The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 10, 1892, Image 8

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    Royal Baking Powder is reported by
the U. S. Government, after official
tests, highest of alUn leavening power.
It is the best and most economical;
a pure cream of tartar Baking Powder.
This institute is a branch of the Dr. Leslie Keely insti
tute at Dwight, 111. All remedies are prepared by Dr. Keeley
and administered by a physician appointed and instructed by
Dr. Keeley. In fact the treatment is identical with that at
Dwight and the results must be the same—certain cure.
RATES—$75 for three weeks treatment. Medicine for
cure of tobacco habit sent by express for $5. For further
information address,
Keeley Institute,
O’iTeill,, . . tUToTo.
Land Oitice at O'Neill, Nob., i
Dec. a. ISA], i
Notice 1b hereby glvon that the following
named settler bus filed notice of his lntentlun
to make Anal proof In support of Ids cla’m,
and that suld proof will be made before the
register and recetver at O'Neill. Neb., on
February 2«, 1892, viz:
For the NWli 21-31-10 west.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
hls continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Earl Allen, Mlnneolu, Neb.; Frank Dnrr
and Joseph Shollmyer. Scottvlllo, Neb.; Bar
rett Scott, O'Neill. Neb.
28-9+ B. S. Gillespie. Register.
Land Orrics at O'Neill, Neb.,)
.—s. f
March 5,1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler Inis filed notice of Ills Inten
tion to make final proof In support of hls
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and rocolver at O’Neill,
Neb., on April20.1892. vis:
HARRY L. HOWE. H. E. No. 12992.
For the WH SW* Sec.4, and W Y, NWS Sec. D,
Tp. 28, range 13 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hls continuous residence upou and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
L, E.Vorse, M. Gauglienbaugh, P. G. Cauble
rer, all of Emmett, Nebr.
and S. 0.8 to rer,
B. S. Gillespie, Register.
Land Office at O'Neill, Neb., I
February 4th, 1892. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of hls Inten
tion to make final proof In support of hls claim.
Slid that said proof will lie made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska uu
March 19lh, 1892, viz:
n, E. No. 14,294, tor the uwti Sec. 30-3l-ll\v Mb
P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hls continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John A. Itnbertson. Jacob Erli, E. F, Roberts
and Jafnes Mullen, all of Joy. Nebraska.
30-0 B. S. Gillespie, Keglster.
Thomas B. McCann and Horn & Jaeger, de
fendants, will take notice that on the 29th
day of August. 1891, W. H. Snyder, pialntlff
herein, filed Ills petition In the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, ugaliist said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
dotendaut, Thomas 11. McUnn». to John .1.
Roche, a trustee, upon the south half 04 ) of
the northwest quarter (*•) of section 3; the
south half (Vi) of the northeast quarter (14);
the southeast quarter (V of the northwest
quarter (!4); the northeast quarter (14) of the
southwest quarter d4), and the north half (4)
of the southeast quarter (>4). section four (4).
all In township twenty-eight (28) north, of
range sixteen (lrt) west. In Holt county, Ne
braska, to secure the payment of one prom
issory note dated January 39, 1888. for the
sum of 11.109 and Interest at the rate of ten
per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
and ten per cent after maturity; that there
Is now due upon said note and mortgage, ac
cording to the terms thereof, the sum of
•1.190.20 and Interest at the rate of ten per
cent por annum from August 1, 1891. and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be de
creed to be sold to satisfy the ainoiin
_ _ - _ _ amount due
ther-on, and that the title, Hens or other In
terest of the defendants. Horn & Jaeger, In
•aid premises may be decreed to be junior
and subject to the leln of the plaintiff's
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th dr.y of April, 1892,
Dated at O'Neill, Feb. 18. 1892.
W. H. SNYDER, Plaintiff.
By N. D. Jackson. Attorney. 31-4
To S. It. Broadhead, non-resident defendant:
You will take notice that on the 12th day of
February, 1892, C. F. Bllven commenced an
notion lu the dlstrlot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against yourself and H. C. Mc
Evony, sheriff, the object and prayer of
which are to correct and reform tlie return to
the order of sale Issued for the sale of the
west half of the southeast quarter and the
eaat half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion thirteen (13), township thirty-one (31),
range thirteen (13), Holt county. Nebraska,
Issued In the case of W. J. Bowden vs. Cyrus
M. Hassell. Martha M. Hassell. Herbert L.
Putnam, J. B. McGinnis Jr. and S. R. Broad
head. which action was begun in tlie district
erurt of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 24tli
day of January, 1888, and in which you wore
one of tbe defendants. Plaintiff asks that
the return to the order of sale be corrected
and reformed to read. "Sold said property to
C. F. Bliveu subject to a certain mortgage of
KUO In favor of E. S. Ormsby, trustee," In
stead of, “Sold to C. F. Bllven subject to
mortagages of 01100 In fuvor of \V. J. liowden
and 8.R. Broadhead.” Also to correct and
reform the sheriff’s deed to said property,
mode on the 4th day of June, 1888, to read.
“Sold to O. F. Bllven subject to a certain
mortnage in favor of E. S. Ormsby, trustee,"
Instead of subject to mortgage for the sum
of 11100 in fovor of W. J. Bowden. Plaintiff
asks such correction owing to u clerical er
ror and mistake of tbe sheriff In the making
of said return to said order of sale and In
the Issuance of said sheriff's deed, and plain
tiff further prays lu said petition tlmt the
title to said premises be quieted In him and
that you be decreed aud declared to have no
Interest therein, and for other equitable
Your are required to answer said petition
on or before the 28th day of Maroh, 1802.
Dated February 15,1802. 32-4
B. R. DICKSON, Plaintiff’s Attorney.
Henry Ettzc, Johanna. Eitzo, his wlfo, and
Charles II. Gardiner, non-resident defend
ants, will take notice that on the 2!st day of
.January, 1892, the Union Trust Company,
plalntiffJioreln, Hied Its petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, against
said deteudants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by defendants, Henry Eitzo and Jo
hanna Eitzo, his wife, to plalutilf, upon the
northwest quarter of section twenty-three,
township twenty-nine, range ton, west, in
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of two promissory notes dated Novem
ber Id, 18811, for the sum of $40 each, and inter
est at tho rate of ten per cent per annum
after maturity; that there is now due upon
Haid notes and mortgage, according to the
terms thereof, including interest on u prior
noto and mortgage and taxes paid by plain
tiff to protect its security, tho sum of fei 20
and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from November 1, 1801. and plaintiff
prays that said premises may be decreed to
be sold to satisfy the amount due thoroon.
and that defendants may he foreclosed of all
equity of redemption or other Interest in
Bald mortgaged premises.
You arc required to answer said petition on
or before the 4th day of April, 1802.
Dated .January 21.1802.
KM Plaintiff.
Omaha, Nob.. March 1, 1802.--Sealed
proposals, in t riplicate, subject to usual eon
<iiturns, will be icceived hero until two
o'clock.s,jp. m., central standard time. April 1st,
1802, and then opened, for furnishing trans
portation, drayage. aud for handling stores
In the Department of the Platte, din ing the
fiscal year commencing July 1st. 1802. Tho
Government reserves the right, to reject any
or all pioposais. All information furnished
on apulieation to this office. Envelopes con
taining proposals to be marked “Proposals
for transportation on Route No.-and ad
dressed to 0. F. HUMPHREY. Captain and
A. Q. M., U. 8. Army, Acting Chief Quarter
master. <14-4
State of Nebraska, 1
Holt Comity, )
In County Court:
Notice is hereby Riven that, petition hav
ing been tiled in the county court of Holt
county, Nebraska, for the appointment of a
guardian of the person and estate of Andy
John Potter, a minor of said county, Tho
same is set for hearing at 10 o’clock a. in., on
Saturpay. the 12th day of March,,1892, at tho
oHieo of tho county judge In O’Neill, in said
county, at which time and place all persons
interested in said estate may appeur and be
heard eoneerniriR said appointment.
Given under my hand and official seal this
2M h day of February, 1802.
[seal] WM. BOWEN.
County Judge.
Tlio commissioners appointed to establish a
road, commencing at ttie section corner be
tween sections lour (4) five (5) eight (8) and
nine (9), township thirtv-one (31), north of
range ten (10) west, in Holt countv, Nebraska,
thence running north on section line between
sections four (4) and five (f»). one hundred and
twenty-five (125) ehs.; tlienee running east oti
section thirty-three (33), live (5) chs.; thence
ih a northeast course around the heads of ra
vines seventy (70)chs. to the Kedbird ere >k:
thence north fifty-five (55) degrees \.'eat, fif
teen (15) chs. to the quarter section corner be
tween sections twenty-eight (28), and twenty
nine (29); thence running north on section
Hue between sections twenty-eight (28) and
twenty-nine (29) two hundred <2U0) chs. and
terminating at the section corner bet ween
sections eight (8), and nine (9), sixteen (Kbaud
seventeen (17), has reported in favor of the
establish men t thereof, and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must be tiled
in the county clerk’s office on or Indore noon
of the 5th day of April, A. 1). 1892. or said
road will bo established without reference
Witness my hand and seal this otliduyof
b ehrunry, A. I). 1892.
[seal] C. E. Butler.
Jl-4 County Clerk.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb.,)
February 9. is»2. \
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice »«f his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the.
register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
March 21.1892. viz:
For the \V>, SE»4 and E‘i SW14 9-30-11 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
George Bowden, of Agee. Nob., James Bren
nan. Christopher Casey, Thomas Barrett, of
O’Neill, Neb.
31-tt* B. S. Gillespie. Register.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having bad placed in his liunds by an East
India missiouaay the forme!** of a simple
vegetable remedy for the sp« and perma
nent care of Consumption, 1 ro icbilis. Asth
ma and all throat and Lung A •• cclions, also a
positive and radical cure fvr Nervous De
bility and all Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its curative powers in thous
ands of cases, has felt It his duty to make ir
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by'
this motive and a desire to relievo human
suffering. I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it. this recipe, in German, French
or English, witii full directions for prepar
ing und using. Sent by mail by addressing
with stamp, naming this paper. W. A.
Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N. Y.
O’Neill Market Report.
The following is a correct market re
port for this week:
IIOHS. v Jim Bid.*4.25'Wheat.$ .CO
Steers. 2.5ii|Oats. in
Kilt cows.1.5001.80 Hyo. .55
Blitter. .. .12 Buckwheat.. 40
Ksks.1(1; Har corn.20
Potatoes. Tjl lm . .20iShelled. 20
The Population of O’Neill
Is about 1,500, and we would say at least
one half Hre troubled with some affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others. We would
advisb all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their druggist and
get a bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs. Trialttize free. Large
Bottles 50c and 91. Sold by all druggists.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough t?> run until it gets be
yond the reach of medicine. They often
say, “Oh, it will wear away,” but in
most cases it wears them away. Could
they be induced to try the successful
medicine called Kemp’s Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excel
lent effect after taking the first dose
Price 50 cents and $1 Trial size free.
All Druggists.
Electric Bitters
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
Smg the same song of praise.—A purer
medicine does not exist and it is guarante
ed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bit
ters will oure all diseases of the Liver and
Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt
itheum and other affections caused by iui
pure blood.—Will drive Malaria from the
system and prevent as well as oure Mal
arial fevers.—For cure of Headaches,Con
stipation and Indigestion try Eleotrio Bit
ters—Entire satisfaction guaranted, or
money refunded.—Price 50o. and $1. per
bottle at P. C. Corrigan’s Drug store.
i he Handsomest Lady in O Neill
'Remarked to a friend the other day that
she knew Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat
and Lumpi was a superior remedy, ns it j
stopped her cough instantly when other i
cough remedies had no effect whatever. !
So to prove this and convince you of its
merit, any druggist will give you a Sam
pie Bottle Fre*. urge size 50c and $1.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining In
the pustoflleeat O’Neill, Nob., unclaimed, for
the week ending Mar. 3,1892.
AV A NVells, David Hammond. George Claus,
Miss May Allen. James Ellington. Cbas. Evens
Warren Giltnan. J. E. Grady, Frank Van
Cleave. Mrs. Lucy Winters.
In calling for the above please say “adver
tised." j. H. Riggs. P. M
I he Ameiican Protective Tariff
Leauge has just issued a new campaign
text book for 1892. It is entitled
“American Tariffs from Plymouth Rock
to McKinley.” This little book of ono
hundred pages is perhaps the most com
plete brief presentation of the benefits
of protection and reciprocity yet print
ed and will bo sent to any address for 10
cents. In ordering please say, “ScDd
me No. r>2.” This is the catalogue
number of the document. Address
Wilbur P. Wakeman, General Secretary,
No. 135 West 23rd street, New York.
Enpdish Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splits, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of* one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
Morris & Co.
Get tlie best weekly in the state and
county and get a premium along with
them by subscribing for the Bee and The
Fkontieu, both of which we are furnish
ing for 83, in advance. Call and see us
before orderiug your reading for the
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain’s cough rem
edy is freely given. It keeps the cough
loose and makes expectoration easy. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C.
Corrigan, druggist.
Itch, mange and scratches of every
kind, on human or animals, cured in 80
minutes by Wool ford’s Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by Morris & Co.,
druggist. _
bt. Patrick’s pills are caiefully pre
pared from the best material aud ac
cording *j the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. P. C.
Corrigan sells them..
Better Prices Than Ever.
I have added to my stock a fine line of
ladies' spring jackets and dress goods of
tlie latest styles. Call and get prices
that will astonish you at McManus’.
No. 1 Mackerel, White Fish, also Hol
land Herrintr. Labrador Herring. Cod
fish and Smoked .Hnlimit. Canned !isti
of all kinds,
i 31 * O'Nkim. Op.ockuv Co.
For Sale or Rent.
fhowalter iUorurn:.*1 C..,'s land for
sale or. n ut. Enquire or * r!:• ■ to ino
34 4 O'Nkii.i. Ar.sTiiAOri.VG Co.
Garden feeds,
A full line of ail kinds of garden seeds
kept on hand, eiilnr in (he bulk or
packages, at tie are eery store of
if 1-4 Pfukd & Wagicu? .
For Bent,
The Oeo. Mitelicl farm a mile from
O’Neill. D. L Dakii.
V .
For Bent.
Tne north-east quarter of section 34,
town 81, range 13. Holt county, Nebras
ka, about 100 acres in cultivation, will
rent same for 1803 and furnish seed to a
good man if desired, or rent on shares,
or will sell same on good terms. Ad
dress Henry C. Smith, Falls City, Neb.
Spencer Bee: The firm of McCafferty
& Martin furnished tho casket for the
remains of Mrs. Rieder. Of solid wall
nut, mounted with heavy silver trim
mings it was a handsome affair and did
credit to the stock carried on hand by
our Spencer merchants. Within an
hour after the receipt of the order the
casket was on its way to Ft. Randall.
“1 haye just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this yenr,” says Mr.
James O. Joues. publisher of the Leader,
Mexia Texas. “In the latter case I
used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and
I think with considerable success, only
being in bed a little over two days,
against ten days for the first attack. The
second attack I am satisfied would have
been equally as bad as the first but for
the use of this remedy, as I had to go to
bed in about six hours after oeiug struck
with it, while in the first case I was able
to attend to business about two days be
fore getting ‘down.’ ” 50 cent bottles
for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
Love and Marriage in Japan.
Sir Edwin Arnold, who has been en
joying an interesting trip through the
United States, has made a careful study
of the conditions which govern the fam
ily in Japan and embodies his ideas in a
paper called “Love and Marriage in
Japan” in the February number of the
Cosmopolitan. The article is illustrrted
by the quaintest possible Japanese
sketches running down the sides and
across the bottom of each page, An
excellent photograph of W. D. Howells,
serves as a frontispiece, and his work
as a writer of fiction is reviewed in the
same number by H. H. Bayesen. The
President of John Hopkins Univesritj ;
gives a most practical paper for' parents
on “Boys and Boys’Schools,” illustrated
by cartoons of the famous Attwood.
Murat Halstead, turns back lovingly to
his early farmtdays, and tells of the "pels
and sports of a farmer boy.” The petro
leum industry fully illustrated; An Af
ghan Story by Archibald Forbes; The
Story of the Brazilian Republic by
Adams, late Minister to that country;
and The Leading Amateurs of the Unit
ed States in photography, are other lead
ing articles of the month.
Where Do You Get Your Coal?
Do you know? Were you ever in a
coal mine? Can you imagine what one
looks like? Or what kind of folks the
miners are? Or hdw their farnlies- live?
After you have read that splendid paper
in the March number of Demorcst’s
Family Magazine, “Through the Coal
Country with a Camera.” and studied
the twenty-odd fine pictures which illus
trate it, every piece of coal you see will
be invested with a new interest; and
when you read about “strikes” among
the miners, you will better appreciate
their significance. Photographs wore
taken specially for this article, and have
been reproduced in superb style.
“German Without a Master” by Prof.
A. de Kougemont of Chautauqua Uni
versity, will be of incalculable value to
those who wish tu study that useful lan
gunge; “The Home of a Specialist” fur
nishes excellent ideas about economizing
space, and achieving artistic results
without a great expenditure of money;
and “How to Ivorize Plaster Casts” tells
how to make those pretty ornaments
look like ivory.
“Next Summer’s Garden” is in good
season, so that the garden may be plan
ed properly, and a profusion of flowers
insured all through the summer “Train
ing a Husband” will amuse everybody;
and there are other splendid stories, and
all the excellent departments for which
this magazine is noted are replete with
seasonable things. The subscription
price to this ideal Family Magazine is
only $'3 per year. Published by W.
Jennings Demorcst. 15 E. 14th St., New
York. r
Chambers Bugle: George Anderson,
jvbo lives 11 Harold, was sowing wheat
on Tuesday. Mr. Anderson is one of
our progressive farmers and has faith in
the future of this country.
Chambers Bugle: L. A. Fluckey re
turned from his protracted visit in lows.
He arrived home Saturday evening last,
lie says he did not like Iowa as well as
he expected, and that he comes back to
Holt county perfectly well satisfied to
remain. We were pleased to see him
and to hear him honestly speak of the
superior advantages of Holt county.
Ilerealter tin: Ncbruska’State Journal
will puhli.-h a semi weekly instcul of a
wiekly. t’iv.iur two papers t-ncli week
for tlm price or' one. Four pages Tues
liavs and tight pages Fridays. This
will give readers the latest' telegraphic
news and markets while it is fresh In
these days of progressiveness the people
have outgrown the weekly paper, ex
cept to stlply local news. The Slate
Journal is at the head of the procession
as always For those who cannot afford
a daily paper the Semi Weekly Journal
will he almost ns good as a daily,104 pa
pers per year Although the cost of
production has been nearly doubled the
pric.e will remain the same, 8J per year.
'I his is less than 1 cent per copy. No
other paper offers so mueh reading mat
ter for$l. A special correspondent will
furnish points of interest to Nebraskans
from the national capital in addition to
the regular telegraphic reports from con
gress, which are received over our wires.
During the year 1892 you should be a
reader of the Semi-Weekly Journal.
Send for a sample copy and see just
what we will give you for yonr money.
Our great premium book, •‘Stanley’s
Adventures in the Wilds of Africa.”
and the Semi-Weekly Journal, one year,
will he sent for $1.40, postpaid. The
book is handsomely bound in cloth, 540
pages, profusely illustrated, and is sold
by dealers at about $1.50. If you will
send in your own subscription and an
other new subscriber with $2, we will
make you a present of the book, mailing
it to you postpaid. Don’t forget to send
for a sample copy. Address
Nebraska State Journal.
Lincoln, Neb.
Ealispi.ll, Montana,
Is the distributing point for the Flat
Head Valley and Eootenia country, and
is the present terminus of the Pacific
Extension of the Great Northern Rail
way Line. You can go there by rail all
the way by taking the Sioux City &
Northern Railroad. For maps, rates,
etc., write to or call upon W. B. Mc
Nider, general passenger agent, Sionx
City. _
The Homliest Man in O'Neill,
As well as the handsomest, and others
are invited to call on any druggist and
nndget/re« a trial bottle of Hemp’s
Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a
remedy that is selling entirely upon its
merits and is guaranteed to relieve and
cure rail Chronic and Acute Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption.
Large Bottles, 50 cents and $1.
Messrs Cage & Sherman, of Alexan
dria, Texas, write ils regarding a remark
able cure of rheumatism there as follows:
The wife of Mr. Win. Pruitt, the Post
master here, had been bed-ridden with
rheumatism for several years. She
could get nothing to do her any good.
We sold her a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm and she was completely cured
by its use. We refer any one to her to
verify this statement.” 50 cent bottles
for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
We. the undersigned, hereby associate our
selves together for the purpose of becoming
a body corporate under the laws of the state
of Nebraska, and have made and subscribed
the following articles of incorporation:
The name of this corporation shall be “The
Iveeley Institute of O’Neill.’’ The principal
place tor the transaction of its business shall
be at O’Neill, Neb.
Tho special business of this corporation
shall be the treatment of nervous diseases
and the cure of the opium, liquor and tobacco
habits and the purchase and sale of Dr. Leslie
E. Keeley’s “Chloride of Gold Remedies” In
accordance with the terms of a contract and
specifications between the Keeloy Institute
or Hlair. Neb., and W. D. Mathews, M. D.
Long, E. W. Adams, T. V. Golden and A. L.
Towle of O’Neill. Neb.
Tho capital stock of this corporation shall I
be $”0,(00, divided into shaves of $100 each, the
whole amount to be paid up and non-assessu
ble at the commencement of business. No
liability shall bo contracted in excess of fifty
per cent of the capital stock of the company,
The existence of this corporation shall be
for ninety-nine years, unless sooner dissolved
by a two-thirds vote of the stock-holders,
said corporation to commence business at the
date of filing these articles of incorporation.
Tho business of this corporation shall he
conducted by a board of directors, live in
number, to be elected by the stock-holders,
•such election to take place annually on the
first Monday in January of each year, said
directors to Ijold meetings at suen time as
the by-laws of this corporation may require.
The qualifications of said directors shall be
that they are stock-holders of this corpora
tion. Each stock-holder is entitled to one
vote for each share of stock.
Any vacancy on the board of directors may
be tilled by the remaining members of the
The officers of said corporation shall be a
president, vice-president, secretary, treas
urer. business manager, assistant business
manager, and physician in charge, who shall
be chosen by the board of directors and who
shall hold office for one year and until their
successors arc elected and qualified; pro
vided that the offices of secretary uad treas
urer may be held by one person.
The manner of holding the annual meeting
and the method of conducting the business of
said corporation shall be as prescribed by the
by-laws adopted by the board of directors.
The directors shall have power to make by
laws and all rules and regulations for the
conduct and management of the business of
tills corporation as shall from time to time he
This corporation shall have a corporate
seal upon which shall be the name of this
corporation and the principal place of busi
The articles may be amemded by a two
thirds vote of the stock at any regular meet
ing, notice of said amendment having been
given at least thirty days before by publica
tion in a paper of general circulation and by
written notice issued by tlie secretary and
mailed to said stock-holders. •
Witness hereunto our hand aud seal this
8th day of February, 1802.
[seal" \V. D. MATIIEWS.
seal] M. I). LONG.
seal| E. W. ADAMS.
skalJ D. L. DARR.
seal| T. V. GOLDEN.
The State of Nebraska. Holt County, ss.
On this 8th day of February 18J3. before
me. a notary public in and for said countv,
personally appeared the above-named W. i>.
Mathews. M. D. Dong. E. W. Adams, T. V.
Golden, C. Selah, J. J. McCafTerty and 1). L.
Durr, who are personally known to me to be
the identical persons who signed the forego
ing articles of incorporation, and acknowl
edged the same to be their voluntary act and
Witness my hand and notarial seal the date
above written. John A. GoL' en,
[seal] Notary Public.
* <
W.Thomas,' n u, , "
President. ‘
•’«»>* MclIU0n,cJ^Wtt
the ,
tafe Bank
OF O’Neill.
AuTiroitrzKD Capital. $100,noo
Paid dp Capital,Km.ono,
Livery Barn.
Everything First-Class.
Barn Opposite Campbell’s Implement Ihmsa
I have opened up a Feed Mill at
I will grind nil kinds of Feed and
will «(fl|bange Feed for Grain. Seeui,
south & .Wagers,’ when yon
want Feed at low prices.
Purchase Tickets and Consign your
Freight via the
F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P
H. G. BURT. General Manager.
Gen’l. Freight Agt. Gen’l. Pass. Agt
Passenger east, - - 9:35 a. m.
Freight east, - - 10:45 a.m.
Freight west, - • 1:45 r. m
Passenger west, • - 5:15 r. M
Freight, .... G:44r.N.
Tlio Blkhorn Lino Is now running Reclining
Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead
wood. jree to holders of first-class transpor
Fer any Information call on
S. C. & N. Lesses
Ul Points in Dakota. Dixon. Cedar. PierM
Autolopo and Holt Counties to
JpMiclxQuBe TTovl* Tic3c«t» aaad.
Slxlp *2"ovLr
The Pacific Short Lin£
an Pacific Sliort Line and to Sion- ,jje pa
il 1 points east, apply to the agent
:iflo Sliort Line at O'Neill, or
I. N. TITTKMOKE. W. Bf>n pU Af'l
(ten. Freight Agt. ”tn. r j„,»
K. C. HILL, Gen. Man. Sioux tnj
J. w. firesaOgh, a6T"