■a OFFKI AL DIRECTORY ' 1 ...John M. Thayer . '..T. J. Majors ,,ii ti"v',rl,‘>l. .'.J. C. Allen I; i;":..J. E. Hill ! i.-n:.-'---..George H. Hastings ", (irm-rsl. Thomas II. Benton i mstriUMwm. , STATE UNIVERSITY i:r;"Uni'olir T...,ivitt, Bun 1 «n'B mv CUM. COSOnESSIONAL lit Buriiliiiiii, Jook; Cleorgo irri.ll, Stroms jinmlerson, of Omaha! I ■! 'i;11* |1;~' nt Iti.ilt rice. I ^V^ieek; of Brya/rilnoolni O. Win. 5lcKetghan, bad COUNTY. r'nurt.John MeHrlde „( the District t-oui t..E M Lowe ...Barrett Scott ...John S. Weekes . . .G. C. Hu/.olet .0. E. Butler C. McEvouy '.".'"'.JfSclitKil*'-"--’" J. JUK Xts V UIIJ .E. J. Mack '....H. W. Dudley ' Mrs. H.W. Dudley . Dr. C. E. Fort ■" .... W. W. Pago V.V_E. W. Adams Sri-F.KVISURS. _ NAME township Robert i Ai—ChinlOrcen \ alley \V j Fair view [Cleveland < 1/ I Inman "land !i V !Ewinj-•>.MMKiK no. 41, DAUGHTERS nV* UEBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d rnutiy ot each mouth.” -- -1.11, lUVi/ld CTVIJ JOI/ »*-« i each mouth in Odd Fellows’ Hull, El; ,1jA Dark, Secretary, Alice Adams, N. G. UAUFIKLD DODGE, XO.U5.V.4 A.M. „„ ,ar communications Thursday nights -v? thc full ol the moon. ■ i • h\ axs. See. A. L. Towle, W. M. (jAUHELD CHAPTER, R. A. M. Iiinntk('’ts,0.n tlr8tllnd third Thursday of each >,n Musonlchaa. bonus, See. J. C. Hahnish, H. F K rZ 1‘—helmet dodge, u. d. . vonvention Pvm-V UonH.n- .»4- U r\ n"in*n2!iC every Monday at 3 o’clock p. ewdk]k-1nJ'.°1J0W8’ dul1- Visiting brethorn cordially invited. E r t E. M. Ghady, C. C. J. l. Iaaxs, K.oflt, and S. Td,VTTAN Fan ALLIANCE no. lax. second and >nviu,i '-“cu.-uitN at 2 p. — ‘ oimher, 11 k'0011 tarn>ers urged to become Ciias. ixn„,„„.. J»0. Fallon, Prest. Hrthxntn,^ mnoe uieets every i iiiviti.,1 SlllV,' , a-V at 2 p. in. Visiting members D»y inokusoll, See. J,l!,hl-Iv ALLIANCE, NO. 005, ot eachm™?.01’1’ f?cond and fourth Saturday S. H™ '1 ‘it Uriah Fellows’. ■—L_!i" A, MULL AND PADDOCK. Harts ,NKU'[‘ and .. irriH i’uesOaV', Tim re n~-t’-r-'‘y - '*’' 7*5?5 n urs. and Sat. at. . 4:30 p u: Harts Momw W’ niobhaua; Arrives T ...' ' - • ''od. and Fri. at. “hives Tims I.- „.,oa-and Fri. at... .7:00 * o’vrr,; ’l hura- «»d Sat. at...4:00 ArrivesMn,, Id' '1NU cumminsville. HurtsMnn" \vl ;und Erldays at... 11:10 p i :00 a n pn _ * a uiitj 3 dlt« • • Ji • |y 4 ed. and Friday at.1:00 p i 5ai| Sdnc ea«'?.iSls<' or “ails. **•'— ,v„J. clI,9e8 at.0:20 A ’ at.9:20 a ^ “■**( mail ef~i.cl»if» rr*«r» — *4— min. before timo of d a'Hl, tiav 1- OFiriCE HOURS. tr.mf a- m. to 8:00 p. nt. Sun v 'iievi.i’.i *° *°=W» a m and 6:30 to 7:00 ti. w'iieviu/i J :o0 a m nnd 6:30 to 7:00 It0® 7a m l, r business only on week dnj ““*10 5 pm. i O’ DM J. H. Rious, P. M. J'N hi LL is USINHSS DI RECTORY \y II. 1'IKIICE, ATTORNEY.AT LAW. Real Estate and Insurance. H. BENEDICT, rLAWYER, °IEc° In ‘be Judgo Roberta building, north ot Barnett & Ereos .amber yard. 0 NEILL, NEB. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , J.1' practleo tn n. 11 the courts. Speolnl nt Is also" tf Ven t0 foroel°8',tes und collections COUNTY ATTORNEY. J J • KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. 001 the Settlement of Estates, p,}y am! %unty oliiims. Contest ??*? i “n„d a,L business lietore the looal and fieu erol land offices a specialty AL80 8HORT HAND WRITER. CbntKes alwnys reasonable. Office first door east ot MoCalferty s hardware store. A. WELLS. DENTIST. Office over the Holt County Bank. J)R. C. D. B. EISAMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, J'NEILLi,_ - NEB. J)R. B. T. TUUEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of ilie Eye and Ear and flttlnfl glasses a specialty. Office hours !) to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. Office over “THE EMPORIUM." gKWING MACHINES REPAIRED BY GEORGE BLINCO H^"Satisfaction gauranteed. ^JULLEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. JC. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN CIQAR8. ETC. ^ BOYD,3 BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. H. MEREDITH, KEY-AT- AW. COMPLETE SET OF Abstract ® Books. Office over Holt County Bank. i^-FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCED In tJ. S. Land Business » I | A. H. CORBETT WILL ATTEND TO YOUR DENTISTRY IN FlRST-Ci-ASS SHAPE. ©PHOTOGRAPHY® OF ALL KINDS Frcmptlr and Satisfactorily Sscculcd. Office and galary on Fourth streot east of Holi. County Bunk. IHKH WHS® R. R. DICKSOix’&CO.. SUCCESSORS TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Title Abstracters/Conieyancers, TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS. FARM LANDS • a AND TOWN LOTS FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, Refurnisb cd -AND REFITTED. Only first Class Hotel in City, W. T. EVANS. Prop. i FEEDMXLL » , I have opened up a Feed Mil! at O’NEILL, NEB I will grind all kinds of Feed and will exchange Feed for Grain. See us, south of Pfund & Wagers,’ when you want Feed at low prices. GRANT HATFIELD WANTED, INFORMA tion that will convict the thieves who stole lumber from' my land on the South Fork, for which I will pay $50. JOHN COMSTOCK, Peoria, 111. E b OS' 0 fe h 0 tf) Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS. C.&P. RAILROADS. H. O. HURT. General Manager. K. 0. MOUK11GUSE. J. II. IIUCHAN AN, Cen’l. Freight Agt. Gen’l. 1’aSs. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. TRAIVS DEPART: GOING EAST. Passenger east, Freight east. GOING WEST. Freight west, Passenger west, Freight, 9:35 a. m, 10:45 a. M. 1:45 p. mJ 5:15 P. M G:44 p. m. Tlio Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cars daily, botweon Omaha and Ilyad wood. jreo to holders of flrst-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on W.. J. I)OBBS, Act. O’NEILL. NEB. Scientific American Agenoy forO CAVEATS, > TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information ana free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New Yortt. Oldest bureau tor securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by ns is brought before the public by a notice {riven freo of charge in the Largest circulation of any scientific paper in tho world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man ohould be without it. Weekly, 93.00 a year; 81.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO Po blushers, 361 Broadway, New York. jilnvc vou m riitoa juie yet? ji' you JiAvtn'(r ninlotn . lllfl !»!*«•! .IiTP*»t Jj.ld.ilitMt ' H>; ’gVSt j[irouii!»o yoii jny 4sj»»*u-»«l, pei'SOUIl | •’» million. I mi' 4imnk« m ni.y fairly pnson .. r »it her m, w ho • u a n r «* i» ti and Seville, mill v\hu -.till mnr!; hulufr Miiotts.'y, how to 11irt'o Thou i,Eati-i |i oil a r* a i in their own iloca lilies, ?ev« r they live. 1 ^will nIso furnish |th<* si!iiiilion or >nip]o,vnii'nt, nt •'tvhieli you cuu if urn tli.it amount. c!iurj.';e nothing f.anrt receive noth ^injr unless suc ; cossful. as above. ^Nothing difllcult Sto lenrn, or that fro quires much \ time. I desire but ("one person from pencil district or [county. 1 have al Irendy taught and i provided with ein | plnyment a large | number who are waning over jnrea i iiomami uonars a xenr, mni. ami* new, rolid.sure. Full particulars free. After you know all, if you .nncludc to go no fnrth»r, why, no hurm is done. Address, U. C. ALLKX, Box 4.-0. Auifusia, Maine* A Vlr.AYSt I «mlerl»k» to briefly teach any tairly intelligent pt-rum of either m?j(, wlm ran read ami write, and who, niter instruction,%vill work industriously, Itow to earn Thrco Ti.i.tiftfind ihdlai-K a I... MlitiiH.wh. r> vcrthey llve.I will also furnish nplnynicnt.nt which you cun nmi that amount. No money for nn* unless successful us above. Kitsily «nil quickly learned. I deuce hut one worker from each district nr county. I have already taught and provided with employment n laipo number, who are making over fSiW!) a ycr.readi. It'iNKW and SiH.l |i. Full particulars lFlCKifO. Address nt once, 12. C, ALl.C'iXi llox 4S54&, Ausiutu, Muine, Year in their the situation 01 Vh.yment and l- s. I« yn« H.V.r. Wo ‘p«eVtoUcxjdRii!*i;era.* Full information rK.ui. 'i’lfUK (O.. A" lit Vi A, JUAlMC. W. W. PAGE County * Surveyor. O’XEILL, NEBRASKA. Will attend to all kinds of surveying. A1 calls promptly attended to and Inforenatolu cheerfully ifiven. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chaniberiaiu’s cough rem edy is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Learn shorthand by mail at home— Thorough course; careful instructions; situations procured pupils. W. It. Ligliton, 1301 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. The llnest kiud of Limburger cheese at Heinerikson’s. Just the thing to eat With Christmas Turkey. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. , Jame* VVliHcorrib Riluj,"’;S\'ks in iiki younger days nu enthusiastic and clover amateur actor. It is believed that had he goue on the stage permanently his career would have been famous. One of his frieuda says thnt at one time when Riley was cast for the character of an old man, ho went about tho streets for weeks studying tho gestures, poses and utterances of an aged acquaintance, In stead of trusting to mere imagination. Boston Transcript: Hicks—By George! but tiiis is a good cigar, tho best cigar I’ve smoksd for mouths. Whore did you get them? Wicks--Some that my wife gave mo for a Christmas present. As you say, they’re prime. [N. B. This is a departure from the conventional joke on the subject; but Ilia’, has been re peated so many times that It is time there was a change ] “What avails it for a man to work hard down town earning money, while his wife is home being cheated by ped dlers?” asks the editor of the Atchison Globe, with a well developed pam in his tone. Tho bills now beforo congress would extend from Washington to New York il spread out and laid end to end. The speeches that Billy Bryan seems disposed to make this session would encircle the globe about thirteen times and then lap over half a mile. Samuel K. Iioyall contributes to the New York Timrstx novcr-fuiling preven tive of tbe grip. it is simply to wear a salted undershirt. Take a summer un dershirt and soak it in brine made with, say, half a pint of ordinary salt to about a quart of water ami put out to dry. Wear this next to the body. It is not unpleasant to wear and will, I am sure, keep off t;rip and bad colds, and, I firm ly believe, consumption." General Garfield's son Uenry was not successful in his nmbition to become a stale senator, but he will get there ulti mately. lie has pleutp of grit and groat tenacity of purpose. Prince Bisraark is reported to have stated to tliemnyorof Wansbck: ‘‘Form erly I stood on the stage of the world; if I have now moved back to the audi torium I do not intend to abdicate the right I possess, with every other specta tor, to criticise.” Lady Sandhurst, who died in England Friday, was a leader in the women.s rights movement m England. She was elected to the London county eouucil three years ago, although the courts afterward held that she was ineligible on account of her sex. A Washington special to a mugwump paper says; ‘'The talk about the num iuaiion of Gov. Bois, of Iowa, for second place on the ticket is becoming very dull and democrats from the west who are now in Washington do not think that the Iowa govenor stands even the ghost i of a show of having his name presented to the democratic convention.” Type for Sale. We have 17 fonts of second hand typo for 3ale cheap. They range from Peail to Double Great Printer and will be sold without regard to cost. They are not much worn and will be very servicable in a small office. Come early to get the best bargains. Will sell all or part, to suit purchasers. J. H. Ilioas, O'Neill, Neb. No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain, quietly at borne and take Chamberlain’s cough remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of lagrippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneu monia. !35 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, Druggist. Wo want every rnothor to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is linursness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse* j ness from the start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few *doses of Chamberlain’s cough remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never I been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent I and $1 bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan : druggist. j “Of course it hurts, but you must grin ' and bear it,” is the old-time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. “If you will take the trouble to dampen u piece of flannel wilh Cham berlain’s pain balm and bind it on over the seat of the pain your rheumatism will disappear,” is the modern and much more satisfactory advice, 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Head our clubbing offer with the Bit published elsewhere. Ht. Patrick's pills are carefully tiro f]«irod froDi tkq1 licat- malarial and ao* cbrding • a the mrtst approved’ formula, and aro tlie most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can lie produced. P. 0. Corrigan sells them.. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, King Bone, Sweeney, Htillcs Sprains, Sore and Swollen" Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $r>0 by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Morris & Co. ^HUMPHREYS’ ^VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattlo, Sheep, Hogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. BOO Pago llopk on Tron t mont of Animal* iimlCliiirt Henl Free. OTOM < FovorM’oiicraoilouii. Inflammation A. A. 1 Npltml MriiTtitfUIrt, 111 Ilk Fever. R.K.—Htrniitn, Lauioiionn* fit lira mat I am* I) Into in pot** Nnnnl Dlni’hiirgee* D.D.-llotii or OruliM. Worm*. F.K—Cmijrhsi lion von* Pneumonia* F.F.*-C’olfc or UrSpeii Stollyncho. li.U.-AliscarrluKe. lloniurrhngon. 11*11*••Urinary nml Siltlnoy DUonnca* I. I.—Krupllvo Dlnonnrn, Man|»i. J. K.—lllaetmea of J> lit cut ton, Parnlyela* Single Dottle (over BO doses), - - *00 WtuSilr Cnno* with Kpoclflcn, Manual* ^... ^ Wtorlnnry Ouro Oil ami Modtcator, 97*00 Jar Veterinary Cm © Oil* - • 1*00 Sold by Drugglits; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Prioo. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE 00.. Corner William and John Sts., Now York. HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No.i iu uho iiu yoara. tiio only *nceoBnnn rcimuiy ior Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, find Prostration, from ovor-work or other eausoa. $1 pur rial, or ft vinln ami lnr*m vial powdor, for &&, 8ou> ur unuaoiHTH, or wont postpaid onroeofpfc of prlco.-HUMPHREYS‘ MEDICINE CO., Cor. William and John Sts., N. Y Choice o Mixed o Candy IQ CTS PER LI3 THOMPSON & SON. CONSUMPTION CUltVD. An old physician. rotlifd from practice, having lm'*V,l O W. Wattles, John MnDrldo, G. O. nmelet. Hernard Muiien IPROPRIBTORS OP - CENTRAL Livery Barn. O'NEILL, NEB. • . NEW BUGGIES J£S HW" NEW TEAMS. Everything Ftrgt-Clagp. Itarn Opposite Cuinpboll's Implement House FRED C. GATZ, ' DEALER IN— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats, ' Sugar-cured Hai^^Lfast Baoon, Sldog, Sploo roll bacon, al I kinds of sausages, O’NEILL, NEB»’ Deyarman Brothers, PROnHIBTORS OF THE Checker Llirery, Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB. Finest turnout* In tho city. Good, oare tul drivers when wanted. Also run tho O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty ssarssa JE8KS,wsn*i3 EMIL SNIQQS, Gensral Blacksmith, O’NEILL; NEB Wagon and Carriage .Repair* ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe* tl ing a Specialty. Hand-Made Shoes Made to ant Oboek We stop Interfering and succeassuUr trert *' Q mrtor Cracks and Contracting Foot, ard ou'-e Corns, where our directions are strictly followed. * i-vt. Carry a Line of Carriage, Wagon and Plow £tock. \\ ork done on short notice. XI*32 _tr. >