Orr PFiCJAL DIRECTORY ‘ J ' . John M.Thuver . ...T. J. Mnjoru r ",r , ...J- C. Allen' fmtte. .J.T.. Hill • •...'(Joorse H. Hastings C-niT*1. Thomas II. Denton :-‘V> instriietion ••• ■■ ,.,.ATE UNIVERSITY, t.tiwolu i LosvUt Huraham. "'ll iho'. l;111',is, McCook: Ooorgo i''‘; l-^hton; Cbas. H. Morrill,Stroms :0X(!11ESSlO^ Omaha; "fffiSEW-L* '■i'^ikinltow; Win. McKcighan, feed f t!,e l>l«t ‘ ii rt‘r• • C\ a C ou rt^ ...John MoBrldo riot Court... • K. M. Lowe .. Barrett Scott ...‘.John S.Weckes . G. O. lla/.elct . ..C.K.Butler .. . C. McKvony . ..13. J. Mack .V.1I. \V. Dudloy .V/'. ii \v DiuHev :l,yschool*.Mrs.* h’. W. Dudley ..Dr.c. e. foh .. >V. l'age ,y„r.. • E. w. Adams ..siii’EUVisofes. A ME TOWNSHIP AH DUESS M-Chm W W i,nl I! 1' ,1 .Inhn tan .lulm , hi.- r t A v l s It .1 M W It \YT 1. A r ■naan J , .1 V r :uiey W \ H<»wtird W , m pi'r Win is K E tt M I1C j Green Valley j Pair view I Beloit ! Cleveland I r iiiiittri [Ewing Sami Creek Shields {Chambers Verdigris. iPrands j Buck Palls Paddock Dustin Grattan Willowdale Emtnet Sheridan Stuart Scott Lake Turtle Creek J'leasontvlew Steel Creek ; Atkinson I Wyoming Saratoga i McClure O’Neill Iowa Conley Swan Atkinson Inez Ewing Stuart Inman Ewing Atkinson O’Neill Chambers Page Atkinson Turner Leon hi Badger O’Neill Minneola Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Scottville Bliss Grand Ilapids Emmet Star Atkinson Amelia Turner Little O’Neill Lambert Harold Swan tiRATlAJ* j u >ri ojiii . .-mW. 8. U. Howard; Treasurer, J. C. ' iorii, N. Martin; Assessor, 8. F. ,) unices, M. Slutterly and Chas. . Bentley.R.8. I). L. Darr. P. 8. l. li. Thompson, Treas. I^ilXEI'n LODGE, NO.()5,F.&A.M. ■dwlit r cPmmunlcations Thursday niglits ,? «the full of the moon. ■ FJjtAxs, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. IwlE1.',U CHAPTER, It. A. M. * ' tt8a,n^tthird Thursday of each IlAKNisn, F I'onTCm'“KLM¥,T LOUGH:, U. D. i. in 0d(|C pi■ u. I'. meets every second and fourth eucli month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. ' >1.Cleveland, S. S. Wole, C. P. MO. 11, DAUttHTEHS -.1.,,; J^hhKAH, meets every 1st and 8d lJuJ of each month in Odd Follow** Hall, p,., ta. „ Alice Adams, N. G. tUA i) Aim. Secretary. Bonth in >V ulBl ,U1U tnira \V ] H Masonic hall, nouns, See. j. c. . aiul S. . 'Knurrs’ aim .-NO. 7. °imh Satunhiv «*? meets ev’ery second and CviU'd, All p* m* Visiting- members “embers." Kootl farmers urged to become “viud. “ttnberH. .— - -« — 1 *-1ngEg*or.L, Sec 0' J' ALLO.N.Prest. )RmeSll0vf*f AL1.IANCF., NO. 005, Thfhtnonth’n? ?-v’S,cd-,lnd Friday at 7:00 am v. (•nk,',?11:.8-Hnd Sat. at..l:lX)pm fr11* Monduv Vv A, D paddock. ^‘vesTuee.iuV 'n?d'llnd Friday at..7:00 am tv o’npitburs. and Sut. at..4:i!0p m Mondav V2D NI"“hARA. V Atv>vcs Tuesduv' om°d‘ and Frl. at—7:00 a tr W h'NKtuk ”rs- UIU| Sat. at...4:00p ir E** Mon W„iI,D CUMMINS VILLE. 8®rtsMou.' Wed ,l',d Pfltluys ;i,t. ..11:00 p m n ,v,. “nd E 1’iday at.1:00 pm £ "% east , i ‘NO or mails. Slowest C?„8es at.0:20k * ®ai] clcst ® ™s°s at.5:00 pm ■atf. 61 ■ mtn. before time of do i^day Irene-'.0® B°Cns. t,rVr"ni !•::()...'.}!*' 8. m. to 8:00 p. m. Sun 1 ’ a m and 5:§0to7:00p to5, , U8lucssonly on week days 1M,t* J, H. Ufoas. P. M. ONbiLLbUblNHSSDI RECTORY H. FIERCE. ATTOllNEY-AT LAW. Real Estate and Insurance. Jg II. BENEDICT, lawyer. OiUoe tii the Judgo Kobortg budding, north ol Harriett A Vreon* lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. g W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prnntlce in nil tho courts. 8peclal at Is also” ven to ^orecl°sure8 and collections. COUNTY ATTORNEY. * J. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. o£?S™tS,1,r?ctl00' the Settlement of Estates, Pension, Back pay 'and Bounty claims, Contest cases und all business beforo the local and gen -, ,-. uuunu oral land offices a specialty.. AL80 8HORT HAND WRITER. Charges always reasonable. Offloo llrst door east ot McCaiferty’s hardware storo. Q A. WELLS. DENTIST. Offlcc over the Holt County Bank. iQR. C. D. B. EISAMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, '.VN1ULL, . NEB. *». a. iiaiMii.ooi), PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fittlnfl glasses a specialty. Otlicc hours II to 12 a. m. and S to 5 p. m. Office oveii "THE EMPORIUM.” gE WIN G MACHINES REPAIRED BY GEORGE BLINCO E^Satisfnction gaurantecd. ^|ULI,E.\ BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. JC. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARS, ETO. ^ BOYD,] BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. H. MEREDITH, ATTORNEY-AT- AW. COMPLETE SET OF Abstract © Books. .. Office ovku IIoi.t County Bank. £^*FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCED In U. 8. Land Businrsb A. H. CORRETT j WILL A'PTEND TO YOUR 1 DENTISTRY IN FIRST-CLASS shape. • PHOTOGRAPHY® OF ALL KINDS Fronptlr and Satisfactorily Executed. = Office and gal ary on Fourth street east ol‘ Holt County Bank. R.R. 1>ICKS«.\'&C0.. , , SU0CE880R8 TO T. V. GOLDEN & CO.,’ Title Abstracters/Conreyancers, TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS. FARM LANDS •' • AND TOWN LOTS FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. HOTEL EVANS. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarg ed. Refurnished -AND REFITTED. Only First Class Hotel In City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. FEED MILL I have opened up a Feed Mill at O’NEILL, WEB I will grind all kinds of Feed and will exchange Feed for Grain. Bee us, south of Ffuntl & Wagers,’ when you want Feed at low prices, GRANT HATFIELD WANTED, INFORMA tion that will eonvid the thieves who stole lumber from my land on the South Fork, for which 1 will pay $50. JOHN COMSTOCK, Peoria, 111. H Of 0 z X ' H ** E> 0 (/) Purchase Tickets end Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. H. O. PURT, General Manager. . 0. MOItElIGUSE. J. It. PUGHANAN. Geu’l. Freight Agt. (Jen’l. l’uss. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. TRAINS DEVARTt GOING EAST. Passenger east, - - 0:85 A. M. Freight east, - - 10:45 a. m. GOING WEST. Freight west, Pnstenger west, Freight, 1:45 I1, m, 5:15 r. M 0:44 p. M. The Etkhorn. Line U now running Reclining Chair Cal’S daily, between Omaha and Dead wood. jrce to holders of ilrst-class transpor tation. Fcrany information coll on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents tn America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before tho public by a notice given free of charge in the wenraii Larzesfc circulation of any scientific paper in the vorld. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, #3.00 a year; $1.50 six montbB. Address MUNN & CO„ rusLZSHKRS, 361 Broadway, Now York.* 11 lava \ on written (mo yet? If you •haven't, ui&dotn ,n lid intelligent Sedition. I mi* ^I'.fitukc to Inicliy aicMcli nny fairly llinlolllfreiit person ijol either sex, M ho lean rend and foM'iii*, and nho ‘after iiixUilctiuii, Kvill work in<’iiis* |trious!y, how to j!e:irii '1 Ju re 'I lion {suml I»o liars a Jyimin their oivn Jjotalitif#, wliere > ever they live. I swill also furnish i,ilie situation or ^employ incut, a t "which you can l e arn that amount. M charge nothing ["and receive iioik iiiip unless sitc ; cexsfnl, as above, f,Nothing dlillcult ito learn, or tlmt [requires much itime. I desire but fonc person from leach district or Icounty. I Imveal rca.lv taught and f provided with cm> [ plovnient ft Urge Srn i promise j'm ySpCt'iii I, pi 'attention. , making over Three Thousand Dollar* a Year, eaety. All is new, I nd id, sure. Full particulars free. After you know all. If you • omliidc to po no further, why; no harm is done. Address, K. C. ALLia, liux 4~il. AusuiW, U«lM. Year in.tlielr own l«-i A YHAH ! I undertake to briefly U-iicIi any tuiily intelligent p« mon of either »i*x, who i'vork industriously, *.' earn Haw 11.< uaiiiid Hollar* u li. r< vi-r l|iey Iiv4!.| w ill also furnish the *ituation or employ ment,at which ymi can cum that amount. No money for me unless aueeeaaful auyln'Ve. i u>iiy mid quickly learned. I de*»re hut one worker from em-h dial riot «.r comity. I have already taught and provided with employment • largo number, who are making over PSI’W) n year cm h. It a A’ E\V ond II. Full particular* F1SEK. Adilresaat onto, li« C, AliBiUJU, ltux.4120, Auguatu, JMnliin, We furnish everything. Wo Hurt ymi. .'-n r;»k. You oui devote your spare moments, or nil jvtr time to the work. TMi» is an entirely new lead,ami In i;ig» wonderful Mim-n u. every ui iki r. Beginner* are earning iron. tSf. ij ; 'meek ami uj wind*, aud nioro after a little ovnerience. We eiiii furnish yon the cm • ploynunt ami tetuji y j FitKK, No rpnee to explain heir. Full JritVrniatlort Fdfcr:. 'j’JRVr «*'■*'%:...ti hi JiAlMv. W. W. PAGE County ® Surveyor. OWF.II.L, NKBUASKA. Will attend to all kinds of surveying. A1 nulls promptly attended to and iniormatotu cheerfully given. , There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamberlain’s cough rem edy is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy. 25 j and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Learn shorthand by mail at home— Thorough course; careful instructions; situations procured pupils. W. It. I.ighton, 1304 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. The finest kind of Limburger cheese at Heinetiksnn's. Just the thing to eat with Christmas Turkey. Country Oirls in Town. If you who rend this nre a brown country lass, nnd should find that your fate leads you to the city, carry with you,all that you have learned in the yearfi of childhood and maideuhood on the farm, writes Maud llowe in u good article on “Country Maids and Cily Wives” In the February Ladies’ Home Journal. You will need it all in the fev erish city,the memory of sky and upland, the smell of the clover, the hum of the bees, the taste of the new milk, tho breath of the kine, tho strength which milking and butter-making have given you, tho knowledge of nature’s secrets; which lilac leaves out first, which oak is last stripped of its foliage, where the ground-sparrow hides her nest, when the blackberries are fit to make into Jam! Bring the simple, healthy habit of oarly rising, of energetic work, of out-door exercise to your city home, for you will need them now moro than ever -before. They will help you in gnining an un derstanding of the best things city life can give you, the broader experience of men and idens, tho love of art, the appre ciation of literature. $0 matter how rich you may become, never bo wasteful. If you don’t, there certainly have been times when you wished you could; and if you arc anxious to icarn to speak and read French, you should have the splen did article “French Without a Master,” hy Prof, A. dc Rougcmont of Chautau qua University, published in DemorettCa Family Magazine for February. With the definite aud practical instructions given in it, one cannot fail to acquire an accurate knowledge of French in an astonishing short time. But this is not the only attraction of this suptirb num ber of this typical fanyly magazine. The numerous illustrations, including a lovely phototint of “Cupid and Psyche,” are simply splendid; the stories are of exceptional merit; “At the Home of a Florida ‘Cracker,’ ” handsomely illus trated, will interest everybody; "The Home of a Specialist,” with numerous illustrations, furnishes practical and artistic ideas for building and furnish ing a home; and “A Small Garden and What It Produced” gives just the in formation needed by those who have little ground and yet like fresh vege tables. As usual, there is something in this number for everybody, and everything is of the best; aud this num ber is only a sample of what is fur nished twelve times a year, for $2.00. Published by W. Jennings Demorest, 15 E. 14th St., New York City. m is lilis m inr. If you want to buy cheap Boots and Shoes, you have an opportunity stnring you in the face that you should hasten to grasp. The excellent slock of Boots and Shoes displayed at the store jf H. Wilson will be sold unde’r foreclosure, and the low prices will astonish you. Sale going on now and will continue for three weeks. 2S-3 Notice. Taxes of tbe year 1891 will be received by Philip Sullivan, for the township of Grattan, at the recorder's room in the court house. O’Neill. James Sullivan, Treasurer Grattan Twp., llolt County. -'-■» ——-— Type for Sale. We have 17 fonts of second hand type for sale cheap. They range from Pearl to Double Great Primer and will be sold without regard to cost. They are not much worn and will bo very sctvicable in a small office. Come early to get the best bargains. Will sell all or part, to suit purchasers. J. H. Riggs, O'Neill, Neb. No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much tbe same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at borne and take Chamberlain’s cough remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follov . This remedy also cpunteracts any tendency of lagrippe to resqlt in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learu of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneu monia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, Druggist. We want every mothor to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoursness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child iirst becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain’s cough remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough' cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy us directed. It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and $t bottles for sale by P. C. Corrignn druggist. “Of course it hurts, but ycu must grin and bear it,” is the old-time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. “If you will take the trouble to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's pain balm and bind it on over the seat of the pain your rheumatism will disappear,” is the modern and much more satisfactory advice, 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Kalispeli, Montana, Is the distributing point for the Flat Head Valley and Kouten|a country, and is the present terminus of the Pacific Extension of the Groat Northern Rail way Lino. You can go there by rail all flic way by taking the Sioux City & Northern Railroad. For maps, rates, cto., writo to or call upon VV. B. Mc Nider, general passenger agent, Sioux City. -».«»»--— The Handsomest Lady in O'Neill Remarked to a friend the other day that sho know Kemp's nalsnm for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, ns It stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies hnd no effoct whatever. So to provo this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will givo you a Sam ple Hottlo Free. Large size 00c and $1. FOR SALK, 83,000 ucres of land in Holt county, nt from $8 per acre up. Writo me for list. Long time given. Guo. W. E. Dousky, Fremont, Neb. St. Patrick's pills aro carefully pre pared from the bust material and ac cording *o the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that cau be produce!. P. C. Corrigan soils them.. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of otic bottle. Warranted tbe most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Morris & Co. € ^HUMPHREYS’ y VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Doge, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500Paso Rook *n Treatment nf Animals anil Chart Hem Free. nuts < Fere rn»Cnn gem lone. I nil animation A.A.JHpliml MeiitiitfHIm, Milk Fever. Il.lt.—Strains, Lameness. Rheumatism* S?.C.—IMmemper, Naim I IMmliurvva. Hot* or Hrubs, Worms. ftt.K.—Coughs, Heaven. Pneumonia* P.P.—Colic or Oripi'H, llellyacbe. Miscarriage. Hemorrhage*. II.II,—Urinary nnd Kidney IMacaioi# 1.1,—Eruptive IHsenses, Mange. J.K.-Oiavaaen of Digestion, Paralysis* Single Iiottlo (over 50 doses), - - .00 Stable Casot with B|M*c!flea Manunl, nA \ etftriimry Cure Oil ami Modleator, 07.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil* - - 1.00 Sold by Druggist*; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in auy quantity an Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MED'IOirS 00., Corner William and John Ste.f New York. 91 per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for SB. Sold nr Dkuuowtu, or sent postpaid onrooofpt of prlce.-HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Cor, William and John Sta,, N. t Choice o Mixed o Candy CTS PER LFJ. THOMPSON & SON. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an Hast India rnisslonaay the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the Bpoodv and perma nent e.ire of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth ma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a Rositive and radical cure for Nervous l)e ility und all Nervous Complaints, after having tested Its curaUvo powers in thous ands of cases, has felt It Ills duty to make it •known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human Buffering. 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for prepar ing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N. Y. A fine lot of glassware and crockery just received at Heineriksous. The goods will bear inspection and are cheap as the cheapest. For storm sash of any size ;o to the Chicago Lumber Yard. 23-2 A POPULAR FAMILY. Jennte: “ How is it, Kate, that you always seem to 'catch on1 to the last new thing ? Do what I may, you always seem to get ahead me.” wk atk : “ I don’t know: I certainly do not make any exertion in that direction.’’ .Jennie : " Well, during the last lew months, for example, you have taken up painting, Wl ' %. 'X without any teacher ; you came to the rescue when Miss Lafarge deserted her 1 lelsarte class bo suddenly, and certainly we are all improv ing In grace under your instruction; I heard you telling Tommy Kames last evening how his club made mistakes in playing buseball: you seem to be up on all the latest * fuds,’ una know just wlmtto do under all circumstances; you entertain beautifully; and in the last month you have improved so in health, owing, you tell me, to your physical culture exercises, where do you get nil of your information from in this little out-of-tho way place’/—for you never go to tho city.” Kate: “Why, Jennie, you will make me vain. I have only one source of information, but it is surprising how it meets all wants. I very seldom hear of anything new but >vhat tho next few days bring mo full information on the subject. Magic? No! Magazine I And a great treasure it is to us all, lor it really furnishes the reading for the whole household: lather has given up his magazino that he has taken Tor years, as he says this one gives more and better information on the subjocts of the day; and mother says that it is that that makes her such a famous housekeeper. In fact, we all agree that it is the only really family magazine published, as we nave sent for samples of all of them, and find that one is all for men, another all for women, and another for children only, while this one suits every one of us; so wo only need to take one instead of several, and that is where the economy conics in, for it is only $2.00 a year. Perhaps you think I am too lavish in my praise; but I will let you seo ours, or, better still, send 10 cents to the pub lisher, \V. Jennings Dcraorest, 15 East 14th Street, Now York, for a sample eopv, and I shall always consider that I have done you a great favor; and may bo you will lx* cutting us out. as you say we have the reputation of being the uest informed family in town. If that bo so, it is Demo rest'd Family Magazine that does it." Holt County Bank O NEILL NEB,’ •QM Bisk is tin U^Der Elkhon Villi?, i AUTHORIZED OAPITAL 160,000. DAVID ADAMS, President, J. £ BLABON, Vice Prbi, D. Lj DARTt f/AsniEB DoessOenow (tanking Business. Issues time cortlfloates bearing Intoroit, -- ^ u.uuiib iion l urH| liUliaun rublln Kainbnrtf and other oltloa. — Makss long time oiuii on IMPROVED FARMS MS'"Solis Huropenn pasMonjrer tlokots' W. D. Matiikws, Neil Huenkan, President. Vloe-Preslden SAiiucii 0. Sample. Cashier. • THE * State Bank of O’Neill Authorized Capital, 8100,000. Paid up Capital, 880,000 HOARD or DIRECT '-V, l O W. Wnitlos,.Iohn Miltrldo, O. O. Husclot, Honmrd Million W. I). Mathews, 8. U. Baiuplo, Noll Uronnan. City, Farm, Collateral and Personal Loans Hollcttod. Dl l BEHESAL in IBB JONES & M'CUIC HEO t «• (PROPRIETORS OF | - CENTRAL - Livery Barn. o N NEW BUGGIES JEJ W NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Clasp. Ilarn Opposite Campbell's Implement llouee FRED C. GATZy DEALER IN Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats. Bugar-ourod Ham/ Breakfast Bacon, Sides, Spioe roll bacon, a| i kinds of sausages. O'NEILL, NBBi Deyarman Brothers, * PHOIIRIETOBS OF TUB ' Checker Li)fery,Feed&Sa!e Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts In the olty. Good, care, rul drivers when wanted, .Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty >• Have chargee of McCnfferty’s Hearse. A1 orders will receive careful and prompt attei * tlonlOLL"" I — EMIL SNIQGS, Gensral Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB Wagon and Carriage Repair* ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe* ing a Specialty. Hard-Made Shoes Made to ant Order We stop Interfering and succcsssuUr treat > Quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, anfl ' 1 cud Corns, where our directions are strictly X- ■ followed. . Carry a Line of Carriage. Wagon and Plow Stock. Work done on short notice. XIsfiS