[HE STORM WAS GENERAL Kansas Suffered Most in the Lives Lost. »luch Damage to Property In lowa-De ,truo:lon Wide-Spread In Nebraska —Missouri, Illinois, Texas and Other States Visited. Chicago, April 2.—Reports of yester lay's storm show it to hare been the most general as to extent of territory ’or many years. The states of Kansas, ;olorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Wiscon tin, Illinois, Texas and Indiana were uvept by a furious storm of wind, rain and hail, in some places rising to the force of a tor* ,aado, and nowhere falling below the danger line of velocity. Owing to the general prostration of telegraph lines the full extent of the loss of life tnd property will not be known for tome days to come, but the facts at hand show the known fatalities to reach 41, while the list of injured numbers 105. Of the latter class a large proportion will be added to the death roll as their injuries, in many eases, are so serious as to render them probably fatal. The loss in the way of property, buildings, stock, fences, etc., cannot as yet be surmised, but there can be do doubt that when all reports are in the figures will reach high up into the the millions. Tlie Cyolone State. Kansas, the “cyclone state,” leads the olist in the matter of fatalities. The storm scourged the commonwealth known that eighteen persons lost their lives and that fifty-seven were Injured. These figures are based upon authenticated reports. What the additions will be when the news comes from the outlying coun ties and districts remote from railroad and telegraph communication, from which no communication as yet has been received, is a matter for conject ure. Certainjy, judging from the facts at hand, it is to be feared that the list will be ^prriblo and it would not he surprising if the figures should run even higher. Towanda was the heavi est sufferer. There C persons were killed and S3 injured. Wellington fol lows with 5 killed and 16 injured. Then comes Augusta with 5 killed and 7 in jured, all fatally; South Haven with 3 killed and 3 injured, and Salina with 7 Injured. Reports of loss of life and injury some from Eldorado, Strong City, Kiowa and olhe points, but as they are unaccompanied by namesftor par ticulars they are not included in the foregoing statement. All Kansas suffered from the cyclone. Nearly every county was affected, particularly in the southern part was the damage severe. Sedg wick, Kingman and Butler coun ties suffered much. At strong City nearly every structure i n the town was leveled, but the people were prepared and had taken refuge In their cellars. Down In Texas. In Texas the towns of Bangs and Santa Anna were damaged. Four per sons lost their lives and ten were in jured at the former place, while at the latter 13 were injured and 1 death oc curred. Little has been heard from the interior of the state and the gravest apprehension is entertained as to the condition of affairs in the cattle dis trict toward the Indian Territory, where the storm raged m its greatest fury. Great Damage In Iowa. Throughout Iowa a hurricane pre railed a greater part of yesterday and last night. Although so far as heard from there was no loss of life, the property damaged will probably be heavier than in any other state. At Ues Moines, lioone, Stuart, Mt. Ayre, Ottumwa, Muscatine, Marshalltown, Dubuque, and many other places buildings were unroofed, windows blown in, trees uprooted and river craft sunk by the gale. At Des Moines alone the damage will be upwards of $100,000. A passenger train, running at full •peed, was blown from the track near Burlington and four persons injured. Destruction In Nebraska. Great destruction is reported from Nebraska. At Sutton, Norfolk and Plattsmouth the damage was the heavi est. Elk Creek, Beaver City and Ne braska City also suffered heavily. As in Kansas little has been heard from the farming districts, where the wind raged all day and night over the plains with unobstructed fury. Missouri Clot Off Easy. Missouri seems to have been lightly visited except on the western edge. Kansas City was roughly shaken up and unroofed houses, uprooted trees and tangled telegraph wires this morn ing bear testimony to the strength of the gale. Sedalia, too, suffered rather heavily, but ths rest of the state es caped practical) v unscathed. Minnesota and Wisconsin. Minnesota and Wisconsin felt only the dying breath of the gale, and al though the cities of Beloit and Green Bay, in the latter state, sus tained considerable damage, there "ere no casualties and the gross loss will not be heavy. In Illinois the rain, wind and hail were heavy, but only in Chicago and *ts suburbs, so far as heard, was there hoy loss of life. The fall of a huge brick building on Pearce street, which crushed an adjoining cottage, is re sponsible for the death Of eight per sons and the injury of a dozen others. In the suburb of Grand Crossing our persons were injured by the col apse of a house and at Woodlawn four thors were hurt in a similar manner, asti of this city the storm seems to have ost its force and although heavy rains bd accompanying high winds are re ported from points along the lakes, here was no loss of life and little dam B?e to property. U A YOC AT DES MOINES . Hundreds of Buildings Damaged and Sev ml Hurt. Des Moines, la, April 8.—In Des loines damage was done to hundreds °f buildings, the wind averagings velocity of si.\ty miles per hour, and at I brief intervals was as high as 100. A section of the ornamental iron cor nice was blown from the Sneer build ing and crushed to atoms at the feet of pedestrians A corner spire on the Second United Presbyterian church was blown from its fastenings, and the West Locust street house was rocked like a ship 1 at sea. The plastering fell and buried Fireman Hollaran, but he was rescued. The south front and the roof of the foundry department of the stove works in Easton place were de molished. A chimuey on the Register office blew down and broke through the roof, a brick strik ing a compositor on the head and pain- ' fully injuring him, and the tower on i the building was badly twisted. The 1 rear eua of the brick house occupied ' by James Collins, on east Fifth be-1 tween Court avenue, blew out when a ! front door was opened. The band stand in the court house yard was blown and crushed to splinters. Slate shing-les in large numbers were blow’n from the roof of St Ambrose church. The tin roof of the Perkins & Gatch block and a dozen other blocks aro rolled up. The copper roof of the postoffice was badly damaged. In fact there was hardly an exposed block in the city which did not suffer in some degree from the fierce blasts of the wind. Mrs. II. C. Evans, of Bloomfield, la., daughter of General J. 11, Weaver, was struck by a piece of plate glass from a crushed window in the house of the latter and badly cut about the face and neck. At Boone, Stuart, Atlantic, Guthrie Center, Indianola and other western j Iowa towns great damage to property is reported, but no loss of life. The damage aX Stuart is estimated at §15,• 000. It is even greater at Boone. LATEST FAOU KANSAS. Estimated That 100 Were Killed and 303 IiiJ nred. Kansas City, Mo, April 2.—With the going down of the wind the tele graph is again brought into service and the storm stricken district is heard from. The wire service is« still very bad, but there is enough news coming into show that the terrible work as far reaching and very destructive. Careful estimates regarding the number of killed and wounded throughout the state as the result of the wind's havoc make it nearly 100 killed and between 200 and 300 in jured. All that territory lying west of a line through the center of Kingman county is still virtually cut i If from the world and just what has oc curred in that territory can not be learned for some days yet. The tor nado camo from the southeast and went across the western part of the state, spreading destruc tion clear up into the Nebraska line. The first damage by the storm was noted near the southwest corner of the state, and the last report is from the north east corner. In addition to this principal storm there was a second of less intensity which went across the eastern part of the state not taking so many lives, but doing fearful damage to crops, trees and farm buildings. The following is the estimate placed on the dead and and wounded as near as can be ascertained at this .time: South Haven, 8 dead and 33 in jured; Wellington, 4 dead and 33 in jured. On farms between these two towns, 5 dead and 9 injured; Towanda, 17 killed and 45 wounded; Augusta, 7 dead and 19 injured; Homestead, 5 dead and 7 injured; Strong City, 2 dead and 8 wounded; Salina, 15 injured, 3 iatally. mese towns are tne only ones irom which anything like a definite report has been obtained and the possibilities are that when the western towns and villages are heard from the death list will be swelled to nearly 100. Seven Killed at Wumeg:), Kas. TorEKA, Kas., April 2.—Seven per sons were killed and over a dozen others badly injured by the tornado of Thursday night in the little town of Wamego. , The killed are: Charles Taylor, wife and child: Mrs. Albert Eggers and two children, aged 3 and 5 years respec tively, and Joseph Johnson, a farm laborer. The storm leveled the house of Al bert Eggers and carried the inmates a distance of 200 feet. The body of Mrs. Eggers was found at a con siderable distance from the ruins of her home. The body of the youngest child was clasped tightly in her arms. The other child was buried under a mass of timbers. Charles Tay lor, his wife and little child were in stantly killed. Their bodies were ter*, ribly bruised and blackened. I -- ( INVESTIGATING DE LESSEPS. J Secret Testimony Being: Taken in New York City. , New York, April 2.—There was be gun in this city today the examination of witnesses in the proceedings com menced by the French government against Count de Lesseps, charging him with swindling and breach of trust in connection with the affairs of the Universal Interoceanic Panama Canal company. Lawyer Edmond Huerstel took the testimony of Charles G. i Francklyn, A. V. Marcquaid, C. 1). Leverlck and George W. Ely, secretary of tire stock exchange. Mr. Ely was examined in relation to stock exchange quotations of Panama railroad stock about the time the negotiations for tho purchase of the shares were in pro gress. The examination of witnesses' was conducted privately and nothing will be made public until the examina tion is closed, possibly toward the end of next week. British Steamer Burned at 8ea: I London, Apvfl 2.—Captain Work, of, the British steamer Crimea, from Bal timore, March 7, reports by signal that the British steamer Main, Captain Brown, from New Orleans, March 1," for Liverpool, has burned at sea. No further particulars are obtainable until the Crimea arrives at Calais. The' Main was a vessel of 1,013 tons. She was loaded with cotton and wheat AN ENTERPRISING NEEOLE. It lias Been Wandering Through Mr. Stt* Cor'. Bodjr for Two Year*. Oliver M. Stiger, wholesale druggist at20 College place, had on exhibition an his office desk yesterday a common sewing needle, an inch and a half long, with a blunt point, to which was attached two inches of No. 10 thread doubled, says tho N. Y. Times. To a hundred inquirers during the day Mr. Stiger answered that he had carried the noedlo and thread in tho muscles of his right side for over two years. Last Thursday evening when Mr. Stiger retired he complained of a sharp pain in his right side just below the shoulder blade, and Mrs. Stigor, while attempting to relievo the pain, dis covered a small rod spot, from the center of which protruded the point of a needle. She easily drew the needle and thread out, and when it was shown to Mr. Stiger he remarked: “Then that has been the cause of all my ill ness these two years.” Mr.' Stiger was seen at his office yes terday afternoon and told the follow ing story: “About two years ago I became sud denly troubled’ with a pain in the thick of my right thigh, and I treated my self for rheumatism, but I found no re lief. The pain moved up my right side and settled over the pleura region, and 1 cbncluded that I had an nttnek of pleurisy, and treated accordingly. For a year and a half the pain did not let up. Then it ascended again, and settled in the base of my right lung. ) was troubled with a constant cough. 1 made up my mind I had gone intc consumption, and I consulted special ists. Violent exercise was recom mended, and tho movement of th« muscles must have worked the needle out. ‘‘I cannot imagine how I got the noodle and thread in me. I could no) have swallowed it. I must have sat upon it. Every vestige of illness left mo and I felt like a new man. My physicians consider me a very fortu nate man, for, they said, if the needle had gone inward instead of outward my life would have been lost.” The Plea of Insanity Cannot be urged in extenuation of tlie conduct of host-i of people who constantly inflict injury upon themselves, and lav the foundation for serious and disastrous bod ily trouble by the use, in season and out of season, upon slight necessity and with out discrimination, of drastic vegetable cathartics and poisonous mineral cliola' gogues—notably the various forms of mer cury—to relieve simple constipation, si complaint remediable sit any stage by tin persistent use of Hostetter’s Momaeh Bit ters. '1 his famous remedy never gripes, evacuates too copiously or weakens tin bowels. If there is any other tonic nper imit in or out of the pharmacopoeia of which this can truthfully be said we art unaware of it Abandon the fa*luous habit of dosing and use this benign regulator wbi h also sets right weakened stomach* disordered livers. Rheumatism, neural' gia, sleeplessness, loss of appetite; malaria, dcoility and kidney complaints are troubles a l conquerable by the bitters —Emperor William must bave a rart sense of humor. According to the London World, if a guest makes the slightest slip at a court ball the emperor not only laughs loudly but audibly criticises the uulucky person to the royal staff, who join in tbs merriment us in duty bound. Elsewhere in this issue we publish tli4 particulars of a remarkabie cure that fairly outrivals the celebrated case of John Mar shall, of Hamilton, which created such a sensation throughout the country. The particulars of this case are vouched for by the Albany Evening Journal, recognized as the leading newspaper at the New York state capital and one of the leading papers of the United States. There is, therefore, no room to doubt that the particulars of the case are accurately and carefully set forth, in every respect true, and must therefore prove of the deepest interest ta our readers; we therefore commend the article to their careful perusal. Texas Live Stock Journal: “The cattle men of Arizona^scem to be blessed of the Lord. Just as they were giving* up in de spair he scut down upon the parched earth the greatest soaking rain on record, caus ing the succulent grass to spring from the bosom of mother earth as if by magic. Fat beef and happy, light-hearted cattle men will now be the o~der of the day. 'The proprietors of Ely’s Crei'^ Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for Catarrh and Cold in the head. I have been afflicted with catarrh for 90 rears. It became chronic and extended to my throat, causing lioc'seness and great difficulty In speaking. Indeed for years I was not able td speak more than thirty minutes, and often this with great difficulty. I also, to a great extent, lost the sense of hearing. By the use M Ely's Cream Bairn all dropping of mucous has ceased and my voice and hearing hat greatly improved.—Jas. W. Davidson, Attor ney at Law, Monmouth, III. Apply Balm in« each nostril. It Is Quickly Absorbed. Give* Heller at once. Pries 10 cents at Druggists or by mall. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. It is estimated that the fifty long dis tance lines which the American Kell * elephoue company is putting up between New York and Chicago will consume 8,5-6 tons of copper, while the total length of the wire will be Oi.OOO miles. Tested by Time. For Bronchial af fections. Coughs, etc., Brown's Bkonchiai '1 KOCHks have PKOVKD their efficacy by o test of many yea;s. Price 25 cents. —Alfonso, the young king of Spain, has suddenly become of considerable import ance to men of letters. His portrait ha* been placed on a postage stamp. People are Killed ny Co no ns that Hale's Honey of Hokeuound and Tab would cure Pike’s Toothache Dkopj cure in one minute. —The prince and princess of Wales are j known as the carl and countess of Che-tei wheu they travel on the continent It was ; as the eavl of a hesterthat the piince made j bis celebrated American tour. Coughing Loads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at once. Cio to your Druggist today and get a FREE sample bottle. Large bottles 50 cents and fi.UO. —The handwriting of Algferton Swin burne, the poet, is a scrawling schoolboy's hand, but his manuscript comes to the printer clear, legible and deemed, with scarce an erasuie. If you suffer from sick, nervous, neu ralgic, spinal, bilious, or dyspeptic hoad a *h»*s, Bradyc rutlne w ill cure you promptly. Of all Druggists. Fifty cent®. —Max O’Rell says that everyone except uings and the prime ministers of a few great powers likes to be interviewed ; and be considers it a compliment to be asked to give a newspaper bis ideas. De C'hftpple Gets a Tip. Da Chappie—Aw, sonny. hoT you a lilt here? Store Boy (confidentially) — Yep That there big feller wicl red hair au’ freckles is the bouncer. Wat ycr idlin'? CaIiiitIi Can’t lie Cured With LOOAJ. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh it a blood >r constitutional disease, aiul in order to euro it, von haw to take Internal remedies. Ball's Ch larrh Coro Is taken intovnally, and acts directly >u tho blood and mucous surfaces, llati’u Ca tarrh Cure Is no quack nicdlcluo. It. v.as pro scribed by one of tho lx>4t phvdchius in tliIe sountry for year*, and In a regular proscription. It. is composed of tho be*!, tonich known, coni* blued with tlio bent blood purifiers, acting di rect ljr on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect flonibjnation of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing civ I tarrh. Rend for tontiinonlnU, free. i F. J. ClIKNKY A' (!OtLl*ropi„ Toledo, Ohio. Hold by druggists, price ».»c. , —Paul du Chaillu, the pioneer African traveler, was born in Louisiana; bin father was a trader in the French colony of jiambia, on the west Afrlcau coast. You off du Chaillu went there as a child, End picked up tho languuge and studied the birds and beasts. The Only One liver Printed—Can You Flml the Word? There Is a 8-inch display advertisement in this paper this week which has no two words aliko except one word. The same is true of each new one appearing each week from The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This houso places n “Crescent” on every- ] thing they make and publish. Look for it, Rend them the name of the word, and they will return you uook, ueautipul j.ituu GltAI 1IH, or SAMPLE FllEB. —‘‘Bob” Cook lias coached the Yale 'varsity crews for the last eight years, usually during the Faster recess. But he • writes to say that he Cannot get away i from Philadelphia to do so tins season ; ! jvnd tho navy cannot alford to send the ciew to Philadelphia. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla, When she w.ia n Child, sho cried for Costoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When sho had Children, she gave them Castor!^ Ernest Bussell, of Muncic, Ind , who (ins long been mourned as deud, returned home the other day. He was a soldier in the civil war. atterward on the Indian frontier, and claims to be a survivor ot‘ the Custer mass aero. HIRAM C. WHEELER, Odebolt, Iowa, sells FIRST-CLASH IMPORTED PEHCHER N AND 8I1IRE STALLIONS for |.S00, three years’ time. Will pay expenses if cannot suit vou. —Ex-King Milan of Servin is in a great request at Parisian weddings to act us ivituess for the bride. The pleasant coating of Beecbnm's Pills completely disguises the taste without im pairing their efficiency. *-5 cents a box —Herbert Spencer has an intense dis like to eating his meals with or before Dther people. Cuasa Promptly and Permanently RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Headache,Toothache. NEURALGIA, Sore Throat, Swelling,, Frost-bitea, SCIATICA, Sprains, Brulaea, llurna, Sculds. Tilt CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Blltlmora. WL XSAXUlfcb.*._. ___ Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster ics, St. Titos Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, In* ebrlty, Sleeplessness, Bis* dncss, Brain and Spi nal Weakness, This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all Irritabili ties, and Increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It Is perfectly harmless bnd leaves no unpleasant effects. FREE —A Valuable Book on Mervooi Disease* sent free to say address, and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. TTiis remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Fas tor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind* since 1378- IU Is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIG MED. CO.. Ch'cago, III. Sold by Drurgiat, at Ol par Bottle. OArSV. tmaSli, <1.711. H Bottl,. for 09. The casting out of the devil of disease was once a sign of authority. Now we take a little more time about it and cast out devils by thousands—we do it by knowledge. Is not a man who is taken possession of by the germ of consumption possessed of a devil ? A little book on careful living and Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil will tell you how to exorcise hii - ,r it can be done. Free. N«°V^rk.BOW"** Ch*,“«*. ■ J« South ,th Aramt W dniggh, keep, Scott1. Emulsion ofcod-lirw wl-al druggist, everywher, do. |i. PILES AF7A&ESIS give* instant relief, and \h an 1NFALLI* RLE CUKE for FILES. Price, ft; at druggist* or by mail. Hamnlea free. Add re m **ANAKESI8,H Box an«. New York Citt. P jniORKassas rrilRlMlvw, nltT tiim. A woman's aim is to look her best—but she’ll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health, take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. All the func tional irregularities and weak nesses that make life misera ble to women, arc cured by it. It’s a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine—purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing-down sensations, un natural discharges — every thing that’s known as a “fe male complaint ”— it’s a posi tive remedy. It’s the only one that’s guaranteed to give satisfaction in every ease. It costs you nothing, unless it helps you. You can afford to try it, on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it ? MOTHER CYCLE SHOW. iiMN limit ir. m iM'iiik inml attlm 1«|'U|' 1(44 NT'U i'O'IH Miilraromna, US I, JUKI and USA N. Mih Nt., I*lillal|kliln. it in dados tlio Sprinter Safely, ii diamond fnuim.lona head, long wheel imho. Hi rniitlit tul»o« throughout, d«\, umi tin> Ladies’ tf printer. « hundnotno drop name. Tin Traveler Hiif**tli'ii are tin bent value over offend ami range in price from gift.00 to|UO.OO. Alioui tun him d re< I di Hit rent Nty lea to n*1 li*c I from. Wo aim* manufao. turo Children's Carriages. Hefrigerutors, Office Desks, Koeliuiug and Invalid Hulling Chairs. Nunn {roods wanted and cata ogiio will bo sent. Liberal discounts to ttio trade. TABULC8 mrulnte n, liver and bow • form their proper • eating arc l>encfltr . .....Jiowelv, purl- ( fv the blood, are nafe and ctfoetuul. { the best i lieu let no known for bilious t ness, constipation, dysiiepKla, foul 4 breath, headnehe,mental depression, 4 pnlufut digestion, had complexion, 4 and all diseases canned by failure of 4 the stomach, liver or bowel* to per- J ^r function!!. Persons (riven to over- J flted by taking one after each meal J in. Uv. At Ilmu'irliit.M. nr unnt hv ninil . • Price, fJ ; ■ample. 16c\ At Druggist*. or eent by mall.! - Itll'ANH CM KM 1 CAL CO , 10 Spruce Kt.., New York ! Syrup 99 I must say a word as to the ef ficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most ex cellent success. I have taken it my self for Throat Troubles, and have derived good results therefrom. I therefore recommend it to my neigh bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T. Durette, Earlys ville, Va. Beware of dealers who offer you ‘ ‘something just ns good. ’ ’ Always insist on having Boschee's German Syrup. * i» DO YOU Cough don't delay KEMP’S i BALSAM It rnrm Cnlu.h rnagtxi, III- “* Jiilliimir.H, Whooping AhUiiiih* A curtain n. Ror# Thnrnt, Crank Ough, llrumililttn md (or < Ion sumption In first •tnut'M, and n Mir.> relief in hiIvhih'shI Hinges, it You will nee Hi© oxrellv'it ©(lent i U*# •ft*# Inking tit* IIi nI lion*. Hold by u**j*ni •VtuTViuiM* Lug* bolt.*#, ftu oenU and U4A THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Will purify BLOOD, rojralat* KIDNEYS, remove LIVKH disorder, build M length, renew appetite, restore health and vigor of youth. Dyapennln^ Indigenthm, that tired feel ing ahauluiely eradicated. Mind hrlghtonod .„... brain power increased, bones, nerves, mus« dr#, receive now force. i nfTrrlng from complaints tie* | cullar to their sox, uslu^lt, (lad a safe, speedy euro, Return* rose bloom on cheeks, beautifies Complexion, Hold everywhere. All genuine goo dr bear ••Crescent*1* Mend iui 2 cent stamp for 32-pag* pamphlet. DR. HARTER MRMftMiP 00 St. Louis, I ' '■ Vv “German :« '■M -it FREE TRIP TO FAIR And You Can Make Money Besides. READ CAREFULLY! Everybody who Is anybody calculates on seeing the WORI.irH FAIR. Hotel Kipenm will be large-too large for you to nrlntr your fam ily - and yet they all want to come. We solve the problem for you: We are Helling lota 95 feet by 19-> feet In our Hub-division, ten minutes' ride from the World's Fair* on the Illinois Central It. R., on the South Side, for ffl JO to 'll ,‘K)) each. You ran buys lot on easy terms, have a cottage erected where you and your family ran live comfortably, In easy access to tha anc* ftV«ry place of amusement during your stay, and then sell the lot and cottage at » profit sufficient to more than cover your reasonable expenses. The demand for such plitCBB will be unllmiied. We invite correspondence and culls. Wo Hava Monty to Loan on Thoto Cottagoo, If Doslrod. Rc.poctfully, WM. V. JACOBS a CO., 007 Tayoma Bldg., Chicago. CAN YOU SMELL ? p* i.iuiiiir.n wm iiiHinniiT near your nean, cure jiotraencaa, Horn rnront and Head* Rphc. It will promptly relieve and permanently cure ('nlarrh, La Grippe, Anthinn, BronchltU and kin ; ■p. CHEAPER THAN BARB WIRE. HU‘M>;..>»K,“,L> HARTMAN WIRE PANEL FENCE. HMI11I0M to Hlmlb is*, or get out of shape. ___ __ »Ii»wiK Write for Frires. Descriptive Circular SFi Vf7V“7.'“‘Y™ w hhhmu dvcci ricMei I,»wn Fence, Tree and Flower Guards, Flexible \Uro Mats. *c. Addraaa jrour Dearest went. UAUTJHAN AlFO. CO.. Heaver Fella. Fa. T. it. U.INMK, Ueaeral Wr.lern Sales Arent. . • AOS State Street. Chlei Lk*. clahk Andbiksbn Hardwamk Co., Omaha, Nei>., General Agents for State of Nebraska. __ HF“A1wsvb mention till* paper. M FREE t»7 return met), full descriptive l rlrnilan of MOODY'I Maw »k4 MOODY’* IMPROVED I TAILOR STI iTEMSefp.ets ( OvttlB^k JU *i«ri m flat#. ^*if lady of 1 Uteuf fence can 1 quickly end ' •■•Ilf learr t* eul and garaieni Id an? atyle, to • or measure. Me* aiid CM*’ drea. (iiratiiii l gnarenteed to [Ht perfectly | wftBout irvlng FMOOOY4CO DHCINMT1.0 BORE WELLS, »tth our fniiion« Well MiK'hlnrry. The onl* Krfect •elf-clean:n|t ana it-droppingtJKiUin urn LOOMIS A NYMAN, { THE OHIO* WELL DRILI ffitCntaloiw • "KK. © fl F*T FOLKS REDUCED if) 'Hi* Ali,°t Mwlj. Oncon. Mo., wrltn i II A ■» 320 pound.. now It l.lltt KTttS.'KSNv1* ii? M,*"r.tirrl^v~id'“ Over comes __ __ result* _ofbsd coOlngtrures Sick Headache; iTx'fnrfDCnmplMinn ;c are«Con«f I pat ton. •*4 for fr** Fi»pu u DID D’ni 4Mk Dwn, K«« IMk CM;. WANTED The addresseeof'all soldiers ™ vklw ■ Blr who homeutMiled i lees ■Humber of *<*r»*8than 100 and' SOLDI «i? HOiiE8TEAD8.Wivp.« EVERY FAMILY; School, Library, and Ofries S-H-O-U-L-D Have a Dictionary. Can ihould ba taken to GET TUX BUT. THE INTERNATIONAL, New from Cover to (’over. Successor of the “Cx abridged,” IS THE ONE TO SUV. 10 years spent revising. 4 loo teuton employed. 1800,000 expended. Sold by All Booksellers. Send to Q.A C.M RKRUllft Co.' ruhllahers, Sprinirfleld,Mnss.,U.8.A. tor free specimen pages. WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL i dictionary nil CO Hemedy Free. INSTANT HELIEF. f*|l R\ * ln«»l «ure lu in days. Never returns; no I ILLv I>ur*e; no salve; no suppository. A vto tim tried In vsln every remedy has die* covered s simple cure, which he will mail free im his fellow sufferers. Address J. II. HEEVE3, Dos 2300, New York City, N. Y. r “,l wiDitui -4 disabled. K lee for Increase. 26 yean* ex perience. Write for I.aws. A.W. McCormick 6 Sons, Washington, d. C. A Cincinnati, Q. It will be to your interest when writ. lug to advertisers to say you saw their ad. vertisement in this paper. Sioux City Printing Co. No. 403— Ilk PISO'S CURE TOR Comsnptlvea sod people j ( who have weak lungs or Asih &. should use Plso’sCure for I I Consumption. It has eared I 1 tkasaasds. It hss not Injur* I I eel one. It Is not bad to taka f I It Is the best cough syrup. Sold everywhere. 9T