01TICIAL ji• _ DIRECTORY . - • statu. .John M. Thayer ; V.l ivu'ruo'r.TyT •W- congressional. I liim I'. Miinderson, of Omaha; I'miilock. of Beatrice Algernon i'j.i’^^P.^'UmiTlowr'WiiV/MeKeirhan, Bod l0S—Wm. Bryan, Lincoln- (). M-K. t’llHHI COUNTY. i i he District Court. .. John ! Cirrk «>f ll»c uihti. E Mt Lowe Jud’.-f fini-mei pc|*iM.V ••• Clerk . Deputy.. ilieritl... .Barrett Scott j .John S.Weekes .G. C. lla/.elet .O. E. Butler .H. O. McEvonv .E. J. Mack "0!>0l> H. W. Dudley schools.••• • MrSt H. w. Dudley A-'isinnt. Dr_ Q E_ [,.on .. .w. w. I'lls’c Survcv ot. E. w Ady,uis SUPERVISORS. NAME furl,. K ill—Chin j Green Valley n Pairvlew Bethea. WW Beloit Crow. Johr. jClevoland Conner SL h»»»n Cleveland BP |Ewing Cmwford John Sand Creek "renin Dan Shields him-im John Chambers Verdigris Francis jRoek Falla Paddock V! Dustin (Grattan Willowdale 3 ray Robert II Ison S Crei'jf James Gotljjkin H ■lornheck M [Inward S B Hunter J M Haiirli W B 11ayes W T Jillson L A Kelley ,F Kline E U'Jitherinan J Mullen J P Emmet Sheridan Stuart Scott Lake Turtle Creek Pleasantvlew cElhaney W V Steel Creek Hiller Howard Hoss (' W S'olRamperWm VrUiiis E E 'init li J R unilli C M iYine 11 C _ Atkinson Wyoming Saratoga McClure O’Neill Iowa Conley Swan Atkinson Inez. Ewing Stuart Innuin Ewing Atkinson O’Neill Chumbers Page Atkinson Turner Leon i a Badger O’Neill Minneola Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Scottville Bliss Grand Rapids Em met Star Atkinson Amelia Turner Little O’Neill Lambert Harold O'NklLL huSINESS DIRECTORY n. l’lKltCK, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW. Kkal Estate aud Insurance. II. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building, north m L'nrnott & Frees’ ’.umber yard, 0 NKT1.L, NEB. Jt W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praelieo in all the courts. Special at tention given lo foreclosures and collections. COUNTY ATTORNEY. |)ll. II. T. THUElIbOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eye and Ear and flttinfl Ulnsses a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. uinltof> n. m. Office over “THE EMPORIUM." glAVIMi MACHINES REPAIRED BY GEORGE BLINCO (CgNSatisfaction gauranteed. JJULLEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. J c. SMOOT, fashionable barber. dealer in oiqars, eto. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. estimates furnished. EIF sent on postal card, with proper address will be inserted free In our numerous lists, aud you ; ~ through them many valuable froni companies desiring agents. 5post:,1 to Die AMERICAN llsT CO., M ,‘,1‘ HulldiiiB. Chicago, 111. 1)I!- ( • n- B EI9AMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, - NER. S PEPSIN is the safest remedy for weak digestion. Can be S-y, the smallest child. For sale by all uai1^ druggists. p- p. * J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OF THE - FRONT - - 1 v. } .. I J|,,| r-tlVEFnrSTX^, GOOD teams, new rigs Prices Reasonable. E'iH (1f McGiffcrto’s. O'NEILL. NEB. O’Neill Market Report. The following is a correct market rc port lor this week: 11<)RS. ui 100lbs.... .M.iO; Wheat. Sfe?™.iso!Oats 1 at cows.1.50Q1.SO UV(,. .. buckwheat.. Pot 11 toes, y bu.20 Shelled .. .no 40 .10 20 English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, King Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen" Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. W arrauted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv Morris & Co. Get the best weekly in the state and county and get a premium along with them by subscribing for the Bee and The Frontier, both of which we are furnish ing for $3, in advance. Call and see us before ordering your reading for the year. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain's cough rent edy is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. St. Patrick’s pills are carefully ore pared from the best material and ac cording ‘a the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. P. C. Corrigan sells them.. Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Morris & Co., druggist. ‘‘I haye just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year,” says Mr. James O. Jones, publislicrof the Leader, Mcxia Texas. “In the latter case I used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only nemg in lieu a little over two nays, against ten days for the first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as01 had to go to bed in about six hours after oeiug struck with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days be fore getting ‘down.’” !j0 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Messrs Cage & Sherman, of Alexan dria, Texas, write us regarding a remark able cure of rheumatism there as follows: The wife of Mr. Wrn. Pruitt, the Post master here, had been bed-ridden with rheumatism for several years. She could get nothing to do her any good. We sold her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and she was completely cured by its use. We refer any one to her to verify this statement.'’ 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain’s cough rem edy is freely given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its expectoration. It also lessens the sever ity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recovery. There is not the least danger in giving it to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent bottles for saie by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. The Population of O'Neill Is about 1,500, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affec tion of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportanity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Sold by all druggists. The Handsomest Lady in O’Neill Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a Sam pie Bottle Free. arge size 50c and $1. Kalispi.ll, Montana, Is the distributing point for the Flat Head Valley and Kootenia country, and is the present terminus of the Pacific Extension of the Great Northern Kail way Line. You can go there by rail all die way by taking the Sioux City & Northern Railroad. For maps, rates, etc., write to or call upon \V. B. Mc Nider, general passenger agent, Sioux City. ___ The Homliest Man in O’Neill, As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and and get free a trial bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure rail Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Large Bottles, 50 cents and $1. Electric Bitters This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of prnise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guarante ed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bit ters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by im pure blood.—Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ns well as cure Mal arial fevers.—For cure of Headaches,Con stipation and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters--Entire satisfaction guaranted, or money refunded.—Price 50c. and $1. per bottle at P. C. Corrigan’s Drug store. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say, “Oh, it will wear away,” but in most cases it wears them away. Could they lie induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's lialsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent ffleet after taking the first dose Price 50 cents and $1 Trial site free. All Druggists. KIRK’S WHITE RUSSIAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. DUSKY DUMOND TAR SOAP. For Farmers, Minors and Mechanics. Curem Chapped Banda, Wound*, Burnt, Etc. _A Delightful Shampoo. KililllilllSSililllli'iiiSi^illiiflSIlilllllllidSiiiliiiiihiiliilliil'MdilillliillhfSlIIIIIIK J 1 A. H. CORBETT § J§ WILl A1TEND TO YOUU | DENTISTRY ? S IN FlllST-CLASS SHAPE. 1 ® PHOTOGRAPHY® | ^ OF ALL KINDS f Promptly and Satisfactorily Executed, f! g -—- & I § Office and salary on Fourth stroet fT. := east of Holt County Iiank. s= I i= P I A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ' Can Always be Had Is located opposite Tfie Item, PAT GIBBONS; Prop. R.R. DICKSOi'J&CO.. 8UOOE88QR8 TO T. V. 60LQEN '& CO., Title Abstracters/Conveyanceis, TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS. FARM LANDS • • |ANQ TOWN LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. FRED C. 6ATZ - DEALER IN— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats, Sugar-cured Ham,' Breakfast Bacon, Sides, Spice roll bacon, all kinds of sausajree, O’NEILL, NEB; Deyarman Brothers, PROHRIETOR8 OF TIIE O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts in thojeity. Good,care* ful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specially llavecharirecof [McCnfferty’s Hearse. All Orders will receive careful and prompt atten' on HOTEL EVANS, _ FOHMEKLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, S Refurnished i -AN I) BEFITTED. Only First Class Hotel in City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. EMILSNIGGS, Gensia! Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB Wagon anil Carriage Repair ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe ing a Specialty. Hand Made Shoes Made to any Order Wo stop Interfering and sueoosssullv treat, quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and Pure Corns, whore our directions arolstrletly followed. Carry a Lino of Carriage, Wagon aiultt In stock. Work done on short notice. XI-PK JONES d M'C U7C/1EOA PROPRIETORS OP -CENTRAL - j~ Livery Barn. O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES nr NEW TEAMS. rltVrltt: Everything Firpt-Claps. Burn Opposite Campbell's Implement llmiBO EAST Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E. & M. V. and S. C. & P. RAILROADS. ,, H. O. BITKT, General Manager. R. C. MOREHOUSE. J. R. BUCHANAN, Gen 1.1 reight Apt. * Gen'l. l'uas. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. TRAINS DEPART: GOING BAST. Passenger east, Freight east, GOING WEST. Freight west, Passenger west, - • Freight, - 9:35 a. m. 10:45 a. M. 1:45 P. M 5:15 p. m 6:44 P. M. The F.lkhorn Line Ib now running Reclining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of flrst-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on w J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. S. C. & N. Lesses -ntOM All Points in Dakota, Dixon. Cedar. Pierce" Antelope and 1 loll Counties to SIOUX CITY, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, AM) ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Puidiasa TTovl* Tlcfcots and Slilp "STonr Freight ■via The Pacific Short Line For Passenger Fares and Time Tables: *p,r Kiit(‘son Freight between all stations on.Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City and u ip