THE NEW LYCEUM LEAGUE. A National Movement for the Training of Young America. From the Boston Herald. An important step is announced by the Youth'* Companion. That pnper proposes to revive ns an institution the old debating society which used to be so great a force in making young men intelligent citizens and in developing broad national lenders. The plnn proposed is an organization of national reach, called the Lyceum League of America. It is to consist of a system of locnl 1\ ccums or clubs, con nected with each other through a newly created lyceum department In the Youth's Companion. The lyccum de partment gianis ull charters and accepts the care of the movement. With each charter it furnishes free an equipment consisting of “Cushing’s Manual," sec retary’s book and other needful helps. It suggests topics for discussion and gives aid In their study. An important part nt this aid is a carefully chosen list of books on Aineii can problems, which books arc, Hryco's “American Commonwealth,’’ the “Amer ican Statesman,” series, Fiske’s .“Civil Government" and Professor Ely's books, etc. There are also books for younger readers. The aim of this undertaking is to train young men to think intelligently on the great problems of American life, and to impress them with thu duties of citizenship. The work is to be above all partisanship. It is to be American in the broadest sense, h aims to give practical direction to the patriotic cn thuslasm which the general school-flag has awakened—a movement inaugurated by the same paper. Incidental benefits will be parlimentary training and how to think on one’s feet. School lyceums will probably be most numerous, but the scheme is equally adapted to young men and intelligent lads out of school; business houses, factories, churches can all have their lyceum clubs. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYEKS. On December 1, I DO], I will Issue distress warrants lor ull unpaid personal taxes of 1*110 and prior years. These taxes must lio paid, ltespectfully, BAUHETT SCOTT, 18-8 County Tretsurcr. LEGAL NOTICE. John Morrow and Elizabeth Morrow, de fendants, will tako notice that on the 25th day of July, 18111, J. L. Moore, plaintiff here in, tiled Ills petition In the district court of Molt oounty, Nebraska, against sahl defend ants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by do fenuents to Dakota Mortgage Loan oorpora tlon upon the NW!* of section 211, township 25. north of range 12 west, In Holt county, Ne braska, to secure the payment of ten promts aory notes dulcd January 2U, 18S0, for the sum of Moacli and Interest at the rate of tun per oent per annum, payable annually after ma turity: that there Is now duo upon said notes and mortgage' according to the terms there of, the sum of *18.90 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from February 1. 1881, and plaintiff prnys that said premises may be decocod to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before'.tlie 2lst day of December, 1881. Dated O'Neill, Neb., Nov. 7,1891. _ _ „ , , J. L. MOOKK, Plaintiff. Dy N. D. Jackson, his Attorney, 18-4 LEGAL NOTICE. William T. Humphreys, G. W. Brooks and William Bell, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on tho 7th day of November, 1881, W. H. Snyder, plaintiff herein. Hied Ills petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said dufendunts and John J. UooheandC. W. Lament, the object and prayer of whtoh are to foroclose a certain mortgage executed by defundn..t, William T. Humphreys, to John J. Koclie as trustee, upon the NwV4 of section ltd, in township Jl, north tf range 9 west In Holt county, Nebras ka, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated Deuembcr 1. 188(1, for tho sum ol •488 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent percent pur annum, payable semi-annually, and ten per cunt after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage, ac cording to the terms thereof, the sum of *475.28 aud Interest at the rate of ton per ceut per annum frem December 1, 1880, aud plaintiff prays tdutsald promises may bo decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that the title or other interest of the defend ants, John J. ltouhu, O. W. Lament, G. W. ltrooks aud William Hell, In said premises may be decreed to lie junior uud subject to said mortgage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of December. 1881. Dated O'Neill, Neb., Nov. 7,181)1. „ _ _ T , W.H. SNYDER, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney. NOTICE TO LAND OWN hits. To whom It may concern; The commissioner appointed to establish i road, commencing at the section corner bo tween suctions Ihlrty-Uve (lift) uud thtrty-sf (JUi on tho south line of township thirty CM nnrt h op piintm lu'nli'o tl'ii in...,* ■ 8l.k.._ _____ mi uiuBuutu iuin oi Lownsuip thirty (,r north or range twelve <12) west; thfenoe run Ming north on section line between section ..... ... I... line uuiweuu secttoi tlilrty-llre (J5) and thirty-six Cltb. six (8) mil to thesectlou corner bulween sections one and two (2) on the north line of said townsht thence runniug east on township line betwet sections one (l)and thirty-six tint) 48.28 oh thence north on on the one-quarter secth Hue on section thirty-six (!t«i 72.04 chs; them north 80 dog west, 12.92 chs north; 2 do: west on section twenty-live (25) (1.19 chs nor: *! deg HO min west 8.a4 chs north Hi clegs we; li.82chs north,42 deg 80 min west, 12.80 cl uortli, 15deg 45 min west, 12 chs; thence nor 62 deg 30 min east, 5.20 chs; thence north deg 20 min west, 5.50 ohs, there to termimt near Eagle Mllpt, lias reported in favor of tl establishment thereof and all objeetlo: thereto or claims for damages must be till in the county clerk's office on or before urn of the 9th day of January. A. 1). 1882, or sa vead will be established without referen thereto. Lskxl.1 G. C. HAZELET, County Clerk. C. E. Uittlkh, Deputy. 18 PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of W. R. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before mo, county judRe of Holt county. Nebraska, at tue county court room in said county, on the 15th day of Jan u try, 1SK, on the 15t li day of March, 1«B, and on the 15th day of May, Wtl, at 10 o'ciock a. m. each day tor the purpose of presentin' their claims for examination, adjustment at d allowance. Six months are allowed for cred itors to present their claims, ant one year for the executor to settle said estate, trom the 16th day of November. 1*01. This notice will be published in Thk Frontier tor three weeks successively, prior to the 15th day of November, lttul. E. II. BENEDICT, _;_County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omct at O’Neill. Neb l „ .. , . , , October W, MOL f. Notice is hereby given that the fnllowInR named settler lias filed notice of his inteu tlon to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that suid proof will be made be fore the roRister and receiver at O'Neill Neb., on November 20.1«U, viz: GEN ISA OUT. Ruardian of mtoor heirs of JOHN N. BRAHV deceased, H. E. No. 12334. For the N Wl* Sec. 31, Tp. 31, N. K. 10 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Charles Wrede. O'Neill. Neb.: Joseph Rup Senscamp. Leonla, Neb.; Rudolph Peterson, ohn Carlson. Mlueola, Neb. 15-8* B. S. Gillespie, Register. LEGAL NOTICE. George Hohl, LIz/ic Hold and Jacob Stoller. assignee of the Showaltcr Mortgage flotii* puny, defendants, will tako notice that »»n ; the frith clav of October, IrftL.Mnry F. I*;on mmI, plaintiff herein. Hied her petition in the 1 district court of Molt county* Nebraska, j against Haiti defendants, the object and I praver of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants George Mold and Lizzie Mold, to the Showalter Mort gage company, in.on the E,/* of the NWU and the E'» of the SW1* of section 15, In township Mil north of range M west. In Molt county. No- : braska, to secure the payment of one nroinl*- j aory note dated August I, lsss, for the sum j of 1500 and Interest at the rate of T per cent per annum payable semi-annually and ten | percent after maturity; that there Is now j due upon sald note and mortgage according i to the terms thereof, the sum of $575.25 and Interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from August 1. IW)|, and plaint Ilf prays t hat said premises may he decreed to he sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that t In* title or other Interest of the defendant. Jacob Htotler, assignee of the Showaltcr Mortgage company, in said premises, may be decreeuto be Junior and subject to the licit ■ of the plaint I tf's mortgage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of December, lNttl. Dated O’Neill. Neb.. October 80. 171*1. MA11Y F. LEON AIM), Plaintiff. Jly N. I). Jackson, her Attorney. 17-4 i LEGAL NOTICE, Jacob StoMer, assignee of the Showaltcr i Mortgagecompany. and Russell & Company, j defendants, will take notice that on t he .’Kit h I day of October, 1MM, Mary, F. Leonard. ■ plaintiff herein, lllod her petition In the dis- | trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of | which are to foreclose a certain mortgage e.v- j cotiled by defendants, Mary I. Itoiiy and Frank Roby, to the Showaltcr Mortgage, com pany unon the SVi of the NK*i and the N' . of the SK'a of section 1H, In township ~5 north of range 11 west In Molt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one promissory note, dated August 1, PHS, for the sum of $5;X) and interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable Hcml-unnuailv and ten percent after matur ity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage, according to the terms thereof, the sum of $517.51 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from August t, IsDl, and plaintiff prays t hat said premises may he de creed to l>o sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that the title or ot her Interest of the defendants, Jacob Stotlcr (assignee of the Showaltcr Mortgage company) and Rus sell & Company, In said premises may be de creed to bo junior and subject to the lien of the plaintiff's mortgage. You are required to answersaid petition on or before the 14th day of December. 1801. Dated O'Neill, Neb., October ifct, Mill. MARY F. LEONARD. Plaintiff. Dy N. D. Jackson, her Attorney. 17-4 NOTICE. To Joseph A. Pinkerton, Resslo Pinkerton, \V. S. Richmond, Mrs. W.H. Richmond, The Cent nil Iowa luvestmelit Company, ii. J. Rogers, Mrs. II.,). Rogers, 0. G. Green, Mrs. C.Greene. The American Investment Com pany, W. L. Barney & Co., non-resident de temlants: Yon will take notice that on the 16th day of November, 1891, Win. Elliott UrltTths, plaintltf herein, tiled its petition in the district court of lloit countv, Nebraska, against each of the above-named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by Joseph A. Pinkerton and Bessie Pinkerton, defend ants, to K. 8. Urmsby, trustee, on the follow ing described real estate situated In Hop county, Nebraska, towlt: The west half of the northwest quarter of section six, town ship thirty-three, and the west half of the s uithwostquarter ot section ship thirty-four, all in range fifteen, west of the tttli P. M., to secure the payment of a cer tain promissory note or bond for WOO due June l. 1891, also to secure the payment »f ten Interest coupons for $21 each, all dateu April PI, I SHU. Plaintltf alleges that he is the owi er and in possession of the note which matured on tne 1st day of June, 1891. and then* is now due the plaintiff «n said $600 note owned by Idm and hi cured by said trust deed the sum f $T; n day ot November, MJO, in favor of The ttatlou State Bunking Company as plaintiff and against John lie Los Wilson et al as defendants, for the sum of tifty tliree dollars, and the Elkhorn Valley Bank obtained a decree for ttie sum of f 1.10. and costs taxed at f'-'J lit and accruing costs 1 have levied upon t lie following premises, taken us flic property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sate to-wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty seven (27) township twenty-eight (2S1 range eleven (lit west of the nth 1'. M. in llolt county, Nebraska. And will otter the sumo for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the ltith flay of November, A. D. ltjltl, in front of the court house in O'Neill, that beiug the hollo ing wherein the last term of district court was held, at tbe hour of It)o’clock a. ni. of said day, when and where due attendance will bn given by the undersigned, Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2Mb day Of September, Mil. 14-5 H. C. McEvonv. Shot iff of said County. Flour anil grain of all kinds on sale j at Pfund aud Wagers. Also the finest ' line of groceries and fruits in town. . I E. P. REED dr,CO. This well-known firm of Roch ester, N. Y., have during the past fifteen years devoted themselves to the manufacture of Ladies’ Fine Shoes exclusively and have established a reputation second to none in the United States. Their goods are the most re liable wearers and cannot be ex celled for fit and style. J. P. Mann has the exclusive sale for this city and has just re ceived a new stock in the new fall styles. Call and see them if you want a stylish and reliable shoe, and remember, every pair is war ranted. ^Announcement. I have, in addition to my Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods, a full line of Groceries which I expect to be able to accommodate my customers. I will take produce in ex change, and will pay market prices. Yours truly \ P. J. McMANUS. Fremont, Morn &' Itiseonri Valiev RAILROAD* BETWEEN O’NEILL, —A ND— OMAHA, SIOUX CITY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. —AND ALL POINTS— East, West, North. South. TAE ONLY LINE TO DAKOTA, HOT SPRINGS AND DEADWOOD. PALACE SLEEPERS BETWEEN MO. VALLEY AND DEADWOOD. Through Tickets to all Points and Bag gage Checked to Destination. TRAILS DEPART: GOING EAST. Passenger east, - - 9:35 a. m Freight east, - - 10:45 A. m. GOING WEST. Freight west, - - 1:45 p. m Passenger west, ■ • • 5:15 p. m Freight, - - - - 6:44 p. m. Tho Elkborn Line Is now running Rei lining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, Jrec to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any information call on W_ J. DOBBS, Agt. O'NEILL, NEB. H. Q BUPTia J. R. BUCHANAN1 Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. our All A. XER. W. W. PAGE County ® Surveyor. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. Will attend to all kinds of surveying. All rails promptly attonded to and Information ihoerrully given. A POPULAR FAMILY. Jennie: “ How is it, Kate, that you always seem to • catch on ’ to the last new thing ? Do what I may, you always seem to get ahead of me.” Kate: “I don’t know: I certainly do not make any exertion in that direction.” Jennie: “ Well, during the last lew months, tor example, you have taken up painting, without any teacher ; you came to the rescue when Miss Lafarge deserted her Delsarte class so suddenly, and certainly we are all improv ing in grace under your instruction; I heard you telling Tommy Eames last evening how his club made mistakes in playing baseball; you seem to be up on all the latest ‘fads/ and know just what to do under all circumstances; you entertain beautifully; and in the last month you have improved so in health, owing, you tell me, to your physical culture exercises. Where do you get all of your Information from in this little out-of-the way place?—for you never go to the city,” Katb: “Why, Jennie, you will make me yam. I have only one source of information, but it \s surprising how it meets all wants. I very seldom hear of anything new but what the next few days bring rae lull information on the subject. Magic? No I Magazine! And a great treasure it is to us all, for it really furnishes the reading for the whole household: father 1ms given up his magazine that he h»ls taken lor years, as ho says this one gives more and better information on the subjects of the da>'; and mother says that it is that that makes her such a famous housekeeper. In fact, we all agree that it is the only really family magazine published, as we have sent for samples of all of them, and find that one is all lor men, another all tor women, and another for children only, while this one suits every one of us; so we only need to take one instead of several, and that is where the economy comes in, for it is only $2.(X) a year. Perhaps you think I am too lavish in ray praise; but I will let you sep ours, or, better still, send 10 cents to the pub lisher, W. Jennings Uomorest. 15 East 14th street, Now York, for u sample copy, and f shall always consider that I have done you a great favor; and may be you will be cutting us out, as you say wo have the reputation of being the best informed family in town. If that V* ®°? ** Dcmorest’a Family Magazine that does it.” THE SONS OF THE “No. 9.” My dress Is of fine polished oak. As rich as the finest fur cloak. And for handsome design Ton just should see mine— No. S, No. 9. I’m beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I Impartially stitch; In the cabin I shine, In the mansion I’m fine— No. 0, No. a I never get surly nor tired, With zeal I always am fired; To hard work I incline. For rest I ne'er pine— NO. 9, No. a I am easily purchased by all. With Instalments that monthly do fall; And when 1 am thine, Then life la benign— No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, Upon getting the Grand Prize Intent; I left all behind, The Grand Prize was mine— No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, France, the best sewing machines of the world. Including those of America, were in competition. They were passed upon by a Jury composed of the best foreign mechanical experts, two of Whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturers of France. This jury, after exhaustive examina tion and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler A Wilson machines were the best of all, and award ed that company the highest prize ofi’ered—the GRAND PRIZE—giving other companies only gold, silver and bronzo medals. The French government, ns a further recogni tion of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, president of the company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor—the most prized honor of France. The No. 9. for family use, and the No, 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world to-day. And now, when you want a sewing machine. If you do not get the best it will be your own fruit. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler ry. WHEELER & WILSON MFU. CO. Chicago, I1L For Sale by NEIL BRENNAN, O’NEILL NEB. f^HUMPHREYS’ y VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Fogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. cures ( Fever*,Congest ion*. Inflammation A. A./ Spinal Meningitis* Milk Fever. B. B.—Strains* LainenesH, Rheumatism* C. C.—Distemper, Kasai Discharges* D. D.—Bots or Grubs, Worms. K.E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia* P.F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G.G.—Miscarriage* Hemorrhages, Stable Case* with Specifics, Manual, _ Veterinary Cure Oil anil Meditator, 87.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil* - - 1*00 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE OO., j Corner William and John Sts., New York. I 11.11.—Urinary and Kidney I. 1.—Eruptive DiNoanes, Mi J. It—Diseases of Digestioi Single Bottle (over SO doses). .60 HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No.m g in use ou years, j no oniy successful remedy tor Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, And Prostration, from* over-work or other causes. $1 per vial, or 5 vials and larne vial powder, for $5. Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price.-HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., CJor. William and John Sts., N. Y l A YTA ^ 2 1 umlerfnke to briefly leach any laii ty infi-Pipi tit p.-rsun of cither lnex, who ton read mid write, and who, ifter instruction, will work industriously, ^ wlmivln writ 'ihrto '1 In iimbikI Dollars a Year hi their own lo. n li,ie*.w herever they Hve.I will also furnish the situation or employ,,,which you cun 'urn that amount. No monev for me unless mi. ccssiuI ns above. Kindly and quickly learned. I muire hnt mis worker Irom each district <>r county I hare already 'night and provided with employment a large number, wh.. are making over a year each. ItiMEW !£d i?0*1;1 FREE. Address at once, ALLLAI, uux 4300, Augusta, Aiaiue, Site frooers Journal. The leading live-stock newspaper and market reporter ot the West. A'paper for STOCK-RAISERS, FARMERS, One stock breeders, (Train dealers. Very latest and correct market reports by telegraph from all the principal stock markets. Address Daily, $4.00 per Year. Semi-Weekly, $2 Weekly, $1.50 “ The Drovers Journal, UNION STOCK YARDS, South Omaha, Neb, THE FIGURE tfbe figure 9 in our dates will -nake & loug ^ No man or woman now living will ever date s locument without using the figure 9. It stands In the third place in 1890, where it will remain ter years and then move up to second place in 199J where it will rest for one hundred years There is another “9” which has also coil j to ,tay. It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the ” jspect that »t Los already moved up to firs. place, where It will permanent ly remain. It is called the “No High Arm Wueeler & Wilson Sewing x»Iachine The “No. 9” was endorsed for first place by the experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 1889 where, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the only Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all others on exhibit having received lower awards of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized its superiority by the decoration of Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, Presidentof *he company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The “No. 9” is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand est advance in sewing machine mechanism of the age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there M®» of having the very latest and beat WHEELER & WILfiON MTfl OS'.. PACIFIC SHORT LINE S. C. & N. Lesses —FROM— All Points In Dakota. Dixon • w Antelope and lloltCouutttft./''^ siqux city, SL PAUL’ DUL ated in Molt county, Nebraska, to-wit: it northeast quarter of section eighteen, tovi sli i p tlii rty-two, range eleven, west of the li M., to seen re the payment of a certain |=n : tssory note or bond tor $920, due Decern in i lSUi. also to secure the payment of ten inu est coupons, one for $44 and nine for Sc.1, each, all dated Sept. 24, ittoti, the Urst inti i, note maturing June 1,1887, and one every v months thereafter. Plaintiff alleges tlmt it owner and in possession of the interest rxou which matured on the first da vs of Deceit.i 1890, June. 1800, December. 1889, June. I" June. 1888, December, 1887, June, 1887. Dm-i her, 1888, and there is now due plaintiil t said notes owned by it and secured hy s:; trust deed the sum of $4u0 with interest tinr on from June 1,1801, for which sum with h terest plaintiff prays a decree that defend ants be required to pay the same or that mu premises may be sold subject to the print .pi note of $020 and the interest coupon notes ma tu ring subsequent to those owned by p' a in tiff to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petitioi on or before the 10th day of November, WJI. Dated this 7th day of October, 1801. U*4 It. It. Dickson, Attorney forPlairtiff. NOTICE. To Itufus Wagers, Mrs. Itufus Wagers, Join Cherry and J auo Cherry, non-resident de fendants: You will take notice that on the 1st day October, 1891, Edward Darker, adrninistruti of the estate of M. 14. Darker, deceastd plaintiff herein, filed his petition iu tin district court of Holt county, w braska, against John Cherry, ■hi® Clierry, Hut us Wagers and Mrs. Kufus was ers, defendants, the object and prayer o which are to foreclose a certain mortpw deed executed by John Cherry and Jim1 Cherry, defendants, to the Showaiter M»ri gage Company and assigned to plaint ill.® the following described real estate ti nted in Holt county, Nebraska. to-wi* The north-half of the northeast quarter aw the north half of the northwest quarter u section twenty-seven, township twentv-n"" range nine west of the tith P. M., to secure im payment of a certain promissory note bond for $900 due Sept. 2, 1894. and also to cure the payment of ten interest coupon* m $31.50each, all dated Sept. 2, 1889, the tu>i terest note maturing March l. 1890, aim u™ evei*y six mouths thereafter, Plumim leges that he is the owner and in posses of the note and mortgage, and there is due the plaintiff on said note owned n> and secured by said mortgage deed the >‘11' of $1,100, for which sum with interest plan”' prays a decree that defendants be reqmr to pay the same or that said premises in. be sold to satisfy tlie amount found due: .1..1..!., .... .xf DllIlK WIU1 1 tlie claim, rielitor interest of Itufus bin hind Mrs. Rufus Wagers. defendants, no " eed to te Junior and inferior to piaintiB * ou are required to answer said PotjJ!'" on or before tiio lGtli day of November, Dated tliis Tth day of October. J®1; li. u. Dickson, Atty. tot M"; ia-4 rson can get a hffrse and cask k> i certain piece of work. Inqu-1 ntier ofilce. 18 "* O’Neill Market Report. The following is a correct market if port for this week: Hogs, 100 lbs.$4. Steers,. 4. Put cows.1.50@1. Stutter..10 Eggs.12 Potatoes. l)u. ^ « An old physician, retirfd fro having* had placed In his hands India mlssionaay the formula aivtiiK icsieti its iuiujmv to in:;k;; liids of cases, has felt it M?J*utAVtunt.'-U » nus or cases, him irAL \ ~ ,1K)WU to Ills sufferinj? follows^ his motive and n desire ...» ...ire to rem — {1) Hirel ing, I will send tree of i’tv^ vlio desire It. this recipe, in Otrm; __ _ _i,. iiiiib iiv‘i'v' nrt'. >r" English. with full uitvi-tlo''* ddr(«,h nganU using. Sunt by tuui »> •> w. , nth stnmn, unnilng this P«l>tr jj. Joyes, 820 Powers' LUook. Koi-lu _ A tine lot of glassware and c‘c ^ ust receded at Ileinerik*011 ust received at ne...* roods will bear inspection and 4 the cheapest.