SPRING — AND " SUMMER ™ GOODS! _ _____ — i*** T TT - ' tTT’t&SSC IF YOU WANT TO GO WHERE YOU CAN GET THE BEST GOODS FOR tHE LEAST MONEY DON'T FORGET TRADE PALAfTBi SPEGIAI® BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS ON ALL SUMMER in order to give everybody a chance to get a new suit for the summer, the poor as well as the rich In Drew fined* T ^ Suitings the latest patarn the market can aford, ranging in price to suit every customer. Also a large assortment of Dress Tends abfun MY BOOT AND SHOE department is second to none west of the Missouri river. Come and investigate and you will be con vinced. Where else can you get a Woman’s Grain Button Shoe for $1.10 a pair? The same shoe is sold elsewhere for $1.50 a pair. I have the Largest and Best collection of Fine Shoes and Fancy Slippers to be found in the country. You will have no trouble to "procure a . fit, having such a large stock to select from. I purchases in Phidelphia I am enabled to sell at less than the ofd prices. I sell no goods except for CASH, or in exchange for produce which I can use to advantage. You will save .nonay by examining: my prices before buying your Spring and Summer goods. T —" ' 8 you special prices on all goods during this month. I will give SULLIVAN’S TRADE PALACE, O'Neill, Ne8. M. M. SULLIVAN, Proprietor. THE AUTHORIZED KEELEY INSTITUTE, LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE AND TOBACCO HABITS At O’NEILL, NEB. This institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely insti tute at Dwight, 111. All remedies are prepared by Dr. Keeley and administered by a physician appointed and instructed by Dr. Keeley. In fact the treatment is identical with that at Dwight and the results must be the same—certain cure. RATES—$75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine for cure of tobacco habit sent by express for $5. For further information address, O’^Telll,, . _ IfcTeTD. FOR THE CURE OF O’Neill Market Report The following is a correct market re port for this week: Hogs, R100 Bis.*4.101 Wheat.I .55 Steers. 2.50 Oats. 17 Fat cows.1.5001.80 Kye.55 Butter.181 Buckwheat. 40 Errs...10 Ear corn.19 Potatoes. V bu.aolShelled ..... 20 Enplish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold br ' Morris & Co. _ Get the best weekly in the state and county and get a premium along with them by subscribing for the Bee and The Fbontieb, both of which we are furnish - ing for $8, in advance. Call and see us before ordering your reading for the year. _ There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain’s cough rem . edy is freely given. It keeps the cough, loose and makes expectoration easy. 35 \- and SO cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. • St. Patrick’s pills are carefully pre pared from the best material and ac cording 73 the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and . liver pill that can be produced. P. C. Corrigan sells them.. Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 80 , minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Morris & Co., druggist. > “I have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year,” says Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia Texas. “In the latter case I used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, i against ten days for the first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after beiugstruck with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days be fore getting‘down.’” 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Messrs Cage & Sherman, of Alexan dria, Texas, write us regarding a remark able cure of rheumatism there as follows: The wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt, the Post master here, had been bed-ridden with rheumatism for several years. She could get nothing to do her any good. We sold her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and she was completely cured by its use. We refer any one to her to verify this statement.” 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. The Population of O’Neill Is about 1,500, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affec tion of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportanity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Sold by all druggists. Public Sale. L. E. Vorje, living 3 miles south west of Emmet, will sell at auction on Monday, April 4, at 10 o’clock a. m., all of his stock, farm implements, grain, household furniture, etc., on reasonable terms. 1 -- The Handsomest Lady in O’Neill Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give vouaSam tile Bottle Free. arge size 50c and $1. Kalisp&il, Montana, Is the distributing point for the Plat llead Valley and Kootenia country, and is the present terminus of the Pacific Extension of the Great Northern Rail way Line. You can go there by rail all the way by taking the Sioux City & Northern Railroad. For maps, rates, etc., write to or call upon W. B. Mc Nider, general passenger agent, Sioux The Homliest Man in O’Neill, As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and and get/ree a trial bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure rail Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Large Bottles, 50 cents and 91. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away,” but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp’s Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose Price 50 cents and 81 Trial size free. All Druggists. There is no dangor from whooping cough when Chamberlain’s cough rem edy is freely given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its expectoration. It also lessens the sever ity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recovery. There is not the least danger in giving it to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Electno .Bitters This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Eleotrio Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine'does not exist and it is guarante ed-to do all that is olaimed. Electric Bit ters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by im pure blood.—Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as oure Mal arial fevers.—For cure of noadaohes,Con stipation and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters—Entire satisfaction guaranted, or money refunded.—Prioe 60c. and $1. per j bottle at P. C. Corrigan’s Drng store. Public Sale. On Tuesday, April 7, 1892, Walter Ewing will sell at public auction at his farm, near Amelia, Neb., all his stock, farming implements and household fur niture. The terms of sale are, all sums of $5 and under cash; over $5 9 months’ time will be given with 10 per cent, in terest, approved security. A discount of 10 per cent, for cash. The Bugle: W. F. N. Houser Esq., treasurer of Otoe county, was in Cham bers last week making arrangements for cultivating and seeding the school sec tion 16-26, 12. G. L. Barney took the job and as soon as the weather is favor able the work will commence, when an opportunity will be offeied for employ ment to those who desire work. Mr. Houser informs us that it is his intention to make two farms of the section and as the land is of excellent quality there will be an opportunity for two good set tlers. We are glad to have enterprising men become interested m real estate in this country. Such men as Mr. Houser can do much for the developement and settlement of the large area of vacant lands in the South Fork country, com prising as it does some of the richest lands in Nebraska. WALL PAPER 8ftzaple8 A directions how to hang & clean puinrywj tSSBIBarHBS&TegBas »«*i8Btoa"TsmaMi,. KIRK’S Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc, Removes and Prevents Dandruff WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP, Specially Adapted tor Use in Hard Watet LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. The state of Nebraska, Holt comity, s. s. In the county court: Notice Is hereby given that, petition having been filed In the county court of Holt county, Nebraska, Tot the appointment of an administratrix of the estate of George lilinco deceased, late of said county. The same Is set for hearing at 1C “L Friday the 15th day of April, west of the6th P. M. in said county, given by W. D Mathews and Emeline Mathews to Nebraska *and, ^.nvestment Company and which mortgage was in hook 52* Pasre 590, os the mortgage la d ^ouuJ'/’ and 1(3 have the aAmo a tir8t “en* and saId lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of May, 1892.F Dated March 21,1892. ^ J* M. Rine, Plaintiff. By Munger & Courtright, Attorneys. NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. H. H. Talutor, Plaintiff. John Earl, H. N. McKee,-McKee his wife, Christian name unkuown, W. D. Math ewsand John Doe, Defendants. H. N. McKee and - McKee, his wife Christian name unknown, defendantsryou I™ v.e that on the 18 day ofJanuary, 1882, plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Holt eounty. Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain Kitt»'iifehUtefl the defendant John Earl to the Nebraska Slortgage and Invest ment Company and assigned to the plaintiff who now owns the same, upon the west half lS h^i“t"'VeS quarter of section 18, and west half northwest quarter of section ho hnTf’nfV,?1’ ’“Xth ™D*e 12 'vest, 8and°east ^uarter of section 24, and east half northeast quarter of section 25 ~ip3 range ia west of the 8th p m in county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ?hn !qtn0Se cer,talAn Promissory note, dated if snn4wlft! £ of Au"uat' 1889> tor the sum of 1611 coupons, each due and pay f«blSnm i‘aunually’ thereto attached. There is now duo upon said note and mortgage ^^"“"K 'c thc terms thereof, the sum If vi.nu.u. Plaintiff prays fora decree of fore ° said Premises be decreed to be sold to satisfy amount due thereon. are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of May, 1892. .^ted this 29ih duy of March^ 1892. By W. W. Wood, his Attorney.TAINTOH’ LEGAL NOTICE. fiEw“whi?' Wright, Rachael J. Wright and U. >V. White, non-resident defendants will J&&°inTtIce .ft?1 ou the 25th day ofwfareh JnlS *i*i Moore, trustee, plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of llolt fhSSSii-?eb98ka’ gainst said defendants .ai?d prayer of which are to fore’ close a certain morturmre omnn*««i 1,.. j .» , close ascertain mortgage Muted'S, defS M. Wright and Haclia.il J. kiwod a ccriaiu ^www'BauaisSi ation upon the east half 0,) of tl e smVtli..as. 8affrW][o1lthenot;tt^Tr W “»S thenorth uau l/»J toe northeast quarter TVI of «en Kfffj5WBiSefi3,SS&1*XteB^] sum of $1,000 and interest at the me of seven Hnd+«nt per oonuin, payable send-annuallv £"noVendSrup .VMsa^i^ss! •WfK I*nd‘(..teres?1 a^thc^ rate'iff tS““p£ ♦C®*1 to bL ?°;d to satisfy the amount, due GWWh!1;:? Utl(o! the'defendant retbifred to answer said petition on or before toe 9th day of May, 1892. DatedatO Neill, Neb., March 25,1892. RvVn VT^L Moore, Trustee, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney, 384 WJUiiim W. Andrews, Plain-] vs L eLe,r Mortlson. Ford & (. Notice. •jeith. Tyler & Nlssen, 0. I Christensen and Christian Christensen, Defendants, j You will take notico that on the 24ih il iv AndJraewUsarftJ8!?; the WiUtamT thfiCtnS 1‘ia petitionoir. the officen( Nebr ^lh. ^V'H d,5tr‘ct coul t <>f Holt county. Eh^, o ajr;L!'!st you together with Peter Mort^on, a resident of said county. :UK| ypy01- of| which petitiou is ted vU'.il a cu.r1tu‘a mortgage deed execu nortli)Jli.itif0M/iild»?eter Cortisol! upon the nnd'ti.e elf. Ji!/‘1 °Jthe southwest quarter (■-,) e sl tnn„ife,t ;'VfSt/1U''lrtur (!* 1 ot lhe soutb oiWv e5iUartSr.s4) of sect|on number twentv t the northeast quarter (!i) of tlie 'luarter (J*) of section number l£U in township number twenty tnXeiii II’ ot r|inge sixteen [16] West of ?*■xt?T [6th I principal meridian, in Unit tmSY’,uoIe'lra?kl.1' which said deed dated June j, lotto, and given to secure the payment Ol illiP PArt'i in h,m.l ._ul __ ... ., - . W sccuru Uiv vuyiuvu In bond with coupons tiiereto at tached for the sum of five hundred l&UO.liO] dollars, due and payable live 151 years from date, upon whlcn said bond there is now duo ?,um of six hundred forty threej [®®43.(X)] dollars. The further prayer j petition being that any liens or pre tended liens which you or any of you may have upon the said real estate be decreed subject and inferior to the lieu of the said trust deed. You are requried to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of May, 1802. Dated this 21st day of March, 1802. Lewis & Holmes, Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. in the district court thereof, of the 15th judicial district. Nebraska Loan and Trust company, Plaintiff. ^oa«res *1* JJanlcy,-— Hanley his wife, D. • ?; Hansom Stitt,-Stitt, his wife, H.^F. Jones,-Jones, his wife, and D. F. Wyman, defendants. NOTICE OF8UIT. The above named defendants Charles J Hanley,-Hanley, his wife, Hansom Stitt. --Sfitt, his wife, H. F. Jones,-- Jones. his wife, and D. F. Wyman, and each of them are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff has filed in the above named court its petition against them and the other defendants named above; and, that the de fendant I). S. Wood has filed his answer or cross-petition in said suit against the said defendants Charles J. Hanley,- Hanley. his wife. Hansom Stitt,- Stitt, his wife. H. F. Jones, - Jones, his wife, and 1). K. Wyman, that the object and prayer of said petition of the plaintiff and the said answer or cross-petition are to foreclose two mort gages bearing date the 1st day of June, liW executed by the above named defendant Charles J. Hanley one to the plaintiff; and one to the defendant I). S. Wood on the fol lowing described real estate situated in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska. to-wit; The northwest quarter 134] of section five [5] in township twenty-nino [29] north, and range fifteen [16] west of the 6th p. m. The said defendants Charles J. Hanley. -- Hanley, his wife, Hansom Stitt, —r Stitt, his wife, H. F. Jones,-Jones, hi wife and D. F. Wyman are further notified that they art required to appear and answer said petition oi the plaintiff; and, answer or cross-petition of the defendant I), S. Wood on or before Monday the 9th day of May, liML,u »uiu petition oi piainim anu aiiswvi ui petition of the defendant D. S. Wood will ih taken as true and a decree will be rendejvi against them, the said defendants Charles Hanley,-Hanley, his wife, Ransom btiti ——- Stitt, his wife, £1. F. Jones, --; Joiic-" his wife, and D. F. Wyman decreeing that t n* said mortgages be foreclosed; that all ni'' above described real estate shall be ap praised, advertised and sold at public auci i<> • by the sheriff of said Holt county, to imt-' and raise the sum of $150.95 due to theplainuu on his said mortgage, and to make and r»u> the sum of I157.W due to the said defend m D. 8. Wood on his said mortgage togetn* with interest on each of said sums at the of ten per cent per annum from he -~na ua. of September, 1«02‘ and the costs of this^ • and such sale; and such decree will turo provide that the said above described i• estate shall be sold subject to a rn<.,r;.rl,;7.i lien of $7C0 now on said property, exec« by the above named defendant Churit& *j Hanley to the defendant D. 8. Wood. * maturing on tli9 1st eay of Juue.i-* • ;1> getlier with interest thereon at the ran * per cent per ann u nm from the 0 rat dsi.v j | Unpayable seinlanually;aud nrs further pro vide that you, the said deun •» Charles J. Hanley, - Hanley, hfa » Ramson Stitt.-Stitt, his wifeJl. f •*> I jj -Jones, his wife, and I). F. Wyni-Ai . be forever barred and foreclosed of a1' 1 na of redemption in and to said real cstai every part thereof. Nebraska .Loan and Trust g '\vt)otl By John M. Bagon. Their Attorney.