., says; "It is witli pleasure that I speak of the good Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea ltemedy has done my family during the last fourteen years. In tho most* obstinate cases of summer complaint and diarrhoea among my children, it acted ns a charm, mnking it never necessary to call a physician. 1 can truthfully say tli^it in my judg ment, based on years of experience, there is not a medicine in the market that is its equal. For sale by P. C Cohuioan, druggist. A Pointer. At P. J. McManus' is the place to pur chase your Fourth of July dress, as lie lias nil new styles ami patterns for this sonson. Our shoe department is com plete in every line. For carpets and house furnishings wo are at the head of the procession. Fine selections of chenillo portieres and silk drupes. We order your enrpets ready made, and sur prise you, lioyr quick you get them. Our hat stock is complete and of the latest styles. !>0-2 1 Notice. For the annual school district meeting. The annual meeting of the legal voters of school district No. 7, of Holt county, Nebraska, will be held at school house in tho city of O'Neill, on Monday the 27tli day of June, 1802, at two o'clock l>. M., for the purpose of electing two trustees for said district, und for the transaction of such oilier business ns may lawfully come before it. O. F. TSuimn, Director. Hollars Kewa.rd““{j}50 I have deposited the above amount with Mayor O. F. iligiin with instruc tions to pay the same to any person who may Und ami deliver to him my gold watch and chain, recently lost, within the next thirty days. D. A. Doyi.e. I will pay" the above amount upon the delivery of the watch and chain. No questions asked. O. F. Bicimn. 49 2 Independents Lost Cause, Lower prices at D. L. Pond & Co. did it. r>0 Uif warranted flour. 20 lbs ex C sugar.. Mbs coffee. 17lbs diamond rice. 20 lbs rolled oat meal. 18 ft.s blackberiies. 13 lbs Cal. peaches. 1 14 lbs val raisins.. 1 25 bars York soap..!.. 1 00 22 boxes axle grease.1 00 3-hoop pail. 15 49-4 O'Neill Market Report. The following is a correct market re port for this week: Hops, V 100 tbs.*4.701 Wheat.».37 I Steers. 3.50 Outs.10 Fat rows.1.50@1.80!Kye.00 I Itutter.to. Ituckwlieat. Eggs. , 0 Kor corn.37 Potatoes, y bu.tkiShelled ..... ,3S LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. The McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust Co.. William H. Curtis et al. NOTICE TO NON-UKSIDENT DEFENDANTS. William H. Curtis. Check H. Toncray, -- Toncray. his wife, and Ed F. Gallagher will take notice that on the 28th day of March 18H2, the above named plaintiff filed a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by William H. Curtis to W. B. McKinley dated December 1. 1X86, and filed for record and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of said Ilolt county, in book 21, on page 127,conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated in said county tO'Wit: The south half of the southeast quarter (St* SEJi) section thirty-five town ship thirty-two, north, rapge t hirteen west of thetilh l*. m., that default lias been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and tlmre is now due plaint ill in the premises, the sum of four hundred ami sixty dollars, together with interest at ten per cent. per annum thereon from June 21, 1892. which is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said promises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 8th day of August, J&92, or the same wifi be taken as true, and Judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS. MOREY & FERRIS, Hustings. Nebraska. 50*4 Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Magdalone Newland, vs. William Webster, ot al. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. samuel B. Mart/., - IIarte, his wife. Guaranty Investment Co., and D. M. Davis, the receiver thereof, will take notice that on the 7t h day of December. 1891, the above named plaintiff filed a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the fore closure or a certain mortgage given by William Webster to Guaranty Investment Co. dated April 20,1880, and filed for record and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in book 45. on page 414, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated in said county ,tn-wit: The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW^4 SK**) and the southeast quar ter of the sout hwest quarter iSE** SW'4) of section fourteen (14) and the north half of the northwest quarter (N4NWU) of section twenty-three <£P. township thirty-two (J2>. north, range eleven (11), west of the 6th P. M-, | that default lias been made in the payment1 of the indebtedness secured bv said inort- 1 gage, and there is now due plaintiff in the premises, the sum of seven hundred thirty three ($7*J3) dollam. together with iuterest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June 21,189*2. which is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due in the premise:*, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of re demption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You. and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 8tli day of August. 1892, or the same will bo taken as true, mid judgment and decree rendered accordingly. T l BRETS. MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska, •r4M Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICK. ToC. 11. Toncray. Kmrmi K. Toncray, H. N. McKee and A. If. Farrcns, mm-rcsldcnts of the state of Nebraska, you lire he reify no tified that Junett It. Herbage plaintiff, did on t ho 18th day <>r Juno, 1892, file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Hollcounty, Nebraska, a petition, the object and prayer of whi< ii is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by VV. I). Mathews and Emetine Matln-ws, to 0. H. Toncray. for the sum of 1000, <>n the 24th day of July. 1888. upon the nor! Invest quarter of section s, township 27, north of range 11, west of the 6th i\ m., which mortgage was duly recorded in book 39 of mortgages at page 548 of t he records of Holt county. Nebraska, and upon which there is now due the sum of $673.35. von are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of July, 1882. Hated this 18th day of June, 1892. 50-4 II. M. UTTLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from tlio dork of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska. on the 25th day of March, 1892, in favor of The State Bank of O'Neill as plain tiff and against Klioda 0. Howard ok al as defendant., lor the sum of eleven hundred sixty two dollars, and forty-five cents, and costs taxed at $32.53 and accruing costs I have levied upon the followiug premises taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said order or sale, to-wit: . Lots one (I) and two (2) block sixteen (16) and lots one (1) and two (2) block twenty-one (21) in tlazelets addition to the city of trNelll as plat ted and recorded in the clerks office. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 25th day of July, A. 1). I89ii,in front of the court house in O'.N'olll, that being the building wherein t he last term of district court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Hated at O’Neill, Nebraska,this 20 th day of June, 1892, H. 0. McEvony, *>0-5 Sheriff of said County. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLTCOUN | TY, NEBRASKA. The MoKiniey-Lanning. Loun and Trust Co., vs. Soloman I). Julien, et. ai, ‘ «• NOTICE TO NoN-KEKIDKNT DEFENDANTS. James Jansen and-Jansen, his wife, will Cl h ft .11. ..f Vf .. mi I, 1 Ult.) take notice that, on the 7t h day of March, 1892 the above mimed plaintiff filed a petition against you, impleaded with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage giveu by Soloman D. Julien, to W. B. McKinley, dated November 1st 1886, and filed for record and recorded tn the office of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in book 19, page 253, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated in ' said county, to-wit: The soulh-west quar ter (SW'i) of section 28, township 30 north, range 13 west of 6 i\ m. that.default has been made in the payment of the indebt edness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff in the premises, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, together with In terest at ten per cent per annum thereon from June 21, 1892, which is. a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for Hie sale of said premises according to law to sntisfy the amount adjugded due in the premises, and for u decree foreclosing the equity of redemption of all of the said de fendants, and those claiming under them, i ou,and each ofjyou.aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 8th day of August 1892, or the same will be •taken as true, and judgment and deoreo rendered accordingly. TIB BETS, MOREY & FERRIS?, " „ , Hastings, Nebraska. ‘*9-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFllOLTCOU] TY. NEBRASKA. Sarah A. Cole, vs. Timothy W, Sullivan, et i NOTICE TO NON-HKSIDENT DEFENDANTS. Timothy W.Sulllvan,-Sullivan,his w.il made defendant as Jane Doe, Guaranty I vestment Co. and l). M, Davis, reeeiv' thereof, will take notice that on the 30th dt of November, 1891. the above named plaint: tiled a petitiou against you, linpleaued wF others, in said court, the object and pray« of fthich are for the for reinsure of a certa mortgage given by Timothy W. Sullivan, Guaranty Investment Co. dated August 1> 1889, and filed for record and recorded in tl ofiiee of the recorder of deeds of said Ho county, lu book 49, on page 203, conveying tl following described real estate ai premises situated in Holt count to-wit: The south-west quarter of the nort east quarter (SW^NE**,) the south-ea quarter of the north-west quarter (SF.^NW1 the north-east quarter of the south-we quarter (NEKiSW1*,land the north-west qua ter of the south-east quarter, (N\Vf.iSE*A,) . section 2(5, township 28, north range 13. wo of tith i\ m., that default has been mude: Urn payment of the indebtedness secured t said mortgage, and there is now due plaint In the premises, the sum of seven hundn and thirty-two dollurs.together with intere at 10 per cent, per annum thereon from Jui 2i, 1802,- which is a valid and ttsrt lieu c said promises. Plaintiff prays for the sale said premises, according to law, to satis Hie amount adjudged due in the premise and for a decree foreclosing the equity of r adoption of all of the said defendants, ai those claiming under them. You, ami each of you-, are required answer said petition on or before Mouda the eight day of August, 1892, or the san will be taken as true, and judgment and d cree rendered accordingly. Tl BRETS, MOREY & FERRIS, Hastings, Nebraska. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 50-4 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUN TY, NERRASKA. Wlllliiin W. Hunt vs. Charles 0. Millard, etal. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. H. K. Cullender.-Cullender, his wife, Smith and-Smith, his wife, on the 20th day Erastus W. _ will take notice that of January 1802, the above named plaiutitf tiled a petition against you, Impleading with others, in said court, the object and prayer of which are for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Charles C. and Carrie Mil lardtotj. 11. Tone ray, dated April 1st. 1887, and h’ed for record and recorded In the office of the recorder of deeds of said Holt county iabook £J,on page 5G0, conveying the follow ing described real estate and premises, situ ated in said county, to-wit: The south-west quarter, (SW^)of section 12, township 30, north range 13. west of 6th i\ m„ tliat default has boen made in the payment of the indebt ness secured by said mortgage, and there Is now duo plaintiff in the premises, the sum of seven hundred and ten dollars, together with the Interest at ten per cent, per annum thereon from June 21,1892, whteh Is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff *>'“ys tor the sale of said premises according to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged duo .n the premises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of redemption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. You, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before th© eight day of Aug'ust, 1802, or the same will betaken as true anu judgment and decree rendered accordingly. TIBBETS, MOREY & FERRIS, ... 4 Hustings, Nebraska. Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY', NEBRASKA. Luther E. Hurst vs. Albert Buxton, et al. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Albert Buxton,-Buxton, his wife whose real name is to plaintiff unknown, and Scott T. Jones will take notice that on the 21st day of June, 1802, the above named plaintiff hied a petition ugninst you, impleaded with others in said court, the object and prayer of which are tor the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Albert Buxton, then unmarried, to Scott T. Jones dated March 11, 1887, and hied for record and recorded in the office oi the recorder of deeds of said Holt county, in book &*, on page 75, conveying the following described real estate and premises, situated in said oounty, to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter ot section three (3), township (27), north, range Ilf teen (15), west of the titTi p. m.. that default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and there is now due plaintiff in the premises, the sum of six hundred dollars together with interest at ton per cent, per annum thereon from June 10, 181)2, which is a valid and first lien on said premises. Plaintiff prays for the sale of said premises accosdlng to law, to satisfy the aVnount adjudged due In the prem ises, and for a decree foreclosing the equity of redemption of all of the said defendants, and those claiming under them. Vou, and each of you, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 8th day of August* 1802, or the same will be taken as true, anc judgment uud decree rendered accordingly. TI BBET.S, AlOKEY & FERRIS, • • Hastings. Nebraska. 1 ‘»>*4 Attorneys for plaintiff NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS, Notice is hereby given tlmt the interest and tentnl upon the contracts of sale and lease to iho following described educational lands 'lluated In Holt county. Nebraska, as .'el opposite the names of the respective holders thereof, Is delinquent, and If said delinquency Is not paid up within ninty days Irom the date of this notice said con trail' will be declared forfeited by the board of Educational Lands and Funds, atvd said forfeiture will be entered of record m the tnanoeivprovlded by law. SW!., 'OC 30 twp 33 range 13 w—A. B. Smith. N!» see 36 twp 38 range 13 w—A. U. Smith. E‘2 SWH sec 111 twp HO range ltl w—A. U. Law. N K'i an.l EV4 SW!s and 8W>4 SWH sec in twp 3!i range 15 w—A. H. Law. NIC1., and SWH seo 16 twp 30 range 13 w—A„ll. Law. BEH -OC 16 twp 31 range 11 w-A. B. Law. Ni4 ii nd SWSa sec 16 twp 28 range II w -It. A. pm cell. SW1., sec 16 twp 31 range 10 w—It, A. Purcell. NH sec 16 twp 31 range 9 w—R. A. Purcell. E'/j StVJi and NWI4 BWJ4 sec 36 twp 31 range w—trank M. llookwater. in t W!j and SEJ* sec 1U twp31 range 15 w—A. B. Smith. NEV* sec 30 twp 27 range » w—E. It. Coons. HEU sec 4 twp 27 range 10 w—ErIt. Coons. SW H sec 12 twp 27 range 10 w—E. It. Coons. SH N W!t seo 14 twp 27 range 10 w—E. B.Coons N EH sec 28 twp 28 range 10 w—E. It. Coons. \Vl ) sec 38 twp 28 riuige 10 w—E. U. Coons. All id sec 36 twp 20 range 13 w—Anna M. II udelson. All nt seo 16 twp 20 range 11 w—Anna M. II udelson. All of sec 8 twp 28 range 11 w—Anna M. II udelson. SEH sec 28 twp 28 range 10 w—William Hunt. SW>4 sec 36 twp 31 range ID w—E. Allen. SEH NEH sec 16 twp 33 range 15 w—G. W. Shaukland. SEH see 34 twp 28 range 10 w—M. Gallagher. N KH SEH sec 24 twp 26 range 0 w—Henry Koehler. NS SWJ4 and SEH SEH sec 36 twp 30 range in w—John Sherek. All of seo 36 twp 20 range 10 w—Carl Crocher. ‘' "i tw All of seo 16 twp 28 range 13 w—Edward Ule wett. NEH sec 36 twp 31 rango 12 w-Gusta Word N H and 8WH sec 36 twp 27 ruuge 15 w—Doug las Nichols. All of sec 36 twp 26 range 15 w—D. 11. and J, S, Stilcklor. All of sec 18 twp 28 range 14 w—N. W. Wood. All of sec 38 twp 28 range 14 w—1). It. Strlckler All of sec 16 twp 26 rango 14 w—U. P. Stouffer, All of seo 18 twp 35 range 14 w—I). 11. Strlckler SW1., and 8WH8EH sec 36 twp 32 range low— Charles and Henry McNeal. All of seo 18 twp 27 rango 13 w—Augustus I). Doyle. SEH seo 36 twp 31 range 12 w—Conrad Wett laufer. S'VH NEH and W54 SEH seo 36 twp 31 range 16 w-W. A. Wheeler. All of sec 38 twp 32 range 0 w—Anna Long. N'i and SW!i and WH SEH and 8EH SEH seo 16 twp 30 range 10 w—G. N. Swcotsor. SEH SWH and NEH SEH seo 16twp30 rungo 10 w-8. 11. Elwood. SI', SEH seo 36 twp 26 rsngo 12 w—C. M. Smith 8!4 SWH sec 36 twp 26 range 12 w— Frank I. Smith. NEH sec 36 twp 32 rango 10 w—John Hubler. W!4 soo 36 twp 31 range 12 w— Conrad Wett laufcr. NEH sec 16 twp 31 range 13 w—John Lule. S(i sec 18 twp 27 range 10 w—Daniel Treucy. SW>4 sec 36 twp 30 range 13 w- W. W. Wilson. NWti sec 36 twp 30 range 13 w—Ellert Hipper. S'-J SF.H sec 16 twp 28 range 9 w—Jacob Walt. NWH sec36 twp 25 range 9 w—Sam’l Newman SWH sec 36 twp 81 range 14 w—Platt Wicks. SEH soo 36 twp 29 range 10 w—C. H. Odell. SWH sec 36 twp 20 range 10 w—W. J. Cooper and Cole Bros. N VV H sec 36 twp 29 range 10 w—John Leonard N4 NEH sec (10 twp 28 range 15 w—John C. lngllng. SWH NEH sec 16twp 11 range 12 w—James Eutaugh All of seo 1(1 twp 20 range 18 w—A. P. Temey. All of see 16 twp 28 range 11 w—C. H. Gardiner NWH sec 16 twp27range9 w—John C Bonuoll All of sec sec 16 twp 27 rango 12 w—John C. Donnell. All of seo 16 twp 33 range 14 w—John C. Honnell. All of sec 36 twp 33 range 14 w—John C. Bunnell. All of soc 16 twp 32 rango 15 w—John 0. Bunnell. N W H sec 16 twp 30 rango 0 w—Austin D. Fews \V‘s and SWH SEH sec 1(1 twp 25 range 15 w— Samuel D. Dipert. All of soc 36 twp 25 rango 12 w—John II. Simp son. All of sec 36 twp 30 rango 10 w—Anna Palmer. SWH sec 36 twp 32 range 10 w—J, R. Pointer. N W>/4 sec 36 twp 27 range 9 w—John 8. Nicker son. NWH sec 36 twp 28 range 10 w—.1.8. Boswlck NH and NH SEH and SEH SEH sec 36 twp 32 range 15 w—Henry and Cliarlus McNeal. SEH sec 36 twp 27 range 15 w—Douglas Nichols All of see 16 twp 25 range 10 w—George. Wm. 11. and Charles Clay. All of see 36 twp 27 range 13 w—B. Cox. Nit see 36 twp 29 rango 11 w—8. T. Stanfield All of soc 22 twp 28 range 10 w—N. E. Goldth walt. NWH SE'i see 24 twp 28 range 0 w—F. H. Green. Dated at Lincoln, Neb., this 1st day of June, 1892. A. R. HUMPHREY, Com. of Public Lands and Buildings BARRETlt SCOTT, Count y Treasurer, THE FRONTIER FOR LEGAL BLANKS. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court, of Holt county, Ne braska. on the 24th day of May, 1892. in favor of 0’yutliia S. Bartholomew us plaintiff and against John L. Colwell et al as defendants, for the sum of eight hundred eighty-eight dollars, and eighty-two cents,and costs taxed at *28.Si and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said order of sale to-wit: The north half of southeast quarter and south half of northeast quarter of section nineteen (19) township twenty-nine (29) range twelve (12) west of the (jth P. M. iu Holt county Nebraska. • And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidderfor cash, in,on the 25th day of July A. I). 1892, iu front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last, term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m, of said day when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska,this 20th day of June, 1892. a H. C, McEvony. 50-5 Sheriff of Said County. NOTICE. J. Q. Clark, C. H, Toncray and H. N. McKee defendants,will take notice that Theodore O. Ilockstader lias filed a petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, impleading with Elzy Davis, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose • mortgage dated May 10th. 1887, for *700 and interest and tax payments, on the north half of the north-west quarter of sec tion thirty-one, and the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter of section thirty, township thirty-two. range nine, and the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section twenty-five, township thirty-two. range ten, west, in said county, given by El/.y Davis to Ueorge A. Ilockstader and as signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re corded in Book 28, Page 321, of the mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and said lands to be sold to satisfy the same, • You are reouired to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of August, 1892. Dated. June 18,1892. THEODORE U. DOCKSTADER, Plaintiff, By Munger & Courtrlglit, Attorneys, 50-4 SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 19th day of February. 1892, in favor of B. Lombard, jr., James L. Lombard and H. W. L. Russell trustee, as plaintiff and against Esbon B. Hatch, Emily Hatch and John P. Spittler as defendants, for the sum of seven hundred one dollars, and four cents and costs taxed at *29.88 and accruing costs I have levied tipon the following premises taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The north half of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section seven (7) township thirty (30) range ten (10) west of the 8th p. m. in Holt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 5tli day of July. A, D. 1892. in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at tlie hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 31st day of May 1892. U. C. McEvonv, 4T-5 Sheriff of said County. NOTICE. To C. fl. Toncray, Emma It Toncray, Charles T1 anna, Henry Brown, Fayette Flno ley and H. N. McKee, non-residents, you are hereby notified that Mary T. Herbage, plain tiff. did on the 18th day or June, 1802, file in i in; ofHce of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, a petition, the object und prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by W. D. Mathews and F.meline Mathews, to O. H. Toncray. for the sum of $000.00 on the 25th day of July, 1888, upon the north half of the southeast quarter ot'sectlon 8, and the north half of the south west quarter section 0, township 20, north of range 11. west of the Gth p. m.. which mort gage was duly recorded In book 31b of mort gages. at nage 552 of the records of llolt county, Nebraska, and upon which there is now due the sum of $073.35. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of July, 1892. Dated this 18th day of June, 1892. 50-4 H. M. UTTLEY. Attorneyflfor Plaintiff. SHEIFF’S SALE, By virtuo Of an order Af sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county. Ne braska, on the 557th day of May, 1892. In favor of The American Investment company as plaintiff and agajust Enoch L. Geager et al as defendants, for the sum of two hundred forty-one dollars, and seven cents, and costs taxed at S33.C58 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises takch as tiie property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The nprtheast quarter of section twenty five (25) township thirty-two (32) range eleven <11) west of the Oth p. m. in Holt county, Ne braska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in bund, on the 2f»tli day of July, a. D. 1802, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Nelil, Nebraska, this 20th day of J une, 1802. 11. 0. McEvony, 50-5 Sheriff of said County. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Neb. ) May 14. 1893. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settlors have tiled notice of their in tention to make final proof in support of their claims and that suid proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on July 0,1892, viz: AUGUST OBERLE, D. S. 10038. For the NEJ4 of section IK), township 31, range 10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Adam Koch, of Scott ville. Nebr., Christiau Itcrgcr, of Minncola, Nebr., Adolf Peterson, of Minncola, Nebr., Fred Richter, of Scott ville, Nebr. Also FRED RICHTER, H. E. 12,713. For the SE*4 SEJ4 section 17. S54 NE% NE*4 NE’4 20-31-10 west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: August Oberle of Leonia, Neb., Joseph Schulitneyer of Scottville, Nebr.. Charles L. Bright of O’Neill, Nebr., Adam Koch, of Seottville, Nebr. Also ADAM KOCH, II. E. 13,037. For the 8EJ4 22-31-10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: August Oberle of Leona, Neb.; Charles L. Bright of O'Neill, Neb.; Joseph Schullmeyer and Fred Richter of Seottville, Neb. 15-0 B. S. Gillespie, Register. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, £to< Bemoves and Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water WALL PAPER Samples & directions howto hang & clean paper sent ipe.ftoe largest stock In the country to soldi trade solici ted *°8S' l alnters ,nd »*aper Uanpet „ UROTH& KkAPTERTCn, OUtaago. Til la*lb W. Itundolpb St.. amt S-10 S. i.| » N. HOPKINS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olliceover Blglln’s furniture store. Calls 510imptly attended day or night. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. .... . . O’Neill, Neb., June 0,1892. Notice is hereby given that Richard .7. Dwyer lms filed notice of intent ion to make final proof before register and receiver at his office in O Neill, Neb., on Saturday, the 2i(d day of July. 1892, on timber culture ap plication No. 62U6, for the SE quarter of sec tion No. 2T, m township No. 30. Range No 11 west. He names as witnesses: Jeremiah McCarthy. John D. Murphy, John Harrington. James R. Sullivan, all of O’Neill Neb. . 49-11 B. S. Gillespie, Register. notice. Jameia irWeiki^^bn-SeZ Jo1* ■»« hereby notllled that Ella bSSSiXS? a» plain tiff i dill on the 12th day of ¥cM»>*us, file in the office of the ole?E of '**i court of Hojt county. Nebraska!.* the object and prayer of which ts toV„i.1,|'un' a certain mortgage executed bj |Z '? Jolly and Jennie N. Jolly hts ^ Iowa Mortgage Cor,,,,. J *lr'' to the on the 18th day of November ituw k^jo SIVJ* see. 21, twp. 27, range riw fltSPn The same being recordedIn*book• mortgages at page 188; also to foreclos."1 second upon said premises In favor Tmvu MnrtffiiffP rv>yf.,vQ«... l.™OT Sa d cords oV Holt' eounty!” Nebraska,"’ and o m which there Is now duo the sum of *1 oil Ynu urn minlroH tn ana.... ... . V 1 .1 v;—-*** V j ouHi 01 si.UU a You arc required to answer said net il l,, on or before the 25th day of July 1892P° Y°" Dated this 15th day of.IutielSM * 4!M , ... h.m.uttley. 1 Attorney for PlalntlffA NOTICE. To John J. Mandcrville, C. H Timm..,, Ralph I. Little and the FarmoS l£22 Trust company, non-residents, you are hereby notified that T. P. Strong, plaii nereoy notined tnat T. P. Strong, plaintiff did on the 13th day of Juno, lssg f range twelve, west of the 6th p. m. in said county, given by Willis E. Eliott and Addie 8. Eliott, to George A. Dockstader and as dgned to plaintiff, which mortgage was re loaded in book 26, page 430 of the mortgage ecords of said county, and to have the sanio leereed to bo a first Hen and the said lands told to satisfy the same. Yon are required to answer said petition on >r before the 18th day of July, 1892. Dated June 2, 1892 48-4 THEODORE O. DOCKSTADER, Plaintiff, By Munger & Oourtrigbt. Attorneys. H b ttf 0 H HI b\ 0 (A I Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: DOING BAST. Passenger east, .- - 9:35 a.m. Freight east. - - 10:45 a. m. ‘ GOING WIST. freight west, - 1:45 p. m Passenger west, • 5:15 r. M' Freight, - - - 0:44 r. M. The Elkborn Line iR now running Reclining jbair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead vood, jree to holders of first-class transpor nation. Fer anv information eall on W J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. CHICAGO LUMBER YARD. i LUMBER & COAL. _ E i _ ■ All kinds of Building Materials and best quality of Lumber always on band. O. O. SNYDER & CO.