The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1891, Image 8

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Here's a new sphere for women: An
eastern corset manufacturer has con
tracted with five young women, “divine
p, ly tall, etc.," who are to travel 10,000
miles dressed in the very latest fashion.
They are to travel in luxurious style, and
to stay in the best hotels in the leading
towns. But tho principal part of the
scheme is that the agent of the menu-,
facturer travels with them and delivers
lecturers to ladies, proving medically
4 that good corsets are conducive to good
* •
“The little glossy-haired Mersume,”
says Sir Edwin Arnold, who is now trav
eling over the United States, telling of
his experiences at a Japanese inn,
“kneels all the time before the guest,
softly murmuring as she retills your
plate or cup, ‘Mo sukoshi nnsl’—‘Con
descend to take a little more!' and it is
part of the refined politness of this
nation that they call water, tea, soup by
complimentary terms, as O yu, ‘the
honorable hot water;’ O cha, ‘thy hon
orable tea;’ O tsclyce, ‘the honorable
refreshing dew—of soup,' ’’
• *
A box which contained a part of a
showman’s outfit caused no little anxiety
at Beaver City, this state, the other day.
It was shipped there and through n
man’s haed. The coroner and siierilT
were notified and they socurcd a juiy
and were ready to hold an Inquest.
When the box was opened there,
wrapped in hay, was tho gaBtly and
naked remains—not '.he victim of some
dastardly assassin, but the rigid form of
an Indian mummy.
« •
Washington Correspondence St. Joe
Newt: We had tho house with us long
enough to establish two things: we now
know who is the homeliest man iu cor^
, gress and who is the prettiest man there.
The homeliest man is new to the congres
sional. Several of the men who were in
the preceding congress and are also in
this one stood pretty well for tho palm
of homeliness, but when a iitt.e closer
examination of the merits of all in the
' race was mode there was found not one
who could approach the man wno by
common consent wears the trophy.
He is about S5 years of age and of me
dium height. He is from Nebraska, aud
hie name Is W. A McKeighan. His pliy
slognomy is of the nut cracker order.
" But Mr. McKeighan is as good-natured
as lie is homely. I can not—nobody
could—say anything that would be more
commendatory of bis good nnturo than
that. He is not the least bit sensitive
about folks talking of his homeliness.
Why, bless you, he is rather proud of it
than otnerwise.
He is so absolutely homely that he is
unique. And you cannot down a unique
man. Mr. McKeighan has —so one of
his Nebraska colleagues tells me—a lieu
tenant out in his state, whose name is
Dan Singleton. My informant tell me
■ that Singleton is almost as homely as his
chelf. 1 hate to doubt any man's word,
but after seeing and conversing with Mr.
; McKeighan I am at least going to be
At any rate they haye it for a boast out
.in Nebraska that that state possesses the
' three homeliest men that the Lord ever
saw fit to create, and they have it fur
ther that Daniel Singleton is one of that
three and that McKeighan is the other
two. __ _
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets be
yond the reach of medicine. They often
sayf “Oh, it will wear away,” but in
most cases it wears them away. Could
they be induced to try the successful
medicine called Kemp’s Balsam, which
■ is sold on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excel
lent effect after taking the first dose.
Price 60 cents and SI Trial ««u free.
At all druggists.
Big Cut on Prices of Boots and Shoes.
In order to reduce my immense stock
of boots, shoes, felts, overshoes, trunks,
valises, etc.,I will,during the next thirty
days, sell everything at actual cost, for
cash only. Remember, you have a
#5,000 stock to select from and that I am
^ the only exclusive boot and shoe dealer
in the city. H. Wilson.
r Learn shorthand by mail at home—
Thorough course; careful instructions;
situations procured pupils. W. R.
Llghton, 1304 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb.
£'.• If you want something dainty and
delicate for your Christmas dinner try
someof Heinerikson’s Limburger cheese.
"Of course it hurts, but you must grin
and bear it,” is the old-time consolation
given to persons troubled with rheuma
tism. "If you will take the trouble
to dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain’s pain balm and bind it on over
i- V the seat of the pain your rheumatism
will disappear,” is the modern and much
more satisfactory advice, 50 cent bottles
m for sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
^ Roy & McGowan. Scottville, baye the
largest store and best stock of goods of
ny country store in Holt county.
The Blue Front.
Call at the Blue Front for groceries
and Christmas goods. All kinds of
■ nuts,cranberries, fruits of all description,
celery, bottled and bulk pickles, sauer
kraut and any thing that can be found
at a first-class Grocery house. Call and
'f- see us. J. L. Mack, Proprietor.
f Fresh oysters at Bentley’s.
Wo have opened up a Feed Mllljt
We will grind all kinds of Feed and
will exchange Feed for Grain. See us,
south of l’fund & Wagers,’ when you
want Feed at low prices.
tion tliut will convict
the thieves who stole lumber
trom my land on the South
Fork, for which 1 will pay $50.
Peoria, ID.
Choice o Mixed o Candy
I have just received a flue line of
dress patterns of latost styles. No two
alike. Don't miss investigating goods
and prices ns they are tho best ever
sold in the city.
P. McMaijlis.
The Handsomest Lady in O’Neill
Remarked to a friend the other day that
she know Kemp’s Balsam for tho Throat
and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it
stopped her cough instantly when other
cough remedies effect whatever.
So to prove this and convince you of its
merit, any druggist will give you a Sam
pie Bottle Five. Large size 00c and $1.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
The Sioux City & Northern railroad
and Pacific Short Line will sell round
trip tickets between stations at one fare
for round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 24,
25 and 31, 184)1, and Jan. 1, 1892, good
to return to and including Jan. 4, ’92.
Jas. V. Mauonev, Traific Manager.
The tnanunouth stock of Hour that
Pfund & Wagers have ou hand goes to
show who sells the flour in O'Neill.
They have just received three car loads,
one from the Long Pine mill, one ‘from
West Point and one from Randolph.
They propose to sell these three cars of
flour by January 1, ami all persons wish
ng to avail themselves of the opportu
nity of laying in their winter stock
should bo sure and examine the quality
and get their prices before buying else
Come and see our beautiful dressed
doll to be given away December 26, A
ticket will be given with each purchase
of a dollar’s worth of holiday goods.
21-3 Morris & Co.
Get something useful ns well as orna
mental for your wife a Christmas pres
ent. Heincrickson has a fine line of
chinaware, glassware, etc., from which
to make a selection.
Don't be deceived by J. P. Mann’s big
advertisement. If you want good goods
at bed rock prices go to Roy & Mc
Gowan. Scottville.
Wanted, a good, stout boy to learn the
printing business. Inquire here.
Get your Christmas candies, nuts,
fruits and oysters at Ueinerickson’s. He
carries n fine line in everything for hol
iday edibles.
Itch, mange and scratches of every
kind, on human or animals, cured in 30
minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by Morris & Co.,
druggist. _
Cash paid for small equities in wild
lands or improved farms. Abstract
must be furnished. Address
Asmus Boyskn, Manning, la.
Come to the "C. C.” supper and learn
what the "Fates” have in store for you.
Clothing at 25 per cent discount at
Roy & McGowan’s, Scottville.
Clothing at 23 per cent discount at
Roy & McGowan’s, trcottville.
A car load of farm wagons just re
ceived at Frank Campbell's. 20-4
Remember. Xlenericksou’s groceiies
are the best.
Apples by the barrel at tho City Bak
ery. _
I will pay $50 for information that
will convict parties taking my lumber
and bouses on my land on South Fork,
near John Keller’s. John Comstock.
Don’t leave O’Neill on a trip before
inquiring at the Short Line depot for
passenger rates. .
Cigars, fruits, nuts and candies, etc.,
at Heinerikson's.
Uncolored Japan tea in handsome
little baskets at sixty cents per pound
at Pfund & Wagers. The tea is of ex
cellent quality and the baskets make
nice work or hand baskets for the
ladies. Try one.
If you are troubled with rheumatism
or a lame back, bind on over the seat
of pain a piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. You will be
surprised at the prompt relief it affords.
60 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corri
gan, druggist.
For storm sash of any size go to the
Chicago Lumber Yard. 23-3
Richard T. Mill*. Charlotte Mills, Ezra E.
f'.irr, administrator of tli;- estate of N. II.
Richardson, deceased, II. A. Jnnril uik) ft. (1.
Tompkins, partners doing biisinessundcr the
fii'rn 11 nmo of .land! nml Tompkins, tun 1 Jos
i pli Holmes, non-resident. defendants, will
lake not Ice 1 hat op tlio 24th day of December,
I Sill, tlio I Tii Ion Trust Company, plaintiff
herein, Hied Its petition lit the district court
of Holt county. Nebraska, against said de
fendants, t lie olijcct and prayer of wliloh art)
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants, Richard T. Mills and Cbailotle
Mills, Ids wife, to the plaintiff, upon tho
southwest quartorof the southeast quarter
of sect ion eleven, and the southwest iiuarter
of I lie southwest quarter of section twelve,
township thirty-one. range ten. west, in Holt
county, Nebraska, to secure tho puyinciitof
t wo promissory notes dated February 1.1,1887.
for the sum of $£i. and interest at the rate of
ten per cent per annum after maturity; that
t hero Is now duo upon said notes and mort
mge, accordlnif to the terms thereof, tnolud
itot taxes and interest on a prior note and
inortRiiKO paid by plaintiff to protect Its se
curity, the sum of *2IK> anti Interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from August
I, Ism, ami plulntllf prays that suld premises
may ho decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon, and that defendant
may be foreclosed of all equity of redump
tion or other interest in said mortgaged
Addison L. Pauley. Oeorge J, Squires and
Albert Du four, Louie A. Long and Mary
Long, hi t wife, defendants, will take notice
that on the 24th day of December, 181)1, the
Union Trust Company, pluintllf herein. Hied
Its petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object anti prayer of which are to fore
close a. certain mortgage executed by de
fendant, Addison L. Pauley, to plalntllf,
upon I lie south half or tho northeast quarter
and tlm south half of t he northwest quarter
of section seven, township thirty-two. range
ten, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to se
cure the payment of three promissory notes
dated February 4. 1*87, for the sum of *80 and
Interest at the rate often percent per annum
alter maturity; that there Is now duo upon
said notes and mortgage, according to tin- j
terms I hereof. Including hitetest on prior
note ami tuorttfuiro paid by plaintiff to pro- i
teot Its sccr.rhy. the Finn «>f anu Interest |
tit, the rate of ten tier cent per annum from
August 1,181)1, and plalntllf prays that said i
premises may he sold to satisfy the amount
duo thereon, and that defendants may be
foreclosed of all equity of redemption or
other Interesl In said mortgaged premises.
You arc required lo answer said pel Itlon on
or before Hi" 8'h day of ! obruary. H«2.
lore Ur uuy ui rfuruniy, j
Deeenfbor !i4, 18!»1.
Duteti Deeeinber :M. 101.
Pin I ill it
Notion Is limilty j-'lvcn Unit sonlod liropo*
uls for the rm nlslilntr of llio lollotvlnit nti|>
ullos for tlio oltioofs of Holt county tor llio
ousuinir will 1)0 roo.oivoti lit 11its county
lories olilooutO'Nolll. NVbntska. up to noon
of.tlio tut It titty or January. lnltt. viz:
:;5 Itlttiilt I oolts, loiitlior <|ttlros
JO printed books, leather boiiuil. N quires
fitlOO printed bltnikti lutlf shoot deral, I8»s.
»t kill printed blanks, quarter sheet dentils
P<?,i">i<1|irlnted blanks, oiie-elglith sheet deral,
18 pounds.
lu roams bond legal cap.
in reams senate legal cap.
103 pounds blotting pads, <1x12 inches,
anno envelopes No. 0 nx high out., printed.
13000 envelopes No. IU xx high cut. printed,
tUMld envelopes No. 11 xx high cut. printed.
100 road overseers’ receipts—10J In each
llkl poll books.
25t01 letter heads. 121bs. to the ream,
notion note heads. S lbs. to ream.
1000 court wrappers, No. 250 x pat.
1 doz. gross pencils. Fabers No. 2.
2 tloz. gross pens.
10 gross pen holders,
40 quarts Arnold’s writing fluid.
10 quarts ettrmine writing fluid.
20 gross rubber bunds, 1-10 Inch, variegated.
20 gross rubber bands % inch pur© rubber.
15 gross rubber bands. H Inch pure rubber.
5 gross rubber bands % inch pure rubber,
ft gross rubber bands V* iuch pure rubbor.
10 gross pyramid pins.
5 quarts mucilage.
150 Congress ties f a inch.
150 ” “ U “
150 “ “ 1 **
150 •* - 1*4 “
150 •• ** 2 -
100 box envelopes.
v 50 chattel mortgage tiles. . , .
Bidders wilHbe reuired to give bond in
double the amount of old for the taithful ex
ecution of contract. Goods to bo delivered
when needed, upon order of the county clerk.
The county board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Dateu this 31
31st day of Dec. 1801.
G. C. Haze let.
County Clerk.
Land Office at O’Neill, Nob..»
Dec. 3. 18»1. j
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of ids intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that saia proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
Jan. 16,1892, viz:
For the NW^ 21-31-11 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Earl Allen, Minneola, Neb.; Frank I)arr
and Joseph Shollmyer, Seottville, Neb.; Bur
rett Scott, O’Neill, Neb.
22-G+ B. S. Gillespie. Register.
Holt County. f&s
At a county court held at the county court
room, in and for said county, Dec. Hi, A. D.
Present. E. H. Benedict, count y judge.
In the mutter of the John It. Saim on read
ing and illling the petition ut‘ Reiuoii iSalin
tuaying a tiim! settlement and allowance of
ler final account, tiled on the lUth day of
l -eember, 1891, and lor discharge.
Okdkkkd. That Dee. 29, A. D., 1981. at 2
o’clock P. M., is nssinged for hearing sftid
petition, when ail persons interested in said
matter may an pear at a county court to
be held, in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing there
of, be given to all persons interested in said
matter, by publishing a copy of this order in
The Fuontieh, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county, for two successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
(A true copy.!
23-2 E. II. Benedict, County Judge.
rnilKO’N K1I.G UBl'l'lII.K'AN Cl.l'B
X booms aiv located over Morris & Go’s.
(ti u(f stuiv on Dougins street. The rooms are
open at nil times. ltepuhllcaiis nre invited
tov|sit the rooms at any nml nil times.
SI ramrers while la the e.ity nee invited to
make the club looms their headquarters,
business meetiny of the club the llrst und
i turd Saturday evening of eaeli month.
A. L. Tu\> I.K. President.
1' ICO. D. HIGGS. Secretary.
| Do Unto Othets As You Would Hava
I Them Do Unto You.
I Don’t forget the Pacific Short Line;
I their (|iiick time, good train service, aud
in short every convenience for the ac
commodation of passengers. Special ef
foi ls will lie made to give you a plcas
ont one. No matter where or in what
direction you wish to go, enquire about
rates and time of trains before starting,
of J. \V. Firebaugb, agent of the Pacific
Shoit Line, O’Neill.
Our readers will notice the advertise
ments in these columns of Chamberlain
& Co., Dcs Moines, la. From personal
experience we can say that Chamber
lain's cough remedy has broken up bad
colds for our children and we are
acquainted with many mothers in Cent
erville who would not be without it in
the bouse for a good many times its
cost and arc recommending it every day
—Centerville, S. D , Chronicle and Index.
25 cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale
1 by P, C. Corrigan, druggist.
Will not move for several weeks yet.
Trade is too good to puli up now,
and besides we must dispose of a
thousand pair of boots and shoes
lirst. If you want boots and shoes
at manufacturer’s prices we have
them for you, by the pair or ease,
any way to suit your circumstances.
You will positively save money if you
buy of us. No shoddy stuff at high
prices, but the BEST at the lowest
ary*i cccea aapa jsr.ja^ €r'**,*t
warn* ta3*» «Jnn
tr&&rrv:r:siAr!?izjfriL «s*raw/
Sewing Machines and Organs.!
I keep constantly on hand the WHITE sewing machines,
walnut, oak or mahogany. The new Rotary Shuttle is the
lightest running, most noiseless and fastest sewer of any ma
chine ever made. I have the ESKEY Organ always in stock.
All mucicians know' this to he one ot the best Organs made
by any manutacturers. If you want a fcjewing Machine or an
Organ don’t let some traveling sharper take you in. He will
be sure to charge you two prices for inferior goods. No mat
ter what guarantees he will give you they are not as good as
you can get from a permanent dealer in your own locality. I
will take orders for Pianos and give the very lowest prices
and most liberal terms.
22 3mo
Scientific American
Agency for$
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given freo of charge in the
Jtientifi; j|tumcau
largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, 83.0ft a
rear; |L50 six months. Address MUNN & CO
Publishers, 3C1 Broadway, Nov/ York.
Purchase Tickets and Consign your
• Freight via the
F. E.& M.V. and S. C. h P.
If. G. BURT. Gcnoral XIanager.
Uen'l. Freight Ajrt. Gen’l. Pass. Apt.
Passenger east. - • -
Freight east.
Freight west,
Passenger west,
9:35 a. m.
10:45 a. m.
1:45 p. xr,
5:15 p. m
6:44 p. xi.
The Elkhorn Line is now running: Eee’iuinj?
Chair Cara daily, between Omaha and Dead
wood, Jreo to holders of first-class transpor
Fer any Information call on
Wi J. DOBBS, Agt.
|!!uvo you written
jme y< t? If you
('haven't, wisdom
and intelligent
li'niMttuii nvrrc.Ht
I i-dnv. I
jiuo.i.Uy y.-u iny
WjHvis:!, peryounl
{attention. I hr.
ji.«Ti:i!>c t<» Lr icily
{teach any fairly
, -*i..I .im i;t prison
•>>t either sex, who
fan rend and
I'vihc, rtiul wha
j-'fii r instruction,
I'vlil work indus
triously, how to
[cam Three Thou
l>ol1nrs a
[year in tlieir own
[localities, wliere
!evtr they live. ?
will also furnish
the situation or
[employ incut, a t
,wliieh you ecu
cam that amount.
|X charge nothing
and receive noth*
ing unless suc
cessful, as above.
Nothing dilficult
[to Irani, or Hist
requires much
time. I desire hut
one person from
ittch district or
'county. I have si
ready taught and
|provided with am
pli ymcnt a large
- 1 iiiiflm»ke to briefly
BU,;'cU "".v *“'*■*/ !»*i.t | • r>on of tithcV
write, and w ho,
*’ ®* ,t,,r »'i»trr.«-t.on,»d» work industriously!
Ti.«u»nitd Dollars a
,w revert hoy Hvu.I will also furnish
1 ,at''l,i' }■'** *•»» * «ni that amount,
ocvesiiilito above. Itaftllv iiud quickly
.worker irom outli district or countv I
fWill • -”f" brings wonderful success to t’verv tvotk. r.
p .ti n ■ ojnmiif from Ijitiu to 1K1U per week and umvnnis
County ® Surveyor.
» atlenJ to a't kinds of surveying. A1
*° End ‘“*>™atolu
1 litre is uo danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's cough rem
edy is freely given. It keeps the cough
loose and makes expectoration easy. 25
and HO cent bottles for sale by P. C.
Corrigan, druggist.
The flneit kind of Limburger cheese
at Heineiikson's. Just the thing to eat
with Christmas Turkey.
DryGoodi, Groceries
Guarantee to sei
, _ 48 chean
as any store in Holtlcounty.
S. C. & N. Lesses
All Points In Dakota. Dixon. Cedar. Pierce 1
Antelopo and Holt Counties to i
S’Ta.xelxeusa ‘S’o'u.x Tleleote eua*
Bblp "SToiax 3Txelglit -ela
The Pacific Short Lie
For Passenger Fares and Time Tables:
lor Rates on Freight between all stations
on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City and
all Points east, apply to the”agenTot tfePa
’itic Short Line at O’Neill, or
_ „ _ JAS V McHony.
” 9- Hill. Traffic Manager.
Oen. Superintennent, Sioux City, Iowa.
J. W. FIRE6AUGH, act.,
lry the Chautauqua Pioneer flour
and you will use no other.
5 Theo. Walmer, Mgr.
St. Patrick’s pills are carefully -jre
pared from the best material am! ac
cording to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic ami
liver pill that can be produced. P. C.
Corrigan sells them..
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps und Blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splits, King Bone, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, 8ore and Swollen' Throat,
Doughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv
Morris & Co.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
$00 Page Book on Treatment of Animats
and Chart Sent Free,
tunas < Fevers, Congestions, I n (lntnniatioo
A. A.{-Spinal Meningitis, Milk Eeve*.
il.It.—strains. Lameness, Rheumatism.
C.C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
!>.!>.—Dots cr Grabs, Worms.
K. F..—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
P.F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyacho.
B. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
II.II.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
1.1.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. ,
I. K—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysl*
Single Bottle (over 60 doscsX - * •”*
Stable Case, with SpeclflM, Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medicator, oV.w
Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - ■ *■“
Sold by Druggists; or Sent PrepaM anywnera
and in any quantity on Heceipt of Fnc««
Corner William and John
Iu use 3U years. Tho only successful *®®e 3
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
■ml Prostration, from* over-work or other
II per vial, or S vials and large vtal pm"M .
Sold dt druggists, or sent postpaid on rev
Oor. WiliiamandJohn^Sts.. a* __
O’Neill Market Report.
The following is a correct market re
trt for this week:
rigs, W tootts.$3.3>|Wheat.
core.2.50 Oats ..
it cows.1.50®1.S0|Bye ......
liter. ...\.20 Buckwheat. s
jgs.201 Ear corn. 26
dittoes. $1 bil.21) Shelled ——"
An old physician, retired ft0,1‘
tvlng had placed In his hands by t
iriia rnlsslonaay the formula or rnja.
■getable remedy for the speedy an P Adh'
mt cure of Consumption, Bro"®?'4', ilso*
amid all throat and Lung Affection-■ ^
isitive and radical euro for “ ;1ftt.r
By and all Nervnus Comp*‘n“’ tll0Us
Vlner tested Its curative P«"^in,a' "
i motive and a desire t°./SS®'Scl'to *P
Vingr teatea its curauw v-;; --■A rnaD'|f
is of cases, has felt It his duty te(j f:,
own to his suffering fellows.■ hum“B
s motive and a desire to t*** — to *j)
ferlng, I will send lree of®".., frend1
o desire It. tills recipe, prcP91'
English, with full direct ons mr ^ ,
rand using. Sent bymal Waauw. A.
.1. _ .... ... I w ir tlltfl IlHUCl. - xr
I Will sena ircc y — Frew
b It. tills recipe. In<’rm.;‘'r prep«u
h, with full directions wr ^ I
,nu using. Sent by mat
stamp, naming this P*P ’ j,t y.
, js, 820 Powers’ Ulock, Koc)iegten__—_
1 fine lot of glassware ®n^®!0CTh®
t received at Heincriks • p
ids will bear inspection and w
the cheapest.