The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 09, 1892, Image 5

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in oidei to give everybody a, chance to get a new suit tor the summer, the poor as well as the rich. In Dress (roods I have an abundance of the latest styles and
k, lutings the latest patern the market can afford, ranging in price to suit every customer. Also a large assortment of Dress (roods of all kinds. This department e
the largest stock carried by any store in the Elkhorn Valley, and the prices cannot be beaten in the State.
in light
MY BOOT AND SHOE department is second to none
west of the Missouri river. Come and investigate and you will be con
vinced. Where else can you get a Woman’s Grain Button Shoe for
$1.10 a pair? The same shoe is sold elsewhere for $1.50 a pair. I
have the Largest and Best collection of Fine Shoes and Fancy Slippers
to be found in the country. 1 ou will have no trouble to procure a
fit, having such a large stock to select from.
MY CLOTHING department is the most complete assort
ment in the Elkhorn Valley. Having recently made some very large
purchases in* Philadelphia 1 am enabled to sell at less than the old
prices, I sell no goods except for CASH, or in exchange for produce
which I can use to advantage. You will save money by examining
my prices before buying your Spring and Summer goods. I will give
yoxi special prices on all goods during this month.
M. M. SULLIVAN, Proprietor.
Thomas Roushla. Ellen Roushia, A. E
lendricks and Mrs. Hendricks, wife ot A. L.
icndricks, defendants, will take notice that
'hcodore G. Dockstader, plaintiff, has filed a
ctition in the district court ol’ Holt county,
iehraska, ugainst said defendants, the ob
L’ct and prayer of which are to foreclose a
mrtgago dated May 5,1887, for $500.60 and in
i rcst. on the northeast quarter ol‘section
hi i t ecu [’13] township thirty MO] range ten
cst. in said county, given by Thomas Kpu
iiin and Ellen lioushia toGeo. A. Dockstader,
ml assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage
as duly recorded in book 24, page 417, of the
lortgage records of said county, and to
ave the same decreed to be a first lien, and
ic said lauds sold to satisfy the same.
You .are required to answer said petition
ti or before the 27th day of Juno, 1802.
Dated May 13. 1892.
By Munger & Courtright, Attorneys. 45-4
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
it* from the clerk of the district court of
lull county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
Wore the district court of Holt county, Ne
niska, on the 28t,h day of March, 1892, in
avor of Ella H. Rurrage as plaintiff and
gainst James P. Weekes et al as defendants
or the sum of thirty-two hundred eighty
liree dollars, and eighty-six cents, and costs
axed at $32.28 and accruing costs I have
evied upon the following premises taken as
lie property of said defendants, to satisfy
•aid order of sale, to-wit:
I’lie west half of northwest quarter of section
iix (it) township thirty-one(31) range teB|(10)
nut north half of section one (1) anW the
northeast, quarter of southeast quarter of
ii'ctioiiono [11 and southeast quarter of north
east quarter of section two [2] township
ihirty-one (311 range eleven Llll west of the
*»M» i». m. in Holt county, Nebraska,
And will offer tlie same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand on the 20th day
»t June, A. D. 3892, in front of the courthouse
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
the last term of district court was held at
Die hour of 9 o’clock u. m. of said day, when
and where due attendance will be given by
•be undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 16th day
May. 1892. H. G. McEvony.
45-5 Sheriff of said County.
Moses Hurst and A. J. Miller defendants,
will take notice that on the 25th day of May,
]W2. J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff herein,
“led his petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
me object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by defend
ant Moses Hurst to the Dakota Mortgage
Doan Corporation upon the southwest quar
Jvr of section thirty-two (.321 in township
twcnty-tlve (25) north of range twelve (12)
west. Holt County Nebraska. to
imeure the payment of one prom
missory note dated July 7, 1887, for the sum
faou.oo and interest at the rate of seven
percent per annum payable semi-anuually
and ten per cent after maturity; that, there
>8 now due upon said note and mortgage ac
cording to the terms thereof the sum of $664.50
and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
Jnniim from January 1, 1892, and plaintiff
Ftys that said premises may be decreed to
a .Vi ®lto satisfy the amount due thereon.
?im * the title of the defendant A. J.
j unor in said premises may be decreed to be
j1,101’ and subject to the lien of the plain
lll ,s mortgage.
' °u, are required to answer said petition
mi or before the 11th day of July, 1892.
bated at O’Neill, Nebraska, May 25,1892.
.. , J. L. MOORE. Trustee, Plaintiff.
1Jy N. D. Jackson, His Attorney. 46-4.
. y. virtue of an order of sale directed to
*0,,‘ the clerk of tl»e district court of
a»»ty, Nebraska. on a decree obtained
hra i;V 1 lo Strict court of Holt county, Ne
puit c
f('n the day of March, 1892, in
r McKinley Lanniug Loan and Trust
on,,.,...‘vnuiivjr litiumuK JjUUU uiiu iium
Jt.apwy »** plaintiffs and against Owen F.
fu,7,.1 al as defendants, for the sum of
''I'dhundrr..! •
cd eighty-eight dollars,and eighty
(‘H8.ts 1 have levied upon the follow
l‘*f» U(b miSe‘S ta^on as the propert y of said
cents, and costs taxed at $28.38 and ac
ulKen as the property of said
The,:’"1.1.®:10 sflli8fy sttid orticrof sale.towit:
towV»ua*theast quarter of sectiofi twelve(12)
‘‘P twenty-nine (29) range twelve (12)
^‘braska6 **’ M* situated in Ilolt county,
esf hill“ffer the same for sale to tin* iiigh
of JiiiVt. I ?a8ji. in hand, on the 20th day
^ •hinc, A. D. 1892, in front of tlie court house
MieVast «**—J?eJng the building wherein
Uu* i.'lr.! term district court was held at
aiici wV.V-of. O cloi*k a m. of said day wlien
the ui.nirL;tiue attendance will be given by
vTllttv iJun °’Nelllt Nebraska, this Kith day
•l8!r- H. C. McEvonY.
Sheriff of said County.
! Land Office at O’Neill. Neb.
May 7,1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nuiucd settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on June 18, 1892, viz:
for the NWV4 31-20-1:1 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John S. Leis, Stephen 1*. Lets and Peter A.
Cramer of Atkinson,Neb..and Peter Mikelsof
Emmet, Neb. 44-0*
B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Land Office at O’Neill. Neb.. I
April 27,1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on
June 11. 1892, viz:
JOHN DEVENNEY, 11. E., No. 14299,
for the SE}* SW54 7-30-12 west fitli p. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Thomas J. Gallagher, James Erley, Henry
Winkler and Adolph Boush, all of Slocum,
43-9* B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb.,
May 7,1892,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb,,
on June 20, 1892, viz:
J. GALLAGHER II. E. 12332. for theSEU 8-29
JO west.
He names the following1 witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said laud, viz:
John Horriskey, Michael Carroll and Peter
Williams of O’Neill. Neb., and Richard Mur
ry of Page, Neb. 44-0*
B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., 1
_ April 25,1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of Ills inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proofVill be made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on June9, 1892. viz:
EDWARD BOYLE, H. E. No. 11945.
For the NE& 2-27-12-West.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
B. McGlone, Timothy McCarthy, Morris
Cavanaugh and James F. Shoemaker, all of
O’Neill, Nebraska.
B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Fidelity Loan and Trust Company a corpor
ation, Plaintiff.
James F. Cunningham a widower. Charles
W. Lemont a widower. Chick II. Toncray
and wife Emma R. Toncray, Joseph Holmes
John M. Diels, Ezra R. Carr administrator
of the estate of Norman B. Richardson de
ceased. Edward F. Gallagher and Henry A.
Jandt, Edwin C. Tompkins and Addison W.
Erwin co-partners doing business under
the firm name and style of Jandt & Tomp
kins. defendants.
The defendants James F. Cunningham,
Joseph Holmes. Ezra R. Carr administrator
of the estate of Norman B. Richardson de
ceased, and Henry A. Jandt, Edwin C. Tomp
kins and Addison W. Erwin co-partners doing
business under the firm name and style of
Jandt. & Tompkins, will take notice that on
the 7th day of March, 1892, The Fidelity Jjoan
and Trust Company a corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against all of said
defendants.' the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by the defendant James F. Cunningham a
widower, to the plaintiff upon the southwest
quarter of section t hirteen (13) in township
thirty (30) north of range ten (10) west of the
ttth p. M., to secure the payment of one per
tain prommissory note dated October 29, J887.
due and payable five years from the date
thereof; that there is due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of *592.25 with interest
thereon at ten per cent from March 6,1892,
for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants he required to pay the same
or that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of July, 1892.
By S. E. Hostetter, its Attorney. 494
In the district court, within and for the
county of Holt, and state of Nebraska.
Tile PhuMiix Insurance Company of Hart
ford. Connecticut* Plaintiff.
Dwnin Young, Emma J. Young his wife, et
al. Defendants.
To Dwnin Young, Emma J. Young, Eugene
T. Long and Mrs. Eugene T. Long, his wife
defendants: You and each of you will take
notice that the above named plaintiff did, on
the :iist«day of March, 1892, file its petition
in the district court within and foi the
county and state aforesaid, demanding per
sonal judgement against the defendant
Dwain Young in the sum of six hundred
[$600,001 dollars with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per unnuiu from the 1st
day of June, 1880, together with a decree
foreclosing a certain mortguge deed, execu
t'd Insecure the payment of said sum and
interest, on the following described real es
tate situated in the county of llolt. iiMhe ,
state of Nebraska, to-wit: 1
Hie northwest quarter [nw^l of section No. I
twenty-three [2:i] in township No. thirty-two |
[iK* north of range sixteen [16] westof the (lth |
I’. M„
Adjudging the plaintiff to have the first lien i
in said premises to the amount for which
judgment is demanded, ordering said prem
ises to he sold for the payment of said judg
ment. and forever barring and foreclosing
said defendants and each and all of them
from all right, title, interest and equity of i
redemption in and to said premises or any '
part thereof. That unless you and each of !
you answer or plead to said petition on or
before the 29th day of June, 1892, the aver
ments of said petition will be taken as true |
mid judgment and decree rendered accord
ing to the prayer thereof.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Attest, May. 9,1802.
44-4 John Skirving, Clerk.
By C. P.Tie Lance, Deputy.
Fidelity Loan and Trust Company a corpor
ation, plaintiff.
rheodore F. Sherman and wife Mary E. Sher
man Charles W. Lemout, a widower. Chick
H. Toncray and wife Emma It. Tone ray.
Joseph Holmes, John M. Diels, Ezra It. Carr
administrator of the estate of Norman B
Richardson deceased. Edward F. Gallagher
and Henry A. Jandt, Edwin C. Tompkins
and Addison W. Erwin copartners under
the ftnfi name and style of Jandt & Tomp
kins, defendants.
The defendants Mary E. Sherman, Joseph
Holmes, Ezra It. Carr administrator of the
[•state of Norman II. Richardson deceased,
and Henry A. Jandt, Edwin C. Tompkins and
Addison W. Erwin co-partners doing business
under the Arm name and style of Jandt &
Tompkins, will take notice that on the 7th
ilay of March. 1892, the Fidelity Loan and
Trust Company a corporation, plaintiff here
in. tiled its petition in the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, against all of said
defendants the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortguge executed
by the defendants Theodore F. Sherman and
wife Mary E. Sherman to the plaintiff, upon
the northeast quarter of section thirty-five
CIM in township thirty-one (ill) north of range
110) west of the 6th p. m., to secure the pay
ment of one certain prommissory note dated
April 7. 1887, due and payable in live years
from the date thereof; that there is due
upon said note and mortgage the sum of
with interest thereon at ten per cent
from March f», 1892, for which sum plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants be re
quired to nay the same or that said premises
may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of July, 1892.
By S. E. Hostetler, its Attorney, 46-4
Mary A. Lined, William B. Linell. Hannah
E. Linnell, John B. Lewis, and Mrs. Lewis,
wife of John B. Lewis, defendants, will take
notice that TheodoreG. Dockstader, plaintiff
has filed a pet ition in the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against said defen
dants. impleaded with William H. Shannon,
the object and prayer of which are to fore
close a mortgage dated May 16, 1887. for $660
and lnterest.|ou the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter and the northwest quar
ter of the southwest qua'tcr of section one
111, and the southeast quarter of the north- I
east quarter and the northeast quarter of t he j
sout heast quarter of section two. [2] town
ship thirty-one [.*11Vrange ten [lu| west in I
suitl county, given by William H. Shannon to
George A. Dockstader and assigned to plain
tiff. which mortgage was recorded in book 25, I
page 479. of the mortgage records of said
county, and to have the same decreed to lie a
first lien, and the said lands sold to satisfy
the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 27th day of June. 1892.
Dated May IB. 1892.
By Muuger & Court right. Attorneys. 45-4
• By virtue of an order of salo, directed to
mo from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the lttth day of February, 1803, in
favor of the Union Trust company as plain
tiff and against Richard T. Mills, Charlotte
Mills, his wife, C. 11. Tonoray, Emma It. Ton
cray, his wife. C. W. Lemont. Ed. F. Gallag
her, John M, Bids. Ezra it. Carr, administra
tor of the estate of Richardson.deceased,
11. A. Hamit and E. O. Tompkins, partners
under the firm name of .landt&Tpmpklns,
and Joseph Holmes, defendants, for the sum
of one hundred forty-eight dollars and forty
live cents, and costs taxed at $20.31 and ae
i c ruing crusts I have levied upon the following
premises taken as the property of said de
fendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of southeast quar
ter of section eleven, and southwest quarter
of southwest quarter of section twelve (13)
township thirty-one [311 north range ten 110]
west of the 0th i». m. in llolt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to tho
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on tho 30th
day of June, a. D. 1802, In front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein tho last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will he
given by the undersigned.
Bated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this loth day of
May, 1802. H. C. McEvonv,
45-5 Sheriff of said County r
Catherine McDonough. John M. McDon
ough, Jerome A. McDonough, Annie McDon
ough. Juntos Walter McDonough and Willard
A. Wheeler, defendants, will take notice that
Orient Insurance Company, plaintiff, has
filed a petit ion in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
impleaded with Augustine McDonough and
Theodore Wheeler, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a mortgage dated De
cember 26, 1885, for $(»00.U0 and interest and
tax payments on the northeast quarter of
section twenty-six [2rt] township thirty [80]
range twelve [12] in said county, given by
Martin McDonough and Catherine McDon
ough to Western Trust and Security com
pany and assigned to plaintiff, which mort
gage was recorded In hook 0, page 455, of the
mortgage records of said county, and to
have the same decreed to be a first lien and
said lands sold to satisfy the same.
you are required to answer said petition on
or before the 27th day of June, lh92.
Dated May 17, 1892.
By Monger & Courtright, Attorneys. 45-5
In the matter of the guardenship of Andy
John Potter, minor.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of M. P. Kinkaid, judge of the dis
trict court of Holt county, made on the 2nd
day of May. 1892, for the sale of the real
estate hereinafter described; there will be
sold ut the front door of the court house in
O’Neill, Holt county. Nebraska, on the 4th
day of June, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public
vendure to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate, to-wit:
The northeast one fourth section No. 20,
in township No. 27, north in range No. 13
west rtth P. M.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this 17th day of May, A. I)., 1892.
G. C. Hazemct Guardian,
Andy Joiln Potter, Minor.
E. II, Benedict, his attorney. 43-4
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from tho clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of llolt county,.
Nebraska, on the 1st day of March 1892. in
favor of William Goldsphon us plaintiff and
against Monroe M. llrey and John L. Kuhm
as defendants, for the sum of six hundred
sixty dollars.and tifty-eight cents and costs,
taxed at $2s.ks mid accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises, taken as.
tin* property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit:
The southeast quarter of section nineteen
(19) township thirty-one 1311 north of range,
twelve (12) west of the rtth P. M. in Hoik,
county, Nebraska.
And will offer tho same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash, in
band, on the 30th day of June, A.
D., 1892. in front of the court house in O'Neill
that being the building wherein the last
term of district court was held, at the hour
of 11 o'clock a.xi. of said day, when andlwhere
due attendance will be given by the under-'
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 9th day of
M ay L1892. II. C. McEVONY. i
45-5 Sheriff of said count)’.
Land Okitick at O'NKii.n, Nob., i
April 28 1892. \
Notice? Is hereby glvon that the following
named settlor has filed notice of Ids Intention
to make final proof in *:upport of Ids claim,
and that said proof will bo made boforo the
register and receiver at O’Neill. Nob., on
June li. 1892, vi/.:
THOMAS CLEARY. H. E. No. 12.908
For the MV'* SK‘* \V*4 NKU and NEl* NW‘4
17*30—J2 went. •
lie names the following witnesses to move
Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John Cleary and John Gallagher of Slocum,
Nob., Stephen MoGinlss, of O’Neill, and Thos.
MoGlnlss, of Slocum, Neb.
451-0 II. S. G im.kkimr. Register.
To Frank C. Stein met/., Caroline Htclnmetz.
Anne Darthea and Nessane Hansen, de
tend ants.
You will take notice that on the ‘JO day of
April, 1892, the Harrison National hank,
plaintiff herein, filed there potll'on In the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against Frank C. Stelnmotz, Caroline Stoln
metz, Anne Darthea, Nessane Hansen. C. II.
Tonoray and S. M. Wagers, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage upon east half northeast quarter
i and east half southeast quarter section
olgnt l«l township twenty-six |2tt] range thir
\ teen fl.'ll In Holt county, Nebraska, c.\
| eeuted by defendant, Stelnmetz. to C.
II. Toneary and suhsetiuently assigned
to plaintiff, to secure the payment of one ;
bond or principal note of #000, dated May 12. 1
IKIJO, payable May 1, 18115, with Interest lliere- ]
on at the rate of 8 percent, per annum pay- j
able semi-annually according to ten Interest
or coupon notes attached thereto and of even
date therewith on the first days of May and
November; that there is now due upon said
bond or principal note. Interest nolo and
mortgage the sum of $857.1)7, for which sum
with interest from this date, plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer this petition on
or before the J7th day of June, 1892.
Dated April 20. 1892.
By A. K. Damk. their attorney. 45-4
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb. t
XT , May 14, 181)2. f
Notico Is hereby given that the following
mimed settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of
their claims and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver at
O’Neill, Neb., on July 0, 1892, viz:
For the NEJ4 of section JO, township 31. range
10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Adam Koch, of Scott vllle, Nebr., Christian
Berger, of Minneolu, Nebr., Adolf Peterson,
of Minneola, Nebr., Fred Richter, of Seott
ville, Nebr. Also
FEED ItUJHTEIt, H. iS. 18,713.
Fur the SE'i KE>4 suction 17. Si* NE'i NEU
■N'KV. 80-31-11) west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
August Oberle of Leon la, Neb., Joseph
Schullmeyerof Scottville, Nebr., Charles L.
Bright «f O’Neill, Nebr., Adam Koch, of
Scottville, Nebr. Also
ADAM KOCH, H. E. 13,037.
For the SEJ* 22-31-10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz:
August Oberle of Leona. Neb.; Charles L.
Bright of O’Neill, Neb.; Joseph Schullmever
and Fred Richter of Scottville, Neb.
4”>-0 • B. S. GibLKflPiu. Register.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb.
May 11. 1892.
| Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
| to make final proof in support of his claim.
] and that said proof wifi be made before
i register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
Julie 25,1892, viz:
for the NWJ4,17-28-12 west.
He names the follow ing witness to prove
his continuous residence upon, am! cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Michael Galhigher, Andrew Clark, Alex-1
ander Boyd, Emery Herick, all of O’Neill,
Nob. 44-4*
14.8, Uij&kspie, Register.
lly virtue) of an order or dale, directed til
me from the clerk of tho district court of
Holt county, Nebraska. Oil a Judgement oh
tallied iMiforo tho dlstrlclcourtoflloltuoiinty.
Nebraska, on tint until day of March. 1HU2,
In favor of tho Union Trust Company ns
ululatin' and anal list, Vaclav Kubovee an de
fendant,for the sum of ilfty-four dollars und
llftocii cents, and costs taxed at HIK.7K and
accruing costs I have levied upon the follow
in'.' premises, taken ns tho property of said
defendant,to satisfy said order of
The norfheust quarter of seetion twenty
three township twenty-seven (271, rue ire *
twelve (12) west of thumb V. M In Ilolteouiity
And will offer the same for sale to the
hlirhest bidder for 'cash. In hand, on the 20th
day of June, A. I)., IHirJ, In front of the court
bouse lu O’Neill, that bejnif the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 111 o’clock A. m. of said
day, when and where due attendniiue will he
given by tho undersigned.
Dated ut O’Nelli, Nell,, tills llltli day of Muy.
1H02. H.C. MoEVONV,
45-5 Sherllf of said county.
Ily vlrtuo of an order of sale directed to
me Irom the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county. Ne
bruska, on the 2llth day of March. MB, to
favoruf the Union Trust company, us plain
tiff and ugalnst Charlotte (Joodhnud. Sainual
Orlllllh. oxecutator of the last will and testi
tnent of Mark (Jcsidliaml. deceased, Kll/.aheth
Ooodhaud, Ann Oooilhand.Oeorgetloodhaiid.
Mary Ooodliand, Henry Ooodhaud, Alice
(ioodlmnd, John tioodluiiid. Emma lined
hand, Elizabeth Hoc. foruierly Kli/abetli
(ioodlmnd, Klchard Roe, her husband, Ann
Doe and John Doe her husband, whose trne
names to plaintiff are unknown, defendants,
for the sum of llfty-slx dollars, and eighty
cents, and costs taxed at Hir.’.ts and uccrulaff ■
costs 1 have levied upqn the billowing prem
ises taken as the property of said defendants
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
eight (2s) township twenty-six |2!I) reuse ■
twelve 1121 west of the (1th p. M. in HMt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer tho same for sale to the '
highest bidder for rush, In hand, on the 2dth '
day of June, A. D. 1*0*2, lu front of the court :
house lu O'Neill, that being the bulldlBK
wherein tho last term of district court VIS
held, at tho hour of W nVlocc a. IB. of MUd
day. when and where due wttewtanoe will bo
given by tho undersigned. y
I luted at O'Neill Nebraska, this 18th day of
May. 1M»2. H. O. McBTOMT,
45-5 Sheriff of sold County, .. t
Uy virtue of on order of sole, directed to >‘
me from the olerk of tbe district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before thedlstrlctoourt of Holt county Ne
braska, on the 30th day of March, 1N02, in
favor of tbe Union Trust t'ompany
as plaintiff and against Wilhelm 11. Seim-.,
mann et al defendants, for the sum of nlse
hundred eight dollars, and soveuty-lhree \
rents, and costs taxed at 12S.4S ami arcru log
coots I have levied upon tho following prem
ises taken as the property of said defend’
ants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter of seetloo nine (01
township thirty-two M2) range twelve III]
west of the (itli i*. M. In Holt county, Neb.
And will offer the same for sale to the high- ’'
est bidder for cash, In hand, on the 20tli day
of June. A. I). lSItl.ln front of the court house
In O’Neill, that being the building whereto
the last terra of district court was held, at
the hour of 9 o’clock a. rn. of said day, when
and where duo attcmluucp will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska.this 10th day of
May. 18112. • II. C. McEvonv,
45-5 Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on tho 20th day of March, 18! 12, In
favor of Thomas A. Nelson as plaintiff and
against John 1’. O’Donnell et al as defend
ants for the sum of one thousand and twenty
nine dollars, and sixty cents and costs taxed
at fcllJSI and accruing hosts I have levied
upon the following premises taken us the
property of said defendant to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wlt:
The southeast quarter of section thlrty-Bve
(35) township twenty-nine (2!i) range twelve
(12i west of the 0th i>. m. lu Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in band, on the 2uth aay
of Jane. A. D. 18SI2,in front of the court, house
In O’Neill, that being tbe building wherein
the last term of district court was held, at the
hour of 1) o'clock a. in. of said day, when and
w here due ultcudanee will be given by the
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this Kith day of
May. 18112. H. I'. McKvon v.
45-5 Sheriff of said County.