On|M*| Leade to Conaanptlon. Kemp'a DtM« 'will atop «be Cough art —Be. Ge to your Drugglat today and gel • TRII aiunple bottle. Large bottle* M oenta and (LOO. —Tba Spanish children hide their aboea •a allppera In the bushes Christmas eve, Hd find them tilled with fruit aud eugoi plume on Chiistmas morning. A great many people will be intereated la reading the advert laement of thb New York Life, printed in this inaue, giving th< reaulta of the recent examination of th< eonpanv by the New York Insurance de partment, snowing the asaeta of the com pany to be ovor *120,000,(100 and its eur plua over 114,000,000, and alao showing th« reaulta of the compnny'a twenty year Ton tiae polielea, which arc now muturing. —In recent yeara a number of ejcperib tiona, arlontltlo and commercial, have touched at Nova Zembla, but the ialaud li atlll little known, and even the greatei part of Ua const line la not yet accurately laid down on the mupa. Nothing like it — Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. It’s os peculiar in its compo sition, os in its curative effects, in oil the diseases and disorders that afflict womankind. It’s a legitimate mcdioine—an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, anil a positive rem edy for female weaknesses and ailments. All functional disturb ances, irregularities, and derange ments are cured by it. There’s nothing liko it in the way it acts— there’s nothing liko it in tho way it’s sold. It’s guaranteed to givo satisfaction in every case, or tho money paid for it is promptly re funded. Read tho guarantee on the wrap Tou lose nothing if it doesn’t help you—but it will. The system is invigorated, tho blood enriched, digestion improved, molancholy and nervousness dis pelled. It’s a legitimate medicine, the only one that’s guaranteed to give satisfaction in tuo euro of all "female complaints.” per. fa Kennedy’s Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order; Bowels. . Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before It that ought to be out. You know whether you need it or not. Sold by every druggist.and manufactured by . DONALD KENNEDY, ROXBURY, MASS smu SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success hi CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug i on a positive guarantee, a test that no other gists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other Cure can stand successfully. If you have a COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, it trill cure you promptly. If your child h CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, I has the . use it quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON SUMPTION. don’t wait until your case is hope less, but take this Cure at once and receive immediate help. Price 50c and $1.00 Ask your druggist for SHILOH’S CURE If your lungs are sore or back lame, ust Shiloh’s Porous Plasters. PILES ANAKKSI8 give* Instant relict, *nd 1b an INFALLI BLE CUKE for PILES. Price. $1; at drnnistB or by mail. tUmples tre\ ‘•ANAKESIS.** oxiMifl. New Yoke City. UMOUS ODELL TYPEWRITER Ittsuaedby mpy Retail •tore. Law* 7 at. Minis* Ur, Doctor! •▼•ry Public Ichoo1 ti Adoptia* lit Ion and Edit* All the Goo* rrnnnt Of* rtaM of lla clean print, simplicity k mAnl<«ld copies . No lo yoor work in on** hour * prarttav. Bent to any town jn th* U 8 fortl d*-t>o«tt, balum-o C. O D. mitun'l to trial. Order uow and trot tne Ajcrncy. ODRU/TYPIt W1UT£& CO.. 3M iu SOS l>«Mi U>m Straot, Chicago, 11L 00 NOT BE DECEIVED jvith Pastes, Enamels, and Paint* which stain the hand*, injure the iron, ami burn off. The Kisinj'Sim Stove Polish is Bril liant, Odorless, Durable, and the con sumer pays for no tin or class package with every purchase. HALF AN HOUR IN HEAVEN The Only Time in All Eternity That Silence Reigned. tlie Hlilcr* on the White Horae* Kelneil In Their Charger*, the Uoiolnglp* Were Hushed uml the Trump et* Ceased to Hound, Bnooxi.r*. N. Y.. Jon. 8t.—Dr. Tnlmage ha* of late been preaching on texts of acripture that *cem to have been neg lected anil here Is a sermon on a beautiful text which probably was never before se lected for a discourse: Rev. viii: 8: “There was silence in heaven about the apace of half an hour.” The busiest place in the universe is heaven. It is the center from which all good influences start; it is the goal at which all good results arrive. The bible represents it as active, with wheels and wings and orchestras and processions mounted or charioted, llut my text describes a space when the wheels ceased to roll and the trumpets to sound and the voices to chant. The riders on the white horses reined in their chargers. The doxolo gies were huslu d and the processions halted. The hand of arrest was put upon all the splendors. "Stop, heaven !” MaMpr for Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.