UBLISHED by the frontier PRINTING CO, VOLUME XII. _ SUBSCRIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. MARCH 3. 1892. ALL KINDS OF JOS WORK PROMPTLY EXEOUTID. NUMBER 34. First National Bank, O’NEILL - NEBRASKA. a,n-iJP Capital. $5o,ooo. Surplus, $2o,ooo. Authorised Capital, $100,000. iIAI). j BERMINGHAM, Pres. J. P. MANN, Vice Pres, j.’. UALLAQHEIl. Casiiieu. FRED II. SWINGLEY, Asst. Cashier. iiji'V Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Favorable Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Interest. Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: McManus M. Cavanaugh. T. F. Bermingham. J. P. Mann: i; W. Montcomkry. Ed. F. Gai.lagher. • Tiiad. J. Bermingham. [OLT COUNTY BANK, o’neill, Nebraska. VII) ADAMS, President. u. L. DARR, Cashier. Wm. Adams, Asst. Cashier. GENERALiBANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. nts for the Cunard. North German Lloyd, American and Red Star lines of American Steamships. Buy and sell drafts drawn on principal cities of Emope and America. Accounts of Arms and individuals solicited. 'olleetions Made and Remited on the Day ot Payment. )HN J. McCAFFERT'y! Tinware, Farm Implements,!': RNITURE, WOODENWARE, WAGONS, CoRN-ShELEERS Coffins a ^Undertaking Supplies. CO., NEK. MOSES CAMPBELL’S wing Machines and Organs. ' keep constantly on hand the WHITE sewing machines, nut, oak or mahogany. The new Rotary Shuttle is the lt(‘st running, most noiseless and fastest sewer of any ma le ever made. I have the ESFEY Organ always in stock, mudcians know this to be one of the best Organs made iuiy manufacturers. If you want a Sewing Machine or an ':m don’t let some traveling sharper take you in. He will ■live to charge you two prices for inferior goods. No mat 'vliat guarantees he will give you they are not as good as