The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 14, 1892, Image 8

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Get the Best Weekly in Nebraska one year and some
Premium, either a Valuable Farm, a Piano, a Threshing
Machine, a Wagon, a Solid Comfort Riding Plow, Har
rows, Plow3 and other Farm Implements; or any one of
the thousand and one useful and valuable presents of
fered by THE BEE as premiums. Every subscriber
gets something. The presents offered are the finest lot
ever given by THE BEE and you should not fail of the
opportunity this year. The price of THE BEE is $2,
or will club it with THE FRONTIER at $3 in
advance. Call on or address
J. H. RIGGS, O’Neill, Neb.
Richard T. Mills, Charlotte Mills, C. II.
Toncray and Emma 11. Toncray, Ezra It.
Carr, administrator of the estate of N. H.
Richardson, deoeased, H. A. Jandt and E. C.
Tompkins, partners doing: business under the
Arm name of Jandt and Tompkins, and Jos
eph Holmes, non-resident defendants, will
take notice that on the 24th day of December.
1891. the Union Trust Company, plaint Itr
herein. Hied Its petition la the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgago executed by
defendants, Richard T. Mills and Chat lotto
Mills, his wife, to the plaintiff, upon the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of seotlon eleven, and tbo southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter nf section twelve,
township thirty-one. range ten, west. In tlolt
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment, of
two promissory notes dated February 15, lss7,
for the sum of (25, and Interest at the rate of
ten percent per annum after maturity; that
there Is now due upon said notes and mort
f;age, according to the terms thereof, includ
ng taxes and Interest on a prior note and
mortgage paid by plaintiff to protect Its se
curity. the sum of (200 and Interest at the
rate ot ten per cent per annum from August
1,1891, and plaintiff prays that said premises
may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon, and that defendant
may be foreclosed of all equity of redemp
tion or other Interest In said mortgaged
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the eighth day of February, 1891.
Dated December 24,1891.
SB-4 Plaintiff.
Addison L. Paulo]*. George J, Squires and
Albert Dufour, Louie A. Long and Mary
Long, his wife, defendants, will take notion
that on the 24lh day of December. 18UI, the
Union Trust Company, plaintiff herein, tiled
Its petltlou in the district court of llolt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by de
fendant. Addison L. Pauley, to plaintiff,
upon the south half of the northeast quarter
and the south half of the northwest quarter
of section seven, township tlilrtv-two. range
ten, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to se
cure the payment of throe promissory notes
dated February 4, 1887, for the sum of fso and
interest at tlio rate often percent per annum
after maturity: that there Is now due upon
sutd notes and mortgage, according to the
terms thereof. Including lntetest on prior
note and mortgage paid Dy plaintiff to pro
tect Its security, the sum of fc5U und interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from
August 1,1801, and plaintiff prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy
the umouat due thereon, andjthat defendants
may be foreclosed of all equity of redemption
or other luterest In said mortgaged premises.
You aro required to unswersuld petition on
or before the 8th day of February, 1892.
Dated. December 24. 1801.
SM Plaintiff.
Lard Orriat at G'N'kim,, Neb., i
Dec. 8.1801. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In cupport of bis claim,
and that aula proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
Jan. 18,1802, viz:
| For the NW* 21-31-11 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Earl Allen, Mlnneola, Neb.; Frank Darr
find Joseph Shollmyer. Scottvlllc, Nub.; Bar
rett Scott. O'Neill. Neb.
22-fit B. S. Gillespie. Register.
Qet something useful as well as orna
mental for your wife a Christmas pres
'!■' ent. Helnerickson has a fine line of
chinaware, glassware, etc., from which
to make a selection.
Henry Hohl, Dora Uohl, Henry Brown. F.C.
Grable. Mrs. K.C. Grable. Mrs. J. H. Clark,
administrator of the estate of J. 11. Clark, de
ceased., Ioseph Damron, defendants, will take
notice that on the utli day of .lanuary, 1SIH.
Sylvia A. Daniels, plaintiff herein, tiled her
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by defend ants,Henry
llohl and Dora Hohl, to the Showalter Mort
gage Company upon the south half of the
southwest quarter of section fourteen (U>
uml the north half of the northwest quarter
of section twenty-three (23) in township twen
ty-six (iitt), north of ruugo fourteen tH) west
of tlie sixth principal meridian, containing
UK) acres, more or less, to secure the payment
of one promissory note dated August 1,1888,
for the sum of spr»u0 and interest at the rate of
seven per cent per annum, payable soml-au
nually, and ten per cent after maturity; that
theie is now due upon said note and mort
gage, according to the terms thcroof, the sum
of 4012.25 and interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from January 1. Witt, and
plaiutllT prays that said promises may be de
creed to be sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said pet ition on
or before the 18th day of February, 1892.
Dated January a, 1892.
Hy 11. M. Uttuey, Attorney. 27-4
JL Itooms are located over Morris & Co’s,
drug store on Dougins street. The rooms are
open at all times. Kepublicuns are invited
to visit the rooms at any and all times.
Strangers while in the city are Invited to
make the club rooms their headquarters,
business meeting of the club the tirst and
third Saturday eveniug of each month.
• _ A. L. TOWLE, President.
LEO. D. KIGGS, Secretary.
Itcb, mange and scratches of every
kind, on human or animals, cured in SO
minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by Morris & Co.,
druggist. _
Cash paid for small equities in wild
lands or improved farms. Abstract
must be furnished. Address
Asmus Boysen, Manning, la.
Clothing at 25 per cent discount at
Boy & McGowau's, Scottville.
Clothing at 25 per cent discount at
Roy & McGowau's. Scottville.
Remember, llenerickson's grocei ies
are the best.
Apples by the barrel at the City Bak
cry. «
Don't leave O'Neill on a trip before
inquiring at the Short Line depot for
passenger rates.
Cigars, fruits, nuts and candies, etc.,
at Heinerikson's.
Uncolored Japan tea in handsome
little baskets at sixty cents per pound
at Pfund & Wsgers. The tea is of ex
cellent quality and the baskets make
nice work or hand baskets for the
ladies. Try one.
If you are troubled with rheumatism
or a lame back, bind on over the seat
of pain a piece of tlanncl dampened with
Chamberlain’s Pain Halm. You will be
surprised at the prompt relief it ulfords
50 cent bottles for sale by P C. Corri
gan. druggist.
My dress la of fine pollahed oak,
Aa rich aa the finest fur cloak.
And for handsome design
You juat should see mine—
Mo. 8, Mo. 8.
I’m beloved by the poor and the rich,
For both I impartially stitch;
In the cabin I shine,
In the mansion I'm fine—
No. 8, No. ft
I never get surly nor tired.
With seal I always am fired;
To hard work I Incline;
For rest I ne’er pine—
No. 8, No. 81
I am easily purchased by all.
With instalments that monthly do fall*
And when I am thine,
Then life is benign—
Mo. 8, Mo. «L
To the Paris Exposition I went.
Upon getting the Grand Prise intent:
I left all behind,
The Grand Prise was mine—
Mo. 8, Mo. 8k
At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris.
Prance, the best sewing machines of the world.
Including those of America, were in competition,
'l'hey were passed upon by a Jury composed of
the best foreign mechanical experts, two of whom
were the leading sewing machine manufacturers
of Prance. This Jury, after exhaustive examina
tion and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler &
Wilson machines were the best of all, and award
ed that company the highest prize offered—the
GRAND PRIZE—giving other companies onlv
gold, silver and bronze medals.
The French government, as a further recogni
tion of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel
Wheeler, president of the company, with the
Ctobs of the Legion of Honor—the most prized
honor of France.
The No. 9, for family use, and the No, 13, for
manufacturing uses, are the best in the world
And now, when you want a sewing machine, if
you do not get the best it will be your own fault.
Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. S
Wheeler A Wilson machine. If he doesn’t keep
them, writs to us for desertptivo catalogue ana
terms, .tgems wanted in all unoccupied terri
Chicago, I1L
For Sale bt
_ Onp of the I
-■= BESTTel
rM-tipes l«l
the world. Our facilities are
unequaled, ami to introduce our
•uptriorpo<>d» wawill •cndrui’h.
to oM ri.U'Ojt in each locality,
a* above < inly those who w rite
to n* at one* can tnaka aura of
the clmnco All you have to do i*
return it to allow our prnod* t*
tho*c \vli» cnll—your neighbor*
Vv*' and tb. k.. around you. The be
? Iftnninir of this advertisement
•bow* the small end of the tele
«ope. The following cut five* the appearance of it reduced tc
tie at*. '. if Hft'erh part of it* hulk. It i* a rraud.doubleaixetrie
a-ojie, ,«lartre a a i« to etsrry. Wo w ill nl»o show you how you
•a t make front .*t;l to m ( 41 a day at least, from the atmi.w tih
m* eEperienea. Itetter write at ouee. We )«y all express eh nr pea
Xrtdreee H It A I-LET I b CO,, Box M(M* ”OKTLAM>. Maink
.<eeu nia«l<-«t
w-.rk f«.r tl», In- Anna Page, Anmin,
k loans, Jim. I.t.nn, Toledo, Ohio.
W*** Oili.TNnr<-iloin^aawall. Why
3n-t you/ sonic . am over t&OO.UO a
II.-until. the work and Hva
[ •» •»'••• wlu-rever you are. Keen be
f (r>uii<*i-» are . -aily eorninir from to
^ l a dii> .All nff'*. We show you how
and start y.-n. fan work In •iNiretim*
or all ill-- ilnn*. isijr money for wtuy
ere. I ill I ore unknown anions tb.-wi.
N KW* an I wonderful. I'arthuinni free.
■■•■•'aiich /•"o roriittmi^MaiBC
This Is a Joke.
From the Atkinson Graphic.
A report reaches us from the Huh of
Holt that a grain warehouse, located
near the railroad track in that city, was
destroyed by fire Tuesday night. They
have a well organized and superbly ap
pointed fire department in O'Neill, but
as its members trace their genealogical
line direct to the seven sleepers, not one
of them responded to the alarm, and the
warehouse, iis contonts and a car loaded
with grain on the track were consumed,
while the alert fire laddies and their
chemical squirt were snugly reposing in
the arms of Morpheus. If they had
telegraphed an alarm to Atkinson our
Are boys would have gone down there
on snow shoes in time to have extin
guished the flames before any serious
damage was done.
Sheep Baising a Good Business.
From the Omaha World-Herald.
There is no gainsaying the fact that
so long as mutton commands its present
figures sheep raising will be a good
business. It will in reality pay to grow
sheep for mutten alone, aud the money
obtained for wool is all clear gaiu. One
of the chief . advantages of handling
sheep is that it is practical to keep them
constantly under your care, and much
loss may be prevented which would oc
cur if this was not the case. Another
important point is that they will flourish
on short range. Then they yield ready
to will in the matter of breeding. You
can change in the shortest possible
time whenever the fashion in wool or
flesh changes. Then, under the present
demand for mutton, there is no necessity
for having any old sheep on hand, as
this class can be worked off from year
to year and the flock kept young and
Rov& McGowan,
Dry Goods,Groceries
■'•■■■*« CLOTHING, s
Guarentee to sell as cheap
as any store in Holt county.
S. C. & N. Lesses
All Points in Dakota, Dixon. Cedar. Pierce
Antelope and Holt Counties to
PuiehBoe Toui V9Lc3e«ts arid.
Slilp Xsmi Fxslglit xrlai
The Pacific Short Lie
For Passenger Fares and Time Tables:
For Hates on Freight between all stations
in Papina Clw. ♦ T I.,., .. ...1 . .. oi„_ n». .
r» ......— • ‘ ' ‘H “ .ill 111.
on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City and
* .he “
il l oiuuv-iiy HIIU
all Points east, apply to the agent of the Pa
cific Short Line at O’Neill, or
_ ^ __ JasVMcIIonv.
*• Yi "'o1'1 . Traffic Manager.
Gen. Superintennent, Sioux City, Iowa.
J. W. FIREBAtiGH, act.,
O’Neill Market Report.
The following is a correct market re
port for this week:
Hors, V100 lbs.fcl.31] Wheat. $ 05
Fatcows.lJKX&l.sORye.' 'S
Mutter. .20 Buckwheat.. J5
Eggs.20: Far corn. 25
Potatoes, v tiu.?U Shelled.. 3S
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining in
the postofflceat O’Neill, Neb., unclaimed, for
the week ending Jan, 14.1802.
It. L. Johnson Frick Holquist
hall lord K Baron W A Gush
Kdward ltoclie Mrs.I Ferry
Johana Vtnzens Mrs L L Messlok
In calling for the above please say **adver
tlscd” .r.n.nioos.p.M.
Get your Christmas candies, nuts,
fruits and oysteis at Heinerickson’s. He
carries a fine line in everything for hol
iday edibles.
Sewing Machines and Organs
1 keep constantly on hand the WHITE sewing niacV
walnut, oak or mahogany. The new Rotary Shuttle i
.nnn;.,g' mo8t noiseless and fastest sewer of nn,,
e. I have the ESFEY Organ always 1^5
lightest runnin^
chine ever made _n_„ 1U
All mucicians know this to be one of the”best Organs
by any manufacturers. If you want a Sewing Machine or #
Organ don’t let some traveling sharper take you in. He O
be sure to charge you two prices for inferior goods. No in f
ter what guarantees he will give you they are not as goodt
you can get from a permanent dealer in your own locality T
will take orders for Pianos and give the very lowest nri *
and most liberal terms. * ces
Pioneer hardware deai fr
I carry tlie largest stock of
Hardware, Tinware,
Copper & Graniteware.
In North Nebraska, and make a specialty o
Barbed Wire.
Harrows, Challenge Planters, Flying Dutchman,
Call and see me before you make your purchases as 1 can
save you some money.
First National Bank.
Paid-Up Capital, $5o,ooo. Surplus, $2o,ooo.
Authorised Capital, $100,000.
ED. F. GALLAGHER, Cashier.
Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Favorable
Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Interest.
Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange.^
C. C. Millard. M. Cavanaugh. T. F. Beumingham. J. P. Mahn>
E. W. Montgomery. Ed. F. Gallagher. Thad. J. Bermingham.
Royal Baking Powder
Has no Equal.
The Royal Baking Powder will make sweeter, lighter, finer-flavored
and more wholesome bread, biscuit and cake than any other leavening
agent. It is of higher strength, and therefore goes further in work and
is more economical. All government and scientific tests go to show
this. Royal Baking Powder as a leavening agent is absolutely without
an equal.
Rush Medical College, Chicago.
“As the result of my tests I find the Royal
Baking Powder superior to all the others in every
respect. It is entirely free from all adulteration
and unwholesome impurity, and in baking it
gives off a greater volunle of leavening gas than
any other powder. It is therefore not only the
purest but also the strongest powder with which i
I am acquainted.
“Walter S. Haines, M. D.,” Prof, of Chemistry.
Chicago College of Pharmacy.
“The Royal Baking Powder, which tests the highest
In strength, is free from lime, alum, lime phosphates or
other adulterations. Its superlative purity, the entire
wholesomeness of its ingredients, the scientific manner
in which they are combined, together with its much
greater strength, make the Royal unquestionably supe;
n££_to_any other baking powder.
“H. D. Garrison,” Prof of Chemistry