LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL NOTICE. ■ nieluird T. Mill*, Charlotte Mills. 0. II. Toncray and Kimna K. Toncray, Ezra H. Carr, administrator of tho estate of N. H. Richardson, deceased, H. A. .Inndl and K. C. Tompkins, partners doing buslnossundor tlio firm name of Jundt and Tompkins, and .Jos eph Holmes, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the 24 th day of December. lHId, the Union Trust Uom»:ai.y, plaint Iff herein, filed Its petition 'r. me dist rict court of Holt eountv Nebraska, against said do #“ndants .the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants, Richard T. Mills and Chat lotto Mills, his wife, to the plaintiff. upon tho south west Quarter of the southeast quarter of section eleven, and tho southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twelve, township thirty-one. range ten. west, In Holt county, Nebraska, to secure tho payment of two promissory notes dutnd February 15,1887, for the sum of #25, and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum after maturity; that there Is now due upon said notes and mort ?ago, according tothe terms thereof, Includ ng taxes and Interest on a prior note and mortgage paid by jilalntllT to protect Its se curity, the sum of $2UU and Interest at tho rate of ten per cent per annum from August I, lstti. and plaintiff prays that said premises may no decreed to ho sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that defendant limy be foreclosed of all equity of redemp tion or other Interest In said mortgaged premises. . , ., . , . You are required to answer said petition on or before tno eighth day of February, 18VI. bated December 114.lHttl. THE UNION TRUST COMPANY, 23-4 Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Addison L. Pauley, George J, Squires and Albert Dufour, Louie A. Long ami Mary Long, his wife, defendants, will take notice that on the 24th day of December, ISUI, the Union Trust Company, plaintiff heroin, filed Its petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by de fendant. Addison L. Pauley, to plaintiff, upon the south half of tho northeast quarter and the south half of t he north wast quarter of section seven, township thirtv-lwo. range ten, west, In Holt county, Nebraska, to se cure the payment of three promissory notes duted February 4, 1887, for the sum of $80 and Interest at the rate often percent per annum after maturity: that there Is now due upon said notes anu mortgage, according to tlie terms thereof, including luteteat on prior note and mortgage paid ny plaintiff to pro tect. Its security, the sum of $250 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from August l, 1891, and plaintiff prays t hat said premises may ho decreed to he sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that defendants may bo foreclosed of all equity of redemption or other Interest in said mortgaged premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 8th day of February, 1802. Dated December 24,1801. THE UNION TRUST COMPANY, 25-4 Plaintiff. HU nir. iun i l IILUA i 1U.>. Land Ofmok at O’Neill, Nob., i Doc. 3,1HIII. i Notice la hereby given that the followlng named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis cla'ui, and that said proof will bo made beforo too register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on February id, 1892, vl/.: ERNST HICHTER, II. E. 12955 For tho NWk 21-111-10 west. lie names tho following witnesses to provo bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Earl Allen. Mlnncola, Neb.j Frunk Darr and Joseph Bhollniyer, ScottvlUo, Nob.; Hur rett Scott, O’Neill, Neb. 28-fit B. 8. Gillespie. Register. LEGAL NOTICE. Henry Hold. Dora lfohl, Henry Brown. F. C. arable, Mrs. F.O. Grublo. Mrs. J. It. Clark, administrator of tho estate of J. H. Clark, de ceased. Joseph Damron,defendants, will take notice that on tho 0th day of January, 1892. Sylvia A. Daniels, plalntllT herein, filed her petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of whluh aro to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by defendants,llenry Hold und Dora Hold, to the Showalter Mort gage Company upon the south hulf of tho southwest quarter of section fourteen (H) and the north half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three (28) In township twen ty-six (20), north of range fourteen (14) west of the sixth principal meridian, containing 100 acres, more or less, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated August"!, 1888, for the sum of 8500 and Interest t ' t at the rate of seven per cent per annum, payablu semi-an nually. and ten per cent, after maturity; that tliete Is now due upon said note and mort Buje.^accordlng to the terms thereof, the sum 012.25 and luterest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from January 1, 1802. and plalntllT prays that said premises may bo de creed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 22d day of February, 1892. Dated January 9,1802. „ SYLVIA A. DANIELS, Plalntl IT. By H. M. Uttlbt, Attorney. 37-4 NOTICE. To Henry Gordon, Sybil Gordon, A. J. Mldcr, defendants. You will take notice that on the 14th day of January. 1892 tho Loan and Guarantee Com r of Connecticut, plaintiff herein, filed lb punv of Connecticut, plaintiff herein, filed Its petition In tho district court of Holt eountv. Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob ject and pruvor of which are tho foreclosure of a oortuln mortgage executed bv t lie de fendants, Henry Guidon and Sybil Guidon, to the plnlntllf upon the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots two and three (3 and 8) lu section one (1) and lot one (1) and tho southwest quarter of the uortheast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section twelve (12). township thirty three (88), range fourteen (14), containing one hundred slxty-one and 53-100 acres, accord ing to the government survey, in Holt coun ty. Nebraska, to sucuro the payment of tho defendants' promissory coupon note dated August 20, 1886, for the sum of one thousand dollars (11,000), due und payablu September 1, 1891, after date thereof; that there Is now due upon the said note and mortguge the sum or eleven hundred fifty and S5-1G0 dol lars (fl. 150.85), for which sum with luterest from this date plaintiff pruys for a decree that the defendants maybe required to ptiv the same, or thut said premises may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due, together with the amount of thirty-two dollars ($82). taxes which the plalntllT has been compelled to pay to protect Its Interest. You are required to auswer said petition on or before the 2»th day of February. 1892. THE LOAN AND GUARANTEE COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT. 88-4 Per L. T. Bond, Attorney. wuiitEi run ruuiiitAiiua. Land Omcs at O'Neill, Neb., I - — ' uj. f __ . January 20,1802. , Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on March 8,1882, viz: „ . PATRICK BEGLEY, D. S. 10081. For the SWfc See. 10, Tp. 29, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of Bald land, viz: Thomas Walsh, Anthony Murray, James Hixson, Edward tiallatrher, all of O’Neill, Neb. 28-6* B. 8. Gillespie, Register. LEGAL NOTICE. < The Showalter Mortgage Company, Jacob etotler, receiver, Jacob Stotler, Howard In vestment. Company, Fredriok Stevens, Alva i.'; Porridge, Moses A. Richards, Charles E. Flandro.CatherlneM. McCormick and Mathew H. McCormick, defendants, will take notico that on the 15th day of January, 1892, Olive K. Emmons Nee Mrs. Henry Emnions plaintiff ®*e® her Petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebroska, against said de fendants, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Catherine M. McCormick anti Mathew II. McCormick to the Showalter Mortgage Company upon the north-east quarter of section twenty-two, Township thirty-one,northrange eleven west 6th P.M.,in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated July 3, 1888. for the sum of $000 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annniu payuble semi annually and 10 per cent after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage, according to the terms thereof, the sum of $1037.56 and interest at the rate of 10 percent, per annum from January 1.1802, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount duo thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 29th day of February, 1892. Dated January 18,1802. Olive E. Emmons Nee Mbs Henry Emmons Plaintiff. 28-4 II. M. Uttlkt, her Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE.* Elizabeth Hoe, formerly Elizabeth Good hand. Klchnrd Ivor, her huKhand. Amu Doe, formerly Ann (loolnaud, mid John Doe. tier hiiHhaiwl. whose true mono are to plaintiff unknown. Elizabeth Goodhand. Aim Good hum!. George Goodluiml, Mary Goodhand, his wife, henry Goodhand, Allen Goodhand. his wife, John Goodhand ami Emma Goodhand. his wife, heirs lit law of Mark GocdimiHi deceased and Charlotte Goodliutul. dofend | ants, will take notice that, on the:.'lstday of ! .Iannary, I89JA The Union Trust Company, plaintiff herein, tilled Its pet it ion In the dis trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by defendant, Charlotte Good hand and Mark Goodlmnd since deceased, to plaintiff, upon the Northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-eight, township twenty-six, range twelve, west. In Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promts *ory note dated December 111, imti, for the sum of $13 and interest at the rate of ten percent, per an mini after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof. Including interest on a prior note and mortgage mid taxes paid by JduIntllT to protect its security, the sum of >100 and Interest at the rate of ten percent, per annum from .lime 1, 1891, and plaintiff prays that said promises may he decreed to lie sold to sat isfy the .amount found due therein, and that defendants may bo fore closed of all equity of redemption or other interest in said mortgaged premises. You are required to answer said petltio on or before tin* 29th day of February, 185#. Dated fl antiary 21. 1H92.’ THE UNION TKUST COMPANY.* 28-4 Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Vaclav Kubovco, non-resident defendant, will take notice that on the 17th day of Octo ber, 1891, The Union Trust Compahy.plaint ill’ herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said de fendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendant, Vaclav Kubovee, to plaintilf upon tho north-cast quarter of section twenty-three, township twenty-seven, range twelvo west In Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the pay mint of a promissory note dated July 1.», 1887, for tho sum of $15 and in terest at tho rato of 10 percent, per annum after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof Including Interest on a prior mortgage, paid by plaintltf to protect Its security, the sum of $luu and interest at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum from July 1, 1891. and plaintiff prays that said premises may tie decreed to bo sold to satisfy tho amount due thereon. You are requDed to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of February, 1892. Dated January 19, <892. 28-4 Tina Union Tuust Company, Plaintilf. in Tins distwct couiiT or holt * COUNTY, NEllUASKA. WifiUAM \V. Andrews ) vs. V NOTICE. Hanley H. Glosson bt al. ) Ilanloy II. Closson, Henrietta Closson. Jos hua Murray, and.Murray, his wife, non-rosldunl. defendants, will take notice that on the 12th day of Sent., 1891, the plaintiff William \V. Androws, filed In theofhee of the clerk of the district court of Holt county Nebraska, Ids petition, the object and prayer of which ure to foreloso a certain mortguge executed by defendants, Hanley 15. Olosson and Henrietta Closson, on the 1st day of October, 1885, driven to secure the payment of one certain nrommlssury note of the sum of $(UK), due and payable five years after date, with interest at the rato of 7 per emit per annum, which said mortgugt? conveyed the following described premises .situateef in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt:—The northeast ouarter of section twenty-six (2(5), township t wenty seven (27), range nine (9), west of the bth principal meridian. Said mortgage being now wholly due and unpaid together with all Interest aeeuring from t he date thereof, you are required to answer the said petition on or before the 7th day of March, lb92. Dated, Jan. 20,1802. «(M Lewis & Homes, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE C. H.Toncrny, Emma Toneray, James Mar shall mid Sarah 15. Marshall, defendants, will take notice that Susan 11. Hertram, plaintlIf, lias Hied a petition in the district, court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend ants. Impleaded with Nelson Toneray, Geo. J. Squires, Albert Detour and Ed F. Gallagher, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgugo dated i ebruary U. lsKtk for $400 and Interest,and taxes paid by plaintiff, on the south half of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section ten (ID), also the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eleven (U), all In township tweutv elght (28), north, range thirteen (K5j, west. In said county, given by James Marshall and Sarah 15. Marshall to the Western Trust and Security Gompany and assigned to plaintitf, and to have the same decreed to he a first lein, and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of March, 1892. Dated January 22. 1892. SUSAN II. HEUTKAM, Plaintiff. lfy Monger & Courtriglit, Attorney:.. aw IN THE nrSTKIUT COUIIT of holt COUNTY, NEUUASKA. WTmam W. Andhkws, Plain tiff. I James Connoi.y, Administhatou, } ^TCI kt At... Defendants. j To Michael Cotmoly, Thomas Connoly, jun ior, John Connoly. Mib'nret Cline and Jacob Cline, hushand of said fendants.will take notice that on the Kill day of September. Will. William W. Andrews lllecl ids petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants and oilier heirs of Thomas Connoly,deceased, the object amt prayer of said petit Ion being 10 foreclose a certain trust deed executed by said Thomas Connoly. deceased, to J. if. Keith, trusteo for George H.Ash, upon the south-east quarter of section ten and the south-eust quarter or section three, in town ship twenty-nine, range twolte. west, in llolt county. NoDrnskn, to secure the paymontol 11 certain coupon bond, dated July la, 18S7, for the sum of K.AWdue and payable In live years from date, or upon default In the con ditions thereof; there is now due upon sa'd !>nml and trust deed t'lie sum of, to. which snm, with Interest and the amount ol certain taxes paid upon said premises, the Plaintiff asks a decree tlmt the said premises lie sold to satisfy. You are required to answer said petition or or before the Uth dav of March. 18-rJ Dated February J, is«i2. LEWIS & HOLMES, K U. DICKSON, Attorneys for W. W. Andrews, PIf. NOTICE. To Nuthun Winters and Carrie Winters, do ion den is: Yoli will take notice that on the 20th (lav of .January 1HC, Joseph Monteith, pluintlir iiei't-in. tiled ills petition in the district court of liolt county. Nehraska. against said de fendants. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by the above named defendants to J. H. Keith. trustee, upon the following de scribed real estate Situated in Liolt county, Nebraska, to-wit: Thu cast half of the north east quarter of section thirty-two, and the north half of the northwest quarter of sec tion thirty-three, all in township tliirtv-one tange fifteen, west of thetith 1>. ,M„ to secure the payment of a certain promissory note or bond, dated Junuuay 21, 1SS8, for the sum of SKio and interest at the rate of seven per cent pet nnnnmn payable semi-annually; that tltere is now due uikui said note and mort gage. according to tile terms thereof, the sum ot ¥l,iiw, and plaint itr prays that said defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises may he decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount found due plalntitf on said note. ion are required to answer said petition on or before tile 14th day of March. 18v2. Dated l ebruary 1, 18112. „„ , it. It. DICKSON, "“** ‘ Attorney for l’iaiutiff. KaUap—1, Montana, Is the distributing point for the Flat Head Valley and Kootenia country, and is the present terminus of the Pacific Extension of the Great Northern Rail way Line. You can go there by rail all the way by taking the Sioux City & Northern Railroad. For maps, rates, etc., write to or call upon VV. B. Mc Nider, general passenger agent, Sioux City. Uncolored Japan tea in hundsome little baskets at sixty cents per pound at Pfuud & Wagers. The tea is of ex cellent quality and the baskets make nice work or baud baskets for the ladios. Try one. | Tlie Editor*. p'nmi tlio Fremont Tritmno, Of all good tilings it lias been Fre mont’s fortune to partake this is tlio first ti me it 1ms enjoyed the privilege of en tertaining the Nebraska Press associa lion. It therefore becomes tbe pleasure of Tbe Tribune to extend for tbe c itizens of Fremont their most cordial greeting to the brethren of tbe press. The editors of Nebraska are not all here, by any means, but there are | enough of them and of such character as j to give the atmosphere a decidedly Intel luctuul tinge and to foreshadow the most sneeessf til meeting, both in good results and attendance, that the associa tion has ever held. This is all the trib ute Fremont desires from the association, modestly addmitling that it is the high est that can be tendered. The knights of the scissors and quill who are among us are representative members of the profession and when The Tribune says that it does not blush for its profession. They are ns coura geous and hopeful and persistent knights too, as ever broke a javelin or shattered a spear on the helmet of an antagonist in the list. They are actively engaged, ench and all, in lighting for the right as they see it and putting forth their utmost efforts for the upbuilding of their respective communities. With some of them this toil is unrequited; with others the wolf is held in abeyance at a reasonable and safe distance from tbe threslihold. It is to banisb tbe wolf still further and to whet the wits and enlarge the capacity for more and bet ter newspaper work that these annual gatherings are held. The visitors are hereby officially noti fied that our habitations are so construc ted that the latch strings dangle on the outside, that the city is theirs and the fullness thereof, and that all that can minister to their comfort, happiness and entertainment in their's without asking, and welcome. i No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences' from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain’s cough remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of lagrippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have j yet to learn of a single case that has not. | recovered or that has resulted in ptieu- ; monia. 115 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Cprrigan, Druggist. We want every mothor to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarsneas; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain’s cough remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy ns directed. It bos never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan druggist. .—.’""t "T HOLT COUNTY BANK O NEILL- NEB? •Ofoeet Bulk in the INr Elkhern Talk* AUTHORIZED CAPITAL *00.COO. DAVID ADAMS, PiusstoB-vr. • J. E BLAIION, Vick Piies. D. Li- DARK Cashier Does a Genera Hanking Business. Issues time certificates bearing interest. Draws drafts on Omaha New York, London lublin Edinburg and other cities. —M&kas long time oans on IMPROVED FARMS !3»~S()lla European pnssenirer tickets 'V. D. Matiiews, U. W. Wattles. President. Viee-Piesiden John McIIcch, Cashier. * THE * State Bank of O’Neill Authorized Capital, $100,000. Paid up Capital, $30,000 BOARD OF DIRECT **V,J G W. Wattles, John McBride. O. C. Ilazelet, Bernard Mullen . »V. D. Mathews, S. C. Sample, John McHugh. so a cornu sum son A line lot of glassware and crockery just received at . Heineriksous. The goods will bear inspection and are cheap ns the cheapest. FEED MILL I have opened up n Feed Mill at O’NEILL, NEB I will grind nil kind* of Feed nnd will exchange Feed for drain. See u», south of l’i'iind & Withers,’ when you want Feed nt low pricey. GRANT HATFIELD "Of course it hurts, but you must grin and bear it,” Is the old time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. "If you will take the trouble to dampen a piece of llanncl with Cham berlain's pain balm and bind it on over the scat of the pain your iheumatistn will disappear,” is the modern and much mpre satisfactory advice, 50 cent bottles for sale by I’. C. Corrigan, druggist. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chambeihitn’s cough rem edy is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, King Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Morris & Co. St. Patrick’s pills are carefully pre pared from the best material and ac cording ‘o the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produce.!. P. C. Corrigan sells them.. , CON 8V Ml*TION C VKISD. An old physician, retired from practice, having* had placed in his hands by an East India mlsslonaay the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth ma and all throat arid Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De bility ajid all Nervous CompUliits, after having tested its curative powers in thous ands of cases, lias felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, in German. French or English, with full directions for prepar ing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers* Block, Rochester. N. Y. The Handsomest Lady in O’Neill Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a Sam pie Bottle Free. arge size 50c and $1. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the postoffice at O’Neill, Neb., unclai med, for the week ending Feb. 4,1892. Charlie Spengler Bart Howard .lames A. Henderson Fred M. Uans Miss Maggie Carney In calling for the above please say “adver tised.” ,T. 11. ltinas, P. M O’Neill Market Report. The following is a correct market re port for this week: Hogs, $ 100 lbs.$3.1* V Wheat.$ .58 Steers.2.5!I Oats.17 Fat cows.1.50@1.8UjRye.55 Butter..201 Buckwheat. 45 Eggs.20! Ear corn.JO Potatoes, ffibu.20jShelled. 20 Notice to the Public. O’Neill, Neb., January 27, 1892. I have this day purchased the eutire implement business of my brother, Frank Campbell. I will continue the business at the old stand. My stock will be complete and will l.e sold at the lowest living prices. I hope for a con tinuance of the liberal patronage which this business has received in the past and will endeavor bv fair dealing to re tain the coulidence of the people. Moses Campbell. Notice is hereby given that I have thisdaysold my entire business to my brother, Moses Campbell, who will con tinue to conduct the business at the old stand. Dated January 27, 1892. Frank Campbell. The Population of O'Neill Is about 1,500, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affec tion of the Throat and Lungs, as those copiplaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat aud Lungs. Trial»ize free. Large Bottles 50c and 81. Sold by all druggists. Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between Ed F. Gallagher and T. F. Birmingham under the tirin name of the Galena Lumber Company is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Ed F. Gal lagher retiring and T. F. Birmingham continuing the business under the old firm name.* All parties owing the firm will make settlement with Mr. Birming ham and all claims owing by the firm, if any, will be settled by him. Dated at O’Neill, Neb.. Jan. 15, 1S92. Ed F. Gallagher 29-4 T. F. Birimingham. It is with much pleasure that I take advantage of this opportunity to thank my friends and patsons for their kind favors in the past and also solicit their continuance in the future. T. F. Biuiiixgiiam FOB SALE OU RENT—A good stock farm in Turtle Creek township, Boyd County, About 1000 acres of land, good house, sheds, limber enough for house use and building sheds, and run ning water which never freezes About 100 acres in cultivation and a most excel lent place for stock. Plenty of range. Inquire at this office, or address J. IL Riggs, O’Neill, Nfb. * FRAb j f, Sewing Machines and Or I keep constant y on hand the WHITE sewin» u-ulnut, oak or mahogany. The new Rotary Sin,Sf'1' lightest running, m. st noiseless and fastest sewer,* N chine ever made. I have the ESFEY Organ alwav •atly All nmeieians know ;his to be one of the best Ort *" v by any manufacturer*. If you want a Sewin* M ? 1 Organ don’t let soirn traveling sharper take you hi iV be sure to charge you two prices for inferior goods v ter what guarantees le will give you they are not as*'" you can get from a p rmaneut dealer in your own U ?•“ will take orders for and most liberal ten is 22*3mo Pianos and give the very 1 OWcst FRANK CAMPBELL, BleilL Ss JOHN J McCAFFHRT —- DEALER !N=> HARDWARE Tinware, Farm Implements, Furniture, Wood ti'ware, Wagons, Cork-Shhuj Coffins and Undertaking Supplies • O’NiiliHOLT CO„ NEB. New I#! © Enlarged Business. © i-isn-Up Capital, $5o,ooo. Surplus, $So,o Authorised Capital, $100,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $4,096. THAI). J BIRMINGHAM, Pres. J. p. MANN, Vires I'1; ED. F. GALLAGHER, Cashier. Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Pavci lerms. Issue liui ! Certificates Bearing Interest. Buy and Sell Foreign tfe Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: c- CLM.V,,LLrd- M- Cav/ *'n0H- T. F. Bkbmincham. J. P. M. L. \V. Montgomery. . r readers will notice the : ments in these columns of Cht ifc Co., Des Moines, la. From experience we can say that ( Iain's cough remedy has brokei colds for our children and acquainted with many mother: crvillc who would not be will the house for a good many i cost and are recommending it e —Centerville, S. D , Chronicle n 25 cent, 50 cent and SI bottle: I by P. C Corrigan, druggist e. William wife, anil in at.-, will January, plaintiff ri t court aid de wliich are '■cull'd by M.iore, liis si quarter id tv-nine, in ask a. to scry note i: i of SMI * ant per is a ,vdue ding to rest on a ■ paid by ic sum of i cent I plain » decreed -■ thereon. ' i d of all ' i in said i ctitionon 1XM2. | ’ANY, I •luintitf. ; 'vile, and I defend- | -fc day of I vompuny, 1 the dis- | against fiyer of uortga^e ) and .lo pon the ly-throe, wOi in 'he >ay No. eia nd i uter i’ ai.ium • ‘ue upon "■Z to the a prior * v l'tain of km 'JO •enr, per pin in tiff octved to thereon, ed of all ■ crest in lition on aa. AW, lain tiff. tlvertise uberlain liersonal number up bad we are in Cent- J out it in ! times its cry day >1 Index. for sale LEGAL NOTICE. Check 11. Toneray anil EmniaTi. T his wife, impleaded with Itody.l. Hr*' defendants, will take notice that ■ n day of January. 18W2, The Union T”:c< tiny, plaintiff herein, filed Its petiti ■: district court of Holt county, >■ asrainst said defendants, the oi»j 1 prayer of wliich are to foreclose u mortgage executed by defendants. 1 Iiayes and Mary A. Hayes, his wife, »< tiff, upon the northeast quarter J eighteen, township twenty-eight. ran. teen. west, in liolt county, Nebraska cure the payment of a promissory ",iI November 1,1880. for the sutu of tin terest at tlie rate of seven per cent, num payable semi-annually a ml ten t after maturity; that there is now da said note and mortgage accordk - terms thereof, including taxes paid -y tiff to protect its security, the sum.", and interest at the rate of ten per er annum from November 1. lt«*l. and p ^ that said premises may hede- i d to satisfy the amount due t. and that defendants may be force equity of redemption or other fate said mortgaged premises. You arc required to answer said P1'11 or before the 20th day, of February. •' Dated January 21.1802. vVl TUE UNION TltlTST 284 Mr. XV. C. Keed, proprietor « Hotel Ilellone. Omaha, one of the new and modern hotels in tin1 says of Chamberlain's cough re::. “YVe have used it in our family for' with the most satisfactory results r< tally fo'r our children, for .old croup. It can be depended upon sides it is pleasant to lake an ! see., be free from cloroform an. to' substances put into many co'.j’h tures.” 25 cent, 50 cent and ?l " for sale by P. C. Corrigan, Many persons who have *et" from la grippe are now trou: s " persistent cough. Chamberiu • ' remedy will promptly loosen 11 ' and relieve the lungs, effeeti'- ■' mant cure in a very short tiino • 50 cent bottles for sale by P gan, Druggist. _ Get the best weekly in the county and get u premium them by subscribing for the o' * Frontier, both of which we a • ing for $3, in advance. 1 ", . before ordering your result.... year._— , Itch, mange and scratches ^ kind, on human or animals. r« 1 ‘ minutes by YVoolfords Sani*B! This never fails. Sold b) • ,,r druggist.