Oi: A1 DIRECTORY N YA Tjs. i;'Governor... " ;Vv .,f . •.. .Thomas II. Benton John M. Thayer _T. J. Majors ... .J. C. Allen .J. E. Hill ,.. . ' ....George H. Hastings ,,y IH'IU'I.O. -• ..r 1.-* jiuJhor „V^:.deorKO Humphrey |,jiihI;s l,na.‘ .A. 1\. Goildv .. 0l,;iliVi„stnu?U«n... ‘•‘.“s'.-NTS STATE UNIVERSITY. ,, il. I U; ■ nyroll i* Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, JW*?* ('wVirVittm; Davis, MeCook; George Clias! 'll. Morrill, Stroms mu'.-* , -i, yf/ IIKSSIONAL. I l,ns F. Manderson, of Omaha; friiiiie'^'pn.uiock. of Beatrice. N "!"' C paddock. of Beatrice. ,l ivriii'ii ^ " wm. Bryan. Lincoln: O. , in Bow: Wm. SleKelghan. Red COUNTY. ,.rl; of the District court.. ... Jolm McBride ■reii'Hrt’r. opal? —. lerk :. .. ^t'lVsehooU... ..is! on .. il.. ■ never. tieriiey .Rurrott Scott ....John S. Weekes .O. (J. Hamlet .C. E. Butler _IL C. McEvony .E. J. Mack .11. W. Dudley Mrs. II. W. Dudley . Dr. C. E. Fort .W. W. Page .E. W. Adams SUPERVISORS. SAME l—Chiu W W :1 It E John niiii it-rt M V TOWNSniP Green Valley Kairview Dcloit Cleveland Inman Ewing Sand Uroek Shields Chambers Verdigris Francis Rock Falls Paddock Dustin Grattan tvillowdale Emmet Sheridan Stuart Scott Lake Turtle Creek Pleasantvletv Steel Oroek Atkinson Wyoming Saratoga McClure O’Neill ('onley wan _ ADDRESS Atkinson Ino* Ewing Stuart Inman Ewing Atkinson O’Neill Chambers Page Atkinson Turner Leoula Badger O’Neill Minneola Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Scottvlllo Bliss Grand Jlaplds Emmet Star Atkinson Amelia Turner Little O’Neill Lambert Harold Swan GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Hurorvisor. S. B. Howard; Treasurer, J. 0. i rini-k N Martin; Assessor, S. 1'. [•Nichols;1"Justices, M. Slatterly and Chas. tn-soll- Constables, Perkins Brooks and rrfstranskio; Koad overseer,dist.26,Tlieo uk. otto: (list. No. 4,1‘. Barrett, sr. 67 7 Y OF O'NEILL. Supervisor, Sanford Parker; Justices, J. .I. inirunn J. P. O’Donnell; Constables, John ‘unpan and W. F. Keoley. m *COUNCILMKN—FIRST WARD* For two years.—Ben De\ arman. For on© ear-David Stannard. SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gatz. For on© year ►. Mullen. third ward. For two years—Barrett Scott. For on© year -C. C. Millard. CITY OFFICERS. „ . Mayor, 0. F. Biglin; Clerk,Thos. Campbell; ’reasurer, David Adams; kity^vi^nf?Cr’ ninner Adams; Police Judge, N. Martin, thief of Police, John Luppan; Attorney, ’hog. Carlon; Weigh master, Ed. McBride, itreet Commissioner, O. E. Davidson._ JUDICIARY. «hjof justice.. • •• A.masa Cobb Issociates.. .Samuel Maxwell and T. L. Norval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. .M. P. Kinkaid, ot O Neill li'iinrter.. .A. L. Warrick, of Ainsworth tale .A. W. Crites, of Chadron h-uorter .H. L. Laird, of Chadron ' LAND OFFICES. o NKHiL. n s Gillespie ... .’ . ..A. L. Towle. KliLlGH. .C. W. 1’oblnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..W. B. Lambert twister. lecciver. twister. ieeeiver S OLDIEHS' 11 EL IMF COMMISSION. Ilogulur meeting ilrst Monday in Fehru iry of each your, and at snob oTher times as adeemed necessary. Itobt. Gallagher. Page, ihiiirnmn; Win. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; •\. K. Haskins, Cleveland. L!T.PATRICK’S CATUUL1C C1UJKCH. O Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o clock. Very liev. Cassidy. Poster. Sabbath school immediately following services. Methodist ciiuucn. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Class Meeting at 10:iM) a. m. "Tuesday— Young people’s meeting, 8 p. ui. Wednesday—Children’s meeting, 4 p *ti. Prayer meeting, 8 p. m. Thursday—La ilSes’ r.iu society, 2 p. m. E. E. Wilsos. Pas. pnESBYTEKIAN CHURCH Services I every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Kkv. N. S. Lowuik. Pastor. n A. II. POST, NO. SG. The Gen. John VJ •O’Neill Post, No. 8C, Department of Ne braska G. A. B., will meet the tlrst and third Mini!day evening of each month in Masonic hall O’Neill. S. J. Smi : li. Coin. HMUIOUX VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. *^F. Meets every Wednesday evening in bdd Fellows’ hull. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. 0. H Miltz, Sec. A. H. Gorbktt, N. G. C. 11. Bentley, 11 S. l>. L. Darr. P. S, E. II. Thompson, Treas. 0 l’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. ., 0.0. F. moots every second and fourth frulays of each month in Odd Fellow^’ Hall, t*. M. Cleveland, s. S. Wole, C. F. pi»KX LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS iH.W UK I1EK AH, meets every 1st and tfd rnday of cuch month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Alice Adams, N. 0. llla Dark, Secretary. (1AHF1KLD LODGE, JfO.OS.FAA.M Regular communications Thursday nights “norbetore the lull of the moon.. Dff. r. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. riAHI'lEi/i, CHAPTER, R. A. M. „ Meets on lirst and third Thursday ot each "■"nth in Masonic hall. "•Do aits, Sec. J. C. Haunisii. H, P K !)F '■—helmet lodge, tj. d » i . ,'!ent,on every Monday at 8 o'clock p, oorhaliyS'nvUea?"'8’ V,slUn* brethenI p „ E. M. Gkadv.C. C, J" E’ E' ans, K. of R. and S. NO. 437. ofKATT4N’ alliance _ _ PimMi.i1'.19 -Alliance meets every second and invitert °u'y,rday at 3 P- m- Visiting memberi member A KOOd larm0>’S urged to become (Mas Inoehsoll Jno. Fallon, I’rcst. Sec. ALLIANCE. NO. 605, of 1 °''ury second and fourth Saturday S n ' fi.’nth ut Uriah Fellows’. _ ’u- Howard Sec. U. Fellers, Pres. POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival of Mails Everv ,;, ;- oM‘ T- h. I!.—FROM THE EAST. y™>,Sunday included at.5:15pi Every (inv a F,K0M THE west. 1 aa>. Suiy.ay included at.9:35 a i Arrives «,.„1’*Sma shout line. Ifeniiru0'eFy d:ly except Sunday at 9:00 p i 18 ” “ 6:00 a I fiehurts \r, °,N*1ILL AND CIIELSEA. ArflvMtI,’n'V- Wed. and Fri. at....7:00 a r luesi'Liy, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00p i Arrives AND cumminsville. ^Parts M?,,lQrl Fridays at. ..11:30 p r 18 -'Ion., U ed. and Friday at.1:00 p r },aD(toinimo<:.r‘0?IXU 0(1 MAILS. its,, J™eveH(>t closes at.9:20 » : of~8t c‘?sc« ttt.5:00 pi Ptrture. 1 c-~3ea'R min. before tlmo of d ^®ek(invi» DFPiCE hours. >v« -- 1 'tom t :00 a. m. to 8:00 p. nr.. Sut '■00a _. .._. „ ?■ Mom." ?*<>.10:30 a m arid 5:5b to 7:0c , ■ Moimv „ur u:ou “ m ano 8:isu to i:uu ‘hipi 7 „ J. ‘)Jder business only- on week day ‘ “ hi to 5 p m. J. H. UlQOS, P. M. JNhi Li, iiublNHSS DIRECTORY WH. PIERCE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Keal Estate ani> Insurance. E. II. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In tho Judge Itoborts building, ol' Harnett Jc Freon’ '.ember ynnl, O NEILL, north NEU. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in ull tho courts. Special at tention Kive.n to foreclosures and collection:!. 18 HlSO ,i • COUNTY ATTORNEY TJ. KING, . ATTORNEY' AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Probate Practice, tho Settlement of Estates. Pension, Buck pay and Bounty claims. Contest cases und all business before the local and gen eral laud otlieos u specialty.. AL80 SHORT HAND WRITER. Charges always reasonable. Office first door east of MeCafferty's hardware store. VI A. WELLS. DENTIST. Office over tho Holt County Bank. jQR. C. D. B. EISAMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TNltlLL, - NEB. J}R. B.T. TRUEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eye and Ear and flttlnfl Blasses a speelalty. Oliioo hours D to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m, Office oveii “TI1E EMPORIUM." gEWING MACHINES KEPAIUED BY GEORGE BLINCO JQIPSatisfaction gaurantced. ^|UtLEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material* furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. I C. SMOOT, It m FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8, ETO. A.. BOYD,, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. H. MEREDITH, ATTORK'BY-AT- AW. COMPLETE SET OF Abstract ® Books. Office oveii IIor.T County Bank. :2TFOU R YEARS EXPERIENCED In IT. 8. Land Business 1 A. H. CORBETT | jjjj WILL ATTEND TO YOU It I DENTISTRY fg IK i'l KST-Ci.ASS SHAPE. 1.PHOTOGRAPHY* 1 OF AI.L KINDS | Froaptly and S atisfactorily Executed. Office and galary on Fourth street g oast of Holt County Bank. -t l!!l!l!®iillili!ilf®i:!illi!:33l!ii!lilii®!li!llllliiBBil!!lllMllllilllllWIIIII!IIKS R. R DICKSON& CO.. 8UOOF.SSOR8 TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Title Absiracters/Conveyancers, TAXES PAID FOU NON-RESIDENTS. FARM LANDS • S AND TOWN LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. HOTEL EVANS. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, Refurnish eel -AND REFITTED. Only First Class Hotel in City. : W. T. EVANS, Prop. FEED MILL We have opened up a Feed .Mill at O’NEILL, NEB We wiil grind all kinds of Feed und will exchange Feed for Grain. See us, south of I’fund & Wagers,’ when you wnnt Feed at low prices. HATFIELD & MILLS.! WANTED, INFOUMA lion that will convict the thieves who stole lumber from my land on the South Fork, for which I will pay $50. JOHN COMSTOCK, Peoria, ID. Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. H. O. BUIIT, Ucncrnl Manager. K. 0. MOREHOUSE, J. It. BUCHANAN. Geu’I. Freight Agt. Gen’l. Fuss. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. TRAINS HERARTs GOINO EAST. Passenger east, - - 9:35 a.m. Freight east. - - 10:45 a. m. OOTKO WEST. Freight west. • • 1:45 r. M, Passenger west, • - 5:15 r. M Freight,.C:44 r. M. The Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining Chair Curs daily, between Omaha and Dead wood. jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on W_ J. DOBBS, Act. O'NEILL. NEIL Sclentiflo American Agency for$ CAVEATS, i TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, eto. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 861 Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tha Jffientiffc lutiin Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 83.00 a year? $1.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO* * UDLl&UEits. 861 Broadway, New York. Jliuvv .'ou wriUvu tnic vii? If you ^haven’t, Minium .|>r»ini«o you my 1jntU'iilion. I mi' I’.U'iiaUo to lirl.-lly \intcln m :ii |if'inon cither m'X, w ho •nil rcml a n d Knit**, iiinl who ,‘afn r instruction, [’will viirk hitlu*. jr,i i it>u»!y, Imiv to ►'••uni ‘1 iireii Thou vsaml bollBri H tyeiir In ihvir own . localities, ivheie cvcr tin-y live. ! will ii Iso furnish the ait uni ion or employment, nt which you can 'enm llint nninitnt. I charge nothing and receive noth ing unicbs suc cessful, bb above. [Nothing dillicult .to lenru, or thnt requires much time. I desire but one person from 'each district or county. I have al ready taught and provided with em ployment a large .number who are ij.iu;l ition Mi'r,yi*st „i.M making over I lire# I housamt Uo liars m Year, eacn. ah new, •olid, sure. Full particulars Tree. After you know all, if you conclude to go no further, why, no harm is done. Address, C. ALLE.X, Bux 4JSO, Augusta, Maine. 0/^1 A YKATT ! I undertake to briefly Lj H teuch any Inirly intelligent person of either Ej Hsex, who i .m mid ami write, and who, ■ Rafter instruction, will work industriously, Vliow in earn Three 1 h< iinaud Dollars a own lu.-alJilea.wln-r<‘verthey llve.l will also furnish the situation or employment,!!! which yi.ucan earn Hint amount. No money foe me unless successful ns above. KiimIv nml quickly learned. I desire but one worker from each district or county. 1 have already taught ami provided with employment a largo number, who ere making over H-kUOO a year each. It's jil K'W and SOIjI It. Full particulars FUCICSC. Address at once. B. C, ALLEX, liox 4220, Atiuuntu, JUuluo, |C?3X ■<7cait lif tnnifdit iMir5F.lYllnaofwi.il; U Q tv, J l - V» rapidly and ln>n»rnb:y. by those o R 9 R'll "d* W «bher **?, voting or old, amt in tli-ii HJu n •) |{ own’oeAiit1en,w|ier< ver they livi. An* ii K «3P L one can do t!i*» work. Kaey to burn, rnish evcryihhigr. We start you. N,» risk, You con devote your spare nioiuems, or all y*«r time (o t lie u «>rk. 'I hi» Is an entirely new lcm!,:iml brings wondytful stuco.- <;■ every w ..ifc, r. Beeinntrs are corning from tf2o to $&t* per week and iipwnid*, u:d mom after a little experience. V/e can furnish you the em ployment and tench y.>n tVMK. No rpneuto explain hure. Full Information * itK... TJUJKsV *>’<>.. AUvYU- r.UINK. W. W. PAGE County @ Surveyor. 0’NEII.X,, NEBRASKA. Will attend to all kinds of survoylnjr. A! calls promptly attended to and lnronnatoln cheerfully given. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chambeilain’s cough rem edy is freely given. It keeps the cough loose and makes expectoration easy. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. Learn shorthand by mail at home— Thorough course; careful instructions; situations procured pupils. W. It. Lighton, 1304 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. The finert kind of Limburger cheese at Heinerikson’s. Just the thing to eat with Cbri8tuias Turkey. We fn Golden Bricks. From Pomeroy’s Advunco Thought Those who ncotnplisU bnt little or uo'tbing themselves ure not safe advisors for others. To scold or whip a child for what you do is cowardly and brutal. The surest way to eradicated the bad is to cultivate the good. Good deeds and helping the poor are the prayers that God puts on record in our favor, while tho words go by un - noticed. lie who uses official or political power to bcnetlt Himself more than others should never have it Death, so-called, is one of man's best friends. Heaven y P. C Corrigan, druggist. We want every mothor to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hnarsness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the stan. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain’s cough remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to tyl. 25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan druggist. "Of course it hurts, but you must grin and bear it,” is the old-time consolation given to persons troubled with rheuma tism. “If you will take the trouble to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain’s pain balm and bind it on over the seat of the pain your rheumatism will disappear,” is the modern and much more satisfactory advice, 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. r ~ . St. Patrick's pi 1 In are citutfully uro part'd frutn tliu beat malarial atul no* cording to the most approved formula, and are the moat perfect cntlinrtio and liver pill that can bo produce.!. P. C. Corrigan sella them.. English Spavin Liniment removos all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Hlem* isbea from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, King Hone, Swouney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen* Throat, CoughB, otc. Savo $50 by uso of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Morris & Co. ^HUMPHREYS’ ^VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Sogt, Hogs, AND POULTBT. SOO Put nook an Trent meat of Animals mid Chart Hem Free, tnnl (Fovera,Cnngealtona,Inflninnmtlon A.A.lHpInnl AlenTualtls, nlllk Fever. 11.11. —Wirnlns. Lameness, Ithcumntlsm, C.C,—Hlalomper. Nasal lilsrharges, 11.11. —Hats or Crabs, Warms. K.K.—Coughs, llrnves, Pneumonia. F.F*—Colic or (tripes, llellynchn. 11.(9.—Allsearrlage, Hemorrhages. 11.11. —Crlnnry and Kidney Dlseanen, I. I.—Krupilve lllsenses, Manga. J. H.—lllneasen of Digestion, Paralysis* Slagle Bottle (over 00 do«»), - - ,60 Stable Cnee, with Hpoolflcs, Manual, Veterinary (loro Oil anil Mudluator, ST.06 Jor Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 Bold br Druggists; or Bent Prepaid anywhere ana In any quantity an Receipt of Prloo. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE 00., Oornor William and John Sts., Now York. HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC Aft SPECIFIC No.fi tt In ubo :R) yt*n»e. Tho only Nucoeanful remedy Jor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, anil Fiontratlon, from over work or other caunca. i 91 per vial, or ft vial* anti lar*r« vial powder, for 0ft. Sold hy Dhuuuibth, orneut poNtpaM on receipt of prico.-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Oor. William and John Bts., N. Y. Choice o Mixed o Candy 10 CTS PER LB. THOMPSON & SON. CON SUM I'TION CUItKl>. An old physician, retired from practice, having* had placed In his hands by an East India mlsslnnntiy the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma nent cure of Consumption, Itronehlt ls, Asth ma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Do blllty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested Its curative powers In thous ands of cases, has felt, it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive ami a desire to relieve human Buffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. t his recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for prepar ing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pnpor. W. A. Noyes, HJJO Powers' Hlook, Rochester, N. Y. A lino lot of glassware and crockery just received at Hoineriksotis. The goods will bear inspection and are cheap as the cheapest. For storm sash of any size jo to the Chicago Lumber Yard. 23-‘I A PATRIOTIC WORK. Every person who Is opposed to Free Trade Slavery and favors American Industrial Inde pendence scoured through the polloy of Pro tection, should read the loouments published by the American Protective Tariff League. As a patriotic cltlsea it Is your duty to place these documents In the hands of your frionds. They ore Interesting and Instructive, and embrace discussions of all phases of the Tariff question. Tbo League publishes over CO different docu ments, comprising nearly 000 pages of plainly printed, carefully edited and reliable Informa tion, Among the authors of these documents are, Hon. James O. Blaine ; Win. McKinley, Jr„ Governor of Ohio; Senator 8. M. Cullom. of Illi nois { Senator Joseph N. Dolph, of Oregon f Senator A. 8. Paddock, of Nebraska; Senator | rye. of Mai no; Senator Casey, of North Dakota; Senator Justin S. Morril, of Vermont; Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, of llhodo Island: Hon. Thomas H. Dud ley. of New Jersey; Hon. Robert P. Porter, of Washington; Prof. J. R. Dodge, of the Agricultural Department at Washing ton; Commodore W. H.T. Hughes; lion. K. A. Hartshorn, of New York; Congressman Dolhver, of Iowa; Hon. II. F. Jones; David Hall Rice, of Boston: Ex-Congress man Perkins, of Kansas; Dr. K. P. Miller,of New York; lion.Geo. Draper, of Mass.; Hon. C. L. Edwards, of Texas; Judge Wm. Lawrence, of Ohio; Hon. D. G. linrrtman, of New York; Hon. Geo. 8. Boutwell, of Mks«4 Hon. E. H. Ammldown, of New York: Kuoch Ensley, of Tennessee. This complete set of documents will be sent to any address, post paid, for Fifty (50) Cents. Address, Wilbur F. Wakeman, Beo’y, No, 28 West Twenty-Third 8treet, New York. A POPULAR FAMILY. Jennie: “ How is it, Kate, that you Always seem to * catch on ’ to the lost new thing ? Jj.> what 1 may, you always scent to get uheud of mo.” Kate : “ I don’t know: I oertalnlv do not make any exertion in that direction.” Jennie : ** Well, during the last low months, for example, you have taken up painting. without any teacher ; you came to the rescue when Miss Lafarge deserted her Delsarteclass so suddenly, and co rtainly we are ail improv ing in grace under your instruction; 1 heard you tel I in» Tommy Eames last evening how tils club made mistakes in playing: busebnll: you seem to be up on uii the latest * fails,’ und know just what to do under all circurastances; you entertain beautifully; and in the last month you havo.ini provedso in health,owing*, you tell me, to your physical culture cxercires. Where do you pet all of your information from in this little out-of-tho way place'/—for you never go to the city.” Kate: “Why, Jennie, you will make me vain. I have only one source of information, but it is surprising how it meets all wants. 1 very seldom hear of anything new but what the next few days bring mo full information on the subject. Mimic? No! Magazine! And a great treasure it is to us all. for it really furnishes the reading for the wlx-lc household: lather has given up his magazine that ho has taken for >%ars, as he says this one gives more and lietter information on the subjects of the day; and mother says that it is that that makes her such u famous housekeeper. In fact, wo all agree that it is the only really family magazine published, as we nave sent for samples of ull of them, and find that one is all for men, another ull for women, and another for childreu only, while this ono suits every ono of ns; go wo only need to take one instead of several, and that is where the economy comes in, for it is only $2.00 a year. Perhaps you think I am too lavish in my praise; but I will let you sec ours, or. better still, send 10 cents to the pub lisher, W. Jennings Deiuorost, 15 Kast 14th Street, New York, for a sample copv, and 1 shall always consider that 1 have done you a great favor; and hiay be you will l>o cutting us out, as vow say we have tin* reputation of being the best informed family in town. If that bo so, it is Dcmorcbt’s ramify Magazine that does it.” Holt county bank. O NEILL NEB •Oldest 8uk is the tyw Elkhon Ttllir.t AUTHORIZED OAPITAL *50.000. DAVID ADAMS, Frbibidbnt. J. B BLABON, Viojb Piikr. D. L; DARR, Gashibk DoeinQenera Banking Buslnei*. Issue* time oertlBoates bearing Into rot t. Draws drafts on Omaha New York, London lublln Edinburg and other oltlo*. —Make* long time oani on IMPROVED FARMS wrseiu European paaeontrer ticket* W. 1). Mathew*. Neil It hen nan. President. Vloo-Prualden Bamuei. O. Sami'I.e. Cuahlor. * THE * State Bank of O’Neill Authorized Capital, 8100,000. Paid up Capital, 880,000 , no A IIP or DIRECT'* *w,! l—tf-AM J O W. Wnttlea, John Mollrlde, O. O. tlatelot, llurimrd Million. W. D. Mathews, H. o. Huinplo, Null Urommn. City, Fiinn, Collateral and Peraonul Loan* Hollelted. . i-1 it i mu JONES & M'CUICHE C (PROPRIETOR* OP | - CENTRAL - Livery Barn. O'NETLL, NED. ID NEW BUGGIES JE) ar NEW TEAMS. Everything Ftrgt-Clapg. Darn OppoHlto Campbell's Implement Houpe FRED C. GATZ, . k W': .*• -r; ■ ■ v : t' !St M - DEALER IN— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats, Sugar-cured Ham, hruakfost Bacon, Sides, Spioe roll bacon, al i kinds of sausages, O’Neill. neb; Deyarman Brothers, PROHRIETORS OF THE Checker Lirrery, Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB „ , Finest turnouts in tho oity. Good, care* tul drivers wben wanted. AIM run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty EMIL SNIGGS. Genstal Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB* , -v-' ■':d -fj ■ -• w Have chargee of McCafferty’s Hearso. AH order, will recolve careful and prompt attend • Wagon and Carriage Repair* ing Done to Perfection. Mk Plow Work and Horse Shoe* ing a Specialty. Band-Made Shoes Made to ant Order ’• ;v We stop Interfering and successsully treat Quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and cure Corns, where our directions are strictly followed. Carry a Line of Carriage, Wagon and Plow Stock. Work done on short notice. Xl-dg