The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 21, 1892, Image 8

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Get the Best Weekly in Nebraska one year and
Premium, either a Valuable Farm, a Piano, a Threshing
Machine, a Wagon, a Solid Comfort Riding Piow, Har
rows, Plows and oilier Farm Implements; or any one of
the thousand and one useful and valuable presents of
fered by TH F BEE as premiums. Every subscriber
gets something. The presents offered are the finest lot
ever given by THE BEE and you should not fail of the
opportunity this year. The price of TIIE BEE is $2,
or will club it with THE FRONTIER at $3 in
advance. Call on or address
J. H. RIGGS, O’Neill, Neb.
Richard T. Hills, Charlotte Hills, 0. IT.
Toncray and Emma It. Toncray, Ezra It.
Carr, administrator of the estate of N. It.
Klohardson, deceased, H. A. Jandt and K. C.
Tompkins, partners doing: business under the
Arm name of Jandt and Tompkins, and Jos
eph Holmes, non-resident defendants, tv'.il
take notice that on the 34th day of December,
1891, the Union Trust Coin re. y, plaintiff
herein, ttled Its petition !r. mo district con rt
of Holt county Nebraska, against said de
fendants ,ti.e object and prayer of which are
vo foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants. Richard T. Mills nud Chat lotto
Mills, Ills wlfo, to the plaintiff, upon the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section eleven, and tbo southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of section twelve;
township thirty-one. range ten. west. In Holt
couuty, Nebraska, to secure the
___ payment of
two promissory notes dated February 15,18s".
for the sum of 13%, and Interest at the rate of
ten per cent per annum after maturity; that
there Is now due upou said uotes and mort
f uge, according tothe terms thereof, tnolud
ng taxes and Interest on a prior note and
mortgage paid by plaintiff to protect Its se
curity, the sum of (3U0 and Interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from August
1,1881. and plaintiff prays that said premises
may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount duo thereon, and that defendant
may he foreclosed of all equity of redemp
— — — ■ -- gttj3
tlon or other Interest
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the eighth day of February, 1831.
Dated December 84.1881.
15-4 Plaintiff.
Addison L. Pauley. Oconto J, Squires and
Albert Dufour. Louie A. Long and Mary
Long, his wlfo, defendants, will take notice
that on the 24th day of December. UWl, the
Union Trust Company, plaintiff herein, tiled
Its petition In the district court of Hull
county, Nebraska, against said defendants
the object and prayer of which aro to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by de
fendant, Addison L. Pauley, to plaintiff
upon the south balf of the northeast quartet
and the south half of the northwest quartet
of section seven, township tlilrtv-two. rungt
ten, west. In Holt county, Nebraska, to se
cure the payment of three promissory note!
r 4, 1887, for the sum of *801
dated February 4, 1887, for the sum of (80 am
Interest at the rate of ten percent per annutt
after maturity: that there Is now due upor
said notes and mortgage, according to tin
terms thereof, including lntetest on prloi
note and mortgage paid by plaintiff to pro
toot Its security, the sum of *250 and lntcresi
at the rate of ten per cent per annum fron
August 1,181)1, and plaintiff prays that sale
«remises may be decreed to be sold to satlsf j
ic amount due thereon, andjthat defendant)
may be foreclosed of all equity of redemptloi
or other Interest In said mortgaged premises
You are required to answer said petition oi
or before the 8th day of February, 1882.
Dated December £4,1801.
2S-4 • Plaintiff.
r Land Orricc at O’Niiix, Nob., t
Dec> ^ 1^91, j
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has died notice of his Intentioi
to make final proof In support of bis cla'm
and that said proof will be made before tin
O’Neill. Neb., oi
H. E. 12056
For the NWk 21-81-10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prov<
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tlon of said land, vlx:
Earl Allen, Mlnneola, Neb.; Frank Dar
and Joseph Shollmyer, Scott v llle, Neb.; liar
rett Scott, O'Neill. Neb.
28-lit B. S. Oltuspil. Register.
Uncolored Japan tea in handsom
little baskets at sixty cents per poum
at Pfund & Wagers. The tea is of ex
cellent quality and the baskets tnak
nice work or band baskets for tb
ladies. Try one.
register and receiver at
February 26,1892, viz;
Henry Hohl, Dorn Ilohl, Henry Brown. F.O.
Grable. Mrs. F.O, Grnble. Mrs. .1. It. Clurk,
administrator of the estate of J. It. tJlnrk, tie
ceased. Joseph Damron, defendants, will take
notice that on the Oth day of January, 1 sir.*,
Sylvia A. Daniels, plaint (IT herein, tiled her
petition in the district court of Holt count v,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by dcfendants.llenry
Hohl and Dora Hold, to the Showalter Mort
gage Company upon the south half of the
southwest quarter of section fourteen (14)
and the north half of the northwest quarter
of section twenty-three (23) In township twen
ty-six (SB), north of range fourteen (ill west
of the sixth principal meridian, containing
ICO acres, more or less, to secure the payment
of one promissory note dated August 1,1888,
for the sum of #.kI0 and interest at. the rate of
seven per cent per untumi, payable semi-an
nually, and ten por cent after maturity; that
theie Is now due upon said note and mort
gage, according to the terms thereof, the sum
of S<U2.g.i and Interest at the l ate of ten per
cent, per annum from January 1, 1SI2. and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be de
creed to bo sold to satisfy tlio amount due
You are required to nnswersald petition on
or before the 22d day of February, 181)2.
Duted January », 18112.
„ . „ SYLVIA A. DANIELS, Plaintiff.
By H. M. Uttlev, Attorney. 27-4
To Henry Gordon, Sybil Gordon, A. J. Mtiler,
You will take notice that on the 14th day of
January, 18112 the Loan and Guarantee Com
pany of Connecticut, plaintiff herein, tiled its
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob
ject and praver of which are the foreclosure
of a certain mortgage executed by the de
fendants, Henry Gordon and Sybil Gordon,
to the plalutiff upon the following described
real estate, to-wit: Lots two and three <2
and 3) in section one (l) and lot one (1) and the
southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, section twelve < 12). township thirty
three (£1), ranv'o fourteen (14>, containing oiie
hundred sixty-one and 53-100 acres, accord
ing to the government survey, in Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment of the
defendants’ promissory coupon note dated
August 20. 18S0, fur the sum of one thousand
dollars (11,000).due and payable September 1,
1S01, after date thereof; that there is now
due upon the said note and mortgage the
sum of eleven hundred fifty and S5-100 dol
lars (fl.150.S5), for which sum with interest
from tins date plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants may oe required to puv
the same, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due, together
with the amount of thirty-two dollars (*32).
taxes which the plaintiff has been compelled
to pay to protect its interest.
You are required to answer said petition
ll,e 2®*!* day of Februarv, ISifcJ.
-8~* Ter L. T. Bond. Attorney.
Land Om-icb at O'Xmu, Neb..I
'.IDS. f
~ .. . . . . January 80.18ft;. i
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill.
Neb., ou Marcli S, 1S82, viz:
Eor the SWV* Sec. 10, Tp. 2», raiiRe 12 west.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Thomas YValsh, Anthony Murray. James
Dlxson, Edward Gallarher. all of O'Neill,
Neb. 2wi» B. S. Gillespie, Iiegipter.
*■*•*'' llBJzU A.l cist I
— Rooms are located over Morris & Co’t
drug store on Douglas street. The rooms ar
open at all times. Republicans are invite*
to visit the rooms at any und all times
btruugers while In the city are Invited t
make the club rooms their headquarters
Business meeting of the club the first am
third balurduy evening of each month.
GEO. I). BIGGS. See«.Ly °W^E’ VlvMe'"
The Sliowalter Mortgage Company, Jaoob
Stotler. receiver, Jacob Stotler, Howard In
vestment Company, Fredrick Stevens, Alva
C. Hurrldge, Moses A. Richards, Charles E.
Flandro.CatherlneM. MoCormlck and Mathew
II. McCormick, defendants, will take notice
that on the 15th day of January, 1892, Olive
K. Emmons Nee Mrs. Henry Emmons plaintiff
herein. Hied her petition In the district court
of Holt couuty, Nebraska, agHlnst said de
fendants, the object und prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants Catherine M. McCormick and
Mathew H. McCormick to the Sliowalter
Mortgage Company upon the north-east
quarter of section twenty-two, Township
tliirty-one,northrange eleven west 6th l\M..ln
Holt county, Nebrasku, to securu the pay
ment of one promissory note dated July's,
1S88, for the sum of $900 and Interest at the
rate of 7 per cent, per annnm payable semi
annually and 10 per cent after maturity;
that there Is now due upon said note and
mortgage, aeoordlng to the terms thereof,
the sum of 11037.56 and interest at the rate of
10 perccut. per annum from January 1,1802,
and plaintiff prays that said premises mav be
decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 29th day of February. 1692.
Dated January 18,1892.
Olive E. Emmons Neb Mrs Hsecrt Emmons
28-4 II. M. Uttley, her Attorney.
Elizabeth ltoo, formerly Elizabeth Good
hand, Klelmrd line, her husband. Ana I)oe,
formerly Ann Goodhand, and John Doe, her
husband, whose true name are to plaintiff
unknown, Ellzubeth Goodhand. Ann Good
hand, George Goodhand, Mary Goodhand, his
wife, Henry Goodhand, Alice Geodhand, his
wife, John Goodhand and Emma Goodhand,
his wife, heirs at law of Mark Goodhand
deceased and Charlotte Goodhand, defend
ants, will take notice that on the 21st day of
January, 1892, The Union Trust Company,
plaintiff herein. Ailed its petition in the dis
trict court of lloltcouuty. Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by defendant, Charlotte Goodhand
and Mark Goodhand since deceased, to
plaintiff, upon tho Northeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-eight, township twenty-six,
range twelve, west, in Holtcounty, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of a promissory note
dated December 31, 1886, for the sum of *12
and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an -
num after maturity; that there Is now due
upon said noto and mortgage according to
t he terms thereof, including Interest on a
prior note and mortgage and taxes paid by
plaintiff to protect its security, the sum of
slue and interest at the rate of ten percent,
per annum from June 1, ism, and plaintiff
prays that said premises may be decreed to
lie sold to. satisfy the lamount found duo
there in. and that defendants may be fore
closed of all equity of redemption or other
Interest in said mortgaged premises.
You are required to answer said petltio
on or before the 29th day of February. 1892
Dated January 21.1892.
28-* Plaintiff.
Vaclav Kubovee, non-resident defendant,
will take notice that on the 17th day of Octo
ber, 1891. The Union Trust Compahy.plalntlff
herein. Aled its petition In the district court
of Holt county. Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of wliioh are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendant. Vaclav Kubovee. to plaintiff
upon the uorth-eust quarter of section
twenty-three, township twenty-seven, range
twelve west In Holt county. Nebraska lo
secure the paymtnt of a promissory note
dated July la, 18*7, for the sum of S13and in
terest at the rate of 10 percent, per annum
after maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortgage according to the
terms thereof including interest on a nrior
mortgage, paid by plaintiff to protect its
security, tho sum of *100 and Interest at the
of t«'> I>(;r fern- per annum from July 1.
1891. and plaintiff prays that said premises
may tie decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amouut due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the i9t it day of February. 1892
Dated January 19,1892.
28-4 The Union Thu^t Company, Plaintiff.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets be
yond the reach of medicine. They often
say, "Ob, it will wear away,” but in
most cases it wears them tytvay. Could
they be induced to try the successful
medicine called Kemp’s Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excel
lent effect after taking the first dose
Price 50 cents and Si Trial *ize free.
All Druggists.
THE SOH& OF TuE “Ho. 9.”
My dress la of fine polished oak,
As rich os'the finest fur cloak,
And for handsome design
Tou Just should see mine—
No. 9, No. 9.
Pm beloved by the poor and the rich,
For both I Impartially stitch;
In the cabin I shine,
In the mansion I'm fine—
No. 9, No. 9.
I never get surly nor tired,
With zeal I alwayram fired;
To hard work I Incline,
For rest I ne'er pine—
No. 9, No. 9.
I am easily purchased by all.
With instalments that monthly do fall
And when I am thine,
Then life Is benign—
No. 9, No. 9
To the Paris Exposition I went.
Upon getting the Orand Prize Intent:
I left all behind,
The Orand Prize was mine—
No. 9, No. 9.
At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris,
Prance, the best sewing machines of the world,
Including those of America, were in competition,
l’hey were passed upon bv a jury com Dosed of
the best foreign mechanical experts, two of whom
were the leading sewing machine manufacturers
of Prance. This jury, after exhaustive examina
tion and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler A
Wilson machines viere the best of all, and award
ed that company fhe highest prize offered—the
GRAND PRIZE—giving other companies only
gold, silver and bronze medals.
The French government, as a further recogni
tion of superiority, decorated Mr. Nafcaniel
Wheeler, president of the company, with the
Cross of the Legion of Honor—the most prized
honor of France.
The No. 9, for family U3C, and the No, 12, for
manufacturing -uses, are the best in the world
And now, when you want n sewing machine, if
you do not get the best it will be your own fault
Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 6
Wheeior A Wilson machine. If he doesn’t keep
them, write to us for descriptive catalogue ana
terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied terri
Chicago, I1L
For Sale by
Rov& McGowan,
;dealers in
Dry Goods,Groceries
Guarentee to sell as cheap
as any store in Holt county.
S. C. & N. Lesses
All Points in Dakota, Dixon. Cedar. Pierce
Antelope and Holt Counties to
PozelMM Teuz Tidceta u,
SJalp TTovir FxeleUt iris
The Pacific Short Lie
For Passenger Faros and Time Tables:
.... 2^S2t<!S,on Freight between all stations
on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City and
Vi Poi nts east, appiy t<) the agent of the Pa
cific Short Line at O’Neill, or
„ _ tI Jas V McHonv.
‘ riil’u1” . . Traffic Manager,
uen. Superiuteunent. Sioux City, Iowa.
J. w. FIRE3AU6H, ACT.,
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining in
the postoffice at O’Nciii, Nob., unclaimed, for
the week ending Jan. 21,1SM2.
Sanford K Brown Jacob Kozeck W I Boul
ware Holiest Johnson James S Bacon L A
BsiHs°nMlss Marle goheibee Miss Lizzie
^or *h° above please say “ndver
t“ed." .1. II. Uious.P. M,
Sewing Machines and Orga
I keep constantly on hand the WHITE sewing m 1 •
walnut, oak or mahogany. The new Rotary Shuttl' “
lightest running, most noiseless and fastest sewer of ’S t!
iigu iv.™ luuuuij;, muni uuibcjcsh emu xastesc sewer of nn
chine ever made. I have the ESFEY Organ alwava
Organ don’t let some traveling sharper take vouTnH1Uu °’a
Itn uiil'O fn n? x~»n -C-_• . -» * -aIC4.
.. . . x ■*-*x always in
All mucicians know this to be one of the best (Wn
nnv mnnnfQnliirm'a wah nrnn4> « C_!_m» ®- . ® filJU
by any manufacturers. If you want a Sewing Machine
Organ don’t let some traveling sharper take you in p
be sure to charge you two prices for inferior goods. N !'
ter what guarantees he will give vou'they are not as Z' ?
you can get from a permanent dealer in your own locaTit°<l
will take orders for Pianos and give the very lowest p'\j
and most liberal terms.
Pioneer hardware deai fe
I carry the largest stock of
Hardware, Tinware,
Copper &. Graniteware.
In North Nebraska, and#make a specialty o
Barbed Wire.
Harrows, Challenge Planters, Flying Dutchman,
Call and see me before you make your purchases as 1 cai
save you some money.
First National Bank,
Paid-Up Capital, $5o,ooo. Surplus, $2o,ooo
Authorised Capital, $100,000.
THAD. J BERMINGHAM, Phes. j. p. MANN, Vice Pbes.
ED. P. GALLAGHER, Casiheii.
Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Favorablt
lerms. Issue rl ime Certiiicates Bearing Interest.
Buy and Sell Foreign Domestic Exchange, j
C- M- Oavanacgh. t. P. Bermingiiam. J. P. Mann
E. YV. Montcomeuy. Ed. F. Gallagher. Thad. J. Bermingiiam.
Fred Moore, Ella Moore, Ills wife, William
C. Kitelier and Mary Hitcher, his wife, and
John E. Shore, non-resident defendants, will
take notice that on the 21st day of January,
inti, the l nlon Trust Company, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
p ., -~\v H'Hjenn wuicu art
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
noriiiiHuntu L1 II ,1 :.U1 .. .
' * 1 lllOi tnA. LACLUlvU IJy
defendants, Fred Moore and Ella Moore, lift
wife, to plaintiff. upon the southeast quarter
of section twenty-live township twenty-nine,
range ten, west, in Holt county. Nebraska, to
secure the payment of a promissory noto
dated November 10,1888, for the sum of *10
and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum after maturity; that there is now due
upon said note and mortgage, according to
the terms thereof, including Interest ou a
p,r ,r VS10 uml mortgage and tuxes paid by
plaintiff to protect Its security, the sum of
and interest ut the rate of ten per cent
per annum from November 1, ls»l, and plain
titr prays that said premises may be decreed
to be so id to satisty the amountdue thereon,
and that defendants may be foreclosed of all
equity of redemption orother Interest In said
mortgaged premises.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 29th day of February, 1892.
Dated Jan uary 21.1892.
Henry Eitze, Johanna Eltze, his wife, and
Charles H. Gardiner, non-resident defend
ants, will take notice that on the 21st dav of
mr7' UmUnion Trust Company,
plaintitf herein, tiled its petition In the dis
trl.ot court of Holt county. Nebraska, against
said detendants. the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by defendants, Henry Kitze and Jo
hanna Eitze. his wife, to plaintiff, upon the
northwest quarter of section twenty-throe,
township twenty finite, range ten, west, in
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pav
mentoftwo promissory notes dated Novem
ber R 18N», for the sum of U'\ each, and inter
est at the rate of ten per cent per annum
after maturity; that there is now due upon
mortgage, according to tho
terms thereof, including iuterest on a prior
note and mortgage aud taxes paid by pTain
tiff to protect its security, the sum or #903 20
and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
nnnwm from November 1. 1891. and plaintitf
D!.13 s that said premises may he decreed to
nluHii V!111? 4thu “mount due thereon,
and that defendants* may be foreclosed of all
equity of redemption or other interest in
said mortgaged premises.
Y ou are required to answer said petition on
or beioru tlm S!)Mi day of January, 189J.
Dated Jununrv si. IMIS.
-3~<_ Plaintiff.
Clothing at 25 per cent discount at
Roy & McGowan’s, Scottville.
Check II. Toncray and Emma It, Toncnij*.
his wife. Impleaded with ItodyJ. Hayes,el at
defendants, will take notice that on the-M
day of January. 1862, The Union Trust Com!"
any, plaintiff herein.’ filed its petition in tiio
dist.rir*!. nnnrf. i\t Uni* County, NCbrHSKHj
district court of Holt wuuvj, ...
against said defendants, the object a»«
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendants. lloityJ
Hayes and Mary A. Hayes, his wife, to pliun*
tiff, upon the northeast quarter of section
eighteen. township twenty-eight, range t,l!r‘
w«3ii« west, in iioit county, emits» ■ ,
cure the payment of a promissory note dau-a
November 1,188f». for the sum or t&V) anu n>1
forest at the rate of seven per cent, perani
num payable semi-annually and ten percemj
after maturity; that there is now due up"]
said note and mortgage according to 1,11
ffcll U II1WI Ilf. Uf. wvw. » — I j
terms thereof, including taxes paid by pun'll
n itx flpcnritv. the sum of
tiff to protect its security, the sum of
and interest at the rate of ten per cent. P>
annum from November 1, 1891. and phi"11
prays that said premises may be deems .
be sold to satisfy the amount due them
and that defendants may be foreclosed ei •
equity of redemption or other hitennt
said mortgaged premises.
You are required to unswer said petllion
or before the 21)th day, of February, Isa
Dated January 21. feffiS. .........
284 Plain*1"
If you are troubled with rbeumntis
or a lame back, bind on over the s““
of pain a piece of flannel dampened »'
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. You wdl
surprised ut the prompt relief it ation '■
50 ceiit bottles for sale by P C. cor
gan, druggist.
arc the best.
Henerickson’s grocen
Apples by the barrel at the CitV
Don’t leave O’Neill on a trip .
inquiring at the Short Line dep°
passenger rates
Cigars, fruits, nuts and candies, etc
it Heinerikson's.
.1«.UI.U«‘*»-*'■' A***"
„..rU f.r bt Anna
,-IViav •»<! ^
Ur«- . tit. Otl»rr«Hrf 1
\u .t ..•«? •**«>'"« ‘work s'"1 i'V
uii:li. V"ii ■ ««',1" Y-yt".
ll«l« '•t"11 ’ L
... ".""V.,"
•II ||..|||#. «hrr«»«-r
n*. I . Hurt* iiiikit»« "
» *. »»• .... I tva.mlei'f"1’ * . U oilll
U.HailcU *