The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 26, 1891, Image 8

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Success of the Efforts to Scotch Bed Bak
ing Powders.
The aggrcssivo war waged by tbo
Royal Baking Powder Company upon
the hosts of adulterated and impure bak
ing powders sold through the country
is having a desirable effect. The scand
alous attacks upon the lloyal company
by the manufacturers of impure goods
(which are made doubtless both from a
spirit of revenge and in the hope of
breaking the effect of the damaging ex
posures) show that they are hit, while
the official reports which have come
from various public authorities fully
corroborating the statinents made by
the Royal company, have awakened
a wholsome public sentiment in favor
of repressive laws, which means mischief
to the illegitimate traffic.
The Royal Baking Powder Company
set out some time ago to expose the
chatacter and to break up tbo sale of
adulterated baking powders. Having
found from an examination of many
specimens that there was a large number
of actually injurious powders in the
market, they brought the matter before
the public and denounced the makers by
name in the press and to the health
authorities. The affair was taken up
by the physicians, board of health aud
legislatures throughout the country,
chemists were employed to test the
various powders in the mnrket, and the
government itself directed annlyses to
be made before it would purchase tbo
supplies needed for army, navy and
Indian uses.
The result justified the cbnrges made
by the Royal company. Not only were
the majority of baking powdtis in the
market found to be largely adulterated,
but many of them were ascertained to
contain alum and other poisonous igre
dients to such an extent ns to render
them positively unsafe for use in human
In making the chargee the Royal Bak
ing Powder Company did not hesitate
to enter into competition with every
other baking powder in the country,
and it Is a public satisfaction that in the
• testa by the government and state chem
ists and by board of health, the Royal
Baking Powder has been declared to be
the superior of all others in strength,
purity and wbolesomeuess, and alsolut
ly free from all inferior or detrimental
From recent official reports it is evi
dent that the alum and otherwise
impure goods have again come upon the
market in dangerous quantities and their
old enemy, the Royal, is again upon the
warpath. In continuing its warfare
against these goods the Royal is meeting
With the old time opposition and abuse.
The public, however, will appreciate,
as heretofore, both the object of the
abuse and the action of the Royal com
pany, and award full justice to the com
pany that so fearlessly stands up for its
protection from such adventurers.
On Deoeiuber 1, 1801, 1 wilt Issue distress
warrants tor all unpaid personal taxes of lsbo
and prior years. These taxes must he paid.
Respectfully, BARRETT SCOTT,
la-3 County'True surer.
John Morrow aud Elizabeth Morrow, de
fendants, will take notice that on tue Suth
day of July. lSUl, J. L. Moore, plaintiff hero
in, filed his petition In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, tbe object and urayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by de
fendants to Dakota Mortgage Loan corpora
tion u pon t lie N W M of section 211, tow nshlp 35,
north of ruugo 13 west, In Holt county, Ne
braska, insecure the payment of ten promls
* aory uotes dated J nnuury 2u, ISM. for the sum
; of M each und Interest at the rute of ten per
cent per annum, payable annually after ma
turity : that there Is now due upon sutd notes
and mortgage' according to the terms there
of, the sum of SIS.IM) and interest at the rate
of ten per cunt per annum from February 1,
1SS1, und platuuff pruys that said premises
may he ueceeed to bo sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon.
, You are required to answer said potltlou on
or before the -1st day of December, 181)1.
Dated O'Neill, Neb., Nov. T, 18M1.
J.L.MOOIIE, Plaintiff.
By N. D. Jackson, Ills Attorney, 13-4
William T. Humphreys, G. W. Brooks and
William Bell, non-resident defendants, will
take notice that on the 7 th day of November,
• loJl, W. 11. Snyder, plaintiff herein, filed his
petition in the district court of Holtcouuty,
Nebraska, against said defendants and John
J. Hoc he and C. W. Lament, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendant, William T.
Humphreys, to John J. Koclie as trustee,
upon the N\VH Of section JO, in township 31,
north cf range 9 west In Holt county, Nebras
ka, to secure the payment of one promissory
note dated December 1, 1880, for tbo sum of
$40u and Interest at the rate of eight per cent
percent perauuum, payable seiui-atinuully,
aud ten per cent after maturity; that there
la now due upon said note and mortgage, ac
cording to the terms thereof, the sum of *475.20
and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annuin frem December 1, 1800, and plaintiff
prays tdat said premises may be decreed to be
sola to satisfy the amount due thereon, and
that the title or other interest of the defend
ants, John J. Roche, U. W. Lament, G. W.
Brooks and William Hell, in said premises
may he decreed to be junior and subject to
aaid mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 21st day of December. 1891.
Dated O’Neill, Neb.. Nov. 7.1801.
W. H. SNYDER, Plaintiff.
By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney.
To whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to establish a
road, commencing at the section corner be
tove^n sections thirty-five (35) and thirty-six
(30) on the south line of township thirty (30)
north or range twelve (12) west; thence run
ning north on section line between sections
thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (30), six (0) miles
to the section corner between sections one (1)
and two (2) on the north line of said township,
thence running east on township line between
sections one (1) and thirty-six (30) 40.20 chs;
thence north on on the one-quarter section
line on section thirty-six (30) 72.04 chs; thence
north 30 deg west, 12.92 chs north; 2 degs
west on section twenty-five (25) 0.19 chs north
41 deg 30 min west 8.34 chs north 10 degs west,
17.02 chs north, 42 deg 30 min west, 12.00 chs
uorth, 15deg 45 min west, 12 chs; thence north
52 deg 30 min east, 5.20 chs; thence north 07
deg 30 min west, 5.5U chs, there to terminate
near Eagle Mil;s, has reported in favor of the
establishment thereof and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must be filed
In the county clerk’s olfice on or before noon
of the 9th day of January. A. D. 1892, or said
road will be established without reference
DtKAid G. C HAZELET, County Clerk.
V. K., Deputy. 18-4
Oonrgo Hobl, Lizzie Hold anil Jacob Htoller,
assignee of the Hliowaltcr Mortgage win
p,any. defendants, will take notion that on
the :mtli dav "I October, Islll, Mary K. Men
ard, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition III I bo
district conn of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendant*, the object and
prayer of which are to, foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendant* George
Hold and Lizzie I he Hliowaltcr Mort*
gage company, upon the K‘i of the N\\'la and
the K*i of the SWI, of section 15. In township
tin north of range 14 west, In Holt county. Ne
braska, to secure 1 no payment of one proinls
sorv note dated August 1. IMS, for the sum
ol ffsil) and Interest at t he rate of 7 per cent
per annum payable seml-iinmiiilly and ten
percent after maturity: that there Is now
I no upon said note and mortgage, according
othete ms thereof, line sum of iJ'iiTi.f'a and
interest at the ratu of ten tier cent per annum
... August 1, lMi], and piuintllf prays that
said premises may lie deereed to tie sold to
satisfy the amount, due Uiereon. and that the
title or other Interest of the defendant.
Jacob Htoller, assignee of the Hhowiiltor
Mortgage company, In said premises, may lie
decreed to lie junior and subject to ttie lien
of tho plaintiff's mortgage.
you are required to answer said pet I lion on
or before the 14th day of December, is»l.
Dated O'Neill. Nell.. October ISO. ITld.
MAKV 1>\ LEONAIfD, Plaintiff.
Hy N. D. Jneksoti. her Attorney. 17-4
Jacob Htoller, assignee of tho Sliownlter
Mortgngoootiipiiny. and Kussoll A Company,
defendaels, will take notice that on the doth
day of October, 1M>L Mary, F. Leonard,
plnlntitr herein, filed her petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object mid prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ccutod by defendants, Mary I. Koby and
I rank Koby, to the Hliowaltcr Mortgage com
pany upon tho H',j of the NK1, and the Ntj
of the Mih of seel Ion lit, in township d ■ north
of range 11 west In Holt county. Nenraska, to
secure Hie paj merit or one promissory nine,
dated August 1, Irak, for the sum of Ml and
Interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable
scinl-nnmmilv and ten tier cent after matur
ity ; thattliero Is now (Hie upon said note and
mortgage, according to the terms theieof. tho
sum of *1117.51 and Interest at the l-atu of ten
per cent per iiuiium from August 1, lsOl, and
plaintiff prays that said promises may he de
creed to he sold to satisfy the amount file
thereon, and that, the title or other Interest
of the defendants, Jacob Htoller t assignee of
tho Show alter Mortgage company! andl Rus
sell A Oompiiny. In said premises may be de
creed to tio .junior amt subject to the lien of
the plaintiff's mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 14th day of Decora bur. IHU1.
Dated O'Neill. Neb., October ltd. mill.
MAKV F. LEONAltD, Plaintiff.
P.y N. D. Jackson, her Attorney. 17-4
To Joseph A. Bessie Pinkerton,
W. H. Klcbmoi.d, Mrs. W.H. Richmond, The
Control Iowa Investmeht Company, H. J,
Holers, Mrs. II..1. Rogers, C. G. Green, Mrs.
C.Greene. The American Investment Com
pany, VV. L. Gurney & Co., nou-resldont de
You will take notice that on the iG:h day of
November, 1891, Win. Elliott Gr’ifths,plaintiff
herein, Hied its petition in the district court
of lloh. county, Nebraska, against each of tbo
above-named defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
trust deed or mortgage executed by Joseph A.
Pinkerton and Bessie Pinkerton, dot cud
ants, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee, on the follow
ing described real estate situated In Holt
ovunty, Nebraska, towlt: The west half of
the northwest <1 uarter of section six, town
ship thirty-three, and tae west half of tho
s mthwestquurter of section thirty-one,town
ship thirty-four, nil in range fifteen, west of
tho dth P. M„ to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note or hood for KKiCHl due
June i. Imii, also to secure the payment if
ten interest coupons for &il each, all dated
April i», im.
rlalntilf alleges that he U tho owi er and
in possession of tno note which matured
on the 1st day of June, 1MH. and tht#e is now
due the plaiiitiu'on said tkiOO note owned by
b'm and si cured by said trust deed the sum
«f $7uo, witn Intelost thireoii from June 1,
1M), for which sum with interest plalniltt
prays a decree that defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy .the amnnt loun l due. That
the clahn, right or interesti f eachof saidde
feudauti be decreed to be junior and inferior
to plalntllV’s lien.
\ ou are required to answer said petition on
or before the -8th day of December, 1891.
Dated this 10th day of November. 1891.
19-4 w It. It. Dickson, Att’y for Pl’ff.
In the matter of the estate of W. R. Smith.
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of
-aid deceased will meet tho executor of su:d
i state, before me, county judge of Holt
county. Nebraska, at the county court
room in said county, on the 15th day of Jan
uary, 1 , on t he 15th day of March, 181*2, and
nil the 15th day of May. icy:*, at 1U o'emek a
in. onoli day tor the purpose of presentin'*
l heir claims For examination, adjust meat ui d
allow auce. Six months are allowed for creu
itors to present their claims, an:i one year
for the executor to settle said estate, from
the liith day of Novemner, 1891. This notice
will he published In Thu Ehontiku lor three
weeks successively, prior to the 15th day of
November, 1891.
lu-u _ County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Mary P. Galla
gher, deceased.
Noticeo is Inuoby given that in pursuance
of an order of M. 1 . KiukuUl, judge of the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
made on the 21th day of October. 1801, lor the
sale of the real estate hereinafter described,
there will be sold at the front door of the
court house in O’Neill llolt, county, Neb., o»«
the ll)t.h day of November, lSbL at 2 o’clock p.
m. at public veudue to the highest bidder for
cash the following described rcol estate, to*
rue northwest quarter of section seven, in
township twenty-nine, range eleven, west of
the Otn P.M. in Holt county, Nebraska, and
the following described real estate situated
in the city or O’Neill. Holt, county, Neb., to
wit: A certain piece or pursel of land
bounded and described ns follows, commenc
ing at a point on the east line ol iot one, in
Mock twenty-eight in the original town of
O’Neill City, Holt county. Neb.: Sevcpty-two
feet south of the northeast corner of said lot
one, running thence west across lots one.
two. three and four, to point on the west
line of said lot four, and seventy-two feet
south of ths northwest corner of said lot four
thence south to the west line of said lot four,
twontv-four feet, thence east across lots one,
two, three and four, to the east line of lot
one, and twenty-four feet south of the place
of beginning, ull in block twenty-eight, in the
city of O,Neill, Holt county, Neb. Said sale
will remain open one hour.
Hated this 34th day of October, 1801.
Administrator of the estate of Mary 1*. Gal
lagher, deceased, 16-4
The above sale was adjourned for want of
bidders until Saturday, Nov. 2S, at 2 o’clock
p. m. Patrick Hagkuty, Administrator.
Catherino White and Edmund Simmons,
defendants, will take notice that David P.
Kimball, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of ltolt county, Nebraska, i
against said defendants. Impleaded with j
William White, Howard Miller and Western I
Trust and Security company; the object and J
prayer of which are to Tore close a mortgage
dated July 31,1888, for the sum of ttuoumt
interest, on the south-west quarter o* south
west quarter of section twenty-nine, and the
south-east quarter of south-easi quarter of
sottiun thirty, and the north half of north
east quarter of section thirty-one, all in
township thlrty-thiee, range fifteen in said
couuty, given by William White and Cather
ine White to Western Trust and Security
company, ami ussigned to oituniiff, and to
have the same decreed to bo u first lion, and
said lauds sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of January 1893.
Dated November 33* 1801.
David P. K'mbalu. Plaintiff.
By W. H. Monger and W. J. Courtright
30-4 Attorneys.
There is little doubt that many per
sons suffer for years with ailments that
could easily be cured by the use of some
simple remedy. The following incident
is an illustration of this fact: My wife
was troubled with a pain in her side
the greater part of iho time for three
years, until cured by Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm. It has, I think, permanently
cured her. We also have used Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy whenever
needed and believe it to be the best in
the world. P. M. Boston, Pennville,
Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale by
P. C. Corrigan, Druggist.
State of Nebraska, i aa
Holt County. \
f In the d Is tr let court of thereof, of the Flf
' tec nth Judicial district: Arthur I*. Rose,
plaintiff, vh. Charles F. Smith. Isabella
Hmlt li, .1. I). Steves and .Steves, his wife,
The above mimed defendants, Charles F.
Smith, Isabella Smith, J. L). Steves and..
Steves, his wife, and each of them are hereby
noil tied that the above named plaintiff has
filed in the above named court liis petition
against. them und the other defendants
named above: that the object and prayer of
said petition of the plaintiff are to foreclose
two mortgages bearing date the 1st day of
July, l#si), executed by the above named de
fendants, Charles F. Smith line Isabella
Smith, to the She waiter Mortgage company,
and by It assigned to the plaintiff, cm the fol
lowing described real estate situate In the
county of Holt, In the state of Nebraska, to
The south half (4) of the south west quarter
(>4) and the south half (4) of the southeast
quarter (V4) of sect ion six (6) In township thir
ty CIO) north, and range nine (9) west of the
«th P. M.
The said defendants, Charles F. Smith, Isa
bella Smith, J. D. Steves, .Steves, his
wife, are further notlUed that they are re
quired to appear and answer said petit ion of
t tie plaintiff, on or before Monday, the 7th
day of December, 1891, or said petition of
plaintiff will he taken as true and a decree
will he rendered against them, the said de
fendants, Charles F. Smith. Isabella Smith, J.
D t teves and .Steves, his wife, decree
ing that 1 ho said mortgages be foreclosed;
l hat all the above described real estate shall
be appraised, advertised and sold at public
miction by the sheriff of said Holt county, to
make ana raiso the sum of $815.70 duo to the
plaintiff on his said mortgage, together with
interest on said sum at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from the 10th day of Novem
ber, IHWl, mid the costs of ibis suit and such
sale: and said decree will furtuer provide
that you, the said defendants, Churles F.
Smith, Isabella Smith, J. K. Steves and.
Steves, his wife, shall he forever barred and
foreclosed of all equity of redemption in and
to said real estate and every part thereof.
Hy John M. Ragan, his Attorney. lft-4
State of Nebraska, | oa
llolt County, f88,
In the district court of tharcof, of the Fif
teenth judicial district: John W. Mellon,
plaintiff, va. Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A.
Rhine, defendants.
The ahovo named defendants, Hugh C.
Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, and each of them
are hereby notified that the above named
plaintiff has filed in the above named court
Ids petition against them and the other de
fend until named above; that the object and
prayer of said pet ition of the plaintiff and
lhe said answerer cross-petition are to fore
close a mortgage bearing date the 2d day of
September. 188U, executed by tno above
named defendants. Hugh U.Rhine and Lillie
A. Rhine, to the Showalter Mortgage Com
pany and by it assigned to the plaintiff on
the following described real estate situate in
i he county of Holt in the state of Nebraska,
The northwest quarter (?4) of ssetlon thirty
one (ill) iu township thirty-one (31) north, and
range nine (9) west of the tfth P. M.
The said defendants. Hugh C. Rhine and
Lillie A. Rhine, arc further notified that they
are required to appearand answer said potl
t ion of the plaintiff on or before Monday, the
7th day of September. 1891, or said petition
of plaintiff will be taken as true and a decree
wiil be rendered against them, and the said
defendants, Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A.
Rhine, decreeing that the said mortgage be
foreclosed: that all the above described real
estate shall be appraised, advertised and sold
at public auction by the sheriff of said Holt
county, to make and raise the sum of 91,091.00
due to the plaintiff on his said mortgage, to
gether with interest on said sum at the rate
of ten per cent per annum from the 10th (lay
of November, 1301, and the costs of this suit
and such sale; and said decree will further
provide that you, the said defendants, Hugh
C. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine,shall be forever
burred and foreclosed of all equity of redemp
tion in and to said real estate and every part
thereof. JOHN W. MELLEN.
Ity John M. Ragan, his Attorney. 10-4
I have, in addition to mv
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps and Furnishing
Goods, a full line of Groceries
which I expect to be able to
accommodate my customers.
I will take produce in ex
change, and will pay market
prices. Yours truly
\ P. J.‘ McMANUS.
taut, Slkhorn & Missouri Valle?
_ — AND—
East, West, North. South.
Through Tickets to all Points and Bag
gaga Checked to Destination.
Passenger east, - - 9:35 a. M.
Freight east. • - • 10:45 A. M.
Freight west, • - 1:45 p. m»
Passenger west, - . 5:15 p. M,
Freight, .... 6:44 p.m.
The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining
Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead
wood. jroe to holders of first-class transpor
Fer any information call on
W.. j. DOBBS, Agt.;
Gen. M suager. Gen. Pass. Agent.
County ® Surveyor.
Will attend to all kinds of surveying. All
calls promptly attended to and Information
cheerfully given.
Cigars, fruits, nuts and candies, etc,
at Ileinerikson’s.
Wanted, a good, stout boy to learn the
printing business. Inquire here.
If you lose a box of cigars on election,
pay it with the “Guarantee" forsaleonly
by the O'Neill Grocery Company.
Come in and try our fine coflees and
tens. Nothing better at bottom prices
O'Neill Grocery Company. 10 3
P. J. McManus’new stock of groeir
ies is first class in every particular. Pat
ronize the new grocery store next door
to the postofflee.
Uncolored Japan tea in handsome
little baskets at sixty cents per pound
at Pfund & Wagers. The tea is of ex
cellent quality and the baskets make
nice work or band baskets for the
ladies. Try one.
If you are troubled with rheumatism
or a lame buck, bind on over the seat
of pain a piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. You will be
surprised at the prompt relief it affords.
50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corri
gan, druggist.
As a preventive and cure for croup,
Chamberlain’s Cough remedy has no
rival. It is, in fact, the only remedy
that can always be depended upon and
that is pleasant and safe to take. There
is not the least danger in giving it to
children, as it contains no injurious
substance. For sale by P. C. Corrigan
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splits, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
Morris & Co.
We advertise at present for a firm
whose preparations have proven, in our
own family, all they claim to be. We
refer to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Dirrahrea Remedy. We stand up
for this medicine because we have tested
it. This is not an advertisement for the
medicine, it is simply our testimony re
garding it after a fair trial.—Houtzdale,
(Pa.) Observer. For sale by P. O. Cor
rigan, Druggist.
Business Education Free.
Nebraska boys and girls will And in
the following offer a good opportunity
of securing a business education free:
To any one sending us seventy-five
yearly subscribers to the Weekly State
Journal, at $1.00 per year, we will pre
sent a life scholarship in any depart
ment of the Lincoln Business College.
Value, $60.00.
For fifty such subscribers we will pre
sent a three months scholarship in any
department. Value, $30.00
For 20 subscriptions, a three months
cdursein typewriting. Vftlue> $12.00.
A cash commission will be allowed on
these subscriptions, liberally paving you
for your work, in addition to these free
scholarships. We will supply you with
sample copies.
For further particulars, address
Lincoln, Neb.
•s W*« DU ^
_ Sine of the I
■ etcope* • n L _
ii tlitt woiid. Our facilities are
uncqualed, ami to introduce our
•hjm r:or ponds wo will senriPitKK
tuo.NK In each locality,
a-* above Only those who write
to us at once can make sure of
• the elinm-e AM you have to do!•»
■ ’ return is to show our pood* U
th«V«e who rail—your tioiplihon
and those around you. The be
p'unlnp of this advertisement
•how* the small end of the tele.
rr«\ Wi* will mN< kIhiv. v«.u lunv you
' . v i* i.-.. in... I. oinn.Miilt
Hinf •' » |»n_\ fill »*X|tri-f»*« h:irffi'*
. "hkti.axh. Maims
**»• a little fortune* nave hern made ai
w.«rU f„r n*, bv A mm !’age, Austin,
Tfxn>, i>ml Jin*. Itmtii, Toledo, Ohio.
rs*'** cut. Others nrc doing ns well. Why
in>t yen? Some flint over #5110.00 a
"•(•nth. Von cim do the work and live
‘•it home, « hetover you nre. Even be
ginners nre enally earning from #5 to
$ I it a day. All ages. We show you how
an T *•.*!•' y- <i. Can work In spare time
or a'I tin* time. 1*ijj money for worit
er*. hoilnre unknown among them.
N »••••* wionlei-ful. I’a rlieiii.ini free.
®lje Jlrooew Journal.
The leading llvc-stock newspaper and market
reporter of tho West. A paper for
fine stock breeders, grain dealers. Very latest
and correct market reports by telegraph from
all the principal stock markets. Address
Daily, $4.00 per Year.
Semi-Weekly, $2 “
Weekly, $t.60 “
The Drovers Journal,
South Omaha, Neb
The figure B in our dates will make & long
No man or wcman now living will over date a
document without using the figure 9. It stands
In the third phtoe in 1890, where it will remain ter
years and then move up to second plooo in 1900
where it will rest for one hundred years
There is another "9” which has also coil j to ',tay.
It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in theT. jspect
that it lias already moved up to first place, where
it will permanently remain. It is called the “No
High Arm Wueeler <Sc Wilson Sewing Machine
The “No. 9” was endorsed for first place by the
experts of Europe at tho Purls Exposition of 1889.
where, after a severe contest with the leading ma
chines of the world, it was awarded the only
(3rend Prize given to family sewing machines, all
Dthers on exhibit having received lower awards
of gold medals, etc. The French Government
also reoognizod its superiority by thedecoration of
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, President of .he company,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
The “No. 9” is not an old machine improved
upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the
P.rand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand
est advance in sewing machine mechanism of the
age. Those who buy it can rest assured, them
( re, of having ‘.be very latest and best
Roy & McGowan,
• t ' ; _ / •'.* . " '
25 prcent DISCOUNT
* |
My dress is of fine polished oak,
As rich as the finest fur cloak,
And for handsome design
You Just should see mine—
No. 9, No. 9.
I’m beloved by the poor and the rich,
For both I impartially stitch;
In the cabin I shine,
In the mansion I'm fine—
No. 9, No. 9.
I never get surly nor tired,
With zeal I always am fired;
To hard work I Incline,
For rest I ne’er pine—
No. 9, No. 9.
I am easily purchased by all,
With instalmen t that monthly do fall;
And when I am thine,
Then life 13 benign—
No. 9, No. 9.
To the Paris Exposition I went,
Upon getting the Grand Prize intent;
I left all behind,
The Grand Prize was mine—
No. 9, No. 9.
At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris,
Prance, the best sewing machines of the world
including those of America, were In competition!
l'hey were passed upon bv a jury composed of
the best foreign mechanical experts, two of whom
were the leading sewing machine manufacturers
of France. This jury, after exhaustive examina
tion and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler <fc
Wilson machines were the best of all, and award
ed that company the highest prize offered—the
GRAND PRIZE—giving other companies only
gold, silver and bronze medals.
The French government, as a further recogni
tion of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel
Wheeler, president of the company, with the
Cross of tho Legion of Honor—the most prized
honor of France.
The No. 9, for family use, and tho No, 12, for
manufacturing uses, are the best in the world
And now, when you want a sewing machine, if
you do not get the best it will be vour own fault.
_Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 8
Wheeler & Wilson machine. If he doesn’t keep
them, write to us for descriptive catalogue and
terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied terri
Chicago, III,
Foil Sale by
For Sorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
500 Page Book an Treatment of Animals
and Chart Sent Free.
cubes (Fevers,Congestions, Inflammation
A, A.(8pinnl Menlugitis, Milk Fever.
B. B.—Strains, Laments, Rheumatism*
('.('.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges*
D. D.—Dots or Grubs, Worms.
E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia*
F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
G. G.—Miscarriage. Hemorrhages.
11.11.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases*
I. 1.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange.
J. K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis*
Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .00
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual,
Veterinary Cur© Oil and Medicator, $7.00
Jar Veterinary Cuie Oil, - - 1.00
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Propaid anywhere
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Comer William and John Sts., New York.
-— tt ^ V nuvwuoiui ftVUlOUj iUt
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
Md PrcBtration, from' over-work or other catues.
91 per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for S6.
Sold bit Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt
__ Oor. William and John St*, N. T.
A ».A T2 ? .1 undertake to briefly
tench any lairly intelligent pvrsonofeithor
sex, who can read ami write, and who,
ntter instruction, w ill work industriously,
Via-t^iK-T* ,,",W ,‘Yani 'lLre® Uollara m
Yearin their ow n lot-nlflicw.w In r-verthey Uve.I will alto furnish
No money for me unless siucegniul us above. Easily and ouicklv
learned. I desire lint one worker Ironi each district nrcountv ?
have already taught and provided with employment a large
number. vvh.i ■ r<> mnirinn. a..a. kki im_ * ____fcr
.-y i'iuiiucu wiiii eniijii.vnn ijt a Inree
I Ti” nn,VnSr 0,V0r *2Trreml1- I«*« KEW
Kd r°*Li ! Vv 1 U"rti‘u,«” PB feK. Add rest at once,
L* ALL^* 4»0, Auiiu.tu, Alulae,
chii be earned at our XJT. Hue of work,
rapidly mid honorably, by those of
euln r sex, young ..r old, and in their
own localities,wherever they live. An
.. ~~ ~ ■ ™ one van do tin- work. Khsv tn t,...,-,.
We furnish everything:. We start yon. No risk. You tan devote
your spare moments, or ail your time to the work. This is an
entirely new leud.and brings wonderful success:«»everv w mker
from **5 to *50 1'erwe.kand upwards;
t * 6Xi’f,^nce- We CflU run‘l8»' J O.t the etn
ClhSltlm VukS:1 N-° *P*iC«to explain here. Full
Information *Ukk. I\I£UE Ac CO., AlULNTA, JUl.NK.
jjlluve you written
'1 me yetT If you
(haven't, wisdom
[.and intelligent
•ami 'linn suggest
V'ri‘« »•*-*>■:«y. I
hpionii^u y«.ii my
W-trial, |.rr.«n;ul
I 'lerial.c tu bri- llv
pte:;« l» nny fairly
Fiutclligcnt person
S»f either sox, who
I-an rend and
Iwritc, and who
!>rur instruction,
gwiil work iudus
Etiioitslv, how to
j> arn 'I iiroe Thou
“••ml Dollars a
Eveor in their own
^localities, wliere
rever they Jive. 1
kwili also furnish
ithc situation or
winploi incut, at
I; which you can
.earn that amount.
’I charge nothing
'and receive noth*
,itig n u less suc
cessful. os above.
'Nothing diliicult
to learn, or that
requires much
i time. I desire but
.one person from
each district or
county. J haveal
,ready taught and
pTo\i«lod with em
ployment a lores
nakinff over 1 hret Thousand Dollars a Year, each. All is new,
olul, sure. Tull particulars IVoo. After v«.u know oil, if you
onclude topnnn further, svhy, no harm is done. Address,
i, ALU1X, U«x '4X0. Ausuaia, Maine,
Flour and gr»in of all kinds <>n sale
itPfund andWageri. Also the finest
ine of groceries and fruits in town.
. S. C. & N. Lesses
All Points In Dakota, Dixon. Cedar pi^
Antelope and Holt Counties
ST. PAUL, Dul(j
S’TMOlMuws Troiai Tlcksta —^
StoAp-x-ovu! xn»
The Pacific Short Lie
K BSKnissKiaas *}■«
on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux CltT°»,?H
2l1LPtef»^,tlf.eornt °f «
r c Hr Jas V McHony.
cion. Superintennent, Sioux City! Iowl”'
Try the Chautauqua Pioneer floor
and you will use no other.
5 Theo. Walmer, Mgr.
Don’t storm the system as you ti ;ald
a fort. If held by the enemy, consti
pation, gently persuade it to surrender
with De Wilt’s Little Early Risers.
Ihese little pills are wonderful convinc
ers. Morns & Co.
We cannot afford to deceive von
Confidence is begotten by honestv.
De Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills
hat will cure constipation and sick
ead-ache. Morris & Co. ,
Hay wanted on subscription. Call
at this office soon.
8t. Patrick’s pills are carefully pre
pared from the best material and ac
cording to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. P. C.
Corrigan sells them..
Jennie : " How is it, Kate, that you alw«v»
seem to ‘ catch on ’ to the last new thing ? li.
what I muy, you always seem to gotuhcu.l
of me.”
Kate : “ I don’t know: I certainly do not
make any exertion in that direction.”
Jennie: “ Well, during the last lew months,
for example, you have taken up palming.
without any teacher ; you came to the rescue,
when Miss Lafarge deserted her Delsartc class
so suddenly, and certainly we are nil improv
ing in grace under your instruction; 1 heard
you telling Tommy Eames last evening how
his club made mistakes in playing baseball;
you seem to be up on all the latest ‘fads,’ and
know just what to do under all circumstances;
you entertain beautifully; and in the last
month you have improved so in health, owing,
you tell me, to your physical culture exercises,
where do you get all of your information
from in this little out-ol'-the way placeV—lor
you never go to the city,”
Kate: “Why, Jennie, you will make mo
vain. I have only one source of information,
but it is surprising how it meets all wants. 1
very seldom hoar of anything new but lvlu.t
the next lew days bring mo full information
on the subject. Magic? No! Magazine!
And a great treasure it is to us all, for it
really furnishes the reading for the whole
household: father has given up his magazine
that he has taken for years, as he says tins
one gives more and better information oa
the subjects of the day; and mother says
that it is that that makes her such a famous
housekeeper. In fact, wc nil agree that it is
the only really family magazine published,
eis we have sent for samples of all of Un a?,
And tind that one is nil for men, another ail
for women, and another for children only,
while this one suits every one of us: so wo
only need to take one instead of several, atm
that is where the economy comes in, for it 13
only $-.00 a year. Perhaps you think I am
too lavish in my praise; but 1 will let you see
ours, or, better still, send 10 cents to the pub
lisher, W. Jennings Domorest, 15 East 14tn
Street, New York, for a sample copy, and 1
shall always consider that 1 have done you
% great favor; and may be you will be cutting
us out, as you say we have the reputation yt
being the best informed family in town, it
that be so, it i3 Dcmoreat’s Family Magazine
hliat does it.”
New buckwheat, maple syrup, dried
ruits, fancy winter apples, pure cider,
lew mince meat and jellies etc., etc.
)’Neill Grocery Company.
Pfund & Wagers will sell you a pound
if splendid Japan tea for 60 cents and
hrow in a work basket of elegant de
ign. Going like hot cakes. Get one
iefore its too late.
A person can get a horse and cash for
oing a certain piece of work. InPu're
t Frontier office.
O'Neill Market Report.
The following is a correct market re
iort for this week: -
[OSS, V100 tts.$4.40
at cows.1.B0O1.80
dittoes. y bu.30
Ear corn ...•
toa » U MriiUxl U U
An old physician, retired from practice,
avlng had placed In his hands oy an h.
ndla mlssionaay the formula of a simv
egetable remedy for the speedy and pern
ent e.ire of Consumption, Uronchitis, "•
la and all throat and Lung Affections, .U
isitive and radical cure for Nervous u
in tlious*
ility and all Nervous ComplaiutSi
aving: tested Its curative powers ”
rids of cases, has felt it his duty to nia
nown to his suffering fellows. AetuauJ
lis motive and a desire to relieve *1)1 jj
itfering, I will send free of charge. • .
ho desire it. this recipe, in German, r
r English, with full directions
ig and using. Sent by mail by addi - A
ith stamp, naming this paper. •
oyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester. j_.
A line lot of gla^ware and
ist received at Heineriksous.
oods will bear inspection and are c
i the cheapest.