The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 05, 1892, Image 5

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__■*.p,: 1L1 w m | -a_ , , j,,. x __ _ _
fi chance to get a\ie\v suit for the summer, the poor as well as the rich. In Dress Goods l have an abundance of the latest styles and in light
ihv} he m!refc-cai! nf5v;d' ran?V1S in Prif 1° sui.t every customer. Also a large assortment of Dress Goods of all kinds. This department embraces
the laigest stock carried by any store in the Elkhorn Valley, and the prices cannot be beaten in the State.
! | MY BOOT AND SHOE department is second to none
| I west of the Missouri river. Come and investigate and you will be con
| f yineed. Where else can you get a Woman’s Grain Button Shoe for
| j §1.10 a pair? The same shoe is sold elsewhere for #1.50 a paii. I
; j have the Largest and Best collection of Fine Shoes and Fancv Slippers
j j to be found in the country. You will have no trouble to “procure a
j | fit. having such a large stock to select from.
MY CLOTHING department is the most complete assort
ment in the Elkhorn valley. Having recently made some very large
purchases in Philadelphia I am enabled to sell at less than the old
prices, I sell no goods except for CASH, or in exchange for produce
which I can use to advantage. You will save money by examining
my prices before buying your Spring and Summer goods. I will give
you special prices on all goods during this month.
r-jrrTwwiFijtfiHitw-j'j-JSPrr.ww Tgrffyt 8vqK»THPwm ■gracWHMurrati
M. M. SULLIVAN, Proprietor, i
to Michael J. O’Rourke and Margaret
O'Rourke, defendants.
Will take notice that on the 7th day of
April, 185*2, the American Investment Co.
plaintiff herein filed its petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against
yourselves and A. Milenz, the object and,
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain trust
deed executed by Michael J. O’Rourke and
Margaret O’Rourke to E. S. Orinsby. trustee,
for W. L, Telford, and a second mortgage to
the pluintiffs upon the following described
real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska
The south half southwest quarterjBectinn
twelve (12) and north lialf northwest quarter
section thirteen (13) township twenty-eight
(28) range twelve t12) west Oth p. m.
To secure the payment of a certain note of
•*50.00 and ten interest coupons all dated
October 28, 1887. Said principal note of $850.00
being due December 1, 1802, and the coupon
notes being due on the 1st days of December
and June of each year, commencing with
June 188S; and mortgage to secure ten notes,
one for $15.08and nine tor $12.75. The plaintiff
alleges that it is the owner of and in posses
sion of tiic interest notes which matured on
the 1st days of June 18D1,December 1800, June
1**0. December 1880. June 1885). December
18X8, June 1888, and the second notes which
became due June 1800, December 185*0, June
1888, December 1888, June 1885). December i860,
June 185*1, December 1801; that there is now
due upon said notes owned by plaintiff and
secured by said trust deed and mortgage the
sum of$55l) according to the terms of said deed.
Tiie plaintiff prays that said premises may
bt* decreed to he sold subject to said princi
pal note and the interest coupons, maturing
subsequent to those owned oy plaintiff, tc
satisfy the amount found due thereon.
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before the 23d day of May. 185*2.
Dated this 13th*day of April, 1802.
10-4 U. R. DICKSON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
by virtue of an order of sale, directed to
jne from the clerk of the district court of
holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 11th day of March, 1892, in
favor of Azro M. Dows as plaintiff and
Against Fred B. Johnson et al as defendants,
•or the sum of nine hundred forty-five dollars
J*»id defendant Patrick Hagerty obtained a
decree for the sum of $44.53 and costs taxed
at 335.48 and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to wit :
the southwest quarter of section twenty
(‘JO township twenty-nine, north of range ten
h*>» west of the 8th p. m. in Hole county, Ne
Ami will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In hand, on the 23 day of
A. D. 1S5I2, in front of the court house in
D Neill that being tho building wherein the
last term of district court was held at the
“our of Jl o’clock a. m. of said day, when
> and where due attendance will ho given by
Die undersigned. „ t _
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this l<th day
i or April, 18U2. • 11. (J. Mt’EvoNY.
r 41-5 Sheriff of said County.
the frontier
T« Frank A. Runals, administrator of the
' state of Ell O. Runals, deceased, Helen (J.
louials, widow of Ell G. Runals, deceased,
T'ly Runals and Frank A. Runals widow
and children and heirs at law of Eli G. Kun
i'.l'deeeased. defendants: , ,
, n ill take notice that on the 25th day of
\ lu,vc UUUUt lllill IHI lUv “ V
ifrilSf:8- ?• Butler .plaintiffherein filed
petition in the district court of Holt
">u"tv, Nebraska, against said defendants
Object and prayer of which arc to fore
curtain mortgage executed by Howard
•iiilor to Nebraska Mortgage und Investment
Maapany and duly assigned to the plaintiff,
‘|l)oii,the following desbribed real estate sit
«it«Ml in Holt county, Nebraska, to wit:
» ne southeast quarter section fit teen (la)
i(’washjp thirty (:10) range fourteen (14) west
UI me (»th h. m. ^
secure the payment of a certain prom
f!!hs!>ry *‘»>te o r ~bon d dated January 4,1HS9,
7. !‘« sum of 11,000 und interest at t he rate
el' 71
in. her cent per annum payable semi-an
,ul'Uly. ti.nwn (.1 aim limin' mud
, w That there is now due upon said
*V. mortgage according to tlit* torms
'***** «nd lor taws paid by plaintiff, the
Uu or iM. JOO and plaintiff prays tluit sa.d dc
iniants be required to pay the same or that
' Y Premises may be decreed to l»e sold to
y. *y the amount found due on said note.
1 ’Hi are required to answer said petition
■W'1: More the 6th day of J unc. 18,12.
u“tcd April 25, lsi)j.
Attorney for plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of t he district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 25th day of March, 1892, in
favor of William W. Andrews as plaintiff and
against James Connolly, administ rator of the
estate of Thomas Connolly deceased, as de
fendants, for the sum of three thousand
three hundred nine dollars, and costs taxed
at $45.08 and accruing costs 1 have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to wit:
The southeast quarter of section ten (10)
ami southeast quarter of section three (3)
township twenty-nine (20) north of range
twelve (12) west of the 6th p. m. in llolt county
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the23rd day
of May. A. I). 1802. in front of the court house
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
the last term of district court was held, at
the hour of 11 o’clock n. in. of said day, when
and where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17th day
of April, 1892. H. C. McEvony,
41-5 Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county Ne
braska, on the 18th day of February, 1892, in
favor of .1. II. Keith, trustee, et al as plaintiff,
and against Chester Moore ot al as defend
ants, for the sum of six hundred twenty-two
dollars and seventy-four cents, and Ford &
Keith obtained a decree for the sum of $19.97
and costs taxed at $21,811 and accruing costa 1
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of sold defendants to
satisfy said order of sale, to wit:
The south half of southeast quarter of
section nine (9) and south half of southwest
quarter of section ten (10) in township thirty
two (112) range ten (10) west of the 6th p. m. in
llolt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21id day of
May. A. 1). 1892, in front of the.court house in
O’Neill that, being the building wherein the
last term of district court was hold at the
hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day when and
where due attendance will be given by the
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17th day of
April, 1892. H. C. McEvony,
41 r» Sheriff of said County*
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of tliu district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county Ne
braska, on the llth day of March, 1891, in
favor of Fidlllty Loan and Trust Company
as plaint]IT and against Joas Harris cl al as
defendants, for the sum of six hundred
eighteen dollars, and forty cents, and costs
taxed at *81.78 and accruing costs I have
levied udon the following premises taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit:
The southwest tpiarter of southwest quarter
of section live (5) northwest quarter or north
west quarter of section eight (8) township
twenty-nine !kill north of range twelve [18]
west of the litli p. M. in Holt county. Neb.
And w ill oiler the same for sale to the liigh
c-t bidder for cash, in hand, on the llth day
if Mav. A. D. 1898, in front of the court house
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
the last term of district court was held, at
the hour of 9 o'clock a. ni. of said day, when
and where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this llth day of
April. 1898. H.O. McEvoxv,
ai)-5 Sheriff of SaidCounty.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the' district court of Holt county,
Nebrusku. on the 18th day of February. 1898.
in favor of John w. Mellon as plaintiff and
i-cainst Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine as
defendants, for the sum of eleven hundred
twenty-eight dollars, and costs taxed at 135.98
and accruing costs I have levied upon tbo
following premises, taken as the property of
said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
t0The north-west quarter of section thirty
one (31). township thirty-one [31] north, range
nine (ill, west ot the uth 1’. M. in Holt county.
And will offer the same for sale to
tho highest bidder for cash, in
band, on llie Dili day of May, A.
I) 1899, in front of the court house in O'Neill
that being the building wherein tho last
term of district court was held, at tho hour
of 9 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and wheru
due attendance will be given by the under
rated at O’Neill, Neb., this 6th day of
April, 1898. Ii. C. McENON\ .
yo_f, Sheriff of said county.
To William Lord and Frank II Lord non
residents. defendants:
You will take notice that on the 1!3th day
of April. 1802, the plaintiffs herein tiled their
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against you and each of you the
object and prayer or which are to obtain
judgment against you upon two certain
prommissory notes, one for $100, and one for
7125, each dated July 28, 18815. and given to
Upton Manufacturing Co. and duly sold
transferred and assigned to the plaintiffs.
That on the 13th day of April, 185*2, the plain
tiffs herein filed the necessary aftidvalt to
obtain an order of attachment against you
and eaeli of you and on said day did obtain
an order of attachment against you and on
the 15 day of April, 18552,J caused the same to
be levied on your property to wit:
The southwest .quarter of section one (1)
township twenty-eight (28) range ten (10* and
the northwest, quarter section seven (7) town
ship twenty-eight (28) range nine (51).
That there is now due the plaintiff on said
notes sued upon the sum of $300 and plaintiff
prays that the above described premises be
sold under the attachment heretofore issued
to satisfy the amount found due the plaiu
tilfs and costs of suit.
You arc required to answer said petition
on or before tno 30th day of May, 1892.
Dated this 21st day of April, 1892.
41-4 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
James C. Webb, Hester A. Webb, .1. L.‘ Ran
som, Ellen Thorson, and-Thorson, hus
band of Ellen Thorson, first name unknown,
defendants, will take notice that Dora Bowd
ish, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county Nebraska, against
said defendants, impleaded with C. II. Ton
cruy, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a mortgage dated June 20, 1887. for
$1,400.00 and interest, on the east half of the
northeast quarter; the south half of the
southeast quarter and the northeast quarter
of the southeast quarter ail of section
twenty-two, also the northwest quarter of
the northwest quarter and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter both of
section Itwenty-three: also the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
fifteen, all in township thirty-three north of
range thirteen west of the (5th p. m. in said
county, given by James C. Webb and Hester
A. Webb to Dora Bowdisli, plaintiff, which
mortgage was recorded in book 28, page 154 of
the mortgage records of said county, and to
have the same decreed to\be a first lien, and
the said lands sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the Gth cay of June, 1892.
Dated April 23, 185*2.
42-4 DOHA BOWDISH, Plaintiff.
By Munger & Courtright. Attorneys.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Nc;
brsiska, on the 10th day of December, 18*9, in
favor of William A. Paxton and Benjamin
Gallagher co-partners doing business as Pax
ton <& Gallagher as plaintiffs, and against
Patrick llugerty and Mary Ilagerty as de
fennants, for the sum of four thousand four
hundred thirty-four dollars,, and thirty
eight cents, and costs taxed at $101.33 and
accruing costs l have levied upon the follow
leg premises taken us the property of said
defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to
! wit:
The northwest quarter section thirty-one (31)
township twenty-nine (29) range eleven (11)
i west of the Otli P. M. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high*
j est bidder for cash, in, on the 9th day of May
I A. D. 1892, in front of the court house in
O’Neill, that being the building wherein the
last term of dist rict court was held, at the
i hour of 1ft o’clock a. m, o' said day when and
where due attendance will be given by the
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2nd day of
April, 1892.
H. G\ MoEvonv,
39-5 Sheriff of Said County.
Land Office at O’Nf.ill, Neb., I
April 25.1892. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias Hied notice of his inten
tion to makq final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on .Tune9. 1892. viz:
EDWARD HOYLE, II. E. No. 11945. .
For the NE1* 2-27-12-West.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
B. McGlone, Timothy McCarthy, Morris
Cavanaugh and James F. Shoemaker, all of
O’Neill, Nebraska.
42-0* I*. S. Gii.lespir, Register.
To John Ensley, the Farmers Loan and
Trust Company, of Kansas, O. F, Casteor,
assignee or llie Farmers Loan and Trust
Company, of Kansas, non-residents defen
dants. you are hereby notified that Norman
F. Tttomson, plaintiff, did on the 4th day of
April. 1892, file In the office of the clerk of the
district court of liolteouvity, Nebraska, hlspetlt
ion the object and prayer of which is to fore
close a certain mortgage deen executed by
John Ensley, single, to banners Loan and
Trust Company, of Kansas, which mortgage
was duly tiled for record on the 4th day of
May, 1899, and duly recorded in !>ook 47, on
page 304 of the mortgage record of suidounty
upon the south half northwest quarter and
north half southwest quarter section 16
tow nth ip 30, north range 9 west «th P. M. in
Holt county, Nebraska. That there is due
upon said mortgage the sum of $750.90 which
sum, with interest at 10 per cent, from this
date piaintltf prays for a decree that the
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before 0th day of June. 1892.
Dated 20th day of April, 1892.
I4y H. M. Uttley and A. 1. Smith,
42-4 His Attorneys..
To Maggie Meagher.Tho Farmers Loan and
Trust Company, of Kansas, O. F. Casteer,
assignee Farmers Loan and Trust Com
pany, of Kansas, rAlice Lyons, Frank B,
Bradley and Isaac C. Edwards, non-resi
dents defendants, you are hereby notified
that Norman F. Thompson, plaintiff, did on
the 4tli day of April. 1892, file In the office of
the clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, his petition, the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed by Maggie Meagher, single, to
Farmei*s Loan and Trust Company, of Kan
sas. which mortgage was duly filed for record
on the 29th day of April, 1889, and duly re
corded in book 41 on page 275 of the mortgage
record of said county, upon the southwest
quarter section 18 township 29 north range 10
west 0th p. M. in Holt county. Nebraska.
That there is due upon said mortgage the
sum of $725.00 which sum with interest, at 10
per cent from this date plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises be sold
to satisfy the amount found duo.
You are required to answer said 'petition
on or before 0th day of June, 1892.
Dated April 25, J 892.
By H. M. Uttley and A. I. Smith,
IIIs Attorneys.
To Edwin R. Sprague, Martha E. Sprague,
The Farmers Loan ami Trust Cornu any, of
Kansas, O. F. Casteel*, aslgnee of the Farmers
Loan and Trust Company, of Kansas, non
resident defendants, you are hereby notified
that Norman F. Thomson, plaintiff, did on
the 4tli day of April. 1892, file in the olllee of
t he clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, Ids petition, the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed by Edwin It. Sprague and
Martini E. Sprague to Farmers Loan and
Trust Company, of Kansas, which mortgage
was duly tiled for record on the 190th day of
April, l$89.and duly recorded in book48on page
470 of the mortgage record of said county,
upon the northeast quarter of section fifteen
township tidrty-two north range sixteen west
Gth F. M.ln llolt county. Nebraska, That
there is due upon said mortgage the sum of
860.00 dollars which sum with Interest, at 10
per cent, from this date plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before 6th day of June, 1892.
Dated April 28, 1892.
By H. M. Uttley and A. I. Smith,
42*4 His Attorneys.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
llolt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 2uth day of November, 1801,
in favor of Bernard McCafTeyy as plaintiff
and against David C. Reeve ami Mary J.
Reeve as defendants, for the sum of six
hundred eighty dollars and twenty cents,
and costs taxed at $20.38 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises,
taken us the property of said defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The north-west quarter of section seven (7),
township twenty-seven (27), range ten (10),
west of theOtli 1*. M. in Holtcounty,Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 9th
day of May, A. I)., 1892, in front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
I)utcd at O’Neill, Neb., this 2d day of April,
1802. H.C. McBVONY,
30-6 Sheriff of said county.
The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff.
Josef Kratky and wife Augusta Kratky,
Francis U. Gruble and wifo Katharine E.
Grablo, .James II. Macr and wife Mary A.
Marr and Amelia B. Clark, administratrix
of the estate of John It. Clark, deceased,
Josef Kratky and wife Augusta Kratky
and James II. Marr and wife Mary A. Marr
defendants, will take notice, that, on the 21st
day of March, 18112, the Fidelity Loan and
Trust Company, a corporation, plain tiff here
in Hied Its petition in the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against all of said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted .by the defendants. Josef Kratky and
wife Augusta Krutky, to the plaintiff upon
the southwest quarter 04) of section numoor
thirty-two (82) township number twenty-eight
(28) range number eleven (11) west of the ttth
i*. m., to secure the payment of a coral n prom
mlssory note dated August 20,1887, due and
payable in five years from the date thereof;
that there is due upon said note and mort
gage the sum of six hundred thirty-one
Ml) dollars with Intctest thereon at 10 per
cent, from the 21st day of March. 1802, for
which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that
rlcfenduiits be required to pay the same or
that said premises may bo sola to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
:>n or before the 18th day of June, 1HW2.
42-4 By 8. E. Hostetter, Its Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 11th day of March, 1892. in
favor of A. 8. Stratton, guardian of the
minor heir of Ellphalrt Stratton as plaintiff
mil against F.Theo Krause, Einclle Krause,
fburies A. Atkinson trustee. George W.
iturtis, Mrs. George VV. Burtis, First National
Hank, of Lincoln, Nebraska, as defendants,
ror the sum of live hundred dollars, aud
lifty Hve cents, and costs taxed at $85.08 and
accruing costs I have levied upon the follow
ing premises taken as the property of said
Jefeudauts to satisfy said order of tale to wit:
The south half of northeast quarter and
north half of southeast quarter of section
twenty-six (28) township thirty-one (81) north
range eleven (lb west of the 0th i\ m. in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 28d day
>f May. A. D. 18112, in front of the court bouse
in O’Neill, that being the building wherein
die last term of district court was held, at
die hour of J1 o'clock a. in. of said day, when
ind where due attendance will be given by
die undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17tli day of
April, 18112. H. C. McEvony,
41-5 Sheriff of said County.
(First publication May 5.1892.)
[n the district court wit hin and for the county
of Holt, and state of Nebraska,
rhe Phfpnix Insurance Company, of Ilart
ford, Connecticut. Plaintiff.
John Huston and Maggie P. Huston, his wife,
To John Huston and Maggie P. Huston, his
wife, defendants: You and each of you will
take uuotlce that the above named plaintiff
lid. on the 31st duy of March, 1892, file its
petition in the district court within and for
the county and state aforesaid demanding
personal judgment against the defendant
John Huston in the* sum of twelve hundred
[1200.00] dollars with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st
iay of July, 1890, together with a decree
foreclosing a certain mortgage deed, exe
cuted to secure the payment of said sum and
interest, on the following described real
estate situated in the county of Holt, In the
■date of Nebraska, to wit:
J'he southwest quarter of Section eighteen
[18] in township thirty [:«)] north of range
fourteen [141 west of the 0th i\ M.,
Adjudging the plaintiff to have the tirst lien
»n said premises to the amount for which
judgment Is demunded; ordering said prem
ises to be sold for the payment of sara Judg
ment. ami forever barring and foreclosing
said defendants and each a..d all of them
from all right, title, interest and equity of
redemption in and to said premises or any
part thereof. That unless you and each of
you answer or plead to said petition on or
before the 13th day of Juno, 1892, the aver
ments of said petition will be taken as true
and judgment and decree rendered accord
ing to the prayer thereof.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Attest this 30th day of April. 1892.
John Skirvlng, Clerk.
By C. P. DeLaneo. Deputy. 43-4
Lanii Orricia at O’Nbii.i., Neb., i
April 28 1HW. f
•« . . . . _ i»|iru w I
Notice It* hereby given that the following*
named settler huH fflod notice of hla Intention
mm Hicu nouuu ui iiin intention
to make llnnl proof In support of bis claim,
and that suid proof will bo made before the
Sa.wteolvor “ 0'Nu“,• Neb
17-1W--12 »rat* 8K!* Wl/4 ttnd N*k KWS
111' names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and oultlva
tlon of said land, viz:
John denry and John Gullagher ofMocum,
Nob . Stephen Moduli, of O’NelU, end Tbos!
McQlnls. of Hloouin, Neb.
43'u B. 8. Gillkspic. Beglater.
Alonzo Dunn and E. W. Moffltt will take
notion that on thu 27th day of April. 1802, the
Harrlion National hank, plaintiff herein,
Hind Its petition In the district court of Holt
“““,ni*t Alonxo Dunn, E.
W. Mi.fflitt, C. 11. loncruy and Nelson Ton
oray the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendant Dunn to the defendant C. H. Ton
cray and subsequently assigned to the plain
tiff, upon the northwest quarter of section
twenty-seven, north range eleven, west of
the nth 1*. m. In llolt county, Nebraska* to
secure t ho payment of one bonder principal
note of wuo.oo dated April is, mw and payable
May 1, iwtt. with Interest thereon at the rate
or « per cent per unnuia payable semi-annu
ally on the Hrst days of May and November
of cadi yoar according to the tornis of ton
coupon or Interest notes nttuobod thereto
and of even date therewith, and that there la
now due uixin said bond or principal note and
Interest notes and mortgage the sunt of
.'.72,14 for which sum with Interest, from this
date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defen
dants be required to pay the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found dnc.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the lllth day of June. 1803.
Dated April 27, lwe.
„ . „ _ L Plaintiff.
By A. K. Dame, their attorpey. 43-1
To Arthur E. Bishop, defendant.
You will take notloe that on the 88th dar of
April the Harrison National bank, plaintiff
herein. Bled Its petition In the district oourt
of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against Arthur
h. Illshop and 0. H. Toncrny, tne object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage excuted by said Bishop to said C.
, roncmy, and xubsoquontly assigned to
plalntllf upon the southwest quarter of sec
tion thirty-three (33). township twenty-eight
(2tb, north range thirteen (13), westath P.M.,
to secure the payment of one bond or prin
cipal note of KSU, dated July 26, 1888, with
Interest thereon at the rate or 71/! per cent,
per annum, payable semi-annually on the
tlrnt days or August and February according
to the tenor and effect of ten Interest or
coupon notes attached to suid bond or prin
cipal note and even date therewith, said
principal note being payable August 1.1893;
that there is now due upon said bond or prin
cipal note, Interest notes and mortgage the
sum of $930.25, for which sum with Interest
trom this date plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants may be required to pay the
sumo, or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount round due.
You are required to answer said petition Oil
or before the 13th day of June, 18ft?.
Dated April 26. Hfc*.
43 4 Plaintiff.
By A. K. Dame, their attorney.
To Frank C. Steinmetz, Caroline Steinmetz,
Anne Darthea und Nessane Hansen, de
You will take notice that on the-dayo t
April, 18ft?, the Harrison National bank,
plaintiff herein, filed ihere petition lu the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against Frank C. Steinmetz, Caroline Stein
metz, Anne Darthea, Nessane llansen, C. 11.
1'oncray and S. M. Wagers, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendant, Steinmetz,
to C. H, Tonoary and subsequently assigned
to plaintiff, to secure the payment of one
bond or principal note of 1600. dated May 13,
1800, payable May 1, 1805, with interest there
im at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum pay
able semi-annually according to ten Interest
or coupon notes attached thereto and of even
date therewith on the first days of May and
November; that there is now due upon said
lx>nd or principal note, interest note and
mortgage the sum of 1857.97, for which sum
with Interest from this date, plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You arc required to answer this petition on
or before the 13th day of June, 18U2.
Dated April *^6.1892.
By A. K. Dame, their attorney. 43-4