SPRING SUMMER-GOODS! IF YOU WANT TO GO WHERE YOU CAN GET THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY DON’T FORGET SULLIVANS SPECIAL* BARGAINS Fe con vinced. Where else can you get a Woman’s Grain Button Shoe for #1.10 a pair? The same shoe is sold elsewhere for #1.50 a pair. I have the Largest and Best collection of Fine Shoes and Fancy Slippers to be found in the country. You will have no trouble to "procure a fit, having such a large stock to select from. MY CLOTHING department is the most complete assort ment in the Elkhorn Valley. Having recently made some very large purchases in Philadelphia I am enabled to sell at less than the old prices, I sell no goods except for CASH, or in exchange for produce which I can use to advantage. 'You will save money by examining my prices before buying your Spring and Summer goods. I will give you special prices on all goods during this month. ° SULLIVAN’S TRADE PALACE, O'Neill, Neb. M. M. SULLIVAN, Proprietor. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. The state of Nebraska, Holt, county, s. s. In the county court: Notice Is hereby given that, petition bavins been filed in the county court of Holt county, Nnbrnsku, for the appointment of an administratrix of the estate of George Blinco deceased, lute of said county. The same is set for hearing at 10 o’clock a. m., on Friday the 15th day of April, 1898, at the office of the county Judge, in O’Neill, In said county, at which time and place all persons interested in said estat e may up pour and bo heard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and official seal this 29th day of March, 1802. [heal] Wm. Bowkn. 38-3 _County Judge. NOTICE. John W. Hughes, Mrs. Hughes, wife of John W. Hugnes, real name unknown, \V. 11. Sohureman, Ella B. Hchuroman, Sanford Robinson, A. P. Charles, Sarah A. Charles, defendants, will take notice that J. M. Kim*, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, impleaded with W. D. Mat h ews, Emellno Mathews and O. H. Toneray the object and prayor of which are to fore close a mortgage dated April 6, 1890. for $500,00 and interest, on the southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22) township twenty seven (27) north of range fifteen (15) west of the 6th P, M. In said county, given by W. I). Mathews and Kmeline Mathews to Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company and assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded in book 52, page 590, os the mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien, and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of May, 1892. Hated March 21, 1892. 37-4 J. M. Kine, Plaintiff. By Munger & Courtright. Attorneys. NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. H. II. Tolu tor, Plaintiff. vs. John Earl, 11, N. McKee,-McKee, his wife, Christian name unknown, W. 1). Math ews and John Doe, Defendants. H. N. McKee and — — McKee, his wife Christian name unknown, defendants, you will take notice that on the 18 day of January. 1892, plaintiff herein tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant John Earl to the Nebraska Mortgage and Invest ment Company and assigned to the plaint iff who now owns the same, upon the west half of the southwest quarter of section 19, and west half northwest- quarter of sect ion 30. township 29, north range 12 west, and east half of the southeast quarter of section 24. and east half northeast quarter of section 25 township 29, range 13 west of the 8th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one certain promissory note, dated the 24th day of August, 1889, for the sum of $1,800, with ten coupons, each due and pay ** ..led. Th ‘ able semi-annually, thereto attached _ is now due upou said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof, the sum of $1,701,14. Plaintiff prays for a decree of fore closure that said premises be decreed to be sold to satisfy amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of May, 1892. Dated this 29ih day of March, 1892. 38-4 H. H. Taintok, By W. W. Wood, his Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. | Erasmus M. Wright. Rachael J. Wright and ! G. W. White, non-resident defendants, will j take notice that on the 25th day of March, j 1892. J. Lowell Moore, trustee,plaintiff herein, j filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. ] the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by defend- \ ants, Erasmus M. Wright and Uacliael.I. Wright to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corpor ation upon the east half (4) of the southeast quarter [HI of section four [4] and the north half [4] of the northeast quarter LHJ of sec tion nine [91 all in township twenty-five [251 north of range nine [91 west, in Holt countv, I Nebraska, to secure the payment of one prom issory noto dated March 7th, 1887. for the sum of $1,000 and interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and ten per cent after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage, ac cording to the terms thereof, the sum of $1,035.00 and interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from September 1,1891. and i plaintiff prays that said premises may be de- I creed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that the title, of the defendant. 1 G. W. White, in said premises may be decreed i to bo junior and subject to the lein of the I plaintiff’s mortgage. You are required to answer said petition I on or before tne 9th day of May, 1892. i Dated at O’Neill. Neb., March 25,1892. | •. J. LOWELL MOORE, Trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney. 38-4 I IN THE DISTRICT COURT TN AND FOR HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. William W. Andrews, Plain-1 tiff. vs | Peter Mortison. Ford & [ Notice. Keith. Tyler & Nissen, C. I Christensen and Christian | Christensen, Defendants. J You will take notice that on the 24th day of January, 181)2, the nlaintsff William W. Andrews tiled Ills petition oil* the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against you together with Peter Mortison, a resident of said county. Tho object and prayer of which petition is to foreclose a certain mortgage deed execu ted by the said Peter Mortlsou upon the north half < 4) of the southwest quarter (4) and the northwest quarter 04) of the south east quartern4) of section number twenty six (2t»), and the northeast quarter (4) of the southeast quarter (4) of section number twenty-seven [27] in township number twenty seven [271, north of range sixteen llttj west of the Sixth rath| principal meridian, in Holt county, Nebraska, which said deed dated June J, 1880, and given to secure the payment of one certain bond with coupons thereto at tached for tho sum of ilve hundred l&iUO.OO] dollars, due and payable live [51; years from date, upon which said bond there is now due and unpaid the sum of six hundred forty three [$043.00] dollars. The further prayer of said petition being that any liens or pre tended liens which you or any of you may have upon the said real estate be decreed subject and inferior to the lien of the said trust deed. You are requrlod to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of May, ltttfcj. Dated this 2lst day of .March, 181*55. J7-4 Lewis & Holmes. Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. In t he district court thereof, of the 15th judicial district. Nebraska Loan and Trust company. Plaintiff. Charles J. llaulcy,-Hanley his wife, D. S. Wood, Ransom Stitt,-Stitt, Ids wife. Jono»’ I-Jones, his wife, and D. F. Wyman, defendants. notice OP SUIT. The above named defendants Charles J. Hanley,-— Hanley, his wife. Ransom Stitt, —-Hfitt. his wife, H. F. Jones,-Jones, his wife, and D. F. Wyman, and each of them are hereby not died that the above named plaintiff has Hied in the above named court its petition against them and the other defendants named above; and, that the de fendant 1). S. Wood has Hied his answer or cross-petition in said suit against the said defendants Charles J. Hanley,- Hanley, Ids wife, Ransom Stitt,- Stitt, his wife. II. K Jones, - Jones, his wife, and D. F. Wyman, that the object and prayer of said petition or the plaintiff ami the said answer or cross-petition are to foreclose two mort gages bearing date the 1st day of June, 1888, executed by the above named defendant Charles J. Hanley one to the plaintiff; and one to the defendant l). S. Wood on the fol lowing described real estate situated in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter 141 of section ilve Lai in township twenty-nine [291 north, and range fifteen [16] west of the 8th t\ m. The said defendants Charles J. Hanley, -Hauley, his wife, Ransom Stitt,-— Stitt, his wife, U. F. Jones,-Jones, his wife and D. F. Wyman are further notified that t hey art required to appear and answer said petition ot the plaintiff; and. answer or cross-petition of the defendant D, S. Wood on or before MuiuIhv the nth ilnv nf \i„>o Siliu petition of plaintiff and answer or cross petition of the defendant I). S. Wood will be takeu as true and a decree will be rendered aaalnst them, the said defendants Charles .) Hanley.—— Hanley, his wife. Hansom Stitt, 7“ ■ Suit, his wife, 11. 1'. Jones, -Jones, his wife, and I). F. Wyman decreeing that the said mortgages be foreclosed; that all the above described real estate shall be an praised, advertised and sold at public auction by t lie sheriff of said Holt county, to make and raise the sum of due to theplaintiff on his said mortgage. and to make and raise tiie sum oi $15?.sd due to the said defendant .it 'VotH‘ 0,1 his said mortirade toirether with interest on each of said sums at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from he L^iid day of September, 1MW and the costs of this suit and such sale: and such decree will further provide that the said above described real estate shall be sold subject to a mortgage lien of #.00 now on said property, executed by the above named defendant diaries J. Hanley to the defendant D. S. Wood, and maturing on t ho 1st eay of June. HftJ, to gether with interest thereon at the rat e of t>4 percent per aim until from the tirst day of June 1KJJ; pay able semianually ;aud said decreewill further provide that vou, the said defendants Charles J. Hanley.-Haniev. his wife. Ramson Stitt,-Stitt, his wife,H. F.Jones! -—-Jones, his wife, and D. F. Wyman sitall be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption in aud to said real estate and every part thereof. Nebraska jloan and Trust Company. D. S. Wood Ity John M. Raffou. Their Attorney. < NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Nob., ^ „ , , , March 5,1802. i Notice is hereby (riven that the followimr uamou act,tier has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, ami t hat said proof will lie made be fore the register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on April‘JO. 1892. viz: harry L. HOWE, H. E. No. 12902. loir the \v,i 8WK Soc.4, and Wh NWfc See. 9, Tii. 2H, range lowest. ' » 1 o.ll(.l. J'l Itl.'t, ... names the following witnesses to prove ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot said land, viz: L. K.Vorse, M. Gaughenbaugh, P. O. Caubl© and tS. C. Storor, all of Emmett, Nebr. liMi* B. S. Gillespie, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Molt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the dist rict court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the loth day of December, 1889, in favor of William A. Paxton and Benjamin (tallugher co-partners doing business as Pax U,M Gallagher as plaintiffs, and against 1 atrlck llagerty and Mary Hagerty as de teunants, for the sum of four thousand four hundred thirty-four dollars, and thirty • iglit cents, and costs taxed at #101.33 and accruing costs I have levied upon the follow ieg premises taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to wtt: The northwest quarter section thirty-one (31) township twenty-nine (29) range eleven (11) west of the Oth i». m. in Holt county, Ne braska. And will offer the same for sale to the high lit bidder for cash, in, on the 9th day of May ■\' fb 1^, in front of the court house In o Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of dist rict court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m.o* said day when and where due attendance will he given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this-2nd day of April, 1892. . , „ H. 0, McEvony, *®-i> Sheriff of Said County. SHERIFF’S SALE. P.y virtue of an order of sale, directed to j mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained I before the dist rict court of Holt county Ne braska, on the lltli day of March, 1891, in tavor of Fidility Loan and Trust Company as plaintiff' and against Joas Harris et al as defendants, for the sum of six hundred eighteen dollars, and forty cents, and costs taxed at #21.78 and accruing costs I have levied udon the following premises taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section five (5) northwest quarter of north west quarter of section eight (8> township twenty-nine (29) north of range twelve M2J west of the Gth i\ m. in Holt county. Neb. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 9th day of May, A. 1). 1892, in front of the court house in O Neill, that being the building wherein the lust term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said day, when »nd where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this Gth day of April, 1892. 11. C. McEvony, Sheriff of Said County. To Josiuli Wolcott, Addle B. Wolcott, Irvin N. Miller and Mrs. Irvin N. Miller, defen dants: Will take notice that on the7th day of April lHSti, the Amerhinn Investment Company, plaint ill' herein tiled its petition In the dtstriet court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain trust deed ex ecuted by Josiali Wolcott aud Addle 11 Wol cott to E. tv Ormsby. trustee forplatntllf upon the following described real estate situ ated In Holt county, Nebraska, tit-wit: The northeast .quarter section thirteen (13) township thirty-three (33) range thirteen (13) west of the tith e m. To secure the payment of a certain note of Sbdtl.U) and ten interest coupons, all dated May 23. 1SS7. Said principal note of SHUO.Ot) being due June 1, lssrj. and the coupon notes being due on the 1st days of December and ,1 uue of each year, commencing with Dec. 1, liW, The plaintitf alleges that it is the owner of und in possession of the interest notes w hich matured on the 1st days of Juno ltiSl), December ISO. June ts'.ttl. December lss'J.June lsMtund December 1SSS. That there is now due on said notes owned by plaintitf and secured by said trust deed the sum of faob.oo accord ing to the terms of said deed. The pluintitr prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the interest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintitf to satisfy the amount found due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the hit h day of May. I»a2. Dated this tith day of 'April, lstrj. . K. K. DICKSON, I 39-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. To Daniel A. Metoalf. Cora M. Metcalf. Cor ’nella M. Metcalf, B. F. Barto. Mrs. B. F.Barto II. N. McKee. Mrs. H. N. McKee and C. H. Toncray, defondents: Yoii will take notice that on the 7th day of April, 1802, the American Investment (Jo., plaintiff herein, died Its petition in the dis trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, against -v(’u and each of you the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain trust deed also mortgage executed by Dantal A. Metcalf and Cora M, Metcalf to E. S. Ormsby, trustee, for , , . .A'II°rd and second mortgage given to plaintiff, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to ■ Southeast quarter section thirty-two [,1S1 township thirty-three [33] range fourteen 114] west (ith p. m„ to secure the payment of a certain note of $300.00 and ten interest cou pon notes all dated September 19, 18b". Said principa! note of *300.00 being due December 1. I8U2, and the coupon notes being due on the nrsl days of December and Juneof each year, commencing with June 1888. also ten second mortgage notes, one for *8.28 and nine for »The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the 1st days of De yvmber 1891 June 1891, December 1890, June lboo, December 1889, and the second mortgage notes of $1.50 which became due December 1, Is-'1. June 1.1891, December 1, 1889, December 1. 1890, June 1,1890. That there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and secured by said trust deed the sum of *100.00 according to the terms of said deed, and on said second notes the sum of *50.00. The plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold subject to said principal note and the the in terest coupons maturing subsequent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found duo thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of May.' 1892. Dated this 6th day of April, 1892. K. It. DICKSON, “*■* Attorney for Plaintiff. the frontier FOR JOB WORK. NOTICE. To Enoch L.. Yeager and Mrs. Enoch L Yeager, defendants: .Will take notice that on the 7tli day of April 1892, the American Investment company plaintiff heroin tiled its petition in the dis trict court of Holt county, Nebruska, against you and euch of you the object and prayer oi which is to foreclose a certaiu trust deed ex ecuted by Enoch L. Yeager to E. S. Ormsby trustee, for W. 1,. Telford upon the lollowing described real estate situated in Holt county Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast quarter section twentv-flve-125 MVhollIn $l.l..t., * —_I >aVI __111' -- V muiuwi rroctlUH vnlillv) *11 VI township thirty-two [32] range eleven west of the (ith p. m. TObHs'hre the payment of a certain note o *790.00 and ten interest coupons, all date* June 18. 1887. Said principal note of *700.0 being due June 1,181)2, and the coupon note being due on the 1st days of December am . St eaph year commencing with Dee. 1 *• plaintiff alleges that it istheowne ° i i in Possession of the interest note which matured on the 1st days of June, 1891 Dgoember 1890, June 1890, December 1889Jun< {22* December 1888. June 1888 and Decembe I88i. That there is now due on said note owned by plaintiff and secured by said trus deed the sum of $300.00 according- to the term of said deed. The plaintiff prays that sah premises may be decreed to be sold subjec to said principal note and the interest cou pons maturing subsequent to those owned In plaintiff to satisfy the amount found dm thereon. You are required to answer said petition oi or before the 16th day of May, 1892. Dated this 6th day of April.1892. ^ . li. H. DICKSON, _ Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the cierk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district, court of Holt county. Nebraska, on the iHth day of February, 1892, in favor of John W. Mellen as plaintiff and ftRainst Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine as defendants, for the sum of eleven hundred twenty-eight dollars, and costs taxed at £15.98 and accruing costs 1 have levied upon the following premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The north-west quarter of section thirty v Muorwr ui wvuuii unrvY* one (31), township thirty-one 131] north, range nine (9), west of the 0th P. M. in Holt county Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, In hand. ou^ the 9tl» day of May, A. I)., 1S92, in front of the court house in O’Neill that being: the building: wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 0th day of April. 1892. H. C. McENONY. Sheriff of said county. * NOTICE. To Camille DIeriex, E. C. Simmons and Mrs. E. C. Simmons, defendants: Wtlltakenotice that on tlie 7th day of April 18«2. the American Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the dis trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, against you and each of you the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain trust deed ex nmit-nil no f*n 11 I.. T\i __, _ ti n - .jlVm, cruii u ubi utTu ex ecuted by Camille DIeriex to E. S. Ornisby. trustee, ufr P. 0. Ref sell upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county Nebraska, to-wit: The west half northwest quarter and west ‘jilt southwest quarter section twenty-five L-5] township thirty-two [82] range fifteen[15] west of the 6th p. m. ®nT%°n?,ecurV the payment of a certain note of ifyju.00 and ten interest coupons, all dated Sept. 24, 1880. Said principal note of $920.00 being’ due Dec. 1,1891, and the coupon notes being due on the 1st days of December and each year, commencing with June 1, 188i. The plaintiff alleges that it is the owner ot and in possession of the interest notes W n 1 /. 1. m nil! n 4 1, 1 —. .I .. ^ M T\ _ ■ , v in me interest notes which matured on the 1st days of December December Ibfltf, June 1890, De ,-'vvvmuci Ju.iu, dUIIC lOtfU, lie cember 1880 and June 1889. That there is now due on said notes owned by plaintiff and se cured by said trust deed the sum of $300 0 according to the terms of said deed. Tin plaintiff prays that said premises may be de crfced to be sold subject to said principal noti and the interest coupons maturing subse quent to those owned by plaintiff to satisf l the amount found due thereon. You are required to answer said petltior on or before tbe 18th day of May 1892. Datqd this 6th day of April, 1802. K. R. DICKSON. iuai 1/V.I U1 SCUllUIl OIlC township twenty-nine [20], range ten [I west of tbe Otli P. M. L ..J«,°8e5-re fhe Payment of a certain note o M^.ASt-temi.uteie5ioouVon notes' a‘l dated March 27,18H6. Said principal note of *39 being due June, 1891, and the coupon notei being due on the 1st clays of Docember anc "OP®,each year, commencing witli Decembei 1,1891. and to secure a note of *30.20 given bi same parties to Ormsbv Bros. & Co and as plaintiff. The plaintiff allege: that it is the owner of and in possession o the interest notes which matured on the Is day of June, 1891, and December 189(J and said note of *3t>.20; that there is now dm 9® Sa m “otes. owned by plaintiff aud secure: by said trust deed, the sum of *30 accordin' to the terms of said deed aud on said secon! “ote of it3Bao the s>i" 9* Td° Plaintiff prays that said prem ises may be decreed to be sold subject to sail principal note and the interest coupons I“S*tnSUb,iC?uel.'J to th,,se owned hi thereon’t0 s‘lt sly the amount found dm You are required to answer said petition oi or before the 10th day of May, 1892. Dated this 6t_h day of April, 1882. ;i9-4 K. R, DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. ’defeEdand' M‘“Cr a,ld Em"‘a L' Mlner a^H1 notAlce on tlie 7th day of April, X8.K. the American Investment com P‘l»y; Plaintiff herein, tiled its petitionTn the district court of Holt county, Nebraska against you and each of you, the object and SLoXer °* "■.hi.Vh,.ls to foreclose a certain trust I',*''''1!"-'1. y°u and eacli of you to ®-‘’lOrmsby. trustee for W. T. Telford, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county. Nebraska, to-wit: the part half nf°*thh,e n«rt>*-t'R»t quarter and the east half of the south-east quarter of section ten |10], township thirty-two 1321 range sixteen [111), west of 8th P. M. 1 J’ To secure tlie payment of a certain note of *e,L interest coupons, all dated August 11 1887. ", ^i(rprTnc^aV'’no."e‘1of being due June 1. lstij and tlie coupon notes being due on the 1st days of December and »“r:rin* wlth December i, iw7. ine plaintiff alleges that it U thn Dwner of and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the 1st days of De m^msfi Jur!*'l,uoc 1880, June tsooDec. bei 188,1, .June 1889, December 1888 and De cember 188,; that tliere is now due on said notes, owned by plaiutiff and secured by paid trust deed, the sum of *30(1 accordin''to |1«fter!'iS °f 8a, d deed. The plaintiff prays «!hWf ^ P1 ‘ mlse? '“,ay .be decreed to lie solid strjssa1 ‘a Cdddieytftf' 10 sat“fy ■You are required to answer said petition rn or before the 18th day of May.lsitt Dated tills 8th day of April. 18J2. ‘iti-i 14. R. DICKSON. Attorney for Plaintiff SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, clirected me from the clerk of tho district court Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree c '. before the district court of Holt emir Nebraska, on the 2lith day of Nevcmker.l 1»i rnriw nf linsn.. iv -till uajr ui XKtJVUIUUW.I in favor of Bernard McCaffery as plain tgainst David C. Keove and Marj and ag.uuoo v,. jneuve arm i' Reeve as defendants, for the sum of' hundred eighty dollars and twenty ce: and costs taxed at $20,218 and accruingcps have levied upon the following premia taken iis the property of said defendants, satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: Ihe north-west quarter of section seven township twenty-seven (27), range ten west of the 6th P. M. in Hoit county,Netirasic And will offer the same for sale totr highest bidder lor cash, in hand, on the day of May, A. T)., 1892, in front of theum house in O’Neill, that being the build!: wherein the last term of district court r held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. v.ofs day, when and where due attendance will given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 2d day of a pi MOSv H. c. Me Hi VON V. Sheriff of said countj. THE FRONTIER FOR Ti NOTICE. To^ Albert L. Nay, Mary 15. Nay, Chari Seconib, Mrs. diaries Secotnb. defcndnnl Will take notice that on the 7th day of An 1892, the American Investment corn pan. plaintiff herein, filed its petition in thedif trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, aga^ yourselves and Arthur C. Crossman. Ti object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain trust deed executed by Albert L-M and Mary 15. Nay to E. S. Ormsby, trustee!* P. O. Refsell and mortgage to VV. .1. Bo*® upon the following described real estate sin ated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The south-east quarter of section twenty two [22], township thirty-two [32], ran? thirteen (13), west 6th P. M. To secure the payment of a certain note ( $500 and ten interest coupons; one for if and nine for $17.50, all dated May 10.1* Said principal note of $500 being dueJun?1 1891 and the coupon notes being due oittf 1st days of December and June of each commencing with December 1,1886, and J‘,! cure a note of $75.88 given by same parti®: W. J, Bowden and assigned to plaintiff. plaintiff alleges that it is the owner oi a® in possession of the interest notes oi which matured on the 1st days of June a December 1800, Juno 1890, December 1S89.JU; 1889. December 1888. and the note secured > said mortgage; that there is now due on J notes, owned by plaintiff and secured bp;*' trust deed, the sum of $300 according w*® terms of said deed, and on the second i'1'1' gage the sum of $1U0. The plaintiff !»^ that said premises may be decreed to be*' subject to said principal note and the , est coupons maturing subsequent to *»• owned by plaintiff, to satisfy theanw found due thereon. . ,rl You are required to answer sttiu pei‘1' on or before the Kith day of May. Ink. u Dated this 6th day of April, 1816. . *5? K. R. DICKSON. Attorney for I laiiff^ NOTICE. To William Baker, Elsie R. Baker and Baker, husband of Elsie R- Baker, name unknown, defendants. Will take notice that on the April. 1803, the American Investment • pany, plaintiff herein, (lied its po’titiou in1 nlst.pipt. fniipt w.Ait. <*nnntv. Neon1' against you and each of you. 1 heooj** prayer of which is to foreclose a** trust deed executed by William *’il» ' EliseR. Baker to E. S. (Jrmsby, trust*'1. ■ L. Telford and second mortgagei to ^ Bowden, upon the following s,,,tiii uary of each year, comeneing Jan- ;’ ten mortgage second notes.nne n r • , i; ninefor?..TUeach. Theplaintilt alters elr; the owner of an In possession or 1 f j,. notes, which matured on the 1st ', -'>u|v I" uary ISUS. July 1891, January.EJ«"- •|ljl‘ti' and the second mortgage ante come due on the 1st days of • uiy ,]iriv 18U1, January 18U1, January W-- ..olintitf * now due on said notes, owned uy 1 ' , ■ secured by said trust deed, the » j according to the terms of san;* ral,iS said second mortgage notes jses "■ I'lie plaintiff prays that said Pr ' jd be decreed to be sold subject to *» uniiiu pal note and the interest coup1 ■ —mini tu suhsequentto those owned *-> >,,. satisfy the amount found due tt tjtu.n You are required to answer s*o * pr liefore the lHtli day of May. ' Dated tills «th day of April.1 -• piainttu U. K. MCKHON, Attorney tor